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Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 2015, 8, 13–25

Advance Access publication 27 October 2014

The ‘actually existing smart city’

Taylor Sheltona, Matthew Zookb and Alan Wiigc

Graduate School of Geography, Clark University, 950 Main Street, Worcester,
Massachusetts 01610, USA,

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Department of Geography, University of Kentucky, 817 Patterson Office Tower, Lexington,
Kentucky 40506, USA,
Department of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University, 308 Gladfelter Hall,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122, USA,

Received on June 30, 2014; accepted on August 7, 2014

This paper grounds the critique of the ‘smart city’ in its historical and geographical context.
Adapting Brenner and Theodore’s notion of ‘actually existing neoliberalism’, we suggest a
greater attention be paid to the ‘actually existing smart city’, rather than the exceptional or
paradigmatic smart cities of Songdo, Masdar and Living PlanIT Valley. Through a closer
analysis of cases in Louisville and Philadelphia, we demonstrate the utility of understanding
the material effects of these policies in actual cities around the world, with a particular focus
on how and from where these policies have arisen, and how they have unevenly impacted
the places that have adopted them.

Keywords: data, economic development, governance, smart cities, urban studies

JEL Classifications: O21, O25, O38, R28

Smart cities and urban governance One of the more significant examples is that
in the 21st century of the ‘smart city’, a somewhat nebulous idea
With the majority of the world’s population which seeks to apply the massive amounts of
residing in urban areas for the first time in digital data collected about society as a means
human history, cities are emerging as key sites to rationalise the planning and management of
of social experimentation and problem solv- cities (cf. Townsend, 2013). According to IBM,
ing in the 21st century (Glaeser, 2011; Grabar, one of the major corporate players promoting
2013; Lehrer, 2010; Katz and Bradley, 2013). this particular vision of the future city, policy-
This demographic pressure, coupled with the makers should approach cities as a “complex
twin crises of a rapidly warming global climate network of interconnected systems” (IBM,
and lingering economic instability has led to a 2010), constantly creating new data that can be
range of new conceptualisations of the city and used to “monitor, measure and manage” urban
concomitant policy prescriptions that place cit- life by “leveraging information to make better
ies at the centre of solutions to these problems. decisions…anticipating and resolving problems

© The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Cambridge Political Economy Society.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:
Shelton, Zook and Wiig

proactively… [and] coordinating resources to This paper represents an attempt to ground

operate more efficiently” (IBM, 2012). This the critique of smart cities in the historical
relatively simplistic imaginary of the smart and geographical context from which these
city has been roundly critiqued on a number of ideas have arisen, connecting the ways these
fronts, especially around the entangling of neo- problems are conceived to the material effects
liberal ideologies with technocratic governance of data-driven policy initiatives in actual cit-
and the dystopian potential for mass surveil- ies around the world. Adapting Brenner and
lance (Greenfield, 2013; Halpern et  al., 2013; Theodore’s (2002) notion of ‘actually exist-
Hollands, 2008; Kitchin, 2014; Sennett, 2012; ing neoliberalism’, we seek to understand the

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Vanolo, 2014). There is, however, a tendency ‘actually existing smart city’, rather than the
within these critical accounts to see the smart idealised but unrealised vision that often domi-
city as a kind of universal, rational and depo- nates the social imaginary and critique of what
liticised project that largely plays out according a technologically-mediated city might look like
to the terms of profit-maximising, multinational in the 21st century. Rather than valorising or
technology companies. Ironically, this account demonising the smart city, we demonstrate the
has a good deal in common with the celebratory complexity of this idea and the ways it is imple-
marketing literature produced by the likes of mented in particular places, in order to counter
IBM, Cisco and Siemens, among others, which the notion that the large technology companies
in effect reifies the vision of the smart city they are inherently ‘bad’ actors who have despoiled
wish to promote (Greenfield, 2013). the ‘good’, righteous cities adopting these poli-
In contrast, we argue that the assemblage of cies. We instead point towards a more nuanced,
actors, ideologies and technologies associated situated understanding of how and from where
with smart city interventions bears little resem- these policies have arisen, and how they are tak-
blance to the marketing rhetoric and planning ing root in particular places around the world.
documents of emblematic, greenfield smart cit-
ies, such as Masdar in the United Arab Emirates,
Songdo in South Korea and Living PlanIT Valley Situating smart cities in time
in Portugal. Therefore, rather than focusing on and space
new cities built from scratch in such peripheral Smart cities are not, by practically any stretch
locales, many of which have as-of-yet failed of the imagination, new. While proponents of
to materialise, we find it more productive to the smart city, and its more academic cousin
examine how the smart city paradigm is becom- ‘urban science’ (cf. Lehrer, 2010), believe their
ing grounded in particular places, especially in interventions to be guided by the rational, rig-
the more mature cities and economies of the orous and more ‘scientific’ methods of quan-
global north. Rather than constructed on tabula titative and computational data analysis, very
rasa according to the centralised plans of mul- little is novel about this approach. Indeed, plan-
tinational technology corporations, smart city ners and engineers have sought to make the
interventions are always the outcomes of, and study and management of cities more scientific
awkwardly integrated into, existing social and for over a century (Fairfield, 1994; Ford, 1913;
spatial constellations of urban governance and Schultz and McShane, 1978), not to mention the
the built environment. Far from paradigmatic, near-universal impulse of planners to propose
greenfield smart cities are the exception rather grand solutions to social problems and eco-
than the rule, and provide little insight into the nomic growth (cf. Howard, 1965; or Hall, 2002
ways that an increasing attention to data is affect- for an overview of planning history). That many
ing the tangible outcomes of urban governance expect smart city approaches to inevitably yield
in existing cities. demonstrably superior results demonstrates, at

The ‘actually existing smart city’

best, their failure to understand the historical the examples of Masdar, Songdo and Living
precursors to the smart city model. PlanIT Valley are the exceptions. As such, it is
Both geographers and planners have been more productive to focus on the implementa-
using increasingly sophisticated quantitative tion of smart city policies in particular places,
and computational methods to understand and how the differences between these places
cities since at least the 1950s. For geography, affect the outcomes of these interventions. So
this took the form of the so-called ‘quantita- rather than studying unrepresentative exem-
tive revolution’, in which the then-dominant plars and smart city imaginaries, the goal is to
idiographic, descriptive approach was over- understand how smart city policies and ideolo-

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thrown in favour of a more scientific approach gies play out in more ‘ordinary’ cities (Amin
oriented towards uncovering the fundamental and Graham, 1997; Robinson, 2006). Ideas
laws of geography (cf. Barnes, 2013; Barnes and developed and tested in Songdo or Masdar
Wilson, 2014). For urban planning, the post-war will not translate perfectly to the particular
period brought new kinds of expertise from socio-economic and spatial context of quin-
institutions like the RAND Corporation, which tessential American cities like New York City,
sought to apply their knowledge of defence Chicago or Los Angeles, just as the data-driven
planning to the problems of the American city. policies being imagined in these cities will not
Computer models previously used to model the translate perfectly to small or mid-size cities
outcomes of nuclear warfare were understood such as Louisville, or to places like Detroit,
as tools for more sophisticated, future-oriented which face innumerable political and eco-
ways of understanding urban economic pro- nomic challenges. Furthermore, it is important
cesses, and thus allowing more targeted solu- to recognise that smart cities are also internally
tions to such problems (Light, 2003). LeGates differentiated. That is, like any other phenom-
et al. (2009) argue, however, that these attempts ena, they are geographically uneven at a vari-
to make cities more scientific were often short- ety of scales. Whatever it means for a city to be
lived, as the expected successes were rarely, if ‘smart’, it is also readily apparent that not all
ever, delivered. Thus, the fact that similar dis- spaces of the city will be equally smart, mean-
courses are uncritically recycled by contempo- ing that smart cities will privilege some places,
rary proponents of the smart city is troubling, people and activities over others.
albeit unsurprising given the cyclical history of Ultimately, a key element of the smart city
urban planning (Hall, 2002). is its ability to promote economic growth, a
Even if one were to accept the smart city as a point IBM makes repeatedly in their marketing
more rational, scientific and depoliticised way literature:
of understanding and intervening in the city, it
is important to note that the smart city as it has …in the 21st century, cities compete glob-
largely been envisioned and critiqued bares ally to attract both citizens and businesses.
little resemblance to the reality of how urban A  city’s attractiveness is directly related to
planning and governance is changing in the era its ability to offer the basic services that sup-
of big data (Batty, 2012; Boyd and Crawford, port growth opportunities, build economic
2012; Kitchin, 2013). Rather than the construc- value and create competitive differentiation.
tion of new cities from scratch or the wholesale Potential inhabitants, of both the commer-
importation of universal ideals into existing cial and residential variety, are a discriminat-
cities, the smart city is assembled piecemeal, ing lot, and they are looking for cities that
integrated awkwardly into existing configura- operate efficiently and purposefully. They
tions of urban governance and the built envi- are looking for smarter cities. (IBM Smarter
ronment. Rather than being paradigmatic, Cities, 2012)

Shelton, Zook and Wiig

While data is both the driving force behind central place in urban governance, acting as a
smart city initiatives, as well as the means by kind of master signifier or obligatory passage
which these initiatives are implemented, the point through which all other functions must
ultimate goal of the policies is fostering eco- position themselves (Callon, 1986). Data is now
nomic development, with success judged both the modus operandi and raison d’etre
accordingly. Thus, echoing earlier work on of this latest form of urban governance. This
entrepreneurial urbanism by Molotch (1976), new mode of data-driven urban governance
Cox and Mair (1988) and Harvey (1989), the is comprised of both relational and territorial
smart city idea largely coalesces around strate- elements, reflecting that contemporary urban

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gies for economic growth in an era of auster- governance is both connected to global flows
ity. While the mobilisation of data can make of people, ideas and money (that is, relational-
the operation of municipal governments more ity) as well as grounded in particular places in
cost-efficient, allowing them to ‘do more with both their genesis and effect (that is, territorial-
less’ (IBM Smarter Cities Director, 2012), the ity) (McCann, 2011; McCann and Ward, 2010).
existence of these initiatives is largely seen as By reviewing both the relational and territo-
a means of territorial competitiveness, a way of rial dimensions of the actually existing smart
attracting both capital and labour to cities. Just city, we highlight the means by which this new
as it represents the latest resurgence of hyper- urban policy model has diffused, while also
rational, technoscientific planning, so too does understanding how these ideas have affected
the smart city represent the latest in a long line material changes in existing places.
of policy models that see science and technol-
ogy as panaceas for economic malaise. From
the growth of research parks attempting to Reconfigured relationalities
mimic the success of Silicon Valley and North One of the key changes associated with the rise
Carolina’s Research Triangle Park (O’Mara, of the smart city model is the emergence of new
2005), to Richard Florida’s idea of the creative inter-organisational partnerships and alliances,
class (Peck, 2005), these policy models cast the built around the development and implementa-
role of municipal governments as competing, in tion of data-driven governance projects. Often
whatever way possible, for the scant economic these initiatives have little to do with the cities
resources available to them. themselves, and instead reflect extra-territorial
networks of key actors and institutions at the
centre of much of the substantive efforts to
Understanding the ‘actually existing realise smart city projects, often funding or exe-
smart city’ cuting specific plans in cities.
The proliferation of new forms of data— While some technical assistance programmes,
whether collected from sensors embedded in like IBM’s Smarter Cities Challenge, originate
the built environment or gathered from social in the private sector and serve as a kind of mar-
media platforms—has offered up new opportu- keting campaign for these corporations’ prod-
nities for understanding urban processes which, ucts and services (IBM, 2012; Schwartz, 2010),
in according to the rhetoric of smart cities, will others, such as the Code for America fellowship
differentiate places and make them more com- programme and its ‘web geeks’ and ‘city experts’
petitive. In short, these new sources of data and (Bilton, 2010; Kamenetz, 2010), ostensibly pro-
new ways of analysing, visualising and under- vide the perspective of civil society, albeit largely
standing data have reconfigured the social and from individuals with roots in the technology
spatial processes of urban governance and industry. In addition, there are philanthropic
economic development. Data now occupies a organisations like the Knight Foundation and

The ‘actually existing smart city’

Bloomberg Philanthropies, which provide large for this funding, while the 2014 contest resulted
grants to municipal governments and technol- in submissions from over 150 European cities
ogy start-ups alike in order to promote data- (Bloomberg Philanthropies, 2014).
driven governance initiatives as small as the Ultimately, these new relationships between
development of a new smartphone or web- municipal governments and extra-local organi-
based application, or as large as a restructuring sations have resulted in the valuation of new
of municipal government priorities and opera- kinds of technical expertise within government.
tions (Bloomberg Philanthropies, 2011; Bracken, Rather than the kinds of deep knowledge of
2013). Similar initiatives exist elsewhere, such regulations or of place-based specificities

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as the quasi-governmental organisation, the embodied in municipal bureaucrats, cities are
European Innovation Partnership on Smart increasingly coming to value skills more com-
Cities and Communities, whose funding helps monly found in technology start-ups, such as
EU cities seeking to apply smart city technolo- computer programming and data analytics. To
gies to issues of energy and transportation (EIP- cite but one example, the mayor of Lexington,
SCC, 2014). Kentucky recently hired as a senior advisor
The flow of ideas and money through these a deputy analytics officer from the outgoing
organisational gatekeepers is not the only Bloomberg administration—further demon-
way that smart city ideas are propagated, as a strating the importance of the handful of cities
number of cities have themselves become key that were at the forefront of these develop-
actors in mobilising particular policy interven- ments—whose previous experience was in
tions and exporting them to other localities. online commerce (Chipman, 2014). This exam-
Just as Detroit’s many efforts to quantify and ple attests to the fact that this new kind of
map vacant properties throughout the city expertise tends to be embodied in far off places
have made it a kind of ‘centre of calculation’ and organisations which must be brought in
for those interested in measuring and manag- from outside in order to help, in turn devaluing
ing blight (Byrnes, 2014; Klinefelter, 2014), so the local knowledge of citizens whose participa-
too has Baltimore become an important site tion in the political system becomes relegated
for city officials interested in learning about so- to collecting or volunteering the data which will
called ‘Stat’ programmes for government per- be analysed by the experts.
formance improvement (Behn, 2006; Perez and
Rushing, 2007). Elsewhere, the City of Boston’s
New Urban Mechanics programme, which New territorial imaginaries
seeks to use digital tools for civic engagement The reconfiguration of these socio-spatial
(such as the much-heralded smartphone app relationships is not, however, just about going
StreetBump, which helps to detect and report beyond the borders of the city, but also about
potholes on city streets) has been directly repli- how relationships within the city are changing,
cated in Philadelphia, with potential expansion especially with respect to ways of imagining
to other cities as well (GovTech, 2012; Judd, the different spaces of the city and the ‘urban
2012). Likewise, the data-driven approach pro- problems’ posed by and within such spaces, and
moted by former New York City mayor Michael what kinds of interventions might be designed
Bloomberg has been introduced to other cit- to ameliorate these problems. In order to better
ies through the aforementioned Bloomberg understand the geographically-differentiated
Philanthropies and its so-called ‘Mayors spaces of the smart city, it is important that we
Challenge’ and ‘Ideas Camp’, in which cities ask how visions of the data-driven, smart city
compete for funding and fine tune selected are actually playing out in specific cities and
projects. In 2013, over 300 US cities applied neighbourhoods. Using the cases of two US

Shelton, Zook and Wiig

cities, Louisville and Philadelphia, we demon- “determined [to] use data to improve the lives
strate how smart city projects help produce new of all Louisvillians” (Carroll, 2013; Fischer,
ways of thinking about different urban spaces, 2012), including releasing numerous datasets
as well as how these spaces are transformed as on vacant and abandoned properties to the
a result of such practices. public. In practice, however, data are often dis-
played in a Google Maps mashup-style ‘heat-
map’ display providing little insight beyond
Conflicting data-driven understandings in confirming the already well-known concentra-
Louisville’s West End tion in the West End (Figure 1).

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In Louisville, Kentucky, the conglomeration of In contrast to this dominant narrative is the
predominantly poor and African–American alternative data-driven work of the Network
neighbourhoods known as the West End has Center for Community Change, a now-defunct
been pushed to the forefront of recent policy West End neighbourhood organisation, and
debates about how best to plan for and solve the its community mapping project. Using data
problems facing the city. While these debates derived from an on-the-ground, pen-and-paper
continue to be influenced by conventional neighbourhood survey, this effort disputes
media representations of crime and poverty in the city’s official statistics on vacant proper-
this area, data is becoming increasingly impor- ties, showing the scope of the problem to be
tant in constructing representations of the West much larger and longer-standing than the city
End. For instance, a Louisville Magazine cover might care to admit. It also uses a much richer
story from March 2013 explored the so-called data typology, situating each vacant property
‘9th Street Divide’ by comparing basic demo- within its immediate spatial context, as well as
graphic statistics such as median income, educa- providing data on back taxes, third party liens
tional attainment, median home values and car and ownership (Ritter, 2012; Schiller, 2012).
ownerships between West End neighbourhoods Given that smart city policies are predicated
and their predominantly wealthy and white on assumptions that data allows for better deci-
counterparts in the East End (Crutcher, 2013). sion-making, the competing representations of
While data-driven analyses tend to empha- vacant properties creates a rift in the smooth
sise their objectivity, accuracy and neutrality, façade of the smart city imaginary (Carter,
it is important to keep in mind that data are 2013). While the city may prefer to make poli-
socially constructed, and different forms of data cies based on its own datasets, however flawed
allow for competing representations of place. and limited they may be, the existence of coun-
Because the production of data is always a situ- tervailing data belie the expectations of more
ated process—that is, it is always influenced by efficient and proactive problem solving associ-
the particular spatial and temporal context in ated with smart cities (Figure 2).
which it is collected or produced, and carries In short, the exercise of mapping vacancies
the biases of its creators (Wilson, 2011)—data in Louisville’s West End highlights that data is
is open to political contestation, directly chal- never simply an objective representation of the
lenging the smart city’s reliance upon data as world and always a possible forum for political
a politically neutral tool for decision-making. contestation. Moreover, it is clear that the use
This is readily evident in competing represen- of data, by both local political actors and the
tations of Louisville’s problem with vacant marginalised population of the West End, has
properties, an issue disproportionately affect- focused new attention to long-standing prob-
ing the West End (Metropolitan Housing lems facing these neighbourhoods. The policy
Coalition, 2012). The Metro government, under outcomes brought by this mobilisation of data
the leadership of Mayor Greg Fischer has been in urban governance, however, is fundamentally

The ‘actually existing smart city’

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Figure 1.  Heatmap of vacant properties from Louisville Metro Government Website.
Source: Author screenshot of

shaped by the particular forms of data used— access to the mobile Internet was seen by both
whether in the form of narrative descriptions, IBM and city’s policymakers as an entry point
comparative graphics or digital maps—and the to providing new pathways to relevant skill
processes and actors behind its production. sets for entry-level jobs that would ultimately
bridge longstanding socio-economic divides in
Imagining a global Philadelphia through the city (Figure 3).
the smart city as a promotional vision In practice, however, it is evident that these
In Philadelphia, a smart city initiative called divides persist. While the residents targeted by
‘Digital On-Ramps’ emerged out of the city’s the initiative primarily lived in marginalised,
participation in IBM’s Smarter Cities Challenge de-industrialised inner city neighbourhoods
in 2011 (IBM, 2011). This digital inclusion effort (Drexel University Program Manager and
sought to provide a mobile, Internet-based Drexel University Senior Web Architect, 2013),
application for workforce education that would the emerging information economy has clus-
train marginalised, low-literacy residents with tered in three other areas of the city: (i) the cen-
the skills to be competitive for jobs in the 21st tral business district surrounding City Hall, (ii)
century information economy (Nutter, 2012a). just west of downtown between the University
The ubiquity of smartphones and pervasive of Pennsylvania and Drexel University and (iii)

Shelton, Zook and Wiig

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Figure 2.  Neighbourhood survey of vacant properties in Louisville’s West End.
Source: Network Center for Community Change. Available from:

in the Philadelphia Navy Yard, an innovation proximate to or within the Navy Yard (Ben
zone at the city’s southern periphery (Gyourko Franklin Technology Partners, 2014). That an
et  al., 2005; Hodos, 2002; Simon and Alnutt, advanced manufacturing enterprise seen as
2007). The latter is a new place for public and central to the city’s smart city effort was not
private investment to flow, far removed both located in closer proximity to the neighbour-
socially and spatially from the poorer neigh- hoods and people supposedly targeted by the
bourhoods that the city’s smart city project was city’s new policies only further highlights the
meant to help. The target industry of the Digital incongruences between the smart city dis-
On-Ramps’ initial pilot was advanced manufac- course and the actually existing smart city as
turing (Drexel University Program Manager it has materialised in Philadelphia (Drexel
and Drexel University Senior Web Architect, University Program Manager and Drexel
2013), which in Philadelphia includes a wide- University Senior Web Architect, 2013).
ranging cluster of pharmaceutical, aerospace Even if education and workforce training
and petroleum refining industries (Select provided the means for marginalised residents
Greater Philadelphia, 2014), for the most part to obtain well-paying jobs in the information

The ‘actually existing smart city’

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Figure 3.  The entrance to the Philadelphia Navy Yard.
Source: Photo by Alan Wiig (2012).

economy, they still face challenges of personal In Philadelphia, the smart city has acted
mobility in travelling between home and work. primarily as a promotional vehicle, highlight-
Precisely because the smart city initiative did ing the city’s efforts to produce a competitive,
not extend beyond education and digital literacy entry-level workforce for the 21st century
programming, the ‘digital on-ramps’ were them- economy, despite achieving few meaningful
selves seen as a sufficient scope for a smart city results in this respect. But the fact that these
initiative, while longstanding socio-spatial ine- new smart city initiatives, such as the Navy Yard
qualities were left unaddressed. While all smart development, are so socially and spatially frag-
city projects certainly do not need to address all mented highlights the need to move beyond the
aspects of such inequality, the data-driven focus promotional rhetoric of smart city initiatives
of Digital On-Ramps illustrates how the popular to examine exactly where and how the smart
perception of smart city initiatives as an overarch- city impacts a city, recognising that rather than
ing, citywide urban policy concern often narrows solving problems of inequality, the smart city is
its focus onto much smaller deliverables that likely only to reproduce them in new ways.
may have minimal effect. Beyond the limitations
of this narrow focus, ‘Digital On-Ramps’ online
application has yet to move past the planning Conclusion
stage as of summer 2014, despite Philadelphia’s This paper has offered a strategy for grappling
mayor touting the project’s success at the IBM’s with the actually existing smart city and its more
Smarter Cities Summit nearly two years prior in subtle impacts on urban governance and plan-
late 2012 (Nutter, 2012b). ning. While the as-of-yet unrealised marketing

Shelton, Zook and Wiig

rhetoric of the big technology companies has the minds of corporations, policymakers and
provided fertile ground for critique, it is not average citizens makes it an important means
enough to limit our attention to these discourses. through which cities are being (re)constructed
Instead, we have argued for a focus on the rela- in the 21st century. While we remain critical of
tionalities through which the smart city, as it the smart city model, both as it is offered up by
actually exists, has been produced, and on the large technology corporations and as it has actu-
territories in which this idea has taken root and ally been implemented in cities like Louisville
effected change. We have shown the ways that and Philadelphia, we also highlight the alterna-
data has historically been mobilised as a kind tive possibilities opened up by these new forms

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of depoliticising device, obscuring how data are of data-driven governance. However, it is only
conceived, collected and legitimised for use in through a grounding of our analysis in the actu-
urban politics and policymaking (Wilson, 2011). ally existing cities, territories and relationalities
We have also shown that in the actually exist- where these policies are being constructed and
ing smart city lies the potential for contesting implemented that we can understand both the
these dominant neoliberal framings of data, as promise and the peril of the smart city model.
we demonstrated with the case of Louisville’s
vacant properties problem. Another similar
example comes from the Tenison Road pro- References
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