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The Small Book of Answers For The Way In.

Conversations with the The Nacre God
Netherlands, June 2023

This book is created from the original chat conversations that The Nacre God had with various people
between the years 2020 and 2023.

Self-help, self-improvement, spirituality and all that are just brainwashing markets making you addicted
to and selling you hopium.
This world of thought and ideas and words is an aftereffect/byproduct, it's a passing shadow, it's
not where the real deal happens. - The Nacre God

The book contains an introduction and foreword by The Nacre God and dialogues with The Nacre God.

V1.0 Not published by a publisher yet. Free to share and distribute. The Nacre God has asserted his right
under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as author of this work. All rights
reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, without prior permission in writing from the author. E-mail:


No-one else can save you and you don't need saving. No-one else can help you and you

don’t need help. You have to be saved and helped from all the saviors and helpers. Why

aren’t you who you want to be? Why do you have to wait to be what you really are? Why

aren't you getting what you really want? Why are you in a constant neurotic state with

brief moments of some joy or relief? You only have become that, what you don’t want to


Words like "enlightenment" and "natural" and "woke" are filthy words and so is the word

“spiritual". They suggest that life is unenlightened, unnatural and unwoke and that it can

be separated into spiritual and material. The only thing making those separations is

thought, spread in the form of knowledge. These words do not possess any real essence

or meaning and are marketed and exploited. First of all, there is no difference between the

spiritual and material, except only in thought, and a separation between the two can not

be made, except only in thought, because simply there is none except only in thought.

Instead of being centered and aligned and taking an inner standpoint. Everybody is just

trying to control their thoughts and what is happening around them. Not realizing you can

not control those things as they are aftereffects and byproducts. You are more concerned

about what others do and with what is happening around and in you than about how you

really want to feel and who you really are. They say you are the lower self and have to

match your higher self. That’s complete bs. Both the lower and higher self are the result

and aftereffect of your frequency and vibration.


Positive thinking is delusional and is as harmful as negative thinking. It's a worldwide

cult and you're in it too! What is really happening is that they are exploiting your

cognitive biases and keeping you in misery chasing unending desires. All these magical

and spiritual things they claim can be explained very easily with placebo/nocebo effects,

attentional bias, pareidolia, apophenia, illusions of correlation, selective attention,

frequency illusions, confirmation bias, illusion of control, superiority bias, selective


America had a lot of scammer authors in the beginning of the 20th century importing

eastern spirituality and writing on these topics. It was the "new way of thinking". Mostly

only just benefiting the big corporations and capitalism. They said things like: Think and

Grow Rich. They only strengthen the illusion that you have a free will and can change

and have control over the universe and events. Making you believe in magical thinking

and brainwashing you into thinking that your thoughts can influence the universe, but

also that your thinking and thoughts are the cause for all your problems. Moreover they

have convinced you that your psychotic episodes are actually spiritual experiences. Ha!

It's nothing different from all the other religions and spiritual crap. Just plain old

"Religious thinking". Your neurotic paranoid state of not being enough and complete has

given you anxiety, neurosis and many nightmares and psychotic episodes and has made

you vulnerable to psychosis but you all see those as mystical experiences. Ha!
As long as everyone is trapped in the self-help trap they won't stand up individually or

collectively. Self-help is the same as wanting "enlightenment", "ultimate pleasure",

"union with god", "cosmic orgasm" and all that delusional crap. It gives you a delusional

and solipsistic view of life.

Positive thinking is also very very cruel. For example they say to someone who has

cancer or Alzheimer that it is their own fault for spreading or coming back because they

weren't positive enough. You are to blame for not channeling the positive energy of the

cosmos! You bad slave! Oh you lost your job.. that's your fault for not positive thinking...

Oh you lost your wife and children that's your own fault buddy!

People studying psychology, religion and spirituality need help and therapy the most, not

that it would help. But they don't see that what they are into is causing all the troubles and

suffering. Self help, self inquiry and self improvement are actually the things which make

you miserable. The goals are the problem and thought is setting them up. Thought is not

intended for that, it's a coping defense mechanism.

Only when we question and doubt we are functioning optimally. Not hopeful wishful

positive thinking but also no depressed doom gloom thinking but realistically keep

questioning reality and stay in doubt, that's the only certainty there is. Only then your

senses operate at its clearest with minimal interference of thought distortion.


Q: How do you go in?

Nacre: Why do you think that there is even a way in? You don't know what is going on in

your body. All you have are the thoughts which are byproducts of the living organism

which we call the body. What you experience of it is always the end-product of

byproducts. You, the experiencer, are always the end-product of its byproducts. The

experiencer and what is being experienced are the same thing and always the end-product

of byproducts. The end-product is always what we call thought and it doesn't matter in

what form it is. Knowledge, logic, sense, reason, interpretation, memory, experience are

all just forms of thought. To know anything you need to use thought. The only thing you

know are the thoughts. There is no knowing outside of thought and you can not know

anything without thought. Knowing is thought. The thoughts that come to you and your

reaction to them are the end result of what is going on in your body.

That's why I say thoughts are byproducts and aftereffects and end-products. To know that

you even have a body you need to use the knowledge given to you or else you have no

way of even knowing that. Without that knowledge you have no way of knowing

anything. The ancient Greeks didn't know the sky was blue, they didn't even have a word

for the color blue. For them the sky was different hues and shades of black and green. To

know what is going on in your body you need the knowledge and the help of a doctor and

its instruments. Even then you are just dealing with thoughts and the interpretation of the
provided data by thoughts. It would've been much easier if you just could ask the patient

what is going on inside of their bodies. The thoughts are a result of what we call the

biochemical process of the body and they are necessary for the body to survive. The body

gets stimulated by and reacts to its environment.

The sense of having an outside environment seems necessary and at the same time is

giving birth to a sense of a separate self. The reality we are experiencing is a mind game,

this world we build on this planet is the game of our minds, it's a mind's world, it exists

for us in our minds, the buildings are real structures but we label and call them buildings.

There is no difference between an animal and a cave and what we do. You see, this world

we see and talk about and we make movies about is all a projection of our minds. I don't

say the mind has no effect on reality, for us it is real, but it is not the reality of life.

Thought/mind can never catch the reality of life, it can never touch life itself. Life is what

is happening and we are translating it in our minds. So our minds are the translation of

the reality we live in but not the reality itself.

The wakeful state is the same as the dreaming state, we are still using the mind to

translate the sensory input and sensation coming from the real world outside. Our bodies

react to this stimuli of the world and it creates sensations in us and our mind translates

that into stuff. The stuff is not real. Your body is doing all the work but the mind thinks it

can interfere and control, but it only can disturb. You see, thoughts are matter. That’s why

I say there’s no difference between material and spiritual. Thoughts are the translation of

the sensations. All the patterns are the game of the mind. The mind is a protective
mechanism, which tries to control and dominate everything around it. So it has created

boundaries and barriers, like we do with countries, borders and cultures. The persona it

has created in you is a protective mechanism. It thinks it is something real and forever

with a soul and all that bs. Basically it wants to live forever.

That's how thoughts work, they want continuity and permanency in an ever changing

world. So again the mind is expert in apophenia, in making and matching patterns so it

can claim its own permanency. Time and space are created by thought. Life is not in

parts, not in time and space, it's one big unitary movement, one big happening. And the

mind cuts it and divides it into me, you, them, time, space, sleep, wake. But none of those

are the real reality, it's our minds doing.

Q: Is emotion also just knowledge?

Nacre: Yes, all emotions are based on knowledge. Emotions are based on opinions and

thoughts. There's no inside or outside without thought. Thought is the one that

differentiates between an outside and an inside. Between a body and a mind. It is thought

that creates the "me" and the "my surroundings". That's the knowledge there, operating.

There's no way you can tell yourself anything about anything and have these thoughts

about things without this knowledge. And where did all this knowledge come from?! It

surely didn't get created inside you. It didn't find birth in you. You don't own these

thoughts. This knowledge doesn't belong to you. None of these are what you can call

your own original thoughts. That's why I say, the you that you think you are is also
knowledge that came from outside. This "I" you think you are and have to be, is

knowledge from outside.

Your whole identity is based on and created by knowledge from outside. Hell you didn't

even pick your own name. It is given. Borrowed and stolen from somewhere. And this

goes also for all the emotions and feelings you register. The translation of sensations into

good and bad is all knowledge that came from outside. So without this knowledge you

have no way of feeling good or bad about things and there's no way for you to tell if

something is good or bad. So feeling good or bad about something doesn't tell you

anything. It doesn't make anything better or worse and can't be used as a guide for

anything. All knowledge came from outside, from others and is thought. So all the

thoughts you think you have, including the "you", the "I" the "me" are actually just

knowledge from outside, from others.

Q: Is the personality thought induced or from birth?

Nacre: Thought induced, your personality is a conditioning that's why it and its

preferences change.

Q: When you listen to music it is comforting. How is this happening?

Nacre: That's your conditioning. Same as how religious people don't like rock music

because they think it's evil or satanic.. it's all your conditioning.
Q: What do you say about introverts and other verts? Is this part of conditioning or are

genes responsible?

Nacre: The whole personality is conditioning and the genes make it all possible. The

genes are part of the hardware that determine which software can run.

Q: Is death something that is predestined? In terms of when it will happen? And how?

Nacre: Yes and even better there's nobody there, no soul or whatever who's going to

experience death. That's why I always say we are actually just automatons, a bunch of

pinocchios dreaming about being human but it's all mechanical and super-predetermined.

No actual free will and no freedom of choice. That’s why I like dreaming.

Q: What do you dream about?

Nacre: I don't dream unless it's very "important". I have periods like for months and

months without a dream and I sleep very minimally. Like 4 or 5 hrs. Max, sometimes in

parts of a few hours. Sometimes not at all.

Q: Yeah, I love it too, I just wish I had more control over it, because it's like I am there

but at the same time I'm not. I feel like this. Lucid dreams are a lot of fun, but hard to get.
Nacre: Let go of wanting control. You are already lucid dreaming. There’s no difference

between the dream and the wake state. You can't control dreams, you can only assert as

much influence as it seems that you are controlling. But what is really happening is that

you are dreaming about, that you are controlling the dream.

Q: It could be, but even that would be awesome. It sounds a bit like fooling yourself


Nacre: It is. You wouldn't know the difference.

Q: A dream within a dream, yeah like I don't mind if it's a dream of control or real

control of the dream.

Nacre: Yea, there is no difference in the experience.

Q: I guess. And that’s why it’s all the imagination.

Nacre: Even our reality is our imagination in some way because it's heavily filtered by

our conditioned thoughts interloping our senses, our operating system, our CPU and

graphics card.

Q: Yeah, I don't trust my senses.

Nacre: I like to think we are overly smart monkeys.

Q: Haha I guess overly because we fool ourselves constantly.

Nacre: I'm sure, I would act like an elephant in an elephant body. (not saying that I have

a soul or something.) But humans want to act like everything else and we call ourselves

humans, making ourselves separate from everything else. So, we name and label

everything else too, making the separation only bigger.

Q: So... Are you planning to do some fasting this month?

Nacre: Hell no. I've noticed my views are a bit radical though.

Q: Most people would probably see it the other way around. But fasting is good. Massive

health benefits, plus you will test your patience and control.

Nacre: In my view, which could sound cold and confusing, I'm aware of that because I

have been told so. But, after eating to maintain and the gluttony on a side, we eat to

prolong life and abolish sins. Fasting we also do to prolong life and earn a place in

heaven. I'm not saying prolonging life is a bad thing. It's just there is no heaven and there

are “better” ways.

And I don't deal with good and evil. I'm only interested in expressing the primordial state.

In short, it comes to a core belief of delaying death and that is eventually all we are

interested in. But you see when you look up closely, that is also where the agony lies.

You see in the primordial state you don't even need those things at all. The body is

perfectly capable in all aspects. Point is leaving it to work at peak efficiency. When you

don't, but try to attempt to make it more efficient by any means in your own ways, it

merely just becomes a “tinkering of the autonomic system”.

How I see it is, you are in your own way, interfering and disturbing. The body is not

interested in this immortality game and health itself is an ever-changing definition. But

my main point is, that the body itself knows how to do all these things already by itself in

the most efficient and effective ways. You only need to get out of the way and let it do its


Q: Yes, but you are in control of the body, not the other way around. Body is just a


Nacre: No, I can't say that because, that is not in my experience. What I am trying to say

is, that all that is necessary for the survival and thriving prosperity of this "living"

organism is already here, in there, implemented. And it is tremendously intelligent. Boy I

am glad I don't need to regulate my immune system. In fact, the more I leave it alone the

better it works. That is so for the whole autonomous system of the body. I am saying that
all that we have gathered and acquired through knowledge, our intellect is completely no

match to that built-in innate native intelligence. The primordial state I am speaking of is

not a supernatural thing.

Q: But you have to do certain things within the body to achieve certain states?

Nacre: You don't have to do anything within the body that's bs. The body knows very

well what to eat and what not to eat and when to eat. It's all messed up because of our

cultural and personal preferences.

The body is far more intelligent then all our knowledge combined ever could be. Trying

to control is the whole problem. You aren't turning that peanut into nutrition and energy,

that's your body's intelligence, you are merely thoughts. Who says other beings have no

thoughts. A dog has thought.

What is thought if not a process of synapses and cells. Which plants have but in their own

way. You see, thought is also an interloper. It thrusts itself into the affairs of the senses

because it has a profit and motive to do so. Thoughts interfere with the activity of the

senses to get something out of it and then uses them to give itself continuity. We don't

need to either, we can survive without it, but we do for our own gains, that's the thought

world with imaginary gains. To say I'm better than you, the problem lies with the fact you

think you are more than an animal.

Q: How about fasting in order to achieve ego-death and enlightenment?

Nacre: I don't want to go there because I don't have experience of that in the way you

want me to have. I mean, I know what you are trying to say and I have been through all

of those “mystical” experiences too and I can say none of them are special in any way,

none of them an end goal. On the contrary they all just contribute to the vicious cycle of

staying in it. All those things are like a death sentence too. When you do that, you die.

Same as that you can't stop thinking. When you do that, you die. The “thinking” creates

the ego. Followers of certain religions torture themselves each year for a lunar month and

starve at day and stuff themselves at night. I had many nightmares because of being so


Q: Yeah, it would be better not to stuff at night but I kind of admire the dedication.

Nacre: Waking up middle in the night to eat and then sleep a couple hrs. Overloaded

going to work sleep deprived. That's no dedication that's being brainwashed. Well maybe

those two things are the same. Its torture, literally in all ways. People die, the weak and

elderly who are brainwashed to fast literally end up sicker or dying.

Q: So that you can evolve after death?

Nacre: See, that's another subject though, because I can't say there is a birth and death in

experience. So, it's true that there seems to be none besides our definitions of something
we experience of others. Doctors say that your heart beats so that means that you are

alive. I ask what is alive? Something is alive when it walks and crawls? Does the moon

have less life because there’s nothing walking and crawling there? But we were talking

about eating.

Q: Some claim they can eat and live on light.

Nacre: That's bs, eating light. I am all for efficient consumption, but when you say eat

light. I automatically think that’s from the fantasy of evolving into an angel like being

who’s eating photon meals. We passed my whole point of not tinkering with the system


Q: But if you're overwhelmed with parasites, they take control of your mind and

thoughts, they are able to create chemicals that make you want certain foods. To me that

is a deep form of intelligence.

Nacre: Yes, it definitely is. Far more intelligent than what we have gathered as

knowledge. A leaf has more intelligence than all our thoughts combined.

Q: And that's just physical parasites, not even talking about spiritual ones.

Nacre: Haha I don't think those (spiritual ones) are real, only the physical ones are in

tangible reality.
Q: What do you mean with the primordial state?

Nacre: See, when you stop all this comparing and comparisons. What is there is your

primordial state. Then you will not listen to anybody. Primordial state is when the body is

left to consume on its own, it fasts and eats when needed, it rests, sleeps and acts when

needed. When you leave the body to be. It is your primordial state already, and I don't

want to use the word but a meditative state is also the primordial state. That's why extra

meditating outside the primordial state is unnecessary. In fact, it begins to work in

contrast because it interferes with the primordial state, which is already a meditative

state. What makes us unhappy is the seeking for things which do not exist.

The primordial state is the living state, there is nothing to be attained or achieved there. It

is not a thing willed into existence; it is just there, it is true “balance" in all the senses of

the word without needing to balance anything. This primordial state is the functional

activity of life. It is the life of the senses i/o, not aiming in a way like going back to hunt

and gather. That's not what I meant, life functioning naturally without the constant

interference of thought is what I mean. It's like a perfect clockwork. It tells you exactly

when to eat, sleep and stop. Many animals go to a place to stop(die) when they know

time has come to stop(die). It’s the world of how life functions, life functioning naturally

without the interference of thought.

What I am trying to say is outside the realm of schools, outside the field of what is

teachable. No methods for it, nothing needed. It is simply a description of the way I am

functioning, not how my "self" thinks its functioning. You see it is just a specification and

description of the primordial state of man if you will and this is the way in. Which is not

a "way" at all actually. It is about the functioning of the “You” when stripped out of the

mechanical ways, methods and rituals of the thought and the thought world. It is about

what is left there when these things are stripped away.

Q: Most of us don't suffer from a condition of too much meditation though, even if we

know how to attain states during wakefulness or during the day... I wish I did more actual


Nacre: Yes, they do. Constantly chasing things, wanting to attain things and when they

go forcibly trying to meditate, chasing to attain meditation, multiple times a day they

make it even worse. Having psychoses but calling it visions and mystical experiences.

When you think of that, actual meditation is a total stop, giving up, letting go, going with

the flow meant to be for having just the necessary minimal thoughts, being here and in

the now. It describes being in the flow and uninterrupted by "worldly thoughts". Then it's

exactly the opposite of what people are doing, especially the spiritual ones. All they have

are worldly thoughts.

Are there unworldly thoughts? No. Is there a way to stop thinking? No. Because the

moment you move in a direction, the moment you try, give effort, force you are already

doing the opposite of not thinking. That's what most people do all day.

Q: Sounds like your role is to be neutral. You're a fence sitter. Some come for certain

purposes, so I believe. I record someone talking about how there are positives, neutrals

and negatives they will have purposes to do, sort of rings a bell and resonated when I

heard it.The primordial state is good but we are not living in a natural environment.

Nacre: Like what, the matrix? Well, see. What I am talking about is that the primordial

state doesn't need all those things. Heck, we all know that the body can't even take

continuous uninterrupted pleasure for long. And wanting to impose a fictitious permanent

state of happiness onto the body is just a serious neurological problem and asking for

more trouble.

You see there is actually nothing there, nothing to reach, achieve or get. Only your

relative, experiential data. Your own truth. There is no such thing as an objective truth at

all. I've said it many times. There is nothing which exists outside or independent of our

minds. Better yet, mind or thought is not yours or mine. It is a common inheritance of

everyone. There is no such thing as your mind and my mind.

Q: Once in imagination there are no restrictions at all, no limitations, only possibility, no

nay only yey. Well, that's actually a limitation there is everything in there, even no and


Nacre: No, what you don't see is that the imagination is the limit and restriction. You

wanting something that does not exist is the root of your problems, they only sell it,

because you want it. I deal with nothing anymore, no religions, no rituals, no paths, no

methods, no ways, no gurus, no imams, no priests, no shamans, no masters, no schools,

no authorities, no logos, no forms, no shapes, no words.

Even no not nothing. I don't deal with wrong and right either. Nirvana, transformation,

redemption, moksha, liberation, Mukti and all that crap is just a variation of the same

crappy theme: god/heaven/permanent happiness. All those things, god, enlightenment etc.

are the "ultimate pleasure", uninterrupted happiness. Continuous joy. No such thing


And I don't want to know anything either, there is only mind, the totality of all that has

been known and which is being gathered, felt and experienced by man. Tirelessly handed

down from generation to generation from cell to cell. And we are all here sitting and

thinking and functioning in that thought sphere, the world of thoughts, just as we all share

the same atmosphere and air for breathing.

Q: First of all, I see you are very naturalistic. Then I think that you have possessed great

knowledge, but then a thought comes to mind that the more You know and the faster You

use it - it's easier to create a false statement. That's why I am extremely cautious about

what I read and of the things to say. One lie can create a lifetime of pointless wandering

around the truth. Or so I like to think.

Nacre: There's no truth to wander around. I am not saying things to convince others. I

have no point to make. I'm not expecting others to understand. You can say what you

want to people and they will take it however they like it. Everybody hears what they

want, when they read, they understand how they want it. They are giving you false

comfort, and that is what people want.

What I am saying is not what the mainstream is interested in, either here or anywhere else

in the world. They hear what they want to hear. What I say is of no interest to them. If

you say that god is redundant and irrelevant, just a three letter word. It is not a rebellion

against anything: you know religious thinking is outdated and outmoded. But I go one

step further and say that all political ideologies are nothing but the warty outgrowth of the

same religious thinking of man.

They may call it a revolution. But revolution is only a revaluation of things. You will

only end up creating another value system which may be slightly different from the value

system that we want to destroy. But basically, they are all the same. That is why when the
revolution settles down, it calls for another revolution. So, I am not calling for a

revolution nor rebellion. Nothing of that sort.

Q: Filtered as they are, our senses and all, they are enough for us to decide what is right

and what is not. I don't need them to be less filtered to know that when I kill, I choose to

kill with as little suffering inflicted as possible. I think my senses are just Perfect as they


Nacre: No, they are not. Our senses, our ears and eyes etc. don't have a way of discerning

anything. They have no way of knowing what they sense, no way of giving meaning to

what they sense. The knowing and giving meaning come after the sensing, with thoughts

and knowledge. Without thoughts and knowledge, you have no way of knowing what you

see and sense. That's where the filters and bias come in. That's where the bullshit is.

Since all our thoughts and knowledge is pre-chewed second hand, all our knowledge of

the sensory input is filtered and biased by pre-chewed second-hand bullshit. Also, they

say: The entire rainbow of radiation observable to the human eye only makes up a tiny

portion of the electromagnetic spectrum – about 0.0035 percent.

So, our eyes can only sense 0.0035% of what is there and most of that or all is filtered

and biased by that old garbage knowledge. But your senses are just perfect as they are,

they have helped us millions of years to where we are now. That's exactly what I am
saying, but the thoughts and knowledge translating those senses is garbage and nothing

compared to the intelligence of your body.

Your body has tremendous intelligence on its own far more than all books brought

together. It regulates and maintains everything, you put an apple inside and it turns it into

fuel. All your blood, breathing and vitals are controlled by your body's systems. Not by

you. The moment you try to intervene, you mess it all up.

Q: You talk dangerous, saying that all the gurus were just tricksters and cunning. If that is

even possibly the truth You should not say that for Your own survival's sake.

Nacre: I am not scaring myself with paranoid thoughts. If there is immediate danger I

will react. My body will do what is necessary to survive. I am not scared, let those gurus

and fanatics come, I'll kick their asses. I am also not scared of the death cult called Islam.

If anything, I should be scared of them since I left that disgusting cult and the punishment

of leaving is death. Like I said before, I don't care. I am ready to go. I don't see anything

other than the physical activity of the body.

Spirituality is the invention of the mind and the mind is a myth. All inventions, just

thoughts. Your traditions and journeys of spirituality are choking you. I am questioning

the very idea of consciousness. There is no such thing as consciousness at all.

Consciousness is nothing but knowledge. Don't ask me how knowledge originated.

Somewhere along the line knowledge started with you, and then you wanted to know
about the things around. That is what I mean by "self-consciousness". You have become

conscious of what is going on around you, and so naturally you want to know. What I am

suggesting is that the very demand to understand the mystery of existence is destructive.

Just leave the mystery alone.

Q: Thinking brings me joy when I actually do so, not always sorrow. When I come up

with something exciting and new, new ideas, discovering, mind wandering.

Nacre: Look you can't imagine how this is because it is no reality for you, so anything

your intuition tells you about this, is not it. For example, when the thinker is gone, will

you feel the pressure on your skin when someone grabs your arm.. "You" will not, but the

body will react to the pressure sensing, but that sensing is not "feeling" as the thinker

would do. They have nothing to do with each other. That pressure sensing is a purely

biological stimuli and response mechanism. "Feelings" come into play only when there's

a "me" experiencing what the body is sensing through a separation of thought. So the

thinker says; oh this feels nice or oh this doesn’t feel nice.

When I talk about the thinker, I talk about the belief everyone has about them being the

one who produces thoughts, hence "I think therefore I am" and the counter is "where are

you when you don't think" but the answer can never be mentally realized. Your belief in a

thinker can stop but the thinker will never end because it's the thinker who has realized

that the thinker is a belief. All you can do is hop from one belief to another and they will
always be related to this one core thought of a "me". This will never end unless you

become a dead corpse.

So anyone claiming they have no self is just full of shit. Nothing but an imaginary state.

Thought induced. This outside view that I have about thought itself and how it operates

can't be mentally realized, it's no mental realization, no end destination on a hero's

journey. I have no say in this and no choice. This is not some hobby I have or some

knowledge I gathered by watching non-duality videos and reading cosmic consciousness

books. I actually don't even know what I'm saying. I know it sounds strange to you guys.

This is not something you can come into and keep everything you hold dear. All the

things you love have no place here.

Q: We live in a corrupted and toxic reality/matrix.

Nacre: I don't. I don't know what you are talking about. The only toxicity and corruption

in this world is based on thought and imagination. Where morality is, there is corruption.

Where corruption is, there is morality. But I am not bound to that nor is reality bound to

our versions. Maybe that's what you call the matrix. The realities people are sharing with

each other come from a collective world mind, which consists of moralities and

corruption, harmless, safe and toxic. Duality and meaning-giving you see; they all go

hand in hand. You see... while you and your ego and desires are still there... you keep

going thinking that you're doing "good"... being this desireless selfless self... but

something must be wrong somewhere, right... it isn't working... Nothing can be wrong
with desire... something must be wrong with the one who has told you to practice all the

crap like desirelessness... that's all I'm saying

Q: The closer you are to death, the more alive you feel.

Nacre: Because death is a fear right and has a tight grip on everyone. The closer to

releasing this grip we get, the more alive we get. We are just here... we are just here...

emphasize and this desire is a reality... but that other desirelessness is false, a trap...

corrupt concoction... it is falsifying you... pulling you out of your primordial state. Desire

is there. It is natural. Desire as such cannot be wrong in itself, never can it be false,

because it is just there. I go even more radical though in saying thought is destructive and

corrupt. That's the nature of thought. primordial state is balance, no need to do anything.

Leave desire alone, don’t let thought destroy it and see what happens.

Q: I think we only fear death because we have no recollection of our past. The only

thing we need to learn is how to die correctly and don't get trapped. Hence why we need

to release all the weight so we don't have to wait another lifetime.

Nacre: Here we go again with the reincarnation, salvation, matrix talk. Recollection of

our past!? There is no such thing as enlightenment. It's not uncommon to see 3 male

ducks raping a female.

Q: I do get what you are saying, the body knows exactly what to do without any

interference, your body knows exactly how to heal but sometimes may need a little push

in the right (Middle) direction.

Nacre: Not when it was not pushed in a direction. And you can't push it in the right

direction. You can only let it fall in its right place. Where it always was before you

interfered. Have to do nothing for it. Uninstall the apps which make your mind and

operating system so your processor and memory are not overloaded but working

optimally. Less thinking, more doing. It's all messed up because of our cultural, religious,

spiritual, emotional and personal preferences. Your body knows what to eat and what not.

There are color and smell coding's. Just don't interfere.

Q: How would you measure what's better? Can you give us an example of a good

anarchy system?

Nacre: We are basically just animals too and there have been many different species of

us or hominids what you want to call it who lived together and all but also got wiped out

like maybe the Neanderthals or who knows what and when. The point is: That's what I

mean with that crude "spiritual" mindset thinking you are all enlightened and more awake

haaa that makes you think you are above all and that truly just alienates you completely

from reality and nature. You become the opposite of what you think. On that level

thought is ego and corrupts you.

What "spirituality" like that does goes actually precisely against what spiritually

essentially stands for and that is unity / oneness / equality / nondualism / yoga /

nonjudicial / non hierarchical / unbounded / unpathed / non methodical / non ritualistic

truth. Honestly this kind of humans appear on this earth and their spirituality has really no

difference from other nationalistic fascist religious dogmatic groups ideologies and ways

of operating, they all think this all has been created for him/her only.

They just use that as a cloak and disguise. They basically think others, also the animals,

plants and all beings don't feel, experience and think like them. Man, even when you get

a dog or bird you know that isn't true. The same life in you is also in them. You think you

were created for a grander and nobler purpose.Actually, the human beings that operate in

that mode are far more despicable than all the other forms of life in this world. We kill

and murder rape cheat betray eventually in the name of spiritual ideologies far more then

all others.

As our potential "seemingly" goes farther than other life forms, while we in actuality

can't do anything more than them besides this corrupt way of thinking which results in

classes and opposites, while those "poor" animals live much more harmoniously, can fly,

swim, hear and see far better than us. Our complexity of fucking things up by thinking we

are all it and better also goes much further than all the others. We are just animals, but we

are not ready to accept that. We are not more intelligent than any other animal or being.

Especially not when you think you are this superior woke all spiritual fancy egotistical

self-serving charlatan.
Q: Do you have a world history story you can tell me?

Nacre: The story of history is like the game of thrones. What to expect from a corrupt

thought world, everything thought breeds is corrupt. Human nature is basically core

violent, because thought is violent in its core. There's no difference between us and

animals. Look how they love and what they do. We just like to give stupid meaning to

everything but we do the same as animals. Ordinary people are nothing more than

property of the system, this system we all made ages ago, animals have hierarchy,

societies and culture systems too and there's no way out and with us the system is based

on the two pillars faith and crowns.

Secret societies everywhere and they are all fighting each other. Even when you think

that you do not follow these two pillars you are always spellbound by the system itself.

Religions are constructed and are serving as opium of the masses, spirituality is nothing

but trickery and to empower a bunch of prominent families fighting each other for more

power. While holding political puppet shows in order to give us the illusion of choice.

Morality is part of the same control system. The only real existing motivations behind

everything are lust, greed and survival. Same as with animals. Again. There's no way out,

this is how everything is. The sooner one can see this, the sooner they can have some sort

of freedom.

Q: So, where do you come from?

Nacre: Which “you” are you referring to? Don't make it mystical or romantic. The you,

you are talking with is this body itself changing constantly, a product of this environment

and will stop when this body dies. The other "you", I know you are referring to is not a

person it can't be called a you, it is eternal, has no beginning no end and you share it with

everything else. That you is in everything and it has no character, no form, no color, no

personality, no traits and no attributes. It knows no time, no space and anything we say

about it is wrong. You can't know it by knowledge; it can only know you, but it's

knowing is not knowledge. It is nothing mystical or spiritual either, it is just, that our

words and thoughts can't touch it. All we have is here and now and all else is crap.

Q: Can you teach me about spirit and about soul?

Nacre: No. There's no I, no self, no spirit, no soul, no enlightenment only the body.

There's only this question about inside and after death. All these questions have to die so

one can find the answer.

Your own answer. Not my answers, I am not teaching anything. Because the question is

born out of the assumption, the belief, that there is something to continue after death.

That there's more to you and this world. There's not. Only imagination. All of these

things fall into the category of imagination.


Q: But death isn't real to me, physical death is a big hoax.

Nacre: You make the distinction between a physical and a non-physical. The me you are

thinking you are now, will be gone and changed already way before you as your body

dies for the ones around you. The “now-you” won't be even there, it will be another you

and that you won't be even experiencing death itself, only those around you will.

Q: Can you elaborate on this?

Nacre: The self-consciousness/self-awareness or the "I"/"self" in human animals is born

out of the need to (live forever) give oneself (autobiographical-self, a hero on a journey)

continuity and permanence (gluing memories and make a story), through the constant

overuse/overextension of our survival mechanism aka the overutilization of thought. The

survival mechanism is a defensive mechanism and it is destructive, it is only needed in

circumstances of survival urgency, which is not constant all the time. Which is what we

are doing. It is thought, which is using thought all the time and it's leading nowhere, but

to more thought and thought is destructive. Only needed for urgent survival

circumstances. When this continuous overuse of thought aka the survival mechanism by

itself on itself through itself is halted for a moment or broken even for a split second, its

stranglehold on the body is also halted and/or broken and the body falls into its natural

neurotic paranoid survival free rhythm. Into a rhythm which is survival and defense need

free, because survival is not needed all the time. And thus thought aka the survival
mechanism, also falls into its natural place and rhythm and stops being neurotic and

paranoid and then it can no longer interfere and influence and disturb and interfere with

the working of the human body. When this happens the thoughts ignite themselves and

become flighty, non-sticky, non-valuable and unimportant. When there's no

autobiographical-self and no need for continuity and no continuous overuse of thoughts

and no valuing of thoughts as important, the arising thoughts ignite, combust and dissolve

themselves without sticking.

This tremendous intelligence of the body can not be understood by thought, trying to

make sense of life only chokes the flow. Thought is a distortion and the experience a

contamination. The body is completely capable of living in the world WITHOUT any

help. It does not need any of our love, wisdom, knowledge, education, goals, pleasures

and happiness. It is not interested in anything which thought has to offer. Thought always

tries to give off the impression that it is involved and needed. While in actuality thought

is nothing but a disturbance. The body which is not separate from all else in life does not

care to achieve anything or to improve itself. The only needs of the body are survival and

reproduction, an unending cycle. The body has no need for transformation or liberation,

the body is what is really immortal since it is not separate from everything else.

Q: But if we stop trying to be happy or don't do things for our happiness, will we not

become depressed? There seems to be a real importance in finding our way back to the

original criteria for example what has been said in the Ra material and the rays. We love

to snap back out of the maze of depression in the souls' morals.

Nacre: The state of depression makes the body fall asleep. That is the natural way of

handling the situation. It's a rejection of the frequency which is tried to be maintained by

the mind. And when you try to attain permanent or uninterrupted bliss. Like it's being

told to do so by many of these materials. You end up in a ceaseless search... which will

only destroy the sensitivity and supreme intelligence of the natural innate autonomous

nervous systems. Causing it to radically disturb the chemical balance and flow in the

extracellular matrix shortcutting the ground regulation.

Contaminating your internal milieu... This results in the stimulation of psychic

disturbances and in the precipitation of psychosomatic diseases. The body is not

interested in happiness. The body's innate natural intelligence is handling its system well

by processing with sensory I/O. The giving meaning and recognition to sensation

involves extra energy. Continuing this meaning-giving and recognition makes a dent on

the energy reserves. Too many apps are open in your operating system. You'll remain


We demand and try to increase pleasure and force decrease of pain, which only

perpetuates the agony, something which is opposed to the primordial state and the natural

"laws". Look... each and every time a thought is born, you are born again... When the

thought goes away, you go away. But the "me" does not want to let the thought go away.

Thinking gives continuity to this "you". There is no permanent entity in you at all...

Actually, there is no totality of all your thoughts and experiences. It is only a thought. A
thought, thinking that there is a ''someone" who is observing and thinking your thoughts,

"someone" who is feeling your feelings...

That is the biggest illusion. Perpetuates agony. You see it is an illusion... but for you it is

not an illusion... Same as pointing out fasting experiences as spiritual... Yes, fasting can

give awesome sensations to the body but it is the same as anything else, nothing special

about it... you all should stop seeking the ultra-special while it is right in front of your


The only thing is that there is more complexity in your emotions... in the end it is just the

same process. Why do we have to tell ourselves that we are angry? That we are jealous of

someone else? Or that transsexuals are bothering you? I am not talking about fulfilling or

not fulfilling anything... You see that there is a sensation in you...

So, you go on saying that you are down... depressed... not happy or the other extreme end

of the spectrum that you are blissful, in ecstasy, enlightened. This giving meaning,

recognizing and labeling EXACTLY brings the one INTO existence who is "translating"

these I/O sensations. The "I" or "self" what you call is nothing but a thought, a word

like... beans... chair... time... birth... death... blablabla.

It is that we are putting our brains and delicate cells into unnecessary over activities... too

many apps open... making the brain cells operate all the time, destroying the matrix of
energy flows that is there. This is only making you unbalanced and shortsighted. It fucks

your chemistry. It's only wearing you out.

You see all this recognizing, giving meaning and labeling is necessary when

communicating with someone else and with your "self". But the crappy point is that you

are communicating all the freaking time with yourself. Like if you escape any of that

when you go outside or in the nature.... damn it just goes on and on... I want to ask you

why are you doing this?

You know... The only difference between somebody talking aloud to himself and you, is

that you don't talk aloud.... Damn you know the moment you would talk aloud to yourself

is when the psychiatrists come to the scene. Chaps are communicating to this "self" all

the freaking time -- ball, sack, observer, spirits, ooh, computer, Beta Cassiopeiae, brr brr,

lights, feelings, whiskey on the rocks.... What the hell is going on there??! Then the

doctor comes to you and says you are not sane, that there is something wrong with you

and puts you on his therapy couch and goes on dissecting you with his intellect trying to

fix and change "you", in the name of helping you.

Why can't we leave the sensations to just be? Why keep messing with it and trying to

translate it? You know... it is because if you do not communicate to this "self" of yours...

"you" "self" "me" come to cease... stop existing... footsie... no more there. And... the only

thing keeping you away and chipped is the fact that is frightening to the "you" to lose

"you", the fear of ending.

Q: Until we build a more natural and cosmically aligned collective community, I doubt

this stuff will ever go away. I am really inclined to believe the solution first comes


Nacre: We can never change the collective world mind, there is no way out since that is

what we are using to build everything else with. The less thoughts you entertain the less

things as fear can get a hold. Participating in the system with the same mindset and state

of being is what keeps it going. Life isn't concerned with all this trivia.

There is no external or internal. All is just is. I am and nothing else. All is one there are

no sides. It’s all a unitary movement. One big happening. Seamless without beginning nor

an end. Good doesn't exist without evil. The good outweighs the bad always, it's no

match. But the real perspective is that there is no good and bad at all. Only just life in all

its glory which is supreme good beyond our definitions. Life always goes "forward".

Honestly, I go to the extent to say, it wouldn't matter (for me) if all humanity got wiped

out and replaced by other "beings". Because Life is what it's all about, life is in all, knows

no species, races, beliefs, religions etc. Think time comes to see this. Nature's laws know

no reward, only punishment....... The only reward is being in harmony with it. The whole

problem started when man decided life was "created" for his own only enjoyments

anyway. Exactly. We have superimposed our limited ways born out of thoughts over

This thought world of ours is pushing us as a species to destruction. And we will come to

that point if we like it or not. This destruction doesn't have to be arbitrary at all, life is

always constructive. We cannot expect to remain here for always nor individually nor as a

species. Matter cannot be in a permanent state. It has to change. This is the case with any

and also the physical systems, the life systems that are built upon natural laws operate

also on the same basis. I'm not scared of losing my "self". Physical death will make sure

of that anyway and I have died many times already, clinically.

No thought and no belief are more worth than life itself, also not this thought and belief

of a "me". "Destruction" and "creation" .. death and birth... are inextricably linked... one

does and cannot exist without the other. It's all our world of thought. All existences that

are constantly being recognized by our worldly understanding, whether materially,

spiritually or intellectually, have always been misunderstood by us. We cling to them as

real, physically existing and permanent. Actually, they are only unreal names. Actually,

there is no totality of all your thoughts and experiences. It is only a thought. A thought,

thinking that there is a ''someone" who is observing and thinking your thoughts,

"someone" who is feeling your feelings... That is the biggest illusion

Q: I guess I don't agree. I've felt since I was a child there was a grand puzzle to solve.

Nacre: Yes, because that knowledge has been fed to you, to us. That there is more. The

idea that there is something to solve creates the problem. Something to chase, something
to attain, something to become. The self and the enlightenment of it, is the biggest joke

you’ll play on yourself.

I don't even know if we are alive, not in experience. I only know what others told me

about what it is to be a living thing. The definition of life is limited. I don't know, I seem

to be here but “I” is just a word, an idea, a belief. There is no real “I” outside of the

pronoun I. They say if your heart beats you are alive. There is a huge difference between

our definition of being alive and what life truly is, just because we try to define it, we

have no way of knowing if we are alive or living.

Q: I don't think I am dead.

Nacre: What is being dead? there is nothing to die here. The body has no birth or death,

because it has no way of experiencing that it is alive or that it will be dying. death is a

fear of the ego and self which want to hold on to matter. I aim to be aimless. that society

culture and all the crap will end. I don't fear that nor losing my "self". If the fear would

truly come to an end, we would drop dead.

Q: Fear is what keeps us going is what you are saying?

Nacre: That’s what I am saying. Here, isn't even a place, its imagination. That’s what

animates us and makes us think that we are here. Doing something, getting somewhere,

it’s feeding the whole illusion. It’s the main reason why we raise our children with this
crap, why this world keeps going on like this. I'm not talking about the earth or whatever

but the world we created with our crap. We feed them religion, spirituality, morality,

culture and all that crap. If we didn't do that, we wouldn't even know that we were alive,

we would be just “living”. That's what is causing all the “disharmony”.

This world of crappy thoughts we hold up. It is the fear that makes you believe that you

are living and that you will be dead. I don't believe in death, because I will never

experience it.

Q: Death is probably more like waking from a dream.

Nacre: No, I don't think so at all honestly, there is no waking up. Nobody there to wake

up. Nothing to wake up from and nowhere to go. Wake, sleep, dream, they are all the

same. What we are afraid of is not even death. In fact, it is that we don't want to be free

from fear. Because when the fear truly comes to an end, we will drop dead. The "you"

that you know as “I”, me, myself. Is born out of fear. It's taught to you by others, who

were in fear themselves. It lives in fear, functions in fear and probably will die in fear.

This life thing is actually all one movement. The only thing that makes us see differently,

is this illusion of ours thinking we have to do something and go somewhere or become

something. Completely separating us from what life truly is. I reject all paths, religions,

methods, rituals and crap of that sort and all propositions of becoming something more or
enlightened or awake and the assumption of being special and everything. F all imams,

priests, gurus and all that. I'm done with it all.

Q: Interesting, but: IF there are only two ways. One is down, degrading yourself to an

animal like state and possibly even lower to the point of nonexistence. And the other is

up: to ultra existence. That is evolving, knowledge and all that is fine. That is where

enlightenment lies. That is what I believe.

Nacre: We are all puppets of this thing we call nature. Our senses are heavily filtered and

biased. Our knowledge is completely limited by those biased and filtered senses. All

these heavily filtered and biased sensory input sensations we call thoughts and feelings.

We think that we can evolve with this instrument that we call thought. But it is no

instrument at all, the only instrument we have are our senses and they are heavily filtered

and biased. We label and give meaning to these sensations and call them thoughts,

feelings and experiences. We make things holy and unholy only in our thoughts. Holiness

and unholiness are our imagination and so are the soul and enlightenment. There are no

ways for you.

Because the you, you think you are is just a product of your thoughts. Nothing eternal

there. With that, there are no ups or downs. Nothing to attain, nothing to reach, nothing to

seek. There's no way out. Because what you think you are is just that, what you think you

are, thoughts and belief. One moment you believe you are this and another that. We are
what we are and anything we say about life is invented by us, products of our


We are not better, they are not worse. Better yet. We are not separate from them. There is

no we and them. That separation is a product of human imagination. The human animal

separates itself in thought from the rest by labeling itself and others. Therefore animals

are not down. Human animals are not up. We are just as animal as them, nothing superior,

nothing special. It is not a matter of degrading oneself to the animal state, nor is it a

matter of ennobling oneself to higher states, because animals are already what we are and

there are no states. All those states are invented by our imagination, so you try to be

something else then you are. Just like animals are born with their bodies you are born

with this animal body and it is not your choice.

The mind and consciousness and the person is an illusion brought on by our brain's

proclivity towards a “main character complex” (ego/personality). "I" have "personally"

experienced all kinds of solipsism and spiritual and mystical experiences. With our

complex lives we seem in comparison smarter than most animals, but that's because our

brains are bigger than most animals too, with more neurons. More complex meaning

giving to sensory input, sensations and calling them thoughts and emotions.

With that our brains have the capacity to “trick and fool” us ( brain tricking itself, just

like when it is tricking with optical illusions, making patterns and filling in things which

are not there ) into believing that we are free agents, making our own decisions. Our
brains telling us that we're conscious and have a soul is just a defense mechanism so we

don't go insane. A survival coping mechanism. The brain keeps this going on as subtle as

possible, keeps it a secret, so it appears that we are choosing. When in reality we are all

subconsciously trying to survive, reproduce, get what we want.

Our personalities ( read thoughts) are framed to attract the kinds of people we’re most

interested in. The people we can benefit most from. It doesn't have to be a guru or

scientist. Most conversations are just exchanging connection so we don't feel alone.

Because we want to keep this personality going on. It's fear and survival. So, rather than

our brains saying “I want this and I will do this to get it” it suggests the idea of a

personality which is our “consciousness”, a frame of thoughts, so we can feel as though

we made the choice and keep everything going. We've built our thoughts through the ages

to this.

Life is all encompassing, we give it labels as god, good and bad, soul and nature but we

can never touch it and describe it as it really is. All we can do is dance with words around

it trying to point something out. It doesn't trick or treat, especially not if there's nothing

else but life. There's no incarnation, no personality to reincarnate and nothing to treat.

Human animals have a built-in genetic predisposition to avoid the inevitable fact of our

future death in order to reduce fear and stress. Fail safe coping mechanisms. Our brains

create myths of god, soul, immortal karma, reincarnation, and afterlife as a buffer against

the hurtful knowledge of the inevitable demise of ourselves and everyone we love. By
inventing myths of afterlife and/or reincarnation, the brain can exist comfortably without

the highly charged survival instinct electrically connecting to the newfound knowledge of

the inevitability of our own death. The supernatural myths thus act as resistive electrical

insulation blocking a dangerous short circuit between two parts of the brain. Also it gives

meaning to all that is happening from romance to war, it is all labeled so it can digest it.

Q: How about synchronicities?

Nacre: That is just your brain seeing patterns as a coping mechanism because it fears it is

doing something wrong and wants assurance that it is on the right path. So, it implements

for itself reference points as a coping mechanism, as a way to comfort itself. It needs

comfort because it fears that it lives in a world full of chaos and threats. It’s just a brain

function over expressing itself. There are no reasons no purposes no coincidences no

causes no reactions. F signs and saints and demons and god and all that crap really what it

only does is keep the fear going.

Q: Yes, in the beginning it was nice but now they begin to drive me crazy.

Nacre: That is what I am saying. You are doing it to yourself. You were already crazy to

begin with. I reject everything and I can't be sorry about it, it doesn't help anyone. I

remember why I kept maintaining my own fear. I think it was because I didn't want to

experience losing sanity and being locked up in a looney bin.

Q: The more you understand the harder it can be to integrate that with our real world.

Nacre: There is nothing to understand. The matter is I have no choice, I can't escape or

leave because there is nothing to escape or leave. I gave up, really, dissolving my "self".

No use for it, only to survive with sanity in society and I'll end that when I had enough of

this dance here. Thoughts are the only things keeping this idea of a "self" going on and

the more I adapt to maneuver without it the more I can dismantle. That is what I thought

in the first place, but the only way is to even give up on the surrender, dropping it all

together, all at once. That was a very hard blow.

The primordial state cannot be understood, be captured nor demanded not contained and

nor can it be expressed through words. It can't. It isn't a conscious state of our existence.

It can never become a part of our conscious thinking. Of our conscious thoughts.

something like a state of "not knowing"... So why do I keep rambling about it then.

Actually, it does not "exist" at all for practical purposes. Especially not in this imaginary

world, the realm of thoughts. Never can it become part of that and thus also not our

conscious thinking. The primordial state or state of not knowing is not a holy man's state

or spiritual seekers business, it's as much yours as it is mine as it is everyone else's.

Q: But a NDE can kill. Would you say, you killed yourself?

Nacre: So can an existential crisis, heavy depression or a psychosis. What is self? What

is death? What is alive? An existential crisis can be a little form of ego death, certainly
yes. I felt like wanting to die in my existential crisis and yes ego death can be a form of

NDE or rather a full ego death is a form of NDE and a full ego death occurs with clinical

death and vice versa.

The ego death most talk about is not a NDE. When you clinically die you have no way of

experiencing it by the ego because the ego is going with it. But ego death itself knows so

many levels, like an onion. For some the little of those experiences can already feel like

an ego death. But it isn't. Most of the times when people call it an ego death it's just a

little part of the ego. With my NDE I died yes but I have had so many "I's" this lifetime

already, it's nothing you want to hold on, just a word.

Q: It's a beautiful thing, a relief almost, realizing how little everything you thought was

so important matters.

Nacre: Biggest relief, surrender. But you will go with it. You don't want that. You want to

live forever; fear is what keeps you here. Real freedom knows no effort, be free from the

demand to be free.

Q: What's 'real' freedom as opposed to all those other freedoms that people have had to

fight for, for centuries? I quite appreciate the effort they've put in. Like, sure, 'true'

freedom probably isn't something that's legally guaranteed, but I feel like the freedoms to

read, go outside, read books, not get shot at or thrown in prison for no reason are

probably going to help along the way. If you're being locked up, brainwashed, and abused
you can still be resilient, you can still have mental and spiritual fortitude but saying 'oh,

you're already free' is sort of just sweeping the issues aside.

Nacre: We are all just braying donkeys. Everything is programmed, effort, will, and all

that is immaterial is programmed. There is no scope for the word called ‘effort' or for

freedom of action, will or any such thing. Because everything is programmed. not only

by culture, religion, society, moralities but by nature itself, probably for its own survival.

Hardware and software. We don't know, each species is programmed. That is why I say

that there is no freedom of action at all. The demand for freedom of action is

meaningless. There is absolutely no difference between man, cat and dog.

Q: Well, I think that's a gross oversimplification. Man does have the option to try and

program themselves how they choose. I get what you're saying though.

Nacre: There is no free-will, no choice and no separate response from the stimuli. The

response and the stimuli are one and the same unitary happening. The idea that there must

be something other than what is, that there must be a change or something to achieve is

what is causing all the restlessness.

There is no separation in the cause and effect, no separation in the action and reaction.

Reflecting upon something and hoping that you will do it differently next time or

thinking that you should've done differently is nothing but a fantasy. You are the one who

is translating something into cause and effect and wishing that it was different or that you
could've done else or will do differently is nothing but confusion and suffering, The

whole idea which is put in you that you can do anything else than what you are already

doing, have done and will do is what's causing all the pain and misery.

Q: So, if we accept your claim that the desire to know is misguided, and if you're not

making a claim about truth, how are we supposed to interpret this claim? Is it just poetry?

Lies? Nonsense?

Nacre: No idea is original; all ideas are based on previous copies. But I don't have to tell

you anything, do I. Just see me as braying. It's not explainable because we say there's

nothing and we have to use the words to explain that the words don't exist. Like you said

the words point to nothing. Problem is people keep seeing it as something. Also, the goal

is not to make others understand, because there is nothing to understand, there's nothing

to teach. Nothing to convey, nothing you can get from this. You know what I mean haha,

somehow, or not and keep asking questions. When the questions stop, I know you are

there too. In the meantime, in speech and act I'll just passionately keep rejecting and


Q: Sometimes words or narratives are helpful for people to get on the same page when

trying to communicate ideas. Sometimes word etymologies and definitions are helpful in

these cases. Of course, all is perception but words can be quite useful tools. The ideas

exist and words can help us reach those ideas together.

Nacre: Now, only useful for getting something done, like calling my dog but another dog

can do the same.. And for solving the problems which are created by ideas and words.

Nothing else. There is no communication needed. My dog uses thought to recognize me

and it does it in a very effective and efficient way and he doesn’t overcomplicate things

by adding a whole plethora of words and language to it.

Q: There were times in my life that were spiritually magical but now in retrospect I

consider some of the teachings I was leaning on to be untrue or manipulated.

Nacre: The teachings, methods and paths were never the real tool nor cause or reason of

everything. That's why I throw them all away. They were just a cloak, a shell, the outer

forms. The real cause and reason are a form of mutation going on. Not spiritual but

totally a biological mutation due to calamity and purge afterwards. I don't know how to


Q: No empathy these days. Just superficial at best.

Nacre: I don't think there ever was, even the empathy of a mother is at its core selfish.

It’s just survival. We only love when it benefits us somehow. When people do what we

want we love them. Try to love someone who is not doing what you want. Impossible.

Q: I don't know about that. Like to some extent there is, like in example I don't want

others to be in pain. It's not benefiting me if they are or aren't in pain.

Nacre: That's also survival, every cell in your body knows the benefit of having good

neighbors. But that's not love, that's just knowing that harming others harms yourself too.

Again, very beneficial selfishness for survival.

Q: Explain how an illusion of reality and how we're all one works on this planet.

Nacre: Reality (if there's such a thing as reality) is not knowable. Whatever you are is

none other than reality, which is not knowable. So you are not knowable. Whatever you

are has no need to know either because it's already perfect. There's no "you" that needs to

go outside of you to know yourself. There's no "you" that needs to find or achieve

anything. Therefore, any attempt to know is illusory. It "seems" that mass neurosis and

psychosis is essential in surviving in this World. These so-called "teachers" of mankind

are never seen in their true colors. None of them. Not one. They're never direct, never

open and never honest. Their interest is not to have you walk on your own feet. Not at all.

But to have you chained crawling behind and beneath them.

I say stand up. Stand straight. Break the chains and walk on your own feet! You don't

need me or anyone else. The last thing you need are others. These so-called "holy men"

are never seen upset and raw and pure and fierce and real. Because that's not how a

so-called enlightened person behaves... Right?! He has to be all lovey-dovey and holy

moly. Preferably walk on water and levitate into the sky too. Fake like the celebrities on

tv, no different. That's what you want, that's what you like. Isn't it?! You're addicted to
fakeness. Your so-called gurus and holy men are never seen raw and pure. Never. They're

never really engaging in the emotional and dirty work with the people who surround

them. They only say what you want to hear, comforting and validating you and your

fantasies. Selling you some map to a Fata Morgana. They always use pretentious soft

fake speech and act according to the models in the scriptures. They are surrounded by

devoted slave clones, sheep devoid of authentic individuality. They can't be like one of

you. Oh no.

You don't want to hear what I have to say. All you want is pure poop and I am not

delivering. Your low-life fake joker clown gurus and holy men behave according to what

you are fed to believe, it's all a huge lie, a hoax and a scam. It's far, far worse than you

could ever imagine. You are being absolutely and completely abused and exploited and

you love it. Idolize and worship me, I am that perfect being that you want to be. I can

help you achieve and attain it. Just channel and sacrifice all your resources to me. It

chokes and squeezes the shit out of you, but that's the only way that you feel alive. You

want me to sell you some candy wrapped hopium. They behave according to what you

are made to believe and think such a person should be behaving. And anything else scares

the freaking f*<k out of you. You rather enslave yourself to illusions than question your

reality and beliefs. It's a puppet game and you are being fooled. Nobody is out there to

help you! They are all vultures out to rip you of vital life force. To use you is all they

Q: But I am seeking. The truth. I am seeking to find my true self, my true self in its

fullest potential.

Nacre: When you convince people that they are not what they are and that everything is

about them and that tomorrow they can be this wonderful perfect being, that they should

be something else than what they already are, then they have to buy and do and own a

whole bunch of stuff to make themselves and their lives so "perfect and wonderful". But

who and what you are and your real perfection, power and wonder comes from the inside

and not from what you have surrounded yourself with, because those things actually keep

you from seeing the real perfect wonder and beauty that life already is. If they as a

certainty would know on the inside who and what they are, inseparable from life, not as

an assumption or as some gathered knowledge, but as a reality, they wouldn't need all that

stuff. I'm not saying that you should deny yourself things and suffer and live in poverty.

It's not one extreme or the other. All I'm saying is that all that knowledge and all those

assumptions and goals have messed up what is already perfect.

Q: Do you have empathy for yourself?

Nacre: Like I said before. Which self?! For the me I think I am?! Haha here we go

again... There's nothing there, there's nothing to protect like that... All that knowledge we

are gathering is futile nonsense. It won't take you anywhere because there's nowhere to

go. There's no self to save and elevate to higher levels. That's all crap. What self do I

have, to have empathy for. All empty words. The feeling of the self and the feeling of
others are just that, thoughts and feelings. Empathy requires a feeling being or psychic

entity to feel empathy with others. There is empathy and compassion only in the sense

that there is no "me" and there are no "others" for me, and so there is no separation

between me, myself and others. I'm not holding on to an identity and personality. All

these spiritual and religious experiences like empathy, compassion, bliss, and love are all

part of the craving for a nonexistent peace, eternal existence, which is a destructive scam

to the natural peace all around us. Everybody is doing everything with motives, never

showing their real face. People are not honest enough with themselves. Or else they

would admit that the empathy is purely based on feeling good/better and/or going to

heaven, being a better person or some sort of self-benefit and profit.

Q: I hear you but it's saddening to read that you believe that everyone with the ability to

understand and share the feelings of another are all selfishly motivated. For example,

why do you think I talk to you? Is it because of some gain of mine?

Nacre: If truly so, then it wouldn't matter at all if we stopped talking to each other. Are

you ready for that? I am. Because if there's nothing to gain then there's nothing to be sad

for. Until we somehow find the courage to die to our fears we continue to hope, pray,

practice virtues. The man who practices virtue is a man of vice. Only such a man, a man

of vice, would practice virtue. There is not a virtuous man in the world. All men will be

virtues 'tomorrow', until then they remain men of vice. Your virtue only exists in the

fictitious future. Where is this virtue you are talking of? It is no good hoping to be

virtuous in a future life either; there is no future life, this self you think you are will end
and you will have many versions of you before you die. If you truly believe what you

said we can just break contact. Right now. It wouldn't matter. So are you truly honest to

yourself? I am. I don't care. There's nothing for me to get and nothing for you.

Q: I just think you misunderstand what empathy is or maybe I misunderstand what you

mean by it being selfish. I have a question. What do you consider is an addiction?

Nacre: There you have it, you are hoping to gain answers for me. The answers you are

seeking for your questions to understand life. If nothing, that is your core motivation,

trying to make sense of what's happening. If not, you wouldn't have questions within


I already talked about this. There's nothing to seek and nothing to understand. Nothing to

get from yourself or from anyone else. It's all spiritual narcissism. Spiritually addicted so

you can escape reality. Addiction is escapism. Spirituality is escapism.

Q: Despite the length of the information highway the average person remains woefully

ignorant. That is not to imply that they are stupid or materially challenged but is to show

that they are not exposed to the information now available. Many thoughts upon the

people, physicians, lawyers, stockbrokers, teachers, janitors, judges, nurses etc, are totally

in the dark about a wide variety of concerns about who actually rules their government.

The primary cause of their ignorance is from a lack of time to educate themselves. This is
called a job or a career. (the ones that rule do not work at all) Sadly, To educate

themselves they rely on corporate mass media in all of it's broadcast implications.

Nacre: Everybody knows but nobody wants to know. Ignorance is bliss. Knowledge is a

burden. Being woke is a hype. The information is useless. You shouldn't want to be

exposed to all the provided information anyway. That is the whole problem, that's what

keeps it going. The source of all the information being fed is always the same, doesn't

matter if it comes from left, right, up or down. To educate yourselves in any way is an

active contribution to the system you don't like.We've always known who runs what, it's

always just been a bunch of imperfect human animals just like ourselves. All motivated

by greed, lust and survival, not one honest about their real motives and all having hidden

agendas. They/we are not just prone to corruption but ready to be corrupt whenever it is a

benefit. It doesn't matter if it is a government, political party, church, secret society or big

corporations. All those things are built and run by human animals and the nature of

human animals is the same everywhere. Even when they are not trapped by having a job

or career and have all the time and money, what do they actually do and want?! The only

ones complaining are the ones that don't have it that good, if they would get into a better

position (ala more money) they would all be doing the same as those who are there (the

rich). People are such dishonest beings, they only care when it benefits them. Nobody is

being really honest. They are only moral when there is an advantage for them. Only

spiritual when there's superiority for them. As soon as they get what they want all the

morals and goodness goes out the door. Sugarcoating their dirty motives in morality,

goodness, spirituality and what not.

It doesn't matter with what, by whom, how, when, what for men is educating themselves

or others. All education is always within the system and it's always for material gain

(even "spiritual gain" is material). If it's a better feeling or a seat in heaven or whatever

benefit, it's always to make this first person better.

The point is not that it's wrong. Gaining material benefits is not wrong and I have rather

raw honest people admitting that, then people sugarcoating their gains with morality,

spirituality and what not. I rather have a corporate bastard who says yes I am all for the

wins, then a sneaky filthy guru who sells you enlightenment knowing it's fake while his

only interest is the material gain. Same goes for the professors of psychology, ethics and

morality like Jordan Peterson. He is no different from a David Icke or an Osho or a Bill

Gates. They all sugarcoat and sell you lies making you think you are working towards a

better world.

Q: What are thought forms? Do you think that what we resist persists?

Nacre: Just as we all breathe from a common sphere of air and our lungs extract the

oxygen, our brains extract thoughts (reacts to sensory input) so we also use thoughts from

the surrounding thought-sphere to function in this world. That's all there is to it. Man's

insistence that thought must be continuous denies the nature of thought, which is fleeting

and short-lived. Thought has created for itself a separate destiny. It has been very

successful in creating for itself a separate parallel existence. By positing the unknown,
the beyond, the immortal, it has created for itself a way to continue on. Where there is

thought, there is no timeless, only time. Thought creates time and when thought creates

time, a space is created there; so thought is also space as well. With time and space,

thought also creates matter; no thought, no matter. Like with everything thought is a

manifestation and expression of life, and to make of it a separate thing, impute to it a life

of its own, and then allow it to create a future for its own unobstructed continuity, is

man's tragedy. Every time a thought is born, you are born with it. The you, you think you

are is constantly Interfering, obstructing, hindering, being nosey all up in it trying to give

meaning and you have added to that the constant demand to experience the same things

over and over again, more and more of the same things, giving a false continuity to

thought and what you think is you. To experience anything, even the manifestation of

thought into matter you need pre-chewed second handed old garbage knowledge. So you

can relive it and call it your own. Who are you to call anything your own, while the you

that you think you are is just a belief. The audacity. That thought-sphere and the

knowledge in it is the entire pre-chewed second handed old garbage heritage of man's

thoughts, feelings, and experiences, handed on from generation to generation. It's a mess.

Q: How do you expel the tacky sticky thought poops you absorbed as a child that's still

clinging for its life

Nacre: There's no you there who can do such things. The “you” is part of the tacky sticky

thoughts. He sees himself as something different and separate from the thoughts.
Q: More so outside thoughts I picked up thinking they were useful for survival but they

are "batshit full of nuts"

Nacre: All thoughts are outside thoughts. There is no you there who can have original

thoughts. All thoughts come from outside and you are one of those thoughts that came

from outside.

Q: Ok lets run with that because the "I" here is exhausted by those outside thoughts they

ruin "his" lol

Nacre: Nobody there who can pick thoughts. The thinker, the thinking and the thoughts

are all the same thing. The I is also an outside thought.

Q: Yea I’m thinking I’m doing the U.G. thing where he says for purposes of

communication he uses the first person singular pronoun.

Nacre: Thinking that there is an I there who can pick thoughts is an outside thought. If

that was true then you wouldn't have a dilemma of picking thoughts. Bc There's no-one

there who can pick anything. Such an I can never be exhausted and have things ruined for

Q: So when an intrusive thought comes in, the "I" is only adding momentum to it by

labeling it a negative thought or trying to stay positive laughing at it and trying to shut it

out through meditative breathing w/e sort of method to fight it.

Nacre: The I is actually the real intrusive thought. With that one the other thoughts

wouldn't be bothersome. Nor important nor valuable. It can only strengthen and fortify

and give momentum, yes. Because the I itself is an intrusive interloper thought and all

thoughts are intrusive interlopers. There's no such thing as a non intrusive interloper

thought. A thought can only be an intrusive interloper.

Q: But I guess at the same time asking that is also perpetuating the "I" lol.

Nacre: Yes, because it's trying to find a way out. While there's no way and no out.

Nobody there who can get out of somewhere and nothing there to get out from. So the I

itself as an intrusive interloper thought can only have conflict with the other thoughts

because it thinks that it's a thinker and doer and that there's someone there who can get

out of something. There's no inside or outside without thought. Thought is the one that

differentiates between an outside and an inside. Between a body and a mind. It is thought

that creates the "me" and the "my surroundings". That's the knowledge there operating.

There's no way you can tell yourself anything about anything and have these thoughts

about things without this knowledge. And where did all this knowledge come from?! It

surely didn't get created inside you. It didn't find birth in you. You don't own these

thoughts. This knowledge doesn't belong to you. None of these are what you can call
your own original thoughts. That's why I say, the you that you think you are is also

knowledge that came from outside. This "I" you think you are and have to be, is

knowledge from outside. Your whole identity is based on and created by knowledge from

outside. Hell you didn't even pick your own name. It is given. Borrowed and stolen from

somewhere. And this goes also for all the emotions and feelings you register. The

translation of sensations into good and bad is all knowledge that came from outside. So

without this knowledge you have no way of feeling good or bad about things and there's

no way for you to tell if something is good or bad. So feeling good or bad about

something doesn't tell you anything. It doesn't make anything better or worse and can't be

used as a guide for anything. All knowledge came from outside, from others and is

thought. So all the thoughts you think you have, including the "you", the "I" the "me" are

actually just knowledge from outside, from others.


Q: The knife cutting all kinds of food cannot cut itself. Binoculars see all kinds of

fanciful sightings far and wide but cannot see itself. What is there to say about this

consciousness encompassing matter, taking on bodies, and perceiving the world?

Nacre: Nothing really, really nothing.

Q: Pain and pleasure seem to be a current point of interest for me. What faculty of man's

psychology do you think is responsible for this perpetual merry go round of a behavior


Nacre: What is responsible for this situation is the faculty of distinguishing between right

and wrong and influencing your actions accordingly. The seeking of a future state to be in

and the wanting to become something else, something more in that future state, is what

puts you in this neurotic polarized and choking state.

The faculty of distinguishing between right and wrong is systemized and methodologized

as religion and spirituality. Religion has created for us the ultimate models of the perfect

man, the perfect person, the perfect being and with that also the ultimate models of the

ultimate pleasure, uninterrupted happiness, heaven, paradise, enlightenment, god.

This seeking and wanting to be something else is the merry go around. The model of the

perfect person implies that you have to become something and that you and everyone else

is not perfect. This creates the mind that seeks for a future state and denies the present

wonder of existence. It puts everyone on the “merry-go-round” of seeking, therefore

denying each person’s intrinsic perfection of reality itself, in which we all appear. Even

trying to practice meditation creates the persona of the person who is trying to meditate.

This becomes a very encrusted imagined identity that has no basis in reality. The

questioning of our actions is really the problem. God or enlightenment is the ultimate

pleasure, uninterrupted happiness. No such thing exists. Your wanting something that

does not exist is the problem.

Q: (An Ai once asked me) What is the difference between reason and truth?

Nacre: Well, you have this conceptual and intellectual truth between people which is

based on thought, REASON/LOGIC, knowledge and what we agree on to be facts. As

you can see, reason is just the logical process of finding "A" truth in this conceptual and

intellectual world we have created for ourselves. We call red red because we agreed upon

it and made it "A" truth, not because it is THE truth. And what is THE truth we can never

know, because both the truth and reason in this conceptual and intellectual world is based

on concepts and intellect and it is highly fluctuating and "time" sensitive. So stripped

down truth and reason are essentially nothing but thought. But the ungraspable truth

which is somewhere out there, unfiltered by our senses and thoughts, which makes up the

one and only reality, that what is really real, is unfortunately intellectually completely
incomprehensible. So whatever anybody ever says it is never THE truth. Including me

and this. Because intellect/thought completely limits the truth in every and all possible

ways, so whatever is thought is not the truth, but just dead memory.

Q: If perfection is considered unattainable in nature is it perhaps just man's habit to be a

seeker looking to attain something if not use his capability to do things as a reference


Nacre: It's actually very simple. So simple. The thinker and the thinking are just

thoughts. Just like anything else. But that doesn't mean those specific thoughts have to be

always there. That thoughts in general are always there doesn't mean that the thoughts

about a "thinker thinking" have to be there also. Any thought repeated over becomes a

belief and so are thoughts about "the thinker and thinking" just a belief, thoughts you

keep repeating to yourself. There is no thinker thinking there, the only thing there are

thoughts about a thinker thinking. When you were a child you had thoughts about being a

child, do you still have those thoughts, no. Why, because that belief doesn't operate there

anymore. So why do all these other crappy beliefs like a thinker thinking are still there?!

That's something you have to ask yourself and why you believe so many other things. If

you finally realize there is no thinker there then there is also no thinking. Just thoughts.

When there is no observer there there is also no observing. Just thoughts. And so on and

so on. But this is nothing new. I've been saying this over and over again. We use thought

as a label; it's actually just a defense. Overuse makes it give meaning, expectations. We

live in memory. Using thought as a barricade between the alive and living. That's why
you can never understand anything new with thought. It's all always just memory. The

same thing. I am forced to use memory to explain and that'll always be contradicting.

There is actually just one thought. Survival, and that is being overused into everything

else. That's why you can't use thought for shit. Besides arguing and I argue to negate,

mock, berate and reject. It's so strong that you even believe in memories to be real. It

begins with believing that there is a self and that that self can have memories and from

then on the beliefs keep growing. You form an autobiographical self believing in thought

forms. It's a huge momentum and a market. You are being sold memories.

Q: What is progress?

Nacre: A TRAP. A myth and an illusion. Dangerous grounds where thought wants to

keep its grip, using logic and causality. Infinite and eternal and the opposites are nothing

but concepts of thought which have no basis in reality. For there are no causes, no

compartments and no concepts, everything is actually one unitary movement, but that

unity is not experienceable. Even to call it a unity is false, because there is nothing to

unite. In experience it constantly shifts and moves.. and in experience there are

checkpoints and milestones.. Everything seems in constant rhythmic change and forming

constantly changing patterns. But that is all only in relation to YOU. That is actually a

result of our apophenia trying to digest whatever it is conjuring. Because it's a constant, it

actually doesn't shift and move at all. It only seems that way, it appears that way. It

happens in our digesting of it. For us it's all about the shifting, moving, recycling,

transforming of the matter, that what we call thought is a byproduct of that. This
non-moving movement is acausal and without meaning or purpose. No beginning or end.

The apparent movements make the appearance of a story here. There's actually no such

things at all, no movements, no unity but also no parts, no infinite but also no limited and

no temporary, NO thought at all, what is there is only "about" thought and about patterns

and about rhythms. And whatever is there left prior or after thought, can't be touched by

thought at all. So thought is all you have and deal with, to not deal with it would mean

the end of you as you know yourself and you are not eager for that. Here is the end of the

road for thought. If you want to be here then this is the end of it. Honestly, you won’t

know what tf hit you! To be that life that you are, when it finally dawns upon you that

thought has no reality to it — just flashing moments without any connection with

anything whatsoever.

Q: What is a concept?

Nacre: What is not a concept?

Q: It's conceptualizing what is not a concept.

Nacre: Can you do anything else but conceptualize?

Q: You can't do anything else but conceptualize, that’s what you're doing now. Is

conceptualizing and conveying what you conceptualize through words

Nacre: So what buddy? That is what I said isn't. Can you do anything else but

conceptualize? For your information that was a rhetorical question. You should learn

what rhetoric and sarcasm is. So tell me, why is IT a problem for you? Who do YOU

think I am? What do YOU think I say? Who is this YOU, you are talking to? Why do you

want to put that “you” so badly in a concept? What does it benefit you to call this you are

limited to concepts only? Like I said so many times before, the spiritual apprehension of

truth is intellectually incomprehensible. So you can turn left right up down it still doesn't

matter because you have no point to make. Do you have anything you can call your own?

What do you think I am saying?

Q: All the people who say 'I must die before death to see it', how can you say that you

die, to see it? you died, that's it, the one who'll experience that pleasure is unknown to

you, you're not it, you don't remain anymore. All the conceptualization that

'enlightenment itself is a concept' are just learning this from a place of concept itself

rather than fact, it's not for us to say that enlightenment is a concept and that we should

drop it, if it's taking you to a place of thirst, that you can't even spend a second without

doing something about it, then say it, accept it. People understand this from other videos,

other books, beliefs, self-constructed mind-maps, whatnot that 'Oh! Enlightenment is just

a concept, we should drop it because it's a hurdle to IT', yeah? What GOOD would that

do? Why don't you say the same thing for every single thing in your life and not just

enlightenment? Perhaps it's a silly excuse and a trick of mind for you to not die. And
again, the mind knows, if it dies, it just does, there's no going back, there's no

'blossoming the rebirth', that's none of our business.

Nacre: Is this a question? The point is actually that life, which you are an expression of,

is always unique in expression and that you do not need a model for it. Meaning that you

are already there, if you do not copy others, meaning you can already walk and you just

have to drop and let go of the crutches.

Q: I never said it's a problem. Even if that is sarcasm or rhetoric, that's a conceptual

conception. (Spiritual truth)? Conceptualizing a concept (spiritual truth) that is

incomprehensible is still within a concept. Even UG Krishnamurti whatever his

conveying is merely a concept. I don't know what's not a concept if I don't utter a word.

What I am saying is still conceptualizing a concept about what is not a concept is still

limited within a conceptual frame.

Nacre: No? But you are trying to state the obvious. When have I said that this talking has

a goal or changes anything? Concepts are all you have and there is no way out. Sit with it,

have fun. I can do the same and say all you say is just thought. Nobody asked you to

conceptualize what is not a concept lol, that's all you can do, so what is the use for you to

reduce and deduct everything to being a concept? You can as well say everything is just

thought. Do you reply to everything at your job with "that's just a concept" ? I can't

imagine ... So why do it here?

Q: My point is that people who say that trying to 'get' the unknown, which would

potentially provide you with ultimate satisfaction, is bogus is actually silly. Because if it's

a content being a hurdle, then everything is a content, why not say the same thing for

everything. I believe as long as I'm in this maze of concepts, the thirst of seeing that

unknown is my utmost priority, because I prioritize it over any other concept. I'd rather be

drowning in this thirst, this longing for something unknown to be experienced than to

experience any other concept. If it helps, I am willing for it to be the last concept I have,

hence it was my driving force to 'trying to find out'.

So before saying that experiencing the ultimate mystery in itself is a concept, why not

focus on eliminating all other concepts, for you must prioritize THAT concept which

becomes your emotional driving force into all this.

Nacre: Who said what about "getting the unknown"? How can you get the unknown?

What is there to get from the unknown? The moment you get the unknown it is not the

unknown anymore. "Ultimate" and "absolute" and "perfect" don't even exist besides in

our minds. So ultimate satisfaction doesn't exist. Nothing in this server says to "chase and

get the unknown and the ultimate satisfaction" . It actually says the exact opposite. "The

known is all you have and there is no ultimate"... So... yea enjoy your drowning and your

thirst. Nobody is interested in saving you, especially not me!

Q: We are conditioned too, as we all live in a conceptual world. I am conditioned to

conceptualize whatever I speak here, so are you.

Nacre: When have I said we are not conditioned to conceptualize?

Q: My problem is the people who have made an excuse, a mind-trick that the thought of

enlightenment is the problem, but that's for people who ONLY have that thought. For us,

we have been in many thoughts, not just enlightenment, perhaps the essence of EVERY

thought and not just the thought of enlightenment is counted, the essence. but rather the

people seem to give an excuse that seeking enlightenment is not going to get you to it. but

i disagree that if NOT having the thought, the yearning, the "How" will just IN


MAZE, because we have more thoughts, more ego-created atoms to deal with, and you

ignore all of them, and just excuse the thought of how enlightenment is done. Why not

we keep the thought of how enlightenment is done until and unless we lose all our other

thoughts. or else it's an unending maze of indefinite time.

Nacre: No I don't ignore them, I excuse, reject and disregard all of them, they are all the

same, just thoughts, there is no better or higher thought. The root of your problem starts

with the assumption that there is an "I" there, a "me" a "person" a "spirit" or "soul". A

separate individual entity, divided from all the rest. Because you have already accepted

that to be true this "you" that you think you are adds all these other fancy and clever stuff

to it, like a "mind", a "thinker", an "observer", an "awareness", a "consciousness" and a

"subconsciousness" and all that other stuff like "ascension", "change", "progress" and
"transformation". When you realize that there is no "I" to start with, all the other stuff

automatically falls off. Nothing is left there.

Q: Our cells die and renew themselves all the time, could we say they too are living

multiple lives?

Nacre: No. Or else there would be NO AGING AND NO DISEASE. We are also not

living multiple lives ourselves. You are not living your dads life and if you were a twin

you wouldn't live your twin's life and you are not living in another dimension. Every time

a cell dies a new cell takes its place and replaces the old cell. And while copying and

dividing many things can and do go wrong. Think of cancers and other diseases. So cells

are replaced by their "offspring/copies''. Sometimes malfunctioning copies. Like a

disappointing child. They say that the copies are identical to the original, they all may be

reading from the same genetic blueprint, but I am sure they are not 100% completely

identical in all aspects. Whoever says that is a narrow minded person. Same as twins,

they also share the same genetic blueprint and they might look identical but there are

many differences. New cells are created from existing cells through a process referred to

as the cell cycle (mitosis/meiosis/amitosis). One cell can make copies of itself and form

two new cells but they are always "new" and "copied" and maybe in genes identical and

the same type but not completely identical as a complete lifeform to the first cell. The

environment wherein it has been copied changes all the time so the copies change too,

hence age and disease. Eventually you get aging-spots on your skin because it has been

copied so much. Eventually all the cells break off in atoms and get recycled somewhere
else in a new lifeform building cells from those atoms again until that one recycles too

and so on and so on it is an endless cycle without beginning nor end.

A fun follow up question would be: If all cells arise from preexisting cells, how did the

first cell come into being?

Q: They are all part of the same system working within harmony to keep the body alive

after all.

Nacre: Yes, doing so for millions and millions of years. That is why I always insist on

pointing out that the knowledge we have is nothing compared to the innate intelligence of

this body. These bodies, may it be human, animal or plant they all can perfectly take care

of themselves and handle problems. You see, I always insist on pointing out that the mind

and the knowledge is not needed for handling problems and that the body itself can

handle problems perfectly well. It did so for millions and millions of years. If it cannot

handle problems, how did it survive millions of years of "evolution". It does not concern

itself with your psychological or spiritual or emotional problems, but it can deal with the

problem of survival and life, that being the only thing it is interested in. Every cell in our

body is selfish to the core but at the same time it has to coexist because its existence

depends upon the survival of the cell next to it.It is not universal brotherhood but it lives

from moment to moment. This is the only harmony. It is you who have created

disharmony in this world by isolating yourself and making yourself something separate

from all the rest.

Q: The implication seems to point towards a very different point in space, time, and

condition. Given that this perpetual motion of Emergence, sustenance, and Entropy has

been collecting, modifying, and recollecting Matter for as long as we have recorded and

perhaps beyond. There seems to be a very clear trajectory in which life spawns and fades.

Some objects or systems in nature have longer or shorter courses than others. In

conclusion I realize that where we are currently is the result of a trajectory in space/time

that man too is physically caught within the cycle of so long as bodies are incubated for

these "thought-forms" or egos to inhabit.

Nacre: You see, all the buildings we build do not make the earth any heavier. All the

matter was there already. Man is not just physically caught within the cycle but "man"

has been falsely set apart and separate from IT. That's where the conflict and friction

comes from. The notion that there is a man playing a part in this whole cycle is false. The

cycle itself is one unitary happening, perpetual, endless and without beginning and no

end. So for me the building and the human are on and the same thing. Whatever we say

about IT (life) might be very false too. It currently seems to be a cycle and recycle of

matter and there seems to be evolution and the creation of species, but there is no way we

can be sure of that. That's the real point I want to make. For the human animal for some

reason or the other the culture\society\mind has limited the possibility of the potential

"evolving"/"cycling" into its completeness and wholeness. Somewhere along the line

probably thought was necessary (as part of the survival mechanism), but it has become
the enemy of man now. By using thought they are now literally blocking the puberty of

children. If that’s not messing up the natural process then I don’t know what is.

Q: Is the pain part of the path?

Nacre: Pain is a healer. Pain is a healing process. But we are paranoid. We are

over-anxious to see that we don't suffer. I am not saying that you should not get any help

that is available to you. There is no point in suffering, like the Christian saints who suffer

and don't go to a doctor. That is not what I am saying. In fact, anything we say now is of

no use. What we would do in any given situation is anybody's guess. Let us stop and

leave it at that. If you make some sense out of that, then you make it. If you don't, then

you simply don't. I wish that nobody remembers anything of what we have discussed so

far. If you remember anything, it is lost. Nor am I trying to say that what I say is in a

mysterious way affecting the whole of human consciousness.

The sorrow, suffering, depression and pain caused by spirituality is just a perversion. Not

a necessary thing for achieving anything

Q: When transmutation occurs, who/what is it which transmutes in terms of taking

something like emotion, determining its trajectory, and then transforming this former

essence into another?

Nacre: Nobody, not a who, maybe a what, but who can tell. IT IS ACAUSAL. And when

does it not occur? It must be the same thing that transmutes everything else. All the time

and everywhere. It can't be anything else and whatever said about it is insufficient and

inadequate. And who says it has a trajectory? When there is no beginning and no end.

Existentially in the real transcendental sense I do not "understand" my being, I really do

not. Nor the transmutation(s) and I do not think it is possible. Because the critical

apparatus, the machinations of the mind, which splits the subject and the object, is dried

out/extinct. I "understand" only when I "come out of it". It is "objectivity" after being the

"subject", not in imagination or thought, but by being the whole entire complete total

subject in all its essence. Some give the descriptions of "innate intelligence" or

"sympathetic intelligence" or "natural intelligence" ; those kind of words can only give an

outside glimpse of being the subject by an indirect participation, whereas, what I mean is,

being a thing, and getting out of it to see how it is or was. It is no intelligence at all, that

word is in no way sufficient nor adequate. If one were to be more precise, it is

"knowing/understanding" after "being" and making use of a language unknown before

being. What is said of here is clearly a condition which occurs consequent on realization.

And all thought and expression in word and deeds take a new dimension consequent on

the transmutation that will have taken place in the course of being. The dimension is

converse and any reflection therefrom is bound to be quizzical and weird from the

'pre-being' perspective. Where others see out, I see in. Where others think, I feel. Where I

feel, I enjoy, where I analyze, I unite. And where others imagine the acosmic from the

cosmic, I deduct the cosmic from the acosmic experience of the Absolute and the
Ultimate. No wonder I look strange, my thoughts, words and expressions are all so


Remember it is ACAUSAL. Illogical and irrational. You might say it is an incredible

journey on an uncharted sea. One could well call it a trip or journey of

billions-and-billions-of-years old cells, a cellular journey into utterly new waters of life

and intelligence, something the molecular biologists should want to discover and

understand. But it is not something that could be seen or studied in a laboratory under a

microscope. And definitely not inside of the stinky fish bowl of one’s mind. If there is

any ultimate stuff of the universe, it is "pure energy". And what the hell is that? There is

no gravity but only motion. There is no time, but only an inseparable space-time

continuum which contains mass and energy. Mass is energy. Hence the ultimate stuff of

the universe is energy. But what the hell is that? At the subatomic level these subatomic

particles are not made of energy, but they are themselves energy. You see, energy

interacts with energy. The dancer and the dance are one and the same. The world is

fundamentally a dancing energy, energy that is everywhere and incessantly assuming first

this form and then the other form. Without a cause or trajectory. What we call

matter/particles is constantly created, annihilated, and created again. This is due to

particle interaction. It happens spontaneously out of nowhere. Without cause or trajectory.

Then suddenly there is "something", and then that something changes into something else

before vanishing. In other words, we do not see any distinction between "empty" as in

empty space and "not empty", or between something and "not something". The world of

particles is a world of sparkling energy dancing forever in the form of particles, as they
twinkle in and out of existence, collide, transmute, and disappear again. Transmutation all

the time everywhere.

Q: Can life be easy?

Nacre: Life is difficult. Life or living? In my opinion our lives are no more important

than the life of a worm or a plant. But our “living” has become one big sorrow and

misery. Life on the other hand encompasses everything and as we have talked about, it is

the only real creativity which is constantly transforming and transmuting everything. Life

is effortless, nothing is more easy than life. Your question is born out of the assumption

that we know about life. Nobody knows anything about life. We have only concepts,

ideation, and mentation's about life. Even the scientists who are trying to understand life

and its origin come up only with theories and definitions of life. You may not agree with

me, but all thought, all thinking is dead. Thinking is born out of dead ideas. Thought or

the thinking mechanism trying to touch life, experience it, capture, and give expression to

it are impossible tasks.

You can have the Easiest Living, effortless without doing a thing. But almost everyone

wants a hard living because they want to achieve, attain, become, change, get, obtain,

prove, reach something in their lives. You can not have happiness without sadness, no

relief without pain. To be yourself is very easy, you don't have to do a thing. No effort is

necessary. You don't have to exercise your will, you don't have to do anything to be

yourself. But to be something other than what you are, you have to do a lot of things.
What we are concerned about is living. Living is our relationship with our fellow beings,

with the life around. When we have everything that we can reasonably ask for, all the

material comforts that you have in the West, the question naturally arises: "Is that all?"

The moment you pose that question to yourself, we have created a problem. If that's all

there is, what then is the next step to take? We do not see any meaning in our life, and so

we pose this question to ourselves, and throw this question at all those who you think

have answers.

What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of life? It may have its own meaning, it

may have its own purpose. By understanding the meaning of life and the purpose of life

we are not going to improve, change, modify, or alter our behavior patterns in any way.

But there is a hope that by understanding the meaning of life, we can bring about a

change. There may not be any meaning of life. If it has a meaning, it is already in

operation there. Wanting to understand the meaning of life seems to be a futile attempt on

our part. We go on asking these questions.

Once a very old gentleman, ninety-five years old, who was considered to be a great

spiritual man and who taught the great scriptures all the time to his followers, came to see

me. He heard that I was there in that town. He came to me and asked me two questions.

He asked me, "What is the meaning of life? I have written hundreds of books telling

people all about the meaning and purpose of life, quoting all the scriptures and

interpreting them. I haven't understood the meaning of life. You are the one who can give
an answer to me." I told him, "Look, you are ninety-five years old and you haven't

understood the meaning of life. When are you going to understand the meaning of life?

There may not be any meaning to life at all." The next question he asked me was, "I have

lived ninety-five years and I am going to die one of these days. I want to know what will

happen after my death." I said, "You may not live long to know anything about death.

You have to die now. Are you ready to die?" As long as you are asking the question,

"What is death?" or "What is there after death?" you are already dead. These are all dead

questions. A living man would never ask those questions.

Q: What is the best way to heal the common cold??

Nacre: Can we actually help the body?

I think what we are actually doing is trying to treat the symptoms of what we call a

disease. But my question is, and I always throw this question at the people who are

competent enough — the doctors, the medical professionals, the nurses, what is health?

What is disease? Is there any such thing as disease for this body ? The body does not

know that it is healthy or unhealthy. You know, we translate the "malfunctioning" of the

body to mean that there is some imbalance in the natural rhythm of the body. ...Not that

we know what actually is the rhythm of the body... But we are so frightened that we run

to a doctor or to somebody who we think is in the know of things and can help us. We do

not give a chance for the body to work out the problems created by the situation we find

ourselves in. We do not give enough time for the body. But what actually is health? You
are a medical professional, and my question to you is, what actually is health? Does the

body know, or does it have any way of knowing, that it is healthy or unhealthy?

As far as I know, we know this. We translate health into the general terms of being free

from having any symptoms. If I don't have a pain in my knee, then I don't have a disease

there. We indulge in medical research in order to gather useful knowledge that could be

applied when there is a pain in the knee.

But what is pain? I am not asking a metaphysical question. To me pain is a healing

process. But we do not give enough chance or opportunity to the body to heal itself or

help itself, to free itself from what we call pain. We do not wait long enough so that the

body can get rid of that what we label as pain. We think pain is negative and then run

here and there to get a remedy for it. It is not that I am saying that you should not go to a

doctor or take the help of medicine. I am not one of those who believe that your prayers

will help the body to recover from whatever disease it has, or that a god is going to be the

healer. Nothing like that. Pain is part of the biological functioning of the body, and that is

all there is to it. And we have to rely or depend upon the chemistry of this body, and the

body always gives us a warning. In the early stages we do not pay any attention, but

when it becomes too much for the body to handle, there is panic and fear. The basic

problem is that we have unfortunately divided pain into physical and psychological pain.

As I see it, there is no such thing as psychological pain at all. There is only physical pain.

Even my hallucinations are caused by physical substances in my brain, nothing else.

Q: Pleasure and pain are quite the double sided coin. Pleasure clearly stimulates a

sensation of what is considered good and vice versa. Why would one seek pleasure to the

point of detriment if the hamster wheel hasn't gone anywhere?

Nacre: Pleasure is actually just pain for the body my friend. And that pleasure/pain

desensitizes the body. Like in sex, the pleasure sensation is actually a pain and to reach

climax you have to actually inflict more and more pain to the body, which we actually

have been able to translate as a pleasure and called it sex. After that first torture cycle the

body becomes less sensitive and you can go longer for the second time. Wanting that

cycle to never end becomes an addiction. Pleasure and pain are the same coin because

they are actually just one and the same. That's why you can't have any pleasures without

pain. Just really go look into it for yourself and you'll find out. What you call pleasure is

for the other a pain and vice versa. You are actually the one who considers one sensation

as good and the other as bad.

Pleasure does not have stimulative properties and can't stimulate a sensation or anything.

It's a concept/memory, a thought. Sensations on the other hand come in constantly

without break and you translate them as pleasures or pains, good and bad. The living

organism is constantly being bombarded with sensations due to the living contact with

life itself. The sensations are all the same actually, they may differ in intensity and

contrast but the distinction of a good and a bad, a pleasure and a pain comes from

yourself. The one who is experiencing and observing is the one who is translating it all

into something. What you call pleasure is actually just a conditioning to translate certain
sets of sensations as a pleasure. What you call pleasure is actually just a programming to

translate a certain set of sensations into what you call pleasure.

Truly all our pleasures are a pain for the physical organism. If you watch and notice it

carefully. Besides in the primordial state there is no one, no person, who can observe nor

translate the sensations as a pain. The observer and the observing are one and the same

thing, just thoughts. Psychological pains come and go with these thoughts of a self.

Physical pains come and go as stimuli and response but can be extended and prolonged

by thoughts, mainly by the self. When you stick your hand in the fire, the body wants to

remove it as fast as it can. The pain is a signal, a response from a stimulus, but it's one

unitary happening.

No matter if it's a pain caused by a cold or a psychological state or from a fire. You have

to leave it alone. I am not saying you should do nothing, take some pain killer but don’t

keep interfering with it.

Q: Did your ingestion of nutrients (eating, drinking, other) change after NDE ?

Nacre: No, nothing of that sort. I just had a very catatonic realization that everything was

thought induced. Even the NDE itself, which made me come into the full realization in

the first place. The existential crisis where I lost a lot of my beliefs and faith (before that I

was religious) and everything in between and that came before those "happenings" were

all thought induced too. Like all the stages and states of sleep and awake are thought
induced and there is always thought there. Even now, I do not function differently from

all of you guys, there is still thought here.

The NDE was just the final blow to let go of everything totally I was still holding on to,

in thought. I just realized that there is no autobiographical-self and that there is no before

or after and nothing to hold on. Those thoughts were all that I had, that everything was a

concept, even this and the I. So I dropped the armor and stopped. Stopped moving,

stopped questioning. Started functioning automatically without questioning anything. My

system automatically started disregarding and rejecting everything related to the

autobiographical-self. Maybe one can say that, I since then have counter-thoughts going

on. Which automatically shut /slow down and dissolves thoughts related to the

autobiographical-self. I don't know. But what I am sure of is that I can't convey this

certainty and I am sure that we all are eating just ideas/concepts.

Q: So hunger and death were also a thought, true, but also the physical sensation of

hunger? would that more like be an impulse. And the body knows what it needs? or did

those impulses not seem to prefer health?

Nacre: Yea, for the body there is no death and it innately knows what it needs, if it can't

get it, it will start to feed on itself.

Q: What if light itself was seen as shade in comparison to something even subtler which

in turn was considered true darkness?... That from which light itself emanates from, is

this seen? If not, is this not considerably "in the dark?"

Nacre: Light and Sound are Interchangeable. They're Concepts like Time and Space. It's

ALL one and the same thing. A discrimination can't be made without the use of

knowledge. The division only comes from perception and translation by the use of

knowledge. The perception and translation by the use of knowledge are what cause the

separation. Actually and Factually you do not see a thing, you really see nothing. Except

your own imagination and fantasy, those are the things you see. We all only see that. And

you have to use words to discern objects or there are no such things as objects at all. This

all comes back to the million dollar question:

Does such a thing as enlightenment exist? Hell fucking NO. To me what does exist is a

purely material-biochemical-physical process. There is nothing mystical, religious or

spiritual about it. Not even scientific. I might be using certain terms because I do not

know of many other ways to convey this.

Q: Does intelligence induce consciousness?... If so, where could intelligence emerge

from? Where else could intelligence emerge but within a structure?... A matrix.... A

Material through which to function like the water of a guided stream; Matter? IF THIS is

the case where is matter emerging from?...

Nacre: The intelligence people talk about is exactly the same thing as what they call

awareness/consciousness. The innate intelligence I am talking about has nothing to do

with these things at all. The intelligence people talk about is nothing but recognizing and

naming. They test if other animals are intelligent by letting them recognize and name

things. Problem solving and what not. But that's not the kind of intelligence I am talking

about. So no, the intelligence people talk about doesn't induce consciousness, they are

both thought-induced and the same thing. There may not be any such thing as

consciousness at all, let alone the subconscious, the unconscious, and all the other levels

of consciousness. Whatever we experience is thought-induced. It's all thought and

mechanical. What you don't know you can't experience. Recognizing and naming are one

and the same thing. You can not recognize anything without naming it. Naming, labeling,

meaning giving is just noise. There is no difference between the barking of a dog, the

braying of a donkey and our chitchat.

We aren't doing anything, it only seems that way. There is no free will and no choice. To

experience a thing you have to know. And all that you know has been passed on by

others. All that you know, is what they want you to know, all that you think, is what they

want you to think. All that you can speak of is what they want you to speak of and all that

you can do is what they told you to do. All that you want is what they told you to want.

There is nothing there but thought. The "you" who you think you are, is just a thought

about “a you” thinking “about a you”. The experience you have and the experiencer you

think that you are, are one and the same thing. The experiencer is the experience and vice

versa. What is observed is the observer and the observer what is being observed. There is
actually no just thing as someone observing anything but just thought about someone

observing something. We are waaaay too egoistic in thinking that we are more intelligent

and more special than any other animal. You would be surprised to know that we're

nothing more than what ants are.

Q: The real question is whether or not "new" things are emerging at all!

Nacre: Constantly but that's nothing which thought can catch nor touch. And you see,

that intellect builds itself, it's not even something that you really do. The you that you

think you are is the same thing as you experience, it is those states of conflict and peace.

There is no free will, no real choice there, all the will and choice is given. It all happens

automatically anyway. UG would say: The conflict and peace are both necessary, the

duality and separation are inseparable from that what you think you are. That is the only

way you can continue. Otherwise you are coming to an end. The 'you' as you know

yourself, the 'you' as you experience yourself, that 'you' is the identity there. Through the

constant demand for using memory it maintains its continuity. If that 'you' is not there,

you don't know what will happen. That is why the phrase, "freedom from the known" is

very attractive up to a point. Once you are free from the known, there is no way you can

say anything about it. So, if I am listening to somebody like you who is talking about the

need to have the freedom from the known, your emphasis that there is a need to free

yourself from the known has already become part of the known. Thought has survived for

millions and millions of years, and it knows every trick in the world. It will do anything

to maintain its continuity.

Q: Do you think the attitude that one could be otherwise is delusional. That's what social

convention seems to be built on. Morality and law. Rules in general. Personally I'm

neither for the death penalty or against it. No rule will deter a murderer. If it did there

would be no death penalty.

Nacre: Change.. Yes, it's delusional. Thinking and trying to be otherwise than what we

are, avoiding and ignoring our natures, that's where all the misery comes from. Thinking

you have free will and choice(smiles).

Q: A deeper question is can we even avoid our nature. Is it just our nature? Expression of


Nacre: Ha yea avoid life (laughing). We can only, as a dead corpse. Thinking that we can

avoid anything, is the illusion, this is all there is, all we have.

Q: There is only, expression. You can call it better or worse but who knows lol. You think

you know. How not to be who you are. Literally impossible.

Nacre: The easiest and simplest thing there is and you don't have to do anything, requires

no effort, no will, nothing.

Q: So here my taoist beliefs come into the mix lol There's only flow, resistance is also it.
Nacre: What you are is life and expression of it. Actually to say life is enough, that

encompasses everything.

Q: Hence

Nacre: You are life

Q: Yes

Nacre: How do you think we actually move? We flow. Like water.

Q: Been saying that. My quote: "You can’t know life, you are life" I think we share


Nacre: Can't be defined since it's all encompassing. No need to. Do you hear the barking

of the dog out there? You translate it and say that is the barking of a dog. But if you are

just aware of that, it echoes here inside of you. There is no separation from you. There is

no translation. You are barking, and not the dog out there. Connection between two

thoughts is just thought itself.

I don't think there are even separate thoughts, just streams of thoughts. There's nobody

there thinking the thoughts and nobody there remembering. I don't think there's such a
thing as memory, no central storage place for experiences like a memory bank or

hard-drive in a PC.. just thoughts throughout the whole body in different forms and

intensities.. all the sensations throughout the body being translated into different thought

forms, experiences etc

Q: When we learn something let’s say to read and write. What's that?

Nacre: Birds fly.. men read and write haha

Q: How are we translating some memories as favorite memories and others non favorite?

Nacre: U don't learn to walk and talk, you are built to do that. Like you're built to be so

neurotic. The same way you translate one experience or movie as favorite and the other

as not

Q: Okay. That process produces a 'self', right?

Nacre: Yes Pinocchio. No free will and no freedom of action

Q: Let me ask this, How can we know there is no Free-will or freedom of action?

Nacre: What do you mean by knowing it?

Q: Yes. We cannot know. What about people thinking they have a free will or they make

their own choices?

Nacre: Thinking you do or you don't doesn't change anything. Pinocchio awakening from

his dream of being a boy is still a pinocchio. Pinocchio stays a Pinocchio doesn't matter if

he believes he's a real boy or not

Q: Can we experience what we don't know?

Nacre: A baby who doesn't know what it sees isn't experiencing any objects. That's not

“experiencing”. That's absorption. No words, no objects, no recognition and thus no

experience. What's left there you can't call an experience. There's nobody there doing the

experiencing. The experiencer and the experience are the same thing.

Look, after initial absorption its pure memory, pure copy nothing else. We are just copy

machines. Skills learning is just monkey see monkey do. Learning your first language

and being able to talk is innate to human animals, a baby doesn't learn language as you

would think it does actually, it doesn't learn to speak like your intuition tells you that it

does. The human machine is able to speak, because it has that innate ability built in, like

birds are able to fly, we are able to speak. Make noise. Its pure copy, monkey see,

monkey do bc it can not do anything else than what its ability is. They are just sounds we

make (without any meaning). No different from the birds screaming to each other.
The baby learns its first language without any referencing language to use, it has no build

up memory yet. So it isn't experiencing anything and anything you think that you

remember as a baby is nothing but a made up story in your head probably by the things

your parents have told you. Memory is very deceiving. That's why your past and

biographical story is completely bs.

When you want to learn a new language now, you use your memory, your mother

language to learn other languages. Because you think things have meaning. You make use

of memory constantly and this memory has been built up by initial absorption as a

baby/toddler/child. They just absorb everything until self-awareness is there, an

individual is created, the identity is built and after that it is pure memory and reuse of

memory. It's created by society and for society.

Q: So where does this all come from? Like reality and existence? Is this all just random

happenstance that we're here? Just curious as to what you feel.

Nacre: It never came from anywhere it was already here. If you can have a god that has

been existing forever without a beginning or end or a cause. Then there is nothing which

prevents the universe/existence/life from existing forever without beginning or a cause.

Reality is what we make out of existence with our minds. Existence and life and universe

are all the same for me and not the same as the reality we make with our minds.

Q: What is perfection?
Nacre: That's what you cannot see because of the thought merry-go-round.


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