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The time period between 1350-1600ish was about the loss of power for the Church and

the new knowledge gained through questioning the Church's ideas. Due to the Protestant
Reformation, previously unknown faults were found with the church, but as opposed to in the
past, the Church didn’t have enough power anymore to fully suppress it, and various areas
followed Protestantism instead. The Scientific Revolution started due to Nicolaus Copernicus
coming up with Heliocentric Theory (the idea that the sun is at the center of the universe), which
came within direct competition with Geocentric Theory (the idea that the Earth is at the center of
the universe), thus causing the Church to condemn Heliocentric Theory, but scientific thinkers
had already begun rethinking many other previous givens, and thus the Revolution was
underway. Even Humanism got its start from people looking to the past and painting or creating
sculptures in way that were far different from the Church and weren’t necessarily related to the
Church at all.

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