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I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others
1. A. switch B. stomach C. champion D. catch
2. A. cloths B. improves C. lakes D. communicates
3. A. castle B. whistle C. hostel D. listen
4. A. change B. hungry C. angry D. single
5. A. ancient B. face C. page D. angle
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others
1. A. industry B. tornado C. natural D. injury
2. A. geography B. electronic C. scientific D. preparation
3. A. patient B. humour C. deny D. friendly
4. A. worried B. reserved C. polite D. arrive
5. A. mathematics B. economics C. politics D. automatics
I. Choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the blank spaces.
1. ___________ from John, all the students said they would go.
A. Except B. Only C. Apart D. Separate
2. If you work for us, you’ll get somewhere to live _____ free.
A. for B. at C. out D. of
3. The new manager explained to the staff that she hoped to _____ new procedures to save time and
A. manufacture B. establish C. control D. restore
4. They took pride _______ being the best players of the school.
A. in B. with C. on D. for
5. She’d prefer to go out ________ home.
A. than to stay B. than staying C. rather than staying D. rather than stay
6. They received _______ advice from their parents that they became successful.
A. so good B. such a good C. so good an D. such good
7. Have you got a car ________ ?
A. of your own B. of yourself C. of you D. of your
8. There is a fault at our television station. Please do not ______ your television set.
A. change B. adjust C. repair D. switch
9. If you want to attend the course, you must pass the ................... examination.
A. write B. written C. wrote D. writing
10. Either Peter and his brothers _______ the keys to the car.
A. has been taken B. has taken C. have taken D. have been taken
11. We can tell you that we often have a friendly _______ in our class.
A. atmosphere B. air C. matter D. impression
12. These clothes are fashionable and _______ . Do you agree with me?
A. only B. merely C. unique D. uniquely
13. He _______ to have a very big fortune and a beautiful wife.
A. rumors B. rumored C. has rumored D. was rumored
14. Did you use to do a _______ when you were at the university.
A. full-time job B. part-time C. full-time D. part-time job

15. My house is just _______ . I live in the nearby neighborhood.
A. near here B. near to C. near by D. near from
II. Complete the passage below using the correct forms of the words in brackets.
People are becoming more security conscious these days. Crimes like burglary and
(1.THIEF)_________ are definitely on the increase. One of the most (2. PAIN) _________ experiences a
home (3.OWN) _________ can have is to arrive home and find that his or her (4. VALUE) _________
havedisappeared, because a window had (5. ACCIDENT) _________been left open. What can we do to
protectourselves? The most important piece of (6. ADVISORY) _________ is to make sure that your (7.
INSURE)________ coverage is up to date. Another (8. SENSE) ________ thing to do is to go along to your
localpolice station, where they will be more than willing to make (9. SUGGEST) _________ on (10.
RELY)_________ ways of safeguarding your property.
III. Identify the errors in the following sentences and correct them.
1/ We won't mind your (A) being late – (B) beside, it's (C) hardly your (D) mistake.
2/ (A) The whole report is (B) badly typed. (C) Moreover, it's (D) imaccurate.
3/ I'm not (A) astonish she (B) shouted at us! (C) How would we like (D) to be pushed into a wall?
4/ Nguyen is (A) everything we'd ever (B) want (C) in a man - brilliant, (D) fun and attractive.
5/ They just hope (A) that the money (B) goes to those (C) who are mainly in (D) needs.
6/ A doctor (A) with profession, this is his first (B) pleasure trip (C) into writing (D) for the
7/ She (A) views her life (B) like a spiritual (C) voyage towards a superior (D) understanding of her
8/ Trung was a (A) youthful sailor (B) on his first (C) sea (D) excursion.
9/ The (A) journey guide (B) pointed out the message (C) that runs round (D) the inside of the sports
10/ (A) Supersonic airplanes can (B) go (C) more fast than (D) the speed of sound.
I. Fill ONE suitable word into each of numbered blaks in the passage.
Australia is a big country, but nearly all Australians live near the sea. On hot summer days, you can
see thousands of people at the beach. Many beaches have waves (1)______ are very high.
These large waves are known as surf and the people who ride them are called surfers. Surfing is a
skill, and it needs learning. Don’t (2)______ to be able to surf properly the (3)______ time you try.
However, by practising a few times you will learn (4)______ to do it.
Surfing is not a new sport. Perhaps its origins need explaining. It started hundreds (5)______ years ago
in Hawaii. Men swam (6)______ to sea to catch fish and found they could come back to land very
quickly by riding the waves. These first surfers did not (7)______ a board. They were “body surfers”.
Many people (8)______ do this type of surfing today.
After a while people started to use boards and rode the waves by lying, kneeling or standing (9)______
them. These first surfboards were made of wood and the water made them rot after a while. Today,
surfboards are made of plastic or fibreglass (10)______.
II. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer.
The search for alternative sources of energy has led in various directions. Many communities are
burning garbage and other biological waste products to produce electricity. Converting waste
products to gases or oil is also an efficient way to dispose of waste.

Experimental work is being done to derive synthetic fuels from coal, oil shale and coal tars. But to
date, that process has proven expensive. Other experiments are underway to harness - power with
giant windmills. Geothermal power, heat from the earth, is also being tested.
Some experts expect utility companies to revive hydroelectric power derived from streams and
rivers. Fifty years ago hydroelectric power provided one third of the electricity used in the United
States, but today it supplies only four percent. The oceans are another potential source of energy.
Scientists are studying ways to convert the energy of ocean currents, tides, and waves to electricity.
Experiments are also underway to make use of the temperature differences in ocean water to
produce energy.
1. Which is the best title of the passage?
A. Efficient Ways of Disposing of Waste B. The Use of Water Productions for Energy
C. The Search for Alternative Sources of Energy D. New Discoveries in Geothermal Power
2. In the second paragraph, the phrase “synthetic fuels” could best be replaced by which of the
A. Biological fuels B. Low burning fuels C. Fast burning fuels D. Artificial made fuels
3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an alternative source of energy?
A. Burning of garbage B. Geothermal power C. Synthetic fuels D.
4. According to the author, the impracticability of using coal, oil shale and coal tars as sources of
energy is due to ___________ .
A. their being time consuming B. their being money consuming
C. the scarcity of sources D. the lack of technology their being money
5. The word “it” in the last paragrph refers to ____.
A. alternative source B. the United States C. hydroelectric power D. Electricity
6. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A. Hydroelectric power will be the main source of energy
B. Synthetic fuels will be the principal source of alternative energy
C. Alternative energy will come from a variety of sources
D. All alterenative production of energy will be delivered from water.
III. Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D that best fits the blank in the passage.
Speech is one of the most important (1)___ of communicating .It consists of far more than just making
noises . To talk and also to (2)____ by other people, we have to speak a language ,that is, we have to
use combinations of (3)____that everyone agrees to stand for a particular object or idea.
Communication wouldbe impossible if everyone made up their own language. Learning a language
properly is very( 4)___. The basic( 5)____of English is not very large, and only about 2,000 words are
needed to speak it quite (6)___.But the more idea you can (7)____ the more precise you can be about
their exact meaning. Words are the (8)____thing we use in communicating what we want to say. The
way we( 9)____the words is also very important. Our tone of voice can express many emotions and
( 10)____whether we are pleased or angry, for instance.
1. A. reason B. tests C. ways D. rules
2. A. be spoken B. be examined C. be understood D. be talked
3. A. systems B. sounds C. languages D. talks
4. A. easy B. important C. simple D. expensive
5. A. grammar B. word C. vocabulary D. structure

6. A. fluent B. good C. well D. perfect
7. A. need B. grow C. express D. pass
8. A. main B. certain C. full D. most
9. A. talk B. say C. pass D. send
10. A. show B. ask C. understand D. know
IV. In the following text, six sentences or parts of sentences have been removed. Above the
extract you will find the six removed sentences PLUS one sentence which doesn't fit. Choose from
the sentences (A-G) the one which fits each gap (1-6). Remember, there is one extra sentence
you do not need to use. Write the correct letter in the box.
Choose from the following sentences to fill the spaces in the text. There is ONE extra.
A. Using a microwave for cooking a large food mass is difficult due to limited penetration of
B. This can be overcome by leaving the food to stand for a few minutes when cooking is completed.
C. It is advised that the water should be poured slowly into another container that already contains
the powder.
D. In this way, buying a microwave oven with a turntable ensure the food is cooked throughout.
E. Conversely the microwaves do not heat glass, ceramic and plastic containers.
F. If the microwaves are not absorbed inside the oven, the oven can be damaged by electrical arcs
and overheating of the microwave source.
G. When water in that state is disturbed, it can suddenly and unexpectedly boil violently.
Microwaving is a method of cooking where food is bombarded by microwaves, usually within an
appliance called a microwave oven which excite the water, fat and sugar molecules, thereby heating
(cooking) both the outside and center of the food at the same time. (1)…………………
(A common myth is that a microwave oven cooks from the center of the food outward. This appears
to happen because heat generated at the surface escapes more readily from the surface of the food
into the surrounding air.) One advantage of microwaving is that small amounts of food can be heated
very quickly, making it useful for reheating leftovers.
The disadvantage is that food which is microwaved does not undergo some of the chemical reactions,
such as browning, which makes the food visually attractive. Primitive microwave ovens often do not
cook evenly, leading to a concern that bacteria easily killed by more traditional cooking methods
may survive the quick cooking time in "cold spots", though the food item as a whole is cooked to a
safe average temperature. (2) ……
Some high-end microwave ovens are combined with a convection oven which basically cook the
food using microwave and hot air simultaneously to achieve both the fast cooking time and
browning effect.
(3) …………………
However microwave ovens are used in some fast food chains and special microwave bags are
available for cooking fowl or large joints of meat.
Professional chefs generally recommend using microwaves for a limited set of tasks, including:
melting fats (such as butter) and chocolate, cooking grains like oatmeal and grits, cooking rice,
thawing frozen meats and vegetables before cooking by other methods and quickly reheating
already-cooked foods.

Using a microwave to boil water is potentially dangerous, due to superheating. In a microwave,
water can be raised quickly to a temperature above the boiling point before major bubbles form,
especially if it is purified and in a very clean glass vessel. (4) …………………
This effect is rare, even for scientists who try to deliberately recreate it, and any seed whatsoever
for boiling is likely to prevent the problem. Boiling water with, for instance, a teabag already in it will
prevent any dangers by providing a seed, as will using a mug that is not perfectly clean.
The risk greatly increases when water has already been boiled once in the same container. This
situation can occur if the user of the oven boiled the water once, forgot about it, then came back later
to boil it again. The first time the water boils, the seed bubbles (microscopic bubbles of air around
which larger steam bubbles grow) are used up and largely eliminated from the water as it cools
down. When the water is heated again, the lack of seed bubbles causes superheating, and a risk of a
steam explosion when the water's surface is disturbed.
Placing something in the water before heating can mostly alleviate this risk. If you are planning to
mix something with the water, say tea or hot chocolate, adding it before heating will insure that the
water boils. Otherwise, placing a wood object, for instance a chopstick, in the water before heating
will also work.
Care should be taken when removing heated water from a microwave. Make sure that the hands are
protected from possible liquid boil-over, place the container on a level, heat-proof surface and stir
liquid with a warm spoon. Also, never add powdered substances (such as instant coffee or cocoa
mix) to the container taken from the microwave, due to the addition of all those seed bubbles and
the potential for violent, spontaneous boiling. (5) …………………
Metal objects, such as metal utensils, in a microwave oven can lead to dangerous situations. Metals
do not absorb microwaves effectively. Instead, metals reflect microwaves, thereby preventing the
latter from reaching the food. (6) …………………
Thin metal layers, such as metal foil and mugs with metal trim can melt or burn due to the strong
electrical currents that are generated in metal objects. However, small solid metal objects, such as
spoons, in combination with a large amount of absorbing food or liquid, normally do not lead to
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I. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning of the printed sentences.
1. The phone stopped ringing the moment I got down stairs.
No sooner _______________________________________________
2. He is determined to carry on working when he is 65.
He has no ________________________________________________
3. He was very sorry that he didn’t see Audrey on her trip to London.
He greatly ______________________________________________
4. She agreed to go out to dinner with him because she assumed he was not married.
Had she __________________________________________________
5. Everyone was surprised that the singer had very little money when he died.
The singer had _____________________________________________
II. Children today are too dependent on computers and electronic entertainment. It would be
better for them to be outside playing sports and taking part in more traditional past times than
spending all day indoors.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
You should write at least 200 words.

I. Pronunciation
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D
II. Stress
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C
I. (1.5 point;0,1point/correct amswer)
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. D
6. D 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. C
11. A 12. C 13. D 14. D 15. A
II. (1.5 point;0,15point/correct amswer)
1. theft 2. painful 3. owner 4. valuables 5. accidentally
6. advice 7. insurance 8. sensible 9. suggestions 10. reliable
III. (1.5 point;0,1point/correct amswer)
1. (B) beside → 2. (D) imaccurate 3. (A) astonish → 4. (D) fun → 5. (D) needs →
besides → inaccurate astonished funny need
6. (A) with 7. (B) like → as 8. (D) excursion 9. (A) journey 10. (C) more fast
profession → by → voyage guide → tour than → faster
profession guide than
C. READING (3 points)
I. (1 point;0,1point/correct answer)
1. that/which 2. expect 3. first 4. how 5. of
6. out 7. use 8. still 9. on 10. instead
II. (0.6 point;0,1 point/correct answer)
1. C 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. C
6. A
III. (0,8 point/0,08 point/correct answer)
1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C
6. C 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A
IV. (0.6 point; 0,1 point/correct answer)
1. E 2. B 3. A 4. G 5. C
6. F
I. (0.5 point;0.1 point/correct answer)
1. No sooner had I got downstairs than the phone stopped ringing.
2. He has no intention of giving up working/ retiring when he is 65.
3. He greatly regretted not seeing Audrey on her trip to London.
4. Had she known that he was married, she would not have agreed to go out to dinner with him.
5. The singer had very little money (left) when he died, which surprised everybody.
II. Write about the following topic: 1.5 pts
The impression mark is based on the following scheme:
1. Content (50% pts): a provision of all main ideas and details as appropriate
2. Language (25%pts): a variety of vocabulary and structures
3. Presentation(25%pts): coherence, cohesion, and style appropriate to the level of English
language gifted secondary students.

I/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in the
following questions
1. A. looked B. watched C. carried D. stopped
2. A. study B. success C. surprise D. sugar
3. A. unite B. underline C. university D. uniform
4. A. danger B. angry C. language D. passage
5. A. character B. children C. teacher D. change

II/ Chooose the word whose stress patteren is different from the other three in the following
1. A. realize B. improve C. possible D. comfortable
2. A. important B. especially C. prefer D. influence
3. A. general B. opinion C. abroad D. surprise
4. A. comfort B. nation C. apply D. moment
5. A. medical B. advise C. vegetables D. physical

III/ Choose the best answer to fill in the blank

1. Are you interested...........playing badminton after class?
A. in B. with C. on D. for
2. " What.........going to Hanoi tomorrow? "
A. to B. in C. about D. for
3. Hoa works she always gets good marks.
A. badly B. good C. hardly D. hard
4. The building was built .........1962 and 1969.
A. between B. from C. since D. for
5. This 1997
A. built B. is built C. was built D. has built
6. Of all my friends, Hoa is.............
A. the tallest B. the most tallest C. taller D. more taller
7. Would you mind if I……………a photo ?
A. take B. took C. would take D. am going to take
8. Last week I ……………my children to the biggest zoo in town.
A. got B. brought C. fetch D. took
9. Are you proud…………….your country and its tradition ?
A. about B. on C. of D. for
10. Do you collect stamps or other things ? - Yes, I am a stamp………….
A. collecting B. collector C. collect D. collection
11. It is very dangerous ………….. in the polluted environment.
A. to live B. lives C. living D. live
12. Our ………….. resources are limited so we should recycle all used things.
A. nature B. natural C. naturing D. naturally
13. His car is the same color …………. my uncle’s.
A. alike B. as C. like D. to
14. This ruler …………….. of plastic.
A. make B. made C. is making D. is made
15. I take part ………….. most youth activities of my school.
A. in B. of C. on D. at
IV/ Write the correct form of verb to fill in the brackets
Nowadays, a lot of important inventions (1- carry out) by scientists (2- work) for large industrial
firms. However, there (3 – be) still opportunities for other people (4 – invent) various things. In
Britain, there is a weekly TV program which (5 – attempt) to show all the devices which people (6 –
invent ) recently. The people (7 – organize) the program receive information about 700 inventions
per year. New ideas can (8 – develop) by private inventors. However, it is important (9 – consider)
these questions : Will it work? Will it (10 – want)? Is it new?
1. __________________ 6. ___________________
2.__________________ 7. ___________________
3. __________________ 8. ___________________
4. __________________ 9. ___________________
5. __________________ 10. __________________
V/ Write the correct preposition to fill in the blank.
1. Could I help you ______________ your bag?
2. Na got up late this morning because her alarm clock didn’t go ___________ .
3. I’m looking forward ____________ seeing you in June.
4. In the competition, everyone fell ______________ the deep and dangerous water.
5. Ha Long Bay is recognized _____________ UNESCO as a World Heritage Site
6. They have a meeting ___________ 6.30 and 9.30.
7. My mother often picks me ___________ from the school.
8. I’m going to invite my friends to come over ___________ dinner tonight.
9. Next summer, my family will have a vacation __________ Thailand and stay there ________ one week.
VI/ Write the correct form of word to fill in the blank
1. We have two postal ___________________ a day. (DELIVER)
2. He left the room without ___________________ . (EXPLAIN)
3. Playing tennis is one of his favorite ______________ . (ACT)
4. We started our trip on a beautiful ______________ morning. (SUN)
5. They left the house in a __________________ mess. (FRIGHT)
6. He said “ Good morning” in a most ______________ way. (FRIEND)
7. There is no easy ______________ to this problem. (SOLVE)
8. He always drives more ________________ at night. (CARE)
9. Does this _______________ suit you? (ARRANGE)
10. He is a very _________________ carpenter. (SKILL)
VII/Underline the incorrect word and correct it as example
Example: 0. I haven’t saw you for two month 0/ seen

Nam is a student. This year he had a very interested summer 1/ ___________

holiday. He traveled, with him classmates, to a mountainous area 2/ ___________
in Hoa Binh province. They gone there to help make a road 3/ ___________
through a forest among two villages. “ It was very difficult 4/ ___________
because there had no water to drink and no shops where we 5/ ___________
could bought food,”said Nam. “ It was very cold and wet 6/ ___________
in the mountains. It is one of the wetter places in the country.” 7/ ___________
Nam stayed in the mountains since six weeks. It was hard work, 8/ ___________
But he says it was the best thing he has ever did. He is hoping 9/ ___________
to return next year to do any more work there 10/ __________

VIII/ Write the suitable word to fill in the blank

Learning a language is, in some way, like (1) __________________ how to fly or play the piano.
There (2) _________________ important differences, but there is a very important similarity. It is this:
learning how to do such things needs lots (3) ___________ practice. It is never simply to “know”
something. You must be able to “do” things with what (4) ___________ know. For example, it is not
enough simply to read a book on (5) ______________ to fly an aeroplane. A (6) ___________ can give you

lots of information about how to fly, but if only read a book and then try to (7) _____________ without a
great deal of practice first, you will crash and kill (8) ____________ . The same is true of (9) ______________
the piano. So you think it is enough simply to read about it? Can you play the piano without having
lots of (10) _________________ first?
IX/ Rewrite the sentence, using the word given
1. Minh does morning exercises regularly. He wants to be healthy ( so as to )

2. I’m learning English. I want to read book in English. (in order to)
3. She said nothing . She didn’t want to make him angry (so as to)
4.The man was taken to the local hospital. He was injured in the accident. (past participle)
5. The musician is internationally famous. He appeared in the concert last night. (present participle)
X/ Rewrite the sentence without changing the meaning
1. Keeping the environment clean is very important.
- It’s ……………………………………………………………………………..
2. They will show the time machine to the public when they finish it.
- The time machine ……………………………………………………………………..
3. He was delighted to receive his aunt’s letter.
- He was delighted that ………………………………………………………………..
4. Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals.
- People ………………………………………………………………………………..
5. I’m very sad that I wasn’t accepted in that group.
- I’m very sad not …………………………………………………………………….
6. It’s three years since I last spoke to her.
- I haven’t ………………………………………………………………………………
7. Tam doesn’t type as fast as she used to.
- Tam used ……………………………………………………………………………..
8. “ Please turn down the radio for me”, said my father.
- My father asked ………………………………………………………………………
9. Lan will be fifteen next week.
- It is Lan’s ……………………………………………………………………………..
10. How long is it since you used the pen?
- When ………………………………………………………………………….?
XI/ Rearrange the word to make the meaningful sentence
1. stamps / a child / Minh / since / collected / was / has / he.
- …………………………………………………………………………………….
2. tomorrow / can / not / we / somewhere / I / so / working / go / am.
- ……………………………………………………………………………………..
3. back / in / months / England / going / two / are / to / they.
- ………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. information / entertainment / also / is / TV / only / but / not / bringing .
- ………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. struggle / on / always / nature / home / life / at / is / the farm / with / a.
- ………………………………………………………………………………………
Tổng điểm 100:10 = 10 điểm

I/ 5 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm

1- C 2- D 3- B 4–A 5–A

II/ 5 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm

1–B 2- D 3-A 4- C 5- B

III/ 15 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm

1- A 2–C 3-D 4-A 5–C

6–A 7–B 8–D 9–C 10 – B

11 – A 12 – B 13 – B 14 – D 15 – A

IV/ 10 điểm – Mỗi động từ đúng 1 điểm

1. are caried out 6. have invented

2. working 7. organizing

3. are 8. be developed

4. to invent 9. to consider

5. attempts 10. be wanted

V/ 10 điểm – Mỗi giới từ đúng 1 điểm

1. with 2. off 3. to 4. into

6. betwwwn 7. up 8. for 9. in / for

VI/ 10 điểm – Mỗi từ đúng 1 điểm

1. deliveries 3. activities 5. frightening 7. solution 9. arrangement

2. explanation 4. sunny 6. friendly 8. carefully 10. skillful

VII/ 10 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm

1. interested -> interesting 3. gone -> went 5. had -> was

2. him -> his 4. among -> between 6. bought -> buy

7. wetter -> wettest 9. did -> done

8. since -> for 10. any -> some

VIII/ 10 điểm – Mỗi từ đúng 1 điểm

1. learning 2. are 3. of 4. you 5. how

6. book 7. fly 8. yourself 9. playing 10. practice

IX/ 10 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm

1. Minh does morning exercises regularly so as to be healthy.

2. I’m learning English in order to read book in English.

3. She said nothing so as not to make him angry.

4. The man injured in the accident was taken to the local hospital.

5. The musician appearing in the concert last night is internationally famous.

X/ 10 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm

1. It’s very inportant to keep the environment clean.

2. The time machine will be shown to the public when it is finished.

3. He was delighted that his aunt sent him a letter.

4. People recycle old car tires to make shoes and sandals.

5. I’m very sad not to be accepted in that group.

6. I haven’t spoken to her for three years.

7. Tam used to type faster than she can/ does now.

8. My father asked me to turn down the radio for him.

9. It’s Lan’s fifteenth birthday next week.

10. When did you use the pen?

XI/ 10 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm

1. Minh has collected stamps since he was a child.

2. I am not working tomorrow so we can go somewhere.

3. They are going back to England in two months.

4. TV bringing not only information but also entertaiment.

5. At home on the farm life is always a struggle with nature.

Question 1-10: Choose the best word or phrase that best complete each sentence below
1. His…………..always makes people laugh.
a. quiet b. sense of humor c. Christmas presents d. smiles
2. The way of life in this country is…………….to that in my country.
a. similar b. the same c. like d. as
3. You have to make ………………..children do not play with matches.
a. ensure b. surely c. sure d. ensuring
4. The prince immediately……………….the girl.
a. fall in love with b. fell in love with c. fall into love at d. fell into love at
5. Different language………………learn words in different ways.
a. learners b. learner c. people d. person
6. My little brother…………… very much.
a. enjoy to draw b. enjoy drawing c. enjoys to draw d. enjoys drawing
7. Some people in the neighborhood are not happy…………………the changes
a. with b. about c. at d. of
8. TV………………...information and entertainment.
a. brings b. takes c. gives d. makes
9. His feet hurt so he has to walk to school…………………….
a. on crutch b. on crutches c. on foot d. on feet
10. ……………….natural resources? Is it difficult?
a. what about to save b. what about saving c. how about save d. how about to save
Question 11-20: Word form
11. It is ………………to eat too much sugar and fat HEALTH
12. If you can give a reasonable…………….for your bad behavior last night.
I’ll forgive you EXPLAIN
13. My brother often does experiments about electricity for…………….. PLEASE
14. The …………………..changed me 50,000VND for each room. DECORATE
15. There many cultural……………..between his country and mine DIFFER
16. A toaster is a chicken……………..that cooks food APPLY
17. ……………… Viet Nam has brought a lot of big changes INDUSTRY
18. After taking an aspirin, her headache………………… APPEAR
19. The ……………….she gave last night was marvelous PERFORM
20. The………………in his province is very dramatic. LANDED
Question 21-31: Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct:
21. After the clothes……………we can wear them to Ann’s birthday party.
a. washing b. wash c. to wash d. are washed
22. A new university without a library……………in USA.
a. recently b. opened recently c. recently has opened d. has recently opened
23. Do you know the place…………………..I can have a meal with my friends?
a. where b. which c. what d. when
24. On Christmas Eve, people often………..a tree.

a. are decorated b. were decorated c. decorating d. decorate
25. …………to your place tomorrow. Hope to meet you there.
a. would come b. will come c. am coming d. was coming
26. The can overturned and everyone………………..into the deep river
a. fall b. fell c. felt d. feel
27 The games were………………..important that they stopped fighting for a time.
a. so b. too c. very d. such
28. This is an emergency. Please ……………………an ambulance to Cua Viet beach
a. to sending b. sending c. to send d. send
29. Of the all members in my family, my grandpa is…………………..
a. oldest b. the oldest c. most old d. the most old
30. How long…………… - Since 1980.
a. do you live b. did you live c. have you live d. have you lived
31. We are having a plan to help them by ……………..them do things.
a. encouraged b. encourage c. to encourage d. encouraging
Question 32-41: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct from:
32. Most of the Earth’s surface (cover)…………..………… water.
33. The first festival (hold)………………….….nearly eight hundred years ago.
34. There’s some behind us. I think we (follow)………………………..
35. My mother (not visit)……………………….us since he (move)…………..…… the new town.
36. This bike (use)……………………….for more than six years.
37. Nowadays, many historical places (destroy)………….………….seriously.
38. It (get)……………………hotter and hotter in June
39. Last moth when we (visit)………….him, he (do)…………………..…an experiment on the upstairs
40. Tet holiday in Viet Nam (celebrate) ………………………around January and February
41. The Eiffel Tower is in Paris. It (visit)……………………… millions of people every year.
Question 42-51: In three of the four words, the underlined part is pronounced the same; in
the fourth word the underlined part is pronounced differently. Find the fourth word.
42. a. held b. flew c. mend d. tent
43. a. quiet b. industry c. relative d. participant
44. a. nothing b. clothes c. hold d. told
45. a. bear b. ear c. tear d. hear
46. a. lot b. floor c. box d. dog
47. a. small b. law c. tall d. plane
48. a. float b. noun c. about d. out
49. a. arrive b. abroad c. around d. armchair
50. a. snowy b. cold c. prison d. Chicago
51. a. great b. hate c. heat d. afraid
Question 52-59: In three of these words the first syllable is stressed. In the fourth the second
syllable is stressed. Find the word in which the second syllable is stressed.
52. a. person b. enough c. picture d. people
53. a. Japan b. Australia c. Britain d. Canada
54. a. surprise b. wonderful c. ticket d. evening
55. a. busy b. fortunate c. include d. follow

56. a. depart b. medical c. husband d. business
57. a. volcano b. gallery c. seafood d. windy
58. a. sunny b. facility c. humid d. minus
59. a. weather b. lava c. middle d. delicious
Question 60-69: Read the article and circle the letter next to the word that best fits each
Traveling in the Lake District:
The Lake District is very popular for holidays all year round. Roads leading to the area have been
improved in (60)………………years inside the area itself, however, many roads are (61)……………and
winding with steep hills and it may not be safe to drive (62)………..….roads like this when they are
(63)……………in ice. For the mountain walker a word of warning-every season visitors (64)
……………..lost or are injured and (65)……….….... to be rescued by the Mountain Rescue teams. This
kind of problem can be (66)…………... by following a few simple rules. When exploring the mountains,
wear warm clothing. Sensible boots, take a map, compass and whistle and a small (67)……………...of
food. Don’t go (68)…………….alone and always tell someone where you (69)………… go to.
1. (to) wind: uố n lượ n
2. steep (adj): dố c
3. warning: cả nh bá o
4. (to) rescue: cứ u
5. whistle (n): cá i cò i
60. a. recent b. next c. last d. close
61. a. thin b. slim c. narrow d. shallow
62. a. along b. above c. by d. in
63. a. wrapped b. above c. drowned d. filed
64. a. have b. be c. make d. get
65. a. must b. should c. need d. ought
66. a. encouraged b. prevented c. arranged d. organized
67. a. quantity b. weight c. length d. limit
68. a. for b. by c. with d. off
69. a. look b. seem c. plan d. know
Question 70-77: Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first:
70. It was such an interesting film that we watched it several times
The film……………………………………………………………………
71. The football match was won by Manchester United
72. Peter was too ill to get up.
Peter was so……………………………………………………………………
73. Her father asked her if she would go to the cinema with her friends.
Her father asked her:”…………………………………………………………….”
74. Parents ought to send their children to school.
75. People think that doing morning exercises is good for health

It is ………………………………………………………………………………..
76. Tom is not as tall as Peter.
77. Every day thousands of trees are cut down in the world.
Every day people………………………………………………………………
Question 78-85: Make sentences based on the given cues:
78. I / going / visit / after work / evening.
79. Residents / store owners / concerned / new mall / for / few months.
80. What / mum / going / do / weekend ?
81. You / ought / go / market / buy / fish / vegetables.
82. People / do / everything / without / help / modern equipment / years ago.
83. How old / your brother / sister / then ?
84. Some people / neighborhood / not happy / changes.
85. It / difficult / learn / two languages / same time.
Question 86: Write a passage (100 words) to tell your friends “ A country picnic ” you made.
Follow the suggested ideas.
- Who you go with, when you go , how you go, what you’ve done, when you’re back,
how you feel,……………..

---------------------Good luck to you!----------------------------

- Mỗi ý trả lời đúng cho 0,2 điểm ( từ question 1 – 85 ) Question 86 cho 3 điểm
- Tổng toàn bài 20 điểm
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. d
7. b 8. a 9. b 10. b
11. unhealthy 12. explanation 13. pleasure 14. decorator 15. differences
16. appliance 17. Industrialization 18. disappeared 19. performance 20. land
21. d 22. d 23. a 24. d 25. c 26. b 27. a
28. d 29. b 30. d 31. d
32. is covered 33. was held 34. are being followed
35. hasn’t visited ……….moved 36. has been used 37. are being destroyed
38. is getting 39. visited…….was doing 40. is celebrated 41. is visited
42. b 43. a 44. a 45. a 46. b 47. d 48. a
49. d 50. c 51. c 52. b 53. a 54. a 55. c
56. a 57. a 58. b 59. c
60. a 61. c 62. a 63. b 64. d 65. d
66. b 67. a 68. d 69. c
70. The film was so interesting that we watched it several times.
71. Manchester United won the football match
72. Peter was so ill that he couldn’t get up
73. Her father asked: “ Will you go to the cinema with your friends?”
74. Children ought to be sent to school their parents.
75. It is thought that doing morning exercises is good for health.
76. Peter is taller than Tom.
77. Every day people cut down thousands of trees in the world
78. I am going to visit my grand father after work this evening
79. Residents and store owners have been concerned about the new mall for few months
80. What is mum going to do at weekend?
81. You ought to go to the market to buy fish and vegetables.
82. People did everything without the help of modern equipment years ago.
83. How old were your brother and sister then?
84. Some people in the neighborhood are not happy with the changes
85. It is difficult to learn two languages at the same time.
Question 86: Note “ write a passage”

PART I - Choose the word A, B, C or D whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
the others.
1. A. rubbish B. uniform C. umbrella  D. thumb
2. A. appear  B. weather  C. bread  D. headache
3. A. project  B. belong  C.  woman D. concert
4. A. think B. though  C. mother D. these
5. A. eraser B. baseball C. suitcase D. waterfall
Choose the word A, B, C or D whose main stress is different from the others in the
6. A. pencil B. raincoat C. arrive D. notebook

7. A. enjoyable  B. power  C. permission  D. explore

8. A. photography  B. minority  C. heroic  D. visit

9. A. translation B. difficult C. unluckily  D. agree

10. A. Vietnamese  B. engineer C. celebration D. product 

Your answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
PART II- Choose the best answers to completes each sentence.
1. Hoa __________________ coins and stamps since she was six.
A. was collecting B. has collected C. collected D. will collect
2. His brother is a _________________ boy. He always tells a joke.
A. handsome B. humorous C. sociable D. energetic
3. Do you mind if I __________________ your car to work?
A. drive B. driving C. to drive D. drove
4. They are ____________ that their son won the championship.
A. delighted B. pleasing C. sad D. interesting
5. My sister regretting ___________ Mai’s glasses yesterday.
A. to break B. broken C. breaking D. break
6. Hoa dances more _______________ than her classmates.
A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautify
7. They will hold a meeting in the large room ____________ the morning of next Sunday.
A. in B. on C. at D. of
8. Minh loves playing chess _____________ his sister enjoys skipping in their free time.
A. when B. because C. while D. during
9. One hundred dollars ______________ an big amount of money for her.
A. is B. are C. were D. is being
10. Don’t overheat the victim _____________ blankets or coats.
A. on B. for C. with D. from
11. We are going to __________ a small plane to Ha Long Bay this weekend.
A. drive B. ride C. take D. give

12. They as well as Mai ___________________ in the field at this time last Sunday.
A. was working B. were working C. has worked D. have worked
13. Thanks _______ Alexander Graham Bell’s invention, I can communicate with each other easily.
A. for B. from C. on
14. We must _________ the environment from the pollution every day.
A. save B. protest C. protect D. waste
15. In our opinion, there are a lot of differences _________ two twins.
A. from B. without C. with D. between
16. If you _______________ your work, let’s play volleyball with them in the garden.
A. finish B. are finishing C. have finished D. will finish
17. Have a picnic with ______________ in the mountain tomorrow.
A. Hanh and I B. Hanh and me C. I and Hanh D. me and Hanh
18. Study is no _____________ restricted to just one location.
A. longer B. long C. longest D. the longest
19. My son was hit _______________ a stick while he was working in the field.
A. by B. with C. without D. out
20. Nam and Manh have played badminton for two hours, but __________ of them are tired.
A. none B. both C. neither D. all
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20
PART III - Put the correct form of the words:
1. Joanne wants to become a __________ in the future. (science)
2. Many rural areas in Viet Nam have been __________ in the last few years. (urban)
3. The book was so ________ that we didn’t want to read it. (interest)
4. There are a lot of _______________ in the competition. (contest)
5. Linda’s __________ made the party less exciting. (absent)
6. He didn’t win the championship, so he felt very _____________ . (hope)
7. Because of his _________, they failed the exam. (lazy)
8. Vinamilk company has served customers a lot of _____________ recently. (produce)
9. Tet holiday is one of the most important __________ for Vietnamese people. (celebrate)
10. Laura loves all of Vietnamese dishes, _______________ Nem. (special)
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
PART IV - Find and correct a mistake in each sentence:
1. The boy was enough intelligent to solve that problem.
2. The girl helped me with the needlework yesterday is my classmate.
3. They asked their friends not play soccer in the road.
4. Hanh is the same weigh as my sister.
5. It is careless for you to leave your book on the train.
6. My brother used to going to the movies with our father.
7. Hoa asked me if I could have a picnic with her in the country or not.

8. Most of monkeys both in the forest and in the zoo are interesting in bananas.
9. It takes Nam thirty minutes going to school on foot everyday.
10. Not only Ha but also her friends was present in my fifteenth birthday party.
Your answers:
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Part V- Choose the most suitable answer A, B, C, or D to complete the following passage.
Air pollution is caused ________(1) ill health in human beings. In a lot of countries, there are
________(2) limiting the amount of smoke factories can produce although there is not enough _______(3)
on the effects of smoke on the atmosphere. Doctors have ________(4) that air pollution causes ________
(5) diseases. The gases from the exhausts of cars _______(6) also increased air pollution in most cities.
The ________ (7) of petrol produces a poisonous gas, which is often collected in busy streets circled by
high buildings. Children _______(8) in areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere can not
think as ________(9) as other children, and are clumsy when they _______(10) their hands.
1. A. from B. on C. over D. of
2. A. laws B. ideas C. problems D. regulations
3. A. news B. article C. information D. newspaper
4. A. agreed B. pointed C. disagreed D. proved
5. A. lung B. heart C. liver D. stomach
6. A. had B. have C. has D. having
7. A. water B. lead C. gas D. exhaust
8. A. lived B. live C. to live D. living
9. A. quick B. slowly C. quickly D. slow
10. A. touch B. use C. handle D. collect
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
PART VI - Read and fill a suitable word in each blanket:
Christmas is always held ________(1) December the twenty fifth every year. Every family in
England decorates a Christmas tree and puts ________(2) in the middle of the living room. And Santa
Claus plays an important _________(3) in this festival. There is a poem to relate him. In 1823, the
patron saint of children, Saint Nicholas appeared in a poem ________(4) A Visit Saint Nicholas. The
character in the poem _______(5) a fat jolly man who wore a _______ (6) suit and gave children ________
(7) on Christmas Eve. The poem, which was ________(8) by Clement Clarke Moore, an American
professor, became popular __________(9) the USA. Santa Claus is based _______(10) the description of
Saint Nicholas in this poem.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part VII- Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
1. It is over two years since they left their homeland. (They haven’t …………………………)
2. “How many cars are there in front of your house, Mai?” I said (I asked …………………...)

3. No one introduced me to newcomers in the festival. (I ……………………………………..)
4. The food was too bad for the children to eat. (The food was so ……………………………)
5. It’s no use persuading her to join in that activity. (There is no ……………………………..)
6. I am on the fifth page of the essay I am typing. (So far ……………………………………)
7. The dog keeps stealing my socks. (The dog is ……………………………………………...)
8. Hoa found it easy to translate this poem into French. (Hoa had no ………………………..)
9. Collect all of dirty clothes by 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. (Let all ………………………)
10. Mary is the most graceful girl at school. (No girl …………………………………………..)
Your answers:
1. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
5. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
7. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
8. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
9. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
10 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
Part VIII- Write a letter about 150 – 200 words to a pen friend about your neighborhood.
















PART I –points
1. B 2.A 3.C 4. A 5. D
6. C 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. D
PART II - points
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C
6. C 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. C
11. C 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. D
16. C 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. C
PART III –points
1. scientist 2. urbanized 3. uninteresting 4. participation 5. absence
6. hopeless 7. laziness 8. products 9. contestants 10 especially
PART IV – points
1. enough intelligent - intelligent enough 6. going – go
2. helped – helping 7. if – whether
3. play - to play 8. interesting - interested
4. weigh - weight 9. going - to go
5. for - of 10. was - were
Part V – points
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A
6. B 7. B 8. D 9. C 10.B
PART VI – points



Part VII- points

1. They haven’t come back their homeland for over two years.
2. I asked Mai how many cars there were in front of her/his house.
3. I wasn’t introduced to newcomers in the festival.
4. The food was so bad that the children couldn’t eat it.
5. There is no point in persuading her to join in that activity.
6. So far I have typed five pages of the essay.
7. The dog is always stealing my socks.
8. Hoa had no difficulty in translating this poem into French.
9. Let all of dirty clothes be collected by 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.
10. Mary is the most graceful girl at school. (No girl at school is as graceful as Mary.
Part VIII- ( điểm)
- Nộ i dung (content): 1.5 điểm
- Từ vự ng (vocabulary): 0.5 điểm
- Ngữ phá p (grammar): 0.5 điểm
- Tính mạ ch lạ c và trô i chả y (coherence and cohesion) + độ dà i (length): 0.5 điểm
- Sai dướ i 4 lỗ i khô ng trừ điểm.
- Sai trên 4 lỗ i, hoặ c sai nhữ ng lỗ i nặ ng trừ 0.5 điểm/1 lỗ i.
I. Choose one of word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. christmas B. character C. school D. church
2. A. traveled B. surprised C. worked D. climbed
3. A. tour B. pour C. your D. course
4. A. towel B. down C. window D. flower
5. A. cook B. food C. too D. pool
II. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.
1. His handwriting is terrible. It’s not easy at all ….........what he writes.
A. to see B. to read C. reading D. seeing
2. The city is ……………….on the shore of Lake Michigan.
A. visited B. lied C. laying D.located
3. Kim Tan town is……………….. busier.
A. becoming B. doing C. making D. having
4. The Smiths never go out in the evening, ……………….?
A. do they B. don’t they C. doesn’t he D. does he
5. Ba is strong enough…………….. his father with the work on the farm.
A. helping B. help C. helps D. to help
6. Last week my child …………… to the biggest zoo in town by my wife.
A. took B. were taken C. went D. has gone
7. I tried my. ……………not to laugh, but I couldn’t.
A. good B. well C. best D. better
8. Are you proud…………….your country and its tradition ?
A. about B. on C. of D. for
9. I want to ask my parents ................... some money.
A. from B. for C. with D. about
10. You are very different ........................ your brother.
A. to B. for C. with D. from
11. I am better ........................ English than Nam.
A.than B. with C. at D. for
12. He seldom goes fishing, ...................?
A. doesn't he B. is he C. does he D. isn't he
13. Heavy rains …….the plane for several hours
A. stopped B. prevented C. delayed D. kept
14. You must go to school ……the ages of 5 and 16. it is compulsory.
A. from B. over C. during D. between
15. Sorry to keep you…………
A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waited
III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets .
1. I‘ve decided (stop) ……………...smoking.
2. I (visit) .........................singapore two years ago.
3. Look at those black clouds. It (rain).
4.We are tired of (work)…………… for low salary.
5. This is the second time you (break)……a cup.
6. (you/do) …………… the homework yet?
7. Mai is in her room. She (play) the guitar.
8. The teacher said that we should ( not make ) …………… noise in class.
9. Water …………( cover) most of the Earth’s surface.
10. The gate ……………...( lock) at 6.30 p.m everyday.
IV. Read the passage and answer the questions.
It was the first lesson after the summer holidays at a small school in England. The lesson was
about the seasons of the year. “There are four seasons in the year,” said the teacher,
“They are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. In spring, it is warm and every thing begins to grow.
In summer ,It is hot and there are many flowers in the fields and gardens. In autumn, there are many
vegetables and much fruit. Everybody likes to eat fruit. In winter, It is cold and it often rains.
Sometimes there is snow on the ground.”
Here the teacher stopped and looked at one of the pupils “stop talking, Tom,”he said. “Now
listen to me. Can you tell us when is the best time of apples?”
“Yes, sir,” answered Tom. “It is when the farmer is not at home and there is no dog in the garden.”
1. Where did the lesson take place?
2. What was the lesson about?
3. What did the teacher ask Tom to do?
4. What did the teacher asked the class to do?
5. Did the teacher say “Stop talking, Tom,”?
V. Write the correct form of the words given in capital letters to complete the following
1. Their children have quite ………………characters. DIFFERENCE
2. My brother bought a new…………..rod yesterday. FISH
3. Mr. Jane runs his business very ………….. SUCCESS
4. I like the city life because there are many kinds of ………. ENTERTAIN
5. The scouts do the…………… VOLUNTEER
6. Is there anything……………… on TV tonight? INTEREST
7. What is the correct……………..of this word? PRONOUNCE
8. My uncle often spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local............. ORPHAN
9. Relax for some minutes and you’ll feel more………….. COMFORT
10. In electronics, we learn to repair ...................appliances. HOUSE
VI. There is one mistake in each of the following sentences. Find out and correct it.
1. He has waited there for a quarter past six. (1)……………..
2. Surface mail is many cheaper than air mail. (2)……………..
3. They do their best to keeping the family happy. (3)…………….
4. The armchair is in the living room, among the television and sofa. (4)…………….
5. Tourists usually have a bus to the countryside. (5)……………
VII. Fill in the blank with one suitable word.
Charlie Chaplin was born in a very poor part of London. (1) ………………father was a comedian
and his mother worked (2) ………………a dancer and a singer. Neither of them (3) ………………

successful so the family (4) ……………… very little money. The first time he himself earned (5)
……………… by dancing and singing, he was only five years old. He did many kinds of jobs, but what he
loved best was working (6) ………………the theatre.
When he (7) ……………… about fifteen, he joined a traveling theatre company and went on trips to
America. On one such tour, (8) ……………… was offered a part in a film, so he went to Hollywood,
where he eventually became both a famous actor (9) ……………… film director.
He died in Switzerland in 1977, at the (10) ……………… of 88. There is now a statue of him in
Leicester Square, London, the city of his birth and early up-bringing.
VIII. Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition.
1. It’s 2.5 km…………my school………..the movie theatre.
2. I live ………..Xuan Dieu street……….my grandparents
3. She is talking…………her students in the school yard.
4. My new house is different……….my old house.
5. My father is a farmer. He works………..a farm.
6. Does your aunt work ……….the central hospital? – Yes, she is a nurse there.
7. I’m always busy. I must work ………..early morning until night.
8. Mr. Minh is a journalist. He writes ………..Tuoi Tre newspaper.
9. This apartment is suitable………….my family.
10. I often help my parents ………….the housework after school.
IX. Rewrite the following sentences so that the meanings stay the same.
1. She eats more chocolate than I.
I …………………………………………………………….
2. Vinh keeps forgetting his homework.
Vinh is …………………………………………………………….
3. Keeping the environment clean is very important.
4. No one helped Lan to do the homework.
Lan ………………………………………………………………
5. It’s three years since I last spoke to her.
I haven’t……………………………………………………………
6. Tam doesn’t type as fast as she used to.
Tam used ………………………………………………………….
7. How long is it since you used the car?
When ……………………………………………………………..
8. We started living here 15 years ago.
We have…………………………………………………………...
9. Let’s meet inside the centre ,at the cafe corner?
10. Nam is very strong, he can do heavy work.
Nam is strong ………………………………………………………………..

Keys – practice 5

Question I : ( 1,25 marks )

1. D 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A

Question II : ( 3,75 marks )

1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. D

6. B 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. D

11. C 12. C 13. C 14. D 15. B

Question III : ( 2,5 marks )

1. to stop 2. visited 3. is going to rain 4.working 5. have broken

6. Have you done 7. is playing 8.not make 9. covers 10. is locked

Question IV : ( 1,25 marks )

1.The lesson took place in a small school in England.

2.The lesson was about the seasons of the year.

3.The teacher asked Tom to stop talking.

4.The teacher asked the class to listen to him.

5.Yes ,he did

Question V : ( 2,5 marks )

1. different 6. interesting

2. fishing 7. pronunciation

3. successfully 8. orphanage

4. entertainment 9. comfortable

5. voluntary 10. household

Question VI : ( 1,25 marks )




4. among - between

5. have - take

Question VII : ( 2,5 marks )

1. His 2. as 3. was 4. had 5. money

6. in 7. was 8. he 9. and 10. age

Question VIII: ( 2,5 marks )

1. from - to.

2. on - with

3. to

4. from

5. on

6. in

7. from

8. for

9. for

10. with

Question IX : ( 2,5 marks )

1. I don’t eat as much chocolate as she does.

2.Vinh is always forgetting his homework.

3.It’s very important to keep the inviroment clean.

4.Lan did the homework herself.

5.I haven’t spoken to her for three years.

6.Tam used to type fast.

7.When did you use the car?

8.We have lived here for 15 years.

9.How about meeting inside the center,at the cafe corner.

10. Nam is strong enought to do heavy work.

PART I : Phonetics
I) Choose the word A, B, C or D whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
the others.
11.A. heritage B. shortage C. teenage  D. luggage
12.A. appear  B. weather  C. bread  D. headache
13.A. oganize  B. belong  C.  woman D. concert
14.A. think B. though  C. mother D. these
15.A. eraser B. scale C. suitcase D. waterfall
II) Choose the word A, B, C or D whose main stress is different from the others in the
16.A. pencil B. raincoat C. arrive D. notebook
17.A. enjoyable  B. power  C. permission  D. explore
18.A. photography  B. minority  C. heroic  D. visit
19.A. translation B. difficult C. unluckily  D. agree
20.A. Vietnamese  B. engineer C. celebration D. product 
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
PART II: Vocabulary and grammars:
I) Circle best option A,B,C or D to complete the following sentence
1. Hoa __________________ coins and stamps since she was six.
A. was collecting B. has collected C. collected D. will collect
2. His brother is a _________________ boy. He always tells a joke.
A. handsome B. humorous C. sociable D. energetic
3. Do you mind if I __________________ your car to work?
A. drive B. driving C. to drive D. drove
4. They are ____________ that their son won the championship.
A. delighted B. pleasing C. sad D. interesting
5. My sister regretting ___________ Mai’s glasses yesterday.
A. to break B. broken C. breaking D. break
6. Hoa dances more _______________ than her classmates.
A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautify
7. They will hold a meeting in the large room ____________ the morning of next Sunday.
A. in B. on C. at D. of
8. Minh loves playing chess _____________ his sister enjoys skipping in their free time.
A. when B. because C. while D. during

9. One hundred dollars ______________ an big amount of money for her.
A. is B. are C. were D. is being
10. Don’t overheat the victim _____________ blankets or coats.
A. on B. for C. with D. from
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
II) Put the correct form of the words:
1. Joan wants to become a __________ in the future. (science)
2. Many rural areas in Viet Nam have been __________ in the last few years. (urban)
3. The book was so ________ that we didn’t want to read it. (interest)
4. There are a lot of _______________ in the competition. (contest)
5. Linda’s __________ made the party less exciting. (absent)
6. He didn’t win the championship, so he felt very _____________ . (hope)
7. Because of his _________, they failed the exam. (lazy)
8. Vinamilk company has served customers a lot of _____________ recently. (produce)
9. The question isn’t good. It’s ………….. to ask (import).
10. His father soon died of a ……………… heart (break).
Your answers:
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
III) Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets .
1.His new novel (publish)…………….. in two months .
2. I (visit) .........................Singapore two years ago.
3. Look at those black clouds. It (rain)…………..
4.We are tired of (work)…………… for low salary.
5. This is the second time you (break)……a cup.
Your answers:
1 2 3. 4. 5.
IV) Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition.
1. She is talking…………her students in the school yard.
2. Does your aunt work ……….the central hospital? – Yes, she is a nurse there.
3. Mr. Minh is a journalist. He writes ………..Tuoi Tre newspaper.
4. This apartment is suitable………….my family.
5. I often help my parents ………….the housework after
Your answers:
1 2 3. 4. 5.

PART III: Reading
I) Choose the most suitable answer A, B, C, or D to complete the following passage.
Air pollution is caused ________(1) ill health in human beings. In a lot of countries,
there are ________(2) limiting the amount of smoke factories can produce although there
is not enough _______(3) on the effects of smoke on the atmosphere. Doctors have
________(4) that air pollution causes ________ (5) diseases. The gases from the exhausts
of cars _______(6) also increased air pollution in most cities. The ________ (7) of petrol
produces a poisonous gas, which is often collected in busy streets circled by high buildings.
Children _______(8) in areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere can not think
as ________(9) as other children, and are clumsy when they _______(10) their hands.
11.A. from B. on C. over D. of
12.A. laws B. ideas C. problems D. regulations
13.A. news B. article C. information D. newspaper
14.A. agreed B. pointed C. disagreed D. proved
15.A. lung B. heart C. liver D. stomach
16.A. had B. have C. has D. having
17.A. water B. lead C. gas D. exhaust
18.A. lived B. live C. to live D. living
19.A. quick B. slowly C. quickly D. slow
20.A. touch B. use C. handle D. collect
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

II) Read and fill a suitable word in each blanket:

Christmas is always held ________(1) December the twenty fifth every year. Every
family in England decorates a Christmas tree and puts ________(2) in the middle of the
living room. And Santa Claus plays an important _________(3) in this festival. There is a
poem to relate him. In 1823, the patron saint of children, Saint Nicholas appeared in a
poem ________(4) A Visit Saint Nicholas. The character in the poem _______(5) a fat jolly
man who wore a _______ (6) suit and gave children ________ (7) on Christmas Eve. The
poem, which was ________(8) by Clement Clarke Moore, an American professor, became
popular __________(9) the USA. Santa Claus is based _______(10) the description of Saint
Nicholas in this poem.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

III) Read the following passage and choose the best answer: (2ms)
Computing is now at the same stage as printing was when the first printing presses
were used. Before printing presses were invented, only rich people like kings and dukes
could afford to buy books. Often these people were unable to read and hadn’t enough
time to learn. In any case, the books were so big that it was difficult for anyone to relax
with a book as we do today. They wanted booked because they were expensive and there
was something magical about them. Only a few people were able to write, and it took an
extremely long time to write a book. Monks and other people who could write said
ordinary people could not learn to read.
The position with computers is very similar today. A few years ago, computers were
very large and expensive. Business managers and rich people ordered them but they
didn’t know how to use them. In many countries, however, the situation has now
completely changed. Lots of people not only own microcomputer but also know how to
use them.
1) What happened before printing presses were invented?
- ________________________________________________________________
2) Why were books wanted before printing presses were invented?
- ________________________________________________________________
3) What is common feature of a book and a computer?
- ________________________________________________________________
4) What situation has thoroughly changed nowadays?
- ________________________________________________________________
PART IV: Writing
I) Complete the following sentences based on the given cues.
1. The house hasn’t been repaired since it built.
2. Glass is usually made of sand.
3. The statue was cut out of stone.
4. She asked the guide where Phong Nha cave was the most beautiful cave in Vietnam.
5. When Andrew saw the question, he was knowning the answer immediately.
Mistakes Correction

II) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
1.People believe that 13 is an unlucky number.
13 is ………………………………………………….
2. “How many cars are there in front of your house, Mai?”
I asked …………………............................................
3.No one introduced me to newcomers in the festival.
I ……………………………………………………
4.The food was too bad for the children to eat.
The food was so ……………………………
5.It’s no use persuading her to join in that activity.
There is no ……………………………..
III) Traditional Festivals in Vietnam play a very important role in attracting foreign
tourists. In about 150 words write about one of the traditional festivals in Vietnam.

PART II : Phonetices ( 10 x 0,2 = 2 pts)
1. C 2.A 3.C 4. A 5. D
6. C 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. D
PART III : Vocabulary (10 x 0,2 = 2 pts)
I) Choose the best answers to completes each sentence.
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C
6. C 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. C
II) Put the correct form of the words: (10 x 0,2 = 2 pts)
1. scientist 3. uninteresting 5. absence 7. laziness 9. important
2. urbanized 4. participation 6. hopeless 8. products 10. broken
III) Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets . ( 5 x 0,2 = 1,0 pt)
1. will be 2. visited 3. is going to 4. working 5.have broken
published rain
IV) Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition.( 5 x 0,2 = 1,0pt)
1. to 2. in 3. for 4. for 5. with
PART IV: Reading
I) Choose the most suitable answer A, B, C, or D to complete the following passage.( 10 x
0,2 = 2 pts)
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A
6. B 7. B 8. D 9. C 10.B
II) Read and fill a suitable word in each blanket: (10 x 0,2 = 2 pts)
1. on 2. it 3.part/role 4. called 5.was
6. red 7. present 8. written 9. with 10.on
III) Read the passage and answer the questions. (0,25 x 4 =1,0pt)
1) Only kings and dukes had enough money to buy books.
2) Because books were expensive and magical.
3) They were large and expensive at first
4) A person who buys a computer knows how to use it.
Part V: Writing
I. Find and correct the mistakes. (0.2 x 5 =1.0 pt)
Mistakes Correction
1. built was built
2. made of made from
3. cut carved
4. where whether
5. was knowing knew
II)Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.( 5
x 0,4 = 2 pts)
11. 13 is believed to be an unlucky number..
12. I asked Mai how many cars there were in front of her/his house.
13. I wasn’t introduced to newcomers in the festival.
14. The food was so bad that the children couldn’t eat it.
15. There is no point in persuading her to join in that activity.
III) Traditional Festivals in Vietnam play a very important role in attracting foreign
tourists. In about 150 words write about one of the traditional festivals in Vietnam.
- Bố cục: Đủ mở bài, thân bài, kết luận (0.5pts)
- Nêu được thời gian, địa điểm, các hoạt động của lễ hội (ít nhất 3 hoạt động) (2.0pt)
- Nêu suy nghĩ của mình về lễ hội, vai trò của lễ hội trong việc thu hút khách du lịch
nước ngoài. (0.5)

I/ Section one: vocabulary and structures
Question 1: Choose the best answers
1. Don’t be silly! That ...................................possibly be Rivaldo!
a. mustn’t b . shouldn’t c. won’t d. can’t
2. No sooner had we started the game, began to rain.
a. than b. then c. that d. and
3. I interested in playing badminton as a child.
a. could b. ought to c. might d. used to
4. They’ve told you time and time ............................. not to go out at night.
a. to b. over c. again d. before
5. Sorry I’m late, but I..............................feed my little son before leaving home.
a. needed b. must c. had to d. was to
6. Smith writes very quickly. He’s .........................finished his essay.
a. already b. been c. for d. yet
7. What are you going to do? - I don’t know. I haven’t mind yet.
a. on b. at c. in d. up
8. I’ve Paris. I went there in March.
a. been b. gone c. just d. yet
9. This is the first ..................... I’ve ever lived far from home.
a. already b. since c. that d. time
10. What did the girl say ........................?
a. at you b. for you c. you d. to you?
11. Phong rang his friend in Nha Trang yesterday, and he said it ..............raining there.
a. was b. is c. should be d. to be
12. The last time I saw Khang, he looked very relaxed. He explained that he’d been on holiday
the ........................week.
a. earlier b. following c. next d. previous
13. We wonder ........................the tickets are on sales yet.
a. what b. when c. whether d. where
14. When I rang Oanh some time last week, she said she was
a. this b. that c. then d. the
15. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
a. just b. sun c. put d. bucket
16. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
a. instead b. head c. heap d. dead
17. Which word has a different stress in the group?
a. amount b. inventor c. garbage d. resource
18. This film must be new. We’ve ........................ seen it before.
a. ever b. never c. since d. yet
19. He do something by others.
a. to be asked b. asking c. being asked d. to ask
20. Let’s go camping in the mountain, ........................?
a. do we b. can we c. will we d. shall we
Question 2: Supply the correct forms of the word in parentheses.
1. Phuong Linh arranged flowers the most .......................(attract) in the contest.
2. It is a contest in which ....................(participate) have to read two poems in English.
3. .......................(environment) are concerned about the use of dynamite to catch fish.
4. Years later, she passed me in the street without even a small sign of .......(recognize).
5. Nam put ................(press) on that towel to stop the bleeding.
6. After many years of ............(fail), Edison finally succeeded in inventing the light bulb.

7. We use first-aid in order to ease the victim’s pain and ......................(anxious).
8. She felt ....................(relief) after she passed the exam.
9. You’ll meet the tour guide on your ..................(arrive) at the hotel.
10. We can take buses or trains to Northern ......................(destine) of Nha Trang.
11. Sapa is considered the most beautiful .......(mountain) resort in the north of Viet Nam.
12. It’s now high time you knew how to dress and ....................(dress) yourself.
13. We are having a good time here. People on the island are very friendly and ...........(hospitality).
14. The police are interested in the sudden ............(appear) of the valuable painting.
15. I wrote .............(end) letters of application but I got no reply.
16. A fairy appeared and ...................................... ( MAGIC )changed her old clothes
17. The tiger wanted to see the farmer’s .................................. ( WISE )
18. In that story, the prince got ........................( MARRY )to a poor girl
19. Let me get an .................................... ( APPLY ) form and I can fill out
20. He was ............................... ( FOOL ) to say that English is helpless
II/ Section two: reading comprehension
Question 1: Read these passages and match the each passage to its title. There is ONE title you
needn’t use(10 pts)
A. How I began D. My most frightening experience
B. The worst aspect of my hobby E. Why I like my hobby
C. My hopes for the future F. When and where I do it
1. __________ For me, every weekday begins the same: I get up at 7.00. I have breakfast, I take the
bus to school, I go to lessons ... I don’t hate this daily routine, but it isn’t very thrilling. In the
evenings, however, I drive Formula 1 cars, build enormous cities and defend my planet against
aliens. In short, I play computer games. It’s like entering a different world. That’s why I love playing
them so much.
2. __________My interest in computer games has taught me a lot about computer graphics. I want to
study computing at college, and learn how to design and program games. Eventually, I’d like to start
my own software company, creating and testing new games. That way, I could spend all day doing
what I love most.
3. ____________Computer games are interesting because they often contain stories and characters.
The games are getting better all the time, but they are also getting more expensive. The only thing I
don’t like about my hobby is the cost! New games are often about $50.
4. ____________ Some of my friends from school are interested in computer games too. We normally
meet at my house in the evenings and play for a few hours. We sometimes play at weekends, but if
the weather’s good I prefer to go cycling or play basketball instead.
5. ____________ I first became interested in computer games about four years ago. I was staying with
my cousin for the weekend. He had some games and he taught me how to play them. I became
hooked immediately! When I got home, I decided to save all my money for buying games. Now I’ve
got about twenty different games.
Question 2: Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in each gap
Have you ever followed instructions for knitting something or have you read a piece of music? If
you have, you have behaved in a similar way(1)................ a computer. A computer obeys a program to
carry out a particular task. Just (2)................. a knitting pattern is expressed in numbers and piece of
music in lines and dots, so a computer program is (3)................. in the form of programming language.
Like the English language (or any other language), there are (4).................... of grammar, and a
program must be correct in every way.
There are hundreds of programming language, but only (5)............. are well-known and widely
used. The most popular language which is used in offices(6)................Cobol. This language is used for
printing payrolls and keeping records of goods. Engineers and scientists use Fortran
(7)......................carry out calculations. (8)......................... neither of these two programs is very popular
with people working on home computers. Basis is the most popular language for home computers,
chiefly (9) is easy to learn and use.

(10)................. these languages are useful for many purposes, it is time that a new simple program
was devised. Such a program ought to be not only easy to use but also completely reliable.
1. A. to B. as C. so D. from
2. A. like B. by C. too D. as
3. A. expensive B. expresses C. expressed D. expressing
4. A. rules B. laws C. regulations D. principles
5. A. a little B. a few C. much D. a lot of
6. A. called B. calling C. is called D. is calling
7. A. so as for B. in order that C. so as that D. in order to
8. A. In addition B. Therefore C. Consequently D. However
9. A. because B. if C. because of D. unless
10. A. Even B. Despite C. Although D. In spite
Question 3: Find and correct one mistake in each line of the passage below
Nam is a student. This year he had a very interested summer 1........................................
holiday. He traveled with him classmates to a mountainous 2........................................
area in Hoa Binh province. They gone there to help make a 3........................................
road through a forest among two villages. “It was very difficult 4........................................
because there had no water to drink and no shops where we could 5........................................
bought food,” said Nam. “It was also cold and wet 6........................................
in the mountains. It is one of the wetter place in the country.” Nam 7........................................
stayed in the mountains since six weeks. It was hard 8........................................
work, but he says it was the best thing he has ever did. He is 9........................................
hoping to return next year to do any more work there. 10........................................
III/ section three: writing
Question 1: Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences
1. exported / many / last year / rice / how / to/ Japan / tons / were / of / ?
2. trees / planting / on / the boys / the hill / group / are / the / in / volunteer / .
3. rain / heavy / from / prevented / the / playing / us / soccer.
4. if / he / me / some / asked / I / money / could / then / lend / him /
5. design / to send / friends / someone / greetings / Englishman / a card / Christmas / to / an / his /
had /.
6. Le Lai Street / are/ living / they / in / at / An Giang / their / with /children / 186.
7. uncle / spent / most / their /of /the /violin / practicing / his time / in / room /music /the/.
8. which / us / tells / sentence / that / more / than / is / she / her / beautiful / sister /?
9. his / friends / old / unlike / he / is / impolite / very /.

10. going / fatherland / month / Kenny / his / is / family / next / visit / with / his / to /.
11. colleagues / go / he / to / to / weekend / and / don’t / have / at / work / the / his /.
12. there / she / near / wanted / a / here / was / museum / know / to / if /.
13. hold / going / their / are / they / tomorrow / party / house / at / to / a /.
14. going / aren’t / are / boys / the / the / they / canteen / to / school /?
15. for / you’ll / meeting / late / be / the / if / bed / to / soon / don’t / you / go
Question 2: Rewrite sentences as directed so that it has the same meaning as the sentence given
1. Thinking of making toys from used paper was his interesting idea.
It’s interesting that...................................................................................................................
2. He hasn’t come back to his home village for over 20 years now.
3. That’s the strangest film I’ve ever seen.
I have never..............................................................................................................................
4. Please don’t interrupt me while I am speaking.
I’d rather...................................................................................................................................
5. Get up now or you’ll be late for school.
6. The last time we met each other was ten years ago.
We haven’t...............................................................................................................................
7. Finding accommodation at busy time in Da Lat is difficult .
8. Originally, tennis was an indoor game.
Tennis used..............................................................................................................................
9. My father prefers living in the countryside to living in the city.
My father likes........................................................................................................................
10. Nobody in my class is as intelligent as Lan.
Lan is.......................................................................................................................................
11. Have you ever played a computer game before?
Is this.......................................................................................................................................
12. France presented the Statue of Liberty to the United States in 1876.
The Statue ...............................................................................................................................
13. The water was so cold that the children couldn’t swim in it.
The water wasn’t.....................................................................................................................
14. He hasn’t chatted with his classmates through the Internet for ages.
It’s ages...................................................................................................................................
15. People should stop experiments on animals.
The end

Keys – practice 7

I/ Section one: vocabulary and structures

Question 1: Choose the best answers (20 pts)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14B 15C 16 17 18 19 20

Question 2: Supply the correct forms of the word in parentheses. (20 pts)

1. attractively 2. participants 3 . environmentalists4. recognition 5. pressure 6. failure 7.


8. relieved 9. arrival 10. destinations 11. mountainous 12. undress 13.


14. disappearance 15. endless 16. magically 17. wisdom 18. married 19.
application 20. foolish

II/ Section two: reading comprehension

Question 1: Read these passages and match the each passage to its title. There is ONE title you
needn’t use(10 pts)
1E/ 2C/3B /4F /5A

Question 2: Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in each gap.(10 pts)
1A/ 2D/ 3C/4A/5B/ 6C/ 7D/ 8D/ 9A/ 10C

Question 3: Find and correct one mistake in each line of the passage below.(10 pts)

1. interested interesting 2him his 3. gone went

4.among between 5. had was 6. bought buy

7. wetter wettest 8. since for 9. did done 10. any


III/ section three: writing

Question 1: Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.(15 pts)

1. How many tons of rice were exported to Japan last year?

2. The boys in the volunteer group are planting trees on the hill.

3. The heavy rain prevented us from playing soccer.

4. If I asked him some money, he could lend me then.

5. An Englishman had someone design a card to send Christmas greetings to his friends.

6. They are living with their children at 186 Le Lai Street in An Giang.

7. Their uncle spent most of his time practicing the violin in the music room.

8. Which sentence tells us that she is more beautiful than her sister?

9. Unlike his old friends, he is very impolite.

10. Kenny is going to visit his fatherland with his family next month.

11. He and his colleagues don’t have to go to work at the weekend.

12. She wanted to know if there was a museum near here.

13. They are going to hold a party at their house tomorrow.

14. The boys are (aren’t)going to the school canteen, aren’t (are)they?

15. If you don’t go to bed soon, you’ll be late for the meeting.

Question 2: Rewrite sentences as directed so that it has the same meaning as the sentence
1. It is interesting that he thought of making toys from used paper.

2. It’s over twenty years since he last came back to his home village.

3. I have never such a strange film before.

4. I’d rather you didn’t interrupt me while I am speaking.

5. If you don’t get up now, you’ll be late for school.

6. We haven’t met each other for ten years.

7. It’s difficult to find accommodation in Da Lat at busy time.

8. Tennis used to be an indoor game.

9. My father likes living in the countryside better than living in the city.

10. Lan is the most intelligent (student) in my class.

11. Is this the first time you have played a computer game?

12. The Statue of Liberty was presented to the United State by the France in 1876.

13. The water wasn’t warm enough for the children to swim in.

14. It’s ages since he last chatted with his classmates through the Internet.

15. Experiments on animals should be stopped.

The end

Question 1: Choose the best answers
1. Would you mind my ....................................?
a. smoking b. smoke c. smokes d. smoked
2. I see you at the meeting. Why didn’t you come?
a. waited b. expected c. thought d. looked
3. All of us were ......................that he came first. He hasn’t been working hard so far.
a. surprising b. to surprise c. to be surprised d. surprised
4. Where is Janet? – She’s out. She said she ......................... back soon.
a. is b. will be c. would be d. came
5. Several people were hurt in the accident but only one the hospital.
a. has taken b. was taken c. was taking d. are taking
6. The policeman explained to us get to the airport.
a. how b. how can we c. how we can d. how can
7. I telephoned the station to make ......................of the time of the train.
a. true b. real c. right d. sure
8. The college got some money by selling one of its ...................old pictures.
a. helpful b. usual c. valuable d. useful
9. –“ Pass me that pen, please!” – “.........................”
a. Here you are b. No, it isn’t c. It doesn’t matter d. Yes, please
10. He ....................... in the cafe when she came in.
a. sat b. has sat c. has been sitting d. was sitting
11. It was raining .......................we cancelled the trip to Mount Faber.
a. although b. so c. because d. but
12. How far is it from Ha Noi to Hoa Binh? – It ...................about two hours by bus.
a. takes b. goes c. needs d. wants
13. Everybody was there, including..................Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
a. with b. of c. ___ d. in
14. She hasn’t written to me .......................
a. any longer b. never c. already d. yet
15. Surely David’s not going to drive,........................he?
a. does b. is c. isn’t d. will
Question 2: Match a verb in A with a phrase in B to have a completel phrase.:
0. to drink a. in an urban area
1. to go b. more money
2. to look c. the news
3. to live d. a meeting
4. to provide e. at the station at 5.30
5. to watch f. for suitable jobs in the city
6. to fix g. the countryside to the city
7. to have h. facilities for the people
8. to prefer i. the computer
9. to need j. to the countryside in the weeked
10. to arrive k. a cup of tea
0-k 1-..... 2-..... 3-..... 4-...... 5-..... 6-...... 7-...... 8-...... 9-...... 10 -.......
Question 3: Supply the correct forms of the word in parentheses.
1. Some of the (village)......................................have lived here all their lives.
2. The room still has many of its (origin)...................................features.
3. He doesn’t know the (mean)....................................... of the word.

4. They tried their best to avoid (get)................................into traffic jams at rush hours.
5. She had her hair (wash).................................... and styled.
6. It’s only a short trip. We (be)................................. back in an hour.
7. He spends most of his free time (play)............................... computer games
8. We produce cheaper goods than our (compete)
9. He has been (separate) ....................................... from his wife for a year.
10. His father is a (special) Vietnamese history.
Question 4:Find the word which fits the definition. The first has been done for you.
1. You could keep books on it: ……….bookshelf……..
2. You could keep plates in it: ………………....……….
3. You keep your clothes in it: …………....………….…
4. You can see yourself in it: ……………...……………
5. You get washed in it: ………………........…………..
6. You bite the food with them: .......................................
Question 1. Choose ONE appropriate question in the box to each paragraph below:

1/ How do industry and transport cause pollution?

2/ How can I help?
3/ What is the pollution?
4/ How can industry help?
5/ What cause pollution?
6/ What about air pollution?

A. ___ Pollution is the poisoning of the land, sea and air.

B. ___ Mainly industry and transport. If you go to any city, you will see too many factories, too
many cars with not enough people in them, and not enough public transport.
C. ___ Factories and vehicles produce waste which goes into the air and rivers and spreads all
over the land. Poisons in the waste build up over the years and harm trees, plants, animals, and
D. ___ Waste gases build up in the air, and dissolve into raindrops, forming a weak acid. This
"acid rain" can fall far away from the country which produced it, killing trees in forests and fish in
lakes and rivers.
E. ___ If companies clean their waste gases before releasing them into the atmosphere, there'll
be much less air pollution and no acid rain. But this can be expensive and it needs all the world's
companies to do it.
F. ___ Cars pollute the atmosphere. Walk, cycle and use public transport as much as possible.
Only use your car when you really need to, and use unleaded petrol if you can - lead is one of the
most dangerous ingredients in petrol. Join us, and help us to campaign for cleaner air for everybody.

Question 2: Fill in the blanks with one suitable word. The first letter has been provided:
Every December millions of Christmas cards go through the post. There are pictures of stars
and snow or Christmas (1) t......................... . In these days it is hard to think of Christmas (2)
w......................... Christmas cards. Yet little over a hundred and fifty years ago there were (3)
n.......................... at all. Here is just one story of the way in which they started.
Some boys of those days who were at boarding schools had to write a special piece of English at
Christmas (4) t......................... . This was sent to their (5) p......................... so that they could see how the
boys' work was during the year.
Young people like to make little (6) d......................... on the paper when they write letters or
poems. These boys were the (7) s.......................... .They used to draw little pictures all (8)
r.............................. the writing. Sometimes they coloured them, and after a time the pictures became
more (9) i......................... than the writing. These were the (10) f......................... Christmas cards.

Question 1: Rewrite sentences as directed.
1. Why don’t you take that English course?
2. You forgot to turn off the TV last night, didn’t you?
You didn’t.....................................................................................................................................?
3. Despite his age, Mr. Thanh runs five kilometres every morning.
4. He didn’t finish his work until the bell rang.
Not until.........................................................................................................................................
5. When he is asked about his past, he hates it.
He hates..........................................................................................................................................
6. Without Tom’s help, Bill couldn’t have finished the work.
If it..................................................................................................................................................
7. William said to Mary “Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat?”
William suggested..........................................................................................................................
8. “It’s time we went to bed” they said. (Rewrite, using reported speech)
9. The robbers made the bank manager hand over the money.
The bank manager ........................................................................................................................
10. She hasn’t been to Ho Chi Minh City for three years.
The last..........................................................................................................................................
11. I cleaned the floor then I went to bed.
12. “Don’t forget to send your parents my regards”, she said to me.
She told.........................................................................................................................................
13. “Would you like to dance with me?” she said to John.
Question 2: Write complete sentences using the words given to form a letter:
Dear Uncle Tom,
1. Thank / much / alarm clock / send me / 15th birthday.
2. It just / what / need.
3. I / terrible / get up late / every morning.
4. Thanks / your present / I / wake up / time.
5. I / hope / you both well.
6. I / look forward / see / you / Christmas.
7. Thanks also / lovely card.
Best wishes,

Keys – practice 8


Question 1: Choose the best answers.

1. a 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. d 8. c 9. a 10. d

11. b 12. a 13. c 14. d 15. b.

Question 2: Match a verb in A with a phrase in B to have a completel phrase.

1j 2f 3a 4h 5c 6i 7d 8g 9b 10e

Question 3: Supply the correct forms of the word in parentheses.

1. villagers 2. original 3. meaning 4. getting 5. washed 6. will be

7. playing 8. competitors 9. separated 10. specialist

Question 4:Find the word which fits the definition. The first has been done for you.

2. cupboard 3. wardrobe/ trunk 4. mirror 5. water 6. teeth


Question 1. Choose ONE appropriate question in the box to each paragraph below :
A3 B5 C1 D6 E4 F2

Question 1: Fill in the blanks with one suitable word. The first letter has been provided: 1.
trees 2. without 3. nothing/ none 4. time5. parents

6. drawings 7. same 8. round 9. important/ interesting 10. first


Question 1: Rewrite sentences as directed. (15 pts)

1. If I were you, I would take that English course
2. You didn’t turned off the TV last night , did you
3. Even though Mr. Thanh is old, he runs five kilometers every morning.
4. Not until the bell rang, did he finish his work?
5. He hates being asked about his past.
6. If it hadn’t for Tom’s help, Bill....................................
7. William suggested that Mary should put her luggage under the seat.
8. They said it was time they went to bed.
9. The bank manager was made to hand over the money.
10. The last time he went to HCM city was three years ago.
11. After cleaning/ I had cleaned the floor, I went to bed
12. She told me not to forget to send my parents her regards
13. She invited John to dance with her.
Question 2: Write complete sentences using the words given to form a letter :

Dear Uncle Tom,

1. Thank you very much for the alarm clock you sent me on my 15th birthday.
2. It's just what I need.
3. I'm terrible to get up late every morning.

4. Thanks to your present, I can wake up on time.
5. I hope you're both well.
6. I'm looking forward to seeing you at Christmas.
7. Thanks also your lovely card.
Best wishes,

The end

A. Vocabulary
I. Circle the best answer A, B, C, or D
1. To jog means to................................
A. work hard B. run fast C. run slowly D. work carefully
2. To quit means to................................
A. give up B. start C. begin D. sleep
3. To reduce means to....................
A. increase B decrease C. destroy D. rise
4. To assist means to............................
A. hire B. like C. hate D. help
5. I am looking forward to……………you some day .
A. seeing B. saw C. see D. sees
6. The opposite of failure is...................
A. success B. difficulty C. pride D. harm
7. The opposite of enemy is...................
A. army B. friend C. dog D. cat
8. The opposite of agree is...................
A. fly B. dream C. refuse D. grow
9. What is she doing?
A. Nothing B. Doing C. Feeding D. Sweeping
10. Ba is sociable but his brother is quite …………..
A. outgoing B. shy C. generous D. kind
II. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of words with the capital words at
the beginning at sentences.
11. All ……………between Paris and Hanoi have been cancelled due to fog
FLY → ……………………….
12. There is plenty of………………for young people in this city.
ENTERTAIN → ……………………….
13. It’s ………………… to complain; you won’t get your money back.
USE → …………………………..
14. During his……………….. the family used to live in the country side.
CHILD → ………………….
15. He is such (a/an )……………….person that no one likes him.
HELP → …………………………
B. Grammar and Structure
I. Choose the best answer to fill in the blank
16. My friend .............. the answer to the question now.
A. is known B. know C. is knowing D. knows
17. I think I’ll buy this pair of shoes. They................ me really well.
A. fit B. are fitting C. have fit D. are fitted
18. I’ll tell my uncle all the news when I ............... him.
A. will see B. am going to see C. see D. shall see
19. I’ve got my key. I found it when I ................. for something else.
A. looked B. have looked C. looking D. was looking
20. “All these photographs ................... with a very cheap camera,” he said.
A. have taken B. take C. were taken D. were taking
21. I wondered ................... the tickets were on sale yet.
A. what B. whether C. when D. where
22. Dinner will be ready soon. Can you please .............. the table?
A. lay B. put C. make D. take
23. Our neighbors are very ...................... on camping holidays.
A. interested B. fond C. eager D. keen
24. There are some one following us. I think we this area.
A. are following B. are followed C. follow D. are being followed
25. Walt Disney ....................... the character of Mickey Mouse
A. was created B. is created C. creates D. created .
26. Would you like to go to the cinema? –No, thanks. I’d…………stay at home.
A. better B. like C. rather D. prefer
27. Did they ask you what examinations you’ve……………..?
A. succeeded B. passed C. overcome D. obtained
28. The Caspian Sea, a salt lake, is…………… any other lake in the world.
A. larger than B. largest C. the largest D. the larger than
29. Most people prefer………… to…………….it.
A. spend- earn B. spending- earn C. to spend – earning D. spending- earning
30. Our teacher made us…………….harder.
A. working B. to work C. work D. works
31. The plane will……………… a few minutes.
A. take off B. land C. group D. both A&B
32.The teacher told the student ……………
A. what to do that B. how to do that C. which to do that D. by how to do that
33. He is used to …………….in public.
A. the speaking B. be speaking C. speak D. speaking
34. Do you think I should practice………..English every day?- Yes, if you want to improve it.
A. on listening B. to listen C. listened D. listening
35. I am not old enough ………. the car.
A. driving B. drive C. drove D. to drive
II. Choose the word or phrase that needs correcting
36. Peter, I’d would like you to meet some very special people
37. It is greatly to be with you on such a lovely day
38. Would you mind to go to the local bookshop to get me some papers?
39. I think I prefer country life more than city life
40. Thanks for invite me to the water - fetching contest of your school

III. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the passive form
Wiki Website
“Wiki” means “quick” in Hawaian. The word is used to describe websites that …………..(41.
write) by people who use the site. Anyone who visits a wiki website can add or change the
information on the page. The first wiki website ………………..(42. create) by Ward Cunningham in
1995. Since then, wiki guidebooks , wiki dictionaries and wiki encyclopedias ……………….(43. publish)
on the Internet. The most popular online encyclopedia is “wikipedia” . Over 22 million entries
…………….(44. add) since it started, and it is now the most detailed encyclopedia in the world.
According to the create or of Wikipedia, the work ………………(45. do) by 20. 000 people who
regularly edit the pages. The amazing thing is that the information is completely free.



C. Speaking
I. Matching the question in column A with the suitable answer in column B
46. What do you think this machine is for? A. Yes, sir
47. Would you mind if I opened the door? B. Tall, thin, short curly hair
48. Would you like to go through the departure C. I have no idea.
lounge? D. Too quiet.
49. What does the countryside look like? E. Please go ahead
50. What does he look like?

46 47 48 49 50

II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
51. A. worked B. naked C. looked D. attacked
52. A. engineer B. excited C. experiment D. exhibition
53. A. teammate B. speaker C. bean D. overhead
54. A. furious B. purpose C. surf D. turn
55. A. deny B. deposit C. benefit D. respond

D. Reading
I. Fill in the blanks with suitable word
celebration, custom, gather, gifts, midnight, particularly, symbolize, ring, bring, display

In Scotland, the biggest …………..(56) of the year is “Hogmanay”. “Hogmanay” is the Scottish
word for New Year’s Eve. On 31 st December in Edinburgh, there is an enormous firework ……………
(57) at the castle and they play live music in the park. Thousands of people …………….(58) in the
streets , coffees and bars. Then at 12 o’clock, church bells ……………….(59) all over the city. After

midnight people go “first footing” . This is a Scottish …………..(60) that dates back hundreds of years.
“First footing” is visiting your neighbours after ……………..(61) on New Year’s Eve. The visitors must
step into the house with their right foot step first, to ……………..(62) good luck. Traditionally, the
visitors bring three ……………….(63) : a piece of coal, a piece of “short bread” ( a Scottish biscuit) and a
little whisky. The gifts ………………….(64) warmth, food and happiness. If the first person who visits
your home after midnight is a man with dark hair, that is …………….(65) lucky.

56 57 58 59 60

61 62 63 64 65

II. Read the passage and choose the best answer in the blanket.

For many people, traveling by plane is an exciting experience. Others, however, find the whole idea
quite terrifying, (66)…………. flying is no more dangerous (67)…………… any other form of travel and
some experts say it is considerably safer. It is known, however, that most accident occurs (68)
………….. taking off and landing when (69)………… decisions are vitally important.
The people (70)………… job it is to look (71)……….. the passengers, the stewards and
stewardesses play an important part in helping passengers to (72)………….. safe and comfortable.
Indeed for many passengers being (73)………… such care of is all part of the total experience. (74)
………… other form of travel involves waiting for people in quite the same (75)………. with food, drink,
newspapers, magazines, music, and even video films.
66. A. although B. too C. and D. because
67. A. than B. as C. then D. with
68. A. while B. during C. for D. through
69. A. leader’s B. chief’s C. driver’s D. pilot’s
70. A. whose B. which C. their D. that
71. A. for B. up C. after D. round
72. A. feel B. rest C. experience D. lie
73. A. given B. kept C. shown D. taken
74. A. Any B. No C. All D. Not
75. A. sort B. kind C. way D. part

E. Writing

I. Use the words given to make meaningful sentences.

76. Early this morning/ children/ decide/ go/ a run.
77. Life/ country / definitely / changing / the better.
78. The date / meeting/ will/ have to/ change/ tomorrow.
79. Tom / have / shower / telephone / rang.

80. Last year / we /spend / week / My Son / and / I not want / leave.
81. Watching / television / consider / most / popular / kind / entertainment / nowadays.
82. After /many / experiments / finally / first / successful /flight/ make / by / Wright brothers.
83. My grandfather / used / tell / stories / until / we / fall / asleep.
84. I / used / collect / shells / when / be / kid.
85. My uncle / move / Ho Chi Minh City/ 1987/ and / live / there / then.

II. Rewrite the following sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first
86. Tom works hard as a student
Tom ………………………………………………………………………………
87. It is good exercise to run a mile a day
 Running ……………………………………………………………………………
88. It’s a great pleasure to be with you.
 Being ……………………………………………………………………………….
89. We didn’t see her at all.
 She …………………………………………………………………………………
90. Tom is not as tall as Peter
 Peter ……………………………………………………………………………….
91. Her father asked her if she would go to the cinema with her friend
 Her father asked her: “………………………………………………………………”
92. The step- mother doesn’t treat the little girl in a normal way.
 The little girl ……………………………………………………………………..
93. Do you mind my smoking?
 Do you mind………………………………………………………………………..
94. No one works harder than Barbara.
 Barbara ………………………………………………………………..
95. He told his customer : “ Please bring it back if it doesn’t fit well”
 He told ……………………………………………………………………………
96. The last time we saw him was in 1988.
We haven’t…………………………………………………………………………
97. Peter spent 3 hours on repairing his computer.
 It took………………………………………………………………………………
98. You will not be accepted if you don’t finish your home work.
 Unless……………………………………………………………………………
99. “Don’t swim out too far, boys ’’ I said
 I warned…………………………………………………………………………
100. They arrived late because the traffic was terrible.
 Because of………….……………………………………………………………


Đề bài gồm 100 câu bao gồm cả trắc nghiệm và tự luận. Mỗi câu 1 điểm, tổng số điểm là 100 sau đó
quy về thang điểm 20.

A. Vocabulary
I. 1C 2A 3B 4D 5A 6A 7B 8C 9A 10B

II. 11. flights 12. entertainment 13. useless 14. childhood 15. unhelpful

B . Grammar And Structures


16 D 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. C 21. B 22. A

23. D 24. D 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. D

30. C 31D 32B 33. D 34.D 35. D

II. 36. A 37. B 38. C 39. D 40. A

III. 41. are written 42. was created 43. have been published
44. have been added 45. is done

C. Speaking

I. 46. C 47. E 48. A 49D 50. B

II. 51. B 52. A 53. D 54. A 55. C

D. Reading


56. celebration 57. display 58. gather 59. ring 60. custom

61. midnight 62. bring 63. gifts 64. symbolize 65. particularly


66. A 67. A 68.B 69. D 70.A

71. C 72. A 73. D 74. B 75.C

E. Writing


76. Early this morning the children decided to go for a run.

77. Life in the country is definitely changing for the better.

78. The date of the meeting will have to be changed tomorrow.

79. Tom was having a shower when the telephone rang.

80. Last year, we spent a week in My Son and I did not want to leave.

81. Watching television is considered the most popular kind of entertainment nowadays.

82. After many experiments, finally the first successful flight was made by the Wright brothers.

83. My grandfather used to tell us stories until we fell asleep.

84 I used to collect shells when I was a kid.

85 My uncle moved to Ho Chi Minh City in 1987 and he has lived there since then.


86. Tom is a hard -working student

87. Running a mile a day is good exercise

88. Being with you is a great pleasure.

89. She wasn’t seen at all

90. Peter is taller than Tom

91. Her father asked her : “Will you go to the cinema with your friend?”

92. The little girl isn’t treated in a normal way by the step- mother

93. Do you mind if I smoke?

94. Barbara works hardest

95. He told his customer to bring it back if it didn’t fit well

96. We haven’t seen him since 1988.

97. It took Peter 3 hours to repair his computer.

98. Unless you finish your homework, you will not be accepted.

99. I warned the boys not to swim out too far.

100. Because of the terrible traffic, they arrived late.

I. Choose the underlined part that pronounced differently from the others
1) A. honest B. hour C. honor D. huour
2) A. deaf B. beat C. lead D. teach
3) A. there B. thank C. youth A. thirsty
4) A. fund B. upset C. tutor D. rug
5) A. safe B. mall C. nature D. face
6) A. option B. information C. quention D. invitation
7) A. choos B. chemistry C. character D. child
8) A. invited B. liked C. ended D. wanted
9) notice B. grow C. ghost D. lost
10) like B. wide C. oponion D. file

II. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tenses

1. Yester day, I (1. spend) ……………… two hours (2. do)………… the homeword.
2. The thiefs (3. catch)…………….. when the (4. leave)………….. the bank.
3. Two hors ago, Mrs Brown (5. have)………… Alice (6. take)……….. her son to the school.
4. How many times you (7. be)………… to Ho Chi Minh City?
5. The moon (8. move)……………… around th earth.
6. Next summer, my parents wil let me (9. visit)…………….. my grand father.
7. How about (10. go)……………… to the zoo?

III. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions

1. She went out the room………………….. saying a word.
2. The life in the countryside is changing…………. Better.
3. She was born……………… 2 o’clock …………….. 18th July.
4. Mary is thinking……………… importing fowers………….. China.
5. They are traveling……………….. the airport…………….. a bus.
6. I am afraid………………. Ghost.
7. The fight………………... deforestation is very important.

IV. Put the words in brackets into correct forms

1. Ha Long Bay is in………………… VietNam (north).
2. The wild animals are being…………………..(appear).
3. I couldn’t find any………………. between the tow picture (different).
4. She is a ……………… she sells flowers at a shop in Canada (flower).
5. Long put…………… on that towel to stop the bleeding (press).
6. The question isn’t good. It’s ………….. to ask (import).
7. His father soon died of a ……………… heart (break).
8. Don’t let the child go out because it’s……………. (wind).

9. I am going to have a……………… check-up next Monday (medicine).
10. The knife is ……………… it can cut everything (use).

V. Choose the best answer

1. I finish ………….. the book and went to bed.
A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads
2. That man can tell us where …………….
A. does John live B. is John living C. John lives D. John live
3. …………… clothes do you prefer, T- shirt or pullover?
A. Which B. What C. Where D. How
4. Can you …………… your paper with you when I come there, please?
A. collect B. bring C. get D. take
5. Smoking is harmful …………….. your health.
A. on B. for D. about C. to
6. Do you find anything …………….. there?
A. interested B. useful C. bored D. easily
7. Ann is very busy these days. She has …………… free time.
A. a little B. few C. a few D. little
8. It’s raining very ……………
A.wet B. badly C. hard D. firmly
9. A new shoppig is ……………. In my neighborhood today.
A. being opened B. opened C. opening D. be opened
10. The stolen machines were ………………. a lot of money.
A. valued B. cost C. price D. worth

VI. Rewrite the following sentences as directed

1. Has anyone asked you for your opinions?/ Nam said that………………………
2. I had a dog once, but I don’t have anymore./ I ………………………………….
3. The water was so cold that the children couldn’t swim in it./ The water………..
4. “ Eat more and more vegetables” the doctor said./ The doctor told……………..
5. To live on your salary must be hard./ It ………………………………………….
6. Tom is the best player in the team./ No one in the team …………………………
7. It’s interesting to read this book./ This book ……………………………………
8. I spend half an hour traveling to work by motorbike everyday./ It takes………...
9. Peter said he wasn’t feeling well then./ Peter said “I ……………………………”
10. A boy was injured in the accident, he is now in the hospital./ The boy ………...

VII. Find and correct mistakes in the passage

In a modern life today, the work of the farm is less hard because he is helped a lot by machines.
That mean nore food is produced and less labour and less work hours are spent. He also has more
free time for intertain and more things such as a big house, motorbike, television. Her life is getting
better and good day by day. His children go to school. Before they finish school, they are sent to
universityes.The farmer still have to work hardly but his life is much improved.

VIII. Read the passage and answer the questions

Most types of paper can be recycled. Newspapers have been recycled profitably for decades and
recycling of other paper is growing. It’s important to know what you are buying in a paper product,
for that reason virtually all paper products should be marked with the percentage and tupe of
recycled content. Just saying “recycle paper” isn’t enough. “Recycled paper” can mean anything from
100% true recycled paper to 1% re- manufactured ends of large paper rolls. “Post- consumer” mean
the paper that you and I return to recycling centers.
 Questions :
1. Can newspapers be recycled?

2. Why should all paper products be marked with the percentage and tupe of?

3. Are all recycled paper products the same?


4. What does “Post- consumer” mean?


IX. Write a passage in 150 words about your dream school

















Keys – practice 10

I. (10 đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm

1-D 3-A 5-B 7-D 9-C
2-A 4-C 6-C 8-B 10-F
II . (10 đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm
(1) spent (3) were caught (5) had (7) have – been (9) visit
(2) doing (4) were leaving (6) take (8) moves (10) going
III (10 đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm
1. without 3. at – on 5. to / in 7. against
2. for 4. of / about – from 6. of
IV. (10 đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm
1. northern.
2. disappeared.
3. differences
4. florist
5. pressure.
6. unimportant.
7. broken.
8. windy.
9. medical.
10. useful.

V. (10 đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm

1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B. 5.D
6.B 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.D
VI. (20 đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 2 điểm

1. Have you been asked for your opinion?.

2. I used to have a dog.
3. The water wasn’t warm enough for the children to swim in.
4. The doctor told me to eat more and more vegetables.
5. It must be hard to live on your salary.
6. No one in the team plays as well as Tom.
7. this book is interesting to be read.
8. It takes me half an hour to travel to work by motorbike everyday.
9. Peter said “I am not feeling well now”.
10. The boy injured in the accident is now in the hospital.
VII. (10 đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm
1. farm ->farmer 6. good-> better
2. mean-> means 7. Berofe-> After
3. work-> working 8. universityes-> universities
4. entertain-> entertainment 9. have-> has
5. Her-> His 10. hardly-> hard
VIII. (8 đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 2 điểm

1. Yes, they can.
2. To help consumers know what they are buying in a paper product.
3. No, they aren’t.
4. “Post- consumer” means the paper that you and I return to recycling centers.

I. Select A, B, C or D only to indicate the word whose bold and underlined part is pronounced
differently from the rest.
1. A. looked B. watched C. stopped D. carried
2. A. bath B. father C. theater D. health
3. A. danger B. angry C. language D. passage
4. A. whole B. when C. where D. while
5. A. improvement B. equipment C. comment D. development

II. Choose the correct word or phrase underlined to complete each of the following sentences.
1. My mother is (enough/ too/ so/ very) tired to cook tonight
2. They haven’t seen each other (since/ for/ at/ in ) Christmas.
3. Alexander Graham Bell invented the (washing machine/ computer/ television set/ telephone).
4. Mr Hoang is used (eat/ to eat/ to eating/ ate) no thing before going to work
5. Tim saw his friends while he (cross/ was crossing/ is crossing/ crossed) the street.
6. He asked me (if I have/ whether I have/ if I had/ whether I have had) a driving licence .
7. Cool the burn immediately (so as/ so that/ in order to/ because) to minimize tissue damage.
8. She promises she (is/ be/ has been/ will be) back in about ten minutes.
9. This project (is carried out/ will carried out / carries out/ will be carried out) next month.
10. I saw him (watering/ water/ is watering/ to water) the flowers in the garden.
11. Angkor Wat is the (large/ largest / larger/ most largest ) temple in the world.
12. In the rice – cooking festival, a fire is made in the (modern/ new/ traditional/ old time) way.
13. Hoa told me that she (is / was/ were/ had been) hungry.
14. It (sounds/ hears/ says/ listens) interesting. How does it work ?
15. It isn’t good for children (to eat/ eating/ for eating/ eat) too many sweets.

III. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following questions

6. She went to market without ____________ anything.
A. buy B. to buy C. bought D. Buying
7. ____________ she plays the piano!
A. How well B. How good C. What well D. What good
8. The new shopping mall is quite ____________ the present shopping area.
A. different from B. the same C. like to D. similar
9. There were _________________ flowers that I couldn’t dicide what to buy.
A. so many B. so few C. so little D. so much
10. Of my parents, my father is _________________
A. the stricter B. the strictest C. strict D. stricter
11. Would you _________________ cleaning the floor for me?
A. like B. please C. mind D. rather
12. I’ve never seen such an interesting _______________
A. performing B. performer C. performance D. performed
13. I’m sorry. I’m not ___________ to help you lift the table.
A. enough strong B. too strong C. strong enough D. enough strength.
14. I usually go to work by bus, but ________ and then I use my motorbike
A. again B. once C. now D. ever
15. There are not _____________ jobs for all of us.
A. so B. such C. too D. enough

IV . Supply the correct tense of the verbs in brackets to compete the passage.
Robert Wilson (1)….(be)…. …………… a politician. He (2)…(go) ……………… to Oxford University
in 1960, and in 1976 he (3)… ……………… (become)…. a Member of Parliament (an MP). He (4)….
(be)… …………… an MP since then. He (5) ………………… (be)… Minister of Education from 1980 to
1985. He (6)… …………………(write)… many books. He (7)…… (get)… …………… married and (8) …
(have)… ……………. two children. His family lived in Oxford for 15 years, then they (9)…….(move)…
……………to London in 1980. They now (10)…..(live)… …………… in a house in Kensington Street,

III. Rewrite these sentences so that they have the same meaning
1. She studies English so that she can improve her knowledge.
 She studies English so as……………………………………………………………………………………….
2. The last time I went to Ho Chi Minh City was 6 years ago.
 I haven’t………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. “Where is the post office?” A visitor asked Lan.
 A visitor asked Lan…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. May I borrow your ruler?
 Would you mind……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. We spent five hours getting to London.
 It took us ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. Some one is going to tune my piano tomorrow.
 I am going………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. Nam keeps forgetting his homework.
 Nam is…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. My mother gave me a very nice watch yesterday.
 I was ………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………
9. We’d prefer you not to smoke.
 We’d rather…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
10. “ You should not believe him, Minh” said Toan
 Toan advised…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
IV. Fill a suitable preposition in each blank.
1. Mrs Vui always prides …………………….….her cooking.
2. It is safe to keep medicine …………….….locked cupboards.
3. Lipton tea is different…………………….………Dilmah tea.
4. How ……………….….. going to Vinh Market this afternoon ?
5. Mr John is very interested ………… the history of Viet Nam.
6. When my parents arrived home, I was waiting………….a phone call.
7. Mary regretted not bringing a lot of clothes…………..her. It was very cold.
8. Hoa got up late as her alarm clock didn’t go………………..
9. Would you mind if I had a look ……………………… your luggage ?
10. Because of the heavy storm, the ship moved up and………..the water.
V. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. The lecturer is giving us first-aid …………………. (instruct)
2. Relax for some minutes and you’ll feel more …………….. (comfort)
3. He said “Good morning” in a most ………….. way. (friend)
4. This book is ……….. enough for me to read. (interest)
5. Sa Pa is a wonderful ………..... resort in Viet Nam. (mountain)
6. Nam’s sister has been an………….for seven years. act)
7. Diana is a …………… She sells flowers at a shop in New York. (flower)
8. The view of this mountain is ……………… (beauty)
9. My mother doesn’t like me to wear short skirts to church. She thinks they are …… (suitable)
10. Christmas songs were …………for people in towns and villages. (perform)

III. Complete the following questions with the correct preposition.

16. She isn’t here ________________ the moment.
17. Warm clothes protect us ________________ bad weather.
18. What do you often do ________________ weekends.
19. We haven’t seen him _____________ last month.
20. He had an accident and was taken __________ hospital.
21. We regarded him ____________ a famous doctor.
22. You’re better ask __________ the information desk.
23. He borrowed $ 100 ______________ his father
24. “ Hamlet” is written ____________ Shakespeare.
25. Jane fell _________ her bike and hit head on the road

VI. Read and choose the words or phrases that best fit each of the blank spaces.
Paper was …….(1)…… by the Chinese in the first century AD. Most paper is made …..(2)….
wood. When trees are …….(3)……, they are transported …..(4)….. land or water to paper mill. Here
they are cut …(5).. and the wood is broken up into fibres. Which are ….. (6) with water and
chemicals. This wood pulp is then dried on a machine and ….(7)…. into paper.
One tree is needed for every 400 ….(8)…. of a typical forty-page newspaper. If half the adults
in Britain each buy one daily paper, this uses up over 40.000 trees a day. Trees are being cut
down faster than they are being …….(9)…, so there may be a (n) ……(10) paper shortage before
the year 2010.
1. a. imagined b. invented c. thought d. brought
2. a. from b. of c. by d. with
3. a. cut in b. cut of c. cut down d. cut up
4. a. on b. of c. through d. by
5. a. up b. all c. over d. in
6. a. turned b. mixed c. beaten d. joined
7. a. make b. making c. made d. to make
8. a. covers b. texts c. sheets d. copies
9. a. set up b. replaced c. grown up d. found
10. a. able b. important c. serious d. essential

IV. Fill the blanks with the right form of the CAPITAL words provided in the right column.
26. Their children have quite _____________ characters. DIFFERENCE
27. What is the correct ______________of this word? PRONOUNCE
28. Relax for some minutes and you’ll feel more _________ COMFORT
29. She is one of the greatest ______________ to appear in this theater. PERFORM
30. My house is on the top of a hill. It’s very __________ there in the fall WIND
31. It is _______________ to eat too much sugar and fatty food. HEALTH
32. During his _____________ the family lived in Cornwall CHILD
33. Bell ______________ demonstrated his invention. SUCCESS
34. Every day, there are two _________ from Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh city. FLY
35. ______________ , dark clouds appeared and it began to rain. SUDDEN

V. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.

36. Will you wait a minute while I (look) ____________ through the text ?
37. “ I hear you’ve bought a new house.” - “Yes, I ( move ) __________ in next week”
38. Look at those black clouds. It ( rain) __________
39. The film ( begin) ___________ at 7.30 or 8.00 this evening ?
40. Mai (telephone)____________ you when she comes back.
41. The pens ( produce ) ___________ by Thien Long Company are usually cheap and good.
42. “Do you mind if I sit here ?” – “ I ‘d rather you ( sit ) __________ over there”
43. The price ( become ) __________ more and more expensive these days.
44, + 45. Mr Binh ( know) ______ how to drive a car although he ( not learn) ________ it yet.
VIII. There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find it by choosing A, B, C
or D.
66. Have you ever seen a painting of Picasso yet ?
67. “ Do you think anyone saw us ?” she told nervously.
68. The plays writing by Shakespeare are very popular in the world.
69. The employer said that he would give them a two – day trip to Phu Tho next week.
70.My sister is studying very hard in order to pass the exam and getting scholarship at university.
IX. Write a description of 100-120 words with the title “My holidays”.







Câu I : 4,5 điểm ( Mỗi câu đúng 0,3 đ )
1. too 6. if I had 11. largest
2. since 7. so as 12. traditional
3. telephone 8. will be 13. was
4. to eating 9. will be carried out 14. sounds
5. was crossing 10. watering 15. to eat
Câu II: 2,5 điểm (Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 đ)
1. is 2. went 3. became 4. has been 5. was
6. has written 7. gets 8. has 9. moved 10. live / are now living
Câu III : 3,0 điểm ( Mỗi câu đúng đạt 0,3 đ ):
1. She studies English so as to improve her knowledge.
2. I haven’t gone / been to Ho Chi Minh for 6 years.
3. A visitor asked Lan where the post office was.
4. Would you mind lending me your ruler?
Or : Would you mind if I borrowed your ruler?
5. It took us five hours to get to Lon don.
6. I am going to have my piano tuned tomorrow.
7. Nam is always forgetting his homework.
8. I was given a very nice watch yesterday.
9. We’d rather you didn’t smoke.
10. Toan advised Minh not to believe him.
Câu IV : 2,5 điểm ( Mỗi câu đúng đạt 0,25 đ ):
1. on 2. in 3. from 4. about 5. in
6. for 7. with 8. off 9. atr 10. down
Câu V : 3,0 điểm ( Mỗi câu đúng đạt 0,3 đ ):
1. instructions 6. actress
2. comfortable 7. florist
3. friendly 8. beautiful
4. interesting 9. unsuitable
5. mountainous 10. perormed
Câu VI : 2,5 điểm ( Mỗi đáp án đúng đạt 0,25 đ )
1. b. ivented 6. b. mixed
2. a. from 7. c. made
3. c. cut down 8. d. copies
4. d. by 9. b. Replaced
5. a. up 10. serious
Câu VII : 2,0 điểm : Giá m khả o că n cứ và o bà i viết về kỳ nghỉ củ a họ c sinh để chấ m, bà i viết sử dụ ng
thì quá khứ là cơ bả n.
----- Hết -----

A. Phonetics
I. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) which has the underlined part pronounced differently from
the others in each group.
1. A. climate B. comic C. hike D. website
2. A. worked B. laughed C. hoped D. naked
3. A. cover B. category C. ancient D. decorate
4. A. erupt B. humor C. UFO D. communicate
5. A. Buddhism B. bomb C. viable D. bulb

II. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) which has the stress pattern different from that of the other
1. A. comprise B. depend C. design D. novel
2. A. tropical B. collection C. tendency D. charity
3. A. friendliness B. occasion C. pagoda D. deposit
4. A. importing B. specific C. impolite D. important
5. A. federation B. unpolluted C. disappearing D. profitable

B. Vocabulary and Grammar

I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. All the sentences below use “the”, which one is correct?
A. Can you pass the sugar please? B. The crime is a problem in many big cities.
C. The apples are good for you. D. I love the skiing.
2. Our friends have lived in Ho Chi Minh city __________ 2002
A. for B. since C. in D. about
3. He prefers soccer ___________ tennis
A. from B. than C. to D. or
4. If they worked more carefully, they ___________ so many mistakes.
A. won’t make B. don’t make C. wouldn’t make D. didn’t make
5. He __________ to his friend’s party when his parents asked him to go home.
A. goes B. was going C. went D. has gone
6. There’s a strange man behind us. I think_______.
A. we are followed B. we are being followed
C. we are being following D. we are following
7. Which of the following is the strongest advice?
A. You should get a hair-cut. B. If I were you I’d get a hair-cut.
C. You ought to get a hair-cut. D. You really must get a hair-cut.
8. ________ you mind if I use your dictionary?
A. Will B. Do C. Can D. Did
9. Mr.Vo Van Kiet, ______ was our former Prime Minister, was born in Vinh Long.
A. that B. whose C. who D. whom
10. All that rubbish will have to be _____ at once.
A. get rid of B. got rid of C. got rid D. getting rid of
II. Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets to complete the passage
1. My friend was (make)____________ (pay) ______________ back the book.

2. Hardly he (take) ____________ up the book when the phone (ring) ________.
3. Can you imagine what I (come)___________ across when I (roll)__________ up the carpet yesterday?
4. If she wins the prize, it (be) _________________ because she (write) _____________ very well.
5. He resented (ask) _________ (wait) __________. He had expected the minister to see him at once.
III. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each sentence
1. A lot of toys encourage children’s ___________________. (imagine)
2. The factory has provided cheaper ___________________ lately. (produce)
3. Burning coal is an ___________ way of heating a house. Gas is much cheaper. (economy)
4. According to some scientists the earth is losing its outer atmosphere because of ______ . (pollute)
5. She has one of the biggest art ________________________ in Britain. (collect)
6. ________________ has caused many so-called man-made disasters. (forest)
7. ____________ often walk through the streets shouting or singing about something they sell. (cry)
8. Gas and oil ____________________ always increases in cold weather. (consume)
9. The police are interested in the sudden _________________ of the valuable painting. (appear)
10. He claimed that his _______________________ had caused him to become a criminal. (bring up)
IV. Match a beginning in column A with the most suitable ending in column B to make a
meaningful sentence or a conversation
1. I must get back to work, a. That’s right, I am
2. Hello. You must be Maryam. b. which is the capital city of California.
3. Andrew is flying to Sacramento, c. we will have no fresh water to use.
4. Do you know that you can only live d. otherwise I’ll get the sack.
without water for four days?
5. If we pollute the water, e. It depends on where you are and what
you are doing, surely?
V. Each of the following sentence has four words or phrases underlined. The four underlined
parts of the sentence are marked A, B, C, D. You are to identify the one underlined word or
phrase that should be corrected or rewritten
1. Preserving natural resources mean reserving them for our future.
2. Despite of the increase in air fares, most people still prefer to travel by plane.
3. Regardless of your teaching method, the objective of any conversation class should be
for students to practice speaking words.
4. The injured man was taken to the hospital.
5. In order for one to achieve the desired results in this experiment, it is necessary that
he work as fastly as possible.

C. Reading
I. The reading is followed by several questions about it. There are four possible answers (A, B,
C or D) for each question. Choose the best answer.

Benjamin Franklin
Few people can embody the spirit of early America as much as Benjamin Franklin. He lived
through almost the whole of the eighteenth century, being born six years after it began, and dying
ten years before it ended. In this time he saw the American colonies grow from tiny settlements into
a nation, and he also contributed much to the development of the new state.
At the age of 17 Franklin ran away to Philadelphia. He had already received some training as a
printer’s apprentice, and this helped him seven years later, with his first publication, the
Pennsylvania Gazette. He also received a contract to do government printing work, which helped him
to rise from his poor background to become a successful entrepreneur. Some of his experience in
business was shared in his famous Poor Richard’s Almanak, which established his reputation
throughout the American colonies. In another of his works, the Autobiography, which was written
toward the end of his life, he shows the same quiet common sense.
He was deeply interested in science and natural history, and his experiments with electricity
and lightning led directly to the invention of the lightning rod. He was also interested in improving
the conditions of his fellow men. He was involved in a number of projects in his native Philadelphia,
including the setting up of a library, a university, a philosophical society, and - because he was a
pragmatic man - a fire prevention service. In 1753 he became Postmaster-General of the colonies.
Through this experience he began to develop the idea that the colonies of North America should be a
single nation. Later, he went to London to try to persuade the British government to change the
conditions, especially the taxes, that later led the American colonists into rebellion.
Whatever Benjamin Franklin’s personal feelings about the rebellion of the American states, he
worked hard to make it succeed. As ambassador to France, he encouraged the French to help George
Washington. After the war he attended the American constitutional congress. This was his last
contribution, for he died later that year. He is still fondly remembered by Americans as one of the
creators of the United States.
1. What is a good description for this text?
A. An autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. B. The life of Benjamin Franklin
C. The works of Benjamin Franklin. D. Franklin and American Independence.
2. When was Benjamin Franklin born?
A. 1806 B. 1794 C. 1717 D. 1706
3. Which of these happened first?
A. Franklin trains as a printer. B. Franklin runs away to Philadelphia.
C. The American colonies rebel. D. Franklin starts his first publication.
4. What was Poor Richard’s Almanak about?
A. Franklin’s reputation. B. How to succeed in business.
C. How to do government printing. D. The text does not say.
5. In which countries did Franklin live?
A. England and France. B. Philadelphia and England.
C. London and America. D. England, America and France.
II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in
each space. There is an example at the beginning (0)
In 1973, when the tiger appeared to (0) be facing extinction, the World Wide Fund for Nature
and (1) _____Indian Government agreed to set (2) ______ “Operation Tiger”- a campaign (3) ______ save
this threatened creature. They started by creating nine special parks (4) _____that tigers could live in

safety. The first was at Ranthambhore, a region (5) _____ was quickly turning into a desert (6) _____
too much of the grass was being eaten by the local people’s cattle. At the time there (7) ______ just
fourteen tigers left there. The government had to clear twelve small villages, which mean moving
nearly 1,000 people and 10,000 cattle so the land (8) ______ be handed back to nature.
Today, Ranthambhore is a very different place, with grass tall (9) _____ for tigers to hide in,
and there are now at (10) ______ forty of them (11) _____ the park, wandering freely about. Other
animals have also benefited. For example, there are many (12) _____ deer and monkeys than before.
The people (13) _______were moved are now living in better conditions. They live in new villages
away (14) _____ the tiger park, with schools, temples and fresh water supplies. There are now sixteen
such tiger parks in India and the animals’ future looks (15) ______little safer.
D. Writing
I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed
before it, begin with the given word(s) or phrase
1.You should review your lessons for the exam.
It’s time____________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. That man used to work with me when I lived in New York.
That’s ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. What a pity they close the shops at lunch-time.
I wish ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. We like ice-cream but we don’t have it everyday.
Although ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. When did you start working in that factory?
How long ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Oil was slowly covering the sand of the beach.
The sand____________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. “Where is the station car-park?” Mrs. Smith asked.
Mrs. Smith asked __________________________________________________________________________________________
8. He was sorry he hadn’t said goodbye to her at the airport.
He regretted _______________________________________________________________________________________________
9. I advise you not to buy that car.
If ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
10. Why don’t you ask her yourself?
I suggest that _______________________________________________________________________________________________
II. Make full sentences based on given cues.
1. If you/ not go / the party /I /go / either.

2. Unless/ I / have/ quiet room/ I / not/ able /do / work.


3. nurse/ kind enough/ help him/ walk


4. He/ rather spend/ holidays/ a farm/ seaside


5. I/ return/ visit/ Japan. It/ wonderful trip.


------------------------- The end ---------------------------

A. Phonetics (Tổng số: 10 điểm)
I. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) which has the underlined part pronounced differently from
the others in each group: 05 điểm, mỗ i câ u đú ng 01 điểm
1B 2D 3C 4A 5B
II. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) which has the stress pattern different from that of the other
words: 05 điểm, mỗ i câ u đú ng 01 điểm
1D 2B 3A 4C 5D
B. Vocabulary and Grammar (tổng số: 40 điểm)
I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence: 10 điểm, mỗ i câ u đú ng 01 điểm
1A 2B 3C 4C 5B 6B 7D 8B 9C 10B
II. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets to completes each sentence: 10 điểm, mỗ i độ ng
từ chia đú ng đượ c 01 điểm.
1. made-to pay 2. had he taken- rang 3. came- was rolling
4. will be- writes 5. being asked- to wait
III. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each sentence: 10 điểm, mỗ i từ
viết đú ng đượ c 01 điểm, nếu viết từ đú ng mà khô ng có “s” thì từ đó khô ng đượ c tính điểm.

1. imagination 2. products
3. uneconomical/ uneconomic 4. pollution
5. collections 6. Deforestation
7. Criers 8. consumption
9. disappearance/ re-appearance 10. upbringing
IV. For each sentence, match a beginning in column A with the most suitable ending in column
B to make a meaningful sentence or a conversation: 05 điểm, mỗ i câ u đú ng đượ c 01 điểm.
1d 2a 3b 4e 5c
V. Each of the following sentence has four words or phrases underlined. The four underlined
parts of the sentence are marked A, B, C, D. You are to identify the one underlined word or
phrase that should be corrected or rewritten: 05 điểm, mỗ i câ u đú ng đượ c 01 điểm.
1B 2A 3D 4D 5C
C. Reading (Tổng số: 30 điểm)
I. The reading is followed by several questions about it. There are four possible answers (A, B,
C or D) for each questions. Choose the best answer: 15 điểm, mỗ i câ u đú ng đượ c 03 điểm.
1B 2D 3A 4B 5D
II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in
each space. There is an example at the beginning (0): 15 điểm, mỗ i từ đú ng đượ c 01 điểm.
1.the 2. up 3. to
4. so 5. that/which 6. since/ as/ because/ for
7. were 8. might/ could 9. enough
10. least 11. in 12. more
13. who/that 14. from 15. a
D. Writing (tổng số: 20 điểm)
I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed
before it, begin with the given word(s) or phrase: 10 điểm, mỗ i câ u viết đú ng đượ c 01 điểm.
1. (It’s time) you reviewed your lessons for the exam.
2. (That’s) the man who used to work with me when I lived in New York.
3. (I wish) they would open the shops at lunch time.
Or: (I wish) they wouldn’t close the shops at lunch time.
4. (Although) we like ice-cream, we don’t have it every day.
5. (How long) have you been working in that factory?
6. (The sand) of the beach was being slowly covered by oil.
7. (Mrs. Smith asked) (me) where the station car-park was.
8. (He regretted) not saying/having said goodbye to her at the airport.
9. (If) I were you, I wouldn’t buy that car.
10. (I suggest that) you (should) ask her yourself.
II. Make full sentences based on given cues: 10 điểm, mỗ i câ u đú ng đượ c 02 điểm.
1. If you don’t go to the party I won’t go either.
2. Unless I have a quiet room, I will not/ won’t be able to do my work/ any work.
3. The nurse is/ was kind enough to help him (to) walk.
4. He would rather spend his holidays on a farm than at the seaside.
5. I have (just) returned from a visit to Japan. It was a wonderful trip.
Tổng số điểm: 100

The End

a. Choose one word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others by
circling A, B, C, or D: (5 ¿ 0,2=1.0 pt)
1. A. Sugar B. Sorry C. Seaside D. Summer
2. A. Page B. Village C. luggage D. Heritage
3. A. Seat B. Great C.Please D. Beach
4. A. Hotel B.Photo C. Move D.Pagoda
5. A. Typhoon B. Goose C. Food D. Flood
b. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others (5 ¿ 0,2=1,0 pt)
1. A. realize B. improve C. possible D. comfortable
2. A. important B. especially C. prefed D. influence
3. A. general B.opinion C. abroad D.surprise
4. A.comfort B.nation C.apply D.moment
5. A. medical B.advise C.vegetables D. physical
a. Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences: (10 ¿ 0,2=2,0 pts)
1. “ Recycling” means not …………… way.
A.throwing things away B.throw things away
C.blowing things away D. not blowing things away
2. I think it is good to spend time ……….English pronunciation. B.on C.with
3. Two teams take part in the ………… contest
A.fetching – water B.water – fetching
B.fetched – water D.water - fetched
4. She is not old ………………….to go out alone in the evening.
A.enough B.for C. so that D. that
5. Ha Long Bay, one of the most picturesque sights in Viet Nam, was …………. by UNESCO as
world Heritage Site.
A.recognized B.signed C.realized D. collected
6. Could you help me ………………this door, please?
A.push B.pushing C.pushed D.for pushing
7. At the end of the street there is path ……………. To the river.
A.leads B.leasd C.leading D.led
8. All letters ……………….today should arrive tomorrow.
A.posted post D.posting
9. When I arrived, there was a big red car ……………outside the house.
A.park B.parked C.parking D.parks
10. I live in a pleasant room …………. The garden.
A.overlook B.overlooks C.overlooker D.overlooking
b. Write the correct form of the words given in capital letters: (10 ¿ 0,2=2.0 pts)

1. Farmers are always faced with ......................... brought about by typhoons, floods or
droughts. (destroy)
2. They made a decision to close down the factory ... ..................... . (permanence)

3. She was .. ...................... for days after the accident. (conscious)
4. A few passengers received serious . ....................... in the accident. (injure)
5. Children often feel a lot of .. ...................... about their first day at school. (anxious)
6. He drinks a lot of coffee to keep him .. ...................... . (wake)
7. Linda is one of the . ....................... from Friends of the Earth. (represent)
8. Attractive . ....................... can help to sell products. (package)
9. These products are ... ..................... friendly. (environment)
10. It’s difficult to find . ....................... at busy time. (accommodate)

c. Supply the correct form of the verbs in the brackets: (5 ¿ 0,2=1.0 pt)
1. When the phone rang, I (water) …………………the flowers in the garden.
2. You should practice ( speak) ……………………English everyday.
3. It (get) ……………………………………hotter and hotter in June.
4. His doctor advised him (give) ……………. Up somoking.
5. My uncle (not visit)............................. us since he (move) …………… to the new town.
d. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions: (5 ¿ 0,2=1,0 pt)
1. Instead.............. going to the theater, we'll go to the concert.
2. There is nothing to prevent the children............. playing there.
3. They will be here............... a few minutes.
4. Most children often participate................... outdoor activitives in their free time.
5. You are very different ............... your brother.

a. Read and circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the passage: (10 ¿ 0,2=2,0 pts)
There (1).................... many simple things we can do to stop the (2). ...................... of the
invironment. First of all, we should not dump our rubbish without (3) ................... which things,
such as bottles and paper can (4). ...................... .

We should put objectives that we can recycle in (5).. ...................... bins. Secondly, instead of
talking our car wherever we go, we ought to leave it at home (6).. ....................... possible, and go
on foot or (7)........................ public transport. When we have to drive to the market (8)... .................
our shopping, we should always remember (9)... ...................our own bags (10). .................... we
don't need to use the supermarket's plastic bags.
1. A. are C.was D.were
2. A. destroy B. destroyed C.destructive D. destruction
3. A. think think C.thinking D. thought
4. recycled B.recycle C.recycling D. being recycled
5. A. recycle B. recycles C. recycled D. recycling
6. A. where B.whenever C.when D. wherever
7. A. on B. in C. by D. to
8. A. to do B. do C. to make D. making
9. A. taking take C. take D. took
10. B. that C. so that D. so as
b. Read the passage and fill the suitable word in the blank: (10 ¿ 0,2=2 pts)

The world's (1) ........................ famous clock is Big Ben standing (2). ........................ to the Housees of
Parliament in London. Big Ben is the (3). ........................ of the bell which chimes every hour.

The Bell (4). ........................ named after Sir Benjamin Hall, the man (5) ........................ was given the tast
of hauling the bell up the clock tower. The clock (6) ........................ four faces and keeps accurate time.
It can (7). ........................ adjusted by the removal or addition of coins (8) ........................ a stray attached
to the clock pendulum.
One interesting thing about the clock (9) ........................ the light shines above the belfry at night, it
(10)........................ that the House of Common is still in session.
c. Read the passage and answer the questions. (1.0 pt)


Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Britain traditions play a more
important part in the life of the people than in other countries. Englishmen are proud of their
traditions and carefully keep them up.
It has been the law for about 300 years that all theaters are closed on Sundays. No letters are
delivered, only a few Sunday papers are published. To this day an English family prefers a house
with a garden to a flat in a modern house with a central heating. English people like gardens.
Sometimes the garden in front of the house is a little square covered with cement painted garden in
inmitation of grass and box of flowers.
Holidays are especially rich in old traditions and are different in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and
England. Christmas is a great English national holiday, and in Scotland it is not kept, except by clerks
in banks, all shops and factories are working.
1. How important are traditions in Britain?
2. What do Englishmen do to their traditions?
3. Which does an English family prefer, a house with a garden or a flat?
4. Find sentences in the text which shows that the English people like gardens very much?
5. How is Christmas kept in Scotland?

a. Use the following words and phrases. Make all the necessary changes and additions to write
complete and meaningful sentences. (5 ¿ 0,2=1,0 pt)

1. I / not / see / him / since / we / leave / school.

2. This / be / first time / Tim / see / rice paddies.
3. compost / make / from / household and garden waste.
4. he / tell / me / that / he / borrow / book / school library.
5. would / you / mind / if / I / sit / here?
b. Complete the second sentence, using the word given in brackets so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the words given in any way: (10 ¿ 0,2=2,0 pts)
I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence
1. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.
→ This is the first ………………………………………………………………...
2. My brother started working in that factory five years ago.
→ My brother has …………………………………………………………………..
3. ‘Can I borrow your bike, Nga?’ ,Nam askerd.
→ Nam asked Nga ………………………………………………………………….
4. This pen belongs to Phong.
→ This is ……………………………………………………………………………
5. They haven’t cleaned the streets this weed.
→ The streets ……………………………………………………………………….
6. Apples are usually cheaper than oranges.
→ Apples are not ……………………………………………………………………
7. He’d rather play golf than tennis.
→ He prefers ………………………………………………………………………..
8. Mai broke the cup because of her carelessness.
→ Because Mai ……………………………………………………………………..
9. How long is it since they built the house?
→ When ……………………………………………………………………………..
10. You are not allowed to smoke here.
→ Would you mind …………………………………………………………………

c. Write a composition about 130 words about one of the interesting places in your country,
using some headlines below. ( 2.0 pts)

(don’t show your name, your school or your village):

- Name of the place.

- Sights/ landscapes.

- Acommadation and food.

- Available transportation.

Keys – practice 13

a. Choose one word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others
by circling A, B, C, or D. (5 ¿ 0,2=1.0 pt)
1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D

b. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others (5 ¿ 0,2=1.0 pt)
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B


a. Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences: (10 ¿ 0,2=2.0 pts)
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A

6. A 7. C 8. A 9.C 10. D

b. Write the correct form of the words given in capital letters to complete the following
sentences. (10 ¿ 0,2=2.0 pts)

1. destruction 2. permanently 3. unconscious 4. injuries 5. anxiety

6. awake 7. representatives 8. packaging 9. environmentally 10.


c. Supply the correct form of the verbs in the brackets. (5 ¿ 0,2=1.0 pt)

1. was watering 2. speaking 3. is getting

4. to give 5.hasn't visited - moved

d. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions: (5 ¿ 0,2=1.0 pt)

1. of 2. from 4. in 5. from

a. Read and circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the passage: (10 ¿ 0,2=2,0 pts)

1. A. are 2.D. destruction 3.C.thinking 4. recycled 5. D. recycling

6. B.whenever 7.C. by 8. A. to do take 10.C. so that

b. Read the passage and fill the suitable word in the blank: (10 ¿ 0,2=2.0 pts)

1. most 2. next 3. name 4. was 5. who

6. has 7. be 8. on 9. that 10. means

c. Read the passage and answer the questions. (5 x 0,2=1.0 pt)

1. In Britain, traditions play a more important part in the life of the people than in other

2. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up.

3. An English family prefers a house with a garden to a flat.

4. " An English people like gardens. Sometimes the garden in front of the house is a little
square covered with cement painted garden in inmitation of grass and box of flowers".

5. In Scotland, Christmas is not kept, except by clerks in banks, all shops and factories are

a. Use the following words and phrases. Make all the necessary changes and additions to
write complete and meaningful sentences. (5 ¿ 0,2 = 1.0 pt)

1. I have not seen him since we left school.

2. This is the first time Tim has seen (the) rice paddies.

3. Compost is made from household and garden waste.

4. He told me that he borrowed this/ that/ a book from the school library.

5. Would you mind if I sat here?

b. Complete the second sentence, using the word given in brackets so that it has a
similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the words given in any way. (10 ¿
0,2=2,0 pts)

1. This is the first time I have eaten this kind of food.

2. My brother has worked in that factory for five years.

3. Nam asked Nga to lend her bike/ Nam askes Nga if she could lend him her bike/ Nam
askes Nga if he could borrow her bike.

4. This is Phong's pen.

5. The streets haven't been cleaned this week.

6. Apples are not usually as expensive as oranges.

7. He prefers golf to tennis/ He prefers playing golf to playing tennis.

8. Because Mai was careless, she broke the cup.

9. When did they begin building the house?/ When did they build the house?

10. Would you mind not smoking here?

c. Write a composition about 150 words about about one of the interesting places in
your country, using some headlines below. ( 3.0 pts)

(don’t show your name, your school or your village):

The composition must have at least four ideas below.

-Name of the place.(0,5pt)

- Sights/ landscapes. (1 pt)

- Acommadation and food. (1 pt)

- Available transportation. (0,5pt)

I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from
the rest:
1. B.beat C.bread D.heat
2. A.put B.but C.peanut D.shut
3. A.what B.hat D.fat
II. Pick out the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest:
1. A.native B.revive C.relative D.sensitive
2. A.disjuntion B.solution C.instruction D.station
III.Choose the best words or phrases to complete the sentences below
1.Television..................very popular since the 1950s. B.was C.has been D.have been
2.- "Who sings best in your school?" - "Minh............."
A.sings C.has D.does
3.Please ask them this area.
A.don't smoke B.not smoking C.not to smoke not smoke
4.Let's go to the museum, ................?
A.will you B.shall we we D.don't you
5.He though much of his childhood.............. he lived with his family in the country.
A.that B.where C.when D.which
6.It is the largest ship I......................
A.Has seen B.saw C.have ever seen D.seen
7.Students are looking forward to................on holiday.
A.go B.going C,went D.have gone
8.His grandfather died.......................the age of 90. B.of C.on
9.Drinking and smoking will do great harm..............people's health. B.for C.with
10.Lomonosov was not....................a great scientist but also a very talented poem.
A.fairly B.merely C.hardly D.scarely
11.His parents never allowed him............. smoking B.smoking smoke D.smoked
12.School children always object to ...................uniform.
A.wearing B.wear C.have worn D.wore
13.Wine is made...............rice.
A.of B.from D.with
14.Let your the sheet of paper be written written C.write D.being written
15.He was offered the job.................he had no experience.
A.even though B.dispite C.while D.however
16.If only he............accept some help with the work instead of trying to do it alone.
A.will B.may C.would D.were
17.He always....................
A.avoids to meet me B.avoiding to meet me
C.avoids meeting me avoid meeting me

18.After a month, Hoa got used her new school. B.studying C.studied studying
19.He likes.....................him "sir" call B.calling be called be calling
20.He has his sister.......................his homework. do C.doing D.done
IV.Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word in bracket.
1.He drives very carefully. He is a very..................driver. (CARE)
2.My brother and Trung very much. (ACT)
3.Although he tried his best to do it, he was............. (SUCCESS)
4.This stadium looks larger. It has been.................. (LARGE)
5.Lan fell off the bike, but her.................were not serious. (INJURE)
6.You must read the following....................precaution carefully. (SAFE)
7.We watch the news everyday because it's very................. (INFORM)
8.He's always telling lies. He's a .............. (LIE)
9.Nowadays, scouting is popular.................. (WORLD)
10.Nam likes helping the other, he's a....................person. (HELP)
V.Choose the best word to complete the passage below.
Most people think......(1)........computers are very modern inventions, products of our new
technological age. But actually the idea for a computer had been worked out over 2 centuries ago by
a man ........(2)...........Charles Babbage. Babbge was born ............(3)..........1791 and grew..........(4)
be a billiant mathematican. He.........(5)...........up plans for serveral calculating machines which he
called "engines". But despite the fact that he .........(6)...........building some of these, he never finished
any of them. Over the years, people have argued.......(7)........ his machines would ever work. Recently,
however, the Science Museum in London has finished building engine based ..........(8)...... of the
Babbage's designs. ..............(9)..........has taken 6 years to complete and more than 4 thousand parts
have been specially made.
Whether it works or not, the machine will...............(10)......... on show at a special exhibition in
the Science Museum to remind people of Babbage's work.
1. A.of B.from D.up
2. A.known B.called C. recognized D. written
3. A.about B.around
4. A.down B.up C.along D.across
5. A.wrote B.drew C.took D.made
6. A.wanted B.started C.made D.missed
7. A.until B.though C.why D.whether
8. A.on D.out
9. A.He B.One C.It D.They
10. A.come C.take D.carry

VI.Read the passage and choose the best answer.

"Let's have a picnic lunch in the countryside." This is easy to say nice to think about. You
imagine a beautiful green field with a big tree in the middle which gives some shade from the sun. All
around is lovely scenery and in the distance you can see the cows quietly eating the grass. After a

meal of delicious sandwiches and raw fruit you can imagine lying in the warm sun then as darkness
comes. You strap uy your basket and drive happily home.
But it doesn't always happen like this. You must not forget that flies also like raw food, that
green fields are sometimes damp fields, that rain may follow the sun that peaceful cows may be
unfriendly bull.
1.What is easy to say and nice to think about?
A. “Let’s have a picnic lunch in the countryside” is.
B. “Let’s have a picnic lunch in the mountain” is.
C. “Let’s have a picnic lunch in the green fields” is.
D. “Let’s have a picnic lunch in the city” is.
2.Where, in your imagine, is the big tree?
A.It’s in the middle of a beach. B. It’s in the middle of a hill.
C. It’s in the middle of a beautiful stadium. D. It’s in the middle of a beautiful green
3.What can you imagine doing after meal?
A.We can imagine lying in the darkness. B. We can imagine lying in the warm sun.
C. We can imagine lying in the badroom. D. We can imagine lying in the hotel.
4.What also likes raw fruit?
A.Dogs also do. B.Lions also do. C.Flies also do. D.Chicken also do.
5.What may follow the sun?
A.The earth may follow the sun. B. The rain may follow the sun.
C. The cows may follow the sun. D. people may follow the sun.

VII.Rewrite each sentence so that the meaning stays the same.

1.I last wore that shirt in May.
=> I haven't..................................................................................................................
2.We have met each other for ages.
=> It's...........................................................................................................................
3.Travelling by air is much more expensive than travelling by train.
=>Travelling by train...................................................................................................
4.Why isn't this TV working?
5.When is John and Mary's wedding?
=>When are.................................................................................................................
6.Most people can understand him when he speaks English.
=>He can make............................................................................................................
7.She needs to study harder.
=>She doesn't...............................................................................................................
8.We can't afford to buy this car.
=>The car.....................................................................................................................

VIII.Use the prompt words to make a sentence.

1. These exercises/too difficult/ students/do/without/mistakes.
2. I/not see/Mai/since/we/leave/school.

Keys practice 14
I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from
the rest:
1.C 2.A 3.A
II. Pick out the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the
1.B 2.D
III.Choose the best words or phrases to complete the sentences below
1.C 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B
8.D 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.B
15.B 16.C 17.C 18.B 19.C
IV.Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word in bracket.
1.careful 2.action 3.unsuccessful 4.enlarged
5.injuries 7.informative 8.liar
9.worldwide 10.helpful
V.Choose the best word to complete the passage below.
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B
5.B 6.B 7.D 8.A
9.C 10.B
VI.Read the passage and choose the best answer.
1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B
VII.Rewrite each sentence so that the meaning stays the same.
1.I haven't worn that shirt since May.
2.It's a long time since we last met each other.
3.Travelling by train is much cheaper than travelling by air.
4.What happens with this TV?
is wrong with this TV?
5.When are John and Mary going to get married?
6.He can make people understand him when he speaks English.
7.She doesn't study hard enough.
8.The car is too expensive for me to buy.
VIII.Use the prompt words to make a sentence.
1.These exercises are too difficult for students to do without mistakes.
2.I have not seen Mai since we left school.


I.Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others
1. a. notice b. grow c. ghost d. lost
2. a. casual b. material c. champagne d. campus
3. a. deny b. deposit c. benefit d. respond.
4. a. hike b. shrine c. widely d. opinion
5. a. furious b. purpose c. surf d. turn.

II. Choose the best answer, circle the letter a, b, c or d

1. The baby’s getting…………..everyday.
a. more big b. bigger c. bigger and bigger d. more and more big
2. English…………at the meeting.
a. speak b. speaks c. is speaking d. is spoken
3. These flowers......................
a. smell good b. smells good c. smell well d. smells well
4. She ………..getting up early now.
a. didn’t use to b. is used to c. is using to d. used to
5. Did you put ..................... sugar in my coffee?
a. many b. a few c. so many d. much
6. Do you know……………… yesterday?
a. if did they arrive b. if they arrive c. if did they arrived d. if they arrived
7. If you are tired, you should………..a break.
a. make b. do c. take d. go
8. Beef is
a. preferable b. favorable c. favorite d. likeable
9. I’m hearing from you.
a. at b. after c. over d. forward
10. She..............a cake when the telephone rang.
a. makes b. make c. has make d. was making
11. I’ve known him ..........................I left school.
a. when b. before c. until d. since
12. He has left his book here that you can read it.
a. design b. intention c. purpose d. meaning
13. What would to do for you?
a. want b. hope c. wish d. have
14. After retiring, my father will spend his........................on an expensive holiday.
a. dollars b. accounts c. savings d. cheques
15. We can’t go wrong if we.........the instructions.
a. follow b. keep c.take d. guide
III. Read the text below. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
space in the same line.
Example: (0) impossible
These days it is(o)………… open a newspaper without POSSIBLE
reading about the damage we are doing to the environment.
The earth is being(1)………….....................and the future looks bad. THREAT
What can each of us do?
We cannot clean up our(2)…………......................rivers and seas overnight. POLLUTION
Nor can we stop the(3)……………...................of plants and animals. But APPEAR
we can stop adding to the problem while(4)………………................. .......... SCIENCE
search for answers, and laws are passed in nature’s(5)……………............... DEFEND
It may not be easy to change your lifestyle(6)…………….................., but COMPLETE
some steps are easy to take: cut down the amount of(7)………….................. DRIVE
you do or use as little plastic as possible. It is also easy to save energy,
which also reduces(8)…………….................bills. We must all make HOUSE
a personal (9)……………................... to work for the future of our planet if DECIDE
we want to (10)…………....................a better world for our grand- children. SURE

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense or form.
Dentists can do a lot(0) improve...(improve) your teeth. They can straighten your teeth
by(1).....................................(put) wires on them. These wires(2)....................................(push) the roots of the
teeth the right way. The best time for (3)..............................(do) this is while the teeth(4).............................
(grow). A lot of dentists, however, prefer not(5).............................(start) doing this before a child(6)
………………(be) at least eight. Sometimes a dentist even(7)……………...........….(use) elastic
bands(8).........................(make) a tooth straight. Sometimes(9)...............................(pull) tooth out can prevent
the other teeth from(10)............................(grow) too close to one another.

IV. Fill in an appropriate word in each blank.

Kipling was the first writer........ (1)..... expressed the faith and national pride. He was.......(2)...... in
Bombay India.........(3)..... 1865 and was taken .....(4)..... England to .....(5).... educated at the .....(6).... of 6.
But at the age of 17 he returned ......(7)...... India and became a journalist. ........(8)..... this time he.....
(9).... a great amount of prose and portry. After wards he returned to England and travelled in Japan
and America. He received the 1907 Nobel ....(10)... for literature and died in 1936 while he was
working on his autbiographical notes.

V. Read the passage and choose the best answer.

After inventing dynamite, Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he
foresaw its universally destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the
inventor of dynamite, so in 1895, just two weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for
awarding prizes to people who had made worthwhile contributions to mankind. Originally there
were five awards: literature, physics, chemistry, medicine and peace. Economics was added in 1968,
just sixty-seven years after the first awards ceremony. Nobel's original legacy of nine million dollars
was invested, and the interest on this sum is used for the awards which vary from $30,000 to
Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death, the awards (gold medal,
illuminated diploma, and money) are presented to the winners. Sometimes politics plays an
important role in the judges' decisions. Americans have won numerous science awards, but
relatively few literature prizes. No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of
World War II Some people have won two prizes, but this is rare; others have shared their prizes.
1. When did the first award ceremony take place 7

A. 1895 B . 1901 C. 1962 D. 1968
2. Why was the Nobel prize established?
A. To recognise worthwhile contributions to humanity.
B. To resolve political differences.
C. To honour the inventor of dynamite.
D. To spend money.
3. In which area have Americans received the most awards?
A. Literature B. Peace C. Economics D. Science
4. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. Awards vary in monetary value.
B. Ceremonies are held on December 10 to commemorate Nobel's invention.
C. Politics can play an important role in selecting the winners.
D. A few individuals have won two awards.
5. In how many fields are the prizes bestowed?
A. 2 B. 5 C. 6 D. 10

VI. Write a new sentence as similar in meaning a possible to the original sentence
1. John missed the lecture because he came very late
If John ............................................................................................
2. He could not afford to buy the car
The car............................................................................................
3. You will not be accepted if you don’t finish your home work
4. I had to spend the whole evening finishing the test
5. Weather conditions influence most people’s lives.
Most people’s lives........................................................................

VII. Make meaningfull sentences based on given hints

1. My friend / live / next door / enjoy / read / book / very / much

2. He / prefer / fiction book / non – fiction book.
3. He / start / collect / book / he school / boy.
4. He / spend / a lot of money / book /years now
5. He hope / he / have / own library.

Keys – practice 15
I : 5 điểm , mỗi phần chọn đúng cho 01 điểm
1.d 2.b 3.c 4.d 5.a
II. 15 điểm , mỗi phần chọn đúng cho 01 điểm
1. c 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.d 6.d 7.c 8.c
9.d 10.d 11.d 12.c 13.a 14.c 15.a
III. 10 điểm , mỗi phần chọn đúng cho 01 điểm
IV. 10 điểm , mỗi phần chọn đúng cho 01 điểm
1. putting
2. will push
3. doing
4. are being grown
5. to start
6. is
7. uses
8. to make
9. pulling
10. being grown / growing
V. . 10 điểm , mỗi phần chọn đúng cho 01 điểm
1.was 2.born 3. in 4. to 5. be 6.age 8. by 9. was 10. prize

VI. . 10 điểm , mỗi phần chọn đúng cho 02 điểm

1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C
Câu VI : 5 điểm , mỗi câu viết lại đúng cho 01 điểm
1. If John hadn’t come late , He’d not have missed the lecture
had come ealier , he’d have attended the lecture
2. The car was too expensive for him to buy
3. Unless you finish your work , you will not be accepted.
4. It took me the whole evening to finish this test
5. Most peole’s lives are influenced by weather conditions
Câu VII : 5 điểm , mỗi câu đúng cho 01 điểm
1. My friend who lives / living next door enjoys reading books very much
2. He prefers fiction books to non- fiction books
3. He started collecting books when he was a school boy
4. He has spent a lot money buying books for years now.
5. He hopes he’ll have own library.

Section 1: Vocabulary, Grammar and Phonetics

I. Choose the correct answers in A, B, C or D to complete each sentence

1. Bob hasn’t ……… his mind yet.
A. made B. gone C. used to D. found
2. Everyone has to follow this way to get into the fair, ………?
A. do they B. don’t they C. doesn’t she D. doesn’t he
3. We spent half a year _____ this hotel.
A. to build B. built C. with building D. building
4. She is bored _____ getting up early.
A. with B. in C. of D. to
5. Would you like me to get you something to drink? - ______
A. That would be nice B. No, I’m sorry C. That’s too bad D. My pleasure
6. English is the _____ language on one- fifth of the land area of the world.
A. office B. official C. officer D. officially
7. It's an hour since he ......... , so he must be at the office now.
A. has left B. left C. was leaving D. is leaving
8. 14. I usually go to work by bus, but ________ and then I use my motorbike.
A. again B. Once C. now D. ever
9. Of my parents, my father is _________________.
A. the stricter B. the strictest C. stricter D. strict
10. "What can I get for you?". ______________ .
A. All right B. I'm afraid not C. I hope so D. Yes, please

II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. think B. healthy C. thus D. ethnic

2. A. discussion B. revision C. attention D. admission
3. A. cease B. chase C. increase D. raise
4. A. although B. enough C. laugh D. cough
5. A. mute B. junior C. music D. humor
6. A. who B. where C. which D. when
7. A. send B. tent C. rely D. tend
8. A. lock B. shock C. block D. program
9. A. talked B. passed C. dialed D. stopped
10. A. comb B. climb C. dumb D. blond

III. Put the correct verb forms of the verb in brackets.

1. "Do you mind if I sit here?" - "I'd rather you (sit)...................... over there."
2. There (be) ………….. no rain here for 6 months.
3. He spoke to me as if he (be) ………… my father.
4. By the time we (stop) …………, we had driven six hundred miles.
5. The price ( become ) ................... more and more expensive these days.
6. Pupils are made (work)……………… hard at this school.
7. It’s ten years since I last (see) ………… her.
8. Don’t forget (lock) ………… the door before going to bed.
9. The pens ( produce ).............. by Thien Long Company are usually cheap and good.
10. The film (begin) 7.30 or 8.00?

IV. Fill the blanks with the right form of the CAPITAL words provided in the right column

1. Their children have quite _____________ characters. DIFFERENCE

2. What is the correct ______________of this word? PRONOUNCE
3. He didn’t win the championship, so he felt very _____________ . hope
4. She is one of the greatest _______ to appear in this theater. PERFORM
5. My house is on the top of a hill. It’s very ____ there in the fall. WIND
6. It is ___________ to eat too much sugar and fatty food. HEALTH
7. Many rural areas in Viet Nam have been __________ in the last few years. urban
8. Bell ______________ demonstrated his invention. SUCCESS
9. Every day, there are two ____ from Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh city. FLY
10. There are a lot of _______________ in the competition. contest

V. Choose the underlined words or phrases that are not corect in standard written English.
Find and correct it

1. Lan seemed happily when she received her aunt’s letter.

2. My brother didn’t have money enough to buy the dictionary he liked
3. We should put the coffee table among the armchair and the couch.
4. The driver of the car was serious injured in the accident.
5. Everyone was exciting as the prince wanted to choose his wife from the village.
6. He gets up early in order reviewing lessons before school.
7. All the students are looking forward to spend their free time relaxing in the sun this summer.
8. I agree that we ought be good students at school and good children at home
9. Be careful when you cross a busy street. Look out with cars and trucks.
10. Is she accustomed to doing her homework by her?

Section 2: Reading

I. Read the passage and choose the correct answer in A, B, C or D

Flood in Dorchester
…… (1) ... six o’clock yesterday evening, the River Thames burst its banks and flooded a wide
area. By nine o’clock the floods had reached the town of Dorchester. The main street was soon ……
(2)..... 3 feet of water. Fire engines arrived quickly to pump away the water, but heavy rain made
their job very ……… (3) ..... .
Mrs Rose Willow, a ……… (4)......... nearly 80 years old, and living alone in her cottage, was
trapped upstairs ……… (5)........ three hours. Finally, firemen were able to rescue her with ladders and
a small ……… (6).......... “My cat, Tibbles, stayed with me all the time”, said Mrs Willow. “She ………
(7)......... me a lot. She sat with me so I didn’t feel afraid”.
The rain has finally stopped, the river level is falling and the weather forecast is good, ………
(8) ...........the floods have done a great deal of damage. “Luckily, nobody was …… (9) ......or injured”,
Chief Fire Office Hawkins …… (10) .......reporters, “but it will take a long time to clear up the mess”.
1. A. In B. To C. At D. Until
2. A. over B. under C. through D. between
3. A. easy B. difficult C. quick D. clear
4. A. girl B. man C. lady D. child
5. A. for B. during C. while D. through
6. A. ship B. boat C. car D. bicycle
7. A. worried B. frightened C. bored D. helped
8. A. but B. also C. therefore D. so
9. A. burnt B. cut C. scratched D. drowned
10. A. said B. asked C. told D. spoke

II. Read the text and choose one suitable word to fill in the blank.

Foreign English language teachers for schools inVietnam

has to is teaching cover teacher

more and high decided

Vietnam ...(1)... well on its way to integrate with the world and for that reason emphasis on English
language skills ...(2)... become very essential.
Recently, the City Department of Education and Training ...(3)... to recruit foreign native English
speakers to teach in elementary, middle and ...(4)... schools in Vietnam.
The policy calls for social contributions to improve English language ...(5)... from primary schools to
senior high schools by employing only foreign native English teachers. Each student will chip in
VND120,000 ($5.8) a month to ...(6)... the $35 an hour salary of the foreign ...(7)... .
Compared ...(8).... traditional English teaching methodology, it is better that thousands of students in
the City have a chance of practicing listening ...(9)... speaking skills with native English speakers, who
create a ...(10)...exciting atmosphere in classrooms for students.

Section 3: Writing

I. Rewrite the following sentences using the words provided in such a way that they mean
the same as the original sentences.

1. Couldn’t you find a better hotel?

Is this ……………………………………………………………………………………
2. I haven’t seen that man here before.
This is …………………………………………………………………………………...
3. Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals.
People ........................................................................................................................
4. The coffee is so hot that I can’t drink it.
The coffee is too ...............................................................................................................
5. Somebody repaired his car yesterday.
He had..........................................................................................................................
6. It was thought that the painting had been destroyed.
The painting …………………………………………………………………………….
7. Our house is going to be rebuilt by a local firm.
We are …………………………………………………………………………………..
8. I can’t buy the tickets. They are too expensive.
The tickets ………………………………………………………………………………
9. Peter spent three hours repainting his house.
It ...................................................................................................................................
10. Leave now or you will miss the train.
Unless …………………………………………………………………………………...

II. Use the suggestions to make the meaningful sentences.

1. information / bringing / entertainment / also / is / only / but / TV / not / .

2. village / the / definitely / better / Life / the / changing / is / for / in / .
3. look for / more money / Farmers / when / family / often / other work / their / need / they /
for/ .
4. people / still / a week / work / in / Many / days / the countryside / seven / .
5. back / in / months / going / England / They / two / are / .

The end

Keys – practice 16

Section 1: Vocabulary, Grammar and Phonetics

I. (1 điểm): Mỗi câu chọn đúng cho 0,1 điểm.

1. A 3. D 5. A 7. B 9. C
2. B 4. A 6. B 8. C 10. D

II. (1 điểm): Mỗi câu chọn đúng cho 0,1 điểm.

1. C 3. D 5. B 7. C 9. C
2. B 4. A 6. A 8. D D
III. (1 điểm): Mỗi câu chọn đúng cho 0,1 điểm.

1. sat 5. is becoming 9. produced

2. has been 6. to work 10. does .... begin
3. were 7. saw
4. stopped 8. to lock
IV. (1 điểm): Mỗi từ biến đổi đúng cho 0,1 điểm.

1. different 5. windy 9. flights

2. pronunciation 6. unhealthy 10. contestants
3. hopeless 7. urbanized
4. performers 8. successfully
V. (1điểm): Mỗi câu tìm và sửa lại đúng cho 0,1 điểm.

Your answers:

1. .......B...... -> happy 6. ......C.......-> to review

2. .......B..... -> enough money 7. .......C.......-> to spending
3. ..... .C...... -> between 8. .......B..........-> ought to be
4. .......B........-> seriously 9. .......C.........-> for
5. .......A...... -> excited 10. .....D..........-> herself
Section 2: Reading (2pts)

I. (1 điểm): Mỗi câu chọn đúng cho 0,1 điểm.

1. C 3. B 5. A 7. D 9. D

2. B 4. C 6. B 8. A 10. C
II. (1 điểm): Mỗi câu chọn đúng cho 0,1 điểm.

1. is 5. teaching 9. and
2. has 6. cover 10. more
3. decided 7. teacher
4. high 8. to
Section 3: Writing (3pts)Rewrite sentences. Mỗi câu viết đúng cho 0,2 điểm.

1. Is this the best hotel you could (can) find?

2. This is the first time I have seen that man here.

3. People recycle old car tires to make shoes and sandals.
4. The coffee is too hot for me to drink.
5. He had my car repaired yesterday.
6. The painting was thought to have been destroyed.
7. We are going to have our house rebuilt by a local firm.

(We are going to have a local firm rebuild our house)

8. The tickets are too expensive for me to buy.

9. It took Peter 3 hours to repair his house

10. Unless you leave now, you will miss the train.

II. Use the suggestions to make the meaningful sentences. (1pt)

Mỗi câu viết đúng cho 0,2 điểm.

1. information / bringing / entertainment / also / is / only / but / TV / not / .

TV is bringing not only informationbut also entertainment.

2. village / the / definitely / better / Life / the / changing / is / for / in / .

Life in the village is definitely changing for the better.

3. look for / more money / Farmers / when / family / often / other work / their / need / they /
for / .

.Farmers often look for other work when they need more money for their family.

4. people / still / a week / work / in / Many / days / the countryside / seven / .

Many people in the countryside still work seven days a week.

5. back / in / months / going / England / They / two / are / .

They are going back to England in two months.

I-Choose the words that has the underline pronounced differently from the others. Identify
your answer by writing the corresponding word or phrase on your answer paper.
1.A. though B. enough C. cough D. rough
2.A. chair B. cheap C. chorus D. child
3.A. missed B. closed C. called D. planned
4.A. fat B. any C. gas D. hat
5.A physics B. basic C. sailor D. subject

II- Choose one word that has a different stress position from the others. Identify your answer
by writing the corresponding word or phrase on your answer paper.
6.A. scissors B. object C. wardrobe D. transmit
7.A. comfortable B. commercial C. generous D. demonstrate
8.A. experiment B. assistant C. sociable D. equipment
9.A. advice B. beauty C. picture D. postcard
10.A. theater B. career C. cinema D. gallery

III- Choose from the four options given (marked A,B,C or D) one best answer to complete each
of the following sentences. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding word or phrase
on your answer paper.
11. David’s school ………….. is very bad this term.
A. report B. period C. day D. semester
12. People go to a …………….. to look at the famous works of art.
A. stadium B. gallery C. theater D. fair
13. I’d like to go ……………. very much.
A. camp B. to camp C. a camp D. camping
14. Hoa is reading short stories …………. Jack London.
A. of B. from C. by D. with
15. John ………….. Susan to go out with him but her parents didn’t let her out.
A. insisted B. suggested C. invited D. helped
16. This book is ……………. that I try to read it from beginning to end at one time.
A. so interesting B. so interested C. such interesting D. too interesting
17. “Let it be” is a famous song ……………. . It is one of the best works by this band.
A. singing by the Beatles B. was sung by the Beatles
C. sung by the Beatles D. sang by the Beatles
18. He ………… the train ticket at home.
A. took B. put C. brought D. left
19. She was ………….. of watching television.
A. interested B. tired C. tiring D. pleased
20. My mother ………….. me that I should wake up earlier.
A. told to B. said C. was told D. said to
21. Our teacher asked us ……………. in class.
A. not to talk B. to not talk C. no talk D. without talking
22. Peter broke his leg when he fell ………….. his bike.
A. in B. on C. off D. of
23. You should …………… your lesson before the examination.
A. read B. look C. revise D. study
24. Hung is …………… do the crossword puzzles.
A. intelligent enough to B. intelligent enough
C. enough intelligent D. enough intelligent to
25. Her math result is …………….. than her English result.
A. bad B. bader C. worse D. well
26. His father is very proud ……………… him.
A. of B. with C. on D. about
27. Yesterday I came …………. your brother when I was going to school.
A. of B. to C. about D. across
28. Students should work …………. to make their parents happy.
A. hard B. hardly C. in hard way D. more hardly
29. Keep all dangerous things out of children’s …………. .
A. hands B. place C. reach D. head
30. When I was young, I used ……………. on a farm.
A. to live B. live C. to living D. living

IV- Supply the correct form of the word in Capital letters for each gap in the following
sentences. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding word or phrase on your answer
31. This coffee is too ................... to drink. heat
32. I can’t tell the …………… between the twins. differ
33. A fairy appeared and…………changed Miss Tam’s rags into beautiful clothes. magic
34. He drove ………… and he had an accident. care
35. I feel so ................. that I’m going to bed. sleep
36. Why was his lecture so .................... ?. bore
37. How many ................. are there in a year in Vietnam ?. celebrate
38. ................. have warned the local people of the disaster. science

V- Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each gap. Identify your answer
by writing the corresponding word or phrase on your answer paper.
These days most people, especially young girls, like(39)…….slim. Our grandparent’s tastes were
different(40)……ours but nowadays(41)……seems to enjoy(42)…….fat people. The only thing(43) ……
is wrong with this is what a(44)…….said to me the other days: “I don’t mind (45)……..these foods if
they will help me(46)………weight but why do they taste so awful ?” The reason(47)…….this is that
the manufacturers have to include a lot of vitamins to satisfy the law, so the only sensible advice I
could give my friend was “Eat normal food, but (48)………less.”
39.A. to looked B. to look C. they look D. look
40.A. from B. of C. as D. with
41.A. anymore B. none C. everyone D. no one
42.A. to look at B. looking C. looking at D. to look
43.A. it B. that C. what D. who
44.A.friend of mine B. my friend C. friend of me D. friend of my
45.A. to eat B. eat C. eating D. the eating

46.A. gain B. put on C. loose D. lose
47.A. of B. why C. for D. that
48.A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. be eating

VI- Read the following passage, then answer questions 50-53. After each question there are
four options marked A,B,C or D. Choose the correct answer by writing down its corresponding
letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet.
It is five o’clock in the evening when Rene Wagner come home from work. She walks into the
living room and looks at her three children. They are 14,13 and 9 years old. They are watching TV.
The living room is a mess. There are dirty socks on the floor and cookies on the sofa. Games and toys
are everywhere. Rene is angry, “This place is a mess” she tells her children, “I can’t work all day and
then do housework all evening. I’m not going to do housework!” Rene doesn’t do housework.
She doesn’t clean or wash dishes. She doesn’t wash clothes, either. Every evening she sits on the sofa
and watches TV.
After two weeks, every plate, fork and glass in the house is dirty. All the children’s clothes are
dirty. Every garbage basket is full. The house is a mess.
Then, one day Rene comes home from work and gets a big surprise. The kitchen is clean. The
children clean the kitchen !
The next day, the living room is clean, and the children are washing their clothes. Rene tells
the children “OK, I’ll do the housework again. But you have to help me.”
Now Rene and her three children do the housework together. Then they all sit on the sofa and
watch TV !
49. When Rene came home from work, she found the house ……………. .
A. clean and dirty B. dirty and tidy C. dirty and untidy D. clean but untidy
50. Rene told her children ………………….. .
A. to do the housework B. she couldn’t do housework
C. not to do housework D. she wouldn’t do housework
51. Two weeks later, the house was ……………… .
A. very clean B. a mess C. tidy D. rather dirty
52. Some days later, the house was clean again because ……………………. .
A. she couldn’t let it that way B. her children did housework.
C. her children didn’t do housework. D. she did housework again.
53. Now Rene does housework again because …………………. .
A. her children help her. B. they can watch TV together.
C. her children wash their clothes. D. her children don’t do it.

VII- Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
54. The movie was very bad. I couldn’t see it.
- The movie was not …………………………………………….. .
55. “Shut the door but don’t lock it”, he said to us.
- He told ………………………………………………………. .
56. The garage is going to repair our car next week.
We are going ...................................................................
57. In spite of his intelligence, he doesn’t do well at school.
- Although ……………………………………………………………….. .

58. You must see the headmaster.
- You’ve …………………………………………………………………. .
59.Remember to check your flight numbers.
Don’t ...............................................................................
60.It was such bad news that Helen burst into tears.
The news ........................................................................

VIII- Use the suggested words and phrases to make a full sentence.
61. Those buses / not going / airport / neither / taxis.
62. You / not / want / sell / house last year ?
63. He / stop / smoke / save / money .
64. My brother / not drive / carefully / I.
65. It / difficult / prevent / people / park here.

IX – Write a passage in 200 words about the benefits of doing exercise regularly















Good luck for you!
Keys – practice 17
I. (2,5 p)
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A
II. (2,5 p)
6. B 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B
III. (10 p)
11. A 16. A 21. A 26. A
12. B 17. C 22. C 27. D
13. D 18. D 23. C 28. A
14. A 19. B 24. A 29. C
15. C 20. D 25. C 30. A
IV. (8 p)
31. hot 32. difference 33. magician 34. carelessly
35. sleepy 36. boring 37. celebrations 38. scientists
V. (10 p)
39. B 40. A 41. C 42. C 43. B
44. A 45. C 46. C 47. A 48. A
VI. (5 p)
49. C 50. D 51. B 52. B 53. A
VII. (7 p)
54. The movie was not good enough to me to see
55. He told us to shut the door but not to lock it
56. We are going to have our car repaired next week.
57. Although he is intelligent, he doesn’t do well at work.
58. You’ve to see the headmaster.
59. Don’t forget to check your flight numbers.
60. The new was so bad that Helen burst into tears.

VIII. (5p)
61. Those buses are not going to the airport and neither are taxis.
62. Didn’t you want to sell the house last year ?
63. He stops smoking to save money
64. My brother doesn’t drive carefully as I do.
65. It is difficult to prevent people from parking here.

I) Three words have the same vowel sound one word doesn’t. Which one is it? (0) is an example
for you.
0) a-cat b-cat c-that d-hate
1) a-book b-look c-floor d-cook
2) a-nine b-fine c-kind d-thing
3) a-set b-between c-get d-met
4) a-husband b-busy c-must d-bus
5) a-do b-go c-so d-no
II) Choose the correct answer for each sentence. (0) is an example for you
0) My mother believes that my brother is __________ than me.
a) good b) gooder c) better d) best
1) They’re getting married _____________ the end of June.
a) on b) in c) at d) during
2) I’m sorry but you have to cook dinner _____________
a) alone you b) himself c) yourself d) on you
3) You use a _______________ to cook rice.
a) steamer b) rice cooker c) saucepan d) frying pan
4) Looks! Nam has become ________________.
a) to be tall and taller. b) to be taller and taller.
c) tall and taller d) taller and taller.
5) Because he didn’t like the first pair of trousers, he asked for ____________.
a) the other ones b) other trousers
c) an other trousers d) an other pair
6) If a patient can’t walk, he can use _____________ to move around.
a) an eye chart b) a stretcher c) a wheelchair d) a scale
7) Would you mind _______ in the front seat of the taxi, Mark?
a) to sit b) sit c) to sitting d) sitting
8) Lan is ________ and she has a flower shop in Hanoi.
a) a flower seller b) a florist c) a flower girl d) a flower lady
9) The family _____________ when the mailman came.
a) was sleeping b) is sleeping c) has slept d) have slept
10) Paul is said __________ the brightest student in class.
a) was b) being c) to be d) he was
III) Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word in brackets. (0) is an
example for you.
0) They have all been absolutely (wonder) wonderful!
1) I don’t like that film. It’s very (bore) __________________.
2) Ho Chi Minh City is (large) _________________ city in Vietnam.
3) They boy fell asleep during (perform) __________________.
4) They waited for his (habit) _______________ response.
5) The male birds are more (colour) _________________ than the females.
6) Every pupil was very (excite ______________ about the holiday.
7) His parents are very proud of his (succeed) _______________.

8) David Beckham is my (favour) ______________.
9) I don’t know how you (celebration) ______________ your birthday.
10) Some people feel that towns are too (noise) ______________ for them to live in.
IV) Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. (0) is an example for you.
0) Tom wrote that letter.
- That letter was written by Tom.
1) Is this bladder mended by Mr Green.
- Does Mr Green ___________________________________________
2) That girl is very intelligent.
- What ________________________!
3)This living-room isn’t as big as that kitchen.
- That kitchen ______________________________________________
4) Khanh said “You ought to take a break, Huy”
- Khanh advised ____________________________________________
5) We’ve never met such a famous singer before.
- It’s the first time ___________________________________________
6) Her hair is long and black.
- She has __________________________________________________
V) Do as directed in parentheses. (0) is an example for you.
0) I (go) to Dalat 2 years ago. (Supply the correct verb form)
- I went to Dalat 2 years ago.
1) The weather was fine. We could go camping. (Combine into one sentence using “enough . . . . . . . .
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________
2) Everyone stopped (laugh) when we (come). (Supply the correct verb form)
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________
3) He gave him back the money last Sunday. (Change into the passive voice)
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________
4) Putting the knives __________ an electrical socket is dangerous. (Fill in the blank with the suitable
5) Jeans can’t be worn at work. (Change into active voice)
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________
6) The boy said to the girl “Did you go out last night?”. (Change into reported speech)
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________
VI) Complete the following sentences based on the given cues. (0) is an example for you.
0) get up / six o’clock / I / often / at.
- I often get up at six o’clock.
1) you / mind / the west lake / telling / would / us / about ?
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________
2) could / I / visit / someday / wish / I
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________
3) My brother / in central Vietnam / was / 1972 / in / born
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________
4) Se you / to / I am / how glad / again !
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________

5) A parting meeting / have / before leaving / you’d better
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________
VII) Read the article and choose the best answer. (0) is an example for you
The Lake District is very popular (0) ___________ holidays all year round. Roads leading into the
area have been improved in (1) ___________ years. Inside the area itself, however, many roads are (2)
_____________ and winding with steep hills and it may not be safe to drive (3) ____________ roads like this
when they are (4) _______________ in ice. For the mountain walker a word of warning – every season
visitors (5) ______________ lost or are injured and (6) _____________ to be rescued by the Mountain Rescue
teams. This kind of problem can be (7) __________________ by following a few simple rules. When
exploring the mountains, wear warm clothing, sensible boots, take a map, compass and whistle and a
small (8) _________________ of food. Don’t go (9) ______________ alone and always tell someone where you
(10) __________ to go to.
0) a-to b-with c- for d-as for
1) a-recent b-next c-last d-close
2) a-thin b-slim c-narrow d-shallow
3) a-along b-above c-by d-in
4) a-wrapped b-covered c-drowned d-filled
5) a-have b-be c-make d-get
6) a-must b-should c-need d-ought
7) a-encouraged b-prevented c-arranged d-organised
8) a-quantity b-weight c-length d-limit
9) a-for b-by c-with d-off
10) a-look b-seem c-plan d-know
VIII) Read the following passage and choose the best answer:
Computing is now at the same stage as printing was when the first printing presses were used.
Before printing presses were invented, only rich people like kings and dukes could afford to buy
books. Often these people were unable to read and hadn’t enough time to learn. In any case, the
books were so big that it was difficult for anyone to relax with a book as we do today. They wanted
booked because they were expensive and there was something magical about them. Only a few
people were able to write, and it took an extremely long time to write a book. Monks and other
people who could write said ordinary people could not learn to read.
The position with computers is very similar today. A few years ago, computers were very large
and expensive. Business managers and rich people ordered them but they didn’t know how to use
them. In many countries, however, the situation has now completely changed. Lots of people not
only own microcomputer but also know how to use them.
1) What happened before printing presses were invented?
- _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
2) Why were books wanted before printing presses were invented?
- _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
3) What is common feature of a book and a computer?
- _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
4) What situation has thoroughly changed nowadays?
- _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

THE END_____

Keys – practice 18
I) Mỗi câu đúng 0,3đ
1-c 2-d 3-b 4-d 5-a
II) Mỗi câu đúng 0,3đ
1-c 2-c 3b 4-d 5-a
6-c 7-d 8-b 9-a 10-c
III) Mỗi câu đúng 0,3đ
1-boring 2-the largest 3-performance 4-dicussion
5-colourful 6-excited 8-success 8-favourite
9-celebration 10-noisy
IV) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ
1) Does Mr Green mend this bladder?
2) What an intelligent girl!
3) That kitchen is bigger than this living-room.
4) Khanh advised Huy to take a break.
5) It’s the first time we met such a famous singer.
6) She has long black hair.
V) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ
1) The weather was fine enough for us to go camping.
2) . . . . . . laughing . . . . . . . came
3) He was given the money back last Sunday.
4) into
5) They can’t wear jeans at work.
6) The boy asked the girl if she had gone out the night before.
VI) Mỗi câu đúng 0,3đ
1) Would you mind telling us about the west lake?
2) I wish I could visit Hue someday.
3) My brother was born in central Vietnam in 1972.
4) How glad I am to see you again!
5) You’d better have a parting meeting before leaving.
VII) Mỗi câu đúng 0,3đ
1-a 2-c 3-a 4-b 5-d
6-d 7-b 8-a 9-d 10-c
VIII) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ.
1) Only kings and dukes had enough money to buy books.
2) Because books were expensive and magical.
3) They were large and expensive at first
4) A person who buys a computer knows how to use it.

Exercise I: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other
three in the following questions

1) A. honest B. hour C. honor D. huour

2) A. deaf B. beat C. lead D. teach
3) A. there B. thank C. youth A. thirsty
4) A. fund B. upset C. tutor D. rug
5) A. safe B. mall C. nature D. face
6) A. option B. information C. quention D. invitation
7) A. choos B. chemistry C. character D. child
8) A. invited B. liked C. ended D. wanted
9) notice B. grow C. ghost D. lost
10) like B. wide C. oponion D. file

Exercise II: Fill in the blank with a suitable form of verb in the bracket

1. Yester day, I (1. spend) ……………… two hours (2. do)………… the homeword.
2. The thiefs (3. catch)…………….. when the (4. leave)………….. the bank.
3. Two hors ago, Mrs Brown (5. have)………… Alice (6. take)……….. her son to the school.
4. How many times you (7. be)………… to Ho Chi Minh City?
5. The moon (8. move)……………… around th earth.
6. Next summer, my parents wil let me (9. visit)…………….. my grand father.
7. How about (10. go)……………… to the zoo?

Exercise III: Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition

1. She went out the room………………….. saying a word.

2. The life in the countryside is changing…………. Better.
3. She was born……………… 2 o’clock …………….. 18th July.
4. Mary is thinking……………… importing fowers………….. China.
5. They are traveling……………….. the airport…………….. a bus.
6. I am afraid………………. Ghost.
7. The fight………………... deforestation is very important.

Exercise IV. Fill in the blank with the correct form of word in the bracket

1. Ha Long Bay is in………………… VietNam (north).

2. The wild animals are being…………………..(appear).
3. I couldn’t find any………………. between the tow picture (different).

4. She is a ……………… she sells flowers at a shop in Canada (flower).
5. Long put…………… on that towel to stop the bleeding (press).
6. The question isn’t good. It’s ………….. to ask (import).
7. His father soon died of a ……………… heart (break).
8. Don’t let the child go out because it’s……………. (wind).
9. I am going to have a……………… check-up next Monday (medicine).
10. The knife is ……………… it can cut everything (use).

Exercise V : Choose the best answer by cirling A, B, C or D

1. I finish ………….. the book and went to bed.

A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads
2. That man can tell us where …………….
A. does John live B. is John living C. John lives D. John live
3. …………… clothes do you prefer, T- shirt or pullover?
A. Which B. What C. Where D. How
4. Can you …………… your paper with you when I come there, please?
A. collect B. bring C. get D. take
5. Smoking is harmful …………….. your health.
A. on B. for D. about C. to
6. Do you find anything …………….. there?
A. interested B. useful C. bored D. easily
7. Ann is very busy these days. She has …………… free time.
A. a little B. few C. a few D. little
8. It’s raining very ……………
A.wet B. badly C. hard D. firmly
9. A new shoppig is ……………. In my neighborhood today.
A. being opened B. opened C. opening D. be opened
10. The stolen machines were ………………. a lot of money.
A. valued B. cost C. price D. worth

Exercise VI : Rewrite the sentence by using the given words without changing the meaning

11. Has anyone asked you for your opinions?/

Nam said that………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
12. I had a dog once, but I don’t have anymore./
I ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
13. The water was so cold that the children couldn’t swim in it./
The water……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
14. “ Eat more and more vegetables” the doctor said./

The doctor told……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
15. To live on your salary must be hard./
It ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
16. Tom is the best player in the team./
No one in the team …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
17. It’s interesting to read this book./
This book ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
18. I spend half an hour traveling to work by motorbike everyday./
It takes………...……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....
19. Peter said he wasn’t feeling well then./
Peter said “I …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
20. A boy was injured in the accident, he is now in the hospital./
The boy ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Exercise VII : Find the mistakes in the passage and correct them

In a modern life today, the work of the farm is less hard because he is helped a lot by machines.
That mean nore food is produced and less labour and less work hours are spent. He also has more
free time for intertain and more things such as a big house, motorbike, television. Her life is getting
better and good day by day. His children go to school. Before they finish school, they are sent to
universityes.The farmer still have to work hardly but his life is much improved.

Exercise VIII : Read the passage and answer the questions below

Most types of paper can be recycled. Newspapers have been recycled profitably for decades and
recycling of other paper is growing.It’s important to know what you are buying in a paper product,
for that reason virtually all paper products should be marked with the percentage and tupe of
recycled content. Just saying “recycle paper” isn’t enough. “Recycled paper” can mean anything from
100% true recycled paper to 1% re- manufactured ends of large paper rolls. “Post- consumer” mean
the paper that you and I return to recycling centers.

 Questions :
5. Can newspapers be recycled?.
6. Why should all paper products be marked with the percentage and tupe of?
7. Are all recycled paper products the same?
8. What does “Post- consumer” mean?

Keys – practice 19

Bài I: Mỗi câu đúng được 0,2 điểm.

1-D 3-A 5-B 7-D 9-C
2-A 4-C 6-C 8-B 10-F
Bài II: Mỗi động từ chia đúng được 0,3 điểm.
(1) spent (3) were caught (5) had (7) have – been (9) visit
(2) doing (4) were leaving (6) take (8) moves (10) going
Bài III:(2 điểm)Mỗi giới từ đúng được 0,2 điểm).
1. without 3. at – on 5. to / in 7. against
2. for 4. of / about – from 6. of
Bài V: (2 điểm).Mỗi đáp án đúng được 0,3 điểm.
1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B. 5.D
6.B 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.D
Bài VI : (4 điểm) Mỗi câu viết đúng được 0,4 điểm.
11. Have you been asked for your opinion?.
12. I used to have a dog.
13. The water wasn’t warm enough for the children to swim in.
14. The doctor told me to eat more and more vegetables.
15. It must be hard to live on your salary.
16. No one in the team plays as well as Tom.
17. this book is interesting to be read.
18. It takes me half an hour to travel to work by motorbike everyday.
19. Peter said “I am not feeling well now”.
20. The boy injured in the accident is now in the hospital.
Bài VII :(2 điểm) Mỗi lỗi sai tìm và sửa đúng được 0,2 diểm.
1. farm ->farmer 6. good-> better
2. mean-> means 7. Berofe-> After
3. work-> working 8. universityes-> universities
4. entertain-> entertainment 9. have-> has
5. Her-> His 10. hardly-> hard
Bài VIII:(2 điểm)Mỗi câu trả lời đúng được 0,5 điểm.
5. Yes, they can.
6. To help consumers know what they are buying in a paper product.
7. No, they aren’t.
8. “Post- consumer” means the paper that you and I return to recycling centers.

I- Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced diffirent from the others.

1- a. sun b. fun c. pull d. hunt

2- a. tie b. sit c. bit d. hit
3- a. cave b. have c. slave d. behave
4- a. bull b. pull c. dull d. full
5- a. do b. go c. so d. no
6- a. hotel b. photo c. move d. pagoda
7- a. needed b. visited c.played d. planted
8- a. my b. curly c. library d.lucky

II- Choose A,B,Cor D to complete the following sentences.

1- My brother is studying hard ........ pass the exam.

A. for B. in order to C. so to D. so that
2- We have studied ........... seven o'clock.
A. for B. at C. since D. to
3- He was born in England. English is his .................................
A. mother tongue B. first language C. foreign language D. A and B are correct
4- It's dangerous this river.
A. swim B. to swim C. swimming D. swam
5- .............. to America yet ?
A. Were you B. Have you ever been C. Were you been D. Are you
6- The boy was .......... by the dog.
A. bite B. bit C. bited D. bitten
7- My father used .......... me to school.
A. took B. taking C. to take D. take
8- Would you mind .........for a few minutes?
A. to wait B. waiting C. wait D. be waiting

III- Complete the sentences, use the correct form of the words in the brackets.

1- Would you mind if I (smoke)……………………….

2- Surface mail is much (cheap)……………………….. than airmail.
3- He (live)……………………….. in this city since 2000.
4- The man (sit)……………………. next to me was very nervous.
5- The children (play)……………….... when it started to rain.
6- We (learn)………………………… French grammar at the moment.
7- Could you give me some (inform)…………………………?
8-Mr Hung told me (tell)………………….... him the truth.
9- My fater can read (good)………………….... without glasses.
10- Nam must (do)…………………. the homework himself.

IV-Underline and correct the mistake in the sentences.

1- They didn't let me to go.
2- When John is four, he came to London with his parents.
3- How long have you living here ?
4- They are going to school by foot.
5- Do you mind if I smoking in the room ?
6- His garden isn't as large than mine.
7- We haven't talked to your sister since a long time.
8- There are much than eighty stores in the mall.
9- The toys keeping in the box are worth 30 dollars.
10- This school is different mine.

V- Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.

1- I am interested ....................... reading books.

2- She is tired ........................ living in the city.
3- This restaurant is famous ....................... Chinese food.
4- The ambulance will be there ...................... a bout 5 minutes.
5- Bobby started school ....................... the age of five.
6- I am very keen ......................... music.
7- Na got up late this morning because her alarm clock didn’t go .....................
8- I’m looking forward ........................ seeing in June.
9- Could I help you .................. your bag?
10- They are traveling to the airport......................... a bus.

VI- Complete the passage with the suitable words.

Learning a language is, in some way, like (1) _________ how to fly or play the piano. There (2)
____________ important differences, but there is a very important similarity. It is this: learning how to
do such things needs lots (3) ___________ practice. It is never simply to “know” something. You must be
able to “do” things with what (4) ___________ know. For example, it is not enough simply to read a book
on (5) ___________ to fly an aeroplane. A (6) ___________ can give you lots of information about how to fly,
but if only read a book and then try to (7) ____________without a great deal of practice first, you will
crash and kill (8) ____________ .The same is true of (9) ____________the piano. So you think it is enough
simply to read about it? Can you play the piano without having lots of (10) ____________ first?

VII- Read the following passage and choose the item A,B,C or D that best answer each question
about it.
Nick Johnson lives with his parents, and his sister. They live in Wembley, in north London. Nick’s
mum is called Sue. She works in a supermarket. His dad is called Jim and he works in a bank. Nick’s
sister is called Tracy. She is nine years old. There is also a dog in the family. His name’s Fred.
1. How many people are there in Nick Johnson’s family?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
2. Where does Nick’ family live?
A. America B. England C. Scotland D. Australia
3. Which does the word “his” in line 4 refer to?
A. Nick’s mother B. Nick’s sister C. Nisk’s cousin D. Nick’s dog
4. What’s Nick’s sister’s name?
A. Sue B. Jim C. Tracy D. Fred
5. Who is Jim?
A. Nick’s father B. Nick’s mother C. Nick’s cousin D. Nick’s sister
6. Which of the following is not TRUE?
A. Nick’s family live in London. B. Nick’s father works in a bank.
C. Nick’s mother works in a supermarket. D. Nick’s sister is five years old.

VIII- Rewite the following sentences so that have the same meanings as the first ones.

1- The last time I saw her was in 2005.

 I haven't ..................................................................................................................
2- He is writing a book on biology.
 A book on biology .................................................................................................
3- Going swimming in the summer is interesting.
 It .............................................................................................................................
4- He was punished by his mother
 His mother...............................................................................................................
5-“Don’t play video games too much, Minh"Mr Ha said.
 Mr Ha asked ...........................................................................................................
6- Tom is not as tall as Mary.
 Mary...................................................................................................................
7- How is the weather ?
8-“Please turn down the radio for me,” said my father.
 My father asked......................................................................................................
9- Many trees are cut down to make paper.
 They..................................................................................................................
10- She cleaned the house.Then she went to the market.
 After.. .................................................................................................

IX- Complete the following sentences based on the given cues.

1- How long / it / take you / get / school ?
2- He / not interested / buy / new / house.
3- I / play badminton / Nam / when / my friends / come.
4- I / bored / doing / same thing / day after day.
5- Marie Curie / born / Poland / 1867
6- We ought / use/ cloth bags/ instead / reuse/ plastic bags.
7- We / have / wonderful/ time / moment / SaPa.
8- Could / give me / information ?

X- Write a passage in 200 words about the beauty of your hometown












The end

Keys – practice 20
I- Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced diffirent from the others . (2ms)

1- c. 2-a. 3- b. 4-c
5-a 6-c 7-c 8-a

II-Choose A,B,Cor D to complete the following sentences (2ms)

1- B 2- A 3- D 4- B
5- B 6- D 7- C 8- B
III- Complete the sentences, use the correct form of the words in the brackets. (2,5ms)
1- smoked 6-are learning
2- cheaper 7-information
3- has lived 8-to tell
4- sitting 9-well
5-were playing 10- do

IV- Underline and correct the mistake in the sentences. (2,5ms)

1- They didn't let me go.
2- When John was four, he came to London with his parents.
3- How long have you lived here ?
4- They are going to school on foot.
5- Do you mind if I smoke in the room ?
6- His garden isn't as large as mine.
7- We haven't talked to your sister for a long time.
8- There are more than eighty stores in the mall.
9- The toys kept in the box are worth 30 dollars.
10- This school is differentfrom mine.
V- Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. (2,5ms)
1-in 2- of 3- for 4- in 5- at
6- on 7- off 8- to 9- with 10- for

VI- Complete the passage with the suitable words(2,5ms)

1-learning 2-are 3-of 4-you 5-how
6-book 7-fly 8-yourself 9-playing 10-practice
VII- Read the following passage and choose the item A,B,C or D that best answer each question
about it.(1,5ms)
1- C 2-B 3-D
4-C 5-A 6-D

VIII- Rewite the following sentences so that the seconds have the same meanings as the first
1- I have’t seen her since 2005.
2- A book on biology is being written by him.
3- It’s interesting to go swimming in the summer.
4- His mother punished him.
5- Mr Ha asked Minh not to play video game too much.
6- Mary is taller than Tom.
7- What’s weather like ?
8- My father asked me to turn down the radio for him.
9- They cut down many trees to make paper.
10- After she cleaned the house, she went to the market.

IX- Complete the following sentences based on the given cues. (2ms)
1- How long does it take you to get to (the) school ?
2-He is not interested in buying a new house.
3-I was playing badminton with Nam when my friends came.
4- I am / was bored with doing the same thing day after day.
5- Marie Curie was born in Porland in 1867.
6- We ought to use cloth bags instead of reusing plastic bags.
7- We are having a wonderful time at the moment in SaPa.
8- Could you give me some information ?

I.Choose the word or phrase which best completes each of the following sentences. Write your
answers in the table below
1. It was ………………………… cold to go outside.
A too B enough C much D more
2. She finished the test ………………………… without any help.
A he B she C hers D herself
3. John ………………………… to be frightened of spiders when he was younger.
A was B used C did D must
4. We love going swimming, ………………………… ?
A don’t we B aren’t we C won’t we D didn’t we
5. There aren’t ………………………… eggs to make a cake.
A much B enough C too D more
6. When I went into the room, somebody ……………… through the window.
A looked B was looking C looks D have looked
7. If you show me your homework I …………………… you.
A help B will help C helping D have helped
8. …….. she plays the piano!
A. How well B. How good C. What well D. What good
9. Life here is very …………….
A. peace B. peacefully C. peaceful D. peacefulness
10. It is raining outside, and Tom brought his umbrella with him …………..he wouldn’t get wet.
A. so as to B. in order C. so that D. in order to
11. For lunch, you may have …………….fish or chicken.
A. both B. neither C. not only D. either
12. I …………. my house ……………….. That is why there is all this mess.
A. had – paint B. have – paint C. am having – painted D. had had - paint
13. The librarian told us not ____ reference books out of the library.
A. take B. taking C. to take D. took
14. I could not cut the grass because the machine …………… a few days previously.
A. broke down B. has been broken C. have been broken D. breaks down
15. Ann is not at home. She’s …………….. to dinner.
A. been B. gone C. went D. being
16. “Where are my jeans?” “They …………… the moment. Sorry.”
A. are washing B. were washed C. are washed D. are being washed
17. The film was ……………………. There was so much blood in it.
A. horrify B. horrified C. horrifying D. being
18. How long will it …………………. you to get there .
A. go B. need C. have D. take
19.This book is …………….from the one I had .
A. different B. similar C. same D. like
20. The teacher asked me if I…………..answer the question
A. can B. could C. have to D. should

II.Read the text below and think of the word which best fits space .Use only one word in each
My day usually (1)…………. at six thirty. I get up and do some exercises for about fifteen minutes.
Then I take my shower. After that I (2)……………dress and have breakfast with my family. At seven
thirty I leave (3)……… I generally take the bus to school. I catch the bus near my house and
then (4)………….. from the bus -stop to school. It (5)…………….about thirty minutes to get to school.
My first class is at eight thirty and I usually (6)………….school at three. Sometimes I stay (7)…………
have a game of volleyball or to work in the library. I usually watch TV for a (8)………………. Then I
start my homework. I have dinner at seven o’clock. After that I often (9)……….. more homework to
do. Sometimes I watch TV or go (10)………….. with friends after dinner. I generally go to bed at
around ten thirty.

1………………. 2……………….. 3……………….. 4………………… 5……………….
6………………. 7………………. 8………………. 9………………… 10………………

III. Choose the suitable word for each blank in the following passage
subjects teenagers because themselves language
difficult enough university their or
Every year students in many countries learn Enghlish . Some of these students are young children .
Others are (1)…………... Many are adults . Some learn at school , others study by (2)………….. A few
learn English just by hearing the (3) ………. in film , on television , in the office , or among their
friends . But not many are lucky (4)………….to do that . Most people must work hard to learn another
language .
Learning another language ! Learning English ! Why do all these people want to learn English
? It is not (5)………… answer that quetion . Many boys and girls learn English at school because it
is one of their (6)…………. They study (7)…………..own language , and mathematics .... and English . ( In
England , or America , or Australia , many boys and girls study their own language , which is English
and mathematics ..... and another language , perhaps French , or German , or Spainish )
Many adults learn English (8)………… is useful for their work . Teenagers often learn
English for their higher studies , because some of their books are in English at the college or (9)
…………. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers (10)………….magazines in
English .

1………………. 2……………….. 3……………….. 4………………… 5……………….
6………………. 7………………. 8………………. 9………………… 10………………

IV. Choose thebest answer which can fit in the number space
Many British people go abroad on holiday, to visit family, or on short business trips. People are (1)
……… to find out how to get urgent treatment before leaving the UK. They have to (2)…………… a form
which explains what they (3)………….. do if they fall ill or (4)……………… an accident, and what
arrangements exist in (5)…………… country for medical treatment. The regulations are fairly simple
but(6)…………. people do not have this information, they may(7)………….that private medical care is
extremely expensive. It is not unsual for people to discover that they do not have (8)………….. money
with them to (9)………… the total costs and (10)……………… such circumstances an already difficult
situation becomes even more complicated.
1. A. advised B. suggested C. said D. spoken
2. A. put B. bring C. till D. get
3. A. ought B. will C. should D. may
4. A. have B. get C. happen D. take
5. A. their B. each C. one D. this
6. A. because B. whether C. as D. if
7. A. look B. want C. find D. know
8. A. enough B. little C. few D. full
9. A. pay B. give C. spend D. have
10. A. on B. in C. at D. up

V. Rearrange the sentences to make a suitable dialogue

A. Is it serious, doctor?
B. Well, you’d better stay a few days for observation.
C. Yes, doctor. I’ve just fallen off my bike.
D. Yes, I did and it hurts now. I feel dizzy,too.
E. Hm. You had a bad fall, didn’t you?
F. No, but you had better not move. Did you bang your head?
G. Now you’d better take off your shirt and I’ll look at your elbows and shoulders.

1……… 2………….. 3………… 4………… 5………. 6………. 7……..

VI. There are 11 mistakes in the following paragraph. Underline the mistake then correct it.
Write your answer in the table below
In 1783, two French brothers build the first balloon to take people into the air. One hundred and
twenty years lately, in 1903, the Wright brothers built the first plane with an engine and flied in it .
This was in the United States. Then, in 1918, the US Post Office begun the first airmail service.
Aeroplanes changed a lot in the next thirty year. Then, in 1950s, aeroplanes became many faster
because they had jet engines. In 1976, Concorde was building in the UK and France. It is the faster
passenger plane in the world and it can flying at 2500 kilometers an hour, so the journey in London
to New York is only four hours. Today millions of people travel on aeroplane, and it is difficult to
think of a world without them.
0. build  built
1………………. 2……………….. 3……………….. 4………………… 5……………….
6………………. 7………………. 8………………. 9………………… 10………………

VII. Give the correct form of the words in capital letter to complete the sentences
1. This knife is ……………….-it can’t cut anything. USE
2. It’s difficult to find ………………at busy times in this town. ACCOMMODATE

3. The lecturer is giving us first-aid …………………… INSTRUCT
4. Nam likes acting and outdoor ………………… ACT
5. The Boy Scouts of America is a youth……………….. ORGANIZE
6. You shouldn’t talk about her character only through her ………….. APPEAR
7. Bell ……………..demonstrated his invention. SUCCESS
8. She is beautiful with a …………………smile. LOVE
9. There are many cultural ………………between his country and mine. DIFFER
10. He is one of the most ……………..writers in the world. FAME

1………………. 2……………….. 3……………….. 4………………… 5……………….
6………………. 7………………. 8………………. 9………………… 10………………

VIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence
1. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.
This is the first……………………………………………………………..
2. My brother started working in that factory five years ago.
 My brother has……………………………………………………………..
3. ‘Can I borrow your bike,Nga?’, Nam asked.
 Nam asked Nga …………………………………………………………..
4. This pen belongs to Phong.
 This is ……………………………………………………………………..
5. They haven’t cleaned the streets this week.
 The streets………………………………………………………………….
6. Apples are usually cheaper than oranges.
 Apples are not……………………………………………………………..
7. He’d rather play golf than tennis.
 He prefers…………………………………………………………………..
8. Mai broke the cup because of her carelessness.
Because Mai………………………………………………………………
9. How long is it since they built the house?
 When………………………………………………………………………?
10. You are not allowed to smoke here.
 Would you mind………………………………………………………….?

IX. Write a composition about 150 words on the following topic:







Keys practice 21

I . 4 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng được 0.2 điểm:

1.A 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. B

6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. C

11. D 12. C 13. C 14. A 15. B

16. D 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. B

II. 2 điểm. Mỗi từ đúng được 0.2 điểm

1. starts/begins 2. get 3. for 4. walk 5. takes

6. finish 7. there 8. while 9. have 10. out

III. 2 điểm . Mỗi từ đúng được 0.2 điểm.

1. teenagers 2. themselves 3. language 4. enough 5. difficult

6. subjects 7. their 8. because 9. university 10. or

IV. 2 điểm . Mỗi câu đúng được 0.2 điểm.

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B

6. D 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. B

V. 1 điểm. Học sinh sắp xếp đúng thứ tự mới được điểm.

1. E 2. C 3. G 4. A 5. F 6. D 7. B

VI. 2 điểm . Mỗi từ đúng được 0.2 điểm.

1.lately - later 2. flied - flew 3. begun - began 4. year - years 5. many - much

6. building - built 7. faster - fastest 8. flying - fly 9. in - from 10. on - by

VII. 1điểm. Mỗi từ đúng được 0.1 điểm



VIII. 3điểm . Mỗi câu đúng được 0.3 điểm.

1. This is the first time I have eaten this kind of food.

2. My brother has worked in that factory for five years.
3. Nam asked Nga to lend her bike/ Nam asked Nga if she could lend him her bike/
Nam asksed Nga if he could borrow her bike.

4. This is Phong’s pen.

5. The streets haven’t been cleaned this week.
6. Apples are not usually as expensive as oranges.
7. He prefers golf to tennis/ He prefers playing golf to (playing) tennis.
8. Because Mai was careless, she broke the cup.
9. When did they begin building the house?/ When did they build the house?
10. Would you mind not smoking here?
IX. 3 điểm. Giám khảo chấm theo ý viết của học sinh

1/ Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others by
circling A, B, C or D ( 1pt)
11: A. tourist B. anxious C. delicious D. famous
12: A. university B. unit C. discuss D. computer
13: A. fat B. festival C. grand D. man
14: A. rub B. surrounding C. plumber D. husk
15: A. helped B. worked C. asked D. cleaned
2/ Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others .( 1pt)
16. A. comprise B. depend C. design D. novel
17. A. tropical B. collection C. tendency D. charity
18 A. friendliness B. occasion C. pagoda D. deposit
19. A. importing B. specific C. impolite D. important
20. A. federation B. unpolluted C. disappearing D. profitable
1. Circle the best option A, B, C, or D to complete the following sentences : ( 2pts)
21. Our friends have lived in Ho Chi Minh city __________ 2002
A. for B. since C. in D. about
22. He prefers soccer ___________ tennis
A. from B. than C. to D. or
23. This is the first time I _________ this film.
A. am seeing B. saw C. see D. have seen
24. He __________ to his friend’s party when his parents asked him to go home.
A. was going B. goes C. went D. has gone
25. There’s a strange man behind us. I think_______.
A. we are followed B. we are being followed
C. we are being following D. we are following
26. Which of the following is the strongest advice?
A. You really must get a hair-cut B. If I were you, I’d get a hair-cut.
C. You ought to get a hair-cut. D. You should get a hair-cut.
27. ________ you mind if I use your dictionary?
A. Will B. Can C. Do D. Did
28. The man ________ to the principal is my form teacher.
A. talks B. talk C. talked D. talking
29 . All that rubbish will have to be _____ at once.
A. got rid of B. get rid of C. got rid D. getting rid of
30. Would you mind putting out your cigarette? ~ _____________
A. No, thanks. B. No, of course not C. No, I wouldn’t. D. No, I don’t.
2. Use the words given in brackets to form a word that fits in the spaces(2pts).
31. Their children have quite _____________ characters. (difference)
32. What is the correct ______________of this word? (pronounce)
33. He didn’t win the championship, so he felt very _____________ . (hope)
34. She is one of the greatest _______ to appear in this theater. (perform)
35. My house is on the top of a hill. It’s very ____ there in the fall. (wind)
36. It is ___________ to eat too much sugar and fatty food. (health)
37. Many rural areas in Viet Nam have been __________ in the last few years. (urban )
38. Bell ______________ demonstrated his invention. (success)
39. Every day, there are two _________ from Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh city. (fly)
40. There are a lot of _______________ in the competition. (contest)
3. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in the brackets. (1pt)
41. Would you mind if I (smoke) __________?
42- I don't enjoy (laugh)___________ at by other people.
43- He (live) __________in this city since 2000.
44- Most of the NOKIA mobile phones (sell) ___________in this shop are imported from China.
45- The children (play)_____________soccer when it started to rain.
4. Fill in each gaps of the following sentences with a suitable preposition. ( 1pt)
46. In our place it is very cold ________ night, but it’s warm during the day.
47. Phong Nha Cave is known __________ a World Heritage Site.
48. She is thinking __________ importing flowers from Viet Nam ?
49. The canoe overturned and everyone fell ________ the deep water.
50. I prefer walking ________ riding a bicycle.
III. READING: (5pts)
1. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following passage. (2 pts)
For many people sport is a popular part of school life and …(51)…in one of the school teams
and playing in matches is very important. …(52)…someone is in a team it means a lot of extra
practice and often spending a Saturday or Sunday away …(53)…home, as many matches are played
It …(54)…also involve traveling to other towns to play against other school teams and
then …(55)…on after the match for a meal or a drink. Some parents, friends or other students will
travel with the team to support …(56)…own side.
When a school team wins a match, it is the whole school which feels proud, …(57)…
only the players. It can also mean that a school …(58)…well-known for being good at cetain sports
and people from that school may end up playing …(59)…national and international teams so that the
school has some really …(60)…names associated with it.
51 a.having b. being c.taking d. putting
52 a.If b.As c.Then d. So
53 b. on c.for d. from
54 a.ought c.can d.has
55 a.being b.staying c.leaving d.spending
56 a.their b.its c.our d.whose
57 a.but b.however c.and d.not
55 a.turns b.makes c.comes d.becomes
59 a. up c.for d.beside
60 a.old c.common d.famous
2. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage.(2pts)
Charlie Chaplin was born in a very poor part of London. (61) ................ father was comedian and his
mother worked (62) .................... a dancer and a singer. (63) ......... of them was successful so the family
had very (64) ..................... money. The (65) ……………… time he himself earned money by dancing and

singing, he was only five years old. He did many kinds of jobs, but what he loved (66) ..................... was
working in the theatre.
When he was (67) ..................... fifteen, he joined a traveling theatre company and went on trips
to America. On (68) ..................such tour, he was (69) ................... a part in a film, so he went to
Hollywood, where he eventually became both a famous actor and film director.
He died in Switzerland in 1977, at the age of 88. There is now a statue of him in Leicester Square,
London, the city of his (70) ..................... and early up-bringing.
3. Read the passage and decide which statements are True (T) or False (F). (1pt)
A week ago, Huy's family went for a picnic in the country. It was early spring, so they thought it was
too cold to go to the seaside. They set off early after breakfast and drove about 45 km into the
country until
they came to this favorite place. Huy and his sister went into the woods to pick wild flowers Huy's
parents sat quietly, fishing by the stream. At 4.30 p.m, they put the plates, cups, saucers and other
things back into the basket and went back to their car. They got home at 5.00 p.m.
71. Huy's family went for a picnic seven days ago.
72. They went to the city.
73. They went to the country by train.
74. The children went into the woods to pick wild flowers and their parents fished by the
75. They came back home at 5.00 p.m.
IV. WRITING (5pts)
1. Make meaningful sentences using the given words. (1pt)
76. Last year/ we/ spend/ week/ My Son / and /I not want / leave.
77. What / should / do / protect / environment / save / natural resources?
78. I/ not talk / uncle / since / he / buy / new house / city center.
79. We / ought / use / cloth bags / instead / reuse / plastic one.
80. Hoang / cross / road / when / father / call out / him .
2. Finish the second sentence in such a way that is similar to the first one. (2pts)
81. The last time I went to Ho Chi Minh City was 6 years ago.
 I haven’t……………………………………………………
82. “Where is the post office?” A visitor asked Lan.
 A visitor asked Lan…………………………………………
83. May I borrow your ruler?
 Would you mind……………………………………………

84. We spent five hours getting to London.
 It took us …………………………………………………….
85. Some one is going to tune my piano tomorrow.
 I am going………………………………………………………
86. Nam keeps forgetting his homework.
 Nam is…………………………………………………………….
87. My mother gave me a very nice watch yesterday.
 I was ………………………………………… ……………………
88. We’d prefer you not to smoke.
 We’d rather………………………………………………………
89. Let’s meet inside the center ,at the cafe corner.
 How……………………………………………………………….?
90. I’ve never eaten this kind of cake.
 It’s ………………………………………………………………….
3. In about 100 words write about your Tet holiday . (3pts) .
( don’t show your name, your school or your village)












1/ Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others by
circling A, B, C or D ( 1pt)
11 A. . tourist
12 C. discuss
13 B. festival
14 B. surrounding
15 D. cleaned

2/ Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others .( 1pt)
16 D. novel
17 B. collection
18 A. friendliness
19 C. impolite
20 D. profitable
1. Circle the best option A, B, C, or D to complete the following sentences : ( 2pts)

21 B. since
22 C. to
23 D. have seen
24 A. was going
25 B. we are being followed
26 B. You really must get a hair-cut.
27 C. Do
28 D. talking
29 A. got rid of
30 B. No, of course not
2. Use the words given in brackets to form a word that fits in the spaces(2pts).
31- different 32- pronunciation 33- hopeless 34- performers 35- windy
36- 37- urbanized 38- successfully 39- flights 40- contestants
3. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in the brackets. (1pt)
41- smoked 42- being laughed 43- has lived 44- sold 45- was playing
4. Fill in each gaps of the following sentences with a suitable preposition. ( 1pt)
46- at 47- as 48- of 49- into 50- to
1. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following passage. (2 pts)

51- c 52- a 53- d 54 -c 55- b

56- a 57 - d 58 - d 59 - c 60 - d
2. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage.(2pts)
61- His 62- as 63- Neither 64 - little 65 – first
66- best 67 - about 68 - one 69 - offered 70- birth
3. Read the passage and decide which statements are True (T) or False (F). (1pt)

71 - T 72 - F 73 - F 74 - T 75 - T
IV. WRITING (5pts)
1. Make meaningful sentences using the given words. (1pt)
76. Last year we spent a/ one week in My Son and I didn’t want to leave.
77. What should we do to protect the environment and save natural resources?
78.I haven’t talked to my uncle since he bought a new house in the city center.
79. We ought use the cloth bags instead of reusing the plastic one.
80. Hoang was crossing the road when his father called out to him.
2. Finish the second sentence in such a way that is similar to the first one. (2pts)
81. I haven’t gone / been to Ho Chi Minh for 6 years.
82. A visitor asked Lan where the post office was.
83. Would you mind lending me your ruler?
Or : Would you mind if I borrowed your ruler?
84. It took us five hours to get to Lon don.
85. I am going to have my piano tuned tomorrow.
86. Nam is always forgetting his homework.
87. I was given a very nice watch yesterday.
88. We’d rather you didn’t smoke.
89. How about meeting inside the center at the café corner?
90. It’s the first time I’ve eaten this kind of cake.
3. In about 100 words write about Tet holiday. (2pts) .
( don’t show your name, your school or your village)

The composition must have at least three ideas below.

1. Mở bài: Nêu được Tết diễn ra vào thời gian nào ở Việt Nam.
(được 0,25 điểm)
2. Thân bài: Kể được một số hoạt động trong dịp Tết , những món ăn đặc biệt trong ngày Tết ….
(được 1,5 điểm)
3. Kết luận: Nêu được cảm xúc về ngày Tết truyền thống đó….. (được 0,25 điểm)


Question I: Choose the best answer to fill in each blank.
1. My aunt speaks English very ................................
A. good B. well C. goodly D. best
2. We have math on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday; It means we have math .................. a week.
A. once B. twice C. three times D. four times
3. Lan promises to ............................ her best in learning English.
A. try B. make C. work D. learn
4. Learners don’t only learn the meaning ......................... the spelling and pronunciation of new words.
A. too B. as well as C. also D. but also
5. The manager asked me ............................. for him outside his office.
A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waited
6. She hasn’t written to me ........................................
A. already B. yet C. never D. any longer
7. Would you be ................................ to hold the door open?
A. kind enough B. too kind C. as kind D. so kind
8. Take the number 7 bus and get ......................... at Forest Road.
A. up B. down C. outside D. off
9. They have never come ............................ such a beautiful village before.
A. off B. along C. at D. across
10. Surely David’s not going to drive, .......................... he?
A. does B. isn’t C. is D. will
Question II: Give the correct form of the words in the brackets.
1. He fell off the bike, but his ............................... were not serious. (injure)
2. She gave me a ............................... of the new house. (demonstrate)
3. The shop ............................. showed me a lot of new models. (assist)
4. You must read the following ............................... precautions carefully. (safe)
5. You shouldn’t talk about her character only through her .......................... (appear)
6. We are waiting for the .............................. of our uncle’s train. (arrive)
7. The increase in population has led to .................................... in many cities. (crowd)
8. We had a terrible trip because the weather was ............................. (please)
9. If you want to get more ................................, please contact Mr. Phong. (inform)
10. It’s a good restaurant; the food there is very ........................... (taste)
Question III: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of
the other words in each group.
1. A. visit B. resort C. museum D. restaurant
2. A. seat B. great C. please D. beach
3. A. helped B. wanted C. sounded D. suggested
4. A. hotel B. photo C. move D. pagoda
5. A. city B. center C. country D. cigarette
6. A. mind B. climb C. exciting D. destination
7. A. sugar B. sorry C. seaside D. summer
8. A. busy B. why C. history D. family
9. A. page B. village C. luggage D. heritage
10. A. what B. which C. where D. who
Question IV: Give the correct form or tense of the verbs in the brackets.
1. My uncle (not/ be) ……………………………. out of his house since he (buy) ………………………… a color
2. I don’t think I (go) ............................... out tonight. I (be) .......................... too tired.
3. John (wash) .............................. his hands. He (just/ repair) ...................................... the TV set.
4. Tell him (bring) .................................. his bike inside. If he (leave) ........................... it there, someone
(steal) ....................................... it.
5. Where (you/ spend) ........................................ your summer holiday last year?
Question V: Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.
1. Keeping the environment clean is very important.
-> It’s ....................................................................................................................................
2. They will show the time machine to the public when they finish it.
-> The time machine .............................................................................................................
3. He was delighted to receive his aunt’s letter.
-> He was delighted that his .................................................................................................
4. Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals.
-> People ...............................................................................................................................
5. I’m very sad that I wasn’t accepted in that group.
-> I’m very sad not ................................................................................................................
6. Van keeps forgetting his homework.
-> Van is ...............................................................................................................................
7. I would like you to help me to put the chairs away.
-> Do you mind ...................................................................................................................?
8. Please don’t make any noise; I’m very tired.
-> I’d rather ...........................................................................................................................

9. Having a vacation abroad is very interesting.
-> It is ...................................................................................................................................
10. The water was so cold that the children couldn’t swim in it.
-> The water wasn’t ..............................................................................................................
Question VI: Read the following passage and answer the questions below.
A burn is an injury to the skin caused by exposure to fire, hot liquids or metals, chemicals,
electricity or the sun’s ultraviolet rays. When someone gets a burn , it’s necessary to provide first -
aid right away. First aid for burns involves removing the source of the burn as soon as possible. The
burns should be cooled immediately with cold water. A clean, cold wet towel or dressing can be
placed on less serious burns to ease pain and protect the burns from contaminating. If the burn is
caused by chemicals, it should be bathed continuously with running water for at least 20 minutes to
reduce the substance. Any powder should be carefully brushed off with gloved or protected hands
before washing. Wet dressings should never be used for burns. Instead, the first - aid provider
should gently apply dry, sterile dressing held in place by bandages and seek immediate medical
* Question:
1. What can cause burns?
2. When should the source of the burn be removed?
3. Why should we place clean, cold wet towels on less serious burns?
4. How long should the burn caused by chemicals be washed with water?
5. What kind of dressings should the first - aid provider use?
Question VII: Use the given words to make complete sentences.
1. Linh/ parents/ proud/ him/ because/ he/ always/ get/ good marks.
2. We/ very interested/ play/ soccer/ when/ live/ countryside.
3. I/ not talk/ uncle/ since/ he/ buy/ new house/ city center.
4. The Browns/ buy/ lot/ food/ because/ they/ go/ have/ party.

5. It/ only/ small car/ so/ there/ not/ enough room/ all/ us.
Question VIII: Fill in each blank with the suitable word in the following passage.
I have just .............................. (1) a letter from my brother, Dave. He is in Australia. He has been
there .................................. (2) six months. He is an engineer. He is ..............................(3) for a big farm and he
has visited a great ........................... (4) of different places in Australia. He has just bought .............................
(5) Australian car and he has ................................... (6) to Alice Spring, a small town to the center of
Australia. He .............................. (7) soon visit Darwin. From ............................... (8), he’ll fly to Perth. My
brother has ..............................(9) been abroad before, so he ...................... (10) this trip very exciting.

Question I: (2,5 ms) - Mỗi từ chọn đúng cho: 0,25 đ

1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C
6. B 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. C
Question II: (2,5 ms) - Mỗi từ đúng cho: 0,25 đ.

1. injuries 2. 3. assistant 4. safety 5. appearance

6. arrival 7. overcrowding 8. unpleasant 9. information 10. tasty
Question III: (2,5 ms) - Mỗi từ chọn đúng cho: 0,25 đ.

1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C
6. D 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. D
Question IV: (2,5 ms) - Mỗi động từ chia đúng cho: 0,25 đ.

1. hasn’t been; bought 2. am going/ will go; am 3. is washing; has just

4. to bring; leaves; will steal 5. did you spend

Question V: (2,5 ms) - Mỗi câu viết lại đúng cho: 0,25 đ.

1. It’s very important to keep the environment clean.

2. The time machine will be shown to the public when it is finished.

3. He was delighted that his aunt sent him a letter.

4. People recycle old car - tires to make shoes and sandals.

5. I’m very sad not to be accepted in that group.

6. Van is always forgetting his homework.

7. Do you mind helping me to put the chairs away?

8. I’d rather you didn’t make any noise; I’m very tired.

9. It’s very interesting to have a vacation abroad.

10. The water wasn’t warm/ hot enough for the children to swim (in).

Question VI: (2,5 ms) - Mỗi câu trả lời đúng cho: 0,5 đ.

1. Exposure to fire, hot liquids or metals, chemicals, electricity or the sun’s ultraviolet rays can
cause burns.

2. It should be removed as soon as possible.

3. Because it helps ease pain and protect the burns from contaminating.

4. For at least twenty minutes.

5. He or she should use dry, sterile dressing held in place by bandages.

Question VII: (2,5 ms) - Mỗi câu viết đúng cho: 0, 5 đ.

1. Linh’s parents are very proud of him because he always gets good marks.

2. We were very interested in playing soccer when we lived in the countryside.

3. I haven’t talked to your/ my uncle since he bought a new house in the city center.

4. The Browns have bought a lot of food because they are going to have a party.

5. It is only a small car, so there isn’t enough room for all of us.

Question VIII: (2,5 ms) - Mỗi ô trống điền đúng cho: 0,25 đ.

1. received 2. for 3. working 4. number 5. an

6. gone 7. will 8. there 9. never 10. finds

I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from
the rest
1. A. hour B. honor C. honest D. how
2. A. empire B. bridge C. liberty D. pyramid
3. A. cave B. statue C. bay D. ancient
4. A. believe B. field C. science D. movie
5. A. required B. opened C. plugged D. worked
II. Choose a word in each group that has different stress pattern
1. A. paddle B. canoe C. travel D. institute
2. A. invent B. decorate C. participate D. design
3. A. emergency B. hospital C. ambulance D. handkerchief
4. A. recognize B. remember C. deposit D. immediate
5. A. minimize B. damage C. natural D. recycle
III. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.
1. She was very sad ______ good marks in the final test.
A. not get B. not to get C. to not get D. not getting
2. My sister has decided to lose weight, so she is living ______ oranges for a week.
A. with B. on C. in D. by
3. When I ______ school, I am going to work in a factory .
A. begin B. study C. leave D. learn
4. What can we do to prevent people ______ throwing drink cans away?.
A. in B. of C. on D. from
5. We have not seen each other ______last Sunday.
A. for B. since C. on D. in
6. Excuse me! I am doing my homework. ______ turning down your radio a bit?.
A. Would you please B. Can you C. Could you D. Would you mind
7. You should work ______ for the coming exam.
A. hard B. hardly C. more hardly D. more hard
8. He found a watch when he ______ in the street.
A. walked B. has been walking C. was walking D. has walked
9. My uncle used to live ______ a farm when he was young.
A. in B. at C. during D. on
10. Millions of Christmas cards ______every year.
A. send B. are sent C. are sending D. was sent
IV. There mistake in the four underlined part of each sentence underline it then correct it .
1. You should take a taxi although it is raining hard . ________________
2. The telephone was invented with a Scotsman, Alexandre G. Bell, in 1876. ________________
3. It is difficult for students to answer all of the question in fifteen minutes. ________________
4. It has been a long time since we last talked together, isn’t it ? ________________

5. Lots of information are store in the computer. ________________
6. This is the second time I took part in the flower-making contest. ________________
7. Either Nam or his father know how to connect the printer. ________________
V. Give the correct form of each verb in brackets to complete the following sentences if
1. Look! Somebody (break)…………………………….. that door.
2. They (not meet)……………………….. us since last week.
3. What (you/do) ………………………………….. at this time yesterday.
4. Would you like (come)…………………………… to dinner to night.
5. You (phone)…………….. me last night?.......................................................................
6. Would you mind if I (smoke)……………………………………………….?
7. I don't enjoy………………………………………………. (laugh) at by other people.
8.Most of the NOKIA mobile phones (sell)…………………………………. in this shop are imported
from China.
VI. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in capitals .
1. What is the correct ………………………………..of this word?
2. . Last week we had an ……………………… summer holiday.
( enjoy)
3. The ……………………. of the project made me tense.
4. You had better do some ………………….. for the final exams
5. We should save ………………. …….resources.
6. People in the in the country are often more ………. …………. than people in the city.
7. The air is heavily ………………………with traffic fumes.
8. …………………, her illness was more serious than we thought.

VII. Read the passage and complete the sentences. Circle A, B, or C.

America is known as the land of opportunity. Thousands of people immigrate to the United States
every year from different parts of the world to have access to these kinds of opportunities. This is
what is known as, "the American dream".
America is also home to many of the world's top colleges and universities. The California Institute of
Technology is a top world-ranked college that focuses highly on science and engineering. It is located
in the city of Pasadena. Harvard University is another top world-ranked college that you might be
familiar with. The buildings at Harvard date all the way back to the year 1636, making Harvard the
oldest university in the United States. It is located in the state of Massachusetts. University of
California, Los Angeles is another institute worthy of recognition. Located next to Hollywood, UCLA

has distinguished itself as a prestigious and selective university due to the number of people who
apply for admission throughout the United States. The universities mentioned are but a few of the
many other excellent schools that make the United States so outstanding.
1. America is called the land of __________.
A. dream B. opportunity C. immigration
2. The word immigrate in line 1 can be replaced
A. come into B. go out of C. travel
3. The California Institute of Technology __________.
A. ranks first in the world
B. is a university focusing on natural sciences
C. focuses on science and engineering
4. What is NOT true about Harvard?
A. It was founded in 1636.
B. It is the oldest university in the world.
C. It is located in Massachusetts.
5. University of California, Los Angeles __________.
A. is in Hollywood
B. is different from other universities
C. has a high number of applications
VIII. Choose the best answer by circling A, B, C or D to complete the passage.
We don’t only choose clothes to make us look.........(1)......, we also use them to tell the world .........
(2)...... our personality. The clothes we wear and our appearance......(3)...... a whole give other people
useful information about what we think and.........(4)...... we feel. If we feel cheerful, we usually
wear......(5)...... clothes and if we feel.........(6)..... we sometimes put on dark clothes. But why do
teenagers wear black so.........(7)......? Is it because they feel miserable all.........(8)......? This is unlikely
the case. It is probably just because it is.........(9)...... to wear black, and young people they are real
fans.........(10)...... fashion.
1. A. attract B. attractive C. attractively D. attraction
2. A. of B. with C. by D. about
3. A. on B. as C. for D. in
4. A. which B. what C. how D. when
5. A. colorful B. colors C. colorfully D. colorless
6. A. depress B. depressed C. depressing D. depression
7. A. frequent B. frequency C. frequently D. infrequency
8. A. the time B. the times C. the week D. the month
9. A. fashion B. fashionable C. fashioner D. fashioned
10. A. of B. in C. from D. with
IX. Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition to complete the following sentences:
1. You can use dictionary to find ___________ new words.
2. Nam should work harder ____________ his English pronunciation .
3. Are you laughing ________________ me?.
4. This cake is made ________________ flour, eggs, milk, salt and butter.

5. We thanked them ______________________ all their help.
X. Rewrite the following sentences with the beginning words, staying the same meaning
with the old one.
1. Having a vacation in Da Lat is very interesting.
2. The water was so hot that I could not drink it.
The water was not............................................................................................................................................... …………
3. She last ate this kind of food in January.
She has not .......................................................................................................................................................... …………
4. The theater is near Hoa’s house
The theater is not……………………………………………………………………………
5. Nobody has used this machine for years.
This machine……………………………………………………………………………………
6. Please don’t smoke in the kitchen.
Would you mind ………………………………………………………………………………
XI. Use the words or phrases given to make complete sentences. You can add more words if
1. Learning / foreign language / necessary / us / get / job. //
2 . My family / I / spend / two months / make our plan / for summer holiday. //
3. driver / stop / car / time / save / child / yesterday. //
4. It / difficult/ learn English / without/ good dictionary.
5. He / try / stop / smoking / many times / but / he / never / succeed. //
6. I / hope / my English / improve / by the end / course. //

XII. Use the words to write the second sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the original sentence. Do not change the form of the given words
1. We went to Hai Phong two months ago. (been)
2. Whose book is this? (belong)
3. How long is the presentation? (last)
4. English eight has twelve units. (are)
5. “You should not lend him your car”, Nam said to me. (advised)
Nam ………………………………………………………………………
______ the end _________

Keys practice 25

I.(5 điểm) : Mỗi câu đúng cho 0.25 điểm.

1. D 2. A 3.B 4. C 5. D

II. (5 điểm): Mỗi câu đúng cho 0.25 điểm.

1.B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. D

III. (10 điểm: Mỗi câu đúng cho 0.25 điểm .

1. B. 2. B 3. C 4.D 5.B

6.D 7.A 8.C 9D 10. B

IV. (10 điểm : Mỗi câu đúng cho 1 điểm.

1. C- because 3. B – by 4. C- to come 5. D- the questions

6. A- being 7. D- hasn’t it 8. C- is stored 9. B- have taken 10. C – knows

Part I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
1. A.other B. leather C. weathy D. brother
2. A. television B. elephant C. section D. Swedish
3. A. explain B. current C. desire D. electric
4. A. threaten B. thread C. seat D. bread
5. A. deaf B. leaf C. meat D. heat
Part II. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others in the group.
1. A. affect B. polutte C. effect D. litter
2. A. cholera B. pollutant C. permanent D. groundwater
3. A. radiation B. political C. historical D. contaminant
4. A. seriously B. measurement C. scientific D. logical
5. A. aquatic B. historic C. physic D. bonical
Part I. Choose the word, phrase or expression which best completes each sentence
1. It’s recommended that we become more concerned …… the environment around us.
A. of B. to C. with D. about
2. Air ……., together littering, is cause many problems in our cities today.
A. pollute B. pollution C. polluted D. polluting
3. On Christmas Eve, most big cities, especially London are .........with coloured lights across the
streets and enormous Christmas trees.
A. decorated B. hang C. put D. made
4. In the United, there are 50 …….and six different time zones across the country.
A. states B. nations C. towns D. show
5. Nowadays you still see the ………men wear kits (skirts) to wedding or other formal occasions.
A. Scot B. Scotland C. Scots D. Scottish.
6. What …… we do to prevent these natural disasters?
A. may B. ought C. should D. be able
7. …….. at someone is usually considered rude.
A. Point B. To point C. To pointing D. Pointing
8. My father shouted at me, …….. made me feel sorrowful.
A. that B. who C. whose D. which
9. I believe that our new manager has the …… to work well in this business environment.
A. inflexible B. flexibly C. flexibility D. flexible
10.“Are Mary and Peter still living in Paris?” - “No, they …….. to NewYork.”
A. are just moved B.had just moved C. have just moved D.will just move
11. ‘What is the …….. of the USA ?’ – ‘The dollars.’
A. current B. population C. territory D. currency
12. We can see many international programs ……………...different channels. C. on D. of
13. This hat is different ..................... the one I had.
A. for B. to C. from D. at
14. What will happen if the pollution .................. on.?
A. puts B. goes C. keeps D. takes
15. He said he was afraid this article was .................. date.
A. over B. on C. behind D. out of
16. I had to get up early, ...............I would miss the train.
A. otherwise B. if not C. but D. unless
17. Most young people want to ........more about environmental problems.
A.look after B.find out C.look for D.make out
18. ..................always gives me real pleasure.
A. I arrange flowers B. The flowers are arranged
C. Arranging flowers D. While arranging flowers.
19. Nga had difficulties in bringing the heavy box, and Mai, her friend, offered to help.
Mai : “Need a hand with your heavy box, Nga ?” -Nga : “.....................”
A. I don’t need B. Not at all C. That’s very kind of you D. No, thanks
20. Peter: “ ...............?” Mary: “ Well , I’dlike to see that dress”
A. Do you want anything B. May I help you
C. What would you like D. What do you want to do
Part II. Give the correct form of the words to complete the following sentences
John watched a (1. document) ………………………… on TV last night. It was all about the
problems (2. threaten) ………………………… our environment. He was shocked to find out how little he
knew about (3. globe) ………………………… warning or acid rain. He had heard the term before but he
knew (4. practical) ………………………… nothing about the damage they cause to our planet. He feels he
should do something to be (5. help) …………………………. He would like to join an (6. organize)
…………………………, but he doesn't know which one to join. He has seen so many (7. advertise)
………………………… in newspapers that he can't make up his mind. However, he believes that it is (8.
acceptable) ………………………… not to be environmentally aware and he is (9. hope) …………………………
that one day everyone will be part of a world movement to save the earth. He was sure that in this
time of (10. technology) ………………………… advances, we find some way to solve the world's
Part III. Identify the mistake in each sentence below by circling the capital letter
1. It was wrong with you to allow a 4 year-old child to walk home alone.
2. The Smiths are very proud about that their son always gets high marks in his courses.
3. We called the baseball park up to ask that when the game was scheduled to begin that afternoon.
4. The American Indians killed the buffalo only when necessity to obtain food, clothing
and shelter.
5. Some relatives of mine like staying at their cabin on Lake Omega every summer holidays
6. In the United States among 60 percent of the space on the pages of newspapers is reserved
for advertising.
7. Gilbert Newton Lewis, a chemist, helped to develop the modern electron theory of

valence, a theory explains the forces holding atoms together in molecules.
8. Because of a high birthrate and considered immigration, the United States population
in the late nineteenth century increased tremendously from 31 million in 1860 to 76 million in
9. For most of their history, especially since the 1860's, New York City has been undergoing major
ethnic population changes.
10. Rocks have forming, wearing away and re-forming ever since the Earth took shape.
Part IV. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets. (20 points)
1. The classroom is still very dirty. I don’t think it (1- clean).
2. ( 2- Lie ) on the beach on a sunny day is pleasant.
3. After (3- shout ) for help, she ( 4- take ) off her shoes and (5- jump) in (6- save) him.
4. Once you (7- try) Gloswhite toothpaste, you (8- never use) anything else.
5. (9- Write ) the letter, she put it in an envelope.
6. Each July, George together with his family (10- go) to Spain for holiday.
Your answer:
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.


Part I. Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word to complete the following paragraph.
Our classes take place for three hours every morning from Monday (1)............. Friday. The
maximum class size is twelve (2) .............. the average is ten. We use modern methods of (3) .............
and learning, and the school has a language laboratory, a video camera and recorders. However, you
will only be successful in improving (4) ............. English if you work hard and (5) ........ speaking English
as much as you can. You will take a short (6) ............. in English as soon as you arrive. In this way, we
can put you in a (7) ............. at the most suitable level.
There are two classes at the Elementary level; one is for complete beginners and the other is for
students who know only a little English. In both classes you will practise simple conversations. In the
class (8) ............. the intermediate level you will have a lot of practice in communication in real-life
situations because we help you to use the English you have previously (9) ............. in your own
country, You will also have chances to improve your (10) .............. of English grammar and to build up
your vocabulary...
Part II. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D that best fits each of the blank spaces.
Around the age (1)……. sixteen, you must make one of the biggest decisions of your life. Do I stay
on at school and hopefully, go on to university later? Do I leave and start work or beginning a
training (2)………?

The decision is yours, but it may be (3)……. remembering two things: There is more
unemployment (4)………. those who haven't been to university, and people (5)………. have the right
skills will have a big advantage in the competition for jobs. If you decide to go straight into a job,
there are (6)………. opportunities for training. Getting qualifications will (7)………. you get on
more quickly in many careers, and evening classes allow you to learn (8)………. you earn. Starting
work and taking a break to study when you are older is (9………. possibility. This way, you can save
up money for your student days, as well as (10)………. practical work experience.

1. A. at B. in C. on D. of
2. A. school B. class C. course D. term
3. A. worth B. necessary C. important D. useful
4. A. between B. among C. with D. through
5. A. whom B. which C. who D. whose
6. A. much B. many C. little D. few
7. A. permit B. help C. let D. give
8. A. where B. while C. when D. what
9. A. also B. again C. another D. always
10. A. getting B. making C .taking D. doing
Part III. Read the passage below and choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
The Great Hanshin earthquake, or the Kobe earthquake as it is more commonly
known overseas, was an earthquake in Japan that measured 7.3 on the Japan Meteorological Agency
magnitude scale. It occurred on January 17th, 1995 at 5:46 a.m. in the southern part of Hyō go
Prefecture, and lasted for approximately 20 seconds. The epicentre of the earthquake was on the
northern end of Awaji Island near Kobe, a cosmopolitan city of over 1.5 million people. A total of
6,434 people, mainly in the city of Kobe, lost their lives. Additionally, it caused approximately ten
trillion yen in damage. It was the worst earthquake in Japan since the Great Kantō earthquake in
1923, which claimed 140,000 lives.
1. The word ‘overseas’ in the text is closest in meaning to __________.
A.abroad sea sea
2. The word ‘occurred’ in the text is closest in meaning to __________.
A.ended B.happened C.started
3. It is stated in the passage that the number of deaths in the city of Kobe __________.
A.was greater than that of the Great Kantō earthquake
B.was not as high as in the Great Kantō earthquake
C.exceeded that of any known earthquake
4. The northern end of Awaji Island was the place where __________.
A.the effects of the earthquake were felt most strongly
B.there was no damage to people and property
C.1.5 million people lost their lives
5. We understand from the passage that the Kobe earthquake __________. internationally known as the Great Hanshin earthquake
B.didn’t cause any damage in the neighbourhood of Kobe not the deadliest earthquake in the history of Japan.
Your answer:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the sentence printed before it.
1.The match couldn’t start because of the heavy snow.
->The heavy snow……………………………………………………………….….
2. My mother was a worker in a factory when she was young.
-> My mother used…………………………………………………………………...
3.You can improve your English by practicing speaking every day.
-> If…………………………………………………………………………………
4. “ I really must leave now,” Mr. Fatt said.
-> Mr. Fatt insists……………………………………………………………….…..
5. It often took my mom half an hour to get to work by underground every morning last month.
-> My mom spent…………………………………………………………………….

Part II. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it means exactly the same as the given
one. Using the given word in brackets. Do not change the word.

1. I’m not you, but I think you should recycle these plastic carrier bags. (if)
2. Emma came first because she worked hard. (result)
……………………………………………………………………………………………….3. Eating too much sugar can result
in health problems. (lead)
4. All flights had to be cancelled as a result of the pilots’ sudden strike. (so)
5. If I could swim, I would go scuba diving with Terry. (because)
Part III. Writing a passage.
In 150-180 words, write a passage about “the importance of learning English and suggest
some effective ways that help us learn English well”.










Part I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
5 x 1 = 5 points
1.C 2.C 3.B 4. C 5.A
Part II. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others in the group.
5 x 1 = 5 points
1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C
Part I. Choose the word, phrase or expression which best completes each sentence.
20 x 1 = 20 points
1. D 2.B 3. A 4. A 5. D
6. C 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. C
11. D 12. C 13. C 14. B 15.D
16.A 17.C 18. A 19.C 20.B
Part II. Give the correct form of the words to complete the following sentences
10 x 2 = 20 points
Part III. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it.
10 x 2 = 20 points
1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D
6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.A

Part IV. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets.
10 x 2 = 20 points

1. has been cleaned 6. to save

2. Lying 7. have tried
3. shouting 8. will never use
4. took 9. having written
5. jumped 10. goes
Part I. Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word to complete the following paragraph.
10 x 2 = 20 points

1. to 2. and 3. teaching 4. your 5. practise

6. test 7. class 8. at 9. 10. knowledge
Part II. Circle the correct answer A, B, C or D that best fits each of the blank spaces.
10 x 1 = 10 points
1. D 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. C
6. B 7. B 8. B 9. C 10A

Part III. Read the passage below and choose the best answer for each question.
5 x 2 = 10 points
1. A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C
SECTION D. WRITING (50 points)
Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the sentence printed before it.
5 x 2 = 10 points
1.The heavy snow prevented / stopped the match from starting.
2. My mother used to work / to be a worker in a factory when she was young.
3.If you practice speaking English every day, you can improve it.
4. Mr . Fatt insists on leaving then.
5. My Mom spent half an hour getting to work by underground early every morning last month.

Part II. Using the word in capital letters, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first one. Do not change the word given.
5 x 2 = 10 points
1. If I were/ was you, I would recycle these plastic carrier bags.
2. Emma came first as a result of her hard work.
3. Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.
4. The pilots suddenly went on strike, so all flights had to be cancelled.
5. Because I can’t swim, I’m not going/ I won’t go scuba diving with Terry.
Part III. Writing a passage (30 points)
In 150-180 words, write a passage about “the importance of learning English and suggest
some effective ways that help us learn English well”.
Bà i viết cầ n rõ nộ i dung, ngô n ngữ phù hợ p, chính xá c
* Gợ i ý phầ n cho điểm chi tiết như sau:
1. Form: a passage ( 5 points )
+ Easy to read
+ Coherent
2. Content: (15points )
+ Successful fulfillment of the task
3. Language: (10 points )
+ Appropriate vocabulary (3 points )
+ Suitable connectors ( 3 points )
+ Correct grammar ( 3 points )
+ Punctuating/Spelling ( 1 points )

The end

Chú ý: Tổng số điểm toàn bài là 200; kết quả làm bài thi của thí sinh được quy về thang điểm 20

I/ Section one: vocabulary and structures

Question 1: Choose the best answers

1. Don’t be silly! That ...................................possibly be Rivaldo!
a. mustn’t b . shouldn’t c. won’t d. can’t
2. No sooner had we started the game, began to rain.
a. than b. then c. that d. and
3. I interested in playing badminton as a child.
a. could b. ought to c. might d. used to
4. They’ve told you time and time ............................. not to go out at night.
a. to b. over c. again d. before
5. Sorry I’m late, but I..............................feed my little son before leaving home.
a. needed b. must c. had to d. was to
6. Smith writes very quickly. He’s .........................finished his essay.
a. already b. been c. for d. yet
7. What are you going to do? - I don’t know. I haven’t mind yet.
a. on b. at c. in d. up
8. I’ve Paris. I went there in March.
a. been b. gone c. just d. yet
9. This is the first ..................... I’ve ever lived far from home.
a. already b. since c. that d. time
10. What did the girl say ........................?
a. at you b. for you c. you d. to you?
11. Phong rang his friend in Nha Trang yesterday, and he said it ..............raining there.
a. was b. is c. should be d. to be
12. The last time I saw Khang, he looked very relaxed. He explained that he’d been on holiday
the ........................week.
a. earlier b. following c. next d. previous
13. We wonder ........................the tickets are on sales yet.
a. what b. when c. whether d. where
14. When I rang Oanh some time last week, she said she was
a. this b. that c. then d. the
15. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
a. just b. sun c. put d. bucket
16. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
a. instead b. head c. heap d. dead
17. Which word has a different stress in the group?
a. amount b. inventor c. garbage d. resource
18. This film must be new. We’ve ........................ seen it before.
a. ever b. never c. since d. yet
19. He do something by others.
a. to be asked b. asking c. being asked d. to ask
20. Let’s go camping in the mountain, ........................?
a. do we b. can we c. will we d. shall we

Question 2: Supply the correct forms of the word in parentheses.

1. Phuong Linh arranged flowers the most .......................(attract) in the contest.
2. It is a contest in which ....................(participate) have to read two poems in English.
3. .......................(environment) are concerned about the use of dynamite to catch fish.
4. Years later, she passed me in the street without even a small sign of .......(recognize).
5. Nam put ................(press) on that towel to stop the bleeding.
6. After many years of ............(fail), Edison finally succeeded in inventing the light bulb.
7. We use first-aid in order to ease the victim’s pain and ......................(anxious).
8. She felt ....................(relief) after she passed the exam.
9. You’ll meet the tour guide on your ..................(arrive) at the hotel.
10. We can take buses or trains to Northern ......................(destine) of Nha Trang.
11. Sapa is considered the most beautiful .......(mountain) resort in the north of Viet Nam.
12. It’s now high time you knew how to dress and ....................(dress) yourself.
13. We are having a good time here. People on the island are very friendly and ...........(hospitality).
14. The police are interested in the sudden ............(appear) of the valuable painting.
15. I wrote .............(end) letters of application but I got no reply.
16. A fairy appeared and ...................................... ( MAGIC )changed her old clothes
17. The tiger wanted to see the farmer’s .................................. ( WISE )
18. In that story, the prince got ........................( MARRY )to a poor girl
19. Let me get an .................................... ( APPLY ) form and I can fill out
20. He was ............................... ( FOOL ) to say that English is helpless

II/ Section two: reading comprehension

Question 1: Read these passages and match the each passage to its title. There is ONE title you
needn’t use

A. How I began D. My most frightening experience

B. The worst aspect of my hobby E. Why I like my hobby
C. My hopes for the future F. When and where I do it
1. __________ For me, every weekday begins the same: I get up at 7.00. I have breakfast, I take the bus to
school, I go to lessons ... I don’t hate this daily routine, but it isn’t very thrilling. In the evenings, however, I
drive Formula 1 cars, build enormous cities and defend my planet against aliens. In short, I play computer
games. It’s like entering a different world. That’s why I love playing them so much.
2. __________My interest in computer games has taught me a lot about computer graphics. I want to study
computing at college, and learn how to design and program games. Eventually, I’d like to start my own
software company, creating and testing new games. That way, I could spend all day doing what I love most.
3. ____________Computer games are interesting because they often contain stories and characters. The
games are getting better all the time, but they are also getting more expensive. The only thing I don’t like
about my hobby is the cost! New games are often about $50.
4. ____________ Some of my friends from school are interested in computer games too. We normally meet at
my house in the evenings and play for a few hours. We sometimes play at weekends, but if the weather’s
good I prefer to go cycling or play basketball instead.
5. ____________ I first became interested in computer games about four years ago. I was staying with my
cousin for the weekend. He had some games and he taught me how to play them. I became hooked
immediately! When I got home, I decided to save all my money for buying games. Now I’ve got about twenty
different games.

Question 2: Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in each gap
Have you ever followed instructions for knitting something or have you read a piece of music? If you
have, you have behaved in a similar way(1)................ a computer. A computer obeys a program to carry out a
particular task. Just (2)................. a knitting pattern is expressed in numbers and piece of music in lines and
dots, so a computer program is (3)................. in the form of programming language. Like the English language
(or any other language), there are (4).................... of grammar, and a program must be correct in every way.
There are hundreds of programming language, but only (5)............. are well-known and widely used. The
most popular language which is used in offices(6)................Cobol. This language is used for printing payrolls
and keeping records of goods. Engineers and scientists use Fortran (7)......................carry out calculations.
(8)......................... neither of these two programs is very popular with people working on home computers.
Basis is the most popular language for home computers, chiefly (9) is easy to learn and use.
(10)................. these languages are useful for many purposes, it is time that a new simple program was
devised. Such a program ought to be not only easy to use but also completely reliable.
1. A. to B. as C. so D. from
2. A. like B. by C. too D. as
3. A. expensive B. expresses C. expressed D. expressing
4. A. rules B. laws C. regulations D. principles
5. A. a little B. a few C. much D. a lot of
6. A. called B. calling C. is called D. is calling
7. A. so as for B. in order that C. so as that D. in order to
8. A. In addition B. Therefore C. Consequently D. However
9. A. because B. if C. because of D. unless
10. A. Even B. Despite C. Although D. In spite

Question 3: Find and correct one mistake in each line of the passage below
Nam is a student. This year he had a very interested summer 1........................................
holiday. He traveled with him classmates to a mountainous 2........................................
area in Hoa Binh province. They gone there to help make a 3........................................
road through a forest among two villages. “It was very difficult 4........................................
because there had no water to drink and no shops where we could 5........................................
bought food,” said Nam. “It was also cold and wet 6........................................
in the mountains. It is one of the wetter place in the country.” Nam 7........................................
stayed in the mountains since six weeks. It was hard 8........................................
work, but he says it was the best thing he has ever did. He is hoping 9........................................
to return next year to do any more work there. 10........................................
III/ Section three: Writing

Question 1: Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences

1. exported / many / last year / rice / how / to/ Japan / tons / were / of / ?
2. trees / planting / on / the boys / the hill / group / are / the / in / volunteer / .
3. rain / heavy / from / prevented / the / playing / us / soccer.
4. if / he / me / some / asked / I / money / could / then / lend / him /
5. design / to send / friends / someone / greetings / Englishman / a card / Christmas / to / an / his / had /.
6. Le Lai Street / are/ living / they / in / at / An Giang / their / with /children / 186.
7. uncle / spent / most / their /of /the /violin / practicing / his time / in / room /music /the/.
8. which / us / tells / sentence / that / more / than / is / she / her / beautiful / sister /?
9. his / friends / old / unlike / he / is / impolite / very /.
10. going / fatherland / month / Kenny / his / is / family / next / visit / with / his / to /.
11. colleagues / go / he / to / to / weekend / and / don’t / have / at / work / the / his /.
12. there / she / near / wanted / a / here / was / museum / know / to / if /.
13. hold / going / their / are / they / tomorrow / party / house / at / to / a /.
14. going / aren’t / are / boys / the / the / they / canteen / to / school /?
15. for / you’ll / meeting / late / be / the / if / bed / to / soon / don’t / you / go
Question 2: Rewrite sentences as directed so that it has the same meaning as the sentence given
1. Thinking of making toys from used paper was his interesting idea.
It’s interesting that...................................................................................................................
2. He hasn’t come back to his home village for over 20 years now.
3. That’s the strangest film I’ve ever seen.
I have never..............................................................................................................................
4. Please don’t interrupt me while I am speaking.
I’d rather...................................................................................................................................
5. Get up now or you’ll be late for school.
6. The last time we met each other was ten years ago.
We haven’t...............................................................................................................................
7. Finding accommodation at busy time in Da Lat is difficult .
8. Originally, tennis was an indoor game.
Tennis used..............................................................................................................................
9. My father prefers living in the countryside to living in the city.
My father likes........................................................................................................................
10. Nobody in my class is as intelligent as Lan.
Lan is.......................................................................................................................................
11. Have you ever played a computer game before?
Is this.......................................................................................................................................
12. France presented the Statue of Liberty to the United States in 1876.
The Statue ...............................................................................................................................
13. The water was so cold that the children couldn’t swim in it.
The water wasn’t.....................................................................................................................
14. He hasn’t chatted with his classmates through the Internet for ages.
It’s ages...................................................................................................................................
15. People should stop experiments on animals.
Keys – practice 27

I/ Section one: vocabulary and structures

Question 1: Choose the best answers (20 pts)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14B 15C 16 17 18 19 20

Question 2: Supply the correct forms of the word in parentheses. (20 pts)

1. attractively 2. participants 3 . environmentalists4. recognition 5. pressure 6. failure 7. anxiety

8. relieved 9. arrival 10. destinations 11. mountainous 12. undress 13. hospitable

14. disappearance 15. endless 16. magically 17. wisdom 18. married 19. application
20. foolish

II/ Section two: reading comprehension

Question 1: Read these passages and match the each passage to its title. There is ONE title you
needn’t use(10 pts)
1E/ 2C/3B /4F /5A

Question 2: Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in each gap.(10 pts)
1A/ 2D/ 3C/4A/5B/ 6C/ 7D/ 8D/ 9A/ 10C

Question 3: Find and correct one mistake in each line of the passage below.(10 pts)

1. interested interesting 2him his 3. gone went

4.among between 5. had was 6. bought buy

7. wetter wettest 8. since for 9. did done 10. any


III/ section three: writing

Question 1: Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.(15 pts)

1. How many tons of rice were exported to Japan last year?

2. The boys in the volunteer group are planting trees on the hill.

3. The heavy rain prevented us from playing soccer.

4. If I asked him some money, he could lend me then.

5. An Englishman had someone design a card to send Christmas greetings to his friends.

6. They are living with their children at 186 Le Lai Street in An Giang.

7. Their uncle spent most of his time practicing the violin in the music room.

8. Which sentence tells us that she is more beautiful than her sister?
9. Unlike his old friends, he is very impolite.

10. Kenny is going to visit his fatherland with his family next month.

11. He and his colleagues don’t have to go to work at the weekend.

12. She wanted to know if there was a museum near here.

13. They are going to hold a party at their house tomorrow.

14. The boys are (aren’t)going to the school canteen, aren’t (are)they?

15. If you don’t go to bed soon, you’ll be late for the meeting.

Question 2: Rewrite sentences as directed so that it has the same meaning as the sentence given.
1. It is interesting that he thought of making toys from used paper.

2. It’s over twenty years since he last came back to his home village.

3. I have never such a strange film before.

4. I’d rather you didn’t interrupt me while I am speaking.

5. If you don’t get up now, you’ll be late for school.

6. We haven’t met each other for ten years.

7. It’s difficult to find accommodation in Da Lat at busy time.

8. Tennis used to be an indoor game.

9. My father likes living in the countryside better than living in the city.

10. Lan is the most intelligent (student) in my class.

11. Is this the first time you have played a computer game?

12. The Statue of Liberty was presented to the United State by the France in 1876.

13. The water wasn’t warm enough for the children to swim in.

14. It’s ages since he last chatted with his classmates through the Internet.

15. Experiments on animals should be stopped.

The end
I. Phonetics:
Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others.

1). A). use B). music C). public D). value

2). A). breath B). bread C). dead D). great
3). A). bubble B). truck C). pollute D). public
4). A). learn B). fear C). clear D). hear
5). A). cook B). look C). book D). proof
6). A). children B). chorus C). check D). chicken
7). A). caps B). jeans C). shirts D). pants
8). A). invite B). tropical C). primary D). divide
9). A). student B). menu C). fur D). tutor
10). A). hot B). here C). hour D). hope

II. Reading and choose the best answer.

Strange things happen to time when you travel, because the earth is divided into twenty- four time
zones, one hour apart. You can have days with more or fewer than twenty- four hours, and weeks with more
or fewer than seven days.
If you make a five- day trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your ship enters a different time zone every day. As
you enter each zone, the time changes one hour. Traveling West, you set your clock back; traveling East, you
set it ahead. Each day of your trip has either twenty - five or twenty - three hours.
If you travel by ship across the Pacific Ocean, you cross the international date line. By agreement, this is the
point where a new day begins. When you cross the line, you change your calendar one full day, backward or
forward. traveling East, today becomes yesterday; traveling east, it is tomorrow.

11). The difference in time between zones is ..............................

A). seven days B). more than seven days
C). one hour D). twenty - four hours

12). From this selection it seems true that the Atlantic Ocean .......................
A). is in one time zone B). is divided into twenty - four zones
C). can't be crossed in five days D). is divided into five time zones

13). If you cross the ocean going East, you set clock ..........................................
A). ahead by twenty - three hours B). ahead one hour in each new time zone C). back
one full day for each time zone D). ahead one hour for the whole trip

14). The international date line is the name for .........................

A). the beginning of any new time zone B). any time zone in the Pacific Ocean.
C). the point where a new day begins D). any point where time changes by one hour
15). The best title for this selection is ..........................
A). How Time Zones Were Set Up B). Crossing the International Date Line
C). how Time Changes Around the World D). A trip Across the Atlantic
III. Reading and choose the best answer from A,B,C or D.

Compost is a wonderful natural resource that helps plants grow well. Today I am going to tell you (16)
……........ to start a compost heap. First we must use only household and garden matter (17)…………...... tea
leaves and egg shells, but we must (18)………........ them first. Don't use any meat or grain products because
this attracts rats. Find a place (19)…………....... your garden that gets a few hours of sunlight each day. The
(20)………....... also needs moisture but it will get this from condensation. Cover the heap with a sheet of
strong- plastic if the weather is wet. Keep adding to pile and after six months, your compost can be used for
your fields , gardens.

16). A). why B). how C). where D). what

17). A). include B). to include C). included D). including
18). A). wash B). to wash C). washing D). washed
19). A). on B). for C). at D). in
20). A). glass B). cans C). compost D). bottles

IV. Choose the best answer from A,B,C or D.

21). Minh is interested .................. the history of Viet nam.

A). on B). in C). about D). at
22). A new school ................... in our neighborhood right now.
A). is built B). is being built C). is building D). is being build
23). My car .................... yesterday by him.
A). was repaired B). has been repaired C). is repaired D). can be repaired
24). My nephew .................... to stay with me next weekend.
A). come B). is coming C). will come D). comes
25). ....................... does he have to work so hard? - To earn more money.
A). Why B). Who C). What D). When
26). Thank for inviting me to the ........................ festival.
A). rice- cooked B). cooking- rice C). rice- cooking D). cooked- rice
27). Children should ............................... to bed early.
A). gone B). go C). goes D). went
28). Don't worry about us. We can ...................
A). look ourselves B). look for ourselves C). look after our self D). look after ourselves
29). She walked ............... the kitchen and put her packages ................... the table.
A). in/ into B). on/ into C). into/ in D). into/ on
30). I saw Peter at the party last night. He .................... a red dress
A). wore B). was wearing C). had worn D). wears
31). your hair is long. It needs .......................
A). cut B). cutting C). to cut D). had cut
32). We have learnt English ............................ three years.
A). at B). for C). in D). since
33). You ................... forget what I told you. It is very important.
A). must B). have to C). can't D). mustn't
34). He doesn't look ...................... to be a famous boxer.
A). enough strong B). strong enough C). weak enough D). too weak
35). My friend Nam is .................. He loves giving things to other people.
A). skilled B). friendly C). direct D). generous

V. Choose the underlined words or phrases that are not correct in standard written English

36) “I come from Canada”. He said he comes from Canada.

37) I’m bored and I wonder if you could to tell me what to do your fun.
38) Thank for invite me to the rice –cooking contest of your school.
39) I am interesting in the rice – cooking contest you organized yesterday.
40) We don’t want to go out tonight because it is rain.
41) Nam has learnt English since three years.
42) He is very happy now. Because his bike is repaired yesterday.
43) She is enough old to drive her car.
44) “I can fix the faucets”. He said he can fix the faucets
45) I don’t know where is he living now.

VI. Rewrite these sentences, beginning with the words given.

46). What ‘s the weight of your suit case?

- How.……………………………………………………………………………………………
47) Speaking English fluently is not easy.
- It ………………………………………………………………………………………………
48) John smoked cigarettes when he was a young man.
- John used ……………………………………………………………………………………
49) “ Why do you want the job?” He asked me
- He asked me …………………………………………………………………………………
50) “Do you like learning English?”
- She asked us …………………………………………………………………………………
51) They built this house in 1995.
- This house ……………………………………………………………………………………
52) He cleans his room.
- His room ………………………………………………………………………………………
53) You can’t go to school unless you get a bike.
- If you ………………………………………………………………………………………….
54) They will ask you a lot of questions.
- You ……………………………………………………………………………………………
55) They don’t use this computer.
- This computer ………………………………………………………………………………

VII. Writing.
Write a letter to a friend about your neighborhood. These questions may help you.

- Where do you live?

- What does your house look like?
- What can you see from your bedroom window?
- How far is it from your home to school?
- How do you go to school?












36. D 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. D

41. C 42. C 43. B 44. C 45. C

V. Rewrite these sentences, beginning with the words given.

46. How heavy is your suit case?

47. It is not easy to speak English fluently.

48. John used to smoke cigarettes.

49. He asked me why I wanted the job.

50. She asked us if / whether we liked learning English.

51. This house was built in 1995.

52. His room is cleaned by him.

53. If you don’t get a bike you can’t go to school.

54. You will be asked a lot of questions.

55. This computer isn’t used.

VII. Writing.

Write a letter to a friend about your neighborhood. These questions may help you.

I. Choose the best answer by circling A, B, C or D
1. Jack is……. His jokes often make his friends laugh a lot.
A. generous B. humorous C.easy-going D. unusual
2. I’m sorry. I’m not………to help you lift the table.
A. enough strong B. too strong C. strong enough D. enough strength.
3. We…….in our present house for 5 years.
A. live B. have lived C. are living D. lived.
4. We used to wash clothes by hand. Now we have a…….
A. washing machine B. dishwasher C. hair dryer D. steamer.
5. It took me a long time to get used……… glasses.
A. to wear B. to wearing C. wear D. wore.
6.The wedding party…………at the Rex Hotel.
A. is B. is being C. will be D. is going to be
7."Don’t shout", I said to Jim.
A. I told Jim don't shout B. I told to Jim not to shout
C. I told Jim not to shout D. I said to Jim don't shout.
8.The longest fish in the contest was eighteen inches long".
"It………by Thelma Rivers".
A. was catching B. caught C. was caught D. catch
9.She went to market without………. anything.
A. buy B. to buy C. bought D. buying
10.Since we have to be there by 8.30, we………. take a taxi.
A. had better B. may C. ought D. are able to

II. Fill in the blank with the suitable form of verb in the bracket
1. They (watch) …………….. their favorite TV programmes at the moment.
2. Mary and John are neighbors. They (know) …………….. each other for a long time.
3. We (arrive) …………… New york yesterday.
4. We (begin) …………….. to study English since 1999.
5. My mother is tired enough (cook) ……………..tonight.
6. The teacher asked me (not make) …………….. noise in class.
7. The boys like (play) …………… but hate doing lessons.
8. His doctor advised him (give) …………….. up smoking.
9. Look at those black clouds. It ( rain) ……………...
10. When I was a small boy. I used (live) ……………..on a farm.
III. Fill in the blank with the suitable form of word in the bracket
1. If you want to join the club, please fill in the ( apply) form. ……………..
2. Send the letter by ( air) if you want it to reach the recipient in time. ……………..
3. After his parents died, he was sent to an ( orphan) .……………..
4. Huy makes friends very easily because he is very ( social) .…………….
5. Cook the meat in the ( steam) for at least 30 minutes. ……………..
6. My friend, Nga plays the piano ( beautiful). ………………
7. He always gets bad marks because he is an ( careful) student. ………………
8. “The lost shoe” is one of the ( tradition) stories I like best. ………………
9. Our teacher always (courage) us to work hard. .……………..
10. The Scouts also help the elderly and street (CHILD). ………………

IV. Rewrite the sentence, using the given words below

1. He is strong. He can carry that table.
-> He….............................................................................................................................................................
2. Alexander GrahamBell invented telephone
->Alexander GrahamBell was………………………………………………………………………………..
3. You went to see the movie Dream city last night, didn’t you?
4. The front yard is too small to play soccer in.
-> The front yard isn’t…………………………………………………………………………………….……….
5. Miss Johnson told me: “ Read books regularly”.
-> Miss Johnson told me…………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. “ Don’t stay up too late”
-> My sister asked…………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. It’s 3 years since I last spoke to her.
-> I haven’t…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
8. Tam doesn’t type as fast as she used to.
-> Tam used………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. Minh began to collect stamps in 2000.
-> Minh has…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
10. His car runs fast but a race car run faster.
->His car doesn’t…………………………………………………………………………………………………..

V. Write the meaningful sentence, using given words above

1. Nam/ spend/ most/ free time/play soccer.
2. When/ we/ children/we/ used/ listen/ grandma’s old folktales after dinner.
3. You/ can/ tell me/ best ways/ learn new word?
4. I/ write down/ all new words/ small notebook.
5. They/ going/ visit/ homevillage/ weekend.
6. She/ have to/ house work/ all day after/ mother/ died.
7. I/ just/ have/ wonderful holiday/ cousins/ Hanoi.
8. Lan/ like/ cook/ meals/ but/ not like/ washing up.
9. Brother/ very good/ repair/ household/ appliances.
10. We/ sometimes/ have/ go/ school/ very early/ do/ class duties.

VI. Fill in the blank with a suitable word

The country is…(1).................................................…beautiful than a town and more pleasant to live in. Many
people think so, and go there……(2) .................................................… the summer holiday though they can’t live…
(3) .................................................…. all the year round. Some have cottages built in a village……
(4) .................................................…..that they can go there whenever they…(5)… find the time.
English villages are not all alike, but……(6) .................................................… some ways they are not very different
from……(7)… ................................................. other. Almost every village…(8) ................................................… a church, the
round or square tower of which can…(9)… .................................................. seen from many miles around.
Surrounding the church is the church yard where people …(10) .................................................…. burried.

VII. Read the passage and fill in the blank with a suitable word by circling A, B, C or D
For many people sport is a popular part of school life and …(1)…in one of the school teams and
playing in matches is very important. …(2)…someone is in a team it means a lot of extra practice and often
spending a Saturday or Sunday away …(3)…home, as many matches are played then.
It …(4)…also involve traveling to other towns to play against other school teams and then …
(5)…on after the match for a meal or a drink. Some parents, friends or other students will travel with the
team to support …(6)…own side.
When a school team wins a match, it is the whole school which feels proud, …(7)…only the
players. It can also mean that a school …(8)…well-known for being good at cetain sports and people from
that school may end up playing …(9)…national and international teams so that the school has some really
…(10)…names associated with it.
1. a.having b. being c.taking d. putting
2. a.If b.As c.Then d. So
3. b. on c.for d. from
4. a.ought c.can d.has
5. a.being b.staying c.leaving d.spending
6. a.their b.its c.our d.whose
7. a.but b.however c.and d.not
8. a.turns b.makes c.comes d.becomes
9. a. up c.for d.beside
10 a.old c.common d.famous
VIII. Find the incorrect part in the sentence and correct it
1. These colour televisions are too expensive for we to buy at this time.
2. Minh is 5 years old. He is not enough old to ride a bike.
3. I don’t know what is he doing at the moment.
4. Smoking cigarettes aren’t allowed in this hospital.
5. I’m used to drink coffee with cream, but now I drink it black.
6. The shopkeeper asked the boys don’t lean their bikes against his window.
7. We like watching TV at night but our parents loves reading newspapers.
8. Let’s stop to work for a while. I’m getting tired.
9. Jane hasn’t worked for last summer when the factory closed down.
10. Is Jack older than Jerry? No. He is as old as Jerry.

IX Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in the
following questions
1. a. young b. about c. account d. sound
2. a. blind b. mint c. hire d. light
3. a. Christmas b. anchor c. chemistry d. cheque
4. a. deliver b. different c. diagram d. disease
5. a. hurl b. pull c. June d. would
6. a. allow b. how c. account d. country
7. a. trade b. payment c. relation d. bank
8. a. value b. change c. actual d. transaction
9. a. holder b. bore c. important d. score
10. a. credit b. service c. letter d. specified
keys practice 29

1. B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.D 10.A
1.are watching 2.have known3.arrived 4.have begun cook
6.not to make 7.playing give going to rain live
1.application 2.airmail 3.orphanage 4.sociable 5.steamer.
6.beautifully 7. Careless 8.traditional 9.encourages. 10.children
1.He is strong enough to carry that table.
2.Alexader GrahamBel was the inventor of the telephone.
3.Did you go to see the movie Dream City last night?
4.The front yard isn’t large enough to play soccer in.
5.Miss Johson told me to read books regularly.
6.My sister asked me not to stay up late.
7.I haven’t spoken to her for 3 years.
8.Tam used to type faster than she does now/ she can.
9.Minh has collected stamps since 2000/ for 8 years.
10.His car doesn’t run as fast as a race car.
1. Nam spends most of his free time playing soccer.
2. When we were children, we used to listen to grandma’s old folktales after dinner.
3. Can you tell me the best way to learn new words?
4. I write down all the new words in a small notebook.
5. They are going to visit their home village at the weekend.
6.She had to do housework all day after her mother died.
7.I have just had a wonderful holiday with my cousins in Ha noi.
8.Lan likes cooking meals but she doesn’t like doing the washing up.
9. My brother is very good at repairing household appliances.
10. We sometimes have to go to school very early to do (our) class duties.
1.more 2.for 3.there 5.can 7.each 8.has 10.are
1.c 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.b 6.a 7.d 8.d 9.c 10.d
1. for we-> for us. 6. don’t lean-> not to lean.
2. enough old-> old enough. 7. loves-> love.
3. is he doing -> he is doing. 8. to work-> working.
4. aren’t-> isn’t. 9. for-> since.
5. I’m-> I> is not.

IX 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.a 6.d 7.d 8.b 9.a 10.b .

I. Circle the best answer A, B, C, or D

1. To jog means to................................
A. work hard B. run fast C. run slowly D. work carefully
2. To quit means to................................
A. give up B. start C. begin D. sleep
3. To reduce means to....................
A. increase B decrease C. destroy D. rise
4. To assist means to............................
A. hire B. like C. hate D. help
5. I am looking forward to……………you some day.
A. seeing B. saw C. see D. sees
6. The opposite of failure is...................
A. success B. difficulty C. pride D. harm
7. The opposite of enemy is...................
A. army B. friend C. dog D. cat
8. The opposite of agree is...................
A. fly B. dream C. refuse D. grow
9. What is she doing?
A. Nothing B. Doing C. Feeding D. Sweeping
10. Ba is sociable but his brother is quite …………..
A. outgoing B. shy C. generous D. kind

II. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of words with the capital words at the
beginning at sentences.

11. All ……………between Paris and Hanoi have been cancelled due to fog
FLY → ……………………….
12. There is plenty of………………for young people in this city.
ENTERTAIN → ……………………….
13. It’s ………………… to complain; you won’t get your money back.
USE → …………………………..
14. During his……………….. the family used to live in the country side.
CHILD → ………………….
15. He is such (a/an )……………….person that no one likes him.
HELP → …………………………

III. Choose the best answer to fill in the blank

16. My friend .............. the answer to the question now.
A. is known B. know C. is knowing D. knows
17. I think I’ll buy this pair of shoes. They................ me really well.
A. fit B. are fitting C. have fit D. are fitted
18. I’ll tell my uncle all the news when I ............... him.
A. will see B. am going to see C. see D. shall see
19. I’ve got my key. I found it when I ................. for something else.
A. looked B. have looked C. looking D. was looking
20. “All these photographs ................... with a very cheap camera,” he said.
A. have taken B. take C. were taken D. were taking
21. I wondered ................... the tickets were on sale yet.
A. what B. whether C. when D. where
22. Dinner will be ready soon. Can you please .............. the table?
A. lay B. put C. make D. take
23. Our neighbors are very ...................... on camping holidays.
A. interested B. fond C. eager D. keen
24. There are some one following us. I think we this area.
A. are following B. are followed C. follow D. are being followed
25. Walt Disney ....................... the character of Mickey Mouse
A. was created B. is created C. creates D. created .
26. Would you like to go to the cinema? –No, thanks. I’d…………stay at home.
A. better B. like C. rather D. prefer
27. Did they ask you what examinations you’ve……………..?
A. succeeded B. passed C. overcome D. obtained
28. The Caspian Sea, a salt lake, is…………… any other lake in the world.
A. larger than B. largest C. the largest D. the larger than
29. Most people prefer………… to…………….it.
A. spend- earn B. spending- earn C. to spend – earning D. spending- earning
30. Our teacher made us…………….harder.
A. working B. to work C. work D. works
31. The plane will……………… a few minutes.
A. take off B. land C. group D. both A&B
32.The teacher told the student ……………
A. what to do that B. how to do that C. which to do that D. by how to do that
33. He is used to …………….in public.
A. the speaking B. be speaking C. speak D. speaking
34. Do you think I should practice………..English every day?- Yes, if you want to improve it.
A. on listening B. to listen C. listened D. listening
35. I am not old enough ………. the car.
A. driving B. drive C. drove D. to drive

III. Choose the word or phrase that needs correcting

36. Peter, I’d would like you to meet some very special people
37. It is greatly to be with you on such a lovely day
38. Would you mind to go to the local bookshop to get me some papers?
39. I think I prefer country life more than city life
40. Thanks for invite me to the water - fetching contest of your school
IV. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the passive form
Wiki Website
“Wiki” means “quick” in Hawaian. The word is used to describe websites that …………..(41. write) by
people who use the site. Anyone who visits a wiki website can add or change the information on the page.
The first wiki website ………………..(42. create) by Ward Cunningham in 1995. Since then, wiki guidebooks ,
wiki dictionaries and wiki encyclopedias ……………….(43. publish) on the Internet. The most popular online
encyclopedia is “wikipedia” . Over 22 million entries …………….(44. add) since it started, and it is now the
most detailed encyclopedia in the world. According to the create or of Wikipedia, the work ………………(45.
do) by 20. 000 people who regularly edit the pages. The amazing thing is that the information is completely

V. Matching the question in column A with the suitable answer in column B

46. What do you think this machine is for? A. Yes, sir
47. Would you mind if I opened the door? B. Tall, thin, short curly hair
48. Would you like to go through the C. I have no idea.
departure lounge? D. Too quiet.
49. What does the countryside look like? E. Please go ahead
50. What does he look like?

VI. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
51. A. worked B. naked C. looked D. attacked
52. A. engineer B. excited C. experiment D. exhibition
53. A. teammate B. speaker C. bean D. overhead
54. A. furious B. purpose C. surf D. turn
55. A. deny B. deposit C. benefit D. respond

VII. Fill in the blanks with suitable word

celebration, custom, gather, gifts, midnight, particularly, symbolize, ring, bring, display

In Scotland, the biggest …………..(56) of the year is “Hogmanay”. “Hogmanay” is the Scottish word for
New Year’s Eve. On 31 st December in Edinburgh, there is an enormous firework ……………(57) at the castle
and they play live music in the park. Thousands of people …………….(58) in the streets , coffees and bars.
Then at 12 o’clock, church bells ……………….(59) all over the city. After midnight people go “first footing” .
This is a Scottish …………..(60) that dates back hundreds of years. “First footing” is visiting your neighbours
after ……………..(61) on New Year’s Eve. The visitors must step into the house with their right foot step first,
to ……………..(62) good luck. Traditionally, the visitors bring three ……………….(63) : a piece of coal, a piece of
“short bread” ( a Scottish biscuit) and a little whisky. The gifts ………………….(64) warmth, food and
happiness. If the first person who visits your home after midnight is a man with dark hair, that is …………….
(65) lucky.
II. Read the passage and choose the best answer in the blanket.
For many people, traveling by plane is an exciting experience. Others, however, find the whole idea
quite terrifying, (66)…………. flying is no more dangerous (67)…………… any other form of travel and some
experts say it is considerably safer. It is known, however, that most accident occurs (68)………….. taking off
and landing when (69)………… decisions are vitally important.
The people (70)………… job it is to look (71)……….. the passengers, the stewards and stewardesses
play an important part in helping passengers to (72)………….. safe and comfortable. Indeed for many
passengers being (73)………… such care of is all part of the total experience. (74)………… other form of travel
involves waiting for people in quite the same (75)………. with food, drink, newspapers, magazines, music,
and even video films.
66. A. although B. too C. and D. because
67. A. than B. as C. then D. with
68. A. while B. during C. for D. through
69. A. leader’s B. chief’s C. driver’s D. pilot’s
70. A. whose B. which C. their D. that
71. A. for B. up C. after D. round
72. A. feel B. rest C. experience D. lie
73. A. given B. kept C. shown D. taken
74. A. Any B. No C. All D. Not
75. A. sort B. kind C. way D. part

VIII. Use the words given to make meaningful sentences.

76. Early this morning/ children/ decide/ go/ a run.
77. Life/ country / definitely / changing / the better.
78. The date / meeting/ will/ have to/ change/ tomorrow.
79. Tom / have / shower / telephone / rang.
80. Last year / we /spend / week / My Son / and / I not want / leave.
81. Watching / television / consider / most / popular / kind / entertainment / nowadays.
82. After/many/experiments/finally / first / successful /flight/ make / by / Wright brothers.
83. My grandfather / used / tell / stories / until / we / fall / asleep.
84. I / used / collect / shells / when / be / kid.
85. My uncle / move / Ho Chi Minh City/ 1987/ and / live / there / then.

IX. Rewrite the following sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first
86. Tom works hard as a student
Tom …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
87. It is good exercise to run a mile a day
 Running …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
88. It’s a great pleasure to be with you.
 Being ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
89. We didn’t see her at all.
 She …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
90. Tom is not as tall as Peter
 Peter ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
91. Her father asked her if she would go to the cinema with her friend
 Her father asked her: “………………………………………………………………………………………………”
92. The step- mother doesn’t treat the little girl in a normal way.
 The little girl …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
93. Do you mind my smoking?
 Do you mind……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
94. No one works harder than Barbara.
 Barbara …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
95. He told his customer : “ Please bring it back if it doesn’t fit well”
 He told ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……..
96. The last time we saw him was in 1988.
We haven’t………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
97. Peter spent 3 hours on repairing his computer.
 It took………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
98. You will not be accepted if you don’t finish your home work.
 Unless………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
99. “Don’t swim out too far, boys ’’ I said
 I warned…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
100. They arrived late because the traffic was terrible.
 Because of………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Keys practice 30

Đề bài gồm 100 câu bao gồm cả trắc nghiệm và tự luận. Mỗi câu 1 điểm, tổng số điểm là 100 sau đó quy về
thang điểm 20.

B. Vocabulary
I. 1C 2A 3B 4D 5A 6A 7B 8C 9A 10B

II. 11. flights 12. entertainment 13. useless 14. childhood 15. unhelpful

B . Grammar And Structures


16 D 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. C 21. B 22. A

23. D 24. D 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. D

30. C 31D 32B 33. D 34.D 35. D

II. 36. A 37. B 38. C 39. D 40. A

III. 41. are written 42. was created 43. have been published 44. have
been added 45. is done

C. Speaking

I. 46. C 47. E 48. A 49D 50. B

II. 51. B 52. A 53. D 54. A 55. C

D. Reading


56. celebration 57. display 58. gather 59. ring 60. custom

61. midnight 62. bring 63. gifts 64. symbolize 65. particularly


66. A 67. A 68.B 69. D 70.A

71. C 72. A 73. D 74. B 75.C

E. Writing


76. Early this morning the children decided to go for a run.

77. Life in the country is definitely changing for the better.

78. The date of the meeting will have to be changed tomorrow.

79. Tom was having a shower when the telephone rang.

80. Last year, we spent a week in My Son and I did not want to leave.

81. Watching television is considered the most popular kind of entertainment nowadays.

82. After many experiments, finally the first successful flight was made by the Wright brothers.

83. My grandfather used to tell us stories until we fell asleep.

84 I used to collect shells when I was a kid.

85 My uncle moved to Ho Chi Minh City in 1987 and he has lived there since then.


86. Tom is a hard -working student

87. Running a mile a day is good exercise

88. Being with you is a great pleasure.

89. She wasn’t seen at all

90. Peter is taller than Tom

91. Her father asked her : “Will you go to the cinema with your friend?”

92. The little girl isn’t treated in a normal way by the step- mother

93. Do you mind if I smoke?

94. Barbara works hardest

95. He told his customer to bring it back if it didn’t fit well

96. We haven’t seen him since 1988.

97. It took Peter 3 hours to repair his computer.

98. Unless you finish your homework, you will not be accepted.

99. I warned the boys not to swim out too far.

100. Because of the terrible traffic, they arrived late.

I. Choose the underlined part that pronounced differently from the others
1) A. cliam B. wait C. said D. paid
2) A. watch B. bath C. want D. wash
3) A. sure B. mixture C. injure A. pleasure
4) A. few B. new C. threw D. knew
5) A. clothes B. matches C. colleges D. churches
6) A. watched B.naked C. liked D. looked
7) A. sunbathe B. father C. theater D. weather
8) A. pour B. four C. flour D. resource
9) A clear B. wear C. bear D. ware
10) sixty B. my C. sky

II. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tenses

1. Yester day, I (1. spend) ……………… two hours (2. do)………… the homeword.
2. The thiefs (3. catch)…………….. when the (4. leave)………….. the bank.
3. Two hors ago, Mrs Brown (5. have)………… Alice (6. take)……….. her son to the school.
4. How many times you (7. be)………… to Ho Chi Minh City?
5. The moon (8. move)……………… around th earth.
6. Next summer, my parents wil let me (9. visit)…………….. my grand father.
7. How about (10. go)……………… to the zoo?

III. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions

1. She went out the room………………….. saying a word.
2. The life in the countryside is changing…………. Better.
3. She was born……………… 2 o’clock …………….. 18th July.
4. Mary is thinking……………… importing fowers………….. China.
5. They are traveling……………….. the airport…………….. a bus.
6. I am afraid………………. Ghost.
7. The fight………………... deforestation is very important.
IV. Put the words in brackets into correct forms
1. Ha Long Bay is in………………… VietNam (north).
2. The wild animals are being…………………..(appear).
3. I couldn’t find any………………. between the tow picture (different).
4. She is a ……………… she sells flowers at a shop in Canada (flower).
5. Long put…………… on that towel to stop the bleeding (press).
6. The question isn’t good. It’s ………….. to ask (import).
7. His father soon died of a ……………… heart (break).
8. Don’t let the child go out because it’s……………. (wind).
9. I am going to have a……………… check-up next Monday (medicine).
10. The knife is ……………… it can cut everything (use).

V. Choose the best answer

1. I finish ………….. the book and went to bed.
A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads
2. That man can tell us where …………….
A. does John live B. is John living C. John lives D. John live
3. …………… clothes do you prefer, T- shirt or pullover?
A. Which B. What C. Where D. How
4. Can you …………… your paper with you when I come there, please?
A. collect B. bring C. get D. take
5. Smoking is harmful …………….. your health.
A. on B. for D. about C. to
6. Do you find anything …………….. there?
A. interested B. useful C. bored D. easily
7. Ann is very busy these days. She has …………… free time.
A. a little B. few C. a few D. little
8. It’s raining very ……………
A.wet B. badly C. hard D. firmly
9. A new shoppig is ……………. In my neighborhood today.
A. being opened B. opened C. opening D. be opened
10. The stolen machines were ………………. a lot of money.
A. valued B. cost C. price D. worth

VI. Rewrite the following sentences as directed

21. Has anyone asked you for your opinions?
Nam said that……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
22. I had a dog once, but I don’t have anymore.
I ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
23. The water was so cold that the children couldn’t swim in it.
The water…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
24. “ Eat more and more vegetables” the doctor said.
The doctor told…………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
25. To live on your salary must be hard.
It ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
26. Tom is the best player in the team.
No one in the team ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………
27. It’s interesting to read this book.
This book ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
28. I spend half an hour traveling to work by motorbike everyday.
It takes………...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
29. Peter said he wasn’t feeling well then.
Peter said “I ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………”
30. A boy was injured in the accident, he is now in the hospital.
The boy …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

VII. Find and correct mistakes in the passage

In a modern life today, the work of the farm is less hard because he is helped a lot by machines. That
mean nore food is produced and less labour and less work hours are spent. He also has more free time for
intertain and more things such as a big house, motorbike, television. Her life is getting better and good day
by day. His children go to school. Before they finish school, they are sent to universityes.The farmer still
have to work hardly but his life is much improved.

VIII. Read the passage and answer the questions

Most types of paper can be recycled. Newspapers have been recycled profitably for decades and recycling
of other paper is growing. It’s important to know what you are buying in a paper product, for that reason
virtually all paper products should be marked with the percentage and tupe of recycled content. Just saying
“recycle paper” isn’t enough. “Recycled paper” can mean anything from 100% true recycled paper to 1% re-
manufactured ends of large paper rolls. “Post- consumer” mean the paper that you and I return to recycling
 Questions :
1. Can newspapers be recycled?.
2. Why should all paper products be marked with the percentage and tupe of?
3. Are all recycled paper products the same?
4. What does “Post- consumer” mean?
Keys practice 31

I. (10 đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm

1-D 3-A 5-B 7-D 9-C
2-A 4-C 6-C 8-B 10-F
II . (10 đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm
(1) spent (3) were caught (5) had (7) have – been (9) visit
(2) doing (4) were leaving (6) take (8) moves (10) going
III (10 đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm
1. without 3. at – on 5. to / in 7. against
2. for 4. of / about – from 6. of
IV. (10 đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm
1. northern 2. disappeared. 3. differences 4. florist
5. pressure. 6. unimportant. 7. broken. 8. windy.
9. medical.
10. useful.
V. (10 đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm
1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B. 5.D
6.B 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.D
VI. (20 đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 2 điểm
21. Have you been asked for your opinion?.
22. I used to have a dog.
23. The water wasn’t warm enough for the children to swim in.
24. The doctor told me to eat more and more vegetables.
25. It must be hard to live on your salary.
26. No one in the team plays as well as Tom.
27. this book is interesting to be read.
28. It takes me half an hour to travel to work by motorbike everyday.
29. Peter said “I am not feeling well now”.
30. The boy injured in the accident is now in the hospital.
VII. (10 đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm
1. farm ->farmer 6. good-> better
2. mean-> means 7. Berofe-> After
3. work-> working 8. universityes-> universities
4. entertain-> entertainment 9. have-> has
5. Her-> His 10. hardly-> hard
VIII. (8 đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 2 điểm
9. Yes, they can.
10. To help consumers know what they are buying in a paper product.
11. No, they aren’t.
12. “Post- consumer” means the paper that you and I return to recycling centers.
I. Select A, B, C or D only to indicate the word whose bold and underlined part is pronounced
differently from the rest.
1. A. looked B. watched C. stopped D. carried
2. A. bath B. father C. theater D. health
3. A. danger B. angry C. language D. passage
4. A. whole B. when C. where D. while
5. A. improvement B. equipment C. comment D. development
II. Choose the correct word or phrase underlined to complete each of the following sentences.
1. My mother is (enough/ too/ so/ very) tired to cook tonight
2. They haven’t seen each other (since/ for/ at/ in ) Christmas.
3. Alexander Graham Bell invented the (washing machine/ computer/ television set/ telephone).
4. Mr Hoang is used (eat/ to eat/ to eating/ ate) no thing before going to work
5. Tim saw his friends while he (cross/ was crossing/ is crossing/ crossed) the street.
6. He asked me (if I have/ whether I have/ if I had/ whether I have had) a driving licence .
7. Cool the burn immediately (so as/ so that/ in order to/ because) to minimize tissue damage.
8. She promises she (is/ be/ has been/ will be) back in about ten minutes.
9. This project (is carried out/ will carried out / carries out/ will be carried out) next month.
10. I saw him (watering/ water/ is watering/ to water) the flowers in the garden.
11. Angkor Wat is the (large/ largest / larger/ most largest ) temple in the world.
12. In the rice – cooking festival, a fire is made in the (modern/ new/ traditional/ old time) way.
13. Hoa told me that she (is / was/ were/ had been) hungry.
14. It (sounds/ hears/ says/ listens) interesting. How does it work ?
15. It isn’t good for children (to eat/ eating/ for eating/ eat) too many sweets.
III. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following questions
6. She went to market without ____________ anything.
A. buy B. to buy C. bought D. Buying
7. ____________ she plays the piano!
A. How well B. How good C. What well D. What good
8. The new shopping mall is quite ____________ the present shopping area.
A. different from B. the same C. like to D. similar
9. There were _________________ flowers that I couldn’t dicide what to buy.
A. so many B. so few C. so little D. so much
10. Of my parents, my father is _________________
A. the stricter B. the strictest C. strict D. stricter
11. Would you _________________ cleaning the floor for me?
A. like B. please C. mind D. rather
12. I’ve never seen such an interesting _______________
A. performing B. performer C. performance D. performed
13. I’m sorry. I’m not ___________ to help you lift the table.
A. enough strong B. too strong C. strong enough D. enough strength.
14. I usually go to work by bus, but ________ and then I use my motorbike
A. again B. once C. now D. ever
15. There are not _____________ jobs for all of us.
A. so B. such C. too D. enough
IV . Supply the correct tense of the verbs in brackets to compete the passage.
Robert Wilson (1)….(be)…. a politician. He (2)…(go)… to Oxford University in 1960, and in 1976 he
(3)…… (become)…. a Member of Parliament (an MP). He (4)….(be)… an MP since then. He (5) …… (be)…
Minister of Education from 1980 to 1985. He (6)………(write)… many books. He (7)…… (get)… married
and (8) …(have)…. two children. His family lived in Oxford for 15 years, then they (9)…….(move)… to
London in 1980. They now (10)…..(live)… in a house in Kensington Street, London.
III. Rewrite these sentences so that they have the same meaning
11. She studies English so that she can improve her knowledge.
 She studies English so as………………………………….
12. The last time I went to Ho Chi Minh City was 6 years ago.
 I haven’t……………………………………………………
13. “Where is the post office?” A visitor asked Lan.
 A visitor asked Lan…………………………………………
14. May I borrow your ruler?
 Would you mind……………………………………………
15. We spent five hours getting to London.
 It took us …………………………………………………….
16. Some one is going to tune my piano tomorrow.
 I am going………………………………………………………
17. Nam keeps forgetting his homework.
 Nam is…………………………………………………………….
18. My mother gave me a very nice watch yesterday.
 I was ………………………………………… ……………………
19. We’d prefer you not to smoke.
 We’d rather……………………………………………………………….
20. “ You should not believe him, Minh” said Toan
 Toan advised……………………………………………………………..
IV. Fill a suitable preposition in each blank.
11. Mrs Vui always prides …………………….….her cooking.
12. It is safe to keep medicine …………….….locked cupboards.
13. Lipton tea is different…………………….………Dilmah tea.
14. How ……………….….. going to Vinh Market this afternoon ?
15. Mr John is very interested ………… the history of Viet Nam.
16. When my parents arrived home, I was waiting………….a phone call.
17. Mary regretted not bringing a lot of clothes…………..her. It was very cold.
18. Hoa got up late as her alarm clock didn’t go………………..
19. Would you mind if I had a look ……………………… your luggage ?
20. Because of the heavy storm, the ship moved up and………..the water.
V. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.
11. The lecturer is giving us first-aid …………………. (instruct)
12. Relax for some minutes and you’ll feel more …………….. (comfort)
13. He said “Good morning” in a most ………….. way. (friend)
14. This book is ……….. enough for me to read. (interest)
15. Sa Pa is a wonderful ………..... resort in Viet Nam. (mountain)
16. Nam’s sister has been an………….for seven years. ( act)
17. Diana is a …………… She sells flowers at a shop in New York. (flower)
18. The view of this mountain is ……………… (beauty)
19. My mother doesn’t like me to wear short skirts to church. She thinks they are …… (suitable)
20. Christmas songs were …………for people in towns and villages. (perform)
III. Complete the following questions with the correct preposition.
16. She isn’t here ________________ the moment.
17. Warm clothes protect us ________________ bad weather.
18. What do you often do ________________ weekends.
19. We haven’t seen him _____________ last month.
20. He had an accident and was taken __________ hospital.
21. We regarded him ____________ a famous doctor.
22. You’re better ask __________ the information desk.
23. He borrowed $ 100 ______________ his father
24. “ Hamlet” is written ____________ Shakespeare.
25. Jane fell _________ her bike and hit head on the road
VI. Read and choose the words or phrases that best fit each of the blank spaces.
Paper was …….(1)…… by the Chinese in the first century AD. Most paper is made …..(2)…. wood.
When trees are …….(3)……, they are transported …..(4)….. land or water to paper mill. Here they are cut
…(5).. and the wood is broken up into fibres. Which are ….. (6) with water and chemicals. This wood
pulp is then dried on a machine and ….(7)…. into paper.
One tree is needed for every 400 ….(8)…. of a typical forty-page newspaper. If half the adults in
Britain each buy one daily paper, this uses up over 40.000 trees a day. Trees are being cut down faster
than they are being …….(9)…, so there may be a (n) ……(10) paper shortage before the year 2010.
1. a. imagined b. invented c. thought d. brought
2. a. from b. of c. by d. with
3. a. cut in b. cut of c. cut down d. cut up
4. a. on b. of c. through d. by
5. a. up b. all c. over d. in
6. a. turned b. mixed c. beaten d. joined
7. a. make b. making c. made d. to make
8. a. covers b. texts c. sheets d. copies
9. a. set up b. replaced c. grown up d. found
10. a. able b. important c. serious d. essential
IV. Fill the blanks with the right form of the CAPITAL words provided in the right column.
26. Their children have quite _____________ characters. DIFFERENCE
27. What is the correct ______________of this word? PRONOUNCE
28. Relax for some minutes and you’ll feel more _________ COMFORT
29. She is one of the greatest ______________ to appear in this theater. PERFORM
30. My house is on the top of a hill. It’s very __________ there in the fall WIND
31. It is _______________ to eat too much sugar and fatty food. HEALTH
32. During his _____________ the family lived in Cornwall CHILD
33. Bell ______________ demonstrated his invention. SUCCESS
34. Every day, there are two _________ from Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh city. FLY
35. ______________ , dark clouds appeared and it began to rain. SUDDEN
V. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.
36. Will you wait a minute while I (look) ____________ through the text ?
37. “ I hear you’ve bought a new house.” - “Yes, I ( move ) __________ in next week”
38. Look at those black clouds. It ( rain) __________
39. The film ( begin) ___________ at 7.30 or 8.00 this evening ?
40. Mai (telephone)____________ you when she comes back.
41. The pens ( produce ) ___________ by Thien Long Company are usually cheap and good.
42. “Do you mind if I sit here ?” – “ I ‘d rather you ( sit ) __________ over there”
43. The price ( become ) __________ more and more expensive these days.
44, + 45. Mr Binh ( know) ______ how to drive a car although he ( not learn) ________ it yet.
VIII. There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find it by choosing A, B, C or D.
66. Have you ever seen a painting of Picasso yet ?
67. “ Do you think anyone saw us ?” she told nervously.
68. The plays writing by Shakespeare are very popular in the world.
69. The employer said that he would give them a two – day trip to Phu Tho next week.
70.My sister is studying very hard in order to pass the exam and getting scholarship at university.
VII. Write a description of 100-120 words with the title “My holidays”.








Keys Practice 32

Câu I : 4,5 điểm ( Mỗi câu đúng 0,3 đ )

16. too 21. if I had 26. largest

17. since 22. so as 27. traditional
18. telephone 23. will be 28. was
19. to eating 24. will be carried out 29. sounds
20. was crossing 25. watering 30. to eat
Câu II: 2,5 điểm (Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 đ)

1. is 2. went 3. became 4. has been 5. was

6. has written 7. gets 8. has 9. moved 10. live / are now living

Câu III : 3,0 điểm ( Mỗi câu đúng đạt 0,3 đ ):

11. She studies English so as to improve her knowledge.

12. I haven’t gone / been to Ho Chi Minh for 6 years.
13. A visitor asked Lan where the post office was.
14. Would you mind lending me your ruler?
Or : Would you mind if I borrowed your ruler?

15. It took us five hours to get to Lon don.

16. I am going to have my piano tuned tomorrow.
17. Nam is always forgetting his homework.
18. I was given a very nice watch yesterday.
19. We’d rather you didn’t smoke.
20. Toan advised Minh not to believe him.
Câu IV : 2,5 điểm ( Mỗi câu đúng đạt 0,25 đ ):

1. on 2. in 3. from 4. about 5. in

6. for 7. with 8. off 9. atr 10. down

Câu V : 3,0 điểm ( Mỗi câu đúng đạt 0,3 đ ):

11. instructions 16. actress

12. comfortable 17. florist
13. friendly 18. beautiful
14. interesting 19. unsuitable
15. mountainous 20. perormed
Câu VI : 2,5 điểm ( Mỗi đáp án đúng đạt 0,25 đ )

6. b. ivented 6. b. mixed
7. a. from
8. c. cut down 7. c. made
9. d. by 8. d. copies
10. a. up
9. b. Replaced

10. serious
Câu VII : 2,0 điểm : Giá m khả o că n cứ và o bà i viết về kỳ nghỉ củ a họ c sinh để chấ m, bà i viết sử dụ ng thì quá
khứ là cơ bả n.

----- Hết -----


A. Phonetics

I. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the
others in each group.

1. A. climate B. comic C. hike D. website

2. A. worked B. laughed C. hoped D. naked
3. A. cover B. category C. ancient D. decorate
4. A. erupt B. humor C. UFO D. communicate
5. A. Buddhism B. bomb C. viable D. bulb

II. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) which has the stress pattern different from that of the other words.

1. A. comprise B. depend C. design D. novel

2. A. tropical B. collection C. tendency D. charity
3. A. friendliness B. occasion C. pagoda D. deposit
4. A. importing B. specific C. impolite D. important
5. A. federation B. unpolluted C. disappearing D. profitable

B. Vocabulary and Grammar

I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. All the sentences below use “the”, which one is correct?

A. Can you pass the sugar please? B. The crime is a problem in many big cities.
C. The apples are good for you. D. I love the skiing.
2. Our friends have lived in Ho Chi Minh city __________ 2002
A. for B. since C. in D. about
3. He prefers soccer ___________ tennis
A. from B. than C. to D. or
4. If they worked more carefully, they ___________ so many mistakes.
A. won’t make B. don’t make C. wouldn’t make D. didn’t make
5. He __________ to his friend’s party when his parents asked him to go home.
A. goes B. was going C. went D. has gone
6. There’s a strange man behind us. I think_______.
A. we are followed B. we are being followed
C. we are being following D. we are following
7. Which of the following is the strongest advice?
A. You should get a hair-cut. B. If I were you I’d get a hair-cut.
C. You ought to get a hair-cut. D. You really must get a hair-cut.
8. ________ you mind if I use your dictionary?
A. Will B. Do C. Can D. Did
9. Mr.Vo Van Kiet, ______ was our former Prime Minister, was born in Vinh Long.
A. that B. whose C. who D. whom
10. All that rubbish will have to be _____ at once.
A. get rid of B. got rid of C. got rid D. getting rid of
II. Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets to complete the passage:

1. My friend was (make)____________ (pay) ______________ back the book.

2. Hardly he (take) ____________ up the book when the phone (ring) ________.
3. Can you imagine what I (come)___________ across when I (roll)__________ up the carpet yesterday?
4. If she wins the prize, it (be) _________________ because she (write) _____________ very well.
5. He resented (ask) _________ (wait) __________. He had expected the minister to see him at once.

III. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each sentence.

1. A lot of toys encourage children’s ___________________. (imagine)

2. The factory has provided cheaper ___________________ lately. (produce)
3. Burning coal is an ___________ way of heating a house. Gas is much cheaper. (economy)
4. According to some scientists the earth is losing its outer atmosphere because of ______ . (pollute)
5. She has one of the biggest art ________________________ in Britain. (collect)
6. ________________ has caused many so-called man-made disasters. (forest)
7. ____________ often walk through the streets shouting or singing about something they sell. (cry)
8. Gas and oil ____________________ always increases in cold weather. (consume)
9. The police are interested in the sudden _________________ of the valuable painting. (appear)
10. He claimed that his _______________________ had caused him to become a criminal. (bring up)

IV. Match a beginning in column A with the most suitable ending in column B to make a meaningful
sentence or a conversation.
1. I must get back to work, a. That’s right, I am
2. Hello. You must be Maryam. b. which is the capital city of California.
3. Andrew is flying to Sacramento, c. we will have no fresh water to use.
4. Do you know that you can only live d. otherwise I’ll get the sack.
without water for four days?
5. If we pollute the water, e. It depends on where you are and what
you are doing, surely?

V. Each of the following sentence has four words or phrases underlined. The four underlined parts of
the sentence are marked A, B, C, D. You are to identify the one underlined word or phrase that
should be corrected or rewritten.

1. Preserving natural resources mean reserving them for our future.

2. Despite of the increase in air fares, most people still prefer to travel by plane.
3. Regardless of your teaching method, the objective of any conversation class should be
for students to practice speaking words.
4. The injured man was taken to the hospital.
5. In order for one to achieve the desired results in this experiment, it is necessary that he work as fastly as
C. Reading

I. The reading is followed by several questions about it. There are four possible answers (A, B, C or
D) for each question. Choose the best answer.
Benjamin Franklin
Few people can embody the spirit of early America as much as Benjamin Franklin. He lived through
almost the whole of the eighteenth century, being born six years after it began, and dying ten years before it
ended. In this time he saw the American colonies grow from tiny settlements into a nation, and he also
contributed much to the development of the new state.
At the age of 17 Franklin ran away to Philadelphia. He had already received some training as a
printer’s apprentice, and this helped him seven years later, with his first publication, the Pennsylvania
Gazette. He also received a contract to do government printing work, which helped him to rise from his poor
background to become a successful entrepreneur. Some of his experience in business was shared in his
famous Poor Richard’s Almanak, which established his reputation throughout the American colonies. In
another of his works, the Autobiography, which was written toward the end of his life, he shows the same
quiet common sense.
He was deeply interested in science and natural history, and his experiments with electricity and
lightning led directly to the invention of the lightning rod. He was also interested in improving the
conditions of his fellow men. He was involved in a number of projects in his native Philadelphia, including
the setting up of a library, a university, a philosophical society, and - because he was a pragmatic man - a fire
prevention service. In 1753 he became Postmaster-General of the colonies. Through this experience he
began to develop the idea that the colonies of North America should be a single nation. Later, he went to
London to try to persuade the British government to change the conditions, especially the taxes, that later
led the American colonists into rebellion.
Whatever Benjamin Franklin’s personal feelings about the rebellion of the American states, he
worked hard to make it succeed. As ambassador to France, he encouraged the French to help George
Washington. After the war he attended the American constitutional congress. This was his last contribution,
for he died later that year. He is still fondly remembered by Americans as one of the creators of the United

1. What is a good description for this text?

A. An autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. B. The life of Benjamin Franklin
C. The works of Benjamin Franklin. D. Franklin and American Independence.
2. When was Benjamin Franklin born?
A. 1806 B. 1794 C. 1717 D. 1706
3. Which of these happened first?
A. Franklin trains as a printer. B. Franklin runs away to Philadelphia.
C. The American colonies rebel. D. Franklin starts his first publication.
4. What was Poor Richard’s Almanak about?
A. Franklin’s reputation. B. How to succeed in business.
C. How to do government printing. D. The text does not say.
5. In which countries did Franklin live?
A. England and France. B. Philadelphia and England.
C. London and America. D. England, America and France.
II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each
space. There is an example at the beginning (0)
In 1973, when the tiger appeared to (0) be facing extinction, the World Wide Fund for Nature and
(1) _____Indian Government agreed to set (2) ______ “Operation Tiger”- a campaign (3) ______ save this
threatened creature. They started by creating nine special parks (4) _____that tigers could live in safety. The
first was at Ranthambhore, a region (5) _____ was quickly turning into a desert (6) _____ too much of the
grass was being eaten by the local people’s cattle. At the time there (7) ______ just fourteen tigers left there.
The government had to clear twelve small villages, which mean moving nearly 1,000 people and 10,000
cattle so the land (8) ______ be handed back to nature.
Today, Ranthambhore is a very different place, with grass tall (9) _____ for tigers to hide in, and there
are now at (10) ______ forty of them (11) _____ the park, wandering freely about. Other animals have also
benefited. For example, there are many (12) _____ deer and monkeys than before. The people (13)
_______were moved are now living in better conditions. They live in new villages away (14) _____ the tiger
park, with schools, temples and fresh water supplies. There are now sixteen such tiger parks in India and
the animals’ future looks (15) ______little safer.

D. Writing
I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it,
begin with the given word(s) or phrase.
1.You should review your lessons for the exam.
It’s time_____________________________________________________________________________________________
2. That man used to work with me when I lived in New York.
That’s _______________________________________________________________________________________________
3. What a pity they close the shops at lunch-time.
I wish _______________________________________________________________________________________________
4. We like ice-cream but we don’t have it everyday.
Although ____________________________________________________________________________________________
5. When did you start working in that factory?
How long ___________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Oil was slowly covering the sand of the beach.
The sand____________________________________________________________________________________________
7. “Where is the station car-park?” Mrs. Smith asked.
Mrs. Smith asked __________________________________________________________________________________
8. He was sorry he hadn’t said goodbye to her at the airport.
He regretted _______________________________________________________________________________________
9. I advise you not to buy that car.
If ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
10. Why don’t you ask her yourself?
I suggest that ______________________________________________________________________________________
II. Make full sentences based on given cues.
1. If you/ not go / the party /I /go / either.
2. Unless/ I / have/ quiet room/ I / not/ able /do / work.
3. nurse/ kind enough/ help him/ walk
4. He/ rather spend/ holidays/ a farm/ seaside
5. I/ return/ visit/ Japan. It/ wonderful trip.

Keys – practice 33
A. Phonetics (Tổng số: 10 điểm)
I. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the
others in each group: 05 điểm, mỗ i câ u đú ng 01 điểm

1B 2D 3C 4A 5B

II. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) which has the stress pattern different from that of the other words:
05 điểm, mỗ i câ u đú ng 01 điểm

1D 2B 3A 4C 5D

B. Vocabulary and Grammar (tổng số: 40 điểm)

I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence: 10 điểm, mỗ i câ u đú ng 01 điểm

1A 2B 3C 4C 5B 6B 7D 8B 9C 10B

II. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets to completes each sentence: 10 điểm, mỗ i độ ng từ chia
đú ng đượ c 01 điểm.

1. made-to pay 2. had he taken- rang 3. came- was rolling

4. will be- writes 5. being asked- to wait

III. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each sentence: 10 điểm, mỗ i từ viết đú ng
đượ c 01 điểm, nếu viết từ đú ng mà khô ng có “s” thì từ đó khô ng đượ c tính điểm.

1. imagination 2. products
3. uneconomical/ uneconomic 4. pollution
5. collections 6. Deforestation
7. Criers 8. consumption
9. disappearance/ re-appearance 10. upbringing

IV. For each sentence, match a beginning in column A with the most suitable ending in column B to
make a meaningful sentence or a conversation: 05 điểm, mỗ i câ u đú ng đượ c 01 điểm.
1d 2a 3b 4e 5c

V. Each of the following sentence has four words or phrases underlined. The four underlined parts of
the sentence are marked A, B, C, D. You are to identify the one underlined word or phrase that
should be corrected or rewritten: 05 điểm, mỗ i câ u đú ng đượ c 01 điểm.

1B 2A 3D 4D 5C

C. Reading (Tổng số: 30 điểm)

I. The reading is followed by several questions about it. There are four possible answers (A, B, C or
D) for each questions. Choose the best answer: 15 điểm, mỗ i câ u đú ng đượ c 03 điểm.

1B 2D 3A 4B 5D
II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each
space. There is an example at the beginning (0): 15 điểm, mỗ i từ đú ng đượ c 01 điểm.

1.the 2. up 3. to
4. so 5. that/which 6. since/ as/ because/ for
7. were 8. might/ could 9. enough
10. least 11. in 12. more
13. who/that 14. from 15. a

D. Writing (tổng số: 20 điểm)

I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it,
begin with the given word(s) or phrase: 10 điểm, mỗ i câ u viết đú ng đượ c 01 điểm.

1. (It’s time) you reviewed your lessons for the exam.

2. (That’s) the man who used to work with me when I lived in New York.
3. (I wish) they would open the shops at lunch time.
Or: (I wish) they wouldn’t close the shops at lunch time.
4. (Although) we like ice-cream, we don’t have it every day.
5. (How long) have you been working in that factory?
6. (The sand) of the beach was being slowly covered by oil.
7. (Mrs. Smith asked) (me) where the station car-park was.
8. (He regretted) not saying/having said goodbye to her at the airport.
9. (If) I were you, I wouldn’t buy that car.
10. (I suggest that) you (should) ask her yourself.

II. Make full sentences based on given cues: 10 điểm, mỗ i câ u đú ng đượ c 02 điểm.

1. If you don’t go to the party I won’t go either.

2. Unless I have a quiet room, I will not/ won’t be able to do my work/ any work.
3. The nurse is/ was kind enough to help him (to) walk.
4. He would rather spend his holidays on a farm than at the seaside.
5. I have (just) returned from a visit to Japan. It was a wonderful trip.
Tổng số điểm: 100
I- Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced diffirent from the others
1- a. sun b. fun c. pull d. hunt
2- a. tie b. sit c.bit d. hit
3- a. cave b. have c. slave d.behave
4- a. bull b. pull c. dull d. full
5- a. do b. go c. so d. no

II- Choose the right words or phrases to fill in the blanks.

1- My brother is studying hard ......................... pass the exam.
A. for B. in order to C. so to D. so that
2- We have studied ................... seven o'clock.
A. for B. at C. since D. to
3- He was born in England. English is his .................................
A. mother tongue B. first language
C. foreign language D. A and B are correct
4- It's dangerous .......................... in this river.
A. swim B. to swim C. swimming D. swam
5- It is the ........................... as ours
A. same B. most C. much D. more
6- How long have you ....................... her ?
A. know B. knowed C. known D. knew
7- My father used ...................... me to school.
A. took B. taking C. to take D. take
8- Would you mind ................... the windows ?
A. to open B. opening C. open D. opened
9- The man ....................... next to me was very nervous.
A. sits B. is sitting C. sitting D. sit
10- This is the first time I ..................... this film.
A. am seeing B. saw C. see D. have seen

III- Complete the sentences, use the correct form or tense of the verbs in the brackets.
1- Would you mind if I (smoke) ?
2- I don't enjoy (laugh) at by other people.
3- He (live) in this city since 2000.
4- Most of the NOKIA mobile phones (sell) in this shop are imported from China.
5- The children (play) when It started to rain.
IV- Finish each of the incomplete sentences below in such a way that it has the same meaning as the
sentence above it
1- The last time I saw her was in 2005.
 I haven't .................................................................................... ……………………………………….....................
2- He is writing a book on biology.
 A book on biology ........................................................... ……………………………….....................................
3- A new bridge is going to be built next year.
 They are ...................................................................... ……………………………………….………………….......
4- He said: "I can't find my umbrella"
 He said .......................................................................... ………………………………………………………............
5- I asked him if he liked coffee.
I said ......................................................................................... …………………………………………………........

V- Correct the mistake in the sentences

1- They didn't let me to go.
2- She failed her examination like her friend did.
3- I buy a new house if I have enough money.
4- He has learnt Chinese enough to study in China.
5- Nobody have used this house for a long time.
6- His garden isn't as large than mine.
7- We haven't talked to your sister since a long time.
8- There are much than eighty stores in the mall.

VI- Give the correct forms of the words in parentheses

1- English is an ........................... and important subject. (interest)
2- My country is rich in ............................. resources. (nature)
3- My father can read ..................... without glasses. (good)
4- We had an interesting ........................... about football. (discuss)
5- During his .......................... the family lived in Cornwall. (child)
6- It's ........................ to cross the avenue. (danger)
7- Could you give me some.........................? (inform)
8- Are you a ...................... or are you living here ? (tour)
9- The shoes were nice, but they were ............................... (comfort)
10- Surface mail is much ............................... than airmail.(cheap)

VII- Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.

1- I am interested ....................... reading books.
2- She is tired ........................ living in the city.
3- This restaurant is famous ....................... Chinese food.
4- The ambulance will be there ...................... a bout 5 minutes.
5- Bobby started school ....................... the age of five.
6- I am very keen ......................... music.
7- I am going there ..................... plane.
8- Peter was very familiar ........................ planting potatoes.
9- Some thing's wrong .................. my back, doctor.
10- They treated me ......................... a heard problem.

VIII- Complete the passage with the suitable words

Many ...1.. ………………………………………. believe that life on a farm is very quiet and easy, but ......2..
………………………………………. is very hard, I myself have ...3. ……………………………………….. on a farm for nearly
twenty years and I know what farm work ....4.. ………………………………………. You must get up early...5.
………………………………………. the chickens and the cows, water the flowers, vegetables, do a ..6..
……………………………………… of gardening and then .....7... ……………………………………… in the fields. But my aunt
likes this way of life and ...8.. ………………………………………. do all her children.

IX- Write complete sentences with the words given.

1- How long / it / take you / get / school ?
2- He / not interested / buy / new / house.
3- It / difficult / start / look / Job / his age.
4- I / bored / doing / same thing / day after day.
5- Marie Curie / born / Poland / 1867
Keys – practice 34

I- Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced diffirent from the
others . (1p)
1- c. pull 2-a. tie 3- b. have 4-c.dull 5-
Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng đượ c 0,2 đ
II- Choose the right words or phrases to fill in the blanks. (2.5 p)
1- B 2- C 3- D 4- B 5- A
6- C 7- C 8- B 9- C 10- D
Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng đượ c 0,25 đ

III- Complete the sentences, use the correct form or tense of the verbs in the brackets. (2.5p)
1- smoked 2- being laughed 3- has lived
4- sold 5-were playing
Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng đượ c 0,5 đ

IV- Finish each of the incomplete sentences below in such a way that it has the same meaning as the
sentence above it. (2.5p)
1- ..............seen her since 2005.
2- being written by him.
3- .............. going to be build a new bridge next year.
4- ..............(that) he couldn't find his umbrella.
5- him : " Do you like coffee ? "
Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng đượ c 0,5 đ

V- Correct the mistake in the sentences. (2p)

1- They didn't let me go.
2- She failed her examination as her friend did.
3- I will buy a new house if I have enough money.
4- He has learnt enough Chinese to study in China.
5- Nobody has used this house for a long time.
6- His garden isn't as large as mine.
7- We haven't talked to your sister for a long time.
8- There are more than eighty stores in the mall.

Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng đượ c 0,25 đ

VI- Give the correct forms of the words in parentheses. (2.5p)

1-interesting 2-natural 3- well 4- discussion 5- childhood
6- dangerous 7- information 8- tourist 9- uncomfortable 10- cheaper
Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng đượ c 0,25 đ

VII- Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. (2.5p)

1-in 2- of 3- for 4- in 5- at
6- on 7- by 8- with 9- with 10- for
Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng đượ c 0,25 đ

VIII- Complete the passage with the suitable words. (2p)

1- people 2- It 3- lived 4- is
5- feed 6- lot 7- work 8- so
Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng đượ c 0,25 đ

IX- Write complete sentences with the words given. (2.5p)

1- How long does it take you to get to (the) school ?
2-He is not interested in buying a new house.
3-It is difficult to start looking for a job at his age.
4- I am / was bored with doing the same thing day after day.
5- Marie Curie was born in Porland in 1867.
Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng đượ c 0,5 đ
Chú ý : điểm toà n bà i là m trò n đến 0,25
AI) Multiple choice (6ms)
I) From each number, pich out one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
1) a-perform b-colour c-boring d-your
2) a-bath b-watch c-want d-water
3) a-thank b-think c-father d-them
4) a-happen b-house c-hour d-horse
5) a-filled b-destroyed c-wished d-prepared
6) a-flow b-crowd c-cloud d-scout
II) From each number, pick out one word which has the stress on the second syllable:
7) a-chemical b-upset c-steamer d-cupboard
8) a-jungle b-volcano c-surroud d-marine
9) a-foreman b-microwave c-manufactor d-mortar
10) a-powder b-process c-flavour d-defrost
III) Choose the correct answer for each sentence.
11) Please ask them . . . . . . . . . . in this area.
a) don’t smoke b) not smoking c) to not smoke d) not to smoke
12) Come and . . . . . . . . . . . . badminton, Nam!
a) do b) make c) take d) play
13) Timson . . . . . . . . . . 13 films and I think her latest is the best.
a) made b) had made c) has made d) was making
14) My birthday is . . . . . . . . . . February 2 .
a) on b) in c) at d) from
15) You should learn your lesson . . . . . . . . . .
a) careful b) carefully c) careless d) carelessly
16) “The students went on a canoe trip yesterday.”
“I heard it was . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .”
a) excited b) exciting c) exciteful d) an excitement
17) “Do you think your father will worry if we’re late?”
“Maybe we’d better . . . . . . . . . . . . . . him.”
a) call b) be calling to c) to call d) will call
18) I said “Happy Birthday” before . . . . . . . . . . Lan a present.
a) give b) will give c) gave d) giving
19) Tam . . . . . . . . . last night when the telephone . . . . . . . . . . .
a) slept-rang b) slept-wasringing
c) was sleeping-rang d) was sleeping-was ringing
20) “Would you like to go to the movie with me tonight?”
“ - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .”
a) Yes, please. b) I’m sorry. I’d love to.
c) No, thanks. d) Yes, I’d love to.
21) John doesn’t play tennis. David doesn’t play tennis.
a. Both John and David doesn’t play tennis.
b. Neither John nor David plays tennis.
c. Not either John or David plays tennis.
d. Not only John but also David doesn’t play tennis.
22) The coach said, “It’s time for you to go home, boys!”
a. The coach told the boys that it was time for you to go home.
b. The coach tells the boys that it was time for them to go home.
c. The coach told the boys that it is time for them to go home.
d. The coach told the boys that it was time for them to go home.
23) _____ the old man spoke very slowly and clearly, I couldn’t understand him at all.
a. If b. Because c. Since d. Although
24) She startedlearning English ten years ago.
a) She has not learnt English before.
b) She has started learning English for ten years.
c) She has learnt English for ten years.
d) She has learnt English since ten years.
25) They spent a lot of money on food and clothes.
a) A lot of money was spent on food and clothes.
b) A lot of money were spent on food and clothes.
c) A lot of money on food and clothes were spent.
d) A lot of money on food and clothes was spent.
26) There is a detective film _____ at the Thang Long Theater.
a) on b) in c) inside d) outside
27) She got used to _______ her bike.
a) ride b) riding c) rode d) rides
28) You need a good pair of paddles to play _____.
a) tennis b) football c) table tennis d) badminton
29) Ha Long Bay is a _________.
a) World Natural Heritage. b) Natural World Heritage.
c) World Cultural Heritage. d) Cultural World Heritage.
30) A(n) ______ can take a patient to hospital quickly.
a) emergency b) bleeding
c) wound d) ambulance
B) Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word in brackets. (0) is an
example for you. (4ms)
31) Life is more . . . . . . . . . . now. (comfort)
32) Would you like to go . . . . . . . . . . . (swim)
33) He speaks French very . . . . . . . . . . . . (good)
34) Life in the city is . . . . . . . . . . . . . from life in the country. (difference)
35) Meat is not a . . . . . . . . . . food if we know how much to eat. (health)
36) These medicines can work well with your . . . . . . . . . (ill)
37) My sister has a beautiful . . . . . . . . . . . . . of stamp. (collect)
38) There was no . . . . . . . . . . for his absence from class yesterday. (explain)
C) Circle the italized portion of the sentence that is incorrect. (2ms)
39) Some people grow so taller that their health may become endangered.
40) After said goodbye to my parents, I went to school with my sister.
41) The phone rung while I was washing the dishes.
42) Henry’s friends told themselves to put his coat on the rack in their hall.
43) She isn’t old enough to done this job.
44) Eight hundred years ago Christmas songs are performed for people in towns
and villages.
45) Would you mind help me solve these mathematics problems? I can hardly
understand how to do them.
46) She was having dinner when a man was coming and giving her a bunch of

D) Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. (2,5ms)

47) The sister asked: “Are you hungry, Tom?”
- The sister ___________________________________.
48) A lot of effort has been put in the work by the little girl.
- The little girl __________________________________________.
49) How long have you studied medicine?
- When _____________________________________?
50) John was too ill to go to school.
- John wasn’t _________________________________.
51) Tom is not as tall as Peter.
- Peter ____________________________.
E) Read the paragraphs below and the summary which follows. (3ms)
Air pollution is a cause of ill-health in human beings. In a lot of countries there are laws limiting the
amount of smoke which factories can produce. Although there isn’t enuogh information on the effects of
smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved that air pollution causes lung diseases.
The gases from the exhausts of cars have also increased air pollution in most cities. The lead in petrol
produces a poisonous gas which often collects in busy streets surrounded by high buildings. Children who
live in areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere can’t think as quickly as other children and are
clumsy when they use their hands.
There are other long-term effects of pollution. If the gases in the atmosphere continue to increase ,
the earth’s climate may become warmer. A lot of the ice near the Poles ma melt and may cause serious
* Complete the summary by writing the correct word in each blank (write one word only.)
Air ___________ (52) can make people ___________ (53). Consequently, some countries pass ____________
(54) to control the quantity of ___________ (55) in the air. Air pollution causes particular damage to the body
by harming the ___________ (56). _____________ (57) should not be used in petrol because it is bad for children’s
_____________ (58) and makes them clumsy in using their hands. Poisonous gas from ____________ (59) collects in
those parts of cities where there are tall buildings. Pollution can also have an influence on the earth’s
____________ (60). The ice may melt near the North and South Poles, resulting in very bad ____________ (61).
F) Read the following passage and choose the best answer: (2,5ms)
Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are young children.
Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English
just by hearing the language in films, on television, in the office or among their friends. But not many are
lucky enough to do that. Most people must work hard to learn another language.
Many boys nad girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own
language, and mathematics… and English. In England, America or Australia, many boys and girls study their
own language, which is English and mathematics… and another language, perhaps French or German or
Many adults learn English, because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their
higher studies, because some of their books are in English at the college or university. Other people learn
English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.
62) According to the writer . . . . . . . . . . . .
a) only adults learn English.
b) no children like to learn English.
c) English is useful only for teenagers.
d) English is popular in most of the world.
63) Most people learn English by. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a) watching videos only.
b) hearing the language in the office.
c) talking with foreigners.
d) working hard on their lessons.
64) Many boys and girls learn English because . . . . . . . .
a) English can give them a job.
b) it is included in their study courses.
c) they are forced to learn it.
d) they have to study their own language.
65) In America or Australia many school children study . . . . . . . . .
a) English as a foreign language.
b) English and mathematics only.
c) such foreign languages as French, German and Spainish.
d) their own language and no foreign language.
66) Many adults learn English because . . . . . . . . . .
a) English is spoken in their office.
b) they want to go abroad.
c) most of their books are in English.
d) it helps them in their work.
A) Multiple choice: (6ms)
I) Mỗi câu đúng 0,2đ
1-b 2-a 3-d 4-c 5-c 6-a

II) Mỗi câu đúng 0,2đ

7-b 8-a 9-c 10-a

III) Mỗi câu đúng 0,2đ

11-d 12-d 13-c 14-a 15-b 16-b
17-a 18-d 19-c 20-d 21-b 22-d
23-d 24-c 25-a 26-a 27-b 28-c
29-c 30-d

B) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ

31-comfortable 32-swimming33-well 34-different
35-healthy 36-illness 37-collection 38-explanation
C) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ
39-B 40-A 41-B 42-B
43-C 44-B 45-B 46-C

D) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ

47) The sister asked Tom if he was hungry.
48) The little girl has put a lot of effort in the work.
49) When did you start to learn medicine?
50) John wasn’t well enough to go to school.
51) Peter is shorter then Tom.

E) Mỗi câu đúng 0,3đ

52-pollution 53—ill 54-laws 55-smoke
56-lungs 57-Lead 58-brains/health 59-lead/exhausts
60-climate 61-floods
F) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ.
62-d 63-d 64-b 65-c 66-d
Question I: Choose the best option from A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.
1. I will return you the book as soon as I_______ reading it.
A. finishing B. finish C. finished D. will finish
2. He is getting married _______ a famous film star this weekend.
A. with B. to C. for D. after
3. The heavy rain has caused _______in many parts of the country.
A. storms B. droughts C. typhoon D. floods
4. Deaf-mutes can_______ speak_______ hear.
A. both/ and B. either/ or C. neither/ nor D. not only/ but also
5. They _______from Canada to America to find work.
A. started B. demonstrated C. delivered D. emigrated
6. Doctor insists _______ for a few days.
A that he is resting B. his resting C. him to rest D. that he rest
7. The number of cars on the road _______.
A. increase B. is increasing C. are going to increase D. are increasing
8. _______bacon and eggs every morning.
A. I am used to eat B. I used to eating C. I am used to eating D. I use to eat
9. The team really looks good tonight because the coach had them _______ every night this week.
A. practice B. to practice C. practiced D. the practice
10. The road _______ to the sea is very rough.
A. goes B. to go C. going D. is going
11. You _______ forget what I told you. It’s very important.
A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. don’t have to D. can’t
12. Make sure that the needles are sterile.
A. free from bacteria B. slightly clean C. straight D. unused
13. She is a _______ girl with _______.
A. green-eyes/ red hair B. green-eyed/ red hairs
C. green-eye/ a red hair D. green-eyed/ red hair
14. At four o’clock Mr. Hutchinson still had some _______ to do in the garden.
A. work B. job C. effort D. task

Question II: Each of the following sentences has one mistake. Identify and correct the mistakes.
1. Keep the cheese freshly by wrapping each one individually.
2. What is the most important thing in really life?
3. Da Lat is known like a city of pines, waterfalls and flowers.
4. The river bank was covered by weed.
5. The harder he tried the worst he danced before the large audience.
6. A flower growing in the garden is more beautiful than a flower stood in a vase.
7. A five - thousand - dollar reward were offered for the capture of the escaped criminals.
8. In the mid-nineteenth century, an Englishman had someone designed a Christmas card.
9. His illness is probably because stress.
10. Jack asked his boss could he have a day off.
Question III: Supply an appropriate form of the words in CAPITALS.
1. WEIGH Every woman nowadays seems to want to lose (1) _______. It has become
2. DAY almost a (2) _______ topic of conversation.
3. END Otherwise sensible women spend hours in (3) _______ argument about what
4. DISCUSS to eat. Newspaper articles are eagerly read and radio and TV (4) _______
5. AVAIL carefully listened to. There is so much information (5) _______ it is no
wonder people get confused.
Women who are slimming can never enjoy a meal without being afraid of
6. ORGANIZE (6) _______ their diet. And when they have lost a few pounds are they really
7. HAPPY any (7) _______. Is it really a fact of life that slim women are the only really
8. ATTRACT (8) _______ ones? No, in some parts of the world a husband would be
9. SHAME (9) _______ to be seen with a thin wife. Nevertheless, if a woman really has a
10. DECIDE slimming problem, there is only one (10) _______ to make: Eat Less

III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets .

1. I‘ve decided (stop) _______smoking.
2. I (visit) _______Singapore two years ago.
3. Look at those black clouds. It (rain) _______.
4. We are tired of (work) _______ for low salary.
5. This is the second time you (break) _______ a cup.
6. (you/do) _______ the homework yet?
7. Mai is in her room. She (play) _______the guitar.
8. The plays (write) _______by Shakespeare are very interesting.
9. Water (cover) _______ most of the Earth’s surface.
10. The gate (lock) _______ at 6.30 p.m. everyday.

Question I: Choose the most suitable answer from the four options marked A, B, C, or D to complete
each of the numbered gaps in the passage below. .
In the waters around New York City is a very small island called Liberty Island. On Liberty Island there is
a very special statue called the Statue of Liberty. It is one of the most (1) _______ sights in the world.
The Statue of Liberty was a gift (2) _______ the people of France to the people of the United States. The
statue was made by a French (3) _______ named Fredric Auguste Bartholdi. The inner support system was
designed by Gustave Eiffel, the same man who made the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris.
Liberty, of course, (4) _______ freedom, and the Statue of Liberty was given to the United States to (5)
_______ the one-hundredth anniversary of U.S independence from England. The statue was built in France, (6)
_______ apart piece by piece, and the rebuilt in the United States. It was opened to the (7) _______ on October
28, 1886.
(8) _______ you might expect, the statue is very big. Visitors can ride an elevator from the (9) _______ to the
bottom of the statue. If they want to, they can then walk up the 168 steps to reach the head of the statue
where they can look out and enjoy the beautiful (10) _______of the city of New York.
1. A. well-known B. celebrated C. famous D. notorious
2. A. from B. by C. of D. for
3. A. sculpture B. sculptor C. carver D. potter
4. A. indicates B. points out C. clarifies D. means
5. A. organize B. commemorate C. celebrate D. hold
6. A. taken B. brought C. broken D. torn
7. A. humans B. crowd C. people D. public
8. A. So B. Like C. As D. Thus
9. A. surface B. ground C. soil D. level
10. A. sight B. view C. scene D. scenes
II. Read the following passage carefully and fill in each gap with one suitable word.
New Year is one of the most important (1) _______ in the United States. On New Year’s Eve, most
people go to the parties. At twelve o’clock (2) _______ night, everyone says “Happy New Year” and they (3)
_______ their friends and relatives good luck. New Year’s parties usually last a long (4) _______ . Many people
don’t go home (5) _______ next morning. Another holiday, Halloween, is mainly for children. On this holiday,
children (6) _______ as witches, ghosts or others. Most children go (7) _______ house to house asking for
candy or fruit. If people at the house don’t give (8)_______candy, the children will (9)_______a trick on them.
But this hardly ever happens. Almost people give them (10)_______or fruit.
I. Write the second sentence as directed so that it has the same meaning to the first one.
1. This is the first time I have ever eaten such a delicious chicken thigh.
-> This is the...................................................................................................................................................
2. Do you mind if I borrow your dictionary?
-> Do you mind............................................................................................................................................?
3. We haven’t met one another since we left school.
-> The last.......................................................................................................................................................
4. I’d rather you didn’t take the table away
-.> Would you mind..................................................................................................................................?
5. I don’t think learning English is too difficult for people who love it.
-> I don’t think English................................................................................................................................
6. “Why don’t you take a long rest, Peter?” said Ann.
-> Ann advised.................................................................................................................................................
7. I used to spend more money than I could earn when I was younger.
-> I once..............................................................................................................................................................
8. She is wearing sunglasses. She doesn’t want the sun to hurt her eyes. (so that)
9. My mother asked me whether I had gone to work the day before or not.
-> “...........................................................................................................................?” asked my mother.
10. We couldn’t carry out our project because it rained heavily.
-> Because of.....................................................................................................................................................

II. Write a passage of about 150-180 words on the following topic: MY HOMETOWN.
Keys – practice 36

Question I: Choose the best option from A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.

1. B 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. D

6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. C

11. A 12. A 13. D 14. A

Question II: Each of the following sentences has one mistake. Identify and correct the mistakes.

* Write your answers here:

1. B. freshly -> fresh 6. D. stood -> standing

2. D. really -> real 7. C. were offered -> was offered

3. B. like -> as 8. D. designed -> design

4. D. by -> with 9. C. because -> because of

5. B. worst -> worse 10. C. could he -> if he could

Question III: Supply an appropriate form of the words in CAPITALS.

* Write your answers here:




III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets .

1. to stop 6. Have you done

2. visited 7. is playing

3. is going to rain/ is raining 8. written

4. working 9. covers

5. have broken 10. is locked


* Write your answers here:

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C
6. A 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. A

II. Read the following passage carefully and fill in each gap with one suitable word.

* Write your answers here:

1. festival 2. at 3. wish 4. time 5. till/ until

6. dress 7. from 8. them 9. play 10. candy

I. Write the second sentence as directed so that it has the same meaning to the first one.

-> This is the most delicious chicken thick I’ve ever eaten.

-> Do you mind my borrowing your books?

-> The last time we met one another was when we left school.

-> Would you mind not taking the table away?

-> I don’t think English is too difficult for the people who love it to learn.

-> Ann advised Peter to take a long rest.

11. I used to spend more money than I could earn when I was younger.
-> I once spent more money than I could earn.

12. -> She is wearing sunglasses so that can’t hurt her eyes. (so that)
13. My mother asked me whether I had gone to work the day before or not.
-> “Didn’t you go to work yesterday?” asked my mother.

-> Because of the heavy rain, we can’t carry out our project.
Question 1: Choose the best answer by circling A, B, C or D
1. Don’t be silly! That ...................................possibly be Rivaldo!
a. mustn’t b . shouldn’t c. won’t d. can’t
2. No sooner had we started the game, began to rain.
a. than b. then c. that d. and
3. I interested in playing badminton as a child.
a. could b. ought to c. might d. used to
4. They’ve told you time and time ............................. not to go out at night.
a. to b. over c. again d. before
5. Sorry I’m late, but I.......................feed my little son before leaving home.
a. needed b. must c. had to d. was to
6. Smith writes very quickly. He’s .........................finished his essay.
a. already b. been c. for d. yet
7. What are you going to do? - I don’t know. I haven’t mind yet.
a. on b. at c. in d. up
8. I’ve Paris. I went there in March
a. been b. gone c. just d. yet
9. This is the first ..................... I’ve ever lived far from home.
a. already b. since c. that d. time
10. What did the girl say ........................?
a. at you b. for you c. you d. to you?
11. Phong rang his friend in Nha Trang yesterday, and he said it ..............raining there.
a. was b. is c. should be d. to be
12. The last tim e I saw Khang, he looked very relaxed. He explained that he’d been on holiday
the ........................week.
a. earlier b. following c. next d. previous
13. We wonder ........................the tickets are on sales yet.
a. what b. when c. whether d. where
14. When I rang Oanh some time last week, she said she was
a. this b. that c. then d. the
15. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
a. just b. sun c. put d. bucket
16. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
a. instead b. head c. heap d. dead
17. Which word has a different stress in the group?
a. amount b. inventor c. garbage d. resource
18. This film must be new. We’ve ........................ seen it before.
a. ever b. never c. since d. yet
19. He do something by others.
a. to be asked b. asking c. being asked d. to ask
20. Let’s go camping in the mountain, ........................?
a. do we b. can we c. will we d. shall we
Question 2: Supply the correct forms of the word in parentheses
1. Phuong Linh arranged flowers the most .......................(attract) in the contest.
2. It is a contest in which ....................(participate) have to read two poems in English.
3. .......................(environment) are concerned about the use of dynamite to catch fish.
4. Years later, she passed me in the street without even a small sign of .......(recognize).
5. Nam put ................(press) on that towel to stop the bleeding.
6. After many years of ............(fail), Edison finally succeeded in inventing the light bulb.
7. We use first-aid in order to ease the victim’s pain and ......................(anxious).
8. She felt ....................(relief) after she passed the exam.
9. You’ll meet the tour guide on your ..................(arrive) at the hotel.
10. We can take buses or trains to Northern ......................(destine) of Nha Trang.
11. Sapa is considered the most beautiful .......(mountain) resort in the north of Viet Nam.
12. It’s now high time you knew how to dress and ....................(dress) yourself.
13. We are having a good time here. People on the island are very friendly and ...........(hospitality).
14. The police are interested in the sudden ............(appear) of the valuable painting.
15. I wrote .............(end) letters of application but I got no reply.
16. A fairy appeared and ...................................... ( MAGIC )changed her old clothes
17. The tiger wanted to see the farmer’s .................................. ( WISE )
18. In that story, the prince got ........................( MARRY )to a poor girl
19. Let me get an .................................... ( APPLY ) form and I can fill out
20. He was ............................... ( FOOL ) to say that English is helpless
Question 3: Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in each gap
Have you ever followed instructions for knitting something or have you read a piece of music? If you
have, you have behaved in a similar way(1)................ a computer. A computer obeys a program to carry out a
particular task. Just (2)................. a knitting pattern is expressed in numbers and piece of music in lines and
dots, so a computer program is (3)................. in the form of programming language. Like the English language
(or any other language), there are (4).................... of grammar, and a program must be correct in every way.
There are hundreds of programming language, but only (5)............. are well-known and widely used. The
most popular language which is used in offices(6)................Cobol. This language is used for printing payrolls
and keeping records of goods. Engineers and scientists use Fortran (7)......................carry out calculations.
(8)......................... neither of these two programs is very popular with people working on home computers.
Basis is the most popular language for home computers, chiefly (9) is easy to learn and use.
(10)................. these languages are useful for many purposes, it is time that a new simple program was
devised. Such a program ought to be not only easy to use but also completely reliable.
1. A. to B. as C. so D. from
2. A. like B. by C. too D. as
3. A. expensive B. expresses C. expressed D. expressing
4. A. rules B. laws C. regulations D. principles
5. A. a little B. a few C. much D. a lot of
6. A. called B. calling C. is called D. is calling
7. A. so as for B. in order that C. so as that D. in order to
8. A. In addition B. Therefore C. Consequently D. However
9. A. because B. if C. because of D. unless
10. A. Even B. Despite C. Although D. In spite
Question 4: Find and correct one mistake in each line of the passage below
Nam is a student. This year he had a very interested 1........................................
summer holiday. He traveled with him classmates to a 2........................................
mountainous 3........................................
area in Hoa Binh province. They gone there to help make a 4........................................
road through a forest among two villages. “It was very 5........................................
difficult because there had no water to drink and no shops 6........................................
where we could bought food,” said Nam. “It was also cold 7........................................
and wet 8........................................
in the mountains. It is one of the wetter place in the 9........................................
country.” Nam stayed in the mountains since six weeks. It 10........................................
was hard
work, but he says it was the best thing he has ever did. He
is hoping to return next year to do any more work there.

III/ Section three: Writing

Question 1: Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences
1. exported / many / last year / rice / how / to/ Japan / tons / were / of / ?
2. trees / planting / on / the boys / the hill / group / are / the / in / volunteer / .
3. rain / heavy / from / prevented / the / playing / us / soccer.
4. if / he / me / some / asked / I / money / could / then / lend / him /
5. design / to send / friends / someone / greetings / Englishman / a card / Christmas / to / an / his / had /.
6. Le Lai Street / are/ living / they / in / at / An Giang / their / with /children / 186.
7. uncle / spent / most / their /of /the /violin / practicing / his time / in / room /music /the/.
8. which / us / tells / sentence / that / more / than / is / she / her / beautiful / sister /?
9. his / friends / old / unlike / he / is / impolite / very /.
10. going / fatherland / month / Kenny / his / is / family / next / visit / with / his / to /.
11. colleagues / go / he / to / to / weekend / and / don’t / have / at / work / the / his /.
12. there / she / near / wanted / a / here / was / museum / know / to / if /.
13. hold / going / their / are / they / tomorrow / party / house / at / to / a /.
14. going / aren’t / are / boys / the / the / they / canteen / to / school /?
15. for / you’ll / meeting / late / be / the / if / bed / to / soon / don’t / you / go
Question 2: Rewrite sentences as directed so that it has the same meaning as the sentence given
1. Thinking of making toys from used paper was his interesting idea.
It’s interesting that..................................................................................................................................................
2. He hasn’t come back to his home village for over 20 years now.
3. That’s the strangest film I’ve ever seen.
I have never................................................................................................................................................................
4. Please don’t interrupt me while I am speaking.
I’d rather......................................................................................................................................................................
5. Get up now or you’ll be late for school.
6. The last time we met each other was ten years ago.
We haven’t..................................................................................................................................................................
7. Finding accommodation at busy time in Da Lat is difficult.
8. Originally, tennis was an indoor game.
Tennis used................................................................................................................................................................
9. My father prefers living in the countryside to living in the city.
My father likes..........................................................................................................................................................
10. Nobody in my class is as intelligent as Lan.
Lan is.............................................................................................................................................................................
11. Have you ever played a computer game before?
Is this............................................................................................................................................................................
12. France presented the Statue of Liberty to the United States in 1876.
The Statue .................................................................................................................................................................
13. The water was so cold that the children couldn’t swim in it.
The water wasn’t....................................................................................................................................................
14. He hasn’t chatted with his classmates through the Internet for ages.
It’s ages.......................................................................................................................................................................
15. People should stop experiments on animals.
Keys practice 37

Question 1: Choose the best answers (20 pts)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14B 15C 16 17 18 19 20

Question 2: Supply the correct forms of the word in parentheses. (20 pts)

1. attractively 2. participants 3 . environmentalists4. recognition 5. pressure 6. failure 7. anxiety

8. relieved 9. arrival 10. destinations 11. mountainous 12. undress 13. hospitable

14. disappearance 15. endless 16. magically 17. wisdom 18. married 19. application
20. foolish

II/ Section two: reading comprehension

Question 1: Read these passages and match the each passage to its title. There is ONE title you
needn’t use(10 pts)
1E/ 2C/3B /4F /5A

Question 2: Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in each gap.(10 pts)
1A/ 2D/ 3C/4A/5B/ 6C/ 7D/ 8D/ 9A/ 10C

Question 3: Find and correct one mistake in each line of the passage below.(10 pts)

1. interested interesting 2him his 3. gone went

4.among between 5. had was 6. bought buy

7. wetter wettest 8. since for 9. did done 10. any some

III/ section three: writing

Question 1: Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.(15 pts)

1. How many tons of rice were exported to Japan last year?

2. The boys in the volunteer group are planting trees on the hill.

3. The heavy rain prevented us from playing soccer.

4. If I asked him some money, he could lend me then.

5. An Englishman had someone design a card to send Christmas greetings to his friends.

6. They are living with their children at 186 Le Lai Street in An Giang.

7. Their uncle spent most of his time practicing the violin in the music room.

8. Which sentence tells us that she is more beautiful than her sister?
9. Unlike his old friends, he is very impolite.

10. Kenny is going to visit his fatherland with his family next month.

11. He and his colleagues don’t have to go to work at the weekend.

12. She wanted to know if there was a museum near here.

13. They are going to hold a party at their house tomorrow.

14. The boys are (aren’t)going to the school canteen, aren’t (are)they?

15. If you don’t go to bed soon, you’ll be late for the meeting.

Question 2: Rewrite sentences as directed so that it has the same meaning as the sentence given.
1. It is interesting that he thought of making toys from used paper.

2. It’s over twenty years since he last came back to his home village.

3. I have never such a strange film before.

4. I’d rather you didn’t interrupt me while I am speaking.

5. If you don’t get up now, you’ll be late for school.

6. We haven’t met each other for ten years.

7. It’s difficult to find accommodation in Da Lat at busy time.

8. Tennis used to be an indoor game.

9. My father likes living in the countryside better than living in the city.

10. Lan is the most intelligent (student) in my class.

11. Is this the first time you have played a computer game?

12. The Statue of Liberty was presented to the United State by the France in 1876.

13. The water wasn’t warm enough for the children to swim in.

14. It’s ages since he last chatted with his classmates through the Internet.

15. Experiments on animals should be stopped.

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each group.
1. A. bother B. sunbathe C. cloth D. months
2. A. vegetable B. comfortable C. nature D. moderate
3. A. interest B. selection C. resident D. injection
4. A. concern B. contact C. convenient D. conclude
5. A. promise B. conscious C. religious D. scissors
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other words in each group.
1. A. pancake B. discount C. wardrobe D. marine
2. A. migrant B. typhoon C. compost D. limestone
3. A. glassware B. refill C. award D. surround
4. A. loudspeaker B. itinerary C. participate D. magnificent
5. A. helicopter B. microware C. memorial D. magically
I. Choose the best answer from the four choices (A or B, C, D) to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Bob hasn’t _________up his mind yet.
A. made B. gone C. used to D. found
2. Everyone has to follow this way to get into the fair, _________?
A. do they B. don’t they C. doesn’t she D. doesn’t he
3. Would you like me to get you something to drink? - _________.
A. That would be nice B. No, I’m sorry C. That’s too bad D. My pleasure
4. I usually go to work by bus, but _________and then I use my motorbike.
A. again B. once C. now D. ever
5. Of my parents, my father is _________.
A. the stricter B. the strictest C. stricter D. strict
6. "What can I get for you?" - “ _________.”
A. All right B. I'm afraid not C. I hope so D. Yes, please
7. The coat _________on the floor belongs to my brother.
A. lies B. lying C. lain D. is lying
8. Tuan had a bad cut on his arm. It’s _________badly.
A. bleeding B. burning C. coughing D. sneezing
9. Your _________is included in the ticket price.
A. reservation B. vacation C. accommodation D. money
10. The beans are roasted to _________the chocolate favor.
A. carry out B. bring out C. carry into D. bring into
11. The computer is _________guarantee so the company should do something with it.
A. with B. on C. for D. under
12. Nowadays many students can get a _________without being on campus.
A. diploma B. card C. degree D. license
13. “I think computers are useful.” - “ _________.”
A. I’m not agree B. So do I C. I disagree too D. So are they
14. Vietnam is a _________country.
A. rubber-exported B. exporting-rubber C. exported-rubber D. rubber-exporting
15. Are you free to _________for dinner this evening?
A. come over B. go over C. come across D. go across
II. Choose the underlined words or phrases (A, B, C or D) that are incorrect in standard English.
1. Be careful when you cross a busy street. Look out with cars and trucks.
2. Is she accustomed to doing her homework by her?
3. We have sung together ever when I was a small child.
4. My father’s car is the same color like my uncle’s car.
5. I went to every play at the local theater so far this year.
III. Give the correct form of the words in CAPITAL to complete the sentences.
1. The _________are scheduled to take off at 15.00 and 15.30.      FLY
2. She’d rather have a job involving creative work or _________skills. ART
3. It is _________to drink alcohol and drive. RESPONSIBLE
4. We received a lot of _________from our teacher. ENCOURAGE
5. With all the modern facilities, doing housework is still very _________. CONSUME
6. I know all the boys who live in my . NEIGHBOR
7. People in the countryside is . FRIEND
8. Taxi drivers have to have a very good on the street names. KNOW
9. During his the family lived in Cornwall. CHILD
10. Do you kown the of S.T Paul’s Cathedral? HIGH
IV. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Can’t you see that I am busy (write) ____________?
2. I lit the fire at 7.00 and it (burn) ____________brightly when Jack came in at 8.00.
3. The money (steal) ____________in the robbery was never found.
4. At this time next month, they (work) ____________in Ho Chi Minh City.
5. She locked the door so as (not disturb) ____________.
I. Choose the correct answer from the four options marked A, B, C or D to complete each of the
numbered blanks in the following passage.
Everyone wants to reduce pollution. But the pollution problem is as complicated (1) __________it is serious. It
is complicated because much (2) __________is caused by things that benefit people. For example, exhaust (3)
_________automobiles causes a large percentage of all air pollution. (4)_________ the automobiles provide
transportation for millions of people. Factories (5) __________much of the material which pollutes air and
water, but factories give employment to a large number of people.
Thus, to (6) __________or greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have to stop using many things
that benefit them. Most of the people do not want to do that, of course. But pollution can be ( 7)
__________reduced in several ways. (8) _______and engineers can work to find ways to lessen the (9)__________of
pollution that such things as automobiles and factories cause. Governments can pass and enforce laws that
require businesses and individuals to stop, or cut (10)__________on certain polluting activities.
1. A. for B. as C. because D. since
2. A. polluter B. pollutant C. polluting D. pollution
3. A. in B. at C. from D. for
4. A. Therefore B. However C. Moreover D. But
5. A. discharge B. offer C. emit D. dissolve
6. A. cause B. end C. increase D. pause
7. A. increasingly B. hopelessly C. gradually D. dangerously
8. A. Scientists B. Doctors C. Lecturers D. Botanists
9. A. number B. figures C. numbers D. amount
10. A. up B. off C. down D. into
IV. Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition.
1. It’s 2.5 km…………my school………..the movie theater.
2. I live ……….. Xuan Dieu street……….my grandparents
3. She is talking…………her students in the school yard.
4. My new house is different……….my old house.
5. My father is a farmer. He works………..a farm.
6. Does your aunt work ……….the central hospital? – Yes, she is a nurse there.
7. I’m always busy. I must work ………..early morning until night.
8. Mr. Minh is a journalist. He writes ………..Tuoi Tre newspaper.
9. This apartment is suitable………….my family.
10. I often help my parents ………….the housework after school.
I. Write the sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the original one.
1. Why do you come home late?
 What ………………..................................................................................................................................................…………….
2. It is common knowledge that he has been in prison several times.
 He is known ……......................................................................................................................................................................
3. She cannot get into the habit of studying every evening.
 She cannot be ………….............................................................................................................................................…………
4. We have not visited the museum before.
 This is ……...............................................................................................................................................................................…
5. Immediately after his arrival, things went wrong.
 No sooner ………................................................................................................................................................……………….
6. Tam doesn’t type as fast as she used to.
Tam used ……………......................................................................................................................................................... ……..
7. How long is it since you used the car?
When …………………............................................................................................................................................................... ….
8. We started living here 15 years ago.
We have………………............................................................................................................................................ ……………….
9. Let’s meet inside the center, at the cafe corner?
How……………………......................................................................................................................................................... ………
10. Nam is very strong, he can do heavy work.
Nam is strong …………................................................................................................................................................ …………
II. Use the following set of words and phrases to complete the following sentences. You can put
additional words and make any changes necessary.
1. Last night / cashier / force / hand / money / by / robber.
 …………………………............................................................................................................................................................... ……
2. 1897 /when Jack London / 21 / year / old / gold / discover / Alaska.
 ……………………..............................................................................................................................................................................
3. If / Peter / wake / earlier / not / miss / train.
4. This / be / good / computer / I / ever / use.
5. I / ask / Mary / if she/ come / Sydney/ Australia.
 ................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................
III. Do you think bicycles are the best means of transport in Vietnam? Write a passage (120-140
words) about your opinion.
................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................

................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................

................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................

................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................

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................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................

................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................

................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................

................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................

................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................
................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................


PART B (10 điểm)

I.(5) 1C 2C 3A 4B 5D

II.(5) 1D 2B 3A 4A 5C

PART C (30 điểm)

I.(15) 1A 2B 3A 4C 5C 6D 7B 8A 9C 10B

11D 12C 13B 14D 15A

II. (5) 1C 2D 3B 4C 5A

III. (5) 1. Flights 2. artistic 3. irresponsible 4. Encouragement 5.time-consuming

6. neighborhood 7. friendly 8. knowledge 9. childhood 10. height

IV. (5) 1. writing 2.was burning 3. Stolen 4. will be working 5. not to be disturbed

PART D (30 điểm)

I. (10) 1B 2D 3C 4D 5A 6B 7C 8A 9D 10C

II. (10) 1D 2C 3C 4A 5B

II. (10) 1. in 2. were 3. see 4. which 5. about

6. Cambodia 7. built 8. to 9. centuries 10. moved

PART E (20 điểm)

I. (5) 1. What is the reason of your coming home late?

2. He is known to have been in prison several times.

3. She cannot be used to studying evening.

4. This is the first time (that) we have visited the museum.

5. No sooner had he arrived than things went wrong.

6. Tam used to type fast.

7. When did you use the car?

8. We have lived here for 15 years.

9. How about meeting inside the center, at the cafe corner.

10. Nam is strong enough to do heavy work.

II. (5) 1. Last night, the cashier was forced to hand over the money by the robber.
2. In 1897, when Jack London was 21 years old, gold was discovered in Alaska.

3. If Peter had woken up earlier, he would not have missed the train.

4. This is the best computer I have ever used.

5. I asked Mary if she came from Sydney, in Australia.

III. (10) Write a passage (120-140 words) about your opinion about bicycles, the best means of transport in
Vietnam. The candidate’s paragraph should include the following points:

- (2) Organization: Introduction- body- ending- linking words…

- (6) Content: should be clear, logical and creative with explanations…

- (2) Language skills: should be free of grammatical and spelling errors…

I.Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently fromthe others
1. a. notice b. grow c. ghost d. lost
2. a. casual b. material c. champagne d. campus
3. a. deny b. deposit c. benefit d. respond.
4. a. hike b. shrine c. widely d. opinion
5. a. furious b. purpose c. surf d. turn.

II. Choose the best answer, circle the letter a, b, c or d

1. The baby’s getting…………..everyday.
a. more big b. bigger c. bigger and bigger d. more and more big
2. English…………at the meeting.
a. speak b. speaks c. is speaking d. is spoken
3. These flowers......................
a. smell good b. smells good c. smell well d. smells well
4. She ………..getting up early now.
a. didn’t use to b. is used to c. is using to d. used to
5. Did you put ..................... sugar in my coffee?
a. many b. a few c. so many d. much
6. Do you know……………… yesterday?
a. if did they arrive b. if they arrive
c. if did they arrived d. if they arrived
7. If you are tired, you should………..a break.
a. make b. do c. take d. go
8. Beef is
a. preferable b. favorable c. favorite d. likeable
9. I’m hearing from you.
a. at b. after c. over d. forward
10. She..............a cake when the telephone rang.
a. makes b. make c. has make d. was making
11. I’ve known him ..........................I left school.
a. when b. before c. until d. since
12. He has left his book here that you can read it.
a. design b. intention c. purpose d. meaning
13. What would to do for you?
a. want b. hope c. wish d. have
14. After retiring, my father will spend his........................on an expensive holiday.
a. dollars b. accounts c. savings d. cheques
15. We can’t go wrong if we.........the instructions.
a. follow b. keep c.take d. guide
III. Read the text below. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space
in the same line.
These days it is(o)………… open a newspaper without POSSIBLE
reading about the damage we are doing to the environment.
The earth is being(1)………….....................and the future looks bad. THREAT
What can each of us do?
We cannot clean up our(2)…………......................rivers and seas overnight. POLLUTION
Nor can we stop the(3)……………...................of plants and animals. But APPEAR
we can stop adding to the problem while(4)………………................. .......... SCIENCE
search for answers, and laws are passed in nature’s(5)……………............... DEFEND
It may not be easy to change your lifestyle(6)…………….................., but COMPLETE
some steps are easy to take: cut down the amount of(7)………….................. DRIVE
you do or use as little plastic as possible. It is also easy to save energy,
which also reduces(8)…………….................bills. We must all make HOUSE
a personal (9)……………................... to work for the future of our planet if DECIDE
we want to (10)…………....................a better world for our grand- children. SURE

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense or form.

Dentists can do a lot(0) improve...(improve) your teeth. They can straighten your teeth
by(1).....................................(put) wires on them. These wires(2)....................................(push) the roots of the teeth the
right way. The best time for (3)..............................(do) this is while the teeth(4).............................(grow). A lot of
dentists, however, prefer not(5).............................(start) doing this before a child(6)………………(be) at least eight.
Sometimes a dentist even(7)……………...........….(use) elastic bands(8).........................(make) a tooth straight.
Sometimes(9)...............................(pull) tooth out can prevent the other teeth from(10)............................(grow) too
close to one another.

IV. Fill in an appropriate word in each blank.

Kipling was the first writer........ (1)..... expressed the faith and national pride. He was.......(2)...... in
Bombay India.........(3)..... 1865 and was taken .....(4)..... England to .....(5).... educated at the .....(6).... of 6. But at
the age of 17 he returned ......(7)...... India and became a journalist. ........(8)..... this time he.....(9).... a great
amount of prose and portry. After wards he returned to England and travelled in Japan and America. He
received the 1907 Nobel ....(10)... for literature and died in 1936 while he was working on his
autbiographical notes.

V. Read the passage and choose the best answer.

After inventing dynamite, Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he foresaw its
universally destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite,
so in 1895, just two weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who
had made worthwhile contributions to mankind. Originally there were five awards: literature, physics,
chemistry, medicine and peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first awards
ceremony. Nobel's original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on this sum is used
for the awards which vary from $30,000 to $125,000.
Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death, the awards (gold medal, illuminated
diploma, and money) are presented to the winners. Sometimes politics plays an important role in the
judges' decisions. Americans have won numerous science awards, but relatively few literature prizes. No
awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II Some people have won two
prizes, but this is rare; others have shared their prizes.
1. When did the first award ceremony take place 7
A. 1895 B . 1901 C. 1962 D. 1968
2. Why was the Nobel prize established?
A. To recognise worthwhile contributions to humanity.B. To resolve political differences.
C. To honour the inventor of dynamite.D. To spend money.
3. In which area have Americans received the most awards?
A. Literature B. Peace C. Economics D. Science
4. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. Awards vary in monetary value.B. Ceremonies are held on December 10 to commemorate Nobel's
C. Politics can play an important role in selecting the winners.D. A few individuals have won two
5. In how many fields are the prizes bestowed?
A. 2 B. 5 C. 6 D. 10
VI. Write a new sentence as similar in meaning a possible to the original sentence
6. John missed the lecture because he came very late
If John ............................................................................................
7. He could not afford to buy the car
The car............................................................................................
8. You will not be accepted if you don’t finish your home work.
9. I had to spend the whole evening finishing the test
10. Weather conditions influence most people’s lives.
Most people’s lives....................................................
VII. Make meaningfull sentences based on given hints
6. My friend / live / next door / enjoy / read / book / very / much
................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................
7. He / prefer / fiction book / non – fiction book.
................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................
8. He / start / collect / book / he school / boy.
................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................
9. He / spend / a lot of money / book /years now
................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................
10. He hope / he / have / own library.
................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................

I : 5 điểm , mỗi phần chọn đúng cho 01 điểm

1.d 2.b 3.c 4.d 5.a
II. 15 điểm , mỗi phần chọn đúng cho 01 điểm
1. c 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.d 6.d 7.c 8.c
9.d 10.d 11.d 12.c 13.a 14.c 15.a
III. 10 điểm , mỗi phần chọn đúng cho 01 điểm
IV. 10 điểm , mỗi phần chọn đúng cho 01 điểm
11. putting
12. will push
13. doing
14. are being grown
15. to start
16. is
17. uses
18. to make
19. pulling
20. being grown / growing
V. . 10 điểm , mỗi phần chọn đúng cho 01 điểm
1.was 2.born 3. in 4. to 5. be 6.age 8. by 9. was 10. prize

VI. . 10 điểm , mỗi phần chọn đúng cho 02 điểm

1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C
Câu VI : 5 điểm , mỗi câu viết lại đúng cho 01 điểm
1. If John hadn’t come late , He’d not have missed the lecture
had come ealier , he’d have attended the lecture
2. The car was too expensive for him to buy
3. Unless you finish your work , you will not be accepted.
4. It took me the whole evening to finish this test
5. Most peole’s lives are influenced by weather conditions
Câu VII : 5 điểm , mỗi câu đúng cho 01 điểm
6. My friend who lives / living next door enjoys reading books very much
7. He prefers fiction books to non- fiction books
8. He started collecting books when he was a school boy
9. He has spent a lot money buying books for years now.
10. He hopes he’ll have own library.
I. Choose the best answer to fill in the blank by circling A, B, C or D

1. Bob hasn’t ……… his mind yet.

A. Made B. Gone C. used to D. Found
2. Everyone has to follow this way to get into the fair, ………?
A. do they B. don’t they C. doesn’t she D. doesn’t he
3. We spent half a year _____ this hotel.
A. to build B. Built C. with building D. Building
4. She is bored _____ getting up early.
A. With B. In C. of D. To
5. Would you like me to get you something to drink? - ______
A. That would be nice B. No, I’m sorry C. That’s too bad D. My pleasure
6. English is the _____ language on one- fifth of the land area of the world.
A. Office B. Official C. officer D. Officially
7. It's an hour since he ......... , so he must be at the office now.
A. has left B. Left C. was leaving D. is leaving
8. 14. I usually go to work by bus, but ________ and then I use my motorbike.
A. Again B. Once C. now D. Ever
9. Of my parents, my father is _________________.
A. the stricter B. the strictest C. stricter D. strict
10. "What can I get for you?". ______________ .
A. All right B. I'm afraid not C. I hope so D. Yes, please
11. Bob hasn’t ……… his mind yet.
A. Made B. Gone C. used to D. Found
12. Everyone has to follow this way to get into the fair, ………?
A. do they B. don’t they C. doesn’t she D. doesn’t he
13. We spent half a year _____ this hotel.
A. to build B. Built C. with building D. Building
14. She is bored _____ getting up early.
A. With B. In C. of D. To
15. Would you like me to get you something to drink? - ______
A. That would be nice B. No, I’m sorry C. That’s too bad D. My pleasure
16. English is the _____ language on one- fifth of the land area of the world.
A. Office B. Official C. officer D. Officially
17. It's an hour since he ......... , so he must be at the office now.
A. has left B. Left C. was leaving D. is leaving
18. 14. I usually go to work by bus, but ________ and then I use my motorbike.
A. Again B. Once C. now D. Ever
19. Of my parents, my father is _________________.
A. the stricter B. the strictest C. stricter D. strict
20. "What can I get for you?". ______________ .
A. All right B. I'm afraid not C. I hope so D. Yes, please

II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. Think B. Healthy C. Thus D. ethnic
2. A. discussion B. Revision C. Attention D. admission
3. A. Cease B. Chase C. Increase D. raise
4. A. although B. Enough C. laugh D. cough
5. A. Mute B. Junior C. Music D. humor
6. A. Who B. Where C. Which D. when
7. A. Send B. Tent C. Rely D. tend
8. A. Lock B. Shock C. Block D. program
9. A. Talked B. Passed C. Dialed D. stopped
10. A. Comb B. Climb C. Dumb D. blond

III. Put the correct verb forms of the verb in brackets.

1. "Do you mind if I sit here?" - "I'd rather you (sit)...................... over there."
2. There (be) ………….. no rain here for 6 months.
3. He spoke to me as if he (be) ………… my father.
4. By the time we (stop) …………, we had driven six hundred miles.
5. The price ( become ) ................... more and more expensive these days.
6. Pupils are made (work)……………… hard at this school.
7. It’s ten years since I last (see) ………… her.
8. Don’t forget (lock) ………… the door before going to bed.
9. The pens ( produce ).............. by Thien Long Company are usually cheap and good.
10. The film (begin) 7.30 or 8.00?

IV. Fill the blanks with the right form of the CAPITAL words provided in the right column
1. Their children have quite _____________ characters. DIFFERENCE
2. What is the correct ______________of this word? PRONOUNCE
3. He didn’t win the championship, so he felt very _____________ . HOPE
4. She is one of the greatest _______ to appear in this theater. PERFORM
5. My house is on the top of a hill. It’s very ____ there in the fall. WIND
6. It is ___________ to eat too much sugar and fatty food. HEALTH
7. Many rural areas in Viet Nam have been __________ in the last few years. URBAN
8. Bell ______________ demonstrated his invention. SUCCESS
9. Every day, there are two ____ from Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh city. FLY
10. There are a lot of _______________ in the competition. CONTEST

V. Choose the underlined words or phrases that are not corect in standard written English. Find and
1. Lan seemed happily when she received her aunt’s letter.
2. My brother didn’t have money enough to buy the dictionary he liked
3. We should put the coffee table among the armchair and the couch.
4. The driver of the car was serious injured in the accident.
5. Everyone was exciting as the prince wanted to choose his wife from the village.
6. He gets up early in order reviewing lessons before school.
7. All the students are looking forward to spend their free time relaxing in the sun this summer.
8. I agree that we ought be good students at school and good children at home
9. Be careful when you cross a busy street. Look out with cars and trucks.
10. Is she accustomed to doing her homework by her?

VI. Read the passage and choose the correct answer in A, B, C or D.

Flood in Dorchester
…… (1) ... six o’clock yesterday evening, the River Thames burst its banks and flooded a wide area. By nine
o’clock the floods had reached the town of Dorchester. The main street was soon …… (2)..... 3 feet of water.
Fire engines arrived quickly to pump away the water, but heavy rain made their job very ……… (3) ..... .
Mrs Rose Willow, a ……… (4)......... nearly 80 years old, and living alone in her cottage, was trapped upstairs
……… (5)........ three hours. Finally, firemen were able to rescue her with ladders and a small ……… (6)..........
“My cat, Tibbles, stayed with me all the time”, said Mrs Willow. “She ……… (7)......... me a lot. She sat with me
so I didn’t feel afraid”.
The rain has finally stopped, the river level is falling and the weather forecast is good, ……… (8) ...........the
floods have done a great deal of damage. “Luckily, nobody was …… (9) ......or injured”, Chief Fire Office
Hawkins …… (10) .......reporters, “but it will take a long time to clear up the mess”.
1. A. In B. To C. At D. Until
2. A. Over B. Under C. through D. between
3. A. Easy B. Difficult C. quick D. clear
4. A. Girl B. Man C. lady D. child
5. A. For B. During C. while D. through
6. A. Ship B. Boat C. car D. bicycle
7. A. worried B. Frightened C. bored D. helped
8. A. But B. Also C. therefore D. so
9. A. Burnt B. Cut C. scratched D. drowned
10. A. Said B. Asked C. told D. spoke

VII. Read the text and choose one suitable word to fill in the blank.

Foreign English language teachers for schools inVietnam

has to is teaching cover teacher
more and high decided
Vietnam ...(1)... well on its way to integrate with the world and for that reason emphasis on English language
skills ...(2)... .............................. become very essential.
Recently, the City Department of Education and Training ...(3).. ............................... to recruit foreign native
English speakers to teach in elementary, middle and ...(4)................................. schools in Vietnam.
The policy calls for social contributions to improve English language ...(5)................................. from primary
schools to senior high schools by employing only foreign native English teachers. Each student will chip in
VND120,000 ($5.8) a month to ...(6).. ............................... the $35 an hour salary of the foreign ...
(7)... ...............................
Compared ...(8).. ................................ traditional English teaching methodology, it is better that thousands of
students in the City have a chance of practicing listening ...(9). ................................ speaking skills with native
English speakers, who create a ...(10)...exciting atmosphere in classrooms for students.

VIII. Rewrite the following sentences using the words provided in such a way that they mean the
same as the original sentences.
1. Couldn’t you find a better hotel?
Is this ………………………………………………………….............................................................................................
2. I haven’t seen that man here before.
This is ……………………………………..........................................................................................................................
3. Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals.
People .............................................................................................................................................................................
4. The coffee is so hot that I can’t drink it.
The coffee is too ..........................................................................................................................................................
5. Somebody repaired his car yesterday.
He had.............................................................................................................................................................................
6. It was thought that the painting had been destroyed.
The painting …………………………………………......................................................................................................
7. Our house is going to be rebuilt by a local firm.
We are …………………………………………..................................................................................................................
8. I can’t buy the tickets. They are too expensive.
The tickets …………………………………......................................................................................................................
9. Peter spent three hours repainting his house.
It ........................................................................................................................................................................................
10. Leave now or you will miss the train.
Unless …………………………………………....................................................................................................................

IX. Use the suggestions to make the meaningful sentences.

1. information / bringing / entertainment / also / is / only / but / TV / not / .
2. village / the / definitely / better / Life / the / changing / is / for / in / .
3. look for / more money / Farmers / when / family / often / other work / their / need / they / for / .
4. people / still / a week / work / in / Many / days / the countryside / seven / .
5. back / in / months / going / England / They / two / are / .
Keys – practice 40
1: Vocabulary, Grammar and Phonetics
I. (1 điểm): Mỗ i câ u chọ n đú ng cho 0,1 điểm.
1. A 3. D 5. A 7. B 9. C
2. B 4. A 6. B 8. C 10. D

II. (1 điểm): Mỗ i câ u chọ n đú ng cho 0,1 điểm.

1. C 3. D 5. B 7. C 9. C
2. B 4. A 6. A 8. D D
III. (1 điểm): Mỗ i câ u chọ n đú ng cho 0,1 điểm.
1. sat 5. is becoming 9. produced
2. has been 6. to work 10. does .... begin
3. were 7. saw
4. stopped 8. to lock
IV. (1 điểm): Mỗ i từ biến đổ i đú ng cho 0,1 điểm.
1. different 5. windy 9. flights
2. pronunciation 6. unhealthy 10. contestants
3. hopeless 7. urbanized
4. performers 8. successfully
V. (1điểm): Mỗ i câ u tìm và sử a lạ i đú ng cho 0,1 điểm.
Your answers:
1. .......B...... -> happy 6. ......C.......-> to review
2. .......B..... -> enough money 7. .......C.......-> to spending
3. ..... .C...... -> between 8. .......B..........-> ought to be
4. .......B........-> seriously 9. .......C.........-> for
5. .......A...... -> excited 10. .....D..........-> herself
Section 2: Reading (2pts)
VI. (1 điểm): Mỗ i câ u chọ n đú ng cho 0,1 điểm.
1. C 3. B 5. A 7. D 9. D

2. B 4. C 6. B 8. A 10. C
VII. (1 điểm): Mỗ i câ u chọ n đú ng cho 0,1 điểm.
1. is 5. teaching 9. and
2. has 6. cover 10. more
3. decided 7. teacher
4. high 8. to
Section 3: Writing (3pts)Rewrite sentences. Mỗ i câ u viết đú ng cho 0,2 điểm.
Is this the best hotel you could (can) find?
This is the first time I have seen that man here.
People recycle old car tires to make shoes and sandals.
The coffee is too hot for me to drink.
He had my car repaired yesterday.
The painting was thought to have been destroyed.
7. We are going to have our house rebuilt by a local firm.
(We are going to have a local firm rebuild our house)
8. The tickets are too expensive for me to buy.
9. It took Peter 3 hours to repair his house
10. Unless you leave now, you will miss the train.
IX. Use the suggestions to make the meaningful sentences. (1pt)
Mỗ i câ u viết đú ng cho 0,2 điểm.
1. information / bringing / entertainment / also / is / only / but / TV / not / .
TV is bringing not only informationbut also entertainment.
2. village / the / definitely / better / Life / the / changing / is / for / in / .
Life in the village is definitely changing for the better.
3. look for / more money / Farmers / when / family / often / other work / their / need / they / for / .
.Farmers often look for other work when they need more money for their family.
4. people / still / a week / work / in / Many / days / the countryside / seven / .
Many people in the countryside still work seven days a week.
5. back / in / months / going / England / They / two / are / .
They are going back to England in two months.
I-Choose the words that has the underline pronounced differently from the others. Identify your
answer by writing the corresponding word or phrase on your answer paper.
1.A. though B. enough C. cough D. rough
2.A. chair B. cheap C. chorus D. child
3.A. missed B. closed C. called D. planned
4.A. fat B. any C. gas D. hat
5.A physics B. basic C. sailor D. subject
II- Choose one word that has a different stress position from the others. Identify your answer by
writing the corresponding word or phrase on your answer paper.
6.A. scissors B. object C. wardrobe D. transmit
7.A. comfortable B. commercial C. generous D. demonstrate
8.A. experiment B. assistant C. sociable D. equipment
9.A. advice B. beauty C. picture D. postcard
10.A. theater B. career C. cinema D. gallery
III- Choose from the four options given (marked A,B,C or D) one best answer to complete each of the
following sentences. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding word or phrase on your answer
11. David’s school ………….. is very bad this term.
A. report B. period C. day D. semester
12. People go to a …………….. to look at the famous works of art.
A. stadium B. gallery C. theater D. fair
13. I’d like to go ……………. very much.
A. camp B. to camp C. a camp D. camping
14. Hoa is reading short stories …………. Jack London.
A. of B. from C. by D. with
15. John ………….. Susan to go out with him but her parents didn’t let her out.
A. insisted B. suggested C. invited D. helped
16. This book is ……………. that I try to read it from beginning to end at one time.
A. so interesting B. so interested C. such interesting D. too interesting
17. “Let it be” is a famous song ……………. . It is one of the best works by this band.
A. singing by the Beatles B. was sung by the Beatles
C. sung by the Beatles D. sang by the Beatles
18. He ………… the train ticket at home.
A. took B. put C. brought D. left
19. She was ………….. of watching television.
A. interested B. tired C. tiring D. pleased
20. My mother ………….. me that I should wake up earlier.
A. told to B. said C. was told D. said to
21. Our teacher asked us ……………. in class.
A. not to talk B. to not talk C. no talk D. without talking
22. Peter broke his leg when he fell ………….. his bike.
A. in B. on C. off D. of
23. You should …………… your lesson before the examination.
A. read B. look C. revise D. study
24. Hung is …………… do the crossword puzzles.
A. intelligent enough to B. intelligent enough
C. enough intelligent D. enough intelligent to
25. Her math result is …………….. than her English result.
A. bad B. bader C. worse D. well
26. His father is very proud ……………… him.
A. of B. with C. on D. about
27. Yesterday I came …………. your brother when I was going to school.
A. of B. to C. about D. across
28. Students should work …………. to make their parents happy.
A. hard B. hardly C. in hard way D. more hardly
29. Keep all dangerous things out of children’s …………. .
A. hands B. place C. reach D. head
30. When I was young, I used ……………. on a farm.
A. to live B. live C. to living D. living
IV- Supply the correct form of the word in Capital letters for each gap in the following sentences. Identify
your answer by writing the corresponding word or phrase on your answer paper.
31. This coffee is too ................... to drink. heat
32. I can’t tell the …………… between the twins. differ
33. A fairy appeared and…………changed Miss Tam’s rags into beautiful clothes. magic
34. He drove ………… and he had an accident. care
35. I feel so ................. that I’m going to bed. sleep
36. Why was his lecture so .................... ?. bore
37. How many ................. are there in a year in Vietnam ?. celebrate
38. ................. have warned the local people of the disaster. science
V- Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each gap. Identify your answer by writing the
corresponding word or phrase on your answer paper.
These days most people, especially young girls, like(39)…….slim. Our grandparent’s tastes were
different(40)……ours but nowadays(41)……seems to enjoy(42)…….fat people. The only thing(43) ……is
wrong with this is what a(44)…….said to me the other days: “I don’t mind (45)……..these foods if they will
help me(46)………weight but why do they taste so awful ?” The reason(47)…….this is that the manufacturers
have to include a lot of vitamins to satisfy the law, so the only sensible advice I could give my friend was “Eat
normal food, but (48)………less.”
39.A. to looked B. to look C. they look D. look
40.A. from B. of C. as D. with
41.A. anymore B. none C. everyone D. no one
42.A. to look at B. looking C. looking at D. to look
43.A. it B. that C. what D. who
44.A.friend of mine B. my friend C. friend of me D. friend of my
45.A. to eat B. eat C. eating D. the eating
46.A. gain B. put on C. loose D. lose
47.A. of B. why C. for D. that
48.A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. be eating
VI- Read the following passage, then answer questions 50-53. After each question there are four
options marked A,B,C or D. Choose the correct answer by writing down its corresponding letter A,B,C
or D on your answer sheet.
It is five o’clock in the evening when Rene Wagner come home from work. She walks into the living room
and looks at her three children. They are 14,13 and 9 years old. They are watching TV. The living room is a
mess. There are dirty socks on the floor and cookies on the sofa. Games and toys are everywhere. Rene is
angry, “This place is a mess” she tells her children, “I can’t work all day and then do housework all evening.
I’m not going to do housework!” Rene doesn’t do housework. She doesn’t clean or wash dishes. She
doesn’t wash clothes, either. Every evening she sits on the sofa and watches TV.
After two weeks, every plate, fork and glass in the house is dirty. All the children’s clothes are dirty.
Every garbage basket is full. The house is a mess.
Then, one day Rene comes home from work and gets a big surprise. The kitchen is clean. The children
clean the kitchen !
The next day, the living room is clean, and the children are washing their clothes. Rene tells the
children “OK, I’ll do the housework again. But you have to help me.”
Now Rene and her three children do the housework together. Then they all sit on the sofa and watch
49. When Rene came home from work, she found the house ……………. .
A. clean and dirty B. dirty and tidy C. dirty and untidy D. clean but untidy
50. Rene told her children ………………….. .
A. to do the housework B. she couldn’t do housework
C. not to do housework D. she wouldn’t do housework
51. Two weeks later, the house was ……………… .
A. very clean B. a mess C. tidy D. rather dirty
52. Some days later, the house was clean again because ……………………. .
A. she couldn’t let it that way B. her children did housework.
C. her children didn’t do housework. D. she did housework again.
53. Now Rene does housework again because …………………. .
A. her children help her. B. they can watch TV together.
C. her children wash their clothes. D. her children don’t do it.
VII- Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
54. The movie was very bad. I couldn’t see it.
The movie was not ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
55. “Shut the door but don’t lock it”, he said to us.
He told …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
56. The garage is going to repair our car next week.
We are going ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
57. In spite of his intelligence, he doesn’t do well at school.
Although ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
58. You must see the headmaster.
You’ve …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
59.Remember to check your flight numbers.
Don’t ................................................................................................................................................................................................................
60.It was such bad news that Helen burst into tears.
The news .......................................................................................................................................................................................................
VIII- Use the suggested words and phrases to make a full sentence.
61. Those buses / not going / airport / neither / taxis.
62. You / not / want / sell / house last year ?
63. He / stop / smoke / save / money .
64. My brother / not drive / carefully / I.
65. It / difficult / prevent / people / park here.
Keys – practice 41
I. (2,5 p)
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A
II. (2,5 p)
6. B 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B
III. (10 p)
11. A 16. A 21. A 26. A
12. B 17. C 22. C 27. D
13. D 18. D 23. C 28. A
14. A 19. B 24. A 29. C
15. C 20. D 25. C 30. A
IV. (8 p)
31. hot 32. difference 33. magician 34. carelessly
35. sleepy 36. boring 37. celebrations 38. scientists
V. (10 p)
39. B 40. A 41. C 42. C 43. B
44. A 45. C 46. C 47. A 48. A
VI. (5 p)
49. C 50. D 51. B 52. B 53. A
VII. (7 p)
54. The movie was not good enough to me to see
55. He told us to shut the door but not to lock it
56. We are going to have our car repaired next week.
57. Although he is intelligent, he doesn’t do well at work.
58. You’ve to see the headmaster.
59. Don’t forget to check your flight numbers.
60. The new was so bad that Helen burst into tears.
VIII. (5 p)
61. Those buses are not going to the airport and neither are taxis.
62. Didn’t you want to sell the house last year ?
63. He stops smoking to save money
64. My brother doesn’t drive carefully as I do.
65. It is difficult to prevent people from parking here.
I. Circle the word that has the underlined parts pronounced differently from the others (1 pt)
11. A. watched B. cleaned C. played D. chased
12. A. usable B. refuse C. consumption D. designer
13. A. mission B. function C. question D. mention
14. A. orchestra B. scenery C. cycle D. scheme
15. A. heal B. vehicle C. rehearse D. behavior
II. Circle the word that has different stress pattern from the others (1 pt)
16. A. interesting B. intelligent C. insurance D. infinitive
17. A. divided B. visited C. entered D. traveled
18. A. dictation B. revision C. optional D. invention
19. A. engineers B. architects C. scientists D. carpenters
20. A. hospital B. possible C. essential D. eatable
21. Alice should not stay under the sunshine because her skin is so ..................................
A. insensible B. sensitive C. senseless D. sensible
22. There is a ............ of water in many parts of the world, so we should save water in order to support to
A. shortage B. plenty C. lots D. lackage
23. Ha Long bay, .................................. one of new seven wonders of the world, consists of 1,969 big and small
A. knows B. known as C. is known D. that known as
24. Would you like some more suger for your coffee?
A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, I do. C. No, thanks. D. Yes, I would.
25. Can you give me a favor?. I have some difficulties in doing this exercise.
A. Please do. B. Yes, let. C. Cirtainly. D. Thank you.
26. Up to now, we have finished .................................. assignment.
A. twice three B. two third C. second third D. third twice
27. Marry is wearing a .................................. T- shirt and a green shorts
A. blue cotton beautiful large C. beautiful large blue cotton
B. cotton large blue beautiful D. beautiful cotton blue large
28. Her parents never .................................. her to go out after 8 p.m.
A. see B. let C. allow D. agree
29. I caught .................................. of a lion lying under the tree , and my heart jumped.
A. view B. scene C. look D. sight
30. The students are used to .................................. in the school library.
A. work B. working C. worked D. workes
II. Preposition (1 pt)
31. Alexander Graham Bell finally came up ........................ a new device called telephone.
32. You shouldn’t live ........................ saying “goodbye” to your parents.
33. She always goes to her office ........................ her own car.
34. This mobile phone is still ........................ warranty of our company.
35. Her son almost takes ........................ her husband. Sometimes I can’t distinguish them.
III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parenthese (1 pt)
36. Jack (work) ...................... for this company so far.
37. The man (look) ...................... at himself in the mirror is Mr. Brown.
38. All of the rooms in our school (decorate) ...................... before the school festival started.
39. He would rather his friends (leave) ...................... him alone now.
40. Mr. Green had his house (paint) ...................... last month.
IV. Give the correct forms of words in the brackets (2 pts)
41. My form teacher has a good sense of .............................. HUMOROUS
42. ..................... are one of the animals which are harmful to our crops. MOUSE
43. There are three .................................. flights to Hanoi from Da Nang. DAY
44. Mekong river is the greatest in ................................... in Viet Nam. LONG
45. He doesn’t eat meat or fish because he is a.................................. . VEGETABLE
46. Tan Trao is the ....................... place where uncle beloved Ho Chi Minh had
worked during the early years of 1940s.
47. You shouldn’t drink wine because it is .............. for your health at all. HEALTH
48. A lot of children are becoming ....................... at the age of ten. INVENT
49. Please give me some ...................... to solve this problem. ADVISE
50. He devoted in the full .................. of his youth to the struggle for the
liberation of our country.
II. Read the passage and decide which is the best answer. Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to the questions
(2 pts)
Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. His father was an expert in
phonetics. (56) …....................... a boy, Alexander became interested in sounds and speech in 1870, The Bells
decided to (57) …........................ to America. They lived in Boston, (58) …........................ Alexander taught in a
school for the deaf. There he began experimenting with a machine (59) …...................... help the deaf hear.
While experimenting with this machine, Bell had an idea, “Why do not use electricity to (60) …......................
the human voice from one place to another ?” He began to work on a new (61) …......................... . For years, Bell
and his assistant, Thomas Watson, worked day (62) …..................... night. They rented rooms in a boarding
house. Bell was on one floor, and Watson was on (63) …....................... . They tried to send (64) ….......................
through a wire. Finally, on March 19th, 1876, Watson heard these words very clearly: “ Mr Watson, come
here. I want you.”. Watson rushed upstairs, ran (65) ….................. Bell’s room, and shouted, “ I heard you! ”
56. A. Despite B. During C. Be D. As
57. A. leave B. take C. move D. return
58. A. where B. why C. which D. when
59. A. for B. in order C. to D. so that
60. A. go B. get C. change D. send
61. A. invention B. inventor C. inventive D. invent
62. A. and B. after C. by D. or
63. A. others B. the others C. another D. other
64. A. speaking B. letters C. speech D. telegram
65. A. onto B. into C. in D. to
III. Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word (2 pts)
Bi Rain to return to Vietnam
Two famous Korean singers - Bi Rain and Park Hyo Shin - are expected to be in Hanoi (66) ….............. March
17 to 23, to perform in the meeting between officials of the Vietnamese (67) ….............. South Korean
Ministries of Defense at the Hanoi Opera House on March 21. The two (68) ….............. will go to Vietnam with
a company of 97 officers and soldiers from the theatrical wing of the Republic of Korea’s (RoK) Army, at the
invitation of the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense.
The tour is a part of a series of events to (69) ….............. the 20th anniversary of Vietnamese-RoK diplomatic
ties. (70) ….............. the tour, the troupe will visit the popular tourist destinations of Hanoi and Ha long Bay.
Since joining the army last October, Bi Rain (71) ….............. nearly disappeared from the stage. (72) …..............
in 1982, Bi Rain is a highly accomplished dancer, singer and actor whose acting and music career (73)
….............. expanded beyond Asian boundaries. In 2006, Bi Rain was named by Time magazine as (74) …...........
of the 100 Most Influential People Who Shape Our World.
Bi Rain's concert will be (75) ….............. on March 21 at the Hanoi Opera House at 1 Trang Tien, Hoan Kiem,
I. Rewrite each of the sentences below in such a way that its meaning is similar to that of the original
76. Because he is tired he can’t finish the work in time.
-> Because of ………………………………………………..
77. “Why don’t you see your doctor regularly?” Said Susan.
-> Susan advised ……………………………………………
78. I had my nephew repair my new watch but it hasn’t worked any more.
-> My new watch ……………………………..
79. The train from Lao Cai to Ha Noi lasted 5 hours.
-> It is a ……………………………………………..
80. Although Mr. Tom is quite old, he runs seven miles before breakfast.
-> In spite ………………………………………..
81. I would like to choose my own clothes for my brother’s wedding.
->What ……………………………………………………..
82. David has read a lot of books, however, he can not find a good solution.
-> Although …………………………………………..
83. It is not necessary for you to finish the asignment today.
-> You …………………………………..
84. Whenever he is asked about his past, he feels uncomfortable.
-> He hates ………………………………………………..
II. Find out the mistakes from the sentences. Underline and correct them. (Each sentence has only
Statements Correction

Ex. Car, which was stolen in the robbery, was never found. The car

85. Mr. John, with two architects and an asisstant, are scheduled to
arrive in New York in five days. .............................................

86. Nobody agrees with these solutions for reducing garbage, does
he? .............................................

87. I’d like some more informations about the course, please. .............................................

88. There’s nothing to do about it now, except tell police about the
truth. .............................................

89. Come up in my place and we will discuss about it. .............................................

90. Many students were able of find good jobs from three to six
months after graduation. .............................................

91. The more he tries hard, the best successful he becomes. .............................................
92. There are a little activities that we can do after the meeting. .............................................


I. Circle the word that has the underlined parts pronounced differently from the others (1 pt)
11. A 12. C 13. C 14. D 15. B
II. Circle the word that has different stress pattern from the others (1 pt)
16. A 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. C
I. Choose the best answer by circling its corresponding letter A, B, C or D (2 pts)
21. B 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. C
26. B 27. C 28. C 29. 30. B
II. Preposition (1 pt)
31. with 32. without 33. by/in 34. under 35. after
III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parenthese (1 pt)
36. has worked/ has been working 37. looking
38. had been decorated 39. left 40. painted
IV. Give the correct forms of words in the brackets (2 pts)
41. humor 42. Mice 43. daily 44. length
45. vegetarian 46. historical 47. unhealthy 48. inventors
49. advices 50. pride
51. B 52. D 53. C 54. B 55. A
56. D 57. C 58. A 59. C 60. D
61. A 62. A 63. C 64. C 65. B
66. from 67. and 68. singers 69. celebrate 70. During
71. has 72. Born 73. has 74. one 75. held
SECTION E: Writing (5 pts)
I. Rewrite each of the sentences below in such a way that its meaning is similar to that of the original one
(1,8 pts)
76. Because of being tired/ his tiredness, he can’t finish the work in time.
77. Sussan advised me to see my doctor regulary.
78. My new watch was repaired by my nephew but it hasn’t worked any more.
79. It is a 5 (five)-hour train from Lao Cai to Ha Noi.
In spite of Mr.Tom’s age, he runs seven miles before breakfast.
80. In spite of the fact that Mr. Tom is quite old, he runs seven miles before breakfast.
81. What I would like (to do) is to choose my own clothes for my brother’s wedding.
82. Although David has read a lot of books, he can not find a good solution.
You don’t need to finish the asignment today.
83. You don’t have to finish the asignment today.
You needn’t finish the asignment today.
84. He hates being asked about his past.
II. Find out the mistakes from the senteces. Underline and correct them. (Each sentence has only one
mistake) (1,6 pts)
85. are -> is 86. Does he?-> do they? 87. informations -> information
88. tell -> telling 89. in -> to 90. of -> to
91. best - > more 92. little -> few
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each group.
1. A. checked B. looked C. naked D. cooked
2. A. theatre B. bathing C. breathe D. southern
3. A. devise B. promise C. surprise D. advise
4. A. cholera B. character C. mechanic D. charity
3. A. emigrate B. success C. detail D. invent
II. Pick out the word whose stress is placed differently from the others in each group. Identify your
1. A. expectation B. introduction C. volunteer D. foundation
2. A. extensive B. exciting C. excellent D. existent
3. A. successful B. wonderful C. beautiful D. plentiful
4. A. mechanic B. official C. preference D. convenience
5. A. attract B. service C. appeal D. revolve
I. Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C and D) to complete the following sentences.
Identify your
1. The animals gathered closely together for ______.
A. warmed B. warm C. warmth D. warmly
2. The house caught fire while they _____.
A. are sleeping B. have slept C. sleep D. were sleeping
3. In our school library, there are several large tables _____ we can sit to read books.
A. that B. where C. when D. which
4. He manages to visit his mother ____________ Saturday.
A. every other B. every the other C. another every D. other every
5. She loved tennis and could watch it till the _____ came home.
A. she B. everyone C. horses D. cows
6. The ceiling fans were on, but unfortunately they only _____ the hot, humid air.
A. stirred up B. poured through C. turned into D. cut back
7. The car was badly smashed up, but the driver escaped without serious ___________
A. injury B. pain C. wound D. damage
8. It was only _____ he told me his surname that I realized that we had been to the same school.
A. then B. until C. as soon as D. when
9. It turned out that we ______ rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours
A. hadn’t B. needn’t have C. mustn’t D.should have
10. Nobody will go there, ______ ?
A. will he B. won’t he C. will they D. won’t they
II. Fill in each blank in these sentences with the suitable form of the words in brackets. Write your
answer on your answer sheet.
1. The increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has…......…greatly on the earth climate recently.
2. Recycling of waste is one of the ……...........................…solutions for pollution. (practice)
3. Most ……............. at the international workshop in Tokyo focused on the increase of the earth temperature.
4. Several families were ............................ on the beach. (picnic)
5. Sir Isaac Newton was an English…….................................................scientist. (stand)
III. Supply the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. She has made up her mind ……….. (have) a garage ………….. (build) next to the house.
2. The statue …………. (break) while it ……………. (move) to another room in the museum.
3. The bell is ringing. I must stop …...... (do) my homework …....... (answer) the phone.
4. Why you all ………….. (laugh)? Roger ……………... (tell) you his funny stories?
5. Don’t worry. We ………….. (finish) the report by 11.
IV. There are ten mistakes in the passage. Find out and correct them. Write your answer on your answer
Language is considered a significant means for communication in international (0)...of......
relations. People in modern world have not longer been bound to their own (1)................
countries. Moreover, in to keep informed with speedly scientific developments (2)................
nowadays, they must widen them cooperative relations with those highly developing (3)................
nations in other parts of the world. Due to the fact that no one is able to (4)................
communicate with any natives in the world, that is necessary for people to choose to (5)................
learn a foreign language like a worldwide common means of communication. That is (6)................
why English has being chosen by almost people to be a foreign language to master. (7)................
More and more people use English and the number of those who learns English as a (8)................
foreign language has been increased so rapidly that it is the highest nowadays. (9)................
I. Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with ONE suitable word. Write your answer on
your answer sheet.
To many people, their friends are most important (1)..... in their life. Really good friends (2)..... the
good times and the bad times, help you when you’ve got problems, never judge you and never turn their
back on you. Your best friend may be (3)...... you’ve known all your life, someone you’ve grown up with and
been through lots of (4)....... and downs with. There are all sorts of things that can bring about this special
relationship. It may be the (5)....... of enjoying the same activities, having the outlook on life, or sharing
similar experiences Most of us have met someone that we’ve immediately felt relaxed with, (6)....... if we’ve
known them for years. However, usually it really does take you years to (7)........ to know someone well
enough to consider him your best friend. To the majority of (8)......... this is someone we trust completely and
who understands us (9)........ than anyone else. It’s the person you can turn to for impartial advice and a
shoulder to cry on (10)........ life gets you down.
II. Read the following passage then choose the best answer from the four options (marked A, B, C and D) to
complete the numbered blanks in the passage. Identify your answers by writing the corresponding letter A,
B, C or D on your answer sheet.
For many (1) ......... students, coming to the United States and living here and studying can be quite a
daunting (2) ....... , especially when finding housing on campus or off campus. And fortunately, there are a
(3) ... of options that students can look to. And I'd like to talk just briefly a little about on-campus living, off-
campus living, and some of the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Well I think first (4) ..... all for first-time students, coming and living on campus in dormitories can
provide a certain level of security (5) .... its proximity to campus facilities since commuting without a car can
be quite an experience, especially when you have to commute long diatances. Often in dormitories, meals
might be provided, and this can (6) ...... students to devote time to their academics, rather than
Another option is off campus (7) ... in apartments, and like living in dormitories, uh, living in an
apartment requires little or no maintenance specifically because usually it is handled by someone, uh, else.
Also, when you might live off cumpus, there might be a certain amount of flexibility in (8) .... roommates that
you might not have living on campus. But you should be aware that tenants may be responsible (9) .....
furnishing their own apartments.
Well, of course, the choice is up to you, but be (10) ...... to review both the advantages and disadvantages
of living on campus and off campus. Good luck.
1. A. National B. nation C. international D. different
2. A. experience B. improvement C. search D. training
3. A. difference B. various C. variety D. vary
4. A. Above B. on C. of D. among
5. A. Because B. because of C. owning D. thank for
6. A. Let B. allow C. make D. cause
7. A. Living B. live C. lived D. lives
8. A. Finding B. choosing C. getting D. making
9. A. In B. from C. on D. for
10. A. Lucky B. careful C. warning D. easy
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. Arthur said he was sorry he had hurt her feeling. Arthur apologised
2. I am amazed by the mistakes he makes.
What _______________________________________________________________________
3. He is my friend as well as yours.
Not only ____________________________________________________________________
4. Do all the washing, please!
Let _______________________________________________________________________
5. "I'm very busy. I'll ring you tomorrow," Susan said to me.
Susan _______________________________________________________________________
II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the given
word. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. Please don’t go there now. (rather)
I _______________________________________________ go there now.
2. She moved here in 1997. (living)
She _____________________________________________1997.
3. I couldn’t go to work because of the transport strike. (prevented)
I ________________________________________________ to work by the transport strike.
4. This office is too small for two people. (enough)
This office _________________________________________ for two people.
5. John’s home is still in England, isn’t it? (lives)
John _______________________________________________ he?
III. Some students think that of all subjects at school Maths, Literature and English are the most
important ones. Do you think so? Write a passage about 120-150 words to support your ideas.


I. 5 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm

1- C 2- A 3- B 4–D 5–C
II. 5 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
1–D 2- C 3- A 4- C 5- B
B. LEXICAL – GRAMMAR (30 điểm)
I. 10 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D
6. A 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C
II. 5 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
1. affected 2. practical 3. environmentalists 4. picnicking 5. outstanding
III. 5 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
1. to have / built 2. broke / was being moved
3. doing / to answer 4. are you all laughing/ has Roger told
5. will have finished
IV. 10 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
1. not- no 2. to keep - keeping 3. them - their 4. developing - 5. that - it
6. like - as 7. being – been 8. almost - 9. learns – learn 10. increased -
most increasing
C. READING (25 điểm)
I. 10 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
1.things 2. share 3. someone 4. ups 5. result
6. as 7. get 8. us 9. better 10. when
II. 10 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B
6. B 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. B
III. 5 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C
D. WRITING (25 điểm)
I. 5 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
1. Arthur apologised for hurting her feeling / having hurt her feeling.
2. What amazes me is the mistakes he makes.
3. Not only is he your friend, but he’s mine, too/ but he’s also mine /but he’s mine, as well.
4. Let all the washing be done.
5. Susan said to/ told me that she was very busy so she would ring me the following/next day.
II. 5 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
1. I’d rather you didn’t go there now.
2. She has been living here since 1997.
3. I was prevented from going to work by the transport strike.
4. This office isn’t big/large enough for two people.
5. John still lives in England, doesn’t he?
III. 15 điểm - Marking scheme
1. Content (8 points): a provision of all main ideas and details as appropriate.
2. Language (4 points): a variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the level of English language
gifted lower-secondary school students.
3. Presentation (3 points): coherence, cohesion, and style appropriate to the level of English language gifted
lower-secondary school students.

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each group.
1. A. bother B. sunbathe C. cloth D. months
2. A. vegetable B. comfortable C. nature D. moderate
3. A. interest B. selection C. resident D. injection
4. A. concern B. contact C. convenient D. conclude
5. A. promise B. conscious C. religious D. scissors
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other words in each group.
1. A. pancake B. discount C. wardrobe D. marine
2. A. migrant B. typhoon C. compost D. limestone
3. A. glassware B. refill C. award D. surround
4. A. loudspeaker B. itinerary C. participate D. magnificent
5. A. helicopter B. microware C. memorial D. magically
I. Choose the best answer from the four choices (A or B, C, D) to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Bob hasn’t _________up his mind yet.
A. made B. gone C. used to D. found
2. Everyone has to follow this way to get into the fair, ______?
A. do they B. don’t they C. doesn’t she D. doesn’t he
3. Would you like me to get you something to drink? ~ _________.
A. That would be nice B. No, I’m sorry C. That’s too bad D. My pleasure
4. I usually go to work by bus, but _________and then I use my motorbike.
A. again B. once C. now D. ever
5. Of my parents, my father is _________.
A. the stricter B. the strictest C. stricter D. strict
6. "What can I get for you?" ~ “ _________.”
A. All right B. I'm afraid not C. I hope so D. Yes, please
7. The coat _________on the floor belongs to my brother.
A. lies B. lying C. lain D. is lying
8. Tuan had a bad cut on his arm. It’s _________badly.
A. bleeding B. burning C. coughing D. sneezing
9. Your _________is included in the ticket price.
A. reservation B. vacation C. accommodation D. money
10. The beans are roasted to _________the chocolate favor.
A. carry out B. bring out C. carry into D. bring into
11. The computer is _________guarantee so the company should do something with it.
A. with B. on C. for D. under
12. Nowadays many students can get a _________without being on campus.
A. diploma B. card C. degree D. license
13. “I think computers are useful.” ~ “ _________.”
A. I’m not agree B. So do I C. I disagree too D. So are they
14. Vietnam is a ____country.
A. rubber-exported B. exporting-rubber C. exported-rubber D.rubber-exporting
15. Are you free to _________for dinner this evening?
A. come over B. go over C. come across D. go across
II. Choose the underlined words or phrases (A, B, C or D) that are incorrect in standard English.
1. Be careful when you cross a busy street. Look out with cars and trucks.
2. Is she accustomed to doing her homework by her?
3. We have sung together ever when I was a small child.
4. My father’s car is the same color like my uncle’s car.
5. I went to every play at the local theater so far this year.
III. Give the correct form of the words in CAPITAL to complete the sentences.
1. The _________are scheduled to take off at 15.00 and 15.30.      FLY
2. She’d rather have a job involving creative work or _________skills. ART
3. It is _________to drink alcohol and drive. RESPONSIBLE
4. We received a lot of _________from our teacher. ENCOURAGE
5. With all the modern facilities, doing housework is still very ________ _. CONSUME
IV. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Can’t you see that I am busy (write)____________?
2. I lit the fire at 7.00 and it (burn)____________brightly when Jack came in at 8.00.
3. The money (steal)____________in the robbery was never found.
4. At this time next month, they (work)____________in Ho Chi Minh City.
5. She locked the door so as (not disturb)____________.
I. Choose the correct answer from the four options marked A, B, C or D to complete each of the
Everyone wants to reduce pollution. But the pollution problem is as complicated (1)__________it is serious. It
is complicated because much (2)__________is caused by things that benefit people. For example, exhaust
(3)_________automobiles causes a large percentage of all air pollution. (4)_________ the automobiles provide
transportation for millions of people. Factories (5)__________much of the material which pollutes air and
water, but factories give employment to a large number of people.
Thus, to (6)__________or greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have to stop using many things
that benefit them. Most of the people do not want to do that, of course. But pollution can be
(7)__________reduced in several ways. (8)__________and engineers can work to find ways to lessen the
(9)__________of pollution that such things as automobiles and factories cause. Governments can pass and
enforce laws that require businesses and individuals to stop, or cut (10)__________on certain polluting
1. A. for B. as C. because D. since
2. A. polluter B. pollutant C. polluting D. pollution
3. A. in B. at C. from D. for
4. A. Therefore B. However C. Moreover D. But
5. A. discharge B. offer C. emit D. dissolve
6. A. cause B. end C. increase D. pause
7. A. increasingly B. hopelessly C. gradually D. dangerously
8. A. Scientists B. Doctors C. Lecturers D. Botanists
9. A. number B. figures C. numbers D. amount
10. A. up B. off C. down D. into
II. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct option marked A, B, C or D to answer the
They called New York “the Big Apple”. Maybe it is not exactly like an apple, it’s certainly very big.
There are too many people, that’s the problem. The streets are always full of cars and trucks, you can never
find a place to park.
If you have enough money, you can take a taxi. New York cabs are yellow. They look all the same. But
the drivers are very different. Some were born and raised in New York, but many are newcomers to the
United States. A few drive slowly, but most go very fast. Cab driving is a difficult job. It can be dangerous,
too. Thieves often try to steal the drivers’ money. Drivers sometimes get hurt.
If you don’t want to take a taxi, you can go by bus or you can take the subway. The subway is quick
and it’s cheap, but parts of it are old and dirty. Lights don’t always work and there is often fire on the track.
On some subway lines, there are new, clean, silver trains. But you can’t see the color of the old trains easily.
There is too much dirt and too many graffiti, inside and outside.
1. What is the problem in New York? ~ __________.
A. It has too many apples B. It is too big C. It looked like an apple D. It is too crowded
2. What does a cab mean?
A. a truck B. a bus C. a taxi D. a driver
3. Cab drivers in New York __________.
A. can be dangerous B. look the same C. can be attacked by thieves D. were all born in New York
4. The world “track” can best be replaced by __________.
A. roadway B. station C. light bulb D. train
5. Subways in New York __________.
A. have no lights B. are quick but dirty C. are clothes D. often cause fires

III. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with ONE suitable word to complete the following passages.
Centuries ago (1)_________Ancient Greece, a man by the name of Antipater of Sidon compiled a list of what he
thought (2)_________the seven wonders of the world. The seven included the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in
present-day Iraq, the Statue of Zeus in Greece, and the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. The pyramid is the only
wonder you can still (3)_________today.
Many people claim that there were other wonders, (4)_________the ancient Greeks knew nothing (5)_________.
These include the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal in India and Angkor Wat in (6)_________.
Angkor Wat should really be known as a wonder because it is the largest temple in the world. The temple
was (7)_________around the year 1100 (8)_________honor a Hindu God, but over the next three (9)_________it
became a Buddhist religious center. The area surrounding the temple, Angkor Thom, used to be the royal
capital city.
In the early 15 century, the Khmer rulers (10)_________to Phnom Penh and Angkor was quiet. It now is a
famous tourist attraction.
I. Write the sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the original one.
1. Why do you come home late?
 What _________________________________
2. It is common knowledge that he has been in prison several times.
 He is known _________________________________________________________________________________________
3. She cannot get into the habit of studying every evening.
 She cannot be _________________________________________________________
4. We have not visited the museum before.
 This is _________________________________________________
5. Immediately after his arrival, things went wrong.
 No sooner _________________________________________________________________
II. Use the following set of words and phrases to complete the following sentences. You can put
1. Last night / cashier / force / hand / money / by / robber.
2. 1897 /when Jack London / 21 / year / old / gold / discover / Alaska.
3. If / Peter / wake / earlier / not / miss / train.
4. This / be / good / computer / I / ever / use.
5. I / ask / Mary / if she/ come / Sydney/ Australia.
III. Do you think bicycles are the best means of transport in Vietnam?
Write a passage (120-140 words) about your opinion.







PART A (10 điểm)

1. fire 2. month 3. at 4. are 5. day
6. late 7. new 8. 10/ten 9. mind 10. temper

PART B (10 điểm)

I.(5) 1C 2C 3A 4B 5D
II.(5) 1D 2B 3A 4A 5C

PART C (30 điểm)

I.(15) 1A 2B 3A 4C 5C 6D 7B 8A 9C 10B
11D 12C 13B 14D 15A
II.(5) 1C 2D 3B 4C 5A
III.(5) 1. flights 2. artistic 3. irresponsible
4. encouragement 5. time-consuming
IV.(5) 1. writing 2. was burning 3. stolen
4. will be working 5. not to be disturbed

PART D (30 điểm)

I.(10) 1B 2D 3C 4D 5A 6B 7C 8A 9D 10C
II.(10) 1D 2C 3C 4A 5B
II.(10) 1. in 2. were 3. see 4. which 5. about
6. Cambodia 7. built 8. to 9. centuries 10. moved

PART E (20 điểm)

I.(5) 1. What is the reason of your coming home late?
2. He is known to have been in prison several times.
3. She cannot be used to studying evening.
4. This is the first time (that) we have visited the museum.
5. No sooner had he arrived than things went wrong.
II.(5) 1. Last night, the cashier was forced to hand over the money by the robber.
2. In 1897, when Jack London was 21 years old, gold was discovered in Alaska.
3. If Peter had woken up earlier, he would not have missed the train.
4. This is the best computer I have ever used.
5. I asked Mary if she came from Sydney, in Australia.
III.(10) Write a passage (120-140 words) about your opinion about bicycles, the best means of
transport in Vietnam. The candidate’s paragraph should include the following points:
- (2) Organization: Introduction- body- ending- linking words…
- (6) Content: should be clear, logical and creative with explanations…
- (2) Language skills: should be free of grammatical and spelling errors…

Giám khảo chú ý:

- Đá p á n+ Hướ ng dẫ n chấ m nà y chỉ là mộ t trong nhữ ng cá ch giả i. Thí sinh có thể giả i theo cá ch
khá c, giá m khả o că n cứ và o bà i là m cụ thể củ a thí sinh để cho điểm.

- Tổng điểm toàn bài: 100 điểm- Sau đó quy ra thang điểm 10
I.Choose the word or phrase which best completes each of the following sentences. Write your answers
in the table below(2pts)
1. Jack is……. His jokes often make his friends laugh a lot.
A. generous B. humorous C.easy-going D. unusual
2. I’m sorry. I’m not………to help you lift the table.
A. enough strong B. too strong C. strong enough D. enough strength.
3. We…….in our present house for 5 years.
A. live B. have lived C. are living D. lived.
4. We used to wash clothes by hand. Now we have a…….
A. washing machine B. dishwasher C. hair dryer D. refrigerator.
5. It took me a long time to get used……… glasses.
A. to wear B. to wearing C. wear D. wore.
6.Last night he didn’t go home……..10 o’clock.
A. until B. at C. after D. in front of
7."Don’t shout", I said to Jim.
A. I told Jim don't shout B. I told to Jim not to shout
C. I told Jim not to shout D. I said to Jim don't shout.
8. Hoa was very surprised when she looked at……………………… the mirror.
A. she B. hers C. herself D. her
9. She went to market without………. anything.
A. buy B. to buy C. bought D. buying
10. Since we have to be there by 8.30, we………. take a taxi.
A. had better B. may C. ought D. are able to
11. I’ve never seen such an interesting …………..
A. performing B. performer C. performance D. performed
12. It’s at least a month since……………….John.
A. I last seen B. I have last seen C. I last see D. I last saw
13. I like my sister’s house. It is a ………………
A. new beautiful house B. beautiful house new
C. beautiful new house D. new house beautiful
14. Living in the country is not expensive. And it isn’t complex ……………….
A. either B. too C. neither D. so
15. The new shopping mall is quite …………..the present shopping area.
A. different from B. the same C. like to D. similar
16. “What …………………?” – “She is very nice.”
A. did Sandra like B. is Sandra like C. does Sandra like D. was Sandra like
17. Thank you very much .................... the Christmas gift .
A. of B. with C. for D. about
18. ………….. she plays the piano!
A. How well B. How good C. What well D. What good
19. Life here is very …………….
A. peace B. peacefully C. peaceful D. peacefulness
20. It is raining outside, and Tom brought his umbrella with him …………..he wouldn’t get wet.
A. so as to B. in order C. so that D. in order to

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

II. Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences (2pts)
1. Bell experimented with ways of transmiting ...........over a long distance. (SPEAK)
2. The tiger wanted to see the farmer's ............. (WISE)
3. The scouts do the (VOLUNTEER)
4. Nowadays, scouting is popular ................ (WORLD)
5. After his parents died, he was sent to an……….….. ( ORPHAN)
6. Huy makes friends very easily because he is very …………….. ( SOCIAL)
7. Cook the meat in the ……………………..for at least 30 minutes. ( STEAM)
8. My friend, Nga plays the piano……………………. ( BEAUTIFUL).
9. “The lost shoe” is one of the …………………. stories I like best. ( TRADITION)
10. Our teacher always………………………. us to work hard. (COURAGE)

1………………. 2……………….. 3……………….. 4………………… 5……………….
6………………. 7………………. 8………………. 9………………… 10………………

III. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the brackets (2pts)
12. They (watch) their favorite TV programmes at the moment.
13. Mary and John are neighbors. They ( know) each other for a long time.
14. They ( arrive) in New york yesterday?
15. I haven’t met him since he ( move ) to Ho Chi Minh City..
16. My mother is tired enough ( cook) tonight.
17. The teacher asked me ( not make) noise in class.
18. The boys like ( play ) games but hate doing lessons.
19. His doctor advised him ( give) up smoking.
20. Look at those black clouds. It( rain).
21. This is the first time I (be) to Ha Noi.

1………………. 2……………….. 3……………….. 4………………… 5……………….
6………………. 7………………. 8………………. 9………………… 10………………
IV. Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word (2pts)
The country is (1).............beautiful than a town and more pleasant to live in. Many people think so, and
go to the country (2) .......... the summer holiday though they can't live (3) ............. all the year round. Some
have cottage built in a village (4) .......... that they can go there whenever they (5) ..........find the time.
English villages are not alike, but (6)............. some ways they are not very different from (7) ...................other.
Almost every village (8) ...........a church, the round or square tower of which can (9) ............seen from many
miles around. Surrounding the church is the church yard, (10).......... people are buried.
1………………. 2……………….. 3……………….. 4………………… 5……………….
6………………. 7………………. 8………………. 9………………… 10………………

V. The following sentences belong to a passage about Cinderella, but they are not in the correct order.
Put them in their correct order to make a full passage. There are examples for you. Write your answers
in the spaces below. ( 2,0 pts )

A.Once upon a time there was a girl called Cinderella who did all the work in the kitchen while her lazy
sisters did nothing.
B. So she went to the ball in a beautiful dress and a wonderful coach.
C. She danced with the prince but at midnight she ran back home, leaving one of her shoes on the dance
D. One night her sisters went to a ball at the palace.
E. The prince wanted to see her again and went to every house in the capital until he found that the shoe
was the right size for Cinderella.
F. Cinderella was left at home, very sad. After a time her fairy godmother appeared and told Cinderella that
she could go to the ball - but to return home by midnight.
G. She and the prince were married and lived happily ever after.
1….A…… 2. ……….. 3. ……….. 4. ………. 5. ………… 6. ……….. 7. …..G…....

VI. Read the following passage and choose the best answer(2pts)
Every year students in many countries learn Enghlish . Some of these students are young children .
Others are teenagers . Many are adults. Some learn at school , others study by themselves. A few learn
English just by hearing the language , in film , on television , in the office , or among their friends . But not
many are lucky enough to do that . Most people must work hard to learn another language .
Learning another language ! Learning English ! Why do all these people want to learn English ? It is
difficult to answer that quetion . Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their
subjects . They study their own language , and mathematics .... and English . ( In England , or America , or
Australia , many boys and girls study their own language , which is English and mathematics .... and another
language , perhaps French , or German , or Spainish )
Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work . Teenagers often learn English for
their high studies , because some of their books are in English at the college or university . Other people
learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English .
1. According to the writer ,………
A. only adults learn English . B. no children like learning English
C. English is only useful to teenagers . D. English is popular in much of the world .
2. Many people learn English by ………
A. watching videos only . B. hearing the language in the office .
C. talking with the film star D. working hard on their lesson.
3. Many boys and girls learn English because ………
A. English can give them a job. B. it's included in their study courses.
C.their parents make them . D.they have to study their own language .
4. In America or Australia many school children study………
A. English as a foreign language .
B. English and Mathematics only .
C. such foreign languages as French , German , and Spanish .
D. their own language and no foreign language .
5. Many adults learn English because………
A. their work is useful . B. they want to go abroad .
C. most of their books are in English D. it helps them in their work .

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

VII. There are five mistakes in the passage. Find and correct them (1pt)
Everyone know that in studying foreign languages, practice is the key of fluency. All foreign language
learner even the advanced ones need practice. There has a fact that a learner can know a lot of grammar
rules and vocabulary, however, they can’t speaking well yet. So the learners must know how use what they
have learned apart from the ability to explain grammar rules.

1.  2.  3.  4.  5. 

VIII. Rewrite the sentences so that it has the same meaning as the sentence printed before (4pts)
1. It’s a long time since we became close friends.
We have…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. No one is more intelligent than her in our school.
3. ‘Can I borrow your bike, Nga?’, Nam asked.
 Nam asked Nga ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. Lan is 1.60m tall and Hoa is 1.60 tall, too.
 Lan …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....
5. Apples are usually cheaper than oranges.
 Apples are not………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. He’d rather play golf than tennis.
 He prefers……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. “You shouldn’t translate each sentence into Vietnamese,” my brother told me
My brother told …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………....
8. When did you start playing the piano?
 How long……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
9. Your younger brother is too weak to lift that box
Your brother is not…………………………………..….…………………………………………………………………………………………
10. Hung is interested in collecting stamps
 Hung’s…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
IX-Choose the words that has the underline pronounced differently from the others. Identify your
answer by writing the corresponding word or phrase on your answer paper.
1.A. though B. enough C. cough D. rough
2.A. chair B. cheap C. chorus D. child
3.A. missed B. closed C. called D. planned
4.A. fat B. any C. gas D. hat
5.A physics B. basic C. sailor D. subject
X. Use the suggested words and phrases to make a full sentence.
1. Those buses / not going / airport / neither / taxis.
2. You / not / want / sell / house last year ?
3. He / stop / smoke / save / money .
4. My brother / not drive / carefully / I.
5. It / difficult / prevent / people / park here.
6) watching/ the living room/ father/ in/ at the moment/ My/ is/ TV.
7) interested/ history/ John/ the/ of/ is/ Vietnam/ in.
8) is/ the/ to/ She/ strong/ suitcase/ not/ lift/ enough
9) time/ your/ will/ What/ be/ here/ aunt/ ?
Keys – practice 45
1B 2C 3B 4A 5B 6A 7C 8C 9D 10A
11C 12D 13A 14A 15A 16B 17C 18A 19C 20C
1. are watching 2. have known 3. Did they arrive 4. moved 5. to cook
6. not to make 7. playing 8. to give 9. is going to rain 10. have been
1. more 2. for 3. there 4. so 5. can
6. in 7. each 8. has 9. be 10. where
1A 2D 3F 4B 5C 6E 7G
1D 2D 3B 4C 5D
1. knowknows 2. learnerlearners 3. hasis 4. speakingspeak 5. use to use
1. We have become/have been close friends for a long time
1. She is the most intelligent student/girl in our school.
2. Nam asked Nga to lend him her bike./Nam asked Nga if he could borrow her bike.
3. Lan is the same height as Hoa/ Lan is as tall as Hoa/ Lan and Hoa are the same height.
4. Apples are not as expensive as oranges.
5. He prefers golf to tennis/ He prefers playing golf to (playing) tennis
6. My brother told me not to translate each sentence into Vietnamese.
7. How long have you played the piano
8. Your brother is not strong enough to lift that box.
9. Hung’s hobby is collecting stamps.
. Those buses are not going to the airport and neither are taxis.
62. Didn’t you want to sell the house last year ?
63. He stops smoking to save money
64. My brother doesn’t drive carefully as I do.
65. It is difficult to prevent people from parking here
I. Circle the letter A,B,C or D next to the word or phrase which best completes the following sentences.
1. Are you interested...........playing badminton after class?
A. in B. with C. on D. for
2. Hoa works she always gets good marks.
A. badly B. good C. hardly D. hard
3. Are you proud…………….your country and its tradition ?
A. about B. on C. of D. for
4. Do you collect stamps or other things ?- Yes, I am a stamp………….
A. collecting B. collector C. collect D. collection
5. It is very dangerous ….. in the polluted environment.
A. to live B. lives C. living D. live
6.. Our ………….. resources are limited so we should recycle all used things.
A. nature B. natural C. naturing D. naturally
7. This ruler …………….. of plastic.
A. make B. made C. is making D. is made
8. I take part ………….. most youth activities of my school.
A. in B. of C. on D. at

II . Fill in each blank with the correct forms of the words in bracket (1pt)
1. It’s eat too much sugar and fat (HEALTH)
2.After taking an asprin, her headache................................ (APPEAR)
3.My brother often does experients about electricity for.......................... (PLEASE)
4.What is the .............................of Thomas Edison ? (NATION)
5.You must make a quick ........................about who wins the contest. (DECIDE)
6.I live in a small village and its..........................are very beautiful (SURROUND)
7.You don’t have to do that work. In other words, it’s ...................for you (NECESSITY)
8.There are a lot of .......................festivals in Viet Nam (TRADITION)

III/Each line of the paragrap has a mistake, underline the mistake and correct at the end of each
line .The first is as an example (1pt)
Example: 0. I haven’t saw you for two month 0/ seen
Nam is a student. This year he had a very interested summer 1/ ___________
Holiday. He traveled, with him classmates, to a mountainous area 2/ ___________
in Hoa Binh province. They gone there to help make a road 3/ ___________
through a forest among two villages. “ It was very difficult 4/ ___________
Because there had no water to drink and no shops where we 5/ ___________
could bought food,”said Nam. “ It was very cold and wet 6/ ___________
in the mountains. It is one of the wetter places in the country.” 7/ ___________
Nam stayed in the mountains since six weeks. It was hard work. 8/ ___________

IV. Fill in each gap with a suitable word (1 pt)

Learning a language is, in some way, like (1) _____ how to fly or play the piano. There (2) _____ important
differences, but there is a very important similarity. It is this: learning how to do such things needs lots (3)
______ practice. It is never simply to “know” something. You must be able to “do” things with what (4)
______know. For example, it is not enough simply to read a book on (5) ______to fly an airplane. A (6) ______ can
give you lots of information about how to fly, but if only read a book and then try to (7) _______without a
great deal of practice first, you will crash and kill (8) _____.

V. Choose the word (from the words given in the box) to complete the passage. Two words aren't used.
The first has been done for you.(1.0pt)

perform, start, mistake, run, difference, pain,

importance, walk, depression, heart, body

Exercise is one of the best ways of keeping depression away. It improves your (1)_________ and your
mind and enables you to (2)___________ better in the work place and at home.
Proper breathing is essential if you want to get the most from exercise and you should also take into
consideration your (3)___________ rate. It can be harmful to do too much, which is why all good fitness
instructors emphasise the (4) __________ of " listening to your body".
When you first (5) __________ you should use good judgement, because it's easy to make the (6) _______ -
____of using the equipment incorrectly or doing too much at one time. Start slowly and build up gradually.
Exercise should not be seen as a demanding task; it can be as easy as a quick (7)_________. To increase
your fitness steadily, exercise for 20 minutes a day, 4 to 6 times a week and you will notice a (8) __________ in
your body and mind in a few weeks.

VI. Put the sentences in logical order to build a dialogue (1pt)

A. Oh, I see. And I have a question for you. Do you know when the color television was invented?
B. It was invented by Peter Carl Goldmark.
C. He was American.
D. Your color television looks very nice. Is it new?
E. What’s his nationality?
F. I know this question. In 1950, wasn’t it?
G. Yes. My father has just bought it.
H. I’m sorry. I don’t know.
I. You’re right. And who invented it?

VII.Rewrite the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same (2pts)
1. I don’t watch T.V as often as my brother does
My brother..............................................................................................................
2. It was such an interresting film that we watched it several times
The film .................................................................................................................
3. Students must be at least sixteen years old
4. Every tenth student goes free
There is no charge .................................................................................................
5. Food and transport are included in the price
The price ................................................................................................................
6. There is plenty to choose from the menu.
There is plenty of ...................................................................................................
7. It’s dangerous to walk home late in the evening.
Walking ..................................................................................................................
8. This is the best computer I have ever used
I have never............................................................................................................
VIII. Build the sentences from the given cues.(2 pts)
1. The house / expensive / than / the apartment.

2. I / used / look after / younger / brother / sister / when / parents / at /work
3. What/ you / going / do / when / you / grow up
4. Why / we / put / these things / out / children’s reach ?
5. I / not / go / school / because / I / had / stay / home / help / mom.
6. Mrs Lan / has / get up / early / this morning / in order to / get / meeting / on time.
7.Children / not / enough / food / eat / warm clothes / wear
8. It / difficult / learn / two languages / same time
Question I. (1đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 0.125 đ

1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. A

Question II. (1đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 0.125 đ

1. unhealthy
2. disappeared
3. pleasure
4. nationality
5. decision
6. surroundings
7. unnecessary
8. traditional
Question III. (1đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 0.125 đ

1. interested…..interesting
2. him….his
3. gone….went
4. among….between
5. had….was
6. bought….buy
7. wetter….wettest
8. since….for
Question IV. (1đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 0.125 đ

1. learning 2. are 3. of 4. you 5. how 6. book 7. fly 8. yourself

Question V. (1đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 0.125 đ

1. body 2. perform 3. heart 4. importance

5. start 6. mistake 7. walk 8.difference

Question VI. (1đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 0.125 đ


Question VII. (2đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 0.25 đ

1. My brother watches TV more often than I do

2. The film was so interesting that we watched it several times
3. Students have to be (at least) sixteen years old
4. There is no charge for every tenth student
5. Price includes food and transport
6. There is plenty of choice on the menu
7. Walking home late in the evening is dangerous
8. I have never used a better computer than this
Question VIII. (2đ) Mỗi câu đúng được 0.25 đ

1. The house is more expensive than the apartment

2. I used to look after my younger brother and sister when my parents were at work
3. What are you going to do when you grow up ?
4. Why must we put these things out of children’s reach
5. I didn’t go to school because I had to stay at home to help my mom
6. Mrs Lan has to get up early this morning in order to get to the meeting on time
7. Children don’t have enough food to eat and warm clothes to wear
8. It’s difficult to learn two language at the same time

Part 1: Choose the word or phrase which best completes each of the following sentences. Write
your answers in the table below. There is an example for you (Number 0)(1,0 ms).
0. He is ……………….good teacher.
A. a B.the
1) Bao is the most ........................ He spends his free time doing volunteer work at the local hospital.
A. reserved B. sociable C. different D. humorous
2) Mr. Nam called about his stationery order. He said Mrs. Van could..........................
him at 8 634 082
A. talk B. speak C. reach D. tell
3) Nam...................... here for a week
A. is B. was C. be D. has been
4) Your mother is beautiful. She has ...............................................
A. long straight black hair B. straight long black hair
C. black long straight hair D. hair long straight black
5) They are offering a 10%....................on all computers this month.
A. reward B. discount C. reduce D. cut
Your answers:
0 1 2 3 4 5

Part 2: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits space .Use only one word in
each space .The first one has been done for you. Write your answers in the table below. (2,0ms)
I (0)............. several good friends but I suppose that my best (1)............. is Ellen. We have been friends
with each other (2)............. we were very young because she used to live next door to me. We were in the
(3)............. class at school. She has always been much more clever than me at all subjects. I don’t mind
(4).............. she often help me with my homework! Anyway, I have always been better at sport than she is. I
beat her at tennis and she didn’t like that. In fact, she hates (5).................. at anything and gets very annoyed if
she does. That is the only thing that I don’t like about her. Otherwise, she has a great sense of (6) .................
and she always makes me laugh. We get on very well (7).................. although we have arguments about silly
little things sometimes. Ellen and her family moved to another district last year but I (8).................. see her a
lot. We’re planning to go on a (9)................around Europe next summer. I’m really looking forward to it
because I think we’ll (10)............. a lot of fun and see exciting places.
Your answers:
0 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10
Part 3.There are 11 mistakes in the following paragraph. Underline the mistake then correct it. Write
your answer in the table below (2,0ms).
Do you have (0) some close friends? I think everybody has at least one close friend in his life. And so
do I. I has two close friends: Linh and Chi. We are in the same class at the primary factory and the secondary
school. We are also neighbor so we spend most of their time studying and playing together. Chi is a beauty
girl with big black eyes and an oval rosy face. She is an intelligent student and always studies the better in
my class. She also likes read. Linh isn’t as beautiful as Chi and she has a lovely smile and looks very healthy.
Linh is very sporty. She spends most of her free time playing sports. Linh is a volleyball star on our school
team. She is very sociable and has a good sense of humorous. Her jokes always make us laugh. I love both of
my friends and I always hope our friendly will never die.
Your answers:
0. some 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 4: Read the following passage carefully then say whether the statements are true (T), false
(F) or no information (N)-Tick (√) the correct column (1,0ms)

Last week I went with my elder brother to visit our National Library. We came there early in the
morning and the library was crowded with school children. It was a Saturday morning. Before our country
became free, it was known as “Raffles Library”. It is said to be one of the modern libraries in Asia.
The library is situated in Stamford Road beside our National Museum. There are hundred thousands
of books in the library including valuable reference books, for university students. Almost all secondary
school students are members of the library and they are allowed to borrow four books at a time.


0) It was in the summer √
1)They went to the library last month
2) There were a lot of school children in the library
3) They came there on Sunday
4) That library used to have another name
5) It is the most well-known library in the world.
6) It is in front of the Nation Museum
7) There are few books in the library
8) Most of the members of the library are secondary school
9) They can borrow four books in a school-year.
10) They will come there tomorrow

Part 5: Complete the following passage, using the word given in the box below. There are more words
than blanks (2,0ms)
in are work no days get planted take soon didn’t
as to build schools over lived responsibility
Everyone is interested (0) all (1).................the world in big countries and in small ones,
in cities as well as in villages. People (2)...................building better (3)...............................
In one little village in the Philippines there was (4).............. school at all. A typhoon blew down the old school
and many of the homes and a new school. When the storm was over, everyone set to work (5)
and new schools. They cut bamboo poles to make the walls of the school and used palm leaves for the roof.
To separate the rooms, they built screens of grass and palm leaves fastened to bamboo frames. On hot
(6).................., they pushed all the screens back to let in as much air (7).............. possible. Even the children
helped. They made paths of stone and sand, and (8)...................... flowers along the edges.
(9)....................., they finished a fine new village school. It didn’t (10) ........................any money to build
this fine school, but it took a lot of hard work. No wonder, everyone was proud of it. And all were proving
that everyone was interested in education.
Your answers:
0 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

Part 6: Complete the following passage, using the correct form of the verb given in the box below.

spend feel catch have make be visit get walk take enjoy

Last week, my friend and I (0)....spent.... a weekend in the countryside. We (1) uncle’s
farm. I had been to the farm several times before, but this was the first time for my friend. Naturally, it
(2)..................... a great event for him. Finally, the days came. It was a fine morning. We (3)...................up very
early because we wanted to leave home after breakfast. We (4)................... the journey by bus. We reached my
uncle’s farm at noon. After lunch we spent many hours (5)..................round the village to see the sights and
working through the wood to look for bird’s nests.
In the next morning, we (6)...................... a big breakfast with plenty of farm products. After breakfast,
my uncle (7)................. us to a small lake not far from home. There we fished and had a nice lunch with the fish
we (8).......................
The weekend was short; however, we (9).................. it very much. The country air was fresh and pure.
We (10).................healthy and strong when we came back to the city for our school work.
Your answers:
0 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10
II/ WRITING :(8,0 ms)
Part 1) complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets (2.0ms)
1) British people (drink)....................................... more and more wine, apparently
2) Lisa (not go) work yesterday. She wasn’t feeling well.
3) That bag looks heavy. I (help) with it.
4) We (not see)....................................Tom since we left school.
5) Ask him (come) Don’t keep him (stand)...................... at the door
6) We (have)........................ a party next Sunday. Would you like (come)....................?
7) (be)............... away? Yes I (go) the country last Sunday
8) If you arrive after 4pm, the bank (be)...........................closed.
9) Hoa (study)................................English since 2007
10) Bao suggested (meet).................................. at the cafe corner.

Part 2: Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning, beginning with the word(s)
provided. The (0) is an example for you. (2,5ms)
0. He is taller than her
She……………….………as……………She is not as tall as him.
1) Ba isn’t old enough to ride his bike to school.
-->Ba is..............................................................................................................................
2) Where does she live?
3) Can you help me, please?
-->Could you...............................................................................................................?
4) “Can you turn down the radio?” Miss Jackson said to Mary.
-->Miss Jackson asked......................................................................................................
5) Their mother said to them, “Don’t make so much noise”
-->Their mother asked.......................................................................................................
6) A bike is cheaper than a motorbike.
-->A motorbike ................................................................................................................
7) No one helped Ba draw that picture.
-->Ba drew........................................................................................................................
8) We have been here since last week.
-->We came.......................................................................................................................
9) It’s one year since I last saw him
-->I haven’t........................................................................................................................
10) Hoa went to school late this morning because of watching TV late last night.
-->.............................................................because ...........................................................

Part 3: Put the words in their correct order to make complete sentences. Beginning with the
underline words. There is an example for you (Number 0)(1,25ms)
0. teacher/ He / a / is.
He is a teacher.
1) community meeting/ They/ organized/ the situation/ discuss/ have/ in order to/ the situation.

2) he/ loves/ but/ Ba/ like/ playing/ doesn’t/ glasses/ video games/ gathering.
3) close friends/ the same/ Do/ characters/ and/ have/ you/ or/ different/ your. ?
4) cook/ you’ll/ yourself/ I’m/ have/ but/ dinner/ to/ sorry.
5) example sentences/ the words/ They/ remember/ one or two/ the right way/ each new word/ write/
how to use/ with/ in order to/ in.
Part 1: Choose the word or phrase which best completes each of the following sentences. Write
your answers in the table below. There is an example for you (Number 0)(1,0 ms). (0.2 x 5)
Sentence 0 1 2 3 4 5
Answer A B C D A B

Part 2: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits space .Use only one word in
each space .The first one has been done for you. Write your answers in the table below. (2,0ms) (0.2 x
Blank 0 1 2 3 4 5
Answer have friend since same because losing

Blank 6 7 8 9 10
Answer humor together still trip have

Part 3.There are 11 mistakes in the following paragraph. Underline the mistake then correct it.
Write your answer in the table below (2,0ms). (0.2 x 10)
Wrong 0. some 1.has 2. factory 3. their 4. beauty 5. better
Right any have school our beautiful best

Wrong 6. read 7. and 8. on 9. humorous 10. friendly

Right reading but in humor friendship

Part 4: Read the following passage carefully then say whether the statements are true (T), false
(F) or no information (N)-Tick (√) the correct column (1,0ms)(0.1 x 10)
1) F 2)T 3)F 4)T 5) F 6) F 7) F 8) T 9) F 10)No

Part 5: Complete the following passage, using the word given in the box below. There are more
words than blanks (2,0ms) (0.2 x 10)
Blank 0 1 2 3 4 5
Answer in over are schools no to build

Blank 6 7 8 9 10
Answer days as planted Soon take

Part 6: Complete the following passage, using the correct form of the verb given in the box below.
(2,0ms) (0.2 x 10)

Blank 0 1 2 3 4 5
Answer spent visited was got made walking
Blank 6 7 8 9 10
Answer had took caught enjoyed felt

II/ WRITING :(8,0 ms)

Part 1) complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets (2.0ms)
(0.2/cau x 10)
1) are drinking; 2) didn’t go; 3)will help; 4) haven’t seen; 5) to come/ standing
6) are having/ to come; 7) Have you been/ went; 8)will be; 9) has studied; 10) meeting

Part 2: Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning, beginning with the word(s)
provided. The (0) is an example for you. (2,5ms) (0.25 x 10)
1)Ba is too young to ride his bike to school
2)What is her address?
3) Could you do me a favor?
4)Miss Jackson asked Mary to turn down the radio
5) Their mother asked them not to make so much noise.
6) A motorbike is more expensive than a bike
7) Ba drew that picture by himself.
8) We came here one week ago.
9) I haven’t seen him for one year/ since last year.
10) Hoa went to school late this morning because she watched TV late last night.

Part 3: Put the words in their correct order to make complete sentences. Beginning with the
underline words. There is an example for you (Number 0)(1,25ms) (0.25 x 5)
0. teacher/ He / a / is.
He is a teacher.
1) They have organized a community meeting in order to discuss the situation.
2) Ba loves playing video games but he doesn’t like gathering broken glasses
3) Do you and your close friends have the same or different characters?
4) I’m sorry, but you have to cook dinner yourself.
5) They write one or two example sentences with each new word in order to remember how to use the
words in the right way.
I. Which word is differently pronounced ? Circle the letter A, B, C or D ( 1 point ) :

1. A. business B. send C. noisy D. workers

2. A. hour B. horn C. high D. home
3 A. finished B. stopped C. pronounced D. closed
4. A. few B. threw C. knew D. new
5. A. corn B. carriage C. city D. car
6. A. wear B. where C. hair D. here
7. A. both B. dozen C. close D. so
8. A. shoot B. food C. poor D. mood
9. A. laughter B. caught C. taught D. daughter
10. A. the B. them C. they D. three

II. Choose the best by circling the corresponding letter A or B, C, D ( 2.5 points ) :
1. I sometimes stay .................. bed until lunchtime.
A. in B. on C. at D. by

2. He has gone abroad. He will return ....................

A. for two years B. in two years

C. for two years ago D. in next two years
3. Please .................. the radio, it’s too noisy.
A. slow down B. turn down C. put down D. let down
4. .................. to swim across a flooded river.
A. Dangerous C. Very dangerous is
B. There has danger D. It’s dangerous
5. Every car ........ a number at the back and front.
A. is having B. have C. has D. are having
6. The singers were at the microphone at the time of the broadcast. ....................... .
A. It was a successful broadcast C. It was a charity broadcast
B. It was an education broadcast D. It was a live broadcast
7. Good morning Susan. This is my sister, Emily. ................................... .
A. What do you do? B. How do you do?
C. What do you like? D. Don't I meet you?
8. ........................... , Sir? - Fruit salad, please.
A. What would you like for dessert B. What dessert you would like
C. How would you like for dessert D. How dessert would like
9. Could you tell me.................. to get to the bank?
A. where B. what C. how D. place
10.You did your study.
A. good B. excellent C. bad D. well
11. Wait a minute I want to .................. a picture of you and the baby.
A. take B. give C. make D. do
12. Airmail is much ................... than surface mail.
A. expensive B. very expensive C. more expensive D. most expensive
13. No one can make me ......... my mind ?
A. change B. changing C. to change D. changed
14. What are you cooking in that saucepan ? It ............. good ?
A. makes B. feels C. smells D. tastes
15. This is my book and ......................... .
A. that are yours B. those are your
C. that are your D. those are yours
16. Lan's got dark hair, but ..................... is fair.
A. his brother's hair B. his brother hairs
C. his brother hair D. his brother hair's
17. What's your birthday, Ann ? - It's ........................ .
A. on the thirty-one of July B. on the thirty-first of July
C. on July the thirty-one D. in July the thirty-first
18. Tommy is a better swimmer than Tony.
A. No one can swim as well as Tommy and Tony.
B. Tommy is the best swimmer of all, apart from Tony.
C. Tony can’t swim so well as Tommy.
D, Tony can’t be better than Tommy.
19. Christine finds it easy to make friends.
A. It is easy to make friends to Christine
B. Christine has no difficulty making friends.
C. Christine has a lot of friends.
D. Christine is fond of making friends.
20. She started learning English 3 years ago.
A. She started learning English 3 years.
B. She has learnt English for 3 years.
C. She started learning English since 3 years.
D. She learnt English since 3 years.
21. Walking a mile a day is good exercise.
A. It is good exercise for walking a mile a day.
B. It is good exercise walking a mile a day.
C. It is good exercise to walk a mile a day.
D. It is good exercise to walking a mile a day.
22. We / collect stamps.
A. We likes collecting stamps C. We like to colleting stamps
B. We likes stamps collect D. We enjoy collecting stamps.
23. What time / you / work ?
A. What time you work ? C. What time do you start work ?
B. What time do you go work ? D. What time do you go to work ?
24. I / ski / the winter / sometimes.
A. I ski the winter sometimes. C. I sometimes go skiing in the winter.
B. I ski on winter sometimes. D. I sometimes go to ski in winter.
25. He / weak / that job.
A. He is too weak to do that job. C. He doesn't week to do that job.
B. He is weak doing that job. D. He does that job weak.
III. Give the correct tense or form of the verb in brackets ( 1 point ) :
1. He couldn't make his motor bike (start ) ........ this morning.
2. I dislike (listen ) ......... to music while (do) .......... my homework.
3. These tigers used (keep) .......... in iron cages .
4. What you (do) ........ when I (phone) ......... you last night ?
5. When we entered his room, we (see) .......... him (sleep) ............... in an armchair.
6. She said that her mother (not be) ...... very well, so she (can not) ......... go to the party.
Answers : 1/ ........................... 2/ ........................... ; ................................ 3/ ...........................
4/ ........................... ; ...............................
5/ ............................. ; ..................................
6/ ............................. ; ...................................

IV. Identify the underlined word or phrase that must be changed to make the sentence correct by
circling the letter A or B, C, D ( 1 point ) :
1. The new model costs twice more than last year’s model.
2. Her husband hasn't done anything at home for year.
3. It's not good for healthy to smoke and to drink wine.
4. After said good bye to my parents, I went to school with my sister.
5. Sorry. I'm very tired that I can't stay any longer .
6. I used to getting up late when I was small.
7. At first I found it strangely to drive on the left side of the road.
8. I will intend to go back home when I finish my education.
9. The phone rung while I was washing the dishes.
10. Henry's friends told themselves to put his coat on the rack in their hall.
V. Read the passage carefully . Then do the exercises below: ( 1.5 points ) :
Why do people in many countries learn English ?
It is not difficult to answer this question. Students learn English at school because it is one of
their subjects. Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers learn it for their
higher studies because some of their books are in English at the college or university. Other people learn
English because they want to read newspapers and magazines in English.
1. The following statements are true ( T ) or false ( F ). Put T or F at the end of
each statement :
a/ English is learnt by people in many countries. ......
b/ Students learn English because their parents make them. ......
c/ Teenagers learn English because they want to go abroad. ......
d/ Many adults learn English because it helps them in their work. .....
e/ Books are always in English at the college or university. …..
2. Answer these questions:
a. Why do students learn English at school ?
b. What do you often do to improve your English ?
VI. Use the correct form of the word given in capitals at the end of each sentence (1p):
1. Paris is ____ for the Eiffel Tower. ( fame ) ..................
2. I think these thick clothes are very _____ for cold weather. ( suit ) ..................
3. It's ______ in England to eat turkey on Christmas Day. ( tradition ) ..................
4. On Christmas Day, I often send my close friends ___ cards. ( greet ) ..................
5. Tam Dao is a wonderful _____ resort in Vietnam. ( mountain ) ..................
6. How ______ of you to break that cup ! ( care ) ..................
7. We hate him because of his ____ to the children. ( Kind ) ..................
8. The boy ate two of the cakes _____ . ( hungry ) ..................
9. I had my bike ____ yesterday. ( repair ) ..................
10. Women nowadays have more ____ to participate in social activities. ( free ) ..................

VII. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first . Use the word in
brackets ( 2 points ) :
1. Your shoes are as big as mine. ( size )
2. If you run a lot, you’ll be fitter. ( The )
3. Could you tell me the way to the nearest Post office, please ? ( mind )
.............................................................................................................................. ?
4. She is too young to do that work. ( enough )
5. Who wrote that poem ? ( by )
6. Martin said to Susan : " Can you work on Saturday ? " ( could )
7. When I was young , I regularly walked to school . ( used )
8. I’m very sorry I don’t remember your birthday. ( wish )
9. Yesterday’s work was easier than today’s . ( difficult )
10. Hoa said " Would you like to join me for dinner, Mai ? " ( invited )
I. Which word is differently pronounced ? Circle the letter A, B, C or D ( 1 point ) :
1- B 2- A 3- D 4- B 5- C
6- D 7- B 8- C 9- A 10- D
Note : 0.1 p for each correct choice.
II. Choose the best by circling the corresponding letter A or B, C, D ( 2.5 points ) :
1- A 6- D 11- A 16- A 21- C
2- B 7- B 12- C 17- B 22- D
3– B 8- A 13- A 18- C 23- D
4- D 9- C 14- C 19- B 24- C
5- C 10- D 15- D 20- B 25- A
Note : 0.1 p for each correct choice.
III. Give the correct tense or form of the verb in brackets ( 1 point ) :
1. start 4. were __ doing ; phoned.
2. listening ; doing. 5. saw ; sleeping.
3. to be kept 6. was not / wasn’t ; could not / couldn’t.
Note : 0.1 p for each correct verb form .
IV. Identify the underlined word or phrase that must be changed to make the sentence correct
by circling the letter A or B, C, D ( 1 point ) :
1-B 2-D 3-B 4-A 5-B
6-B 7-C 8-A 9-B 10-B
Note : 0.1 p for each correct choice.
V. Read the passage carefully . Then do the exercises below: ( 1.5 points ) :
1. a – T ; b – F ; c – F ; d – T ; e – F.
Note : 0.2 p for each correct choice.
2. a/ ( Students learn English at school ) because it is one of their subjects.
b/ Student’s own answer.
Note : 0.2 p for correct answer 2a, and 0.3p for correct answer 2b.
VI. Use the correct form of the word given in capitals at the end of each sentence (1 point ) :
1. famous 6. careless.
2. suitable 7. unkindness.
3. traditional 8. hungrily.
4. greeting 9. repaired.
5. mountainous 10. freedom. Note : 0.1 p for each correct word form.
VII. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first . Use the word in brackets (
2 points ) :
1. Your / My shoes and mine / yours are the same size.
2. The more you run, the fitter you will be.
3. Would you mind telling me the way to the nearest Post Office ?
4. She's not old enough to do that work .
5. Who(m) was that poem written by ?
6. Martin asked Susan if / whether she could work on Saturday .
7. When I was young, I used to walk to school.
8. I wish I remembered your birthday.
9. Today’s work is more difficult than yesterday’s.
10. Hoa invited Mai to join her for dinner.
Note : 0.2 p for each correct sentence .

I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others by circling the
corresponding letter A, B, C, or D.(1m)
1. A. claim B. wait C. said D. paid
2. A. watch B. bath C. want D. wash
3. A. sure B. mixture C. injure D. pleasure
4. A. few B. new C. threw D. knew
5. A. clothes B. matches C. colleges D. churches
6. A. watched B. naked C. liked D. looked
7. A. sunbathe B. father C. theater D. weather
8. A. pour B. four C. flour D. resource
9. A. clear B. wear C. bear D. ware
10. A. sixty B. my C. sky D. fly
II. Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to complete the sentences( 1m)
1. While I (watch) 1……………………………………… a good film on TV, the mailman
(come) 2………………..……….. and (give) 3…………………………. … a letter.
2. I ( know) 4………………………………………… her for six years, when I met her, she
(work) 5………………………………………… for a foreign company.
3. Please stop laughing. I hate (laugh) 6…………………………. .……..…..…at by others.
4. It ( not rain) 7…………………………………………………………much in the winter .
5. They’d rather you ( not come)……………………………………… the party too late.
6. You always (watch) 9……………………………………...…. television. You should do
something more active.
7. This building ( build) 10………..……………………………… ……over 100 years ago.
III. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. (1,5ms )
1. Helen is my aunt’s daughter so she is my……………….…………..
a. sister b. cousin c. niece d. friend
2. His………………..always makes people laugh.
a. quiet character b. sense of humor c. smiles d. humorous
3. The window ………………………. last night has been repaired.
a. break b. breaked c. broken d. breaking
4. This is a contest in which people have to arrange flowers so it’s a………………..contest.
a. flower- arranging b. flowers- arranging c. arranging- flower d. flower- arrange
5. Children who don’t have parents often live in a(n)………………………….………….
a. hotel b. house c. orphanage d. hostel
6. It took him ages to ………………… living in the new town.
a. get use to b. be used to c. will used to d. will use to
7. My parents make me…………………………..for my exam .
a. to study b. study c. studying d. studied
8. I would rather you ……………….me the story.
a. tell b. told c. to tell d. telling
9. “ War and Peace” …………………… the longest book I have ever read.
a. are b. was c. were d. is
10. As she was running, suddenly she stumbled ………………….a rock and fell………….
a. at/ off b. in/ out c. over/ down d. of/ down
11. That’s a …………………. building.
a. five- floor b. five- floors c. five- floor’s d. five- floors’
12. She helped me ………………. the house.
a. to clean b. cleaning c. clean d. both a and c
13. ………………….is a book in which you can look up telephone number.
a. Mobile phone b. Public telephone c. Telephone directory d. Answering machine
14. ………………is a large piece of furniture where you can hang your clothes.
a. Wardrobe b. Refrigerator c. Desk d. Counter.
15. Jane really enjoys ...................................................... to dinner parties.
a. inviting b. being inviting c. being invited d. be invited
IV. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in standard English.( 1m)
1. When he came, I watched a football match on TV.
2. When Andrew saw the question, he was knowing the answer immediately.
3. Mai has stayed on her uncle's farm for last week.
4. I'm looking forward to hear from you .
5. They asked me don’t talk during the discussion.
6. Would you mind if I ask you a private question?
7. They happily looked at their children to play in the yard.
8. This is the first time I visited a famous place in Hanoi.
9. Our teacher told to us to spend more time at home practicing our pronunciation.
10. You shouldn’t let your children playing with matches.
V. Give the correct form of the words in parentheses ( 1m)
1. Life is more . . . . . . . ………………………..………… ………… . . now. (comfort)
2. There are many cultural………………..…..between his country and mine. (differ)
3. It is . . . . ………………. . . …………………… to eat much sugar and fat. (health)
4. These medicines can work well with your . . . …………….………... . . . . . (ill)
5. There was no . . . . . ……………….. . for his absence from class yesterday. (explain)
6. Is he sleeping ? - No, he is still……………………………………………. (wake)
7. Every week, there are two………………from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh city. (fly)
8. They had an . . . ……………………………………..... Christmas vacation. (enjoy)
9. He is a well- known ………………………………………………………. (photograph)
10. The …………………………...……..she gave last night was marvelous. (perform)
VI. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. (2ms)
1. They have planted a lot of green trees this year
A lot of green trees………………………………………………………………………...
2. '' I don't behave very well in front of a crowd, '' said Peter.
Peter said that……..………………………………………………………………………
3. The town was farther than we thought.
The town wasn’t as………………………………………………………………………..
4. We spend five hours studying English everyday.
5. “You had better not eat much sugar.”
She advised me…………………………………………………………………………….
6 . “ Can you wait for me outside the movie theatre ?”
He asked his friend………………………………………………………………………..
7. “ Don’t be silly.” He said to the boy.
He ………………………………………………………..………………………………..
8. We can’t drink the water because it’s too hot.
The water isn’t…………………………………………………………………………….
9. It has been raining for five hours.
It started…………………………………………………………………………………...
10. To help mom at home is a good activity.
It is…………………………..……………………………………………………………
VII. Write a thank- you letter using the words given (1m)
Dear Nhung,
1. Thank you/ much/ the flowers/ you/ send/ while/ I/ be/ hospital.
2. They/beautiful/ and/ they/ really/ help/ cheer / me/ up.
3. I/ come out/ hospital/ last Thursday morning.
4. You/ come over/ place/ weekend/ because/ I/ very/ bored/ now?
5. I/ look forward/see/soon.

VIII. Read the passages

A. Fill in each blank with a suitable word ( 1ms)
How Nam has improved his English.
In the first year of lower secondary 1……………………., I had some difficulties in learning English. My
English pronunciation 2………………………. really bad and my English grammar was worse. I did not
3……………………… to improve them. I didn’t want my father 4………………………… mother to know about
this. One afternoon after the lesson, my teacher 5………………….......................... English told me to wait
6…………………………… her outside the classroom. She took 7………………………… to the school library and
showed me tapes of pronunciation drills kept in a glass bookcase. She also told me how to use an English-
English dictionary to 8……………………………. my English grammar. “Now I think you know what you should
do” she said. I made much progress and only one year later, I won the first 9…………………… in the English
Speaking Contest 10……………………for secondary school students in my hometown.

1…………….. 2……………….3………………….4…………………5…………………...

B. Read the passage and choose the best answers A, B, C or D. ( 0.5 ms)
1. What difficulties did Nam have in learning English in the first year?
A. The pronunciation
B. The grammar
C. Both pronunciation and grammar
D. The way of improving his pronunciation
2. Who wanted to meet him one afternoon after the lesson?
A. His teacher
B. One of his friends
C. His father
D. His mother
3. Where did Nam and his teacher go after that?
A. to the town library
B. to the school library
C. to the teachers’ room
D. to his house
4. What did the teacher show him then?
A. A glass bookcase
B. An English-English dictionary
C. An English Grammar book
D. Cassettes of pronunciation drills
5. What did he win in the English Speaking Contest one year later?
A. The first prize
B. The second prize
C. The third prize
D. The fourth prize
The end
I. ( 1m) Mçi c©u ®óng ®îc 0,1 ®iÓm
C©u 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
§¸p ¸n c b a c a b c c a b
II. ( 1ms ) Mçi ®éng tõ ®óng ®îc 0,1 ®iÓm
1.was watching 2. came 3. gave 4. have known 5. was working 6. being laughed 7. doesn ’t
rain 8. didn’t come 9. are always watching 10. was built
1,5ms ) Mçi c©u ®óng ®îc 0,1 ®iÓm
C©u 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
§¸p ¸n b b c a c b b b d c a c a a c
IV. ( 1m) Mçi c©u ®óng ®îc 0,1 ®iÓm
C©u 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
§¸p ¸n c c d c c b c c a c
V. ( 1m) Mçi tõ ®óng ®îc 0,1 ®iÓm
1. comfortable 2. differences 3. unhealthy 4. illness 5. explanation
6. awake 7. flights 8. enjoyable 9. photographer 10. perfomance
VI. (2ms ) Mçi c©u ®óng ®îc 0,2 ®iÓm
1. A lot of green trees have been planted this year
2. Peter said that he didn’t behave very well in front of a crowd.
3. The town wasn’t as near as we thought
4. It takes us five hours to study English everyday
5. She advised me not to eat much sugar.
6. He asked his friend to wait for him outside the movie theater.
7. He told the boy not to be silly.
8. The water isn’t cold enough for us to drink
9. It started raining five hours ago
10. It is a good activity to help mom at home.
VII. (1m ) Mçi c©u ®óng ®îc 0,2 ®iÓm
1. Thank you very much for the flowers you sent me while I was in the hospital.
2. They were very beautiful and they really helped to cheer me up.
3. I came out of the hospital last Thursday morning.
4. Will you come over to my place on the/ at weekend because I am very bored now?
5. I am looking/ look forward to seeing you soon.
VIII. A (1m ) Mçi tõ ®óng ®îc 0,2 ®iÓm
1. school 2. was 3. know 4. and 5. of
6.for 7. me 8. improve 9. prize 10. held
B. (0,5ms) Mçi c©u ®óng ®îc 0,2 ®iÓm
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. A

Tæng toµn bµi : 10 ®iÓm

The end
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in the following
1. A treat B. heat C. sweater D. beat
2. A compose B. complete C. company D. complain
3. A collect B. subject C. reject D. lecture
4. A sugar B. sterile C. strain D. serve
5. A baths B. bath C. bathe D. breathe

II. Choose the word whose stress is different from the other three in the following questions
6. A complain B. fortune C. honest D. party
7. A gravity B. harmony C. redundant D. wonderful
8. A communicate B. accuracy C. formation D. competitor
9. A magniíìcent B. diffìcult C. sparkling D. hospital
10. A itinerary B. comíortable C. emergency D. experiment


I. Choose the best fit to fill in the blank
31. I saw a thief take Bill’s wallet, so I ran.......him, but I didn’t catch him.
A. into B. over C. after D. near
32. I called on her yesterday: she......... a meal at the time.
A. cooked B. has cooked C. was cooking D. cook
33. My grandfather walk without a stick.
A. enough old B. old enough C. too old D. many ages
34. You will become stop working so hard.
A. until B. when C. if D. unless
35. Everyone .....Tom was invited to the party.
A. but B. as C. from D. for
36. Those shoes look very tight. Do they
A. match B. fit C. suit D. measure
37. I don’t know..... to pronounce this word.
A. what B. why C. when D. how
38. My sister is exercise of English.
A. in doing B. to do C. at doing D. doing
39. Each of them ......answers very well.
A. know his B. know their C. knows D. knows their
40. He has worked.....the manager in that company for nearly 15 years.
A. like B. as C. the same D. different
41. Mary as well as David and Jane ...... ready for the exam tomorrow.
A. is B. will C. are D. being
42. There is a(n)...... to every rule.
A. minus B. exception C. abstract D. subtract
43. You should have your car.........two days beíore you have a long trip.
A. to check B. checking C. checked D. check
44. Mummy, we only have.....rice for dinner tonight. You have to buy a few more kilos.
A. a little B. a lot C. few D. a few
45. They apologized.....late.
A. in arriving B. on arriving C. for arriving D. their arriving
II. Write the correct form of CAPITAL word to fill in the blank
46. Bell experimented with ways of transmitting..................over a long distance. SPEAK
47. It is ........................... to eat too much sugar and fat. HEALTH
48. After having taken an aspirin, her headache........................ APPEAR
49. Our main............................... to export are rice, coffee and rubber. PRODUCE
50. This form must have the............................. of the writer. SIGN

III. Find the mistake and correct it

51. It took us quite a long time to qet here. It was a three-hours journey.
52. Although I am not interested in English but I try my best to get good marks.
53. The more I got to know Tom, the fewer I liked hịm.
54. I can’t invite you to dinner as I have my house painted at the moment.
55. The company has so little money that it can’t hardly operate anymore.

IV. Choose the best form of verb in the bracket to fill in the blank
56. My children enjoy...................... (allow) to stay up late when there is something special on TV.
57. The nicest vase...............(break) while it was being moved to another room.
58. The television.................................(repair). It's working now.
59. The student (punish)................................yesterday is Tim’s brother.
60. How many (miss)..........................this year ?
I. Read the passage and choose the best fit to fill in the blank
People in many countries grow fresh water fish from eggs. They move the small fish into lakes and rivers. The
fish live and (61).... there. People go (62)....... in these lakes and rivers. They enjoy catching fish because fish is
also good food. Now the Japanese grow salt waterfish. Most of them are yellow tail fìsh. Workers grow the fish
from eggs. Every time they feed the fish, they play (63)...... of piano music. The fish (64)....... that piano music
means food. When the fish are small, the Japanese put them into the ocean near the land. The fish find some of
their (65)....... food. Workers also feed them. They play the same piano music. The fish (66)....... know the music.
They swim towards it and (67)....... the food. In (68)....... months the fish become large. The Japanese play the
same music. The fish swim towards it and the workers (69)...... them. The Japanese get about 15 percent of their
seafood (70)...... farms in the ocean.

Trả lời
61. A. breed B. born C. grow D. develop
62. A. enjoying B. fishing C. shopping D. catching
63. A. songs B. films C. tapes D. lot
64. A. think B. recognize C. realize D. learn
65. A. own B. owner C. self D. selves
66. A. recently B. mostly C. nearly D. already
67. A. see B. find C. bite D. hold
68. A. some B. a few C. couple D. many
69. A. grasp B. catch C. seize D. hold
70. A. on B. of c. from D. in

II. Write the correct preposition to fill in the blank

In Canada and the United States,..... (71) of the most popular days in the year is Halloween. Halloween is on
October 31st. It’s a day..... (72) some people dress up in strange or unusual costumes. For example, they may dress
up to look..... (73) an animal, a person form, a book or movie, or a famous person from history. In some places,
children go to school in..... (74) costumes. After dark, many young children...... (75) on their costumes and visit
their neighbors. They knock on the ..... (76) and shout “Trick or treat!” Then the neighbours ..... (77) them some
candy, and the children go on to the...... (78) house. Adults also enjoy dressing up for Halloween. ..... (79) are
usually Halloween parties in the evening and usually there is a prize for the best or ..... (80) unusual costume.
I. Rewrite the sentence without changing the meaning
81. What is your date of birth?
82. I am not as good at Maths as my brother is.
My brother is.............................................
83. She is usually a hard worker.
She ......................................
84. Who was the inventor of this machine?
85. We like reading books better than seeing movies.
86. What interesting movies!
87. You should not watch TV too late.
You’d ......................................
88. How heavy were you last year?
89. We didn’t enjoy the trip because of the heavy rain.
The heavy rain stopped....................................
90. A train leaves at eight o’clock every morning.
There is ..................................................

II. Rewrite the sentence, using given words

91. One/ disadvantages / living in the countryside / lack / public transport.

92. I / always / keep / window / open / order / let / fresh air / in.
93. How long / you / leam English?
94. Homework / must / be / hand / before / end / the week.
95. These exercises / too difficult / students / do / without / mistakes.
96. One / my classmates / always / play / computer games.
97. Our accommodation / include / ticket price.
98. Some / the goods /at the new stores / will be / same / ones / at the small shop.
99. People / throw / away / billions / cans / every year.
100. The tiger / ask / the farmer / why / strong buffalo / his servant and / he / master.
Key - practice 51

I. Chọn từ có cách phát âm khác với những từ còn lại ở phần gạch chân.
1. A treat B. heat C. sweater D. beat
2. A compose B. complete C. company D. complain
3. A collect B. subject C. reject D. lecture
4. A sugar B. sterile C. strain D. serve
5. A baths B. bath C. bathe D. breathe

II. Chọn từ có trọng âm chính khác với những từ còn lại.

6. A complain B. fortune C. honest D. party
7. A gravity B. harmony C. redundant D. wonderful
8. A communicate B. accuracy C. formation D. competitor
9. A magniíìcent B. diffìcult C. sparkling D. hospital
10. A itinerary B. comíortable C. emergency D. experiment


I. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu.
31. I saw a thief take Bill’s wallet, so I ran.......him, but I didn’t catch him.
A. into B. over C. after D. near
32. I called on her yesterday: she......... a meal at the time.
A. cooked B. has cooked C. was cooking D. cook
33. My grandfather walk without a stick.
A. enough old B. old enough C. too old D. many ages
34. You will become stop working so hard.
A. until B. when C. if D. unless
35. Everyone .....Tom was invited to the party.
A. but B. as C. from D. for
36. Those shoes look very tight. Do they
A. match B. fit C. suit D. measure
37. I don’t know..... to pronounce this word.
A. what B. why C. when D. how
38. My sister is exercise of English.
A. in doing B. to do C. at doing D. doing
39. Each of them ......answers very well.
A. know his B. know their C. knows D. knows their
40. He has worked.....the manager in that company for nearly 15 years.
A. like B. as C. the same D. different
41. Mary as well as David and Jane ...... ready for the exam tomorrow.
A. is B. will C. are D. being
42. There is a(n)...... to every rule.
A. minus B. exception C. abstract D. subtract
43. You should have your car.........two days beíore you have a long trip.
A. to check B. checking C. checked D. check
44. Mummy, we only have.....rice for dinner tonight. You have to buy a few more kilos.
A. a little B. a lot C. few D. a few
45. They apologized.....late.
A. in arriving B. on arriving C. for arriving D. their arriving

II. Cho dạng đúng của từ IN HOA

46. Bell experimented with ways of transmitting..................over a long distance. SPEAK speech
47. It is ........................... to eat too much sugar and fat. HEALTH healthy
48. After having taken an aspirin, her headache........................ APPEAR appeared
49. Our main............................... to export are rice, coffee and rubber. PRODUCE products
50. This form must have the............................. of the writer. SIGN signature

III. Tìm lỗi sai trong những phẩn gạch chân sau.
51. It took us quite a long time to qet here. It was a three-hours journey.
52. Although I am not interested in English but I try my best to get good marks.
53. The more I got to know Tom, the fewer I liked hịm.
54. I can’t invite you to dinner as I have my house painted at the moment.
55. The company has so little money that it can’t hardly operate anymore.

IV. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

56. My children enjoy...................... (allow) to stay up late when there is something special on TV.
57. The nicest vase...............(break) while it was being moved to another room.
58. The television.................................(repair). It's working now.
59. The student (punish)................................yesterday is Tim’s brother.
60. How many (miss)..........................this year ?
56. being allowed – 57. was broken – 58. has been repaired – 59. punished – 60. have missed
I. Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.
People in many countries grow fresh water fish from eggs. They move the small fish into lakes and rivers. The
fish live and (61).... there. People go (62)....... in these lakes and rivers. They enjoy catching fish because fish is
also good food. Now the Japanese grow salt waterfish. Most of them are yellow tail fìsh. Workers grow the fish
from eggs. Every time they feed the fish, they play (63)...... of piano music. The fish (64)....... that piano music
means food. When the fish are small, the Japanese put them into the ocean near the land. The fish find some of
their (65)....... food. Workers also feed them. They play the same piano music. The fish (66)....... know the music.
They swim towards it and (67)....... the food. In (68)....... months the fish become large. The Japanese play the
same music. The fish swim towards it and the workers (69)...... them. The Japanese get about 15 percent of their
seafood (70)...... farms in the ocean.

Trả lời
61. A. breed B. born C. grow D. develop
62. A. enjoying B. fishing C. shopping D. catching
63. A. songs B. films C. tapes D. lot
64. A. think B. recognize C. realize D. learn
65. A. own B. owner C. self D. selves
66. A. recently B. mostly C. nearly D. already
67. A. see B. find C. bite D. hold
68. A. some B. a few C. couple D. many
69. A. grasp B. catch C. seize D. hold
70. A. on B. of c. from D. in

II. Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.

In Canada and the United States,..... (71) of the most popular days in the year is Halloween. Halloween is on
October 31st. It’s a day..... (72) some people dress up in strange or unusual costumes. For example, they may dress
up to look..... (73) an animal, a person form, a book or movie, or a famous person from history. In some places,
children go to school in..... (74) costumes. After dark, many young children...... (75) on their costumes and visit
their neighbors. They knock on the ..... (76) and shout “Trick or treat!” Then the neighbours ..... (77) them some
candy, and the children go on to the...... (78) house. Adults also enjoy dressing up for Halloween. ..... (79) are
usually Halloween parties in the evening and usually there is a prize for the best or ..... (80) unusual costume.
71. one – 72. when – 73. like – 74. those – 75. put – 76. door – 77. give – 78. next – 79. there – 80. most
I. Viết lại những câu sau sử dụng gợi ý sao cho nghĩa của câu không đổi.
81. What is your date of birth?
When........................................................ When were you born?
82. I am not as good at Maths as my brother is.
My brother is............................................. My brother is better in Maths than me / I am.
83. She is usually a hard worker.
She ...................................... She usually works hard.
84. Who was the inventor of this machine?
Who.............................................. Who invented this machine?
85. We like reading books better than seeing movies.
We.......................................................... We prefer reading books to seeing movies.
86. What interesting movies!
How........................... How interesting the movies are!
87. You should not watch TV too late.
You’d ...................................... You’d better not watch TV too late.
88. How heavy were you last year?
How.................................... How much did you weigh last year?
89. We didn’t enjoy the trip because of the heavy rain.
The heavy rain stopped.................................... The rain stopped us from enjoying the trip.
90. A train leaves at eight o’clock every morning.
There is .................................................. There is a train at eight o’clock every morning.

II. Sử dụng từ gợi ý để viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh.

91. One/ disadvantages / living in the countryside / lack / public transport.

92. I / always / keep / window / open / order / let / fresh air / in.
93. How long / you / leam English?
94. Homework / must / be / hand / before / end / the week.
95. These exercises / too difficult / students / do / without / mistakes.
96. One / my classmates / always / play / computer games.
97. Our accommodation / include / ticket price.
98. Some / the goods /at the new stores / will be / same / ones / at the small shop.
99. People / throw / away / billions / cans / every year.
100. The tiger / ask / the farmer / why / strong buffalo / his servant and / he / master.

91. One of the disadvantages of living in the countryside is the lack of public transport.
92. I always keep the window open in order to let fresh air in.
93. How long have you leamed English?
94. Homework must be handed before the end of the week.
95. These exercises are too difficult for the students to do without any mistakes.
96. One of my classmates always plays computer games.
97. Our accommodation includes ticket price.
98. Some of the goods at the new stores will be the same as the ones at the small shop.
99. People throw away billions of cans every year.
100. The tiger asks the farmer why the strong buffalo is his servant and (why) he is the master.
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. goal B. August C. language D. dog
2. A. laugh B. plough C. cough D. rough
3. A. most B. post C. over D. promise
4. A. want B. what C. warn D. watch
5. A. asked B. studied C. designed D. moved

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

II. Find the word whose syllable is stresses differently from that of the others.
6. A. national B. tropical C. tradition D. cinema
7. A. repair B. teacher C. happen D. husband
8. A. ocean B. champion C. animal D. destroy
9. A. forest B. because C. effort D. colorful
10. A. comfortable B. difficult C. history D. computer

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.
11. When was your school ____________? – 100 years ago.
A. found B. founded C. discovered D. born
12. When he arrived, everyone ____________.
A. has left B. left C. had left D. leave
13. In some vocational schools, the training quality is worse than ___________ used to be.
A. it B. they C. them D. that
14. Hurry up! They’ve only got _______ seats left.
A. a little                     B.  plenty of C.  a lot of                    D. a few   
15. He likes to take ___________ in sport, not only to watch it.
A. practice B. place C.  part D. exercise
16. I'd rather you ___________ anyone what I said.
A. don't tell       B. won't tell                  C. didn't tell                 D. not to tell
17. We were so late that we ______ had time to catch the train.
A. nearly B. hardly C. almost D. simply
18. There is always _______ traffic in the city centre at rush hour.
A. heavy B. full C. strong D. many
19. Both she and her husband are _______ work.
A. out of B. for C. on D. in
20. Tom is having someone _______ the newspaper to her.
A. who brings B. to bring C. bringing D. bring
21. They were just _______ us about Anna's new friend.
A. talking B. saying C. speaking D. telling
22. He was unwilling to explain the reason _______ his absence.
A. for B. why C. of D. that
23. Never ______ off until tomorrow what you can do today.
A. set B. put C. do D. turn
24. The stolen jewels were ____________ a lot of money.
A. valued B. cost C. priced D. worth
25. By the time you receive this letter, I will have left __________ Japan.
A. to B. for C. at D. in

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

II. There is ONE mistake in each of the following sentences. Find and correct them.
26. The sick needs to be looked after. So money must be spent on hospitals.
27. The accident looked seriously at first but nobody was injured.
28. All the students are looking forward to spending their free time to enjoy their Tet holiday.
29. My family lived in Hue since 1990 to 1996, but we are now living in Sai Gon.
30. Her well-known film, that won several awards, was about the life of Lenin.

Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

26 29
27 30

III. Supply the correct forms of the words in brackets.

31. He is engrossed in doing (science) …………….. research.
32. Oil spills are a great (threaten) …………………………… to the undersea world.
33. He wants (width) ……………… his knowledge of the subject.
34. The giant panda is a(n) (danger)) ……………..species.
35. You may be surprised at the large (varied) ……………..of animals in national parks.

31. 34.
32. 35.

I. Read the following passage, and then choose the best answer from A, B, C or D.
Poppy Day, 11 November, is the day when people in Britain remember the soldiers that died in the First
World War (1914 – 1918), the Second World War (1939 – 1945) and all other wars since. The first Poppy
Day was in 1921. The First World War had ended three years earlier, but it was still very difficult, even
impossible, for ex-soldiers in Britain to find employment. So some of them started making and selling red
paper poppies. They gave the money that they raised to ex-soldiers who were disabled or unemployed, and
to the families of soldiers who had died. The choice of flower was significant. During the war, the soldiers
had noticed poppies growing every year on the battlefields in Belgium and the north of France. A well –
known poem from that time, written by a Canadian soldier, begin with the lines:
In Flanders* fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place*; …
In the days leading up to Poppy Day, about 32 million people in Britain buy and wear small poppies. Some
people choose to wear white poppies because they think that white symbolizes peace. Then, at 11 a.m. on 11
November (at the moment when the First World War ended) there’s a two – minute silence. Many people
stop and think quietly about the soldiers who died. There are ceremonies at war memorials in towns and
villages all over the country. The most important ceremony is in London, when the Queen and the Prime
Minister lay wreaths of poppies at the Cenotaph, a monument to soldiers who died in battle.

*(Flanders = the north of Belgium; our place = our graves)

36. On 11 November people remember _________________________________.
A. soldiers who have died since 1921
B. soldiers who have died
C. soldiers who died in the two world wars
D. soldiers who have died in wars since 1914
37. Why did ex – soldiers start making poppies?
A. Because they couldn’t find a job.
B. Because they were disabled.
C. Because they didn’t have families.
D. Because they were employed.
38. They chose to make poppies because ____________________________.
A. they had seen poppies growing on the battlefields.
B. a Canadian soldier had written a poem about poppies.
C. poppies are popular in Belgium and the north of France.
D. poppies symbolize peace
39. On Poppy Day ___________________________
A. 32 million people sell poppies.
B. people buy or wear 32 million white poppies.
C. people wear red or white poppies.
D. people choose only white poppies to wear.
40. During the two – minute silence, people _____________________________.
A. walk to a ceremony in their town or village
B. stop and think about soldiers who have died.
C. think about ceremonies at war memorials all over the country.
D. think about the moment the First World War ended.

36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

II. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps in the following passage.


Teenagers in America buy millions of records every year so it is (41) _______ surprising that manufacturers
find it (42) __________ to try out the recordings they have made in front of live audiences before (43) _________
the records on the market. The (44) _________ way of doing this is the one employed in Hollywood, where
hundreds of (45) _________ are invited to listen to test records and given dials that measure their response to
them electrically. Everyone who goes to the sessions enjoys them, (46) ________ they are not paid for their
help. They think they are being given an opportunity to (47) _________ the manufacturers what they like. They
say that there (48) __________ be more sessions like this. It there (49) ________ , the song that are published
would be better and they (50) ________ hear so much rubbish on the radio.
41. A. almost B. hardly C. even D. nearly
42. A. being useful B. to be useful C. useful D. that it is useful
43. A. put B. they are putting C. to put D. putting
44. A. most effective B. more effective C. effectiveness D. effected
45. A. youngs B. young people C. the youth D. the youths
46. A. although B. in spite of C. however D. nevertheless
47. A. explain B. inform C. tell D. say
48. A. would B. should C. shall D. ought
49. A. are B. were C. was D. had
50. A. shouldn’t B. mustn’t C. ought not to D. wouldn’t have to
41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

III. Fill in each numbered gap with ONE suitable word.

Today in China (51) ……….……large scale destruction of forests has occurred, the government has required
that every citizen (52) ………….. the age of 11 and 60 plant three to five trees (53) ……………. year or do the
equivalent amount of work in other forest services. The government claims that at (54) …………. 1000
million (55) …………. have been planted in China every year (56) ………….. 1982. In Western countries,
increasing consumer demand for wood products that have been produced cause forest land-owners and
forest industries to become increasingly accountable for their forest management and timber harvesting
The Arbor Day Foundation’s Rain Forest Rescue programme is a charity that helps to (57) …………
deforestation. The charity uses money to buy up (58) ………… preserve rainforest land before the lumber
companies (59) ……….. buy it. The Arbor Day Foundation then (60) …………. the land from deforestation
51. 52. 53. 54. 55.
56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

I. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.

61. Andrew went to the supermarket despite the heavy rain

→ Although .........................................................................................................................................
62. I love the countryside. That is why I want to go and live there.
→ I love the countryside, ............................................................................................................................
63. He was sorry he hadn’t said goodbye to her at the airport.
→ He regretted.................................................................................................................................
64. That is the best meal I have ever eaten.
→ I have never...........................................................................................................................................
65. If it hadn’t been for this treatment, the patient would have died
→ Without ……………...............................................................................................................................
II. Use the word given in brackets and make any necessary additions to write a new sentence in such a
way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Do NOT change the form of
these words.
66. He forgot about the gun until he got home. (did)
→ Not until ................................................................................................................................................
67. Organized activities don’t interest Eva very much. ( interested)
→ Eva ................................................................................................................................................
68. If you run everyday, your breathing improves quickly. (running )
→ Daily ................................................................................................................................................
69. Do you like meat more than fish? (prefer)
→ Do................................................................................................................................................
70. The boy is talking to the girl with long hair. (whom)
→ The ................................................................................................................................................

III. Write a composition about 150 – 200 words on the following topic:



I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
5 x 1 pt/ correct answer = 5 pts
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A

II. Find the word with the stress on the second syllable.
5 x 1 pt/ correct answer = 5 pts
6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. D


I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D.
15 x 1 pt/ correct answer = 15 pts
11. B 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. C
16. C 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. D
21. D 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. B

II. Read the following passage. There is ONE mistake in each of the numbered lines. Find and correct
5 x 1 pt/ correct answer = 5 pts
Mistake Correction Mistake Correction
26 Needs need 29 Since from
27 Seriously serious 30 That whom
28 To enjoy enjoying

III. Supply the correct forms of the words in brackets.

5 x 1 pt/ correct answer = 5 pts
31. scientific 34. endangered
32. threat 35. variety
33. to widen

I. Read the following passage, and then choose the best answer from A, B, C or D.
5 x 2 pts/ correct answer = 10 pts
36. D 37. A 38A 39. C 40. B

II. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps in the following passage.
10 x 1 pt/ correct answer = 10 pts
41. B 42. C 43. D 44. A 45. B
46. A 47. C 48. B 49. B 50. D

III. Fill in each numbered gap with ONE suitable word.

10 questions x 1 pt/ question = 10 pts
51. where 52. between 53. per 54. least 55. trees

56. since 57. prevent 58. and 59. can 60. protects

I. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.
5 x 1 pt/ correct answer = 5 pts
61. Although it rained heavily / the rain was heavy, Andrew went to the supermarket.
62. I love the countryside, which is why I want to go and live there.
63. He regretted not having said goobbye to her at the airport.
64. I have never eaten such a good meal before/ a better meal than that.
65. Without this treatment, the patient would have died.

II. Use the word given in brackets and make any necessary additions to write a new sentence in such a
way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Do NOT change the form of
these words.
5 x 1 pt/ correct answer = 5 pts
66. Not only he got home did he remember about the gun.
67. Eva is not very interested in organised activities.
68. Daily running improves your breathing quickly.
69. Do you prefer meat to fish?
70. The girl whom the boy is talking to has long hair.

III. Write a composition about 150 – 200 words on the following topic: (25 pts)
“Who is the most important to you? Why?”

The mark given to this part is based on the following scheme:
1. Content: (40% of total mark) a provision of all main ideas and as details as appropriate.
2. Organization & Presentation: (30% of total mark) ideas are organized and presented with
coherence, style, and clarity appropriate to the level of English language gifted upper-secondary
school students.
3. Language: (30% of total mark) a variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the level of
English language gifted upper-secondary school students.

TOTAL: 100 / 5 = 20
Thank you for your cooperation and considerations.
I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others by circling A, B,
C or D. (1 pt)
1. A. switch B. stomach C. match D. catch
2. A. laughs B. cars C. stops D. works
3. A. watched B. reduced C. coughed D. raised
4. A. three B. through C. without D. thank
5. A. angle B. face C. page D. angel
II. Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others by circling A, B, C or D. (1 pt)
1 A. directory B. telephone C.invention D. experiment
2. A. furniture B. university C. patient D. hospital
3. A. sociable B. humorous C. generous D. reserved
4. A. delivery B. equipment C. electricity D. experiment
5. A. enroll B. summer C. hobby D. favor
I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences by circling A, B, C or D. (2 pts)
1. Are there enough apples for us to have one ________?
A. every B. each C. self D. individually
2. Don’t forget to ________ the alarm clock for 6 o’clock tomorrow morning.
A. put B. ring C. set D. wind
3. My alarm clock usually goes ________ at 5 am.
A. on B. off C. up D. down
4. ________ John nor his friends are going to the beach now.
A. Either B. Neither C. No D. So
5. The name of the book was on the ________ of my tongue but I just couldn’t think of it.
A. point B. tip C. top D. end
6. Not only ________ but she is also intelligent.
A. beautiful she is C. is she beautiful
B. She is beautiful D. beautiful she is
7. A number of sheep ________ eating grass now.
A. are B. is C. was D. were
8. These snakes will not cause you any serious harm even if they bite you. They are ________.
A. poisonous B. cruel C. harmful D. harmless
9. I am grateful ________ you for your help.
A. to B. at C. with D. for
10. Hoa is reading short stories ________ Jack London.
A. of B. from C. by D. with
II. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. (1 pt)
1. I write letters _____________ my right hand.
2. He congratulated me _____________ winning the competition.
3. Mr. Foster lives _____________ 667E 76th street _____________ New York.
4. I prefer coffee _____________ tea.
5. This area is famous _____________ apples.
6. He worked _____________ the deaf-mutes at Boston University.
7. The thief broke _____________ the national bank last week.
8. He accused me _____________ stealing the money.
9. My brother succeeded _____________ winning the race.
III. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in capital letters. (2 pts)
1. He drives very ____________________. He is sure to have an accident. (CARE)
2. It has become ____________________ difficult to find a job nowadays. (INCREASE)
3. Environmental ____________________ is every one’s responsibility. (PROTECT)
4. I think it's very ____________________ of him to expect us to work over time every night this week.
5. He is interested in the ____________________ of old buildings. (PRESERVE)
IV. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences.
(1 pt)
1. My brother enjoys (read) magazines in his free time.  ________________________
2. He (elect) the president of the football club at their last meeting.  ________________________
3. I always prefer driving to (drive).  ________________________
4. I think she has no objection to (go) on a picnic.  ________________________
5. It is a waste of time recommending them (start) a new life.  ________________________
6. His hair is short. He (have) a haircut.  ________________________
7. They'll have their cars (mend) tomorrow.  ________________________
8. This palace (say) (build) in 3 years.  ________________________
9. People always (blame) their circumstances for what they are.  ________________________
I. Complete the following passage by choosing the best option, A, B, C or D. (2pts)
For many people, traveling by plane is an exciting experience. Others, however, find the whole idea quite
terrifying, (1) _____ flying is no more dangerous (2) __________ any other form of travel and some experts say it is
considerably safer. It is known, however, that most accident occurs (3) ______________ taking off and landing when a
(4) _________ decisions are vitally important.
The people, (5) _______ job is to look (6) ______________ the passengers, the stewards and stewardesses play an
important part in helping passengers to (7) ___________ safe and comfortable. Indeed for many passengers being (8)
___________ such care of is all part of the total experience. (9) ____________ other form of travel involves waiting for people
in quite the same (10) __________, with food, drink, newspapers, magazines, music, and even video films.
1- A. although B. too C. and D. because
2- A. than B. as C. then D. with
3- A. while B. during C. for D. through
4- A. leader’s B. chief ’s C. driver’s D. pilot’s
5- A. whose B. which C. their D. that
6- A. for B. up C. after D. round
7- A. feel B. rest C. experience D. lie
8- A. given B. kept C. shown D. taken
9- A. Any B. No C. All D. Not
10- A. way B. kind C. sort D. part
II. Read the following passage and complete the numbered blanks with one suitable word only.
When I (1) ________ a child I used (2)________ go to see my grandmother. I thought her house was (3)
________ beautiful as a palace and the garden seemed bigger than a park. (4) _______ I grew (5) __________ the
house and (6) __________ seemed smaller but I still loved visiting the old lady. There were so many beautiful
things in the house. Sometimes, I played (7) _________ the doll’s house which was older than grandmother
herself. At (8) ____________ times, I looked (9)___________ books which were (10)_________ interesting than my
children’s book at home.
III. Read the passage and answer the questions. (1pt)
Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Britain traditions play a more
important part in the life of the people than in other countries. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and
carefully keep them up
It has been the law for about 300 years that all theatres are closed on Sundays. No letters are
delivered, only a few Sunday papers are published
To this day an English family prefers a house with a garden to a flat in a modern house with central
heating. English people like gardens. Sometimes the garden in front of the house is a little square covered
with cement painted garden in imitation of grass and a box of flowers.
Holidays are especially rich in old traditions and are different in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and
England. Christmas is a great English national holiday, and in Scotland it is not kept, except by clerks in
banks, all shops and factories are working.
1. How important are traditions in Britain?
=> ……………………………………………………………………………………….
2. What do Englishmen do to their traditions?
=> ……………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Which does an English family prefer, a house with a garden or a flat?
=> …………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Find sentences in the text which shows that the English people like gardens very much.
=> …………………………………………………………………………………….
5. How is Christmas kept in Scotland?
=> ………………………………………………………………………………………….
I. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the first one, beginning with
the given words. (2 pts)
1. I would like you to help me put the chairs away.
=> Do you mind __________________________________________________________?
2. I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years.
=> It’s years ______________________________________________________________.
3. You can try to get Tim to lend you his car, but you won’t succeed.
=> There is no point ________________________________________________________.
4. Is it really necessary for us to arrive so early?
=> Do we really __________________________________________________________?
5. Be careful or you may fall.
=> If you ________________________________________________________________.
6. This is my first visit to Scotland.
=> I have ________________________________________________________________.
7. Mark is too young to see the horror film.
=> Mark is not ____________________________________________________________.
8. Please don’t make any noise; I'm very tired.
=> I'd rather ______________________________________________________________.
9. I expected them to offer me that job.
=> I expected _____________________________________________________________.
10. Vinh keeps forgetting his homework
=> Vinh is _______________________________________________________________.
II. Use the given suggestions to complete sentences.
1. you / mind / if / I / stay / here?
=> _____________________________________________________________________?
2. I / invite / her birthday party / last week.
=> ______________________________________________________________________.
3. The concert hall / so crowded / I / see / hear / nothing.
=> ______________________________________________________________________.
4. It / very kind / you / make friend / me.
=> ______________________________________________________________________.
5. This book / is/ interesting enough / you / read.
III – Your friend likes studying English, but he/she faces some difficulties. Write a letter to him/her
telling how to help him/her improve English









I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others by circling A, B,
C or D. (1 pt) (0,2 pt for each correct answer)

1. B. stomach 4. C. without
2. B. cars 5. A. angle
3. D. raised
II. Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others by circling A, B, C or D. ( 1 pt)
(0,2 pt for each correct answer)
1. B. telephone 4. C. electricity
2. B. university 5. A. enroll
3. D. reserved


I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences by circling A, B, C or D. (2 pts)
(0,2pt for each correct answer)
1. B. each 6. C. is she beautiful
2. C. set 7. A. are
3. B. off 8. D. harmless
4. B. Neither 9. A. to
5. B. tip 10. C. by

II. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. (1 pt) (0,1pt for each correct answer)
1. with 6. with
2. on 7. into
3. at, in 8. of
4. to 9. in
5. for

III. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in capital letters. (2 pts)
(0,4 point for each correct answer)
1. carelessly 2. increasingly 3. protection
4. unreasonable 5. preservation

IV. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences. (1 pt)
(0,2 point for each correct answer)
1. reading 6. has had
2. was elected 7. mended
3. being driven 8. is said; to have been built
4. going 9. are always blaming
5. to start
I. Complete the following passage by choosing the best option, A, B, C or D. (2pts) (0.2 point for each
correct answer)
Câu VI/ 2 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 0,2 điểm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
II. Read the following passage and complete the numbered blanks with one suitable word only.
(2pts) (0.2 point for each correct answer)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
was to Very/as when up garden with that in more

III. Read the passage and answer the questions. (1 pt) (0.2 point for each correct answer)
1. In Britain traditions play a more important part in the life of the people than in other countries.
2. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up.
3. An English family prefers a house with a garden to a flat.
4. “English people like gardens. Sometimes the garden in front of the house is a little square covered with
cement painted garden in imitation of grass and a box of flowers”
5. In Scotland, Christmas is not kept, except by clerks in banks, all shops and factories are working.


I. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the first one, beginning with
the given words. (2 pts) (0,2 point for each correct answer)
1. Do you mind helping me put the chairs away?/ putting the chairs away for me?
2. It’s years since I enjoyed myself so much / I had such a good time.
3. There is no point in getting Tim to lend you his car/ borrowing Tim's car.
4. Do we really have/ need to arrive so early?
5. If you are not careful, you will fall. (If you are careful, you will not fall.)
6. I have never visited Scotland before / I have never paid a visit to Scotland before / I have never been to
Scotland before.
7. Mark is not old enough to see the horror film.
8. I'd rather you didn't make any noise.
9. I expected to be offered that job.
10. Vinh is always forgetting his homework.

II. Use the given suggestions to complete sentences. (1 pt) (0,2 point for each correct answer)
1. Do you mind if I stay here? / Would you mind If I stayed here?
2. I was invited to her birthday party last week.
3. The concert hall was so crowded that I saw and heard nothing/ could see and hear nothing.
4. It is very kind of you to make friend with me.
5. This book is interesting enough for you to read.
III – Your friend likes studying English, but he/she faces some difficulties. Write a letter to him/her telling how
to help him/her improve English (2pts)
I. Chose the odd word.
1. A. myself B. bookshelf C. ourselves D. yourself
2. A. building B. morning C. evening D. afternoon
3. A. Birthday B. Monday C. Wednesday D. Friday
4. A. born B. saw C. went D. played
5. A. summer B. winter C. season D. autumn
I. Chose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
6. A. happy B. character C. fat D. classmate
7. A. bought B. enough C. laugh D. cough
8. A. honor B. hour C. character D. horse
9. A. last B. taste C. task D. fast
10. A. thin B. thumb C. this D. birthday
II. Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.
11. A. national B. engineer C. figure D. scientist
12. A. provide B. combine      C. service D. account
13. A. approve B. wonder C. physical D. knowledge
14. A. marriage B. happiness C. faithful D. divorce
15. A. money B. army C. afraid D. people
III. Choose the best option to complete each sentence.
16. Summer is always hotter than Fall, ……?
A. is summer B. is the summer C. is it D. does it
17. He is ……….. young to get married.
A. so B. too C. such D. very
18. We haven’t seen them………………. last Sunday.
A. since B. until C. while D. for
19. I’m sure I …………… come tomorrow.
A. will be able to B. would C. may D. am going to
20. He is ………….. to lift this heavy package of cotton.
A. not strong enough B. enough strong C. strong not enough D. not enough strong
21. She hasn’t bought a new computer ………….
A. ever B. since C. yet D. already
22. I was listening while my brother …………… computer games.
A. played B. was playing C. have played D. would play
23. Mary sent me some vegetables ………. by his father.
A. to grow B. grow C. grew D. grown
24. John is said …………… the brightest in the class.
A. to be B. was C. being D. he was
25. The new shopping mall is quite……………… the present shopping area.
A. different from B. like to C. similar D. the same
IV. Underline then correct ONE mistake in each sentence.
26. He won two gold medals since the beginning of the SEA GAMES.
27. Most boys in my class enjoy to read comic books.
28. Mark used to played the guitar when he was a student.
29. Marie wanted buy some food, so she went to the supermarket.
30. My new coat is the same with my sister’s coat.
V. Use the correct form of the words in CAPITAL to complete the sentences.
31. In Vietnam, industrialization has …… the country’s economy. DIVERSE
32. …… beauty sports are particular to Halong Bay. ATTRACT
33. Among the ethnic minorities, the Tay has the …… population. LARGE
34. Local people in …… clothing are selling their farming products. COLOR
35. The people of Vietnam are diverse but very ……. PEACE
36. I can’t do more work as I am so ……. TIRE
37. Living in the countryside has its own some ……. LIMIT
38. “The Young Pioneers” is a famous …… in Vietnam. ORGANIZE
39. David’s …… last night was successful. PERFORM
40. Life in the city is more …… than in the countryside. CONVENIENCE

C. READING (3.0/10)
I. Read the following passage then choose the best option to each question.
Have you ever heard someone use the phrase “once in a blue moon”? People use this expression to
describe something that they do not do very often. For example, someone might say that he tries to avoid
eating sweets because they are unhealthy, but will eat chocolate “once in a blue moon”. Or someone who
doesn’t usually like to go to the beach might say “I visit the shore once in a blue moon.” While many people
use this phrase, not everyone knows the meaning behind it. The first thing to know that the moon itself is
never actually blue. This is just an expression. The phrase “blue moon” actually has to do with the shape of
the moon, not the color. As the moon travels around the Earth, it appears to change shape. We associate
certain names with certain shapes of the moon. For example, when we can see a small part of the moon, it is
called a crescent moon. A crescent is a shape that looks like a tip of a fingernail. When we cannot see the
moon at all, it is called a new moon. When we can see the entire moon, it is called a full moon. Usually, there
is only one full moon every month. Sometimes, however, there will be two full moons in one month. When
this happens, the second full moon is called a “blue moon”. Over the next 20 years, there will only be 15 blue
moons. As you can see, a blue moon is a very rare event. This fact has led people to use the expression “once
in a blue moon” to describe other very rare events in their lives.
41. Which would be a good example of someone doing something “once in a blue moon”?
A. Mary likes to go to the mountains every weekend. B. Tom rarely remembers to take out the trash.
C. Cindy hates washing the dishes. D. Mary sometimes forgets to do homework.
42. When does a blue moon happen in nature?
A. When there are two full moons in a month. B. When the moon has blue color.
C. When we can only see a small part of the moon. D. When we cannot see the moon at all.
43. According to the passage, it can be understood that which of the following sentences does not contain
the expression?
A. Thomas has lost his mind B. An apple a day keeps the doctor away
C. I’ll mow the grass after I finish my homework. D. It’s never bad time to start something new
44. According to the passage, what is another example of something that has crescent shape?
A. your thumb B. a distant star C. the letter “C” D. the letter “H”
45. The author states that “Over the next 20 years, there will only be 15 blue moons.” This means that over
the next 20 year, a blue moon will happen ……
A. once a year B. less than once a year
C. more than once a year D. Not enough information is provided
II. Read then answer the questions.
Colds and flu are caused by viruses. The infections are contagious, passed on by tiny droplets and
hand contact. There are hundreds of different types of virus that can cause cold, which explains why
children get repeated colds. Flu is caused by the influenza virus. There are three major types: A (often the
cause of flu epidemics), B and C. The flu virus is constantly changing its structure, so new strains appear
each year. We don’t have immunity to the new strains, which is why we can catch flu repeatedly. Anyone can
catch a cold or flu. The peak season for colds is the colder winter months, not only because of the weather
but because central heating dries out the normally moist nasal mucosa-an important defense against
invading viruses. However, you can catch a cold at any time of the year; one particular type of cold virus
thrives in the summer. Flu rarely occurs outside November to February in the UK. A cold causes a stuffy or
runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, mild fever and tiredness, lasting from two to four days. Flu is more
severe with a high fever (usually 39 oC or above), chills, headache, intense muscle pains, exhaustion, loss of
appetites, cough and sometimes a blocked nose and sore throat. It may last a week or more and possible
complications include pneumonia. Most cold don’t last long and need no specific treatment other than
painkillers and simple measures such as decongestant rubs or vaporizers. Antibiotics are of no benefit. Zinc
supplements may help to settle a cold more quickly. Children with flu can be given similar treatments, with
lots of rest, medicine to bring down any fever and plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. Lowering the
temperature in the room can also be helpful when someone has a fever. Specific antiviral treatments for flu
are now available, but generally these are only given to those at high risk of flu complications.
46. What are cold and flu caused by?
47. Why do children get repeated colds?
48. How many influenza viruses is flu caused by? What are they?
49. Who can catch a cold or flu?
50. Which season do people usually get cold the most in the year?
51. What symptoms do colds often cause?
52. How many days does a cold last?
53. What symptoms does flu often cause?
54. How long does flu last?
55. When someone gets colds, what measures should be used instead of painkillers?
III. Match each nation from 56 to 65 to the description from A to J
56. Turkey 57. Germany 58. Italy 59. G 60. Thailand
61. United Kingdom 62. Mexico 63. France 64. Spain 65. The United States
A. The myriad of World Heritage Sites along with the largest urban footprint in Europe and the Middle East,
have made Istanbul a major attraction in Turkey along with series of other sites.
B. The exotic range of marine life, ravishing coastline beauty, and quintessential vibrancy of nightlife in the
cities have made Thailand one of the roaring countries attracting more tourists with their exclusive tourism
C. Mexico is one of the latest inclusions in the list of top ten most attractive destinations around the world
for tourists. Lively nightlife, exotic beaches, lush green forests and the Mayan ruins stand among the top
attractions for the tourists who reach 35 million.
D. While the country ranks 7th position among the most tourist attracting countries in the world, it is the
number one country as per UNWTO’s ranking list for tourism expenditure. Germany is a favorite destination
in the summers as well as during the Christmas festival
E. Though the United Kingdom wins over the sixth position, its difference from Italy’s tourist count is quite a
lot. The magnificent landscape of Scotland, the beauty of the London Tower, the magic of old wine and
coastline is the major attraction of this country which attracts 35.8 million tourists.
F. Starting from historical legacies to the romantic canals of Venice, the exotic sight of the Piazzas to oriental
climate, exquisite cuisine to the dramatic coastline, Italy has a lot to offer, and undoubtedly it is one of the
most romantic destinations in the world. Besides Venice, Rome and Florence are also world’s popular hit
destinations for tourism
G. China has emerged as one of the most prominent economies in the world. It’s the largest exporter and the
second largest importer. Its important role in the trade and business and influential economic role in the
global economy has made its global relations better. Moreover, after opening its gate for tourism, it quickly
received a havoc response.
H. Considered to be the major trade and business hub for its former colony Latin America, Spain already
attracts a lot of tourists from Latin America. Besides, owing to the country’s unique geographical advantage
of boasting both the coastal lime of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, the country attracts
millions of tourists.
I. The diversity of tourism scopes which the US accommodates within its 3.79 million square miles right
from California in the West to New York in East, has a lot to offer to tourists. The US is exceptionally popular
amongst tourists for its extravagant tourism diversities, a large reserve of natural scenic spots to the most
vibrant lifestyles in cities, Nature Parks to mountains.
J. Paris is one of the most popular and the fifth most visited location in the world. France always had an
advantageous edge on the world tourism ranking. This country is known to attract almost 83.7 million
tourists across the world.
IV. Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks to complete the paragraph
in have by criticize exercise eating get example like such

A healthy heart is influenced (66)…… various factors. For instance, when people (67)…… angry, the
heartbeat increases and the chance of clogging the arteries increases as well. Medical experts such as heart
specialists (68)…… against too much drinking of alcohol (69)…… beer or whisky. In this instance, however,
not all experts agree. To be specific, some doctors say that moderate drinking, such as one or two glasses of
beer a day, can be good influence on the heart. Daily (70)…… like playing tennis exemplifies one influence
that most experts agree is positive or maintaining a healthy heart.

D. WRITING (3.0/10)
I. Rearrange the words to make sentences.
71. to/enough/not/old/ horror/ my sister /films/is/watch.
72. meet/I/the/going/headmaster/am/to/tomorrow.
73. Sundays/have/on/work/to/doctors.
74. train/we/by/used/go/Hanoi/Hochiminh City/from/to/to.
75. smoking/should/up/we/give.
II. Write sentences from the given cues.
76. She/warn/stay away/water.
77. My brother/study/English/for/5 years.
78. my hat/different/your hat
79. No one/class/more intelligent/Daisy.
80. Her roses/beautiful/than/roses/I/buy/yesterday.
III. Rewrite these sentences in such a way that the sentences you write remain unchanged from the
original ones.
81. We are more careful than the students in class 8B.
The students in class 8B …………………………………
82. My teacher cooks very well.
My teacher is ………………………………………………………
83. It is necessary for you to revise your lessons before the examination.
You had ………………………………………………….
84. This is the tallest building in the town.
No ……………………………………………….
85. “This box is too heavy, so I can’t lift it now” said Dick.
Dick said ………………………………………….

IV. Write a passage.

Having good study habits is very important for all students. In about 90 to 100 words, write about your
study habits. You should pay attention to the contents and the structure of your writing.

-------The end-----
Chú ý: Cách cho điểm: Từ câ u 1 đến câ u 85 mỗ i câ u đú ng đượ c 0.1 điểm
Phầ n viết vă n đượ c chấ m theo cá c tiêu chí trong hướ ng dẫ n
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C 11. B 12. C 13. A
14. D 15. C 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. D 20. A 21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. A
26. wonhas won 27. to readreading 28. playedplay 29. buyto buy
30. withas 31. diversified 32. attractive 33. largest 34. colorful 35. peaceful
36. tired 37. limitations 38. organization 39. performance 40. convenient
41. B 42. A 43. C 44. C 45. B
46. Colds and flu are caused by viruses
47. Because there are hundreds of different types of virus that can cause cold.
48. There are three major types: A (often the cause of flu epidemics), B and C.
49. Anyone can catch a cold or flu.
50. People usually get cold the most in the year in the colder winter months.
51. A cold causes a stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, mild fever and tiredness.
52. A cold lasts from two to four days.
53. Flue often causes a high fever (usually 39oC or above), chills, headache, intense muscle pains, exhaustion,
loss of appetites, cough and sometimes a blocked nose and sore throat.
54. It/Flue may last a week or more.
55. Decongestant rubs or vaporizers should be used instead of painkillers.
56. A 57. D 58. F 59. G 60. B 61. E 62. C 63. J 64. H 65. I
66. by 67. get 68. criticize 69. like 70. exercise
71. My sister is not old enough to watch horror films.
72. I am going to meet the headmaster tomorrow.
73. Doctors have to work on Sundays.
74. We used to go from Hanoi to Hochiminh City by train.
75. We should give up smoking.
76. She warns us (the children) to stay away from the water.
77. My brother has studied English for 5 years.
78. My hat is different from your hat.
79. No one in the (her/my) class is more intelligent than Daisy.
80. Her roses are more beautiful than the roses I bought yesterday.
81. The students in class 8B is (not as careful as/more careless than) we are.
82. My teacher is a good cook.
83. You had better revise your lessons before the examination.
84. No building in the town is taller than this building.
85. Dick said that box was too heavy so he couldn’t lift it then.
Write a passage

Tiêu chí Yêu cầ u Điểm

Content A provision of all main ideas and details as appropriate. 0.5
Language A variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the level of
English language for lower-secondary school students.
Presentation Coherence, cohesion, and style appropriate to the level of English
language for lower-secondary school students.

Total: 10
Question I. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined
1. A. wanted B. washed C. danced D. stopped
2. A. beds B. dogs C. porters D. books
3. A. pictures B. watches C. buses D. brushes
4. A. homework B. mother C. open D. judo
Question II. Choose the best answer
1. My dad doesn’t mind…………… my mom from work every day.
A. pick up B. picked up C. picking up D. picks up
2. Using computers too much may have harmful effects …….. your minds and bodies.
A. on B. to C. with D. onto
3. I love the people in my village. They are so………………… and hospitable.
A. friendly B. vast C. slow D. inconvenient
4. Among the ………………, the Tay people have the largest population.
A. groups B. majorities C. ethnic minorities D. ethnic cultures.
5. People in the countryside live ……………… than those in the city.
A. happy B. more happily C. happily D. less happy
6. Viet Nam is …………. Multicultural country with 54 ethnic groups.
A. a B. an C. the D. A and C
7. We have learnt English, an international language.
A. which B. who C. whom D. what
8. This 2005.
A. was built B. is built C. will be built D. has been built
9. I don’t have a computer. I wish I................ a new one.
A. have B. have had C. will have D. had
10. They usually................ T-shirts on the weekends.
A. wear B. worn C. wore D. wearing
11. My uncle is a . . . . . . . . . He composes music and plays the piano very well.
A. music player B. musician C. music writer D. music fan
12. Many people are fond of...........jeans
A. wear B. wore C. worn D. wearing
13.If I _______ it was a formal party, I wouldn't have gone wearing jeans and a jumper.
A. knew B. had known C. had been knowing D. could know
14.If you take the 8 a.m. flight to New York you _______ change planes.
A. could not have to B. will not have to C. had not had to D. would not to have to
15.If it were well paid, I ...................this proposal
A.would accept B. Will accept C. Would have accepted D. Accepted
Question III. Give the correct form of the following verbs:
1. Mai enjoy ____________ crafts , especially bracelets (make)
2. ____________ you ever ___________ a buffalo ? (ride)
3. The children used to ___________ a long way to school. (go)
4. They hate ___________ their son texting his friends all day. (see)
5. Do you fancy.___________ in the park this Sunday? ( skateboard)
6. Minh ( not find ) ………………………………….his pen yet.
7. My house ( rebuild) ………………………………..….next month
8. Nowadays, a lot of important inventions (- carry out) ---...------by scientists
(work)...........for large industrial firms
9.We have just bought the pictures (paint) Leonado Devinci.
10. Neil Amstrong was the first man (walk)................on the Moon.
Question I
1. Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements that follow are True (T) or False (F) :
In my opinion, using the computer as your hobby can be harmful to both your health and your social life.
Firstly, sitting all day in front of the computer can cause health problems such as eye-tiredness and obesity.
Secondly, you may get irritated easily. Besides, if you use the computer too much, you will not have time for
our family and friends. In short, computers should only be used for a limited time.
1. Using the computer too much can make your eyes tired. 1. ………...
2. Using the computer too much is not good for you. 2. ………...
3. We still can spend a lot of time with our family and friends. 3. ………...
4. According to the writer, we can use the computer for a long time. 4. ………....
5. Computers should only be used for a limited time. 5 ………....
2. Read the passage carefully.
I live in a village by Mekong River. Every day, like most of my friends, I walk to school. It is three kilometers
away. After class, I often help my mother to collect water from the river and feed the chickens. At the
weekend, the villagers often gather at the community hall where there is a TV. The adults watch TV, but
more often they talk about their farm work and exchange news. The children run around, playing games and
shouting merrily. Laughter is heard everywhere.
My father sometimes takes me to the market town nearby where he sells our home products like
vegetables, fruits, eggs… He then buys me an ice cream and lets me take a ride on the electric train in the
town square. I love those trips.
On starry nights, we children lie on the grass, looking at the sky and daring each other to find the Milky
Way. We dream of faraway places.
Answer the following questions.
1/ Does the boy like riding on the electric train in the town square?
2/ What do the children do on starry nights?
3/ Do you like to live in the countryside or in the city ? Why ?

1. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one (1.0 point)
1. My house is smaller than your house.
F Your house .……….…… ……………………………………………………...….……….……….……….………………………….……………
2 . She doesn’t have much free time, she will not visit her friends.
F If …………….……….……….……….……….……….…………………………………………………………………………………….….……….
3. The black dress is more expensive than the white one.
F The white dress ….……….……….……….……….………………………………………………….......…….……………………….……….
4. No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary.
F Mary……….……….…….……….……….……………….….……….…………………………………………………………………….………
5. Tam doesn’t run as fast as she used to.
- Tam used ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6.-> We couldn’t have managed without my father’s money.
 But for........... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. It’s a pity your brother isn’t here.
I wish he……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….............................................
8. They bought this building two years ago. (Change into passive voice)
This building …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. Minh last wrote to his pen pal five months ago.(Rewrite sentence )
 Minh hasn't.......................................................... …………………………………………….......................................................................
10. The boy was taken to the hospital. He was injured in the accident
-> The boy who............................................................... ……………………………………………….............................................................

2. Write a short paragraph giving your opinion about life in the countryside:
You can use these clue questions:
What is your opinion about the life in the countryside?
How are the people, landscape, weather or air?
How is the life there?
How is the food..?
What activities can you do there?











Keys – practice 54
Part 1:

1F 2A 3G 4C 5D


Question III. ( 0,25đ/ câu đúng)





Question IV.







Question V. ( 0,25đ/ câu đúng)

1. making

2. have- ridden

3. go

4. seeing/ to see

5. skateboarding


Question VI: ( 0,25đ/ câu đúng)

1. Read the text again and write True (T) or false (F).

1. T

2. T

3. F

4. F

2. Answer the following questions:

1.Yes , the boy does or yes , he does.

2. On starry nights, we children lie on the grass, looking at the sky and daring each other to find the
Milky Way

3.I like to live in the countryside because it is quiet and comfortable.


Question VII:

a. Mỗi câu 0.5 điểm/ câu

1.more friendly


b. Mỗi câu 0.25 điểm/ câu

1. Your house is bigger than my house.

2. I like listening to music.

3, The white dress is not as expensive as the black dress.

Or The white dress is cheaper than the black dress.

4. Mary is the most intelligent in my group.

II. Write a short paragraph (70-80 words) giving your opinion about life in the countryside. (1.5
I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest (5 pts).
1. A. hour B. honor C. honest D. how
2. A. empire B. bridge C. liberty D. pyramid
3. A. cave B. statue C. bay D. ancient
4. A. believe B. field C. science D. movie
5. A. required B. opened C. plugged D. worked
III. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences (10 pts).
1. She was very sad ______ good marks in the final test.
A. not get B. not to get C. to not get D. not getting
2. My sister has decided to lose weight, so she is living ______ oranges for a week.
A. with B. on C. in D. by
3. When I ______ school, I am going to work in a factory .
A. begin B. study C. leave D. learn
4. What can we do to prevent people ______ throwing drink cans away?.
A. in B. of C. on D. from
5. We have not seen each other ______last Sunday.
A. for B. since C. on D. in
6. Excuse me! I am doing my homework. ______ turning down your radio a bit?.
A. Would you please B. Can you C. Could you D. Would you mind
7. You should work ______ for the coming exam.
A. hard B. hardly C. more hardly D. more hard
8. He found a watch when he ______ in the street.
A. walked B. has been walking C. was walking D. has walked
9. My uncle used to live ______ a farm when he was young.
A. in B. at C. during D. on
10. Millions of Christmas cards ______every year.
A. send B. are sent C. are sending D. was sent
IV. There mistake in the four underlined part of each sentence underline it then correct it (10 pts).
1. There are a lot of food in the fridge, so help yourself.
2. You should take a taxi although it is raining hard.
3. The telephone was invented with a Scotsman, Alexandre G. Bell, in 1876.
4. Would you like coming to my birthday party.
5. It is difficult for students to answer all of the question in fifteen minutes.
6. Mary enjoys to be able to meet a lot of interesting people during her vacation.
7. It has been a long time since we last talked together, isn’t it ?
8. Lots of information are store in the computer.
9. This is the second time I took part in the rice-cooking contest.
10. Either Nam or his father know how to connect the printer.
V. Give the correct form of each verb in brackets to complete the following sentences if necessary (10 pts).
1. Lan’s hair was dirty. Now it is clean, she (clean)……………………… it.
2. Look! Somebody (break)…………………………….. that door.
3. They (not meet)……………………….. us since last week.
4. What (you/do) ………………………………….. at this time yesterday.
5. Our school (open) …………………………….. a new club next week.
6. Would you like (come)……………. to dinner to night.
7. You (phone)……………………………… me last night?.
8. Would you mind if I (smoke)…………………………..?
9. I don't enjoy…………………………………….. (laugh) at by other people.
10. Most of the NOKIA mobile phones (sell)………………. in this shop are imported from China.

VI. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in capitals (10 pts).
1. What is the correct ……………………………..of this word. (pronounce)
2. My grand father can read ………………………… . (good)
3. Last week we had an ……………………… summer holiday. (enjoy)
4. The ……………………. of the project made me tense. (important).
5. You had better do some ………………….. for the final exams (revise)
6. We should save ………………. …….resources. (nature)
7. People in the in the country are often more ………. ………… than people in the city. (friend)
8. Increased pollution is another ………………. …..result. (please)
9. The air is heavily ………………………with traffic fumes. (pollute)
10. …………………, her illness was more serious than we thought. (fortunate)

VII. Fill in each gap with a suitable word to complete the following passage (10 pts).
Rivers are on of the world’s most important natural resources. Many cities are on the large rivers,
and (1)………….. every country has a least one river that (2)……….. an important part in the lives of its people.
Besides transportation, rivers (3)………………..water for crops, water to drink , and recreation for people
who live along their (4)………….. And in (5)………….to get water for crops, engineers sometimes build a dam
(6)…………a river and let water become a lake behind the dam. Then people can use their water not (7)
…………… irrigate fields but also to make electricity for homes and industries. (8)………….the water often
becomes polluted when cities on river bank grow (9)…………….and the number of industries increases. We
are learning that it is necessary to (10)…………rivers clean if we want to enjoy the benefits of the natural

VIII. Choose the best answer by circling A, B, C or D to complete the passage (10 pts).
We don’t only choose clothes to make us look.........(1)......, we also use them to tell the world .........(2)......
our personality. The clothes we wear and our appearance......(3)...... a whole give other people useful
information about what we think and.........(4)...... we feel. If we feel cheerful, we usually wear......(5)......
clothes and if we feel.........(6)..... we sometimes put on dark clothes. But why do teenagers wear black so.........
(7)......? Is it because they feel miserable all.........(8)......? This is unlikely the case. It is probably just because it
is.........(9)...... to wear black, and young people they are real fans.........(10)...... fashion.
1. A. attract B. attractive C. attractively D. attraction
2. A. of B. with C. by D. about
3. A. on B. as C. for D. in
4. A. which B. what C. how D. when
5. A. colorful B. colors C. colorfully D. colorless
6. A. depress B. depressed C. depressing D. depression
7. A. frequent B. frequency C. frequently D. infrequency
8. A. the time B. the times C. the week D. the month
9. A. fashion B. fashionable C. fashioner D. fashioned
10. A. of B. in C. from D. with
IX. Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition to complete the following sentences (5 pts).
1. You can use dictionary to find ______ new words.
2. My younger brother is very good ______ Math.
3. Nam should work harder ______ his English pronunciation .
4. Do you believe ______ ghost.
5. Do you like chocolate cakes? I am very fond ______ them.
6. Are you laughing ______ me?.
7. My uncle has been in hospital ______ Monday.
8. This cake is made ______ flour, eggs, milk, salt and butter.
9. We thanked them ______ all their help.
10. Can you meet me _____________8 am and 9 am?

X. Rewrite the following sentences with the beginning words, staying the same meaning
with the old one. (10 pts)
1. Having a vacation in Da Lat is very interesting.
2. The water was so hot that I could not drink it.
The water was not............................................................................................................................................... …………………………
3. She last ate this kind of food in January.
She has not .......................................................................................................................................................... …………………………
4. I would like you to move this table
Do you mind…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. She said to me “Don’t go out in the evening”.
She …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………
6. The theater is near Hoa’s house
The theater is not……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. How about going to the movie tonight?
Let’s ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. Air travel is faster than any kind of transport.
Air travel is the…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. Nobody has used this machine for years.
This machine……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
10. Please don’t smoke in the kitchen.
Would you mind ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

XI. Use the words or phrases given to make complete sentences. You can add more words if necessary.(10
1. Learning / foreign language / necessary / us / get / job. //
2. This film / interesting / I / see/ twice.
3. My family / I / spend / two months / make our plan / for summer holiday. //
4. driver / stop / car / time / save / child / yesterday. //
5. Boxing / too / dangerous / her / play //
6. It / difficult/ learn English / without/ good dictionary.
7. Of all / hotels in town / the Royal Hotel / comfortable. //
8. He / try / stop / smoking / many times / but / he / never / succeed. //
9. I / hope / my English / improve / by the end / course. //
10. It / difficult / prevent / people / park here. //

XII. Use the words to write the second sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to
the original sentence. Do not change the form of the given words (5 pts).
1. We went to Hai Phong two months ago. (been)
2. Whose book is this? (belong)
3. My aunt ran a small company in the city but she doesn’t do any more. (used)
My aunt………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. English eight has sixteen units. (are)
5. “You should not lend him your car”, Nam said to me. (advised)
Nam ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

I.(5 điểm) : Mỗi câu đúng cho 1 điểm.

1. D 2. A 3.B 4. C 5. D

II. (5 điểm): Mỗi câu đúng cho 1 điểm.

1.B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. D

III. (10 điểm: Mỗi câu đúng cho 1 điểm .

1. B. 2. B 3. C 4.D 5.B

6.D 7.A 8.C 9D 10. B

IV. (10 điểm : Mỗi câu đúng cho 1 điểm.

1. A –is 2. C- because 3. B – by 4. C- to come 5. D- the questions

6. A- being 7. D- hasn’t it 8. C- is stored 9. B- have taken 10. C – knows

V. (10 điểm) : Mỗi động từ chia đúng cho 1 điểm

1. has cleaned 2. is breaking 3. have not met 4. were you doing going to open 6. to come 7. did you phone? 8. smoked

9. being laughed 10. sold

VI. (10 điểm) : Mỗi câu biến đổi đúng cho 1 điểm

1. pronunciation 2. well 3. enjoyable 4. importance 5. revision

6. natural 7. friendly 8. unpleasant 9. polluted 10.Unfortunately

VII. (10 điểm) : Mỗi từ đúng cho 1 điểm .

1. almost 2. plays 3. provide 4. banks 5. order

6. across 7. only 8. However 9. inside 10. keep.

VIII. (10 điểm): Mỗi câu chọn đúng cho 1 điểm

1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A
6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A

IX. (5 điểm): Mỗi câu đúng cho 0,5 điểm .

1. out 2. at 3. on 4. in 5. of

6. at 7. since 8. from 9. for 10. between

X. (10 điểm): Mỗi câu đúng cho 1 điểm

1. It is very interesting to have a vacation in Da Lat.

2. The water was not warm/cool enough for me to drink.

3. She has not eaten this kind of food since January.

4. Do you mind moving this table?

5. She told me not to go out in the evening.

6. The theater is not far from Hoa’s house.

7. Let’s go to the movie tonight.

8. Air travel is the fastest kind of transport.

9. This machine has not been used for years.

10. Would you mind not smoking in the kitchen?

XI. (10 điểm): Mỗi câu đúng cho 1 điểm

1. Learning a foreign language is necessary for us to get a good job.

2. This film is so interesting that I have seen it twice.

3. My family and I spent two months planning our summer holiday.

4. The driver stopped his car in time to save the child.

5. Boxing is too dangerous for her to play.

6. It is difficult to learn English (well) without a good dictionary. .

7. Of all the hotels in town, the Royal Hotel is the most comfortable.

8. He has tried to stop smoking many times but he has never succeeded
9. I hope my English will be considerably improved by the end of the ( this ) course .

10. It is difficult to prevent people from parking here.

XII. (5 điểm) Mỗi câu viết đúng cho 1 điểm.

1.We haven’t been to Hai Phong for two months

2. Who does this book belong to?

3.My aunt used to run a small company in the city.

4. There are sixteen units in English eight

5. Nam advised me not to lend him my car.

1. Read the passage and answer the questions. Circle A, B, or C.
 The Moon is approximately 384,400 kilometers from the Earth. Its diameter is 3,479 kilometers, about 1/4
the diameter of Earth. The average temperature on the surface of the Moon during the day is 107°C, hot
enough to boil water on Earth. During the night, the average temperature drops to −153°C.
Because of its smaller size and mass, the gravity of the Moon is about 1/6 the gravity on the Earth. That
means that a person who weighs 180 pounds on Earth would only weigh 30 pounds if measured on the
The force of gravity from the Moon affects Earth. Its gravity reaches Earth and pulls the oceans toward the
Moon, causing the tides. The gravity from the Sun also affects the tides. The highest tides will always occur
when the Moon and Sun are aligned. That is when there is a New Moon or a Full Moon.
1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A. A comparison between the Moon and Earth
B. Physical characteristics of the Moon
C. The effect of the Moon on Earth
2. The word “its” in paragraph 2 refers to which of the following?
A. the Moon’s
B. Earth’s
C. gravity’s
3. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A. A person would lose 5/6 of their weight if they were on the Moon.
B. A person would weigh much less on the Moon than on Earth.
C. The Earth weighs six times as much as the Moon.
4. What can we learn about the tides?
A. They happen twice a month at New Moon and Full Moon.
B. The Sun causes higher tides on Earth than the Moon does.
C. They are caused by both the Sun and the Moon.
5. The word “aligned” is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. combined together
B. arranged in a line
C. affected by the other
2. Read the passage about computers. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Circle T or F.
Do you own a PDA – Personal Digital Assistant? Have you got a personal computer? Have you ever used a
laptop? The answer can be “Yes”. But do you know that the first computer was made about 70 years ago? It
was large enough to take up a living room. It was named ENIAC – Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Thanks to the development of technology, computers become smaller and smaller. The first personal
computer was actually introduced in the 1970s by MITS, Apple Computer and IBM. They didn’t look exactly
like now but they were surely revolutionary at the time.
Scientists are finding ways to make computers as smaller and slimmer as possible. Some of the today
computers are small enough to carry out in pockets. But technology doesn’t stop there. They will continue to
bring out smaller computers. Who knows? Maybe one day we will not need the big desktops or laptops. We
may need a computer chip that is as small as a fingernail.
1. The first computer was made 70 years ago.  T  F

2. The ENIAC was small enough to carry around.  T  F

3. MITS, Apple Computer and IBM were the first to introduce personal computers. T  F

4. Today computers are not as small and slim as the previous ones.  T  F

5. Fingernail size computer chip will soon be a new revolution.  T  F

1. Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use
other words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
 Here is an example.
0. Ngoc/ usually/ play/ badminton/ Sunday.
Answer: 0. Ngoc usually plays badminton on Sundays.
1. Noise pollution/ big cities/ lead/ hearing/ problems.
2. Lots/ aquatic animals/ die/ because/ oil spills.
3. If/ you/ president/ country/ what/ you/ do/ protect/ environment?
4. One way/ save/ environment/ is/ use/ renewable/ energy/ sources.
5. This boy/ suffer/ birth/ defects/ because/ parents/ expose/radioactive/ pollution.
2. Write an email (90-110 words) to your pen friend telling him about a natural disaster that you
have experienced, seen or been told about.
Use the following questions as cues:
- What is the disaster?
- When did it occur?
- Where did it occur?
- What were its consequences?
- How did you feel about it?
Dear Mary,
Keys – practice 56
1. Read the passage and answer the questions. Circle A, B, or C.
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B

2. Read the passage about computers. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Circle T or F.
1. T        2. F        3. T        4. F         5. T
1. Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use
other words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
1. Noise pollution in big cities leads (has led) to hearing problems.
2. Lots of aquatic animals die (have died) because of oil spills.
3. If you were the president of the country, what would you do to protect the environment?
4. One way to save the environment is using (to use) renewable energy sources.
5. This boy suffers (is suffering/ has suffered) from birth defects because his parents were exposed to
radioactive pollution.
2. Write an email (90-110 words) to your pen friend telling him about a natural disaster that you
have experienced, seen or been told about.
Dear Mary,
How are you? I must write to tell you about the natural disaster I saw on TV this morning. It was a huge
tsunami in Japan two days ago. At first, there was a very strong earthquake, and then the tsunami swept
through the coastal areas of northern Japan.
It was so devastating. What used to be busy and lively cities now has become a vast area of debris. Houses
were totally destroyed, and pieces of furniture and means of transport were scattered everywhere. Luckily,
thanks to early warning, there was no human loss. I felt terrible .I intend to donate some of my pocket
money to help the Japanese people.Would you like to join me?
I : a. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in the
following questions
1. A. marry B. manage C. damage D. many
2. A. exactly B. exhaust C. extinct D. exist
3. A. thought B. through C. enough D. weightlifting
4. A. sentenced B. laughed C. stopped D. surprised
5. A. sword B. sweet C. swear D. swing
b. Choose the word whose stress is different from the other three in the following questions
1. A. engineer B. newspaper C. cigarette D. magazine
2. A. valuable B. committee C. educated D. interesting
3. A. dictionary B. developed C. important D. successful
4. A. temperature B. telephone C. document D. together
5. A.happen B. study C. appear D. wonder
II : Write the correct form of verb in the bracket to fill in the blank
1. Nam is very happy (1-help) ……………………his grandfather with (2- plant) ……………………roses in the
2. He says he detests (3- read) ………………………………science fiction.
3. Listen to this! I think this news (4-surprise) ………………………………you.
4. The statue (5-break) …………………………while it (6-move) …………………………to another room in the
5. People used (7-make) ……………………………… fire by (8-rub) ………………………………two sticks together.
6. It’s our fault to keep Alice (9- wait) ………………………………so long.
We (10-inform) ………………………………her in advance.
III : Choose the best answer
1. The opposite of “ reduce” is ……………………………..
A. decrease B. increase C. destroy D. damage
2. Nobody is absent today, ………………………………..?
A. is he B. is she C. are they D. aren’t they
3. The team ……. by an experienced rice cook won the rice – cooking contest.
A. led B. leads C. leading D. lead
4. The prefix re – in the word reuse means ………………
A. against B. for C. no D. again
5. Farmers collect household and garden waste to make …………
A. compost B. floorcoverings
C. glassware D. pipes
6. I thought you said she was going away the next Sunday, ……………………….?
A. wasn’t she B. didn’t you C. didn’t I D. wasn’t it
7. Ha Long Bay is famous for its beautiful ……island.
A. stone B. limestone C. rock D. cliff
8. I have been looking for this book for months, and ……I have found it.
A. in the end B. in time C. at the end D. at present
9. Many students found it very difficult to keep …..all the recent developments in the subject.
A. touch with B. in touch with
C. touch of D. in touch of
10. Linda: “What a lovely house you have !”
Janet: “ ……………………………………”.
A. No problem! B. Thank you. Hope you’ll drop in
C. I think so D. Of course not. It’s not costly
IV : Fill in the blank with a suitable word
1. We’d love to visit (1)….Canada and …(2)….. United States of America.
2. Yesterday we went on …(3)….eight-hour tour to Queensland.
3. As I was walking along the street, I saw …(4)…….10 note on ……(5)….pavement.
4. Of …(6)…. two films, “Home alone” is ……(7)….. more interesting.
5. When did ……(8)…… Stone Age end?
V: Find and correct the mistake
1. She smelt something burning and saw smoke rise.
2. A football match begins with the ball kicking forwards from a spot in the centre of the field.
3. She always makes her children to pick up their toys before going to bed.
4. He says that speak a foreign language always makes him nervous.
5. It is common knowledge that solar heating for a large office building is technically different from a single-
family home.
6. There seem to be less tourists coming to the city this year.
7. The lion has long been a symbol of strength, power, and it is very cruel .
8. They had a discussion about training not only the new employees but also giving them some challenges.
9. What happened in the house that day were a secret because nobody was allowed to enter.
10. Every city in the United States has traffic problems because the amount of cars on American streets and
highways is increasing every year.
VI : Fill in the blank with a suitable word
Right! Your plane leaves at 14.00 hours. You should check in 2 hours (1) …….departure time, so you
need to be (2) ……..the airport at 12.30. You can wait in the departure lounge (3) ……….check – in time (4)
………departure time. You’ll probably wait there (5) ……….about 13.50. Now, about getting (6) ………the
airport. There’s an airport bus that leaves the terminal at 11.00 hours. You could catch that, I know there’s
always a lot of traffic going to the airport in the morning, from about 8.00 till about 10.00. However, you’ll
be going (7) …….that period, so you’ll be OK.
VII : Write the correct form of word in the bracket
1. Don’t be foolish and ( greed)
2. Last Sunday, our school held a flower - (arrange) contest.
3. She is impractical person. She is always (dream)
4. She’s (wonder) fit for her age.
5. The Vietnamese ( participate) took part in the 14th Asian Games with great enthusiasm.
6. Thank you for your kind ( hospitable)
7. Police asked (pass) if they had seen the accident happen.
8. The room is very narrow. It needs ( wide).
9. He ( sleep) and missed the flight.
10. The people whose houses are to be demolished when the new road is built will be ( house).
VIII : Read and answer the following questions
A week ago we talked to our friends in another class. We didn’t have a telephone. So we made one.
What do you need for a string telephone? You need two small tins and some string. That’s all. How did we
make the telephone? First, we cut the tops of the tins. Then we punched a hole in the bottom of each tin.
What did we do next? We put one end of the string through the hole in one tin. We tied a big knot. Then we
put the string through the other hole and tied the other knot. The teacher said: “ Now you have a string
telephone! Let’s try it”. We opened the window of our room. Tom called Bill in the other room; “Open your
window and catch this tin. I’m going to throw it”. Then Tom talked into the telephone to Bill, Bill listened.
But nothing happened! Tom talked again, but Bill didn’t hear him. He tried again. Again nothing happened. “
Wait a minute”, our teacher said. “Let’s look at our telephone. Perhaps something’s wrong”. We looked at the
telephone. Something was wrong. The string was touching the window. We tried again. The students
watched and waited. The teacher watched too. Again Tom talked to Bill. This time Bill laughed and shouted,
“I hear you! I hear you!” Our telephone worked in the end.
1. Who did they talk to a week ago?
2. What do you need for a string telephone?
3. What did they do with the top and bottom of each tin?
4. What did they do with each end of the string?
5. Who was Tom going to throw one of the tins to?
6. Did Bill hear Tom on the phone when Tom talked to him at first?
7. What was wrong with the telephone?
8. What did the students do when Tom talked to Bill again?
9. Why did Bill laugh and shout?
10. Did the telephone work in the end?
IX : Fill in the blank with a suitable word
A postman’s job is sometimes difficult (1) ……… it is also rewarding and meaningful. Every morning
(2) …… Sundays, and holidays, he (3) ……. at the post office (4) …….to get the mail. Carrying his mail (5) ……
on his shoulder, he makes his (6) …….from building to building. On cold days, as well as (7) …….days, on
rainy day, as well as (8) ………days he brings good and bad (9) ………bills, notices and advertisement to
residents of the area. With his good memory, he is even (10) ……to deliver wrongly address letters to their
X : a. Rewrite the sentence without changing the meaning
1. They have sold that old house at the end of the road.
That old house...…………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. “ Do you realize what the time is, Steve?”, asked Chris .
Chris asked ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. That’s the strangest film I’ve ever seen.
I’ve never .......................……………...........…………………………………………………………….
4. The nurse covers the burn with ice. The ice helps ease the pain.
In order to ………................................……......………………………………………………………….
5. Your hair really needs cutting, doesn’t it, Paddy?
Your hair really must ....................... ................................................................................................
b. Use the given words to make meaningful sentences:
1. Thank you/ much/ your letter/ I / receive/ few days ago. It/ be lovely/ hear/ you.
2. I / be/ sorry/ I not write/ such/ long time/ but I / busy/ move new flat.
3. Congratulations / passing/ driving test.
4. Now/ all you/ do/ save up/ the Toyota car / you/ always/ want.
5. As / know / just start / new job / manager / biggest video shop/ town.
6. I / bit nervous/ first day/ I meet/ staff.
7. But / the end/ everything/ turn out/ all right/ and/ I think/ we/ will/ get / well.
8. Anyway /main reason/ I / write/ to invite/ you/ party/ Saturday. I / hope/ you/ come/.
9. I / spare bed/ I / put you/ the night.
10. Please/ me know/ you/ come/ I / give/ details / how/ get here.
----- The end -----
Keys – practice 57

C©u I.
1. D 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. A
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C
C©u II. help 2. planting 3. reading 4. will surprise
5. broke 6. was being moved 7. to make 8. rubbing
9. waiting 10. should have informed

C©u III.
1. B 3. A 5. A 7. B 9. B
2. C 4. D 6. B 8. A 10.B
C©u IV.
1. X 3. an 5. the 7. the
2. the 4. a 6. the 8. the
C©u V
1. rise : rising 6. less: fewer
2. kicking: kicked 7. it is very cruel: cruelness
3. to pick up: pick up 8. training not only: not only training
4. speak: speaking 9. were: was
5. from a single-family home: 10. the amount of: the number of
from that for a single-family home/ from solar
heating for a single-family home.
C©u VI
(1). before (3). from (5). until/ till (7). after
(2). at (4). to/ till/ (6). to
C©u VII.
1. greedy 3. dreamy 5. participants 7. passers - by 9. overslept
2. arranging 4. wonderfully 6. hospitality 8. widening 10. rehoused
1.They talked to their friends in another class a week ago.
2. We need two small tins and some string.
3. They cut the top and punched a hole in the bottom of each tin.
4. They put each end of the string through the hole and tied a big knot.
5. He was going to throw one of the tins to Bill.
6. No, he didn’t.
7. The string of the telephone was touching the window.
8. They watched and waited when Tom talked to Bill again.
9. He laughed and shouted because he heard Tom on the telephone.
10. Yes, it did.
C©u IX.
1.but 3. arrives 5. bag 7. warm 9. news
2. except 4. early 6. way 8. sunny 10. able
C©u X.
1. That old house at the end of the road has been sold.
2. Chris asked Steve if he realized what the time was.
3. I’ve never seen such a strange film before.
4. In order to ease the paint, the nurse covers the burn with ice.
5. Your hair really must be cut, mustnt it, Paddy?
1. Thank you very much for your letter I received a few days ago. It was lovely to hear from you.
2. I am sorry I haven’t written for such a long time but I have been busy moving into my new flat.
3. Congratulations on passing your driving test.
4. Now all you have to do is to save up for the Toyota you always want.
5. As you know, I’ve just started a new job as the manager of the biggest video shop in town.
6. I was a bit nervous on my first day when I had to meet the staff. / when I met the staff
7. But in the end everything turned out all right and I think we will get on well.
8. Any way, the main reason I’m writing is to invite you to the party I’m having on Saturday
I hope you will come.
9. I have got a spare bed so I can put you up for the night.
10. Please let me know if you can come so that I can give you all the details of how to get here.
AI) Multiple choice
I) From each number, pich out one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
1) a-perform b-colour c-boring d-your
2) a-bath b-watch c-want d-water
3) a-thank b-think c-father d-them
4) a-happen b-house c-hour d-horse
5) a-filled b-destroyed c-wished d-prepared
6) a-flow b-crowd c-cloud d-scout
II) From each number, pick out one word which has the stress on the second syllable:
7) a-chemical b-upset c-steamer d-cupboard
8) a-jungle b-volcano c-surroud d-marine
9) a-foreman b-microwave c-manufactor d-mortar
10) a-powder b-process c-flavour d-defrost
III) Choose the correct answer for each sentence.
11) Please ask them . . . . . . . . . . in this area.
a) don’t smoke b) not smoking c) to not smoke d) not to smoke
12) Come and . . . . . . . . . . . . badminton, Nam!
a) do b) make c) take d) play
13) Timson . . . . . . . . . . 13 films and I think her latest is the best.
a) made b) had made c) has made d) was making
14) My birthday is . . . . . . . . . . February 2 . nd

a) on b) in c) at d) from
15) You should learn your lesson . . . . . . . . . .
a) careful b) carefully c) careless d) carelessly
16) “The students went on a canoe trip yesterday.”
“I heard it was . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .”
a) excited b) exciting c) exciteful d) an excitement
17) “Do you think your father will worry if we’re late?”
“Maybe we’d better . . . . . . . . . . . . . . him.”
a) call b) be calling to c) to call d) will call
18) I said “Happy Birthday” before . . . . . . . . . . Lan a present.
a) give b) will give c) gave d) giving
19) Tam . . . . . . . . . last night when the telephone . . . . . . . . . . .
a) slept-rang b) slept-wasringing c) was sleeping-rang d) was sleeping-was ringing
20) “Would you like to go to the movie with me tonight?” “ - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .”
a) Yes, please. b) I’m sorry. I’d love to.
c) No, thanks. d) Yes, I’d love to.
21) John doesn’t play tennis. David doesn’t play tennis.
a. Both John and David doesn’t play tennis.
b. Neither John nor David plays tennis.
c. Not either John or David plays tennis.
d. Not only John but also David doesn’t play tennis.
22) The coach said, “It’s time for you to go home, boys!”
a. The coach told the boys that it was time for you to go home.
b. The coach tells the boys that it was time for them to go home.
c. The coach told the boys that it is time for them to go home.
d. The coach told the boys that it was time for them to go home.
23) _____ the old man spoke very slowly and clearly, I couldn’t understand him at all.
a. If b. Because c. Since d. Although
24) She startedlearning English ten years ago.
a) She has not learnt English before.
b) She has started learning English for ten years.
c) She has learnt English for ten years.
d) She has learnt English since ten years.
25) They spent a lot of money on food and clothes.
a) A lot of money was spent on food and clothes.
b) A lot of money were spent on food and clothes.
c) A lot of money on food and clothes were spent.
d) A lot of money on food and clothes was spent.
26) There is a detective film _____ at the Thang Long Theater.
a) on b) in c) inside d) outside
27) She got used to _______ her bike.
a) ride b) riding c) rode d) rides
28) You need a good pair of paddles to play _____.
a) tennis b) football c) table tennis d) badminton
29) Ha Long Bay is a _________.
a) World Natural Heritage. b) Natural World Heritage.
c) World Cultural Heritage. d) Cultural World Heritage.
30) A(n) ______ can take a patient to hospital quickly.
a) emergency b) bleeding
c) wound d) ambulance
B) Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word in brackets. (0) is an
example for you.
31) Life is more . . . . . . . . . . now. (comfort)
32) Would you like to go . . . . . . . . . . . (swim)
33) He speaks French very . . . . . . . . . . . . (good)
34) Life in the city is . . . . . . . . . . . . . from life in the country. (difference)
35) Meat is not a . . . . . . . . . . food if we know how much to eat. (health)
36) These medicines can work well with your . . . . . . . . . (ill)
37) My sister has a beautiful . . . . . . . . . . . . . of stamp. (collect)
38) There was no . . . . . . . . . . for his absence from class yesterday. (explain)
C) Circle the italized portion of the sentence that is incorrect.
39) Some people grow so taller that their health may become endangered.
40) After said goodbye to my parents, I went to school with my sister.
41) The phone rung while I was washing the dishes.
42) Henry’s friends told themselves to put his coat on the rack in their hall.
43) She isn’t old enough to done this job.
44) Eight hundred years ago Christmas songs are performed for people in towns and villages.
45) Would you mind help me solve these mathematics problems? I can hardly understand how to do them.
46) She was having dinner when a man was coming and giving her a bunch of flowers.

D) Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. (2,5ms)

47) The sister asked: “Are you hungry, Tom?”
- The sister ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
48) A lot of effort has been put in the work by the little girl.
- The little girl
49) How long have you studied medicine?
- When __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________?
50) John was too ill to go to school.
- John wasn’t ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
51) Tom is not as tall as Peter.
- Peter ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

E) Read the paragraphs below and the summary which follows

Air pollution is a cause of ill-health in human beings. In a lot of countries there are laws limiting the
amount of smoke which factories can produce. Although there isn’t enuogh information on the effects of
smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved that air pollution causes lung diseases.
The gases from the exhausts of cars have also increased air pollution in most cities. The lead in petrol
produces a poisonous gas which often collects in busy streets surrounded by high buildings. Children who
live in areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere can’t think as quickly as other children and are
clumsy when they use their hands.
There are other long-term effects of pollution. If the gases in the atmosphere continue to increase ,
the earth’s climate may become warmer. A lot of the ice near the Poles ma melt and may cause serious
* Complete the summary by writing the correct word in each blank (write one word only.)
Air ___________ (52) can make people ___________ (53). Consequently, some countries pass ____________
(54) to control the quantity of ___________ (55) in the air. Air pollution causes particular damage to the body
by harming the ___________ (56). _____________ (57) should not be used in petrol because it is bad for children’s
_____________ (58) and makes them clumsy in using their hands. Poisonous gas from ____________ (59) collects in
those parts of cities where there are tall buildings. Pollution can also have an influence on the earth’s
____________ (60). The ice may melt near the North and South Poles, resulting in very bad ____________ (61).

F) Read the following passage and choose the best answer:

Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are young children.
Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English
just by hearing the language in films, on television, in the office or among their friends. But not many are
lucky enough to do that. Most people must work hard to learn another language.
Many boys nad girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own
language, and mathematics… and English. In England, America or Australia, many boys and girls study their
own language, which is English and mathematics… and another language, perhaps French or German or
Many adults learn English, because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their
higher studies, because some of their books are in English at the college or university. Other people learn
English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.

62) According to the writer . . . . . . . . . . . .

a) only adults learn English.
b) no children like to learn English.
c) English is useful only for teenagers.
d) English is popular in most of the world.
63) Most people learn English by. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a) watching videos only.
b) hearing the language in the office.
c) talking with foreigners.
d) working hard on their lessons.
64) Many boys and girls learn English because . . . . . . . .
a) English can give them a job.
b) it is included in their study courses.
c) they are forced to learn it.
d) they have to study their own language.
65) In America or Australia many school children study . . . . . . . . .
a) English as a foreign language.
b) English and mathematics only.
c) such foreign languages as French, German and Spainish.
d) their own language and no foreign language.
66) Many adults learn English because . . . . . . . . . .
a) English is spoken in their office.
b) they want to go abroad.
c) most of their books are in English.
d) it helps them in their work.
THE END_____
Keys – practice 58

A) Multiple choice: (6ms)

I) Mỗi câu đúng 0,2đ
1-b 2-a 3-d 4-c 5-c 6-a

II) Mỗi câu đúng 0,2đ

7-b 8-a 9-c 10-a

III) Mỗi câu đúng 0,2đ

11-d 12-d 13-c 14-a 15-b 16-b
17-a 18-d 19-c 20-d 21-b 22-d
23-d 24-c 25-a 26-a 27-b 28-c
29-c 30-d

B) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ

31-comfortable 32-swimming33-well 34-different
35-healthy 36-illness 37-collection 38-explanation
C) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ
39-B 40-A 41-B 42-B
43-C 44-B 45-B 46-C
D) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ
47) The sister asked Tom if he was hungry.
48) The little girl has put a lot of effort in the work.
49) When did you start to learn medicine?
50) John wasn’t well enough to go to school.
51) Peter is shorter then Tom.
E) Mỗi câu đúng 0,3đ
52-pollution 53—ill 54-laws 55-smoke
56-lungs 57-Lead 58-brains/health 59-lead/exhausts
60-climate 61-floods

F) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ.

62-d 63-d 64-b 65-c 66-d
I. Choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the blank spaces.
1. ___________ from John, all the students said they would go.
A. Except B. Only C. Apart D. Separate
2. If you work for us, you’ll get somewhere to live _____ free.
A. for B. at C. out D. of
3. The new manager explained to the staff that she hoped to _____ new procedures to save time and money.
A. manufacture B. establish C. control D. restore
4. They took pride _______ being the best players of the school.
A. in B. with C. on D. for
5. She’d prefer to go out ________ home.
A. than to stay B. than staying C. rather than staying D. rather than stay
6. They received _______ advice from their parents that they became successful.
A. so good B. such a good C. so good an D. such good
7. Have you got a car ________ ?
A. of your own B. of yourself C. of you D. of your
8. There is a fault at our television station. Please do not ______ your television set.
A. change B. adjust C. repair D. switch
9. If you want to attend the course, you must pass the ................... examination.
A. write B. written C. wrote D. writing
10. Either Peter and his brothers _______ the keys to the car.
A. has been taken B. has taken C. have taken D. have been taken
11. We can tell you that we often have a friendly _______ in our class.
A. atmosphere B. air C. matter D. impression
12. These clothes are fashionable and _______ . Do you agree with me?
A. only B. merely C. unique D. uniquely
13. He _______ to have a very big fortune and a beautiful wife.
A. rumors B. rumored C. has rumored D. was rumored
14. Did you use to do a _______ when you were at the university.
A. full-time job B. part-time C. full-time D. part-time job
15. My house is just _______ . I live in the nearby neighborhood.
A. near here B. near to C. near by D. near from
II. Complete the passage below using the correct forms of the words in brackets.
People are becoming more security conscious these days. Crimes like burglary and (1.THIEF)_________ are
definitely on the increase. One of the most (2. PAIN) _________ experiences a home (3.OWN) _________ can
have is to arrive home and find that his or her (4. VALUE) _________ havedisappeared, because a window had
(5. ACCIDENT) _________been left open. What can we do to protectourselves? The most important piece of (6.
ADVISORY) _________ is to make sure that your (7. INSURE)________ coverage is up to date. Another (8.
SENSE) ________ thing to do is to go along to your localpolice station, where they will be more than willing to
make (9. SUGGEST) _________ on (10. RELY)_________ ways of safeguarding your property.
III. Identify the errors in the following sentences and correct them.
1/ We won't mind your (A) being late – (B) beside, it's (C) hardly your (D) mistake.
2/ (A) The whole report is (B) badly typed. (C) Moreover, it's (D) imaccurate.
3/ I'm not (A) astonish she (B) shouted at us! (C) How would we like (D) to be pushed into a wall?
4/ Nguyen is (A) everything we'd ever (B) want (C) in a man - brilliant, (D) fun and attractive.
5/ They just hope (A) that the money (B) goes to those (C) who are mainly in (D) needs.
6/ A doctor (A) with profession, this is his first (B) pleasure trip (C) into writing (D) for the theatre.
7/ She (A) views her life (B) like a spiritual (C) voyage towards a superior (D) understanding of her
8/ Trung was a (A) youthful sailor (B) on his first (C) sea (D) excursion.
9/ The (A) journey guide (B) pointed out the message (C) that runs round (D) the inside of the sports
10/ (A) Supersonic airplanes can (B) go (C) more fast than (D) the speed of sound.
I. Fill ONE suitable word into each of numbered blaks in the passage.
Australia is a big country, but nearly all Australians live near the sea. On hot summer days, you can see
thousands of people at the beach. Many beaches have waves (1)______ are very high.
These large waves are known as surf and the people who ride them are called surfers. Surfing is a skill, and
it needs learning. Don’t (2)______ to be able to surf properly the (3)______ time you try. However, by practising
a few times you will learn (4)______ to do it.
Surfing is not a new sport. Perhaps its origins need explaining. It started hundreds (5)______ years ago in
Hawaii. Men swam (6)______ to sea to catch fish and found they could come back to land very quickly by
riding the waves. These first surfers did not (7)______ a board. They were “body surfers”. Many people
(8)______ do this type of surfing today.
After a while people started to use boards and rode the waves by lying, kneeling or standing (9)______ them.
These first surfboards were made of wood and the water made them rot after a while. Today, surfboards are
made of plastic or fibreglass (10)______.
II. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer.
The search for alternative sources of energy has led in various directions. Many communities are burning
garbage and other biological waste products to produce electricity. Converting waste products to gases or
oil is also an efficient way to dispose of waste.
Experimental work is being done to derive synthetic fuels from coal, oil shale and coal tars. But to date, that
process has proven expensive. Other experiments are underway to harness - power with giant windmills.
Geothermal power, heat from the earth, is also being tested.
Some experts expect utility companies to revive hydroelectric power derived from streams and rivers. Fifty
years ago hydroelectric power provided one third of the electricity used in the United States, but today it
supplies only four percent. The oceans are another potential source of energy. Scientists are studying ways
to convert the energy of ocean currents, tides, and waves to electricity. Experiments are also underway to
make use of the temperature differences in ocean water to produce energy.
1. Which is the best title of the passage?
A. Efficient Ways of Disposing of Waste B. The Use of Water Productions for Energy
C. The Search for Alternative Sources of Energy D. New Discoveries in Geothermal Power
2. In the second paragraph, the phrase “synthetic fuels” could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. Biological fuels B. Low burning fuels C. Fast burning fuels D. Artificial made fuels
3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an alternative source of energy?
A. Burning of garbage B. Geothermal power C. Synthetic fuels D. Electricity
4. According to the author, the impracticability of using coal, oil shale and coal tars as sources of energy is
due to ___________ .
A. their being time consuming B. their being money consuming
C. the scarcity of sources D. the lack of technology their being money consuming
5. The word “it” in the last paragrph refers to ____.
A. alternative source B. the United States C. hydroelectric power D. Electricity
6. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A. Hydroelectric power will be the main source of energy
B. Synthetic fuels will be the principal source of alternative energy
C. Alternative energy will come from a variety of sources
D. All alterenative production of energy will be delivered from water.
III. Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D that best fits the blank in the passage.
Speech is one of the most important (1)___ of communicating .It consists of far more than just making
noises . To talk and also to (2)____ by other people, we have to speak a language ,that is, we have to use
combinations of (3)____that everyone agrees to stand for a particular object or idea. Communication
wouldbe impossible if everyone made up their own language. Learning a language properly is very( 4)___.
The basic( 5)____of English is not very large, and only about 2,000 words are needed to speak it quite
(6)___.But the more idea you can (7)____ the more precise you can be about their exact meaning. Words are
the (8)____thing we use in communicating what we want to say. The way we( 9)____the words is also very
important. Our tone of voice can express many emotions and ( 10)____whether we are pleased or angry, for
1. A. reason B. tests C. ways D. rules
2. A. be spoken B. be examined C. be understood D. be talked
3. A. systems B. sounds C. languages D. talks
4. A. easy B. important C. simple D. expensive
5. A. grammar B. word C. vocabulary D. structure
6. A. fluent B. good C. well D. perfect
7. A. need B. grow C. express D. pass
8. A. main B. certain C. full D. most
9. A. talk B. say C. pass D. send
10. A. show B. ask C. understand D. know
IV. In the following text, six sentences or parts of sentences have been removed. Above the extract you
will find the six removed sentences PLUS one sentence which doesn't fit. Choose from the sentences (A-
G) the one which fits each gap (1-6). Remember, there is one extra sentence you do not need to use.
Write the correct letter in the box.
Choose from the following sentences to fill the spaces in the text. There is ONE extra.
A. Using a microwave for cooking a large food mass is difficult due to limited penetration of microwaves.
B. This can be overcome by leaving the food to stand for a few minutes when cooking is completed.
C. It is advised that the water should be poured slowly into another container that already contains the
D. In this way, buying a microwave oven with a turntable ensure the food is cooked throughout.
E. Conversely the microwaves do not heat glass, ceramic and plastic containers.
F. If the microwaves are not absorbed inside the oven, the oven can be damaged by electrical arcs and
overheating of the microwave source.
G. When water in that state is disturbed, it can suddenly and unexpectedly boil violently.
Microwaving is a method of cooking where food is bombarded by microwaves, usually within an appliance
called a microwave oven which excite the water, fat and sugar molecules, thereby heating (cooking) both the
outside and center of the food at the same time. (1)…………………
(A common myth is that a microwave oven cooks from the center of the food outward. This appears to
happen because heat generated at the surface escapes more readily from the surface of the food into the
surrounding air.) One advantage of microwaving is that small amounts of food can be heated very quickly,
making it useful for reheating leftovers.
The disadvantage is that food which is microwaved does not undergo some of the chemical reactions, such
as browning, which makes the food visually attractive. Primitive microwave ovens often do not cook evenly,
leading to a concern that bacteria easily killed by more traditional cooking methods may survive the quick
cooking time in "cold spots", though the food item as a whole is cooked to a safe average temperature. (2)
Some high-end microwave ovens are combined with a convection oven which basically cook the food using
microwave and hot air simultaneously to achieve both the fast cooking time and browning effect.
(3) …………………
However microwave ovens are used in some fast food chains and special microwave bags are available for
cooking fowl or large joints of meat.
Professional chefs generally recommend using microwaves for a limited set of tasks, including: melting fats
(such as butter) and chocolate, cooking grains like oatmeal and grits, cooking rice, thawing frozen meats and
vegetables before cooking by other methods and quickly reheating already-cooked foods.
Using a microwave to boil water is potentially dangerous, due to superheating. In a microwave, water can be
raised quickly to a temperature above the boiling point before major bubbles form, especially if it is purified
and in a very clean glass vessel. (4) …………………
This effect is rare, even for scientists who try to deliberately recreate it, and any seed whatsoever for
boiling is likely to prevent the problem. Boiling water with, for instance, a teabag already in it will prevent
any dangers by providing a seed, as will using a mug that is not perfectly clean.
The risk greatly increases when water has already been boiled once in the same container. This situation
can occur if the user of the oven boiled the water once, forgot about it, then came back later to boil it again.
The first time the water boils, the seed bubbles (microscopic bubbles of air around which larger steam
bubbles grow) are used up and largely eliminated from the water as it cools down. When the water is heated
again, the lack of seed bubbles causes superheating, and a risk of a steam explosion when the water's
surface is disturbed.
Placing something in the water before heating can mostly alleviate this risk. If you are planning to mix
something with the water, say tea or hot chocolate, adding it before heating will insure that the water boils.
Otherwise, placing a wood object, for instance a chopstick, in the water before heating will also work.
Care should be taken when removing heated water from a microwave. Make sure that the hands are
protected from possible liquid boil-over, place the container on a level, heat-proof surface and stir liquid
with a warm spoon. Also, never add powdered substances (such as instant coffee or cocoa mix) to the
container taken from the microwave, due to the addition of all those seed bubbles and the potential for
violent, spontaneous boiling. (5) …………………
Metal objects, such as metal utensils, in a microwave oven can lead to dangerous situations. Metals do not
absorb microwaves effectively. Instead, metals reflect microwaves, thereby preventing the latter from
reaching the food. (6) …………………
Thin metal layers, such as metal foil and mugs with metal trim can melt or burn due to the strong electrical
currents that are generated in metal objects. However, small solid metal objects, such as spoons, in
combination with a large amount of absorbing food or liquid, normally do not lead to problems.
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Original
Wikipedia article.
I. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning of the printed sentences.
6. The phone stopped ringing the moment I got down stairs.
No sooner _______________________________________________
7. He is determined to carry on working when he is 65.
He has no ________________________________________________
8. He was very sorry that he didn’t see Audrey on her trip to London.
He greatly ______________________________________________
9. She agreed to go out to dinner with him because she assumed he was not married.
Had she __________________________________________________
10. Everyone was surprised that the singer had very little money when he died.
The singer had _____________________________________________
II. Children today are too dependent on computers and electronic entertainment. It would be better for
them to be outside playing sports and taking part in more traditional past times than spending all day
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
You should write at least 200 words.











Keys – practice 59
I. (1.5 point;0,1point/correct amswer)
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. D
6. D 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. C
11. A 12. C 13. D 14. D 15. A
II. (1.5 point;0,15point/correct amswer)
1. theft 2. painful 3. owner 4. valuables 5. accidentally
6. advice 7. insurance 8. sensible 9. suggestions 10. reliable
III. (1.5 point;0,1point/correct amswer)
1. (B) beside → 2. (D) imaccurate 3. (A) astonish → 4. (D) fun → funny 5. (D) needs →
besides → inaccurate astonished need
6. (A) with 7. (B) like → as 8. (D) excursion → 9. (A) journey guide 10. (C) more fast
profession → by voyage → tour guide than → faster than
C. READING (3 points)
I. (1 point;0,1point/correct answer)
1. that/which 2. expect 3. first 4. how 5. of
6. out 7. use 8. still 9. on 10. instead
II. (0.6 point;0,1 point/correct answer)
1. C 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. C
6. A
III. (0,8 point/0,08 point/correct answer)
1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C
6. C 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A
IV. (0.6 point; 0,1 point/correct answer)
1. E 2. B 3. A 4. G 5. C
6. F
I. (0.5 point;0.1 point/correct answer)
1. No sooner had I got downstairs than the phone stopped ringing.
2. He has no intention of giving up working/ retiring when he is 65.
3. He greatly regretted not seeing Audrey on her trip to London.
4. Had she known that he was married, she would not have agreed to go out to dinner with him.
5. The singer had very little money (left) when he died, which surprised everybody.
II. Write about the following topic: 1.5 pts
The impression mark is based on the following scheme:
4. Content (50% pts): a provision of all main ideas and details as appropriate
5. Language (25%pts): a variety of vocabulary and structures
6. Presentation(25%pts): coherence, cohesion, and style appropriate to the level of English language gifted secondary
I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. Christmas B. character C. school D. church

2. A. traveled B. surprised C. worked D. climbed
3. A. tour B. pour C. your D. course
4. A. towel B. down C. window D. flower
5. A. cook B. food C. too D. pool
II. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.
1. His handwriting is terrible. It’s not easy at all ….........what he writes.
A. to see B. to read C. reading D. seeing
2. The city is ……………….on the shore of Lake Michigan.
A. visited B. lied C. laying D. located
3. Kim Tan town is………………..busier.
A. becoming B. doing C. making D. having
4. The Smiths never go out in the evening ……………….?
A. do they B. don’t they C. doesn’t he D. does he
5. Ba is strong enough……………..his father with the work on the farm.
A. helping B. help C. helps D. to help
6. Last week my children…………… to the biggest zoo in town by my wife.
A. took B. were taken C. went D. has gone
7. I tried my. ……………not to laugh, but I couldn’t.
A. good B. well C. best D. better
8. Are you proud…………….your country and its tradition?
A. about B. on C. of D. for
9. I want to ask my parents ................... some money.
A. from B. for C. with D. about
10. You are very different ........................ your brother.
A. to B. for C. with D. from
11. I am better........................ English than Nam.
A. than B. with C. at D. for
12. He seldom goes fishing...................?
A. doesn't he B. is he C. does he D. isn't he
13. Heavy rains …….the plane for several hours
A. stopped B. prevented C. delayed D. kept
14. You must go to school ……the ages of 5 and 16. It is compulsory.
A. from B. over C. during D. between
15. Sorry to keep you…………
A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waited
III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I’ve decided (stop) ………………………………………......smoking. 2. I
(visit) ..........................................................Singapore two years ago.
3. Look at those black clouds. It (rain)………………………………….
4. We are tired of (work)………………………………… for low salary.
5. This is the second time you (break)……………………………...a cup. 6.
(you/ do) ………………………………………….. the homework yet?
7. Mai is in her room. She (play)………………………………. the guitar.
8. The teacher said that we should (not make)……………………………… noise in class.
9. Water …………………………….(cover) most of the Earth’s surface.
10. The gate …………………………..…... (lock) at 6.30 p.m everyday.
IV. Read the passage and answer the questions.
It was the first lesson after the summer holidays at a small school in England. The lesson was
about the seasons of the year. “There are four seasons in the year,” said the teacher.
“They are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. In spring, it is warm and every thing begins to
grow. In summer, it is hot and there are many flowers in the fields and gardens. In autumn, there are
many vegetables and much fruit. Everybody likes to eat fruit. In winter, it is cold and it often rains.
Sometimes there is snow on the ground.”
Here the teacher stopped and looked at one of the pupils “stop talking, Tom,” he said. “Now listen to
Can you tell us when the best time of apples is?”
“Yes, sir,” answered Tom. “It is when the farmer is not at home and there is no dog in the garden.”
1. Where did the lesson take place?
2. What was the lesson about?
3. What did the teacher ask Tom to do?
4. What did the teacher asked the class to do?
5. Did the teacher say “Stop talking, Tom?”
V. Write the correct form of the words given in capital letters to complete the following sentences.
1. Their children have quite …………………………….……characters. DIFFERENCE
2. My brother bought a new…………………………..…..rod yesterday. FISH
3. Mr. Jane runs his business very …………………………….. SUCCESS
4. I like the city life because there are many kinds of ……………………….…. ENTERTAIN
5. The scouts do the………………………………..… VOLUNTEER
6. Is there anything…………………………………… on TV tonight? INTEREST
7. What is the correct…………………………….……..of this word? PRONOUNCE
8. My uncle often spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local..................................... ORPHAN
9. Relax for some minutes and you’ll feel more…………………….…….. COMFORT
10. In electronics, we learn to repair ......................................appliances. HOUSE
VI. There is one mistake in each of the following sentences. Find out and correct it.
1. He has waited there for a quarter past six. (1)……………………….……..
2. Surface mail is many cheaper than air mail. (2)………………………….…..
3. They do their best to keeping the family happy. (3)……………………………..
4. The armchair is in the living room, among the television and sofa. (4)……………………...……...
5. Tourists usually have a bus to the countryside. (5)……………………………..
VII. Fill in the blank with one suitable word.
Charlie Chaplin was born in a very poor part of London. (1) ………………father was a comedian and
his mother worked (2) ………………a dancer and a singer. Neither of them (3) ………………successful so
the family (4) ……………… very little money. The first time he himself earned (5) ……………… by dancing
and singing, he was only five years old. He did many kinds of jobs, but what he loved best was
working (6) ………………the theatre.
When he (7) ……………… about fifteen, he joined a traveling theatre company and went on trips
to America. On one such tour, (8) ……………… was offered a part in a film, so he went to Hollywood,
where he eventually became both a famous actor (9) ……………… film director.
He died in Switzerland in 1977, at the (10) ……………… of 88. There is now a statue of him
in Leicester Square, London, the city of his birth and early up-bringing.
VIII. Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition.
1. It’s 2.5 km…………………..…….……my school………………………..…..…..the movie theater.
2. I live …………………………………..Xuan Dieu street……………………..….my grandparents
3. She is talking…………………….……her students in the school yard.
4. My new house is different………………………….my old house.
5. My father is a farmer. He works…………………………..…..a farm.
6. Does your aunt work …………………………..….the central hospital? – Yes, she is a nurse there.
7. I’m always busy. I must work ……………………….…..early morning until night.
8. Mr. Minh is a journalist. He writes ………………………….…..Tuoi Tre newspaper.
9. This apartment is suitable…………………………………….my family.
10. I often help my parents ………………………..…….the housework after school.
IX. Rewrite the following sentences so that the meanings stay the same.
1. She eats more chocolate than I.
I ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Vinh keeps forgetting his homework.
Vinh is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. Keeping the environment clean is very important.
4. No one helped Lan to do the homework.
Lan ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. It’s three years since I last spoke to her.
I haven’t…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……
6. Tam doesn’t type as fast as she used to.
Tam used ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….
7. How long is it since you used the car?
When ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..
8. We started living here 15 years ago.
We have………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
9. Let’s meet inside the center at the cafe corner?
10. Nam is very strong, he can do heavy work.
Nam is strong ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……..
Keys – practice 60
Question I: (1,25 marks)
1. D 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A

Question II: (3,75 marks)

1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. D

6. B 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. D

11. C 12. C 13. C 14. D 15. B

Question III: (2,5 marks)

1. to stop 2. visited 3. is going to rain 4. working 5. have broken

6. Have you done 7. is playing 8. not make 9. covers 10. is locked

Question IV: (1,25 marks)

1. The lesson took place in a small school in England.

2. The lesson was about the seasons of the year.

3. The teacher asked Tom to stop talking.

4. The teacher asked the class to listen to him.

5. Yes, he did.

Question V: (2,5 marks )

1. different 6. interesting

2. fishing 7. pronunciation

3. successfully 8. orphanage

4. entertainment 9. comfortable

5. voluntary 10. household

Question VI: (1,25 marks)

1. for  since

2. many  much

3. keeping  keep

4. among  between

5. have  take

Question VII: (2,5 marks)

1. His 2. as 3. was 4. had 5. money

6. in 7. was 8. he 9. and 10. age

Question VIII: (2,5 marks)

1. from - to 2. on - with 3. to 4. from 5. on

6. in 7. from 8. for 9. for 10. with

Question IX: (2,5 marks)

1. I don’t eat as much chocolate as she does.

2. Vinh is always forgetting his homework.

3. It’s very important to keep the invironment clean.

4. Lan did the homework herself.

5. I haven’t spoken to her for three years.

6. Tam used to type fast.

7. When did you use the car?

8. We have lived here for 15 years.

9. How about meeting inside the center at the cafe corner?

10. Nam is strong enough to do heavy work.

Hướng dẫn chấm

Thang điểm 20: Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25 điểm

80 câu x 0,25 = 20 điểm
PART I.Choose one word that has a different stress position from the others.
1. A. cartoon B. open C. paper D. answer
2. A. computer B. shortage C. village D. teacher
3. A. important B. community C. organize D. diseases
4. A. education B. geography C. occupation D. information
5. A. relative B. cinema C. continue D. suddenly

PART II. LEXICAL – GRAMMAR I. Multiple choice.

1. Your hair is long. It needs .......................
A. cut B. cutting C. to cut D. had cut
2. You .......................forget what I told you. It is very important.
A. must B. have to C. can't D. mustn't
3. I think it's high time for the children bed .
A. go B. went C. going D. to go
4. You have never been to Ha Noi, .......................?
A. haven't you B. did you C. didn't you D. have you
5. I have a .......................sister.
A. seven years old B. seven-years - old C. seven- year - old D. seven year olds
6. I'd rather you .......................that.
A. do B. don't do C. won't do D. didn't do
7. We are now wet. You .......................the raincoats with you.
A. should bring B. should have brought C. must bring D. have to bring
8. They are looking forward .......................Tet holiday.
A. to have B. having C. to having D. have
9. That was a .......................ceremony.
A. prepared-well B. prepare-well C. well-prepared D. well-prepare
10. I object to this.
A. be treating B. treating C. being treated D. have been treated
11. My mother often gives me advice .......................water.
A. to save B. how to save C. on how to save D. with how to save
12. My dog as well as my cats .......................twice a day.
A. eat B. eats C. has eaten D. have eaten
13. Do it right now, .......................?
A. do you B. aren’t you C. will you D. don’t you
14. We’ll go out as soon as it .......................raining.
A. has stopped B. is stopping C. stop D. will stop
15. Take this cake and cut it into eight .......................pieces.
A. same B. like C. alike D. equal
II. Fill in each gap in each sentence with the correct form of the word in capital letters.
1. After many years of failure, Edison inventing the light bulb. SUCCESS
2. The accident happens because of driving...... CARE
3. He believed in his jump down from the fourth storey without getting hurt. ABLE
4. You must pass the ......exam to attend the course. WRITE
5. Many people like him because of his ...... GENEROUS
6. The media help increase the ......of sports and games. POPULAR
7. The ......of forests has brought about floods recently. DESTROY
8. An has stolen all our money. KNOW
9. The ......of this factory are widely consumed in this country. PRODUCE
10. Viet Nam declared its ......on September 2nd 1945. DEPEND

III. There are ten mistakes in this paragraph. Find them out and correct them.

Line 1 Summer in England is the better season of all. The sky is clear and
Line 2 blue. The sun shines brightly. But it is not pleasant to go out at noon
Line 3 because of the sun dazzles our eyes. The air is generally dry. It is very
Line 4 pleasant taking a walk in the morning when the country is cool, or
Line 5 again on the evening when the sunshine is not so heat, and the moon
Line 6 raises above the horizon. How beauty it is in summer in the
Line 7 countryside. There high in the sky, there has the moon which sheds
Line 8 it’s silver light together with thousand of little stars twinkling and

PART III. READING I. Read the following passage then choose the best answer .
There is usually one important (1) .................. missing from most school timetables. Very few students are
(2) ................ how to organize their learning and how to (3) ................... the best use of their time. Let’s take some
simple examples. Do you know how to (4) .............. up words in the dictionary?, and do you understand all the
information the dictionary contains? Can you (5) ..................... notes quickly, and can you understand them (6)
................... ? For some reason, many schools give learners no help with these matters. Teachers ask students to
(7) ..................... pages from books, or tell them to write ten pages, but don’t explain (8)………..….… to do it.
Learning by heart can be useful, but it is important to have a genuine (9) ………..…… of a subject. You can (10)
……………… a lot of time memorizing books, without understanding anything about the subject!
1. A. theme B. book C. subject D. mark
2. A. taught B. learnt C. educated D. graduated
3. A. take B. give C. get D. make
4. A. find B. look C. research D. get
5. A. do B. send C. take D. revise
6. A. after B. afterwards C. lastly D. at last
7. A. concentrate B. remind C. forget D. memorize
8. A. how B. what C. why D. it
9. A. information B. success C. understanding D. attention
10. A pass B. waste C. tell D. use
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space.
Computers play an important role in our everyday lives, sometimes without us even realizing it. Consider
the use (1) _________computers in both shops and offices. Big shops especially chain stores with branches all over
the country, have to deal with very large amounts of information.
They have to make (2) ________that there are enough goods on the shelves for customers to buy; they need to be
(3)__________to re-order before stocks (4) ________out, to decide which things are selling well and (5) ________on. All these
processes (6) ________performed quickly and efficiently by computers.
A (7) _______ of office work in the past involved information on paper. (8) ____ it had been dealt with by
people, the paper was put (9) ________for future reference. This way of working was (10) ________particularly
easy or fast. A computerized system is much more efficient.
III. Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
The culture of Vietnam is one of the oldest in the Southeast Asia region. Although Vietnam lies
geographically in Southeast Asia, long periods of Chinese domination and influence has resulted in the emergence
of many East Asian characteristics in Vietnamese culture, and generally Vietnam is said to be a part of the East
Asian cultural sphere, known widely as Chinese cultural sphere.
Despite considerable foreign influence, Vietnamese people have managed to retain many distinct
customs. While Chinese culture has the largest influence on traditional Vietnamese culture, there is also
a much smaller influence from the Cham and later Western cultures, most notably of France, Russia and
the United States. In term of prehistory, most Vietnamese historians consider the ancient Dong Son
Culture to be one of the defining aspects of early Vietnamese civilization.
Vietnam’s population in 2006 was 84,402,966, with a population density of 253 people per km 2. Most
people live in or near the densely populous Red River or Mekong deltas. Due to the nation’s southward
expansion throughout its history, along with the different climate and environment met by the settlers as they
moved further south, slightly different regional cultures began to emerge, most notably between Northern and
Southern Vietnam.
1. The culture of Vietnam______ .
A. is the youngest in Asia B. does not get any Asian characteristics
C. was influenced by that of China D. was greatly dominated by that of Western
2. Which culture has not affected the Vietnamese one?
A. Of the United States B. Of the United Kingdom C. Of Russia D. Of France
3. Vietnamese people ______ . A. cannot keep their own culture in their daily life
B. have many diverse nation customs C. highly appreciate the Western influence on their culture
D. failed to retain the native customs
4. Through history, Vietnam expended to the ______ A. south B. north C. east D. west
5. Which statement is true?
A. The North and the South of Vietnam have the same regional cultures.
B. The Mekong delta is more populous than the Red River one.
C. Red River delta is densely populous.
D. Vietnamese people do not like living in the deltas.
PART IV. WRITING Rewrite the following sentences.
1. If we can solve the problem soon, it will be better for all concerned.
The sooner.................................................................................................... ....................................... ....................................................
2. I would prefer you to deliver the sofa on Friday.
I would rather……………………........................................................................................................................................………………
3. We've run out of tea.
There....................................... ........................ ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....... ............
4. Susan was too excited to sleep.
Susan was …………........................................................................................................................................…………………………… ...
5. Robert has not had a job for two years.
Robert has been………………..............................................................................................................................................……………
Keys – practice 61


1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C
I. Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C and D
1. B, 2. D 3. d, 4d 5. c 6. d 7.b 8.c 9.c 10 c 11c 12 b 13 c 14 a 15 d
II. Fill in each gap in each sentence with the correct form of the word in capital letters.
1. succeeded 6. popularity 2. carelessly 7.destruction 3. ability 8. unknown
4. written 9. products 5. generosity 10. independence
III. There are ten mistakes in this paragraph. Find them out and correct them.
Line 1 Summer in England is the better season of all. The sky is clear and blue.
Line 2 The sun shines brightly. But it is not pleasant to go out at noon because
Line 3 of the sun dazzles our eyes. The air is generally dry. It is very pleasant
Line 4 taking a walk in the morning when the country is cool, or again on the
Line 5 evening when the sunshine is not so heat, and the moon raises above the
Line 6 horizon. How beauty it is in summer in the countryside. There high in the
Line 7 sky, there has the moon which sheds it’s silver light together with
Line 8 thousand of little stars twinkling and twinkling.

Line Mistakes Corrections Line Mistakes Corrections

1 better best 5 raises rises
2 because of because 5 beauty beautiful
3 taking to take 6 has is
4 on the evening in the evening 7 it’s its
5 heat hot 8 thousand thousands
I. Read the following passage then choose the best answer from the four options
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space.
1. of 2. sure/ certain 3. able 4. run/ sell 5. so
6. are/ get 7. lot 8. Once/When/After 9. aside/ away 10. not/ never
III. Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C
I. 1. If we can solve the problem soon, it will be better for all concerned.
The sooner we can solve the problem, the better it will be for all concerned
2. I would prefer you to deliver the sofa on Friday.
I would rather you delivered the sofa on Friday
3. We've run out of tea.
There isn't any tea left
4. Susan was too excited to sleep.
Susan was so excited that she couldn't sleep
5. Robert has not had a job for two years.
Robert has been out of job/ jobless/ unemployed for two years
I/ Circle the word which has the italic part pronounced in a different way:
1.a. enough b. young c. country d. mountain
2.a. experimented b. collected c. needed d. raised
3.a. knife b. socket c. desk d. book
4.a. hour b. honour c. honest d. honey
II/ Choose the word whose stress pattern is not the same as the other. (1m)
1. a. admire b. blanket c. collection d. exchange
2. a. pagoda b. economic c. relax d. material
3. a. embroider b. occasion c. minority d. intermediate
4. a. embroider b. encourage c. champagne d. logical
III/ Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. (3,5ms)
1. Jane and Jack stood in front of the mirror and looked at ……………………..
a. herself b. himself c. themselves d. ourselves
2. Which one is …………… milk or orange juice?
a. better b. the best c. good d. well
3. They haven’t found the paintings ……………………from the museum.
a. steal b. stole c. stolen d. stealing
4. The smaller the room is, the …………….furniture it needs.
a. fewer b. smaller c. more d. less
5. Henry, …………….work have been famous in the world, was an American writer.
a. which b. that c. who d. none are correct
6. It took him ages to ………………… living in the new town.
a. use to b. used to c. will used to d. will use to
7. The house was …………………………………… building.
a. a nice old stone b. a nice stone old c. a stone old nice d. an old nice stone
8. Hardly ……………………Duy when she stayed smiling.
a. had she seen b. she had seen c. has he seen d. does she see
9. I would rather you ……………….me the story.
a. tell b. told c. to tell d. telling
10. “ War and Peace” …………………… the longest book I have ever read.
a. are b. was c. were d. is
11. “ Nghi doesn’t like American beer” – “ ……………… does Vy”.
a. Either b. So c. Neither d. too
12. Ken doesn’t work here……………….. . he left about six months ago.
a. any longer b. no longer c. still d. yet
13. That’s a …………………. building.
a. five- story b. five – stories c. five – story’s d. five- stories’s
14. Vietnam is one of the countries of the ………………of South East Asian Nations.
a. affection b. association c. administration d. federration
15. I was just go out when you telephoned.
a. around b. about c. thinking d. planed
16. The national dress of japanese women is …………………………
a. Ao dai b. Kimono c. Sari d. Jeans
IV/ Circle A, B, C or D to choose the sentence which has the same meaning as the original
1. I’d prefer you to start work next month.
a. I’d rather you start work next month.
b. I’d rather start work for next month
c. I'd rather you started work next month.
d. You should start work next month.
2. This room is too small for five people
a. This room is very small for five people
b. This room is such small that five people can’t live in.
c. This room isn’t big enough for five people.
d. This room isn’t too big for five people.
3. They made me study hard when I was at school
a. I was made study hard when I was at school.
b. I was made to study hard when I was at school.
c. I was made studying hard when I was at school
d. When I was at school I studied hard.
4. You should go to the dentist’s at once.
a. Don’t delay to go to the dentist’s at once.
b. Don’t delay to go to the dentist’s any more.
c. Don’t delay going to the dentist’s any longer.
d. Don’t put off go to the dentist’s ant longer.
5. My grandfather is old, but he can walk to the park.
a. Although my grandfather is old, he can walk to the park.
b. Despite his old age, my grandfather can walk to the park.
c. In spite of being old, my grandfather can walk to the park.
d. All are correct.
PART C: Written tests.(8ms)
I/ Give the correct verb form in the brackets.(2ms)
1. It’s high time that you (get)……………..down to more serious work.
2. That man (stand)………….at the bus stop for the last half hour. Shall I tell him that the last bus has
already gone?
3. By next September I (pay)…………………4,000 pounds in income tax.
4. At this time next week they (sit)……………… the train on their way to Paris.
II/ Supply the suitable forms of the words in brackets: (1ms)
1.We’ll live in a happier and ………………… life if we keep our environment clean.(health)
2.Thirty years ago, my hometown was small. Now it has turned into an …………city.(industry)
3.Islam is the ………………..religion of Malaysia. (office)
4.Don’t depend on him; he’s a very ………………….person. (rely)
III/ Rewrite the sentences, keep the meaning unchanged: (2,5ms)
1. These shoes will have to be repaired.
Richard will have…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Bill never does any things if you don’t tell him what to do.
3. “Why don’t you put a better lock on the door, Mai?” Minh asked.
Minh suggested…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………......
4. Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test.
As long as……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...............
5. When she heard the news, she broke down.
6. She’d rather have Italian food than French food.
She prefers…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. We couldn’t get nearer because of the police
The police prevented……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....
8. Although both of his legs were broken in the crash, he managed to get out of the car before it
Despite his……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
9. Every heard about the accident before I did.
I was the …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..........
10. It’s common knowledge that he has been in prison several times.
He is known…………………………………………………………………………..
IV/ Complete each sentence of the following letter.(2,5 ms)
Dear Diana,
1. Thank you/ much/ your letter/ arrive/ few days ago.

2. It / be lovely / hear / you
3. I / be sorry / I not write / such / long time/ but I / be very busy.
4. As you know/ we buy / new house / September.
5. It / be /very bad condition / and it need / a lot / work.
6. We finish / most / it now / and it look / very nice.
7. Peter and I / decide / give / house- warming party / May 3 rd
8. You think / you / able / come?
9. Please give me / ring / let / know / you / make it.
10. I / really / look forward / see you again.

Keys – practice 62
PART B: Multiple choice. (8ms)
I/ (1m) 1.a 2.d 3. a 4.a
II/ (1m 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. d
III/ (3,5ms) 1.c 2.a 3.c 4.d 5.d 6.c 7.d 8.a
9.b 10.d 11.c 12.a 13.a 14.b 15.b 16.b
IV/ (2,5m) 1.c 2.c 3.b 4.c 5.d
PART C: Written.(8ms)
I/ (2ms)
1. got 2. has been standing 3. will have paid 4. will be sitting
II/ (1m)
1. healthy 2. industrial 3.official 4.unreliable
III/ (2,5ms)
1. Richard will have these shoes repaired
2. Unless you tell bill what to do, he never does anythings.
3. Minh suggested Mai ( should) put a better lock on the door.
4. As long as you keep calm, you will pass your driving test.
5. On hearing the news, she broke down.
6. She prefers Italian food to French food.
7. The police prevented us from getting nearer.
8. Despite his broken legs in the crash, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded.
9. I was the last one who heard about the accident.
10. He is know to have been in prison several times.
IV/ (2,5ms)
Dear Diana,
1. Thank you very much for your letter which arrived a few days ago.
2. It was lovely to hear from you.
3. I’m sorry I haven’t written for such a long time but I’ve been very busy.
4. As you know, we bought a new house in September.
5. It was in very bad condition and it needed a lot of work.
6. We have finished most of it now and it looks very nice.
7. Peter and I have decided to give a house- warming party on May 3rd
8. Do you think you will be able to come?
9. Please give me a ring and/ let me know if you can make it.
10. I’m really looking forward to seeing you again.
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each
Write your answers A, B, C or D in the spaces given on the right. (5 pts)
0. A. move B. lose C. love D. tomb C
1. A. character B. ache C. channel D. chorus
2. A. bomb B. debt C. cucumber D. doubt
3. A. thorough B. within C. threaten D. breath
4. A. wicked B. united C. increased D. attended
5. A. wound B. shoulder C. soul D. poultry

II. Choose the word whose stress position is different from the others’ in each group.
Write your answers A, B, C or D in the spaces given on the right. (5 pts)
1. A. industry B. interview C. inherit D. interesting
2. A. manufacture B. museum C. congratulate D. promotion
3. A. because B. concentrate C. society D. enormous
4. A. university B. volunteer C. responsible D. economic
5. A. literature B. temperature C. convenient D. preference


I. Choose the word or phrase that fits each sentence.
Write your answers A, B, C or D in the spaces given on the right (10 pts)
1. It's an
A. package B. party C. group D. team ..........
2. Nobody likes to pay..... prices.
A. high B. tall C. big D. expensive ..........
3. How are you feeling today?.... better, thank you.
A. More B. Much C. Very D. Many ..........
4. I haven't met our new secretary yet......?
A. What's she like? B. How is she? C. How is she like? D. How does she like? ..........
5. You can go home, if you.....your work.
A. finished B. have finished C. are finished D. finishing ..........
6. There is going to school if you're not willing to learn.
A. reason B. aim C. point D. purpose ..........
27. .....his advice, I would never have got the job.
A. Except B. Apart from C. But for D. As for ..........
8. .....Richard is a businessman, his brother is a rock singer.
A. However B. Yet C. Whereas D. Despite ..........
9. There is no water on the moon, atmosphere around it.
A. there is B. it is C. there is not D. is there ..........
10. Cancer is a ..... disease.
A. killing B. death C. dead D. kill ..........
11. Under the sun’s heat, water......
A. melts B. evaporates C. rises D. floats ..........
12. The new restaurant is the comer of a busy street.
A. put B. located C. stood D. placed ..........
13. She read a newspaper on the plane to ..... away the time.
A. waste B. throw C. quicken D. while ..........
14. It isn't quite.....that he will be present at the meeting.
A. sure B. certain C. exact D. doubtftd ..........
15. The weather in the far north is not..... it is near the Equator.
A. like humid as B. as humid as C. humid as D. so humid that ..........
16. There will be plenty of food for everybody,..... nobody takes more than his share.
A. except that B. provided that C. despite that D. even if ..........
17. I would like to offer a small..... to anyone who finds my missing dog.
A. receipt B. repayment C. expense D. reward ..........
18. John's score on the test is the highest in class; .........
A. he should study last night B. he should have studied last night ..........
C. he must have studied last night D. he must had to study last night
19. Biologists tell us that the earth has seen 500 million species of animals.........or so.
A. during the last 3 billion years B. it was during the last 3 billion years ..........
C. while the last 3 billion years D. since the last 3 billion years
20. Would you mind helping me with this book-case? It's too heavy for me to........
A. be moved by me B. move on my own ..........
C. move on myself D. be moved by myself
III Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word given. (10 pts)
1. You'd better drive. I'm too...........................for such complicated traffic. EXPERIENCE
2. I wish you a very happy................... . RETIRE
3. Telling lies is.......................... . MORAL
4. We need to push up the................................of our country. INDUSTRY
5. Now that she got a job, Lena is.......................of her parents. DEPEND
6. Your money will be refunded if the goods are not to your.................... SATISFY
7. Please...................your seat belt. The plane is taking off. FAST
8. UNO stands for United...............................Organization. NATIONAL
9. The water in this area is.....................and should not be drunk. PURE
10. The situation is getting...........................difficult for us. INCREASE
III. Fill each gap in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb particle. (10pts)
1. I talked..........her............the phone yesterday.
2. It’s very to help homework.
3. Shall we stop.............the book store..............the way home?
4. He has been absent.............class because..............his illness.
5. We complained.............the boss..............the bad working conditions.
6. What’s - I’ve got a back.
7. I’d like to thank you............. everything you have
8. The storm swept.............the village..............the night.
39. When his aunt passed............., he came.............a lot of money.
10. Is it all right if I pay............. cheque or.............. cash?
IV. Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
Write your answers in the spaces that follow. (10 pts)
1. She (wear).........................her new hat when I (meet)....................her yesterday.
2. Whenever it (rain).........................she (carry) umbrella.
3. The house (be)........................much smaller than we (think) first.
4. Before you (mention)........................him, I (never hear)......................... of that author.
5. After some years (live) this country, you’ll get used to (eat)....................
Chinese food.
6. When we (get) the station, the train (leave).....................for 10 minutes.
7. I (sit).......................down for a rest while the shoes............................(repair).
8. I think it’s time he (start)............................(write).............................the report.
9. At this time next week, we (stay) the holiday resort (enjoy)..................ourselves.
10. The teacher asked those who (complete)...............their tests (turn) their papers.
V. Identify one of the four underlined parts in each sentence that is not correct. Then get it right.
Write your identification (A, B, C or D) and corrections in the spaces that follow. (10 pts)
0. Is this (A) the address to (B) whom you (C) want the package (D) sent?
1. David is (A) particular fond of cooking, (B) and he (C) often cooks (D) really delicious meals.
2. Sandra has (A) not rarely missed a (B) play or concert (C) since she (D) was seventeen years old.
3. There (A) was (B) a very interesting news on (C) the radio this morning (D) about the earthquake in
4. The bridge (A) hit by a large ship (B) during a (C) suddenly storm (D) has been mended.
5. As soon (A) as I arrive (B) at my hotel, I’ll contact (C) with you (D) by phone.
6. Jim was upset last night (B) because he (C) had to do a lot of (D) homeworks.
7. Jane (A) told me that she (B) will (C) have to go to London the (D) following day.
8. Tom, (A) together with his two sisters, (B) are going (C) to join our trip (D) next weekend.
9. Peter is the boy (A) whom (B) I think scored the (C) winning points (D) for the basketball team.
10. Our new neighbors (A) had been living in Arizona (B) for ten years (C) after (D) moving to their
present house.
I. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each of the questions.
Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the spaces that follow. (5 pts)
I arrived in London at last. The railway station was big, black and dark. I did not know the way to my
hotel, so I asked a porter. I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. The porter,
however, could not understand me. I repeated my questions several times and at last, he understood. He
answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly. "I am a foreigner," I said. Then he spoke slowly,
but I could not understand him. My teacher never spoke English like that! The porter and I looked at
each other and smiled. Then he said something and I understood it. "You'll soon learn English!" he said. I
wonder. In England, each man speaks a different language. The English understand each other, but I
don't understand them! Do they speak English?
[Source: L.G. Alexander, New Concept 2,. Longman, 1974]
1. The writer asked the porter......
A. how to speak English B. where the railway station was
C. the direction to the hotel D. if he could speak English
2. The porter couldn't understand the writer because......
A. the writer did not speak English very carefully B. the writer repeated the questions several times
C. the porter didn't know English D. the writer's English was unusual
3. The writer's teacher of English.....
A. spoke English differently from English people B. never spoke English in class
C. didn't speak English slowly D. didn't work as a porter
3. In England......
A. people don't speak English at all
B. people speak English, which is not like the one the writer studied at school
C. people understand one another without speaking English
D. each person speaks a different language
4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. At last the writer understood what the porter said.
B. The writer expected everyone in England to speak like his teacher.
C. The porter didn't feel angry with the writer.
D. The porter always spoke English slowly and clearly.
II. Read the dialogue and choose the correct word or phrase to complete each numbered blank.
Write your answers A, B, C or D in the spaces given on the right. (5 pts)
When you go to another country, it is important to follow the (1)......of that country. If you are invited to
a home in England, here is some (2)....... . (3) are invited, it is good manners to tell whether you
will go or not, either by (4)... ...or through telephoning. When you go to the party, it is better to (5).....on
time. It is good manners to shake hands with your host and other guests. You can take a (6)......if you like,
possibly a bottle of wine or a box of chocolates or some flowers. However, it is bad manners to take
(7)....... . It is not (8) stay too late after the other guests have gone. (9)......., it is good manners to
write a short letter or make a telephone call a day or two later to (10).......your host.
1. A. customs B. language C. people D. map
2. A. news B. information C. service D. advice
3. A. Before B. Though C. While D. As soon as
4. A. car B. bus C. writing D. speaking
5. A. reach B. leave C. come D. arrive
6. A friend B. present C. parent D. child
7. A. nothing B. cheap thing C. everything D. expensive things
8. A. correct B. well C. polite D. necessary
9. A. Of course B. So C. However D. But
10. A. welcome B. thank C. praise D. please
III. Fill each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word. (10 pts)
When Bill was eight years old, in 1908, he used to work for an old lady who lived in his village. Every
day, before and after school, he (1) chop wood, light fires, and go shopping for her. He was paid
5p (2)................week which was (3)...............very much even then. This old lady kept (4)............many cats
that she did not know exactly (5)............many (6), one of these cats was found dead in the garden
and the lady, (7)..............was very upset, asked Bill to dig a grave and bury it. Bill did this and.. (8)…given
lOp. He couldn't (9)..............noticing that he (10) much for burying the cat (11)..................for a
whole week’s work (12)..............made him think. He had many friends (13).................fathers, the local
farmers, often had to shoot cats to protect their chickens. He offered his friends 2p for every dead cat
they (14)................him. He would (15) the cat in the old lady's garden where she would find
it, think it (16) of her own and (17).................Bill 10p for burying it. (18)..............the time he
left school, Bill (19)...................saved quite a lot of money. Later in life, he became a very
I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it (10
1. What is the depth of this lake?
How............................................... ………………………………………………………………………….................?
2. How interesting the film is!
What............................................. …………………………………………………………………………....................
3. The furniture was so expensive that we didn’t buy it.
The furniture was not........ ……………………………………………………………………................................
4. I'm sorry that I didn't go to the party last Sunday.
I regreted......................................... ……………………………………………………………………….....................
5. He said, "You stole my record, Bill."
He accused................................... …………………………………………………………………………........................
6. So that he can speak English fluently, he reads lots of books and sees lots of English films.
So as............................................ ...………………………………………………………………………….......................
7. He doesn’t have enough money. He can’t buy a big house.
If................................................... …………………………………………………………………………..........................
8. The teacher asked me whether I had brought my dictionary.
My teacher asked, "................………………………………………………………………………............................"
9. People say she is the most beautiful girl in the village.
She is .............................................. …………………………………………………………………………......................
10. Do you know who wrote this novel?
Do you know by.............. …………………………………………………………………….......................................?
II. Rewrite each sentence so that it means the same as the original one. Use the word given but do
not change this word in any way. (5 pts)
1. This is my first visit to Japan. Time

2. How long have Helen and Robert been married? Get

3. I haven't been to an Indian restaurant for 2 years. Since

4. John failed to complete the job on time. Succeed

5. Laura is too young to vote in the election. Old

III. Use the words and phrases given below to write complete sentences. (5 pts)
1. I / no intention / come / terrible place / again.

2. Age / 30 / Mr Smith / write / 2 best selling books.

3. Two girls / have nothing / common.

4. We / stay / sun / such / long time / became sunburned.

5. My boss / get / well / all / employees.

keys practice 63
Part 1. Question 1. B Question 2. A Question 3. C Question 4. C Question 5. A
Part 2. 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C
Part 3. 1. Midnight 2. Thursday 3. 6.45 and) 9.15 (p.m.) quarter past nine 4. 2.80 5. HOAUXTON
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each group. (5
1 point for each correct answer.
1. C 2. C B 4. C 5. A
II. Choose the word whose stress position is different from the others’ in each group. (5 pts)
1 point fo r each correct answer.
l. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C
I. Choose the word or phrase that fits each sentence. (10 pts)
0. 5 point for each correct answer.
1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. A
11. B 12. B 13. D 14. B 15. B 16. B 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. D
II. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word given. (10 pts)
1 point for each correct answer
1. inexperienced 2. retirement 3. immoral 4. industrialization 5. independent
6. satisfaction 7. fasten 8. Nations 9. impure 10. increasingly
III. Fill each gap in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb particle. (10 pts)
1. to - on 2. o f - with 3. at - on 4. from - of 5. to - about
6. with - in 7. for - for 8. through - during 9. away - into 10. by - in
IV. Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. (10 pts)
0.5. point for each correct verb.
1. was wearing - met
2. rains - carries
3. was - had thought
4. mentioned - had never heard
5. living - eating
6. got - had left
7. sat - being repaired
8. started - writing
9. will be staying - enjoying
10. had completed - to turn
V. Identify one of the four underlined parts in each sentence that is not correct. Then get it right. (10
0. 5 point for each correct identification and 0.5 point for correction.
1. A  particularly 2. A  rarely 3. B  omitted 4. C  sudden 5. C  omitted
6. D  homework 7. B  would 8. B  is 9. A  who 10. C  before
I. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each of the questions. (5 pts)
1 point for each correct answer
l. C 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. B
II. Read the dialogue and choose the correct word or phrase to complete each blank. (5 pts)
0.5 point fo r each correct answer.
1. A 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. B
III. Fill each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word. (10 pts)
0.5 point fo r each correct word.
1. had 2. a/per 3. not 4. so 5. how 6. One 7. who
8. was 9. help 10. earned 11. as 12. This 13. whose 14. gave
15. then 16. was 17. gave/offered 18. By 19. had 20. rich
I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it (10 pts)
1 point for each correct sentence.
1. How deep is this lake?
2. What an interesting film (it is).
3. The furniture was not cheap enough for us to buy.
4. I wish I had gone to the party last Sunday.
5. He accused Bill of stealing/ having stolen his record.
6. So as to speak English fluently, he reads lots of books and sees lots of English films.
7. If he had had the money/ enough money, he could have bought a big house.
8. My teacher asked, “Have you brought/ Did you bring your dictionary?”
9. She is said to be the most beautiful girl in the village.
10. Do you know by whom this novel was written?
II. Rewrite each sentence so that it means the same as the original one. Use the word given but
do not change this word in any way. (5 pts)
1 point for each correct sentence.
1. This is the first time I have visited Japan.
2. When/ How long ago did Helen and Robert get married?
3. It is 2 years since I (last) went to an Indian restaurant.
4. John didn’t succeed in completing the job on time.
5. Laura is not old enough to vote in the election.
III. Use the words and phrases given below to write complete sentences. (5 pts)
1 point for each correct sentence.
1. I have no intention of coming to that terrible place again.
2. By the age of 30, Mr Smith had written 2 best selling books.
3. The two girls have nothing in common.
4. We stayed in the sun for such a long time that we became sunburned.
5. My boss gets on well with all his/ the employees.
Question 1: Choose the best answers
1. Would you mind my ....................................?
a. smoking b. smoke c. smokes d. smoked
2. I see you at the meeting. Why didn’t you come?
a. waited b. expected c. thought d. looked
3. All of us were ......................that he came first. He hasn’t been working hard so far.
a. surprising b. to surprise c. to be surprised d. surprised
4. Where is Janet? – She’s out. She said she ......................... back soon.
a. is b. will be c. would be d. came
5. Several people were hurt in the accident but only one the hospital.
a. has taken b. was taken c. was taking d. are taking
6. The policeman explained to us get to the airport.
a. how b. how can we c. how we can d. how can
7. I telephoned the station to make ......................of the time of the train.
a. true b. real c. right d. sure
8. The college got some money by selling one of its ...................old pictures.
a. helpful b. usual c. valuable d. useful
9. –“ Pass me that pen, please!” – “.........................”
a. Here you are b. No, it isn’t c. It doesn’t matter d. Yes, please
10. He ....................... in the cafe when she came in.
a. sat b. has sat c. has been sitting d. was sitting
11. It was raining .......................we cancelled the trip to Mount Faber.
a. although b. so c. because d. but
12. How far is it from Ha Noi to Hoa Binh? – It ...................about two hours by bus.
a. takes b. goes c. needs d. wants
13. Everybody was there, including..................Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
a. with b. of c. ___ d. in
14. She hasn’t written to me .......................
a. any longer b. never c. already d. yet
15. Surely David’s not going to drive,........................he?
a. does b. is c. isn’t d. will

Question 2: Complete the passage :

Well, here I am in Peru ....(1).......our South American tour. We got to Lima five days ago. We ....(2).........a
good journey. It took three days .(3)..... bus, but we saw a lot of things on ....(4)........ way. We didn’t do
much for the ...(5)......two days, as a couple of the other guys ...(6)...... ill. We spent most of the time on the
beach. They are OK now.
On Wednesday, we came ..(7)..... to the mountains, and yesterday we went to the old Inca city of Machu
Picchu and did ...(8)......... sightseeing. ...(9)....... was fantastic! We didn’t have a lot of time there, ....(10)......
we saw everything and I took a lot of photos.

Question 3: Supply the correct forms of the word in parentheses.

1. Some of the (village)......................................have lived here all their lives.

2. The room still has many of its (origin)...................................features.
3. He doesn’t know the (mean)....................................... of the word.
4. They tried their best to avoid (get)................................into traffic jams at rush hours.
5. She had her hair (wash).................................... and styled.
6. It’s only a short trip. We (be)................................. back in an hour.
7. He spends most of his free time (play)............................... computer games
8. We produce cheaper goods than our (compete)
9. He has been (separate) ....................................... from his wife for a year.
10. His father is a (special) Vietnamese history.

Question 4:Find the word which fits the definition. The first has been done for you.

1. You could keep books on it: ……….bookshelf……..

2. You could keep plates in it : ………………....……….
3. You keep your clothes in it : …………....………….…
4. You can see yourself in it : ……………...……………
5. You get washed in it : ………………........…………..
6. You bite the food with them:.......................................


Question 1. Choose ONE appropriate question in the box to each paragraph below :

1/ How do industry and transport cause pollution ?

2/ How can I help ?
3/ What is the pollution ?
4/ How can industry help ?
5/ What cause pollution ?
6/ What about air pollution ?

A. ___ Pollution is the poisoning of the land, sea and air.

B. ___ Mainly industry and transport. If you go to any city, you will see too many factories, too
many cars with not enough people in them, and not enough public transport.
C. ___ Factories and vehicles produce waste which goes into the air and rivers and spreads all over
the land. Poisons in the waste build up over the years and harm trees, plants, animals, and people.
D. ___ Waste gases build up in the air, and dissolve into raindrops, forming a weak acid. This "acid
rain" can fall far away from the country which produced it, killing trees in forests and fish in lakes and
E. ___ If companies clean their waste gases before releasing them into the atmosphere, there'll be
much less air pollution and no acid rain. But this can be expensive and it needs all the world's companies
to do it.
F. ___ Cars pollute the atmosphere. Walk, cycle and use public transport as much as possible. Only
use your car when you really need to, and use unleaded petrol if you can - lead is one of the most
dangerous ingredients in petrol. Join us, and help us to campaign for cleaner air for everybody.

Question 2: Fill in the blanks with one suitable word. The first letter has been provided:

Every December millions of Christmas cards go through the post. There are pictures of stars and
snow or Christmas (1) t......................... . In these days it is hard to think of Christmas (2) w.........................
Christmas cards. Yet little over a hundred and fifty years ago there were (3) n.......................... at all. Here is
just one story of the way in which they started.
Some boys of those days who were at boarding schools had to write a special piece of English at
Christmas (4) t......................... . This was sent to their (5) p......................... so that they could see how the
boys' work was during the year.
Young people like to make little (6) d......................... on the paper when they write letters or poems.
These boys were the (7) s.......................... .They used to draw little pictures all (8) r.............................. the
writing. Sometimes they coloured them, and after a time the pictures became more (9) i.........................
than the writing. These were the (10) f......................... Christmas cards.


Question 1: Rewrite sentences as directed.

1. Why don’t you take that English course?
If.................................................................................................................. ....................................... ......................................
2. You forgot to turn off the TV last night, didn’t you?
You didn’t..................................................................................................... .......................................................................?
3. Despite his age, Mr. Thanh runs five kilometres every morning.
Even........................................................................................................................... ....................................... ......................
4. He didn’t finish his work until the bell rang.
Not until............................................................................................................ ....................................................................
5. When he is asked about his past, he hates it.
He hates................................................................................................................... ..............................................................
6. Without Tom’s help, Bill couldn’t have finished the work.
If it......................................................................................................................... ....................................... ............................
7. William said to Mary “Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat?”
William suggested........................................................................................ .....................................................................
8. “It’s time we went to bed” they said. (Rewrite, using reported speech)
...................................................................................................................................... ....................................... .....................
9. The robbers made the bank manager hand over the money.
The bank manager ...................................................................... ......................................................................................
10. She hasn’t been to Ho Chi Minh City for three years.
The last................................................................................................ ....................................... .............................................
11. I cleaned the floor then I went to bed.
After.................................................................................................. ....................................... .................................................
12. “Don’t forget to send your parents my regards”, she said to me.
She told....................................................................................................... ....................................... .......................................
13. “Would you like to dance with me?” she said to John.
She....................................................................................................... ....................................... ................................................

Question 2: Write complete sentences using the words given to form a letter :
Dear Uncle Tom,
1. Thank / much / alarm clock / send me / 15th birthday.
2. It just / what / need.
3. I / terrible / get up late / every morning.
4. Thanks / your present / I / wake up / time.
5. I / hope / you both well.
6. I / look forward / see / you / Christmas.
7. Thanks also / lovely card.

Best wishes,

Dear Uncle Tom,

Keys – practice 64


Question 1: Choose the best answers.
1. a 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. d 8. c 9. a 10. d
11. b 12. a 13. c 14. d 15. b.
Question 2: Complete the passage :.
1.on 2.had 4.the 5.first 6. were 7.up 8.some 10.but

Question 3: Supply the correct forms of the word in parentheses.

1. villagers 2. original 3. meaning 4. getting 5. washed 6. will be
7. playing 8. competitors 9. separated 10. specialist
Question 4:Find the word which fits the definition. The first has been done for you.
2. cupboard 3. wardrobe/ trunk 4. mirror 5. water 6. teeth
Question 1. Choose ONE appropriate question in the box to each paragraph below :
A3 B5 C1 D6 E4 F2
Question 1: Fill in the blanks with one suitable word. The first letter has been provided: 1. trees 2. without
3. nothing/ none 4. time 5. parents
6. drawings 7. same 8. round 9. important/ interesting 10. first
Question 1: Rewrite sentences as directed. (15 pts)
1. If I were you, I would take that English course
2. You didn’t turned off the TV last night , did you
3. Even though Mr. Thanh is old, he runs five kilometers every morning.
4. Not until the bell rang, did he finish his work?
5. He hates being asked about his past.
6. If it hadn’t for Tom’s help, Bill....................................
7. William suggested that Mary should put her luggage under the seat.
8. They said it was time they went to bed.
9. The bank manager was made to hand over the money.
10. The last time he went to HCM city was three years ago.
11. After cleaning/ I had cleaned the floor, I went to bed
12. She told me not to forget to send my parents her regards
13. She invited John to dance with her.
Question 2: Write complete sentences using the words given to form a letter :
Dear Uncle Tom,
1. Thank you very much for the alarm clock you sent me on my 15th birthday.
2. It's just what I need.
3. I'm terrible to get up late every morning.
4. Thanks to your present, I can wake up on time.
5. I hope you're both well.
6. I'm looking forward to seeing you at Christmas.
7. Thanks also your lovely card.
Best wishes,
1. I/Supply the correct verb tenses or forms.
1. Water (cover)………………….. most of the Earth’s surface.
2. Look at those black clouds! It (rain)……………………………………
3. She has a lot of novels ( write)………………….. in English.
4. We are tired of (work)…………… …………..for low salary.
5. Would you mind if I ( take)………………………………..a photo?
6. This is the second time you (break)…………………………….a cup.
7. I ( just buy ) ……………………a new shirt.
8. My brother came in while Tom and I ( play ) …………………… chess.
II/ Fill in the blank with the suitable preposition
1. She is keen……………………..pottery.
2. The heads of some famous people were carved…………………..the rock.
3. They have to separate the rice………………the husk.
4. I’m looking forward ……………….seeing you in June.
5. Can you help you ………………….. your bags, Mrs. Jones?
6. My new house is different…………………my old house.

III/ Find out mistakes in the following sentences and correct them
E.g: I strongly believe that friends plays a very important role in our life.
A B C D  play
1. The meeting will be hold in the community center.
A B C D  ………………
2. Greg is always forget his keys and that really annoys me.
A B C D  ………………
3. It’s about a 40- minutes drive from the city center.
A B C D  ………………
4. Would you mind if I ask you a personal question?
A B C D  ………………
5. We are looking forward to see you in April.
A B C D  ………………
6. The project will be show to the public when it is finished,
A B C D  ………………
VI/ Give the correct forms of the words in parentheses. (2ms)
1. The lecturer is giving us first-aid …………………. (instruct)
2. Relax for some minutes and you’ll feel more …………….. (comfort)
3. This book is …………………… enough for me to read. (interest)
4. Sa Pa is a wonderful ………..... resort in Viet Nam. (mountain)
5. The view of this mountain is ……………………. (beauty)
6. It's ........................ to cross the avenue. (danger)
7. Could you give me some.........................? (inform)
8. Each of my friends has a .................................. character . ( differ)
C/ READING: ( 5 ms)
I/ Read the passage and then choose the correct answer: ( 2ms)
Mrs. Jackson is an old woman who has a small room (1)_______ an old house. She
(2)_________there since 1974. That was the year when her husband (3)___________. He had been ill
(4)__________many years. After his death Mrs. Jackson had (5)__________ money at all. She found work
in a factory. Her job was to clean the offices. She (6)_______ get up(7)_______ the morning. She doesn't
have much money (8)_______she hopes now.
1. a. in b. on c. from d. of
2. a. is living b. lives c. lived d. has lived
3. a. died b. has died c. dead d. was dead
4. a. since b. for c. in d. during
5. a. none b. any c. no d. not
6. a. must b. must to c. had to d. has to
7. a. for b. at c. in d. to
8. a. so b. because c. but d. and
II/Read the passage carefully and then do the tasks:
When I was twelve, my family moved to the city. At first, everything was strange and difficult
to me. Life in the city is always busy and the people are often in a hurry. Lots of bikes, motorbikes,
cars and buses coming from every direction scared me. Now I get used to the life in the city. I am
used to the noise and busy city traffic. I’m no longer afraid
of crossing the road. However, I don’t really like to live in the city. I prefer to live in the
Answer the questions:
1. Where did his family move? ................................................................................................................
2. Was everything difficult or easy to him at first?
3. What does he think about the city life and the city people?
4. What scared him?
5. Is he afraid of crossing the road now?
6. Where does he prefer to live?
D/ WRITING: ( 5ms)
I/ Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.( 2ms)
1. Hoa is older than Nien.
Nien is ……………………………………………………………………..

2. Will you turn down the TV, please?

 Would you mind……………………………………………………………?
3. Learning to ride a bicycle is very easy.
 It ………………………………………………………………………..........
4. My brother has just repaired the bicycle
 The bicycle ……………………………………………………………………
II/ Read Quyen’s postcard below carefully and the do the task (3ms):
Dear Sally,

We are having a wonderful time in the USA. The people are friendly and the weather has been
warm ans sunny.

In Sann Francisco, I visited my friend, Sandra Smith and her family. It was happy to see them.

I bought lots of souvenirs for the children. Thanh is always complaining about the heaviness of
my suitcase.

See you soon.



Imagine you are a tourist o vacation in a certain place/ city in Viet Nam. Write a postcard
to a friend about your trip.












I. Tenses: ( 2đ: mỗi câu đúng 0,25)
1/ covers 2/ is raining 3/ written 4/ working
5/ took 6/ have broken 7/ have just bought 8/ were playing
II. Prepositions: ( 1,5đ: mỗi câu đúng 0,25)
1/on 2/ into 3/ from 4/ to 5/with 6/ from
III. Find and corect mistakes ( 1,5ms) ( 1,5đ: mỗi câu đúng 0,25)
1/ B ( held) 2/ A (is always forgetting)
3/ B ( minute) 4/ C ( asked)
5/ C ( seeing) 6/ B ( showed/ shown)
IV. Word form: ( 2đ: mỗi câu đúng 0,25)
1/ instructions 2/ comfortable 3/ interesting 4/ mountainous
5/ beautiful 6/ dangerous 7/ information 8/ different
C/ READING: ( 5đ)
I.Multiple choice ( 2đ: mỗi câu đúng 0,25)
1/ a 2/ d 3/ a 4/ d 5/ c 6/ c 7/ c 8/ a
II. Questions ( 3đ: mỗi câu đúng 0,5)
1/ His family moved to the city.
2/ Everything was difficult.
3/ He thinks life in the city is always busy and the people are often in a hurry.
4/ Lots of bikes, motorbikes, cars and buses coming from every direction scared him.
5/ No, he isn’t.
6/ He prefers to live in the city.
I/ ( 2đ: mỗi câu đúng 0,5)
1/ Nien is younger than Hoa.
2/ Would you mind turning down the TV?
3/ It is very easy to learn to ride a bicycle.
4/ The bicycle has just been repaired by my brother.
II/ Mỗi ý 0.5 đ
Question I.
a. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. a. children b. chance c. change d.mechanic
2. a. takes b. inches c. oranges d. houses
3. a. played b. performed c. showed d. acted

b. Choose the word that has stress pattern is diferent from the others of the same group.
1. A. company B. comfortable C. introduce D. usually
2. A. associate B. table C. chemist D. social

Question II. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.
1. It …… in winter ; now it …… .
A. rains/ doesn’t rain B. rains/ isn’t raining
C. is raining/ isn’t D. is raining/ doesn’t rain
2. He normally …… quickly but today he …… slowly.
A. is speaking/ isn’t speaking B. speaks/ doesn’t speak
C. is speaking/ speaks D. speaks/ is speaking
3. …… is easy.
A. recycle B. recycling C. to recycle D. recycles
4. This is the first time I …… his mother.
A. meet B. am meeting C. have met D. met
5. The doctor …… a red car lives near my house.
A. to drive B. driving C. drove D. driven
6. Would you mind if I …… a photo?
A. take B. took C. taking D. to take
7. Yesterday I ................ a new bike because my old one ................ stolen.
A. bought / was B. bought / were C. buy / were D. bought / is
8. They spent a lot of time ................ about what they would do if they had a lot of money.
A. talk B. talked C. to talk D. talking
9. I do not think that purple shirt ................ with your yellow skirt.
A. suits B. fits C. goes D. wears
10. I didn’t come to the party because I ................
A. don't invite B. am not invited C. was not invited D. didn't invite
11. Jane asked me ................ Bill Gate.
A. If I knew B. I knew C. whether I know D. If I know
12. Only one of ................ girls prefers ................ classical music to popular music.
A.the/X B.X/X C.the/the D.the/a
13. My family and I are looking forward ................ you.
A. to seeing B. of seeing C. to see D. for seeing
14. Staying in a hotel costs ................ renting a room in a domitory.
A. twice more than B. twice as much as C. as much twice as D. as much as twice
15. I never eat ................ cheese. I don't like it!
A. a B. X C. some D. the
Question III. Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to complete the following sentences.
1. She has made up her mind ……….. (have) a garage ………….. (build) next to the house.
2. The statue …………. (break) while it ……………. (move) to another room in the museum.
3. The bell is ringing. I must stop …...... (do) my homework …....... (answer) the phone.
4. Why you all ………….. (laugh)? Roger ……………... (tell) you his funny stories?
5. Don’t worry. We ………….. (finish) the report by 11.
6.The money (steal) the robbery was never found.
Question IV. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the capital words.
9. Joanne wants to become a __________ in the future. (science)
10. Many rural areas in Viet Nam have been __________ in the last few years. (urban)
11. The book was so ________ that we didn’t want to read it. (interest)
12. There are a lot of _______________ in the competition. (contest)
13. Linda’s __________ made the party less exciting. (absent)
14. He didn’t win the championship, so he felt very _____________ . (hope)
15. Because of his _________, they failed the exam. (lazy)
16. Vinamilk company has served customers a lot of _____________ recently. (produce)
17. Tet holiday is one of the most important __________ for Vietnamese people. (celebrate)
18. Laura loves all of Vietnamese dishes, _______________ Nem. (special)
Question V. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.
11. It is over two years since they left their homeland.
They haven’t ……………………………………
12. “How many cars are there in front of your house, Mai?” I said
I asked …………………..................................
13. No one introduced me to newcomers in the festival.
I ………………………………………………….
14. The food was too bad for the children to eat.
The food was so ……………………………………..
15. It’s no use persuading her to join in that activity.
There is no ……………………………………….
16. I am on the fifth page of the essay I am typing.
So far …………………………………………….
17. The dog keeps stealing my socks.
The dog is ……………………………………………...
18. Hoa found it easy to translate this poem into French.
Hoa had no ……………………………………………
19. Collect all of dirty clothes by 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.
Let all …………………………………………………..
10.Mary is the most graceful girl at school.
No ……………………………………………………….

Question VI. The sentences below have four underlined words or phrases A, B, C, or D. Idetify an
error in each sentence.
1. She advised me not trust that man.
2. He has so a bad handwriting that I cannot read it.
3. Tom apologized to the postman for being impolitely to him.
4. Because a pain in his left leg, he walked very slowly.
5. What the weather like in the summer in your hometown?

Question VII. Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C, or D.
For many (1) ......... students, coming to the United States and living here and studying can be quite a
daunting (2) ....... , especially when finding housing on campus or off campus. And fortunately, there are a
(3) ... of options that students can look to. And I'd like to talk just briefly a little about on-campus living,
off-campus living, and some of the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Well I think first (4) ..... all for first-time students, coming and living on campus in dormitories can
provide a certain level of security (5) .... its proximity to campus facilities since commuting without a car
can be quite an experience, especially when you have to commute long diatances. Often in dormitories,
meals might be provided, and this can (6) ...... students to devote time to their academics, rather than
Another option is off campus (7) ... in apartments, and like living in dormitories, uh, living in an
apartment requires little or no maintenance specifically because usually it is handled by someone, uh,
else. Also, when you might live off cumpus, there might be a certain amount of flexibility in (8) ....
roommates that you might not have living on campus. But you should be aware that tenants may be
responsible (9) ..... furnishing their own apartments.
Well, of course, the choice is up to you, but be (10) ...... to review both the advantages and
disadvantages of living on campus and off campus. Good luck.
1. A. National B. nation C. international D. different
2. A. experience B. improvement C. search D. training
3. A. difference B. various C. variety D. vary
4. A. Above B. on C. of D. among
5. A. Because B. because of C. owning D. thank for
6. A. Let B. allow C. make D. cause
7. A. Living B. live C. lived D. lives
8. A. Finding B. choosing C. getting D. making
9. A. In B. from C. on D. for
10. A. Lucky B. careful C. warning D. easy

Question VIII
Read the passage and fill in each space with one suitable word
To many people, their friends are most important (1)..... in their life. Really good friends
(2)..... the good times and the bad times, help you when you’ve got problems, never judge you and never
turn their back on you. Your best friend may be (3)...... you’ve known all your life, someone you’ve grown
up with and been through lots of (4)....... and downs with. There are all sorts of things that can bring
about this special relationship. It may be the (5)....... of enjoying the same activities, having the outlook
on life, or sharing similar experiences Most of us have met someone that we’ve immediately felt relaxed
with, (6)....... if we’ve known them for years. However, usually it really does take you years to (7)........ to
know someone well enough to consider him your best friend. To the majority of (8)......... this is someone
we trust completely and who understands us (9)........ than anyone else. It’s the person you can turn to for
impartial advice and a shoulder to cry on (10)........ life gets you down.

Question IX
Some students think that of all subjects at school Maths, Literature and English are the most important
ones. Do you think so? Write a passage about 120-150 words to support your ideas

Question I. (1,25 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25đ.

a. 1. D 2. B 3. D
b. 1. B 2.A
Question II. (3,75 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25đ.
1. B. rains/ isn’t raining
2. D. speaks/ is speaking
3. B. recycling
4. C. have met
5. B. driving
6. B. took
7. A. bought / was
8. D. talking
9. C. goes
10. C. was not invited
11. A. If I knew
12. A.the/X
13. A. to seeing
14. B. twice as much as
15. B. X
Question III. (2,5 điểm) Mỗi chỗ đúng được 0,25đ.
1. to have / built 2. broke / was being moved
3. doing / to answer 4. are you all laughing/ has Roger told
5. will have finished 6.stolen
Question IV. (2,5 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25đ.
1. scientist 2. urbanized 3. uninteresting 4. participation
5. absence 6. hopeless 7. laziness 8. products
9. contestants 10 .especially
Question V. (2,5 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25đ.
16. They haven’t come back their homeland for over two years.
17. I asked Mai how many cars there were in front of her/his house.
18. I wasn’t introduced to newcomers in the festival.
19. The food was so bad that the children couldn’t eat it.
20. There is no point in persuading her to join in that activity.
21. So far I have typed five pages of the essay.
22. The dog is always stealing my socks.
23. Hoa had no difficulty in translating this poem into French.
24. Let all of dirty clothes be collected by 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.
25. No girl at school is as graceful as Mary.
Question VI. (1,25 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25đ.
1. C  not to trust
2. A  such
3. D  impolitely
4. A  Because of
5. A  What’s the
Question VII. (2,5 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25đ.
1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B
6. B 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. B
Question VIII. (2,5 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25đ.
1.things 2. share 3. someone 4. ups 5. result
6. as 7. get 8. us 9. better 10. when
Question IX: (1,25 điểm)) - Form: 0,25 điểm - Content: 1,0 điểm
A. Phonetic
I. Choose the word that has underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. Chemical B. precaution C. electric D. destruction
2. A. participate B. behavior C. necessary D. traditional
3. A. humor B. include C. countless D. message
4. A. injection B. departure C. volcano D. heritage
5. A. compete B. design C. compile D. campus
II. Choose a word in each line that has different strees pattern
1. A. maghificent B. exciting C. price D. oceanic
2. A. sugar B. jungle C. luggage D. Sunbathe
3. A. handicaped B. Education C. drawing D. fund
4. A. lived B. organized C. established D. concosned
5. A. hotel B. postcard C. cold D. shore
B. Grammar and vocabulary
I. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.
1. Do you know who ................ penicillin?
a. discovered c. did discover b. was discovered d. discoveries
2. Last night ................ TV when the phone rang.
a. watching c. have watched b. was watching d. was watched
3. Liz is very ................ in the water – fetching contest.
a. interest b. interesrts c. Interested d. Interesting
4. He told me that he ................
a. had already the film seen c. had seen already the film
b. the film had already seen d. had seen the film already
5. Do you mind if I ................ your atlas for a minute?
a. will borrow c. am going to borrow
b. borrow d. borrowed
6. Does he speak Italian ................ to get the Job?
a. well enough b. good enough c. enough good d. enough well
7. Both French and English ................ in Canada.
a. is spoke b. are spoke c. is spoken d. are spoken
8. Can you show me ................ this machine?
a. how to you b. how using c. using d. use
9. Our bady ................ to talk yet.
a. doesn’t start b. hasn’t started c. didn’t start d. isn’t starting
10. ................ is the part of a country with hills and mountains.
a. Highland b. Rey c. Valley d. Bay
11. My grandma ................ us when my parents were away from home.
a. looked for b. looked after c. looked at d. looked up
12. Milk bottles can be ................ after being cleaned.
a. recycled b. soaked c. broken d. reused
13. She asked me ................ a driving licence.
a. if I have b. whether I have c. whether I have had d. if I had
14. I’d rather Hoa ................ harder.
a. studied b. study c. studying d. studies
15. Would you mind closing the window? “................”
a. No, I’m afraid not c. No, I can’t
b. No, of course not d. I’d rather you didin’t
16. Will you pick me ................ after the party?
a. up b. on c. over d. through
17. They weren’t experienced enough ................
a. for doing the Job c. doing the Job
b. to the Job d. to do the Job
18. I decided that I must work harder ................
a. the following year c. the year before
b. the previous year d. last year
19. Which ................ do I press to turn the radio on?
a. button b. Roll c. Roller d. Plug
20. They ................ the forest and getting into trouble
a. are always burning c. has always burned
b. always burned d. A + c are correct
II. Use the correct form of the words in the brackets to complete sentences.
1. ................ in VN has brought a lot of big changes (INDUSTRY)
2. It is ................ to eat too much sugar and fat. (HEALTH)
3. The ................ in his province is very dramatic (LAND)
4. I live in a smallvillage and its ................ are very beautiful (SURROUND)
5. There are a lot of ................ festivals in VN (TRADITION)
6. It’s difficult to find ................ at busy time in this town (ACCOMMODATE)
7. ................, dark clouds umidity and it begin to rain (FORTUNATE)
8. Ha Long Bay was ................ by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site (RECOGNITION)
9. There are more and more people concerning about ................ pollution (ENVIRONMENT)
10. This knife is ................ it can’t aet cut anything (USE)
III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.
1. My sister is studying very hard in order getting scholarchip at university.
2. If the victim gets shocked, don’t give him many food and drink.
3. I come from a city locating in the southern part of the country.
4. Did you ever learn playing a musical instrument as a child?
5. Would you mind to open the window for me?
6. She asked me to use a towel to cover the wound and hold it tightly
7. I’d like sending there postcards to America
8. Today seems as hotter as yesterday, but the umidity is lower
9. Have you eaten a lot of sweets when you were a child?
10. I haven’t seen her since we have left school

C. Reading.
I. Read the passage and fill in the blank with a suitable word
Mother’s Day in Britain falls on the last Monday of March. On Mother’s Day sons and daughters visit
(1)........ mothers and bring them flowers and little presents. The eldest son must (2).... ………………….... his
mother a good cake. If sons or (3)... …………………..... cannot be with their mother on that day, they usually
(4)..... …………………... her presents.
Mother’s Day must be a day of rest (5). …………………....... the mother of the family so her daufhters
cook the dinner on that day and lay the (6).. …………………...... and the sons help to wash the plates and
dishes (7)........ dinner.
In the United State and Canada, Mother’s Day is (8)........ second Sunday in May. They (9)....
………………….... a very beautiful stamp for Mother’s Day in the United States. It shows the portrait of the
mother of James Whistler, (10).... ………………….... of the greatest America painters.
II. Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c or d) that best answers each of
the questions about it.
John Logie Baird, who is called “the father of television”, was born in Scotland in 1888. He became an
inventor at the age of 26. His first inventions were eletrically_heated socks and air-filled shose, but these
were not very successful.
Howwever, in 1923, he became interested in the idea of pictures by radio. He worked for several
months, and the following year he succeded in transmitting the first “television” picture a few meters
across the room.
Baird’s ‘television’ was not very clear, but people were very interested and he tried to make it better.
In 1926, he shoued it to the public at the Royal Society. In 1928, he transmitted the first picture across
the Atlantic and in 1929, the BBC and the German post office began to broardast TV with his system.
1. John Logie Baird ...............
a. is called “the father of television” c. was an inventor
b. was born in Scotland in 1888 d. all are correct.
2. One of Baird’s first inventions was...............
a. eletrically-haeted sock b. air-filled c. television d. a + b
3. Baird was interested in the idea of pictures by radio at the age of ...............
a. 26 b. 35 c. 38 d. 40
4. Baird’s ‘television’ was introduced to the world in ...............
a. 1923 b. 1926 c. 1928 d. 1929
5. Which of the following is not true?
a. Baird’s first inventionc were not very successful.
b. The first ‘television’was not clear.
c. People weren’t interested in Baird’s ‘television’.
d. Baird’s system was used by the BBC and the German post office.
D. Writing.
I. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
1. We haven’t seen each other for over two years.
=> The last time ………………………………………………………………………………………
2. “We are decorating our Christmas tree”, Hoa said.
=> Hoa said…………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. “I’ll give you my phone number so that you can call me” Jane said to me.
=> Jane told ……………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Many people in the world speak English.
=> English …………………………………………………………………………………………......
5. She’s very pleased to see her grandparents soon.
=> She’s looking ………………………………………………………………………………………
6. He clinbed the tree because he wanted to get a better view.
=> He climbed the tree so as………………………………………………………………………...
7. I have decided to help him rense his lessons.
=> I am…………………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. You backpack is not the same as mine.
=> My backpack is ..........……………………………………………………………………………
9. No one in the group is younger than Lan.
=> Lan is ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
10. “you should take more exercises, Mr Roberts”, the doctor said.
=> The doctor ………………………………………………………………………………………….
II. Use there words to complete this letter
Dear Hoa
1. Dave / I / have / best holiday / our lives!
2. We / be / Barbados / one / most lovely island / Caribbean
3. Although / it / much smaller / Jamaica / there seem / be / much more / do / Jamaica.
4. Moreever / people here / seem / be / friendliver / those / other islands.
5. We / stay / most modern hotel / I / ever / see.
6. It / large / cool / and / many people / think / it / best hotel / island.
7. It / comfortable / than / any / other hotels.
8. Nearest beach / less / hundred meters / away.
9. so / we / spend / lot / time / swim / sea.
10. It / really good / and / I wish / you / be / here.
Tõ bµi 1 cña phÇn A ®Õn phÇn C mçi ý ®óng 0,1 ®iÓm.

Tõ bµi 1 cña phÇn D mçi ý ®óng 0,15 ®iÓm.

Bµi Write ®óng 1 ® (mçi ý ®óng 0,1®)


(I). 1. Chemical (II). 1. oceanic

2. necessary 2. Sugar
3. include 3. education
4. heritage 4. establised
5. campus 5. shore.
B. (I)

1–A 6–A 11 – B 16 – A
2–B 7–D 12 – D 17 – D
3–C 8–A 13 – D 18 – A
4–D 9–B 14 – A 19 – A
5–B 10 – A 15 – B 20 – A

1. Industrialization 6. Accommadation
2. Un healthy 7. Unfortunately
3. Landcape 8. Recognized
4. Surroundings 9. Envionmental
5. Traditional 10. useless

1. C getting -> to get 6. D tightly -> tight

2. D many -> much 7. B sending -> to send
3. B locating -> located 8. B hotter -> hot
4. C playing -> to play 9. A Have you eaten -> Did you eat
5. C to open -> opening 10. C have left -> left
C. (I)

1. their 6. table
2. bring 7. after
3. daughters 8. the
4. send 9. have
5. for 10. one
(II). 1 – D 2–D 3–B 4–B 5–C
D. Writing.

(I). 1. The last time. We saw each other was over two years ago.

2. Hoa said they were decorating their Christmas tree.

3. Jane told.

4. English is spoken by many people in the world.

5. She’s looking forward to seeing her grandparents.

6. He climbed the tree so as to get a better view.

7. I am going to help him revise his lessons.

8. My backpack is different from yours

9. Lan is the youngest in the group.

10. The doctor advised Mr Roberts that he should take more exercise

or The doctor advised Mr Roberts to take more exercise.

(II). Dear Hoa

1. Dave and I are having the best holiday of our lives

2. We are in Bardados, one of the most lovely island in the Caribbean.
3. Although it is much smaller than Jamaica, there seems to be much more to do than in
4. Moreover, the people here seem to be friendlives than those on the other islands
5. We are staying in the most modern hotel I have ever seen.
6. It is large and cool, and many people think it is the best hotel on the island.
7. It is more comfortable than any of the other hatels.
8. The nearest beach is less than a hundred meters away.
9. so we spend a lot of time swimming in the sea.
10. It is really good, and I wish you werw here.
I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the
rest by writing your answers (A, B, C, or D) in the numbered box. (14 p)
1. A. excursion B. fur C. hurt D. bury
2. A. seizure B. measure C. confusion D. tension
3. A. food B. mood C. foot D. shoot
4. A. thus B. thick C. thing D. thin
5. A. off B. of C. safe D. knife
6. A. daughter B. laughter C. taught D. caught
7. A. promise B. devise C. surprise D. realise
II. Choose the word that has different stress pattern in each line (6 p) :
8. A. suggest B. report C. profit D. career
9. A. volcano B. jungle C. marine D. surround
10. A. attend B. public C. damage D. practice

Write your answers here:

1. …… 2. …… 3. …… 4. ……. 5. …… 6. ……. 7. ……. 8. ……. 9. ……. 10. …..
I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Write your answers (A, B,
C, or D) in the numbered box. (30 p)
1. “ Who sings best in your school?” – “ Mai .......... .”
A. sings B. is C. has D. does
2. “ Will you come to the party tomorrow?” – “ I will if I ........ no visitors.”
A. have B. will have C. had D. am having
3. Please, ask them .......... in this area.
A. don’t smoke B. not smoke C. to not smoke D. not to smoke
4. I think he ........ better not encourage the students to take extra lessons.
A. will B. should C. could D. had
5. Every body in both cars ........ injured in the accident last night.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
6. .......... to have lunch with us today?
A. Do you like B. Would you like C. Will you like D. Have you like
7. Let’s go out for a walk, ......... ?
A. do we B. don’t we C. won’t we D. shall we
8. Drinking and smoking will do great harm ......... people’s health.
A. to B. for C. with D. in
9. He always ........... .
A. avoids to meet me B. avoiding to meet me C. avoids meeting me D. to avoid meeting me
10. My parents are going to take three days……………..….next month to help my brother move his house.
A. at B. over C. off D. out
11. In my class, Trung was responsible ……………..…. the teacher ……………..…. keeping the class
in order while she went out.
A. to/ for B. to/ in C. with/ for D. for/ for
12. The scheme allows students from many countries to communicate……………..….
A. with other B. themselves C. each other D. with one another
13. Have you ever read anything……………..….Earnest Hemmingway?
A. by B. of C. from D. for
14. Not a good movie,……………..….?
A. did it B. didn’t it C. was it D. wasn’t it
15. Hurry up! They have only got……………..….seats left.
A. a lot of B. a few C. a little D. plenty of
Write your answers here:
1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 ... 11 ... 12 ... 13 ... 14 ... 15 ...
II. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and write your answers in the numbered box.
(10 p)
1. Would you mind if I help her solve these mathematics problems ?
2. Christmas songs are performed for people in towns and villages eight hundred years ago.
3. Do you remember to try this kind of food somewhere else before?
4. The police have not found the stealing jewels since last Monday.
5. There was no explaination for his absence from class yesterday.
Write your answers here:
1 …. 2 ….. 3 ….. 4 ….. 5 ….. 6 …..
III. Supply the correct tense or form of the verb given in brackets. (10 p)
1. When Mary (arrive) ................. here, you (show) .................... her to her room?
2. The last time she (see) ..................... in public she (wear) ................ a white blouse.
3. I ( search) ............. everywhere for the pen I (lose) ..................... yesterday.
4. He (have) ............. a bad fall while he (repair) ................ his roof.
5. Nam (sit) ............... in a corner with a book. I told him that he (read) ........... in very bad light.
Write your answers here:

1 ……........……..... 2. ............................ 3 ............................. 4. ............................ 5. ............................

………........…....... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................

IV. Complete the sentences by filling in each blank with the correct form of the word in
brackets. (10 p)
Write your answers here:
1. The evening was _______ spent playing cards and talking. (enjoy) ..............................
2. These shoes look quite smart but they’re terribly ______ (comfort) ..............................
3. I doesn’t want my money back. He wants a ______ (place) ..............................
4. Sorry about the mistakes, I ____ the instructions you gave me. (understand) ..............................
5. Ba and I played for our school team. We were ______ . (team) ..............................
I. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions.(10 p)
Many people continue to skip breakfast despite its being most important meal of the day.
Busy people often rush out the door in the mornings with out giving their bodies the fuel they need
to handle a long day at work. They end up feeling tired by the afternoon and resort to the office snack
machine or biscuit tin.
Loysa Hourigan, from Nutrition Australia, said that catching up on food at lunch time did
not provide the body with enough sustenance to keep it going for the rest of the day. “Even if you
have had lunch, you won’t have as much food as you need. Your brain gets depleted of glucose and
you feel tires.” Ms Hourigan said. According to Ms Hourigan, wholegrain bread and cereals provide
endurance. Milk, eggs and baked beans provide protein, which helps people to alert. Rolled oats are
also an excellent endurance food.

1. According to the passage, people should ………….. .

A. have breakfast B. skip lunch C. not eat snacks D. not have breakfast
2. The word “fuel” in line 2 means …………… .
A. food B. meal C. nutrition D. energy
3. Ms Hourigan said that if we did not have breakfast, we would feel tired because…………
A. our brain ran out of glucose B. our brain was full of glucose
C. there was no oxygen in our brain D. we did not have lunch
4. According to Ms Hourigan, which of the following is NOT mentioned as endurance foods?
A. rolled oats B. cereals C. wholegrain bread D. bananas
5. Loysa Hourigan might work as…………….
A. teacher B. nutritionist C. writer D. business woman
Write your answers here:
1 …… 2......... 3......... 4.......... 5. .........
II. Read the passage and choose the correct answer in A, B, C or D. (20 p)
Have you ever been to Britain? I’ve dreamed of going there (1) ______ I was a little girl and finally,
(2) ______ the spring of 2012, it happened. I was there three weeks and (3) ______ much of that time
soaking up the culture, history, and scenery of this incredible island. I visited several districts in England,
Wales and Scotland and even (4) ______ a site trip to Ireland. Every place I went to seemed to be more
interesting and more beautiful (5) ______ the last.
The tour I was with began in London. Of all the sights I saw there, the Tower of London was the
most (6) ______. The Tower is a building complex of incredibly rich history.
Also on the Thames are the Houses of Parliament and, of course, the clock tower housing “Big
Ben”. I saw so many landmarks I can hardly remember them all. Although it was just a glimpse of
London I did, (7) ______, get a chance to see all the (8)______ famous places.
After (9) ______ of days in London we traveled to the south of England stopping to visit Stonehenge.
If you don’t know about Stonehenge there are a couple of links on my links page that will (10) ______ you
to sites that can fill you in.
1. A. for B. while C. since D. because
2. A. on B. in C. at D. to
3. A. spent B. took C. did D. used
4. A. did B. got C. spent D. made
5. A. then B. as C. with D. than
6. A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interestingly
7. A. at first B. at all C. at least D. at that
8. A. more B. much C. most D. many
9. A. few B. some C. a couple D. little
10. A. reach B. take C. make D. send
Write your answers here:
1…… 2 …… 3 …… 4 ……. 5 …… 6 ……. 7 ……. 8 ……. 9 ……. 10 …..
III. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. (20 p)
In the first year of lower secondary (1) _________, I had some difficulties in learning English. My
English pronunciation was really bad and my English grammar was (2) _________ . I did not know how to
improve (3) _________. I didn’t want my father and mother to know about (4) _________. One afternoon after
the lesson, my teacher (5) _________ English told me to wait (6) _________ her outside the classroom. She
took me to the school library and showed me tapes of pronunciation drills kept in a glass bookcase. She
also told me how to use an English- English dictionary to (7) _________ my English grammar. “Now I think
you know what you should do” she said. I made (8) _________ progress and only one year later, I won the
first (9) _________ in the English Speaking Contest (10) _________ for secondary school students in my home
Write your answers here:

1 ……...........…….. 2 .............................. 3 .............................. 4 .............................. 5 ..............................

6 …………............. 7 ............................. 8 .............................. 9 .............................. 10 ............................

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. (20 p)
1. “ Do you remember what you have to do ? ” the teacher asked her class.
The teacher asked her class ...................................................................................................
2. Couldn’t you find a better restaurant ?
Is this ..................................................................................................................................... ?
3. John began playing chess half an hour ago.
John’s .....................................................................................................................................
4. They won’t be able to come on Sunday.
It will ....................................................................................................................................
5. I only paid a few hundred pounds for the car.
The car ..................................................................................................................................
6. My mother made these curtains , didn’t she ?
These .................................................................................................................................... ?
7. Most people can understand him when he speaks English.
He can make .........................................................................................................................
8. We arrived too late to see the first film.
We did ...................................................................................................................................
9. Leave now or we will miss the train.
Unless ....................................................................................................................................
10. This is his first visit to England.
He’s ........................................................................................................................................
II. Make complete sentences from the following sets of words and phrases provided. (20 p)
1. Our teachers/ always/ ask/ not/ make/ noise/ during/ lessons.
2. We/ not think/ play/ write/ Shakespeare.
3. You / tell/ how/ do it/ as soon/ you/ get there.
4. Nam/ say/ me/ if it/ rain/ that night/ he/ not go/ anywhere.
5. it/ be/ necessary/ book tickets/ soccer match/ in advance?
6. When/ Peter/ be/ child/ Australia/ he/ go swimming/ almost every day.
7. Mai/ find/ hard/ concentrate/ her book/ because/ noise.
8. My brother/ want/ buy/ laptop/ advertise/ television/ early this morning.
9. She/ not say/ thing/ order/ not make/ him/ angry.
10. boy/ talk/ your mother/ there/ be/ my classmate.


B. PHONETICS : I. & II. : 20 points = 10 x

1D 2D 3C 4A 5B 6B 7A 8C 9B 10A
I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence: 30
points = 15 x 2
1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15.
D A 3. D D C B D A C C A 12. D A C B
II. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find the mistake ..... 10
points = 5 x 2
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A
III. Supply the correct tense or form of the verb given in brackets: 10
points = 10 x 1
1. arrives ; will ___ show 2. was seen ; was wearing 3. have searched ; lost
4. had ; was repairing 5. was sitting ; was reading
IV. Complete the sentences by filling in each blank with the correct form .... 10
points = 5 x 2
1. enjoyably 6. uncomfortable 8. replacement 10. teammates
I. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D ......: 10
points = 5 x 2
1. A 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. B
II. Read the passage and choose the correct answer in A, B, C or D. 20
points = 10 x 2
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. B
III. Fill in each numbered blank ONE suitable word: 20
points = 10 x 2
1. school 2. worse 3. them 4. this 5. of
6. for 7. improve 8. much 9. prize 10. held
I. Finish each of the following sentences ...... 20 points =
10 x 2
1. The teacher asked her class if they remembered what they had to do.
2. Is this the best restaurant you could find ?
3. John’s played chess for half an hour.
4. It will be impossible for them to come on Sunday.
5. The car cost me only a few hundred pounds.
6. These curtains were made by your mother, weren’t they?
7. He can make most people understand him when he speaks English.
8. We didn’t arrive in time/ early enough to see the first film.
9. Unless we leave now, we will miss the train.
10. He’s visiting England for the first time.
II. Make complete sentences from the following sets of words and phrases provided:
20 points = 10 x 2
1. Our teachers always ask us not to make noise during our lessons.
2. We don’t think (that) this play was written by Shakespeare.
3. You will be told how to do it as soon as you get there.
4. Nam said to me that if it rained that night he would not go anywhere.
5. Is it necessary to book tickets for the soccer match in advance?
6. When Peter was a child in Australia, he went swimming almost every day.
7. Mai found it hard to concentrate on her book because of the noise.
8. My brother wanted to buy the laptop advertised on television early this morning.
9. She did not say anything in order not to make him angry.
10. The boy talking to your mother there is my classmate.
Ghi chú: NÕu thÝ sinh cã c¸ch lµm kh¸c mµ ®óng th× gi¸m kh¶o thèng nhÊt cho ®iÓm c©u ®ã.
TOTAL : 200 : 10 = 20 POINTS.
PART II - Choose the word A, B, C or D whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
21. A. rubbish B. uniform C. umbrella  D. thumb

22. A. appear  B. weather  C. bread  D. headache

23. A. project  B. belong  C.  woman D. concert

24. A. think B. though  C. mother D. these

25. A. eraser B. baseball C. suitcase D. waterfall

Your answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
PART III- Choose the best answers to completes each sentence.
1. Hoa __________________ coins and stamps since she was six.
A. was collecting B. has collected C. collected D. will collect
2. His brother is a _________________ boy. He always tells a joke.
A. handsome B. humorous C. sociable D. energetic
3. Do you mind if I __________________ your car to work?
A. drive B. driving C. to drive D. drove
4. They are ____________ that their son won the championship.
A. delighted B. pleasing C. sad D. interesting
5. My sister regretting ___________ Mai’s glasses yesterday.
A. to break B. broken C. breaking D. break
6. Hoa dances more _______________ than her classmates.
A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautify
7. They will hold a meeting in the large room ____________ the morning of next Sunday.
A. in B. on C. at D. of
8. Minh loves playing chess _____________ his sister enjoys skipping in their free time.
A. when B. because C. while D. during
9. One hundred dollars ______________ an big amount of money for her.
A. is B. are C. were D. is being
10. Don’t overheat the victim _____________ blankets or coats.
A. on B. for C. with D. from
11. We are going to __________ a small plane to Ha Long Bay this weekend.
A. drive B. ride C. take D. give
12. They as well as Mai ___________________ in the field at this time last Sunday.
A. was working B. were working C. has worked D. have worked
13. Thanks _______ Alexander Graham Bell’s invention, I can communicate with each other easily.
A. for B. from C. on
14. We must _________ the environment from the pollution every day.
A. save B. protest C. protect D. waste
15. In our opinion, there are a lot of differences _________ two twins.
A. from B. without C. with D. between
16. If you _______________ your work, let’s play volleyball with them in the garden.
A. finish B. are finishing C. have finished D. will finish
17. Have a picnic with ______________ in the mountain tomorrow.
A. Hanh and I B. Hanh and me C. I and Hanh D. me and Hanh
18. Study is no _____________ restricted to just one location.
A. longer B. long C. longest D. the longest
19. My son was hit _______________ a stick while he was working in the field.
A. by B. with C. without D. out
20. Nam and Manh have played badminton for two hours, but __________ of them are tired.
A. none B. both C. neither D. all
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20
PART IV - Put the correct form of the words:
19. Joanne wants to become a __________ in the future. (science)
20. Many rural areas in Viet Nam have been __________ in the last few years. (urban)
21. The book was so ________ that we didn’t want to read it. (interest)
22. There are a lot of _______________ in the competition. (contest)
23. Linda’s __________ made the party less exciting. (absent)
24. He didn’t win the championship, so he felt very _____________ . (hope)
25. Because of his _________, they failed the exam. (lazy)
26. Vinamilk company has served customers a lot of _____________ recently. (produce)
27. Tet holiday is one of the most important __________ for Vietnamese people. (celebrate)
28. Laura loves all of Vietnamese dishes, _______________ Nem. (special)
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
PART V - Find and correct a mistake in each sentence:
11. The boy was enough intelligent to solve that problem.
12. The girl helped me with the needlework yesterday is my classmate.
13. They asked their friends not play soccer in the road.
14. Hanh is the same weigh as my sister.
15. It is careless for you to leave your book on the train.
16. My brother used to going to the movies with our father.
17. Hoa asked me if I could have a picnic with her in the country or not.
18. Most of monkeys both in the forest and in the zoo are interesting in bananas.
19. It takes Nam thirty minutes going to school on foot everyday.
20. Not only Ha but also her friends was present in my fifteenth birthday party.
Your answers:
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Part VI- Choose the most suitable answer A, B, C, or D to complete the following passage.
Air pollution is caused ________(1) ill health in human beings. In a lot of countries, there are
________(2) limiting the amount of smoke factories can produce although there is not enough _______(3) on
the effects of smoke on the atmosphere. Doctors have ________(4) that air pollution causes ________ (5)
diseases. The gases from the exhausts of cars _______(6) also increased air pollution in most cities. The
________ (7) of petrol produces a poisonous gas, which is often collected in busy streets circled by high
buildings. Children _______(8) in areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere can not think as
________(9) as other children, and are clumsy when they _______(10) their hands.
21. A. from B. on C. over D. of
22. A. laws B. ideas C. problems D. regulations
23. A. news B. article C. information D. newspaper
24. A. agreed B. pointed C. disagreed D. proved
25. A. lung B. heart C. liver D. stomach
26. A. had B. have C. has D. having
27. A. water B. lead C. gas D. exhaust
28. A. lived B. live C. to live D. living
29. A. quick B. slowly C. quickly D. slow
30. A. touch B. use C. handle D. collect
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
PART VII - Read and fill a suitable word in each blanket:
Christmas is always held ________(1) December the twenty fifth every year. Every family in
England decorates a Christmas tree and puts ________(2) in the middle of the living room. And Santa Claus
plays an important _________(3) in this festival. There is a poem to relate him. In 1823, the patron saint of
children, Saint Nicholas appeared in a poem ________(4) A Visit Saint Nicholas. The character in the poem
_______(5) a fat jolly man who wore a _______ (6) suit and gave children ________ (7) on Christmas Eve. The
poem, which was ________(8) by Clement Clarke Moore, an American professor, became popular
__________(9) the USA. Santa Claus is based _______(10) the description of Saint Nicholas in this poem.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part VIII- Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
20. It is over two years since they left their homeland. (They haven’t …………………………)
21. “How many cars are there in front of your house, Mai?” I said (I asked …………………...)
22. No one introduced me to newcomers in the festival. (I ……………………………………..)
23. The food was too bad for the children to eat. (The food was so ……………………………)
24. It’s no use persuading her to join in that activity. (There is no ……………………………..)
25. I am on the fifth page of the essay I am typing. (So far ……………………………………)
26. The dog keeps stealing my socks. (The dog is ……………………………………………...)
27. Hoa found it easy to translate this poem into French. (Hoa had no ………………………..)
28. Collect all of dirty clothes by 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. (Let all ………………………)
29. Mary is the most graceful girl at school. (No girl …………………………………………..)
Your answers:
1. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
5. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
7. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
8. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
9. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
10 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................

--------------- END ---------------

PART II –points
0.1 for each correct answer

1. B 2.A 3.C 4. A 5. D
6. C 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. D
PART III - points
0.1 for each correct answer

1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C
6. C 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. C
11. C 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. D
16. C 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. C
PART IV –points
0.1 for each correct answer

1. scientist 2. urbanized 3. uninteresting 4. participation 5. absence

6. hopeless 7. laziness 8. products 9. contestants 10 especially
PART V – points
0.1 for each correct answer

1. enough intelligent - intelligent enough 6. going - go

2. helped - helping 7. if - whether
3. play - to play 8. interesting - interested
4. weigh - weight 9. going - to go
5. for - of 10. was - were
Part VI – points
0.1 for each correct answer

1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A
6. B 7. B 8. D 9. C 10.B
PART VII – points
0.1 for each correct answer



Part VIII- points

0.15 for each correct answer

26. They haven’t come back their homeland for over two years.
27. I asked Mai how many cars there were in front of her/his house.
28. I wasn’t introduced to newcomers in the festival.
29. The food was so bad that the children couldn’t eat it.
30. There is no point in persuading her to join in that activity.
31. So far I have typed five pages of the essay.
32. The dog is always stealing my socks.
33. Hoa had no difficulty in translating this poem into French.
34. Let all of dirty clothes be collected by 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.
35. Mary is the most graceful girl at school. (No girl at school is as graceful as Mary.

--------------- END ---------------

II. Choose the word or phrase that best complete each unfinished sentence below or substitutes
for the underlined words or phrases.
1. He is looking forward to England .
A. travel B. travelling C. be travelling D. A and B
2. Margaret is a good ............. He can type 60 words per minute.
A. typer B. type C. typist D. typewriter.
3. today.
A. A sun B. The sun C. A sun's D. The sun's
4. What is your teacher ............?
A. like B. alike C. liking D. does like.
5. A the person who sells flowers.
A. florist B. chemist C. vendor D. chauffeur
6. If you want to have a table made , you must call a ..........
A. mechanic B. plumber C. carpenter D. fortune-teller
7. My dress is very different ...........yours.
A. with B. from C. as D. towards
8. .................beautiful flowers!
A. What a B. What C. How D. So
9. ...............happens, I shall stand by you.
A. Whatever B. What C. Which D. That
10. Ha Noi is of Vietnam.
A. an B. a C. the D.x
11. This town is not an interesting place to visit, so .............tourists come here.
A. a few B. few C. a little D. x
12. Nobody is ready to go,.....................?
A. isn’t he B. is he C. are they D. aren't they
13. He has little spare time.
A. free B. occupied C. busy D. filled
14. John's a handsome guy.
A. kind B. good C. good-looking D. interesting
15. I don’t like to work for my wife's mother.
A. mother of my wife B. mother of my wife's
C. mother-in-law D. mother of mine
III. Read the text and then decide which word below best fit each space.Circle the letter you
choose for each question.(1 ps)
Jeans are very popular with young people all (1)...........the world. Some people say that jeans are the
"uniform" of (2) ............ But they haven't always been popular. The story of jeans started (3) ...........two
hundred years ago. People in Genoa, Italy made pants. The cloth (4) Genoa was called "jeans".
The pants were called "jeans". In 1850, a salesman (5) ..........California began selling pants made of
canvas. His name was Levi Strauss. (6) ..............they were so strong, "Levi's pants" became (7) ........ with
gold miners; farmers and cowboys. Six years (8)............; Levis began making his pants with blue cotton
(9) ............called denim. Soon after, factory workers in the United States and Europe began (10) .........jeans.
Young people usually didn’t wear them.
1. A. in B. on C. over D. above
2. A. youth B. young C. younger D. youngest
3. A. lots B. much C. most D. almost
4. A. make B. makes C. making D. made
5. A. in B. on C. at D. with
6. A. Although B. But C. Because D. So
7. A. famous B. popular C. good D. wonderful
8. A. late B. later C. latest D. last
9. A. cloth B. clothing C. cloths D. clothes
10. A. wear B. wearing C. wore D. worn
IV. Read the passage carefully, then choose the best answer. ( 0,5 ps )
It is very important to have healthy teeth. Good teeth help us to chew our food. They also help us
to look nice. How does a tooth go bad? The decay begins in a little crack in the enamed covering of the
tooth. This happens after germs and bits of food have collected there. Then the decay slowly spreads
inside the tooth. Eventually, poison goes into blood, and we may feel quite ill.
How can we keep our teeth healthy?. Firstly, we ought to visit our dentist twice a year. He can fill the
small holes in our teeth before they destroy the teeth. He can examine our teeth to check that they are
growing in the right way. Unfortunately, many people wait until they have toothache before they see a
Secondly, we should brush our teeth with a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day-
once after breakfast and once before we go to bed. We can also use wooden toothpicks to clean between
our teeth after a meal.
Thirdly, we should eat food that is good for our teeth and our body: milk, cheese, fish, brown bread,
potatoes, red rice, raw vegetables and fresh fruit. Chocolate, sweets, biscuits and cakes are bad,
especially when we eat them between meals. They are harmful because they stick to our teeth and cause
1. Good teeth help us to ................
A. be nice B. have a good eyesight.
C. chew our food D. be important
2. When food and germs collect in a small crack, our teeth ............
A. become hard B. begin to decay.
C. send poison into the blood. D. makes us feel quite ill.
3. A lot of people visit a dentist only when ..............
A. their teeth grow properly B. they have holes in their teeth
C. they have toothache D. they have brushed their teeth.
4. We ought to try clean our teeth ...............
A. once a day B. at least twice a day
C. between meals D. before breakfast.
5. We shouldn’t eat a lot of ...............
A. red rice B. fresh fruit
C. fish D. chocolate.
V. Read the passage carefully, then fill in each blank a suitable word to complete this passage.(1
ps )
Television now ................. (1) such an important role in so many people lives that it is essential for
us .............. (2) try to decide whether it is good or bad. First of all, television is not only a convenient
source of entertainment,.but ......................... (3) a rather cheap one. For a family of our, for example,it is
more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home than to go ..................(4) There is no
transport to arrange.They don’t ...................... (5) to pay for expensive seats at the theater or in the ................
(6) All they have to do is to turn a switch, and they can see the plays, films of every kind, not to mention
political discussions and the latest exiting football match .Some people, however, say that this is just
where the danger is. The TV viewers need to do nothing. He doesn’t even use his legs. He makes no
choice. He is completely passive and has everything presented to him. TV, people often say, informs one
about current events, the latest developments in science and politics, and presents an endless series of
programmes. The most farway countries and the strangest customs are brought into one’s living-
room.Yet, here again there is a danger. We get to like ............... (7) TV so much that it begins to dominate
our lives,and we don’t have .................. (8) to talk to each other and do other things.There are many
arguments for and ................. (9) TV. I think we must understand that TV in itself is neither good .................
(10) bad. TV is as good or as bad as we make it.
VI. Supply the correct form or tense of the verb in brackets. ( 1ps)
1. Over the years, he ....................... thousands of stamps. (collect)
2. I' ll never forget ....................... her for the first time. (see)
3. It is difficult to get used to ....................... with chopsticks. (eat)
4. Would you like some coffee? I just ....................... some. (make)
5. Look at those black clouds. It ....................... (rain)
6. That house ....................... in 1996. (rebuild)
7. This bike ....................... for more than six years. (use)
8. He should know how ......the lift, but if he doesn't you'd better ..... him. (use) / (show)
9. The kids ....................... when the bell rang. (sleep)
VII.Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences. (1 ps)
1. The ............students often play soccer or basketball. (energy)
2. A fairy appeared and ................................changed her old clothes. (magic)
3. Her father soon died of a ...........................heart. (break)
4. "The Lost Shoes" is one of the ........................stories I like best. (tradition)
5. Trung and his brother like .......................movies very much. (act)
6. ..............., dark clouds appeared and it began to rain. (fortunate)
7. There are three trains ...................... from Hanoi to Lao Cai. (day)
8. This temple was built by the local .................... over 100 years. (inhabit)
9. What is your ......................................for designing this house? (suggest)
10. You must make a quick ......................... about who winsthe contest. (decide)
VIII. There is a mistake in the sentence. Find the mistake and correct it. (1 ps)
1. The climate in Vietnam is different than that of England .
2. The boys said they have to bring home medals.
3. Surface is many cheaper than airmail.
4. The bicycle is such old that I don’t want to use it.
5. Tom asked me to help him because he was doing his homeworks.
6. My father has retired three years ago and he is now living on his pension.
7. Singapore is one of the country of Association of South East Asian Nations.
8. I’ll help you. I’m sure you aren’t enough strong to lift it on your own.
9. These vegetables should be washed and boil before we serve them.
10. In the past, Jeans wore mostly by working people.
IX. Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences.( 1ps)
1. This video film / be/so / interesting / I/ see/ twice/.
2. It / difficult/ learn English / without/ good dictionary.
3. He / learn/ English / two years now.
4. She /used/ stay / her uncle/ when / be / a child.
5. A note/ write/board / Mai / yesterday.
6. Have / vacation / abroad / be / interesting
7. Vinh / always / forget/ his homework
8. Ballpoint pens / use / widely/ than / fountainpens.
9. We / not / see her / since / leave/ university.
10. Brother / very good/ repair / household / appliances
X. Complete the second sentence with the same meaning. (1 ps)
1. “Have you ever been to My Son, Mrs Blake?”, Nam said
 Nam asked . ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .....................................................
2. We started living here fifteen years ago.
 We have ........ ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ...................................................
3. Trung's parents gave him a microcomputer on his birthday
Trung ....... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ................. ..
4. He has never played a computer game before.
 This is ................ ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .........
5. Nga is pleased to meet her aunt again soon.
 Nga is looking.............. ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ................................
6. He is too old to have more children.
 He is so ...................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ....................................
7. "I'm very busy. I'll ring you tomorrow," Susan said to me.
 Susan .... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ....................
8. Their teacher is making them study hard.
They are ..... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ...............
9. This cheque has not been signed
 No................................ ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .........................................
10. She cooks well.
She is ................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... .................................

------------ THE END -----------


II. (1,5 ps) (0,1ps for each correct answer)

Sentence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Answer B C D A A C B B A C B C A C C

III. (1 ps) (0,1 ps for each correct answer)

Sentence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer C A D D A C B B A B

IV. (1 ps) (0,1 ps for each correct answer)

Sentence 1 2 3 4 5
Answer C B C B D

V. (1 ps) (0,1 ps for each correct answer

1. plays 2. to 3. also 4. out 5. have

6. cinema 7. watching 8.time 9. against 10. nor

VI. (1 ps) (0,1 ps for each correct answer)

1. has collected 2. seeing 3. eating 4. have just made 5. is going to rain
6. was rebuilt 7. has been used 8. to use / show 9. were sleeping

VII. (1 ps) (0,1 ps for each correct answer)

1.energetic 2. magically 3. broken 4. traditional 5. action
6. Unfortunately 7. daily 8. inhabitants 9. suggestion 10 decision

VIII. (1 ps) (0,1 ps for each correct answer)

1. than --> from 6. has retired --> retired
2. have --> had 7. country --> countries
3. many --> much 8. enough strong --> strong enough
4. such --> so 9.boil --> boiled
5. homeworks --> homework 10. wore --> were worn

IX. (1 ps) (0,1 ps for each correct answer)

1. This video film is so interesting that I have seen it twice.
2. It is difficult to learn English without (having) a good dictionary.
3.He has learned / has been learning English for two years now.
4.She used to stay with her uncle when she was a child.
5. A note was written on the board by Mai yesterday.
6. Having a vacation abroad is interesting.
7.Vinh is always forgetting his homework
8. Ballpoint pens are used more widely than fountainpens.
9. We haven’t seen her since we left university.
10. My brother is very good at repairing household appliances

X. (1 ps) (0,1 ps for each correct answer)

1. Nam asked Mrs Blake if/ whether she had ever been to My Son.
2. We have lived / have been living here for fifteen years
3. Trung was given a microcomputer by his parents on his birthday.
4. This is the first time I have ever played a computer game.
5. Nga is looking forward to meeting her aunt again .
6. He is so old that he can’t have more children.
7. Susan told me that she was very busy and she said (that) she would ring me the following/
next day.
8. They are being made to study hard.
9. No one has signed this cheque.
10. She is a good cook.

------------ THE END -----------

II. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others
1. a. hard b. carry c. card d. yard
2. a. try b. why c. heavy d. dry
3. a. cool b. food c. look d. flood
4. a. Thursday b. those c. thirteenth d. theatre
5. a . attended b. wanted c. needed d. looked
III. Supply the correct verb forms/ tense:
22. They (watch) _______ their favorite TV programmes at the moment.
23. Mary and John are neighbors. They ( know) _______each other for a long time.
24. They ( arrive) _______in New york yesterday?
25. I haven’t met him since he ( move ) _______to Ho Chi Minh City..
26. My mother is tired enough ( cook) _______tonight.
27. The teacher asked me ( not make) _______noise in class.
28. The boys like ( play ) _______games but hate doing lessons.
29. His doctor advised him ( give) _______up smoking.
30. Look at those black clouds. It( rain) _______.
31. This is the first time I (be) _______to Ha Noi.
32.Will you wait a minute while I (look) ____________ through the text ?
33.“ I hear you’ve bought a new house.” - “Yes, I ( move ) __________ in next week”
34.Look at those black clouds. It ( rain) __________
35.The film ( begin) ___________ at 7.30 or 8.00 this evening ?
36.Mai (telephone)____________ you when she comes back.
37.The pens ( produce ) ______ by Thien Long Company are usually cheap and good.
38.“Do you mind if I sit here ?” – “ I ‘d rather you ( sit ) __________ over there”
39.The price ( become ) __________ more and more expensive these days.
40.Mr Binh ( know) ____ how to drive a car although he ( not learn) ____ it yet.
IV. Give the correct forms of these words 10pts
1. Bell experimented with ways of transmitting ……........over a long distance. (SPEAK)
2. The tiger wanted to see the farmer's .................. (WISE)
3. The scouts do the . (VOLUNTEER)
4. Nowadays, scouting is popular ........................ (WORLD)
5. After his parents died, he was sent to an……….….….. (ORPHAN)
6. Huy makes friends very easily because he is very ………..……. . (SOCIAL)
7. Cook the meat in the ……………………..for at least 30 minutes. (STEAM)
8. My friend, Nga plays the piano……………………. (BEAUTIFUL).
9. “The lost shoe” is one of the …………………. stories I like best. ( TRADITION)
10. Our teacher always………………………. us to work hard. (COURAGE)
V. Rewrite the sentences, keep the meaning unchanged
1. It’s a long time since we became close friends.
We have……………………………..........................................................................…………………………………
2. No one is more intelligent than her in our school.
3. ‘Can I borrow your bike, Nga?’, Nam asked.
 Nam asked Nga ………………….................................................................………………………………………..
4. Lan is 1.60m tall and Hoa is 1.60 tall, too.
 Lan …………………………………………………………………..........................................................................…..
5. Apples are usually cheaper than oranges.
 Apples are not……………………………………….................................................................……………………..
6. He’d rather play golf than tennis.
 He prefers……………………………………………...................................................................…………………….
7. “You shouldn’t translate each sentence into Vietnamese,” my brother told me
My brother told …………………………………...............................................................………………..………....
8. When did you start playing the piano?
 How long…………………………………………………………......................................................................………?
9. Your younger brother is too weak to lift that box
Your brother is not……………………………................................................................……..….…………………
10. Hung is interested in collecting stamps
 Hung’s………………………………………............................................................................…………………………..
VI. Read the passage and fill in each blank with a suitable word. 10pts
My day usually (1)…………. at six thirty. I get up and do some exercises for about fifteen minutes.
Then I take my shower. After that I (2)……………dress and have breakfast with my family. At seven
thirty I leave (3)……… I generally take the bus to school. I catch the bus near my house and
then (4)………….. from the bus -stop to school. It (5)…………….about thirty minutes to get to school.
My first class is at eight thirty and I usually (6)………….school at three. Sometimes I stay (7)
………… have a game of volleyball or to work in the library. I usually watch TV for a (8)……………….
Then I start my homework. I have dinner at seven o’clock. After that I often (9)……….. more
homework to do. Sometimes I watch TV or go (10)………….. with friends after dinner. I generally go
to bed at around ten thirty.
VII. There are 11 mistakes in the following paragraph. Underline the mistake then correct it.
Write your answer in the table below. 10pts
In 1783, two French brothers build the first balloon to take people into the air. One hundred and twenty
years lately, in 1903, the Wright brothers built the first plane with an engine and flied in it . This was in
the United States. Then, in 1918, the US Post Office begun the first airmail service. Aeroplanes changed a
lot in the next thirty year. Then, in 1950s, aeroplanes became many faster because they had jet engines.
In 1976, Concorde was building in the UK and France. It is the faster passenger plane in the world and it
can flying at 2500 kilometers an hour, so the journey in London to New York is only four hours. Today
millions of people travel on aeroplane, and it is difficult to think of a world without them.
0. build  built
VIII. Use the following words and phrases. Make all the necessary changes and additions to write
complete and meaningful sentences. 20pts
1. Those buses / not going / airport / neither / taxis.
2. You / not / want / sell / house last year ?
3. He / stop / smoke / save / money .
4. My brother / not drive / carefully / I.
5. My mother/ said/ seen/ this kind/ film/ ago.
6. It / difficult / prevent / people / park here.
7. Question/ too difficult/ them/ answer.
8. Tom/ turn/ radio/ in order/ hear/ result/ football/ between 3.00/ 4.00 pm/ last Sunday
9.This / be/ first time/ I/ be/ Paris
10. While/ Carol/ discuss/ Math exercise/ Dennis/ we/ arrive/ at 11 pm yesterday.
I. Listen and complete the dialogue with the words you have heard(10pts)
Mỗi đáp án đúng cho 1 đ
1. sounds 2. mean 3. North 4. perfect 5. according
6. advertisement 7. looking 8. rain 9. dry 10. World
II. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others (5pts)
Mỗi đáp án đúng cho 1 đ
1. b 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. d
III. Supply the correct verb forms/ tense: 15pts Mỗi đáp án đúng cho 1.5 đ
1. are watching 2. have known 3. Did they arrive 4. moved 5. to cook
6. not to make 7. playing 8. to give 9. is going to rain 10. have been
IV. Give the correct forms of these words 10pts Mỗi đáp án đúng cho 1 đ
V. Rewrite the sentences, keep the meaning unchanged:(20pts ).
Mỗi đáp án đúng cho 2 đ
1. We have become/have been close friends for a long time
2. She is the most intelligent student/girl in our school.
3. Nam asked Nga to lend him her bike./Nam asked Nga if he could borrow her bike.
4. Lan is the same height as Hoa/ Lan is as tall as Hoa/ Lan and Hoa are the same height.
5. Apples are not as expensive as oranges.
6. He prefers golf to tennis/ He prefers playing golf to (playing) tennis
7. My brother told me not to translate each sentence into Vietnamese.
8. How long have you played the piano
9. Your brother is not strong enough to lift that box.
10. Hung’s hobby is collecting stamps.
VI. Read the passage and fill in each blank with a suitable word. (10pts )
Mỗi đáp án đúng cho 1 đ
1. starts/begins 2. get 3. for 4. walk 5. takes
6. finish 7. there 8. while 9. have 10. out
VII. There are 11 mistakes in the following paragraph. Underline the mistake then correct it. Write your answer in
the table below. (10pts) Mỗi đáp án đúng cho 1 đ
1.lately - later 2. flied - flew 3. begun - began 4. year - years 5. many - much
6. building - built 7. faster - fastest 8. flying - fly 9. in - from 10. on - by
VIII. Use the following words and phrases. Make all the necessary changes and additions to write complete and
meaningful sentences. (20pts ). Mỗi đáp án đúng cho 2 đ.
1. Those buses are not going to the airport and neither are taxis.
2. Didn’t you want to sell the house last year ?
3. He stops smoking to save money
4. My brother doesn’t drive carefully as I do.
5. My mother said he had seen that kind of film before.
6. It is difficult to prevent people from parking here
7. The/ This question was too difficult for them to answer.

8. Tom was turning on the radio in order to hear the result of the football match between 3.00 and 4.00 pm last
9. This is the first time I have been to Paris
10. While Carol was discussing on/ about Math exercise with Dannis we arrived at 11 pm yesterday.

I. Select A, B, C or D only to indicate the word whose bold and underlined part is pronounced
differently from the rest. (5 points)
1. A. study B. success C. surprise D. suger
2. A. bath B. father C. theater D. health
3. A. unite B. underline C. university D. unifrom
4. A. whole B. when C. where D. while
5. A. socket B. notice C. enroll D. mobile
II. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following questions(10 points)
6. She went to market without ____________ anything.
A. buy B. to buy C. bought D. Buying
7. ____________ she plays the piano!
A. How well B. How good C. What well D. What good
8. The new shopping mall is quite ____________ the present shopping area.
A. different from B. the same C. like to D. similar
9. There were _________________ flowers that I couldn’t dicide what to buy.
A. so many B. so few C. so little D. so much
10. Of my parents, my father is _________________
A. the stricter B. the strictest C. strict D. stricter
11. Would you _________________ cleaning the floor for me?
A. like B. please C. mind D. rather
12. I’ve never seen such an interesting _______________
A. performing B. performer C. performance D. performed
13. I’m sorry. I’m not ___________ to help you lift the table.
A. enough strong B. too strong C. strong enough D. enough strength.
14. I usually go to work by bus, but ________ and then I use my motorbike
A. again B. Once C. now D. ever
15. There are not _____________ jobs for all of us.
A. so B. such C. too D. Enough
III. Complete the following questions with the correct preposition. (10 points)
16. She isn’t here ________________ the moment.
17. Warm clothes protect us ________________ bad weather.
18. What do you often do ________________ weekends.
19. We haven’t seen him _____________ last month.
20. He had an accident and was taken __________ hospital.
21. We regarded him ____________ a famous doctor.
22. You’re better ask __________ the information desk.
23. He borrowed $ 100 ______________ his father
24. “ Hamlet” is written ____________ Shakespeare.
25. Jane fell _________ her bike and hit head on the road
IV. Fill the blanks with the right form of the CAPITAL words provided in the right column. . (10
26. Sugar is not an _________ food because we need it to live. HEALTH
27. The nurse wanted to know Nga’s ________ and weight. HIGH
28. Mr. Hung has a very ________ tooth. PAIN
29. Last year Mr. Hoang drove very ________. CARE
30. This room is very _________. COMFORT
31. What is the correct ___________ of this word? PRONOUNCE
32. More and more young people want a university ________. EDUCATE
33. When I go to the library, I sit and read about ________ things. WONDER
34. The most popular ________ at recess is talking. ACT
35. A fairy appeared and ________ changed her old clothes. MAGIC
V. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets. . (10 points)
36. Will you wait a minute while I (look) ____________ through the text ?
37. “ I hear you’ve bought a new house.” - “Yes, I ( move ) __________ in next week”
38. Look at those black clouds. It ( rain) __________
39. The film ( begin) ___________ at 7.30 or 8.00 this evening ?
40. Mai (telephone)____________ you when she comes back.
41. The pens ( produce ) ______ by Thien Long Company are usually cheap and good.
42. “Do you mind if I sit here ?” – “ I ‘d rather you ( sit ) __________ over there”
43. The price ( become ) __________ more and more expensive these days.
44, + 45. Mr Binh ( know) ____ how to drive a car although he ( not learn) ____ it yet.
VI. Complete the following passage by choosing the best option, A, B, C or D. (10 points)
For many people, traveling by plane is an exciting experience. Others, however, find the whole idea quite
terrifying, (46) _____ flying is no more dangerous (47) __________ any other form of travel and some experts say it is
considerably safer. It is known, however, that most accident occurs (48) ______________ taking off and landing when
a (49) _________ decisions are vitally important.
The people, (50) _______ job is to look (51) ______________ the passengers, the stewards and stewardesses
play an important part in helping passengers to (52) ___________ safe and comfortable. Indeed for many passengers
being (53) ___________ such care of is all part of the total experience. (54) ____________ other form of travel involves
waiting for people in quite the same (55) __________, with food, drink, newspapers, magazines, music, and even
video films.
46- A. although B. too C. and D. because
47- A. than B. as C. then D. with
48- A. while B. during C. for D. through
49- A. leader’s B. chief ’s C. driver’s D. pilot’s
50- A. whose B. which C. their D. that
51- A. for B. up C. after D. round
52- A. feel B. rest C. experience D. lie
53- A. given B. kept C. shown D. taken
54- A. Any B. No C. All D. Not
55- A. way B. kind C. sort D. part
VII. Read the following passage and complete the numbered blanks with one suitable word only.
(10 points)
When I (56) ________ a child I used (57)________ go to see my grandmother. I thought her house was
(58) ________ beautiful as a palace and the garden seemed bigger than a park. (59) _______ I grew (60)
__________ the house and (61) __________ seemed smaller but I still loved visiting the old lady. There were so
many beautiful things in the house. Sometimes, I played (62) _________ the doll’s house which was older
than grandmother herself. At (63) ____________ times, I looked (64)___________ books which were
(65)_________ interesting than my children’s book at home.
VIII. There is one mistake in each of the following sentence. Find it and correct it. (5 points)
66. Have you ever seen a painting of Picasso yet ?
67. “ Do you think anyone saw us ?” she told nervously.
68. The plays writing by Shakespeare are very popular in the world.
69. The employer said that he would give them a two – day trip to Phu Tho next week.
70.My sister is studying very hard in order to pass the exam and getting scholarship at university.
IX. Rewrite the sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first given. . (10 points)
71. Peter spent three hours repainting his house.
-> It __________________________________________________________
72. Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals.
-> People ______________________________________________________
73. We arrived too late to see the film.
->. We didn’t ___________________________________________________
74. “Do you know to speak English?” He asked me.
->. He asked me _________________________________________________
75. The last time we met each other was ten years ago.
-> We haven’t __________________________________________________
76. It was such a boring film that she fell asleep.
-> The film was so ______________________________________________
77. The furniture was so expensive that I didn’t buy it .
-> The furniture was too __________________________________________
78. He can touch the light because he is very tall.
-> He is ________________________________________________________
79. It is such good weather that they are going for a picnic.
 The weather__________________________________________________
80.Somebody repaired his car yesterday.
 He had______________________________________________________
X. Use the suggestions to make the meaningful sentences. (10 points)
81.Last year / I / spend / week / My Son / and / I / not want / leave.
82. He / said / be / most / intelligent / student / the class.
83. It / interesting / have / vacation / abroad.
84. The waste paper / will / recycle / local factory?
85. Hoa / burnt / hand / when / she / cooking / dinner.
86. you / mind / I / turned on / television?
87. Old car tires / recycled / make / shoes / sandals / nowadays.
88. I / look / forward / see / you / soon.
89. My daughter / dislike / travel / coach / so / we / will go / plane.
90. We / not see / her / since / we / be / holiday / Ha Long Bay.

Question key mark

1. D 1
2. B 1
I 3. B 1
4. A 1
5. A 1
II 6. D 1
7. A 1
8. A 1
9. A 1
10. D 1
11. C 1
12. C 1
13. C 1
14. C 1
15. D 1
III 16. at 1
17. from 1
18. at/on 1
19. since 1
20. to 1
21. as 1
22. at 1
23. from 1
24. by 1
25. off 1
IV 26. healthy 1
27. height 1
28. painful 1
29. carefully 1
30. comfortable 1
31. pronunciation 1
32. education 1
33. wonderful 1
34. activity 1
35. magically 1
36. am looking 1
37. am going to move 1
38. ís going to rain 1
39. does..............begin 1
40. will telephone 1
41. produced 1
42. sat 1
43. is becoming 1
44. knows 1
45. hasn’t learrned / learned 1
VI 46. A 1
47. A 1
48. B 1
49. D 1
50. A 1
51. C 1
52. A 1
53. D 1
54. B 1
55. A 1
VII 56. was 1
57. to 1
58. very 1
59. when 1
60. up 1
61. garden 1
62. with 1
63. that 1
64. in 1
65. more 1
VIII 66. of -> by 1
67. told -> tells 1
68. writing -> written 1
69. next week -> the following week 1
70. getting -> get 1
71. It took Peter 3 hours to repair his house 1
72. People recycle old car tires to make shoes and sandals 1
73. we didn’t arrive early enough to see the film 1
74. He asked me if I knew to speak EL 1
75. We haven’t met each other for 10 years 1
76. The film was so boring that she fell asleep 1
77. The furniture was too expensive for me to buy 1
78. He is tall enough to touch the light 1
79. The weather is so good that they are going for a 1
80. He had his car repaired yesterday 1
81. Last year I spent a week in My Son and I didn’t want to 1
X 82. He is said to be the most intelligent student in the 1
83. It is interesting to have a vacation abroad. 1
84. The waste paper will be recycled in the local factory. 1
85. Hoa burnt her hand when she was cooking dinner. 1
86. Would you mind if I turned on the television? 1
87. Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals 1
88. I am looking forward to seeing you soon. 1
89. My daughter dislikes traveling by coach, so we will go 1
by plane.
90. We haven’t seen her since we were on holiday in Ha 1
Long Bay.
Question 2. Pick out the word whose underlined part in pronounced differently from that of the other
words. (1pt)
1. a. sight b. lion c. child d. children
2. a. years b. hands c.shops d. signs
3. a. manure b. measure c. pasture d. adventure
4. a. children b. chance c. change d.mechanic
5. a. takes b. inches c. oranges d. houses
6. a. played b. performed c. showed d. acted
7. a. pays b. says c. plays d. stays
8. a. buffalo b. lunch c. summer d. sugar
9. a. went b. helpful c. American d. listen
10. a see b. seat c. several d. sure

Question 3/ Supply the correct verb tense/ form of the verbs. (2ps).
1. We (not/ see)…………………………..him since he left school.
2. If the weather (be)………………………..nice tomorrow, we will go sailing.
3. Look ! Our new teacher (come)…………………………………………………..
4. We enjoy (collect)…………………..………………..stamps for our club.
5. I (not/ go)………………………………..…………… the movies last Sunday.
6. Ba (take)………………………….a shower at 8 o'clock last night.
7. The house . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on that hill is very old. (build)
8. Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from Brazil. (export)
9. My friend . . . . . . . . . . …………….. . . a letter when I came. (write)
10. She’d rather . . . . . . . . . . . . . bananas than apples. (eat)
11. When were those potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? (plant)
12. Mr Green wanted his son . . . . . . . . . . . . . .an engineer. (be)
13. She had her sister. . . . . . . . . . . . . the dishes. (wash)
14. He told his daughter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . his shirt. (mend)
15. How fast (she/ drive)………………………..when the accident happened?
16. Mary and John are neighbors. They ( know) ………………each other for a long time.
17. I haven’t met him since he ( move ) ………………………..….to Ho Chi Minh City.
18. This is the first time I (be)………………………………. to Ha Noi.
19. His doctor advised him ( give)……………………………….. up smoking.
20. It’s high time we (tell)…………………………him about that.

Question 4/ Rewrite the following sentences (2ps)

1. Nam is very young. He can’t drive a car.
=> Nam is………………………………………………………………..........................
2. Does your country export rice to the USA ?
=> Is rice…………………………………………………………………………................
3. My father often smoked 20 cigarettes a day but now he doesn’t smoke anymore.
=> My father used………………………………………………………………………....
4. “ Can you give me the pen ?” Lan said.
=> Lan asked ……………………………………………………………………………...
5. They last visited me 5 years ago.
=> They haven’t……………………………………………………………………………
6. They have studied computer for two years.
=> They started…………………………………………………………………………….
7. Was the steam engine invented by James Watt?
=> Did James Watt………………………………………………………………………?
8. “ Do you like this chocolate factory?” the foreman asked.
=> The foreman asked if I ……………………………………………………………
9. They have to take the tourists to the hotel before noon.
=> The tourists…………………………………………………………………………
10. She is too weak to carry this box.
=> He isn’t……………………………………………………………………………..
Question 5/ Supply the correct form of the words.(2 ps)
1. She knows all the people in her………………………………… (neighbor)
2. He had an accident although he drove………………………………….(care)
3. I ………….…believe that friends play a very important role in our life. (strong)
4. The canoe overturned and every one fell into the deep and ………….............water. (danger)
5. It will be more …………………………to shop in the mall than in the present shopping area. ( comfort)
6. New Year’s Eve in Argentina is one of the most important …….……. (celebrate)
7. What is the correct …………………………………of this word? (pronounce)
8. The Sword Lake is one of …………………….places in Hanoi. (history)
9. He devoted all his …………………… writing. (live)
10. He often writes stories. He is a ……………………(write)
11. These flowers look ………………….. (nature)
12. The ………………………in this town are very friendly. (reside)
13. Rubber is elastic, so we can …………………..this string. (long)
14. If I had a …………………….. I would retire at 40. (choose)
15. The tiger wanted to see the farmer’s ………………..(wise)
16. Bell experimented with ways of transmiting ...........over a long distance. (speak)
17. The scouts do the (volunteer)
18. Nowadays, scouting is popular ......................... (world)
19. Our teacher always ………………………… to work harder. (courage)
20. Cook the meet in the ……………………..for at least 30 minutes. (steam)
Question 6/ Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word (1pts)
The country is (1).............beautiful than a town and more pleasant to live in. Many people think so,
and go to the country (2) .......... the summer holiday though they can't live (3) ............. all the year round.
Some have cottage built in a village (4) .......... that they can go there whenever they (5) ..........find the time.
English villages are not alike, but (6)............. some ways they are not very different from
(7) ...................other. Almost every village (8) ...........a church, the round or square tower of which can
(9) ............seen from many miles around. Surrounding the church is the church yard, (10).......... people are
Question 7/ Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. (1pt)
1. I forgot to send a birthday card______________Mai yesterday.
2. I’ll wait ______________ you are ready.
3. They came to visit me______________my birthday.
4. Susan can come and see you______________lunch time.
5. Did you have a good time ______________Christmas?
6. Could I help you ______________ your bag?
7. I’m looking forward ____________ seeing you in June.
8. They have a meeting ___________ 6.30 and 9.30.
9. My mother often picks me ___________ from the school.
10. I’m going to invite my friends to come over ___________ dinner tonight.

Question 1/ Listen then fill in each blank with the word you hear. (1 pts)

1. worked 2. grades 3. sickness 4. problems 5. excellent

6. writing 7. C 8. improve 9. encourage 10. cassettes
Question 2. Pick out the word whose underlined part in pronounced differently from that of the other
words. (1pt)
1. d 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. a
6. d 7. b 8. d 9. d 10. d
Question 3/ Supply the correct verb tense/ form of the verbs. (2ps).
1. haven’t seen 6. was taking 11. planted 16. have known
2. is 7. built 12. to be 17. moved
3. is coming 8. is exported 13. washed 18. have been
4. collecting 9. was writing 14. to mend 19. to give
5. didn’t go 10. eat 15. was she driving 20. told
Question 4/ Rewrite the following sentences (2ps)
1. Nam is not old enough to drive a car/ Nam is too young to drive a car.
2. Is rice exported to the USA by your country?
3. My father used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day.
4. Lan asked me to give her the pen.
5. they haven’t visited me for 5 years.
6. They started studying (to study) computer two years ago.
7. Did Jame Watt invent the steam engine?
8. The foreman asked if I likes that chocolate factory.
9. The tourists have to be taken to the hotel before noon.
10. He isn’t strong enough to carry this box.
Question 5/ Supply the correct form of the words.(2 ps)
1. neighborhood 6. celebrations 11. natural 16. speech
2. carefully 7. pronunciation 12. residents 17. voluntary
3. strongly 8. historical 13. lengthen 18. worldwide
4. dangerous 9. life 14. choice 19. encourages
5. comfortable 10. writer 15. wisdom 20. steamer
Question 6/ Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word (1pts)
1. more 2. for 3. there 4. so 5. can
6. in 7. each 8. has 9. be 10. where

Question 7/ Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. (1pt)

1. to 2. for 3. on 4. at 5. at
6. with 7. to 8. between 9. up 10. for
I/- Choose the word that has the underlined, bold part pronounced differently from the
1, A. honest B. hour C. honor D. huMour
2, A. deaf B. beat C. lead D. teach
3, A. there B. thank C. youth A. thirsty
4, A. fund B. upset C. tutor D. rug
5, A. safe B. mall C. nature D. face
6, A. option B. information C. quention D. invitation
7, A. school B. chemistry C. character D. child
8, A. invited B. liked C. ended D. wanted
9, notice B. grow C. ghost D. lost
10, like B. wide C. oponion D. file
II/- Grammar and vocabulary: Choose the best answer for each sentence. (10pts)
1,It’s dangerous…………..and to drive fast.
A .swim B. to swim C. swimming D. swam
2,When I …….home, my mother…….. a big cake.
A.came/making C. came/was making
B.come/make D. was coming/make
3,Do you mind if I………..your computer for an hour?
A.used B. use C. am using D. have used
4,She arrived early………….order to get a good seat.
A.on B. in C. out D. at
5,The radio was…………by Tim yesterday.
A.repaired B. repairing C. repair D. repairs
6,I prefer the city………..the countryside.
A.or B. from C. to D. and
7,The man………… the window is my uncle.
A,stands B. standing C. stand D. stood
8, They’re getting married _____________ the end of June.
A. on B. in C. at D.during
9, I’m sorry but you have to cook dinner _____________
A. alone you B.himself C. yourself D.on you
10, You use a _______________ to cook rice.
A. steamer B. rice cooker C. saucepan D. frying pan

III/- Read the text and answer the questions bellow. (10pts)
Fire was very important to man . He needed fire to keep himself warm at night. He used fire to cook his
food. He used fire to frighten away enemies and wild animals. In some parts of the world he used fire to
signal messages. Red Indians, for example, used fire to make smoke signals. In some other countries
people lit fire to warm their friends of danger. Fire was also used to give light. Before the invention of the
oil lamp, men used burning sticks as torchs. And before man discovered gas and electricity, he hung
small fires in wire baskets from posts to light the streets. One man even used fire to tell the time. He
invented a candle clock. He made a candle that took exactly twelve hours to burn. Then he marked this
candle in twelve equal parts. He lit the candle and could tell the time by counting the number of parts left
of the burning candle. But the candle clock did not always work well. If there was a wind blowing on the
candle, the flame burned too quickly.
1. What did man probably first use fire for?
2. For what purpose was fire used by red Indians?
3. What were the first street lights?
4. How long did the candle clock take to burn?
5. What would happen if a wind blew on a candle clock?
IV/- Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. (10pts)
1,Franco: “I watch the football game every Sunday”
Franco told ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...............................…
2,Julie: “I’ve already made plans to do something else”
Julie told her friend …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3,They built those buildings in 2001.
 Those buildings ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4,He spoke English at the meeting.
 English ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….
5, That letter was written by Tom.
Tom ………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………….
6, Is this bladder mended by Mr Green ?
Does Mr Green ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….
7,That girl is very intelligent.
What ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
8,This living-room isn’t as big as that kitchen.
That kitchen …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
9,Khanh said “You ought to take a break, Huy”
 Khanh advised ……………………………………………………………………………………………......……………………….
10,We’ve never met such a famous singer before.
 It’s the first time ……………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………….
V/ Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word in brackets. (0) is an
example for you. (10pts)
0, They have all been absolutely (wonder) wonderful!
1, I don’t like that film. It’s very (bore) __________________.
2, Ho Chi Minh City is (large) _________________ city in Vietnam.
3, They boy fell asleep during (perform) __________________.
4. She is a _________________ she sells flowers at a shop in Canada (flower).
5, The male birds are more (colour) _________________ than the females.
6, Every pupil was very (excite) ______________ about the holiday.
7,His parents are very proud of his (succeed) _______________.
8, David Beckham is my (favour) ______________player.
9, I don’t know how you (celebration) ______________ your birthday.
10,Some people feel that towns are too (noise) ______________ for them to live in.
VI/ Supply the corect verb form. (10pts)
1. Yester day, I (1. spend) ……………… two hours (2. do)………… the homeword.
2. The thiefs (3. catch)…………….. when they (4. leave)………….. the bank.
3. Two hours ago, Mrs Brown (5. have)………… Alice (6. take)……….. her son to the school.
4. How many times you (7. be)………… to Ho Chi Minh City?
5. The moon (8. move)……………… around the earth.
6. Next summer, my parents wil let me (9. visit)…………….. my grand father.
7. How about (10. go)……………… to the zoo?
VII/ Fill the suitable prepositions. (10pts)
1. She went out the room…………………..(1) saying a word.
2. The life in the countryside is changing…………. (2)better.
3. She was born………………(3) 2 o’clock …………….. (4)18th July.
4. Mary is thinking……………… (5) importing fowers…………..(6) China.
5. They are traveling………………..(7) the airport…………….. (8)a bus.
6. I am afraid……………….(9) ghost.
7. The fight………………...(10)deforestation is very important.
VIII/ Listen and write the missing words. (10pts)
Every year, students in many ………………….(1) learn English. Some of these students are young children .
Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others ………………………( 2) by themselves. A
few learn English just by hearing ………………….. (3) in films, on TV, in the office or among their friends.
But not many are lucky to do that. Most people must work hard to learn another language.
Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their ………………………..( 4).They study
their own language , and mathematics....and English. In England, America, or ………………….( 5), many
boys and girls study their own English , which is English, and mathematics... and another language ,
perhaps ………………………( 6) , or German or Spanish.
Many ……………………….. (7) learn English , because it is ………………..( 8) for their work . teenagers often
learn English for their higher studies, because some of their …………………………..( 9)are in English at the
college or university. Other people learn English because they want to read …………………..(10) or
magazines in English.
IX/ Find the mistakes and correct. (10pts)
1, Some people grow so taller that their health may become endangered.
2, After said goodbye to my parents, I went to school with my sister.
3,The phone rung while I was washing the dishes.
4,The book writing by Jack London is very popular in the world.
5,She isn’t old enough to done this job.
6, Eight hundred years ago Christmas songs are performed for people in towns
and villages.
7, Would you mind help me solve these mathematics problems? I can hardly
understand how to do them.
8, She was having dinner when a man was coming and giving her a bunch of
9, My brother didn’t wear that uniform since he left school .
10.After each lesson we often have a ten- minutes rest .

X/ Read the text below and think of the word that best fits each space. Use only one word in each
space : (10pts)
Thanksgiving is a truly American holiday. Nobody should have dinner alone on that day. That's
what Thanksgiving is all (1) ……………………… The first immigrants, who were called Pilgrims, (2)..................
to America from Europe about three hundred and fifty years (3) …………………… They were good friends
with (4) ………………………Indians and they tried ( 5 ) ……………….........corn and other stuff together but it
was really hard farming at that time. When they got the first harvest, the (6) …………………….. and the
Americans had a big dinner together to (7)................ God for their good luck. And the food the American
eat now (8) …………………………… Thanksgiving are the same kinds of things that the Pilgrims ate: turkey,
corn and squash. The date is (9) ……....................every year but it is always the fourth Thursday of
November. In Canada, they (10) ………………………… it in October.
I/ Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng 1 điểm.

1-D 3-A 5-B 7-D 9-D

2-A 4-C 6-C 8-B 10-C
II/ Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng 1 điểm.
1.C 2.C 3.B 4.B. 5.D
6.B 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.C
III/ Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng 2 điểm.
1. 1, to keep himself warm at night.
2. to make smoke signals
3. small fires hung in wire bastkets from post.
4. 12 hours.
5. the clock would be slow.
V/ Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng 1 điểm.
1)Franco told he watched the football game every Sunday.

2)They told her friend she had already made plans to do something else.

3) Those building were built in 2001.

4)English was spoken at the meeting.

5) Tom wrote that letter.

6) Does Mr Green mend this bladder?

7) What an intelligent girl!

8) That kitchen is bigger than this living-room.

9) Khanh advised Huy to take a break.

10) It’s the first time we met such a famous singer.

V/ Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng 1 điểm.
1-boring 2-the largest 3-performance 4-florist

5-colourful 6-excited 8-success 8-favourite

9-celebrate 10-noisy

VI/ Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng 1 điểm.
(1) spent (3) were caught (5) had (7) have – been (9) visit
(2) doing (4) were leaving (6) take (8) moves (10) going
VII/ Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng 1 điểm.
1. without 3. at – on 5. to / in 7. against
2. for 4. of / about – from 6. of
VIII/ Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng 1 điểm.
1, countries 2,study 3, language 4,subjects 5,Autralia
6, French 7,adults 8, useful 9, books 10, newspapers

IX/ Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng 1 điểm.
1-B 2-A 3-B 4-B

5-C 6-B 7-B 8-C 9- A 10- C

X/ Mỗ i đá p á n đú ng 1 điểm.
1 about 2 . came 3 . ago 4 . the 5 . growing

6. Indians 7. thank 8. for 9. different 10. celebrate

I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others by circling A, B, C or D. (5 pts)
1. A. action B. national C. partial D. question
2. A. tidal B. sight C. describe D. cinema
3. A. connect B. comfort C. computer D. contest
4. A. cough B. though C. rough D. tough
5. A. pleased B. erased C. increased D. amused

II. Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others by circling A, B, C or D. (5 pts)
1. A. medical B. restaurant C. remember D. government
2. A. household B. homework C. garbage D. throughout
3. A. electrical B. interesting C. necessary D. beautifully
4. A. celebrate B. consider C. expression D. criteria
5. A. partner B. between C. visit D. program

III. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences by circling A, B, C or D. (10 pts)
1. - Mary: “Is 11 o’clock alright?” - Tom: “______.”
A. Yes, that’s fine B. No, I don’t want to go
C. Wait a minute D. Sounds interesting
2. Typhoons, floods or droughts can easily ______ a harvest.
A. finish B. destroy C. provide D. defeat
3. You should pay ______ to what the instruction is saying.
A. attendance B. intention C. convention D. attention
4. My friends usually enjoy my ______ of humor.
A. sense B. kind C. means D. form
5. - Mother: “Could you do me a favor?” - Kate: “______.”
A. No, thanks. I’m fine B. Yes, that’s kind of you
C. Yes, sure D. Yes, thank you
6. Practising ______ English anywhere you can is a way to better your speaking skill.
A. speak B. speaking C. to speak D. for speaking
7. Soak some old newspapers in a ______ of water overnight.
A. pair B. bunch C. bucket D. tube
8. Mrs. Thanh: “______ you give the book to me, please?” - Mai: “Of course.” .
A. Will B. Shall C. Do D. Should
9. The winners are the first ones ______ a fire.
A. make B. makes C. making D. to make
10. Children may drink or eat chemicals and drugs ______ they look like soft drinks and candy.
A. until B. because C. although D. so that

IV. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. (5 pts)

1. We should cover the burned area ________ a thick sterile dressing.
2. They fell ________ love ________ each other almost immediately and were married in a few weeks.
3. Next month I’m going to Scotland ________ a short holiday.
4. Their parents are very proud ________ their results.
5. What is the difference ________ “clean up” and “clean out”?
6. We are going to hold a discussion ________ recycling.
7. The boy fell ________ his bike and hit his head ________ the road.
8. Santa Claus is based ________ the description of Saint Nicholas.

V. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in capital letters. (10 pts)
1. In 2013, the World Water Week will be held under the theme “Water ________________-Building
Partnerships”. (COOPERATE)
2. ______________________, dark clouds soon appeared and it began to rain. (FORTUNE)
3. Laura is the most __________________________ person in our group. (BEAUTY)
4. Many ______________________ of the older generation were there. (REPRESENT)
5. She has cut herself, and it is ____________________ quite badly. (BLOOD)
6. His health was seriously affected and he suffered from constant _____________________. (SLEEP)
7. Bao is ________________________ kind and generous to everyone. (EXTREME)
8. I’m pleased to hear that you had an ________________________ Christmas vacation. (ENJOY)
9. This knife is _________________________ - it can cut everything. (USE)
10. The Scouting Association is the largest _____________________ youth organization in the world.

VI. Put the sentences (A – J) in the correct order (1 – 10 ) to make a meaningful conversation. (5 pts)
A. Goodbye.
B. Yes, can you come at ten to three on Wednesday afternoon?
C. What name is it, please?
D. Yes, that’s fine.
E. It’s Tom Smith.
F. Yes, can I make an appointment with doctor Wall, please?
G. No, I’m sorry, I can’t. What about the evening?
H. Good morning. Can I help you?
I. Thank you Mr. Smith. Goodbye.
J. Doctor Wall isn’t here in the evening on Wednesday, I’m afraid. I can put you in at half past six
on Thursday evening.
Your answers: 1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. ________
6. _______ 7. _______ 8. _______ 9. _______ 10. _______

VII. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences. (10 pts)
1. How many times you (be) to London this year?  _____________________
2. The two girls (play) chess over there are my classmates.  _____________________
3. We must take an umbrella. It (rain).  _____________________
4. The guests (arrive) while I (still / cook).  _____________________
5. The rice-cooking festival (hold) every two years.  _____________________
6. I often (climb) trees when I was a little girl.  _____________________
7. Two miles (be) enough for her to go jogging every morning.  _____________________
8. I’m very bored. My mother always (complain) about her  _____________________
9. Fred would like (admit) to the college.  _____________________

VIII. Each of the following sentences contains one error. Underline and correct it. (5 pts)
1. We won’t get to the airport in least than 30 minutes.  _______________
2. Your grandfather and I are delighting that you passed your English  _______________
exam.  _______________
3. People use first-aid in order for ease the victim’s pain and anxiety.  _______________
4. We believe that she feels very badly about her mistake.  _______________
5. The big present is wrapped in red papers is five dollars.

IX. Fill in each numbered space with ONE appropriate word. (10 pts)
Youth Month 2013 launched nationwide
(1) ______ February 28 , over 1,500 young people gathered at a ceremony to kick off Youth Month

2013 in the central province of Thua Thien Hue under the theme “Youth Action for an urban civilised
At the (2) ______, 500 youngsters volunteered to (3) ______ more than 400 units of blood to the Hue
Central Hospital. Hundreds of Youth Union members took part in propagation to (4) ______ public
awareness on environmental protection, traffic safety, and urban civilisation.
For the entire month of March, activities will (5) ______ directed to motivate young people’s
participation in diverse activities, (6) ______ giving feedback to the Draft Amendment of the 1992
Constitution, building a civilised lifestyle, protecting the environment (7) ______ urban landscape.
There will be “Green Sunday” and “Volunteering Saturday” with intensive activities to (8) ______
up the surroundings, remove illegal advertising posters, eliminate black spots of pollution. The Youth
Month was first launched in 2004 and has become (9) ______ annual event for the youth, which aims (10)
______ increase young people’s responsibilities to the community and the nation.
Your answers: 1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. ________
6. _______ 7. _______ 8. _______ 9. _______ 10. _______
X. Read the passage below and then circle the correct answer A, B, C or D. (10 pts)
Have you ever been to Britain? I’ve dreamed of going there (1) ______ I was a little girl and finally, (2)
______ the spring of 2012, it happened. I was there three weeks and (3) ______ much of that time soaking
up the culture, history, and scenery of this incredible island. I visited several districts in England, Wales
and Scotland and even (4) ______ a site trip to Ireland. Every place I went to seemed to be more
interesting and more beautiful (5) ______ the last.
The tour I was with began in London. Of all the sights I saw there, the Tower of London was the most (6)
______. The Tower is a building complex of incredibly rich history.
Also on the Thames are the Houses of Parliament and, of course, the clock tower housing “Big Ben”. I saw
so many landmarks I can hardly remember them all. Although it was just a glimpse of London I did, (7)
______, get a chance to see all the (8)______ famous places.
After (9) ______ of days in London we traveled to the south of England stopping to visit Stonehenge. If you
don’t know about Stonehenge there are a couple of links on my links page that will (10) ______ you to
sites that can fill you in.
1. A. for B. while C. since D. because
2. A. on B. in C. at D. to
3. A. spent B. took C. did D. used
4. A. did B. got C. spent D. made
5. A. then B. as C. with D. than
6. A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interestingly
7. A. at first B. at all C. at least D. at that
8. A. more B. much C. most D. many
9. A. few B. some C. a couple D. little
10. A. reach B. take C. make D. send
XI. Read the following text then choose from the list A-F the best sentence to fill each of the
spaces. There is one extra sentence which you do not need. (5 pts)
I have recently become very worried about my 15-year-old son, Nick. Although he was never
brilliant at school, he used to get reasonable good marks. (1) ______.
He used to be such a good swimmer that he won several prizes. But now he has given up training.
And instead of neat clothes he used to wear, all he ever puts on is the same pair of shabby of old jeans
and a dirty sweatshirt.
(2) ______. Nick was in the kitchen. The radio was so loud that he didn’t hear me come behind him.
My handbag was on the table. (3) ______.
We had a terrible row. Finally, he broke down and confessed everything. He has been going every
day to a big amusement arcade near his school and playing electronics games with nick names like Space
Warrior and Alien Invaders. I had always thought they were harmless. (4) ______.
He has promised he won’t go there again, but I think he’s too addicted to stop. (5) ______. What can
I do to help him?
A. But now I realize that he’s so hooked on them, he’ll even steal from his own mother in order
to pay for the habit.
B. Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t - and he doesn’t .
C. I often leave it there so that I won’t forget it when I go out.
D. He had taken some money out of it and was just about to put it in his pocket.
E. But that isn’t all. Last Sunday, I got up earlier than usual.
F. But now his work has become so bad that his teachers say he is just wasting his time there.
Your answers: 1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. ________
XII. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the first one, beginning with the
given words. (10 pts)
1. “You shouldn’t lend him any more money,” Mrs. Tuyet said to Nga.
 Mrs. Tuyet advised ______________________________________________________________.
2. Everyone was surprised to see Geoff leave the party early.
 To ____________________________________________________________________________.
3. It was so late that nothing could be done.
 It was too ______________________________________________________________________.
4. Is this the best price you can offer?
 Can’t you ______________________________________________________________________?
5. I don’t go to church every Sunday any longer.
 I used to _______________________________________________________________________.
6. I sent my friend a letter in London last week.
 A letter ________________________________________________________________________.
7. I last saw him when I was a student.
 I haven’t _______________________________________________________________________.
8. “Don’t forget to bring your passports with you when you go abroad.”
 She reminded ___________________________________________________________________.
9. Smoking is not allowed in the ward.
 Would you _____________________________________________________________________?
10. He failed the exam because of his laziness.
 Because he______________________________________________________________________.
XIII. Use the given word to write the second sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible
in meaning to the original sentence. Do not change the form of the given word. (5 pts)
1. I wanted to finish my homework, so I stayed up late last night. (as)
 I stayed ________________________________________________________________________.
2. The thick fog prevented me from driving to work. (made)
 The thick fog ____________________________________________________________________.
3. Nick hasn’t been to Vietnam before. (time)
 This is _________________________________________________________________________.
4. Mr. Lam teaches English. Mr. Hai teaches Math. (subject)
 Mr. Lam doesn’t _________________________________________________________________.
5. I’d rather not see him tomorrow. (want)
 I ______________________________________________________________________________.
XIV. Use the given suggestions to complete sentences. (5 pts)
1. Instead / reuse / plastic bags / we / use / cloth bags.
 _______________________________________________________________________________.
2. Will / you / have / look / house / me / while / I / be / holiday?
3. We / hope / give / more / green / color / town / and / earn / money / group.
 ______________________________________________________________________________.
4. “Friends of the Earth” / be / organization / protect / planet.
 _______________________________________________________________________________.
5. It / brave / him / jump / river / save / child.
I. 5 pts: (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. D 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. C
II. 5 pts: (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. A5. B

III. 10 pts: (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)

1. A 2. B 3. D 4. A5. C
6. B 7. C 8. A 9. D10. B

IV. 5 pts: (Mỗi giới từ đúng 0.5 điểm)

1. with 5. between
2. in - with 6. about
3. for 7. off - on
4. of 8. on

V. 10 pts: (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)

1. Cooperation 6. sleeplessness
2. Unfortunately 7. extremely
3. beautiful 8. enjoyable
4. representatives 9. useful
5. bleeding 10. voluntary

VI. 5 pts: (Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm)

1. H 2.F 3. B 4. G5. J
6. D 7. C 8. E 9. I 10. A

VII. 10 pts: (Mỗi động từ đúng 1 điểm)

1. have (you) been / have … been
2. playing
3. is going to rain
4. arrived / was still cooking
5. is held
6. climbed
7. is
8. is always complaining
9. to be admitted

VIII. 5 pts: (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm, tìm được lỗi 0.5, sửa được lỗi 0.5)
1. least -> less
2. delighting -> delighted
3. for -> to
4. badly -> bad
5. is wrapped -> wrapped / which is wrapped

IX. 10 pts: (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)

1. On 2. event / ceremony 3. donate 4. raise 5. be
6. including 7. and 8. clean 9. an 10. to
X. 10 pts: (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D5. D
6. A 7. C 8. C 9. C10. B

XI. 5 pts: (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)

1. F 2. E 3. D 4. A5. B

XII. 10 pts: (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)

1. Mrs. Tuyet advised Nga not to lend him any more money.
2. To everyone’s surprise, Geoff left the party early.
3. It was too late to do anything.
(Or: It was too late for anything to be done.)
4. Can’t you offer a better price?
5. I used to go to church every Sunday.
6. A letter was sent to my friend in London last week.
7. I haven’t seen him since I was a student.
8. She reminded me to bring my passports with me when I went abroad.
9. Would you mind not smoking in the ward?
10. Because he was lazy, he failed the exam.

XIII. 5 pts: (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)

1. I stayed up late last night so as to finish my homework.
2. The thick fog made it impossible for me to drive to work.
3. This is the first time Nick has been to Vietnam.
4. Mr. Lam doesn’t teach the same subject as Mr. Hai.
5. I don’t want to see him tomorrow.

XIV. 5 pts: (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)

1. Instead of reusing plastic bags, we should / can use cloth bags.
2. Will you have a look at the house for me while I am on holiday?
3. We hope to give more green color to the town and earn some money for our group.
4. “Friends of the Earth” is an organization to protect our planet.
5. It was brave of him to jump into the river to save the child.
I. Select A, B, C or D only to indicate the word whose bold and underlined part is pronounced
differently from the rest.
1. A. looked B. watched C. stopped D. carried
2. A. bath B. father C. theater D. health
3. A. danger B. angry C. language D. passage
4. A. whole B. when C. where D. while
5. A. improvement B. equipment C. comment D. development
II. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following questions
6. She went to market without ____________ anything.
A. buy B. to buy C. bought D. Buying
7. ____________ she plays the piano!
A. How well B. How good C. What well D. What good
8. The new shopping mall is quite ____________ the present shopping area.
A. different from B. the same C. like to D. similar
9. There were _________________ flowers that I couldn’t dicide what to buy.
A. so many B. so few C. so little D. so much
10. Of my parents, my father is _________________
A. the stricter B. the strictest C. strict D. stricter
11. Would you _________________ cleaning the floor for me?
A. like B. please C. mind D. rather
12. I’ve never seen such an interesting _______________
A. performing B. performer C. performance D. performed
13. I’m sorry. I’m not ___________ to help you lift the table.
A. enough strong B. too strong C. strong enough D. enough strength.
14. I usually go to work by bus, but ________ and then I use my motorbike
A. again B. once C. now D. ever
15. There are not _____________ jobs for all of us.
A. so B. such C. too D. enough
III. Complete the following questions with the correct preposition.
16. She isn’t here ________________ the moment.
17. Warm clothes protect us ________________ bad weather.
18. What do you often do ________________ weekends.
19. We haven’t seen him _____________ last month.
20. He had an accident and was taken __________ hospital.
21. We regarded him ____________ a famous doctor.
22. You’re better ask __________ the information desk.
23. He borrowed $ 100 ______________ his father
24. “ Hamlet” is ____________ Shakespeare.
25. Jane fell _________ her bike and hit head on the road
IV. Fill the blanks with the right form of the CAPITAL words provided in the right column.
26. Their children have quite _____________ characters. DIFFERENCE
27. What is the correct ______________of this word? PRONOUNCE
28. Relax for some minutes and you’ll feel more _________ COMFORT
29. She is one of the greatest ______________ to appear in this theater. PERFORM
30. My house is on the top of a hill. It’s very __________ there in the fall WIND
31. It is _______________ to eat too much sugar and fatty food. HEALTH
32. During his _____________ the family lived in Cornwall CHILD
33. Bell ______________ demonstrated his invention. SUCCESS
34. Every day, there are two _________ from Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh city. FLY
35. ______________ , dark clouds appeared and it began to rain. SUDDEN
V. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.
36. Will you wait a minute while I (look) ____________ through the text ?
37. “ I hear you’ve bought a new house.” - “Yes, I ( move ) __________ in next week”
38. Look at those black clouds. It ( rain) __________
39. The film ( begin) ___________ at 7.30 or 8.00 this evening ?
40. Mai (telephone)____________ you when she comes back.
41. The pens ( produce ) ___________ by Thien Long Company are usually cheap and good.
42. “Do you mind if I sit here ?” – “ I ‘d rather you ( sit ) __________ over there”
43. The price ( become ) __________ more and more expensive these days.
44, + 45. Mr Binh ( know) ______ how to drive a car although he ( not learn) ________ it yet.
VI. Complete the following passage by choosing the best option, A, B, C or D.
For many people, traveling by plane is an exciting experience. Others, however, find the whole idea quite
terrifying, (46) _____ flying is no more dangerous (47) __________ any other form of travel and some experts say it is
considerably safer. It is known, however, that most accident occurs (48) ______________ taking off and landing when
a (49) _________ decisions are vitally important.
The people, (50) _______ job is to look (51) ______________ the passengers, the stewards and stewardesses
play an important part in helping passengers to (52) ___________ safe and comfortable. Indeed for many passengers
being (53) ___________ such care of is all part of the total experience. (54) ____________ other form of travel involves
waiting for people in quite the same (55) __________, with food, drink, newspapers, magazines, music, and even
video films.
46- A. although B. too C. and D. because
47- A. than B. as C. then D. with
48- A. while B. during C. for D. through
49- A. leader’s B. chief ’s C. driver’s D. pilot’s
50- A. whose B. which C. their D. that
51- A. for B. up C. after D. round
52- A. feel B. rest C. experience D. lie
53- A. given B. kept C. shown D. taken
54- A. Any B. No C. All D. Not
55- A. way B. kind C. sort D. part
VI. Listen to the the following passage and complete the numbered blanks with one word you
When I (56) ________ a child I used to go to (57)_________________my grandmother. I thought her house was
very (58)_________________as a palace and the garden seemed bigger than a park. (59) _______ I grew up , the
house and garden seemed (60)__________________ but I still loved visiting the (61)_____________ lady. There
were so many beautiful things in the house. Sometimes, I played (62) _________ the doll’s house which was
older than grandmother herself. At (63) ____________ times, I looked (64)___________ books which were
(65)_________ interesting than my children’s book at home.

VIII. There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find it by choosing A, B, C
or D.
66. Have you ever seen a painting of Picasso yet ?
67. “ Do you think anyone saw us ?” she told nervously.
68. The plays writing by Shakespeare are very popular in the world.
69. The employer said that he would give them a two – day trip to Phu Tho next week.
70.My sister is studying very hard in order to pass the exam and getting scholarship at university. A
IX. Rewrite the sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first given.
71. Peter spent three hours repainting his house.
-> It __________________________________________________________
72. Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals.
-> People ______________________________________________________
73. We arrived too late to see the film.
->. We didn’t ___________________________________________________
74. “Do you know to speak English?” He asked me.
->. He asked me _________________________________________________
75. The last time we met each other was ten years ago.
-> We haven’t ____________________________________________

======== The End =======


I: ( 1pt), Each correct answer get 0.2pt.

1 2 3 4 5
II: ( 2pts) Each correct answer gets 0.2pt

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
III: (2pts), Each correct answer gets 0,2 pt.

16 17 18 19 20
at from At/ on since to
21 22 23 24 25
as at from by off
IV: (3pts) . Each correct answer gets 0,3pt.

26 27 28 29 30
different pronunciation comfortable performers windy
31 32 33 34 35
unhealthy childhood successfully flights suddenly
V: (3 pts). Each correct answer gets 0,3pt.

36. am looking 41. produced

37. am going to move ( am moving) 42. sat
38. is going to rain 43. is becoming
39. Does ...... begin 44. knows
40. will telephone 45. hasn’t learned/ learnt
VI: (2pts) Each correct answer gets 0,2 pt.

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
VII: (2pts), Each correct answer gets 0,2 pt.

56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
was to Very/as when up garden with that in more
When I was a child I used to go to see my grandmother. I thought her house was very beautiful as a
palace and the garden seemed bigger than a park. When I grew up , the house and garden seemed
smaller but I still loved visiting the old lady. There were so many beautiful things in the house.
Sometimes, I played with the doll’s house which was older than grandmother herself. At that times, I
looked in books which were more interesting than my children’s book at home.

VIII: ( 1pt), Each correct answer get 0.2pt.

66 67 68 69 70
IX: (2pts) Each correct answer gets 0,5pt.

71. It took Peter 3 hours to repair his house

72. People recycle old car tires to make shoes and sandals

73. we didn’t arrive early enough to see the film

74. He asked me if I knew to speak English.

75. We haven’t met each other for 10 years.

======== The End =======

I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. ancient B. delicious C. participate D. special
2. A. worked B. helped C. watched D. naked
3. A. position B. bottle C. product D. opposite
4. A. tidy B. prize C. written D. final
5. A. event B. end C. market D. festival
II. Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.
1. A. decorate B. prepare C. however D. tradition
2. A. collect B. festival C. explain D. design
3. A. participate B. unsuitable C. competition D. activity
4. A. wonderful B. traditional C. arrangement D. attractive
5. A. harvest B. perform C. council D. ancient
III. Choose the best option to complete each sentence.
1. I will return you the book as soon as I_______ reading it.
A. finishing B. finish C. finished D. will finish
2. He is getting married _______ a famous film star this weekend.
A. with B. to C. for D. after
3. The heavy rain has caused _______in many parts of the country.
A. storms B. droughts C. typhoon D. floods
4. Deaf-mutes can_______ speak_______ hear.
A. both/ and B. either/ or C. neither/ nor D. not only/ but also
5. They _______from Canada to America to find work.
A. started B. demonstrated C. delivered D. emigrated
6. Doctor insists _______ for a few days.
A that he is resting B. his resting C. him to rest D. that he rest
7. The number of cars on the road _______.
A. increase B. is increasing C. are going to increase D. are increasing
8. _______bacon and eggs every morning.
A. I am used to eat B. I used to eating C. I am used to eating D. I use to eat
9. The team really looks good tonight because the coach had them _______ every night this week.
A. practice B. to practice C. practiced D. the practice
10. The road _______ to the sea is very rough.
A. goes B. to go C. going D. is going
IV. Each of the following sentences has one mistake. Identify and correct the mistakes.
1. Keep the cheese freshly by wrapping each one individually.
2. What is the most important thing in really life?
3. Da Lat is known like a city of pines, waterfalls and flowers.
4. The river bank was covered by weed.
5. The harder he tried the worst he danced before the large audience.
6. A flower growing in the garden is more beautiful than a flower stood in a vase.
7. A five - thousand - dollar reward were offered for the capture of the escaped criminals.
8. In the mid-nineteenth century, an Englishman had someone designed a Christmas card.
9. His illness is probably because stress.
10. Jack asked his boss could he have a day off.
V. Supply an appropriate form of the words in CAPITALS.
1. WEIGH Every woman nowadays seems to want to lose (1) _________. It has become
2. DAY almost a (2) _________ topic of conversation.
3. END Otherwise sensible women spend hours in (3) __________ argument about
4. DISCUSS what to eat. Newspaper articles are eagerly read and radio and TV (4) _______
5. AVAIL carefully listened to. There is so much information (5) _______ it is no wonder
people get confused.
Women who are slimming can never enjoy a meal without being afraid of
6. ORGANIZE (6) ___________ their diet. And when they have lost a few pounds are they
7. HAPPY really any (7) _______. Is it really a fact of life that slim women are the only
8. ATTRACT really (8) _______ ones? No, in some parts of the world a husband would
9. SHAME be(9) _______ to be seen with a thin wife. Nevertheless, if a woman really has
10. DECIDE a slimming problem, there is only one (10) _______ to make: Eat Less
C. READING (2.5/10)
I. Choose the most suitable answer from the four options marked A, B, C, or D to complete each of
the numbered gaps in the passage below. .
In the waters around New York City is a very small island called Liberty Island. On Liberty Island
there is a very special statue called the Statue of Liberty. It is one of the most (1) _______ sights in the
The Statue of Liberty was a gift (2) _______ the people of France to the people of the United States. The
statue was made by a French (3) _______ named Fredric Auguste Bartholdi. The inner support system was
designed by Gustave Eiffel, the same man who made the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris.
Liberty, of course, (4) _______ freedom, and the Statue of Liberty was given to the United States to (5)
_______ the one-hundredth anniversary of U.S independence from England. The statue was built in France,
(6) _______ apart piece by piece, and the rebuilt in the United States. It was opened to the (7) _______ on
October 28, 1886.
(8) _______ you might expect, the statue is very big. Visitors can ride an elevator from the (9) _______ to
the bottom of the statue. If they want to, they can then walk up the 168 steps to reach the head of the
statue where they can look out and enjoy the beautiful (10) _______of the city of New York.
1. A. well-known B. celebrated C. famous D. notorious
2. A. from B. by C. of D. for
3. A. sculpture B. sculptor C. carver D. potter
4. A. indicates B. points out C. clarifies D. means
5. A. organize B. commemorate C. celebrate D. hold
6. A. taken B. brought C. broken D. torn
7. A. humans B. crowd C. people D. public
8. A. So B. Like C. As D. Thus
9. A. surface B. ground C. soil D. level
10. A. sight B. view C. scene D. scenes
II. Complete the passage with the suitable words.
Learning a language is, in some way, like (1) _________ how to fly or play the piano. There (2)
____________ important differences, but there is a very important similarity. It is this: learning how to do
such things needs lots (3) ___________ practice. It is never simply to “know” something. You must be able
to “do” things with what (4) ___________ know. For example, it is not enough simply to read a book on (5)
___________ to fly an aeroplane. A (6) ___________ can give you lots of information about how to fly, but if
only read a book and then try to (7) ____________without a great deal of practice first, you will crash and
kill (8) ____________ .The same is true of (9) ____________the piano. So you think it is enough simply to read
about it? Can you play the piano without having lots of (10) ____________ first?
III. Read the following directions on medicine and ointments, and then write true (T) or false (F)
for each sentence below.
For headache, colds and influenza
Dose: (Unless told otherwise by a doctor)
Adults and children over 12 years: one to two tablets
Take the tablets three or four times daily every four hours.
Don’t continue to take the tablets for more than three days. If you do
not get better after this time, see your doctor.
Do not take more than the dose.
Keep the tablets in a safe place because they can be dangerous to
young children.
For insect bites and stings. Help to prevent pain and itching.
IMPORTANT: Use on the skin only. Rub gently on the skin two or
three times daily for up to three days. Keep out of the reach of
If there is no improvement within three days, see your doctor.
Write T or F:
1. _______ Take two Paratecil tablets every four hours for up to three days.
2. _______ Use Anti-sting for mosquito bites.
3. _______ All adults and children with headache, cold and influenza can take one or two
Paratecil tablets.
4. _______ You can swallow Anti-sting to help prevent pain.
5. _______ Don’t take Paratecil tablets for longer than three days.

D. WRITING (2.5/10)
I. Complete these sentences in such a way that they remain unchanged from the original ones.

1- The last time I saw her was in 2005.

 I haven't .................................................................................................... .................................. ................................ ....................
2- He is writing a book on biology.
 A book on biology ...................................................................... .................................. ...................................... .........................
3- Going swimming in the summer is interesting.
 It ................................................................................................... .................................. ........................................ ............................
4- He was punished by his mother
 His mother.......................................................................... .................................. ............................................... ...........................
5-“Don’t play video games too much, Minh"Mr Ha said.
 Mr Ha asked ..................................................................... .................................. ............................................. ...............................
6- Tom is not as tall as Mary.
 Mary......................................................................................... .................................. ....................................... ..................................
7- How is the weather ?
What’s..................................................................................... .................................. ....................................... ....................................
8-“Please turn down the radio for me,” said my father.
 My father asked............................................................................ .................................. ........................... ......................................
9- Many trees are cut down to make paper.
 They.... .......................................................................................... .................................. .............................. .....................................
10- She cleaned the house.Then she went to the market.
 After................. ............................................................................. .................................. .................................. .................................
II. Write a passage.
Many people want to have a life in the city, others like the countryside. What is your favorite place to
live? Give some details in about 90 to 100 words to support your idea? These guidelines will help you:
- Where do you want to live? Why
- How is the life there? (The environment/people …..)
- How do people earn their living?
- How do you feel living there?
I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. (0.5)
Câ u 1 2 3 4 5
Đá p á n C D C C C
Điểm 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
II. Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress. (0.5)
Câ u 1 2 3 4 5
Đá p á n A B C A B
Điểm 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
III. Choose the best option to complete each sentence.(10)
Câ u 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Đá p á n B B D C D D B C A C
Điểm 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

IV. Find out and correct one mistake in each line. (10)
1. B. freshly -> fresh 6. D. stood -> standing
2. D. really -> real 7. C. were offered -> was offered
3. B. like -> as 8. D. designed -> design
4. D. by -> with 9. C. because -> because of
5. B. worst -> worse 10. C. could he -> if he could

V. Use the correct form of the words in CAPITAL to complete each sentence. (10)

C. READING (2.5/10)
I. Choose the most suitable answer from the four options marked A, B, C, or D to complete each of
the numbered gaps in the passage below. (10)
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C
6. A 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. A
II. Complete the passage with the suitable words. (10)
1-learning 2-are 3-of 4-you 5-how
6-book 7-fly 8-yourself 9-playing 10-practice

III. Read the following directions on medicine and ointments, and then write true (T) or false (F)
for each sentence below. (0.5)
1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T
D. WRITING (2.5/10)
I. Complete these sentences in such a way that they remain unchanged from the original ones.
1- I have’t seen her since 2005.
2- A book on biology is being written by him.
3- It’s interesting to go swimming in the summer.
4- His mother punished him.
5- Mr Ha asked Minh not to play video game too much.
6- Mary is taller than Tom.
7- What’s weather like ?
8- My father asked me to turn down the radio for him.
9- They cut down many trees to make paper.
10- After she cleaned the house, she went to the market.
II. Write a passage
Tiêu chí Yêu cầ u Điểm
Content A provision of all main ideas and details as appropriate. 0.5
Language A variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the level of 0.5
English language for middle-secondary school students.
Presentation Coherence, cohesion, and style appropriate to the level of English 0.5
language for middle-secondary school students.

Total: 10
I. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others(5ps)
1. A. sights B. flights C. villages D. tribes
2. A. character B. children C. chemistry D. Christmas
3. A. highlight B. habit C. honor D. habit
4. A. watched B. played C. talked D. stopped
5. A. experiments B. coops C. books. D. dishwashers
II. Give the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets. (10ps)
1. I (learn) English since I (be) in grade 6.
2. You should practice (speak) English every day.
3. A new bridge (build) here next year.
4. This is the first time Hoa (meet) Tim’s family.
5. I have a lot of novels (write) in English.
6. While I (watch) TV, the phone rang.
7. Flowers (cut) yesterday.
8. The plastic things can be reused after (recycle).
9. The table needs (repair) but I don’t know how to repair it.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words given (15ps)
1. NEIGHBOR I know all the boys who live in my……………………
2. FRIEND People in the countryside is……………………...........
3. FLY All …….…between Paris and Hanoi have been cancelled due to fog
4. HIGH Do you know the ……………of S.t Paul’s Cathedral ?
5. KNOW Taxi drivers have to have a very good …………..on the street names.
6. COMFORT The hotel was large and …………………..
7. CHILD During his ....................... the family lived in Cornwall
8. WEIGH Every woman nowadays seems to want to loose.........................
9. HELP It’s a nice shop and the assisstants are all polite and very..............
10. LUCK The keys were locked inside the car ................, aside window was open

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

IV. Fill ONE suitable word in each blank. (20ps)

The country is (1).............beautiful than a town and more pleasant to live in. Many people think so,
and go to the country (2) .......... the summer holiday though they can't live (3) ............. all the year
round. Some have cottage built in a village (4) .......... that they can go there whenever they
(5) ..........find the time.
English villages are not alike, but (6)............. some ways they are not very different from
(7) ...................other. Almost every village (8) ...........a church, the round or square tower of which can
(9) ............seen from many miles around. Surrounding the church is the church yard, (10)..........
people are buried.
1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10

V. Underline the mistake in each sentence and correct it. (20ps)

1. You know , it is difficult to me to make him understand what I mean.
2. My dear friends, I wish you will visit us someday this summer.
3. I will come and stay with you and your family on March .
4. Let’s gathering somewhere for a coffee after this wonderful meeting.
5. I look forward to hear from my mother in Singapore.
6. The collect of stamps made him become famous in the country
7. Let’s practise listening to English programs in the radio.
8.What about play tennis in stead of going to the cinema ?
9. Don’t turn on the TV, please. I am so tired to watch it .
10. They turn in the radio to listen to some news.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

VI. Rewrite the following sentences. (20ps)

1. “ Can you lend me some money? “ Henry said to Susan.
2. Both of the chairs are uncomfortable
Neither of……………………………………………………..........................................
3. They will have to change the date of the meeting again.
The date..............................................................................................................................
4. Peter spent three hours repainting his house.
5. They’ ve lived here for six years .
They moved………………………………………………………....................................
6. I’ve never read a more romatic story.
It’s the……………………………………………………………. ..................................
7. Noone works harder than Barbara.
8. I haven’t met him for two years.
It’s .....................................................................................................................................
9. Richard can cook very well.
Richard is a .......................................................................................................................
10. The film’s ending is dramatic.
The film..............................................................................................................................
Bài Đáp án Điểm
I 1.C 1
2.B 1
3.C 1
4.B 1
5.D 1
II 1.have learnt / was 2
2. speaking 1
3.will be built 1
4.has met 1
5.written 1
6.was watching 1
7.were cut 1
8.recycling 1
9.repairing 2
III 1.neighborhood 2
2.friendly 2 2
4.height 2
5.knowledge 2
6.comfortable 2
7.childhood 2
8.weight 2
9.helpful 2
10.luckily 2
IV 1.more 2
2.for 2
3.there 2 2
5.can 2

IV 2
7.each 2
8.has 2 2
10.where 2
V → for 2
2.will → would 2
3.on → in 2
4.gathering→ gather 2
5.hear → hearing 2
6.collect → collector 2 → on 2 → playing 2 → too 2→ on 2
VI 1.Henry asked me if I could lend him some money 2
2.Neither of the chairs are comfortable 2
3.The date of the meeting will have to be changed again 2
4.It took Peter three hours to repaint his house 2
5.They moved here six years ago. 2
6.It’s the most romantic story I have ever read. 2
7.Barbara is the hardest worker 2
8.It’s two years I haven’t met him 2
9.Richard is a good cooker 2
10.The film ends dramatically 2
VII 1.word 1
2.comes 1
3.made 1
4.Europe 1
5.named 1
6.wore 1
7.18th 1
8.completely 1
9.cotton 1
10.strong 1
I.Circle the letter A, B, C or D in each sentence before the word that has the underlined part
pronounced differently from the rest. ( 1pt)
1. A. sunbathe B. write C. facsimile D. surface
2. A. lunar B. cruel C. tutor D. produce
3. A. chemistry B. headache C. character D. challenging
4. A. typhoon B. look C. afternoon D. cartoon
5. A . tradition B. question C. production D. pronunciation
II.Choose the word or phrase which best completes each of the following sentences. Write your
answers in the table below(1pt)
1. It’s at least a month since……………….John.
A. I last seen B. I have last seen C. I last see D. I last saw
2. I think I’ll buy this pair of shoes. They................ me really well.
A. fit B. are fitting C. have fit D. are fitted
3. I’ll tell my uncle all the news when I ............... him.
A. will see B. am going to see C. see D. shall see
4. Our neighbours are very ...................... on camping holidays.
A. interested B. fond C. eager D. keen
5. She kindly offered to .................. me the way to the station.
A. explain B. show C. direct D. describe
6. Thank you very much .................... the Christmas gift .
A. of B. with C. for D. about
7. It is raining outside, and Tom brought his umbrella with him …….he wouldn’t get wet.
A. so as to B. in order C. so that D. in order to
8. I found it difficult to eat with chopsticks. But now I ................... with them.
A. used to eat B. am used to eating C. use to eat D. am used to eat
9. I think Egypt is a ........................ country.
A. fascinate B. fascinated C. fascination D. fascinating
10. We had a party last night. I ....................... spend all morning clearing up the mess.
A. must have B. have been to C. have had to D. have must
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

III. Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences (1pt)
11. Huy makes friends very easily because he is very ……………..( SOCIAL)
2“The lost shoe” is one of the …………………. stories I like best. ( TRADITION)
3Our teacher always………………………. us to work hard. (COURAGE)
4The tiger wanted to see the farmer's ............. (WISE)
5The scouts do the (VOLUNTEER)
6 Bell_________________ demonstrated his invention. (SUCCESS)
7. __________________, dark clouds appeared and it began to rain. (FORTUNATE)
8. Every day, there are two ______________ from Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh city. (FLY)
9. Thank you for your………………...… (KIND)
10. Thomas Watson was bell’s …………… , wasn’t he? (ASSIST)
IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answer(1pt)
Footprints on the moon
Long ago a lot of people thought the moon was a god. Other people thought it was a light in the sky.
And others thought it was a big ball of cheese!
Then telescopes were made. And men saw that the moon was really another world. They wondered
what it was like. they dreamed of going there. On July 20, 1969, that dream came true. Two American
men landed on the moon. Their names were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin. The first thing the men
found was that the moon is covered with dust. The dust is so thick that the men left footprints where
they walked. Those were the first marks a living thing had ever made on the moon. And they could stay
there for years and years. There is no wind or rain to wipe them off. The two men walked on the moon
for hours. They picked up rocks to bring back to earth for study. They dug up dirt to bring back and they
set up machines to find
out things people wanted to know. Then they climbed back into their moon landing craft.
Next day the landing craft roared as the two men took off from the moon. They joined Micheal Collins
in the spaceship that waited for them above the moon. Then they were off on their long trip back to
earth. Behind them they left the plains , the tall mountains of the moon and they left the machines they
had set up. Above all, they left their footprints that may last forever.
1. This story tells .....................
A. about the first men to walk on the moon.
B. how men found footprints on the moon.
C. what the men brought back from their trip to the moon.
D. who had left footprints on the moon before the two men landed there.
2. A telescope ........................
A. makes balls of light seem brighter.
B. turns the moon into another world.
C. makes many of men’s dreams come true.
D. makes faraway things seem closer.
3. The men brought rocks and dirt from the moon because..........
A. they wanted something to show they were there.
B. people wanted to use them to learn about the moon.
C. they wanted to keep them as souvenirs.
D. they might sell them to scientists.
4. The Americans’ machines will most likely stay on the moon until ..............
A. someone take them away.
B. a storm covers them with dust.
C. rain and wind destroy them.
D. they become rusty and break to pieces.
5. The next people who go to the moon most likely could ...................
A. find that the machines have disappeared.
B. leave the first set of footprints on the moon.
C. find the places where Armstrong and Aldrin walked.
D. find that dust has wiped off the two men’s footprints.
V. Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word (1pt)
We have an alarm-clock. It was ...(1)... in 1867. It was a Swiss make. My father likes ...(2)... very much
because it is a present ...(3)... Mr. Anderson, a friend of ...(4)... . Mr. Anderson ...(5).... my grandfather ...
(6)... his 80th birthday. It always keeps good ...(7)... .
...(8)... to it, we never get ...(9)... late.
It has a good sound when it ...(10)... the time. It is a preciuos thing in our family.
1………………. 2……………….. 3……………….. 4………………… 5……………….
6………………. 7………………. 8………………. 9………………… 10………………

VI. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the brackets (1pts)
1. I (give) a nice gift when I was fourteen.
2. This letter must (type) before the director leaves here for London.
3. Why you (not work)? It’s 8.30 now?
4. Look! Those dogs and cats (feed) by the little girl.
5. She said she (pick) me up at the airport the following morning.
6. Do you mind if I (use) your computer for some minutes?
7. Nothing (give) to you if you don’t obey me.
8. Would you mind if I (sit) next to you?
9. She told me (not smoke) in her room.
10. I know you have lived in this house for a long time. When your father (buy) it?
1………………. 2……………….. 3……………….. 4………………… 5……………….
6………………. 7………………. 8………………. 9………………… 10………………

VII. Rewrite the sentences so that it has the same meaning as the sentence printed before (1pt)
1. Has anyone asked you for your opinions?
Have you ........................................................................................................?
2. I’ll only help you if you promise to try harder.
Unless........ ....................................................................................................
3. Susan is better at mathematics than Sarah.
Sarah..... .........................................................................................................
4. It’s two months since I last had a good night’s sleep.
I ...................... ..............................................................................................
5. They’re going to built a new hospital in my home town.
A new ..........................................................................................................
6. “ I must go home before noon,” said Mrs. Nga.
Mrs. Nga .....................................................................................................
7. “ Children, don’t play soccer here,” said the old man to the children.
The old man......... .......................................................................................
8. Ba is too short to reach the top shelf.
The top shelf.............................................................................................
9. It is difficult for Tom to anwer the questions.
Tom finds..................................................................................................
10. Let’s go out for a walk.
VIII. Each sentence below contains an error, underline and write the correct one in the space. 0 is
done as an example. (1pt)
0. My brother are a teacher. 0. ______is _________
1. I go to see her if I have enough time. 1. _________________
2. It is not easy do that difficult work. 2.___________________
3. He drove such fast that he won the race. 3.___________________
4. I wish I can go with you to the countryside next weekend. 4. ________________
5. When she came, I read her letter. 5 ___________________
6. It’s dangerous to drive fastly in busy streets. 6.___________________
7. The bicycle is so expensive for me to buy. 7.___________________
8. Dave is a friend of mine. I knew him for a long time. 8.__________________
IX. Complete the following sentences by using the suggested words. (1pts)
1. Although / Nam / I / has / quite / different / characters, we / be / close / friend .
2. My grandmother / used / tell / us / folktales / when / we / small.
3. Lan / get / good / marks / because / she / work / hard / final exam.
4. Alexander Graham Bell / born / Edinburgh / Scotland / nineteenth century.
5. My father / be home / before / seven / because / want / see / 7 / o’clock news.
6. That / very / kind / you / help / me / this math problem.
7. We / raise / funds / by / collect / waste paper / and / break / glass.
8. What / you / do / when / I call / the phone?
9. This work / have to / finish / before / five o’clock.
10. If / she / not invite / birthday party / I / not / go.
Câu Đáp án Điểm
I..Circle the letter A, B, C or D in each sentence before the (1,0m)
1 word that has the underlined part pronounced differently
from the rest.
1.C 0,2
2.D 0,2
3.D 0,2
4.B 0,2
5.B 0,2
2 II.Choose the word or phrase which best completes each of 1m
the following sentences. Write your answers in the
table below
1.D 0,1
2.A 0,1
3.C 0,1
4.D 0,1
5.B 0,1
6.C 0,1
7.C 0,1
8.D 0,1
9.B 0,1
10.C 0,1
III. Use the correct form of the words in brackets to 1m
3 complete sentences .

Sociable 0,1
Traditional 0,1
encourages 0,1
Wisdom 0,1
Voluntary 0,1
Successfully 0,1
Unfortunately 0,1
flights 0,1
kindness 0,1
assistant 0,1
IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answer. 1m
1.A 0,2
2.D 0,2
3.B 0,2
4.A 0,2
5.C 0,2
V. Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word . 1m
1.made 0,1 0,1
3.from 0,1
4.his 0,1
5.gave 0,1
6.on 0,1
7.time 0,1
8.thanks 0,1
9.up 0,1
10.ring 0,1
VI. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the 1m
verbs in the brackets.
1.was given 0,1 typed 0,1
3.aren't you working or are you not working. 0,1
4.are being fed 0,1
5.would pick 0,1
6.use 0,1 given 0,1
8.sat 0,1
9.not to smoke 0,1
10.did your father buy 0,1
VII. Rewrite the sentences so that it has the same meaning 1m
as the sentence printed before.
1.Have you been asked for opinions? 0,1
2.Unless you promise to try harder ,I won't help you. 0,1
3. Sarah isn't as good at Mathematics as Susan. 0,1
7 4.I haven't had a good night'S sleep for 2 months 0,1
5.A new hospital is going to be built in my home town. 0,1
6.Mrs Nga said she had to go home before noon 0,1
7. The old man asked the children not to play soccer there. 0,1
8. The top shelf is too tall for Ba to reach 0,1
9. Tom finds the question is difficult to answer 0,1
10.Why don't we go out for a walk? 0,1
VIII. Each sentence below contains an error, underline and 0,8m
8 write the correct one in the space. 0 is done as an example.
1.wll go
0,1 do 0,1 0,1
4.could 0,1
5.was reading 0,1 0,1
7.too 0,1
8.have known 0,1
IX. Complete the following sentences by using the suggested 1m
9 words.
1. Minh used to live on a farm when he was a small boy. 0,1
2. Minh used to live on a farm when he was a small boy. 0,1

3. My grandmother didn’t go to school because she had 0,1

to stay at home to help her family.

4. We didn’t use to have electricity when we lived in the 0,1


5. She had to do the housework al day after her father 0,1

got married to a new wife.

6. When the prince found the shoe, he decided to marry 0,1

the girl who owned it

7. If arrive after half past four, the bank will be closed. 0,1

8. Mr. Cuong will be home before seven because he 0,1

wants to see the 7 o’clock news.

9. We traveled overnight to HANoi and arrived at 5 0,1

o’clock in the morning.

10. They are going to visit their home village at weekend. 0,1

Question 1:
a- Choose the word whose underlined part is pronouced differently from that of the others in each
1. A- thank B- than C- month D- youth
2. A- advantage B- adventure C- advertise D- addtion
3. A- main B- complain C- curtain D- entertain
4. A- good B- noon C- soon D- food
5. A- sing B- morning C- long D- angry

b- Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1. When we (see) ……....................... them last night, they (sing)…............................ in the hall .
2. We (wait)….......................… for you when you (get)……....................... back tomorrow.
3. They (not come)….......................… home until they (see)……....................... everything.
4. What did you think the children (do)……....................... when we (get) …….......................home last night?
5. I’m sure the letter won’t arrive in time unless it (send)….......................… by air.

Question 2 :
a- Fill each blank with correct form of the word given in capital letters.
1. He was ……...............…. when he did the test badly. HOPE
2. We started our trip on a beautiful …......…… morning. SUN
3. I enjoyed the book very much, because it was so …........…….. READ
4. What time do you …...........…….. start work ? USE
5. I really don’t think he has the ….......……. to do this job. ABLE
6. He was very ….......…. of the work he had done. PRIDE
7. Thank you for a very …….......… evening. ENJOY
8. Their ….........…. has lasted a lifetime. FRIEND
9. He cycled …............…… and had an accident. CARE
10. She has one of the biggest …….… Britain. COLLECT

b- Correct the wrong form of verbs in the following sentences.

1. I enjoyed to listen to her song.
2. The breaking glass was still on the floor.
3. He walked away without to look back.
4. Most of people inviting to dinner were old friends.
5. We’re looking forward to visit London.

Question 3: Read the text below then choose the right sentence a, b, c or d.
Do you like seasons?
The four seasons in Britain are very different. Read about what Daniel and Fiona think about
winter, spring, summer and autumn.
Autumn is very beautiful time of the year. The leaves on the trees go brown, red and yellow and
they go down. I love to watch it ! We play in the parks a lot but we wear warm clothes, because the days
get cold. School starts again in autumn, at the beginning of September. I don’t like school !
Summer is the time for me! School finishes in July and we can play in the parks all the time.
Sometimes it is very hot. People are happier and they talk with their friends and go for a walks more.
The days are very long. In July, for example, it gets dark only about 10 o’clock. It’s very difficult to go to
sleep at night!
It’s very cold in winter! Sometimes, we have a lot of snow and we can make snowmen. I don’t like
winter because we can’t go for a walks very much. We wear thick clothes and in our house it
sometimes gets cold. When we come home from
school at 4 o’clock, it is already dark. I don’t like it at all! But there is one good thing about winter -
After the long winter, sprong is great! There are new leaves on the trees and the birds start to
sing. We can go for long walks again and play in the park. The days are longer and it doesn’t get dark
until about six o’clock. It’s much warmer but it rains a lot and the days are very windy.
1. a- Daniel likes autumn because the trees are beautiful.
b- Daniel likes autumn because school starts in September.
c- Daniel doesn’t play in the park in autumn because the days are cold.
d- Daniel goes to school with great pleasure.
2. a- School in Britain finishes in May.
b- Daniel doesn’t like to meet his friends in the park in summer.
c- People in Great Britain sometimes have hot summers.
d- In July it is dark at nine.
3. a- Daniel always goes to sleep at eight in summer because the days are shorter than in winter.
b- It is always very hot in Britain in summer.
c- Daniel doesn’t like autumn at all !
d- In summer Daniel is happier than in autumn because he doesn’t go to school.
4. a- Fiona makes snowmen every day in winter.
b- Fiona likes to go for walks with her friends.
c- Fiona doesn’t like winter because it is cold in winter.
d- It never gets cold in Fiona’s house.
5. a- Winters are short in Britain.
b- Fiona comes home in the afternoon.
c- Fiona doesn’t like winter at all !
d- It never snows in Great Britain.
6. a- Fiona likes spring very much.
b- Fiona likes dark winter days.
c- It gets dark at 5 in the afternoon in spring.
d- In Great Britain it doesn’t rain much in spring.
Question 4: Complete the sentences with at / in.
1. Hamid works …….. a restaurant ……….. Oxford.
2. We live ……….. number 32 Redland Road now.
3. We had a wonderful week ………… Madrid.
4. The accident happened because the driver didn’t stop ………. the traffic lights.
5. There’s a supermarket ……….. the end of the street.
6. We had a great fun last night ………. Mick’s party.
7. Are there any fish …….. this river ?
8. It’s too cold to go out. I’m staying ……….. home tonight.

Question 5: Fill in each blank with one suitable word.

1. Quiet please! The headmaster would like to ….……….….. a few words.
2. You are late; we’ve been waiting for you ……….……….. eight o’clock.
3. ………………... he is wrong, almost everyone admires him.
4. I don’t think I’ve lent you this book before, …………….….. I ?
5. Many people find ……………….. difficult to give up smoking.
6. I don’t know ……………….… to call him, Mister or Doctor.
7. We must find him, ………….…… he is.
8. If I had today …………….…., I would go to the seaside.
9. Practice ……………….… perfect.
10. The book I am talking about is that …………….…. on the second shelf.

Question 6: Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
1. It isn’t necessary to finish the work today.
You don’t ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. John finally managed to get a job.
John finally succeeded ……………………………………………………………………………...………………….
3. That’s the last time I go to that restaurant.
I certainly …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. “I advise you to take a holiday,” the doctor continued.
You’d ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. If you don’t rest yourself you really will be ill.
Unless ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……
Question 1:
a- 1-B 2- D 3- C 4- A 5- D

b- 1. saw / were singing

2. will be waiting / get
3. won’t come / see
4. were doing / got
5. is sent
Question 2:
a- 1. hopeless 2. sunny 3. readable 4. usually 5. ability
6. proud 7. enjoyable 8. friendship 9. carelessly 10. collections
b- 1. enjoyed listening to
2. broken
3. without looking back
4. people invited to
5. forward to visiting
Question 3: 1- a 2- c 3- d 4- b 5- b 6- a
Question 4: 1. at / in 2. at 3. in 4. at 5. at 6. at 7. in
8. at
Question 5:
1. say 2. since 3. Although ( Though) 4. have 5. it
6. what 7. wherever 8. off 9. makes 10. one
Question 6:
1. You don’t have to finish the work today.
2. John finally succeeded in getting a job.
3. I certainly won’t go to that restaurant any more.
4. You’d better take a holiday.
5. Unless you rest yourself you really will be ill.
I. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from the others in each group.
Write your answer A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
1. A. absent B. campus C. label D. relax
2. A. claimed B. walked C. laughed D. helped
3. A. there B. they C. than D. thing
4. A. hard B. honor C. house D. hand
II.Choose the word whose main stress position is placed differently from the others in each
Write your answer A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
1. A. finish B. revise C. prefer D. produce
2. A. purpose B. entrance C. music D. typhoon
3. A. interesting B. necessity C. pollution D. environment
4. A. excellent B. popular C. efficient D. beautiful
I. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences.
Write your answer A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
1. Auld Lang Syne is a song _____ is sung on New Year’s Eve.
A. which B. when C. whom D. where
2. Jeans are very _____ with young people all over the world.
A. favorite B. suitable C. popular D. famous
3. Tornadoes are _____ storms which pass overland below a thunderstorm.
A. funnel-shaped B. circle-shaped C. tropical D. Snow
4. _____ take the train instead of the bus. It’s faster and more reliable.
A. Why not B. Why don’t C. How about D. Let’s
5. She was very tired. _____, she tried to finish the game.
A. Although B. So C.And D. However
6. Passover is celebrated in Israel and by all _____ people.
A. English B. Vietnamese C. Japanese D. Jewish
7. I suggest using showers instead of baths because baths use twice _____ showers.
A. more water than B. less water than C. As much water as D. fewer water than
8. She is a good singer. She sings _____ .
A. beauty B. beautify C. beautiful D. beautifully
II. Choose the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets to complete each sentences.
Write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. My sister advised me _____ this book. (to read/reading/read)
2. She said that she _____ an English exam the following week. (had/would have/will have)
3. In 1995, a huge earthquake _____ the city of Kobe in Japan. (strike/struck/to strike)
4. She never goes to school late, _____? (does she/is she/doesn’t she)
5. Paul is not used to _____ on the right. (drive/driving/drove)
6. 6 The authors spent 6 years _____his best novel. (to write/writing/wrote)
7. Little Jane _____ to the zoo by her brother. (is often taken/often takes/has often taken)
8. What _____ when he came to your house yesterday? (were you doing/are you doing/did you do)
9. If it _____ tomorrow, we will go on a picnic. (not rain/will not rain/does not rain)
10. _____ the room, he said hello to us. (Enter/Entering/To enter)
III. Fill in the blank in the following sentences with ONE suitable preposition.
Write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. Mary was very impressed _____ the beauty of Hue.
2. What do usually have _____ breakfast?
3. He still keeps in touch _____ us.
4. Malaysia is divided _____ two regions, East Malaysia and West Malaysia.
5. We’ll have a meeting _____ 8 am and 10 am tomorrow.
I. Fill each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word. Write your answers on your
answer sheet.
English is a very useful language. If we ___(1)___ English, we can go to any countries we like. We will not
find it hard to make people understand ___(2)___ we want to say.. English also ___(3)___ us to increase our
knowledge as hundreds on various subjects are ___(4)___ in English everyday. It has helped to spread
ideas and knowledge to all corners of the ___(5)___. And above all, the English language has help to build
better friendship and understanding ___(6)___ countries of the world.
II. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false.
Write your answers on your answer sheet.
May people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the world’s resources are
limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fossil fuel is left. However, we should use them economically
and try to find out alternative source of energy. According to Professor Marvin Burnham of the England
Institute of Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it is too late and nuclear
power is a potential alternative.
However, many people do not approve of using nuclear power because it is dangerous. What would
happen if there were a serious nuclear accident? Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect many
future generations.
Therefore, while scientists are trying to find out other sources of energy, the most important thing for us
to do now is to use our natural resources as economically as we can.
1. Natural resources will never run out. __________
2. We don’t know exactly how much fossil fuel is left. __________
3. According to Professor Marvin Burnham, solar energy will be one of the alternatives to fossil
fuels. __________
4. All people agree that nuclear power is a dangerous source of energy. __________
5. Radioactivity is very harmful to health. __________
6. Natural resources should be used as much as possible. __________


I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that is similar to that of the original one.
Write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. People should stop experiments on animals.
=> Experiments……………………………………………………….
2. “Can you lend me some money, Mary?” he asked.
=> He asked…………………………………………………………….
3. My sister has worked in the factory since 2001
=>My sister started…………………………………………………
4. I’m sorry I can’t go to the party tonight.
=> I wish…………………………………………………………………..
II. Use the suggested words to write complete sentences. Write your answers on your answer
1. It/take/half an hour/get/home village/bus.
=> ……………………………………………………………………………
2. We/not see/him/long time.

=> ……………………………………………………………………………
Keys – practice 81
I. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from the others in each group.
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B

II.Choose the word whose main stress position is placed differently from the others in each group.
1. A 2. D 3. A 4. C


I. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences.
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D

5. D 6. D 7. C 8. D

II. Choose the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets to complete each sentences.
1. to read 2. would have 3. struck 4. does she 5. driving

6. writing 7. is often taken 8. were you doing 9. does not rain 10. Entering

III. Fill in the blank in the following sentences with ONE suitable preposition.
1. by 2. for 3. with 4. into 5. between


I. Fill each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word. Write your answers on your answer sheet. (1.5pts)
1. learn 2. what 3. helps 4.written 6. among

II. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false.
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F


I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that is similar to that of the original one.
1. Experiments should be stopped on animals.

2. He asked Mary to lend him some money.

3. My sister started working in the factory in 2001.

4. I wish I could go to the party tonight.

II. Use the suggested words to write complete sentences.

1. It takes me half an hour to get my home village by bus.

2. We have not seen him for a long time.

I. Khoanh tròn một phương án A, B, C hoặc D ứng với các từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với các từ
còn lại như ví dụ (câu 0) đã làm
0. A. which B. what c. who D. when
1. A. ready B. bread C. meat D. health
2. A. that B. their C. think D. than
3. A. cried B. published C. ordered D. sprayed

II. Khoanh tròn một phương án A, B, C hoặc D ứng với các từ có trọng âm rơi vào vị trí âm tiết khác các từ
còn lại như ví dụ (câu 0) đã làm

0. A. money B. student c. afraid D. people

1. A. finish B. design C. control D. provide
2. A. paper B. tonight C. lecture D. story


I. Khoanh tròn một phương án A, B, C hoặc D ứng với từ/cụm từ thích hợp nhất để hoàn chỉnh các câu sau
như ví dụ (câu 0) đã làm (2.0 pts)

0. This test must be done ______.

A. care B. careful c. carefully D. careless
1. You have been to England, ______ you?
A. don't B. have C. do D. haven't
2. Who will look ______ your children when you go away?
A. for B. at C. up D. after
3. Lan was very tired.______, she had to finish her homework before going to bed.
A. However B. Therefore C. So D. Although
4. We haven't been to ______ cinema for ages.
A. an B. a C. the D. Ø
5. That's the man ______ works in the same company with me.
A. which B. whose C. whom D. who
6. I agree ______ my sister on many things.
A. on B. with C. to D. for
7. It takes a long time ______ a foreign language.
A. to learn B. to learning C. learning D. for us learn
8. The ao dai is the ______ dress of Vietnamese women.
A. traditional B. casual C. baggy D. beautiful
9. My favorite ______ is Literature.
A. play B. game C. subject D. activity
10. The Internet has ______ developed and become part of our life.
A. increasing B. increasingly C. increase D. increased

II. Tìm dạng đúng của động trong mỗi câu sau đó điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn chỉnh câu như ví dụ (câu 0) đã
0. Last night I (go) _______ went________ to the zoo with my friends.
1. They (have) ______________________ breakfast at 6.30 every day.
2. If I meet him tomorrow, I (tell)______________________ him the truth.
3. The last time I (meet) ______________________ Maryam was two weeks ago.
4. She (just make) ______________________a birthday cake for her son.
5. We (waste) ______________________ too much power at the moment.

I. Chọn một từ thích hợp để điền vào mỗi chỗ trống có đánh số trong đoạn văn sau. Khoanh tròn vào chữ
cái A, B, C hoặc D ứng với từ chọn như ví dụ (câu 0) đã làm.
Every year students in many (0) ______ learn English. (1) ______ of these students are young
children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults.
Learning another language! Learning English? Why do all these people want to learn English? It is
(2) ______ to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their
subjects. Many adults learn English because it is (3) ______ for their work. Teenagers often learn English
(4) ______ their higher studies because some of their books are in English at the college or university.
Other people learn English (5) ______ they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.
0. A. houses B. homes ©. countries D. families
1. A. None B. Some C. Any D. All
2. A. horrible B. cold C. difficult D. careful
3. A. use B. useful C. using D. useless
4. A. for B. with C. to D. of
5. A. although B. but C. despite D. because

II. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi.

Smoking causes lung cancer, which is the number one cancer among men. Ninety percent of the
people who get lung cancer die. Smoking is also the leading cause of mouth cancer, tongue cancer, and
throat cancer. Many smokers have heart disease and pneumonia. Smoking causes one million early
deaths in the world every year.
Smokers not only harm themselves but also harm others. Smokers breathe smoke out into the air.
They breathe "it" out on their children and their wives or husbands. Children whose parents smoke have
more breathing and lung problems than other children. Women who are married to smokers are more
likely to have lung cancer than those married to non-smokers.
We are all aware that smoking is bad. So why do people smoke?
1. What is the number one cancer among men?
2. Is smoking the main cause of mouth cancer, tongue cancer and throat cancer?
3. How many early deaths does smoking cause in the world every year?
4. What does the word "it" in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. cancer B. air C. smoke D. breath
5. Who are more likely to have lung cancer and lung problems?
A. People who live in the city. B. People who live with smokers.
C. People who live with non-smokers D. People who live in the country.

PART D: WRITING (3.0 points)

I. Hoàn chỉnh câu thứ hai sao cho không thay đổi nghĩa so với câu thứ nhất như ví dụ (câu 0) đã làm. (1.0

0. I like speaking English to my classmates

 I am fond of speaking English with my classmates.
1. She has done this job for a year.
 This.....………………….…………………………………………….………………
2. "I'm working in a restaurant now," she said.
 She said..………………………………………………………………………..……
3. Let's visit the museum this afternoon.
 Why don't………………………………………………………………………….…
4. Going swimming in a pool in the summer is interesting.
 It…………….…………………………………………………………………….…
5. Although the children were poor, they seemed very happy.
 Despite their…………………………………………………………………………

II. Dùng từ hoặc nhóm từ đã cho để viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh. Viết câu đúng vào phần để trống dưới
mỗi câu. Thí sinh có thể thay đổi hình thức của từ nhưng không được bỏ từ từ đã cho như ví dụ (câu 0)
đã làm. (1.0 pt)

0. sometimes / Nga / school / goes / late / to /.

Nga sometimes goes to school late.
1. We / not see / him / a long time /.
2. She / used / live / her uncle /.
3. Hoa / learn / how / play / piano / now /.
4. How long / it / usually / take you / do / homework /?
5. We / be / proud / children / because / they / always / study / well /.

III. Sắp xếp các từ sau để tạo thành câu đúng về ngữ pháp và hoàn chỉnh về ngữ nghĩa. Viết câu đã sắp xếp
vào phần để trống dưới mỗi câu như ví dụ (câu 0) đã làm. Thí sinh không được thêm từ hoặc bỏ từ đã cho.
(1.0 pt)

1. Singapore/ on/ Monday/ arrives/ in/ morning/ She/.

She arrives in Singapore on Monday morning.
2. you / a / would / What / do / if / saw / you / UFO /?
3. is / for / languages / to learn / necessary / It / us / foreign /.
4. books / to / She / often / before / reads / bed / going /.
5. the book / you / returning / Would / to the library / mind /?
6. television / can / Thanks to / the / get / information / people / latest / and / interesting / programs / enjoy

----------THE END-----------
Keys – practice 82


I. Pronunciation. (0.6p) à 0.2p for each correct answer

1. C 2. C 3. B

II. Stress. (0.4p) à 0.2p for each correct answer

1. A 2. B


I. MCQ. (1.0p) à 0.2p for each correct answer.

1. D 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D

6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C 10.B

III. Verb-form. (1.0p) à0.2p for each correct answer.

1. have 2. will tell 3. met

4. has just made 5. are wasting


I. Gap fill. (1.0p) à0.2p for each correct answer.

1. B 2. C 3. B 4.A 5. D

II. Reading comprehension. (2.0 points) à0.4p for each correct answer.

1. Lung cancer/ Lung cancer is the number one cancer among men./ It/ The number one cancer among
men is lung cancer.

2. Yes, it is./ Yes.

3. (It/ Smoking causes) one million (early deaths/ early deaths in the world every year).

4. C 5. B
(3.0 POINTS)

I. Sentence transformation. (1.0p) à0.2p for each correct answer.

1. This job has been done (by her) for a year.

2. She said (that) she was working in a restaurant then.
3. Why don’t we visit the museum this afternoon?
4. It is interesting to go swimming in a pool in the summer.
5. Despite their being poor/ poverty, they seemed very happy.
II. Sentence completion. (1.0p) à0.2p for each correct answer.

1. We haven’t seen him for a long time.

2. She used to live with her uncle.
3. Hoa is learning how to play the piano now.
4. How long does it usually take you to do your homework?

5. We are proud of our children because they always study well.

III. Word order. (1.0p) à0.2p for each correct answer.

1. What would you do if you saw a UFO?

2. It is necessary for us to learn foreign languages.
3. She often reads books before going to bed.
4. Would you mind returning the book to the library?
5. Thanks to television people can get the latest information and enjoy interesting programs.

Chú ý: - Nếu học sinh sai 2 lỗi chính tả không vào vị trí của động từ thì trừ 0,1điểm.

- Quy tắc làm tròn điểm

5.1à 5.0 5.6 à 5.5

5.2 à 5.25 5.7 à 5.75

5.3 à 5.25 5.8 à 5.75

5.4 à 5.5 5.9 à 6.0

5.5 à 5.5 6.0 à 6.0

II. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others: ( 4
7. A. taste B. fast C. last D. task
8. A. watched B. mixed C. earned D. washed
9. A. hot B. both C. bottle D. cotton
10. A. benches B. boxes C. watches D. tables

III. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the space in each of the following sentences: ( 40 pts)
11. .............................. these guidelines and enjoy the food you eat.
A. Go B. Take C. Follow D. Do
12. This apartment is…………………………… for us because it is rather cheap and near the city center.
A. easy B. suitable C. best D. ready
13. Mr Brown goes………………………… work………………………… bus every day.
A. to/ by B. to / in C. for / by D. for / in
14. We may know the land well, but we know very………………………… about the oceans.
A. few B. a few C. a little D. little
15. Do the following things……………………………… healthy teeth.
A. to have B. having C. have D. for having
16. Today Dien Bien Phu is a…………………………………… destination.
A. tour B. touring C. tourist D. toured
17. There is always……………………………………… traffic in the city center at rush hour.
A. strong B. heavy C. full D. many
18. Excuse me. Can I make a (n)…………………………………… to see the dentist?
A. meeting B. experiment C. gathering D. appointment
19. Keep fit and stay healthy. That’s the best…………………………………… to prevent a common cold.
A. means B. way C. thing D. road
20. ………………………………… I take you to the airport? – That would be nice, thanks.
A. Do B. Would C. Shall D. Take
21. Some students just sit and…………………………………………with friends at recess.
A. talk B. talking C. to talk D. for talking
22. Tom is good at…………………………………………………. models of things such as cars or planes.
A. doing B. working C. making D. giving
23. Hospital volunteers wear striped pink and white…………………………………….
A. uniform B. suit C. clothes D. dresses
24. Teenagers like to listen the…………………………………………. pop music.
A. late B. later C. latest D. last
25. Thank you for the invitation. What time would you like……………………………………………?
A. we come B. we to come C. that we come D. us to come
26. A journalist ……………………………………… for a newspaper.
A. sends B. posts C. types D. writes
27. I couldn’t go to school. I…………………………………….. a bad cold.
A. have B. had C. am having D. was having
28. …………………………………… the people in the area live in neighboring villages.
A. Most of B. Most C. Almost D. The most
29. The school library opens at any time between two o’clock……………………….half past three.
A. from B. and C. to D. from
30. Would you please………………………………. me where the city post office is?
A. tell B. say C. show D. point
31. A farm has………………………………. real vacations.
A. none B. no C. never D. nothing
32. What do we have……………………………….. dinner? I’m really hungry.
A. with B. at C. for D. of
33. There…………………………………. very few people in the shop.
A. is B. have C. being D. are
34. Try again. Don’t give………………………………………. hope.
A. out B. up C. on D. off
35. We…………………………….poor when we…………………………….to America 5 years ago.
A. are / move B. were / moved C. are / moved D. were / move
36. Liz liked……………………………….. the dolphin and the color of the cap.
A. either B. neither C. both D. none
37. My father never drinks beer. He………………………………… like it.
A. doesn’t B. don’t C. didn’t D. can’t
38. In today’s newspaper there …………………………… a lot of news about the earthquake.
A. has B. have C. is D. are
39. When I was a child, I always ………………………………… a bike to school.
A. drove B. rode C. ran D. took
40. I don’t like tests. Neither………………………………………
A. I do B. I don’t C. I like D. do I
41. I’d like to make a…………………………………. to 1256734, please.
A. ring B. call C. phone D. sound
42. ………………………………………. will it last? – About two hours.
A. When B. How much C. What D. How long
43. Sorry, he isn’t here. Can I ……………………………………… a message then?
A. leave B. let C. make D. ask him
44. My English is not very good. I want to………………………………… it often.
A. keep B. work C. practise D. get
45. Listen, who………………………………………… the guitar in the next room, Alice?
A. does play B. is playing C. plays D. are playing
46. The yard is very noisy…………………………………… the bell rings.
A. to B. up to C. into D. until
47. This CD player is very small. ?It is………………………………………
A. portable B. porting C. easy to port D. portably
48. There is one channel that only ………………………………………… pop videos.
A. performs B. displays C. plays D. shows
49. Each football team has eleven players.
A. It has eleven people in a football team.
B. Eleven people come to a football team.
C. There are eleven members in a football team.
D. A football team gets eleven people.
50. “ Police story” is Nga’s favorite program.
A. May likes “Police story” best.
B. They are many programs on TV.
C. “Police story” is among other programs on TV.
D. Nga likes all programs, except for “Police story”.

IV. Read the passages and choose the most suitable word for each blank: ( 10 pts)
British parents are always…(51)…………………… that their children spend too much time…(52)
………………. TV and not enough time doing other activities like sports and reading. A……(53)……………..
survey of people’s free time activities……(54)……………… that young people spend about 23 hours a week
in…(55)……………. of the television set, that means over 3 hours……(56)……………
It is…(57)…………….. that the average adult watches even more: 28 hours a week. Every household in
the county has a TV set and over half have two or more . (58)…………….. to the survey people do not only
watch sitting in their living room , they watch it in the kitchen and in bed as well.
We cannot deny that television also…(59 )…………………… some negative effects especially children ,
because many films shown on TV contain violence, crime and other bad things. Excessive watching of TV
by children has lowered…(60)………………. results in studying at school
51. A. complain B. complaining C. complains D. complained
52. A. to watch B. watch C. watching D. watched
53. A. recent B. recently C. late D. lately
54. A. show B. to show C. showing D. shows
55. A. back B. front C. side D. behind
56. A. a day B. a week C. a month D. a year
57. A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. to surprise
58. A. Because B. Addition C. Beside D. According
59. A. have B. having C. has D. had
60. A. Its B. their C. his D. her

V. Find the wrong underlined part ( A,B,C or D) in the following sentences: ( 10 pts)
61. I had not to work yesterday because it was my day off.
62. You must try to make these children clean their tooth.
63. There is many furniture made of wood in the sitting room.
64. Eric now drives his bike to school instead of traveling by bus.
65. Life is more comfortably now and people enjoy watching TV at their own home.
66. Look at these two beautiful vases. Which one do you like best?
67. Nowadays people are living longer so they are more elderly people.
68. What do you usually do at recess? Do you play some games?
69. I am terrible sorry. I didn’t mean to break your windows.
70. On the back of the school yard there is a big apple tree.
VI. Find in each blank with ONE suitable word: ( 10pts)
Every year, thousands of people come to Edinburgh, the…(71)……………………… city of Scotland, to
be part of the Edinburgh Festival. For three weeks every August and September the…(72)……………… is
filled with actors and artist from all over the world. They come to Edinburgh for the (73)…………………
arts festival in Britain. During this time, the streets of the city are alive with…(74)………………… and dance
from early in the morning until late at night. You can even see artists painting …(75)………………… on the
Tens of thousands of ……(76)………………… come to the Festival to see new films and plays and to
hear music played by……(77)………………… musicians. This year, you can see over five hundred…(78)
……………………… with actors from more than forty countries.
The tickets for these performances are quite …(79)………………, and it is usually easier to see
your……(80)…………………… star in Edinburgh than it is in London. So come to Edinburgh next summer.

VII. Use the correct forms of the words given: ( 10 pts)

81. Television is one of the cheapest forms of……………………………………………… (entertain )
82. I think the most …………………………………… idea is to go by train. (sense)
83. You must be careful when playing electronic games because they can be………………………… ( addict)
84. Videos are also very useful in……………………………………. ( educate)
85. In ……………………………… to that, my bike tires was flat. (add)
86. Mr Hung has a very ………………………………… tooth. (pain)
87. Catching the common cold is…………………………………… for everybody. ( please)
88. Do you know a good………………………………… to decorate my house? (decorate)
89. In most countries, there are organizations especially for……………………………… (teen)
90. The …………………………… students often play soccer or basketball. ( energy)

VIII. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those
printed before them( 10 pts)
91. He is a slower and more careful driver than I am.
He drives…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
92. The trip lasted two weeks
It was………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
93. Khanh is a fluent English speaker.
Khanh speaks………………………………………………………………………………………………
94. There are over eight hundred stamps in Tam’s collection.
Tam’s collection…………………………………………………………………………………………
95. They prefer computer games to video games.
They like…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
96. Thu often uses English to talk to Dave and Mary.
Thu often ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
97. Lan likes chicken most.
Chicken is………………………………………………………………………………………………………
98. Hoa doesn’t like fish as much as beef.
Hoa likes…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
99. My cap had a picture of a buffalo on it.
100. Nam plays for his school badminton team.
Nam is………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Keys – practice 83
Ví dụ : Chọ n A  X Bỏ câ u đã chọ n   Chọ n lạ i  
1 T X 2 X B C D 4 A X C D 6 A X C D
1 1 1
2 T X 2 A B X D 4 A B C X 6 A B C X
2 2 2
3 X F 2 X B C D 4 X B C D 6 A X C D
3 3 3
4 T X 2 A B X D 4 A B X D 6 X B C D
4 4 4
5 X F 2 A B C X 4 A X C D 6 A X C D
5 5 5
6 T X 2 A B C X 4 A B C X 6 A B C X
6 6 6
7 X B C D 2 A X C D 4 X B C D 6 A B X D
7 7 7
8 A B X D 2 X B C D 4 A B C X 6 A B C X
8 8 8
9 A X C D 2 A X C D 4 A B X D 6 A X C D
9 9 9
10 A B C X 3 X B C D 5 X B C D 7 X B C D
0 0 0
12 A X C D 3 A B C D 52 A B X D 72 CITY 82 SENSIBLE
14 A B C X 3 A X C D 54 A B C D 74 MUSIC 84 EDUCATION
15 X B C D 3 A X C D 55 A X C D 75 PICTURE 85 ADDITION
16 A B X D 3 A B X D 56 X B C D 76 TOURISTS 86 PAINFUL
19 A X C D 3 A X C D 59 A B X D 79 CHEAP 89TEENAGERS
91. He drives more slowly and carefully than me
92. It was a two – week trip.
93. Khanh speaks English fluently.
94. Tam’s collection has over eight hundred stamps.
95. They like computer games better than video games.
96. Thu often talks to Dave and Mary I English.
97. Chicken is Lan’s favorite food .
98. Hoa lij\kes beef more than fish.
99. There was a picture of a buffalo on my cap.
100. Nam is a member of his school badminton team.
I. Choose one word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others by
circling A, B, C, or D: (5 ¿ 0,2=1,0 pt)
11. A. ancient B. delicious C. participate D. special
12. A. worked B. helped C. watched D. naked
13. A. position B. bottle C. product D. opposite
14. A. tidy B. prize C. written D. final
15. A. event B. end C. market D. festival
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others (5 ¿ 0,2=1,0 pt)
16. A. decorate B. prepare C. however D. tradition
17. A. collect B. festival C. explain D. design
18. A. participate B. unsuitable C. competition D. activity
19. A. wonderful B. traditional C. arrangement D. attractive
20. A. harvest B. perform C. council D. ancient


I. Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences: (15 ¿ 0,2=3,0 pts)
21. Last summer we went on a three-………….tour including San Francisco, Los Angles and Las Vegas.

A. centers B. cities C. towns D. center

22. Why did you lend him that book? I …………………….it.

A. am still reading B. was still reading

C. still read D. still reading
23. On the island of Alcatraz, there is a famous ………………….., where criminals are kept.

A. house B. flat C. accommodation D. prison

24. When you have a blister, prick it with a very clean ……..……and then put a plaster on it.

A. needle B. scissors C. stick D. knife

25. Trucks and trains are used to carry farm …………… the city.

A. products B. production C. work D. cottage

26.Most of the goods …………………….in this factory are exported.

A. make B. making C. made D. to make

27. Some of the new horror movies are …………………because they are so realistic.

A. frightening B. frighten C. frightened D. being frightened

28. When I arrived, there was a big red car ……………….outside the house.
A. park B. parked C. parking D. parks

29. A numbers of questions were ……………… the discussion..

A. raised B. made C. done D. found

30. Soft ducks feathers ……………… make pillows.

A. will be used B. are used

C.are going to be used D. are using

31. We spent a week ……………………..our house.

A. repaint B. to repaint C. repainted D. repainting

32. After………….……. the conditions I decided………………for the competition.

A. hearing/not B. hear / not enter C. to hear/ not to D. hearing/ not to
entering enter enter

33. The only man-made ……………..…..can be seen from the Moon is the Great Wall of China.

A. house B. building C. structure D. sky scraper

34. The teacher was very strict. Nobody dared …………….during his lesson.

A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked

35. Harry said to Mary, “Do you have time to help me?”

Harry asked Mary …………………………..time to help him.

A. does she have B. if she has C. did she have D. if she had

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions: (7 ¿ 0,2=1,4 pts)

36. He went to England ………..order to learn English.

37. Thank you …………….your letter of invitation.

38. When I don’t know the meaning of a word I look it …………in the dictionary.

39. Life in the countryside is always a struggle ……………nature.

40. You have to keep all dangerous objects…………….children’s reach.

41. The headmaster was ill so David went ……………his place.

42. This text is too long I can’t learn it …………..heart.

III. Write the correct form of the words given in capital letters: (7 ¿ 0,2=1,4 pts)

43. I think ………………….games are good for our health. (DOOR)

44. Pedestrians should walk on the ………………, not in the street. (WALK)

45. Tam and I played for the school football team. We were …………………. (TEAM)

46. Our school has been making ………………….for the upcoming sports contests. (PREPARE)

47. A special chemical is used to ………………..the wood pulp. (WHITE)

48. To play computer games all day is an …………….…….habit. (HEALTH)

49. Can you see any …………………between these two calculators? (DIFFERENT)

IV. Supply the correct form of the verbs in the brackets: (6 ¿ 0,2=1,2 pts)

50. The river Nile (flow)..........................into the Mediterranean sea.

51. The river (flow) ..............................very fast today, much faster than usual.

52. Can you help (do) …………………the washing up?- I hate it.

53. The gate (lock)…………………….at 6.30 pm every day.

54. When we met Binh and Huong yesterday, we (walk) ....................................through the park.

55. Your poem should (write)………………….in English.


I. Read and circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the passage: (10 ¿ 0,2=2,0 pts)
Are you “green” enough?

Thanks (56)…………….the Internet,we are now living in a global village. We have more information about
other countries (57) ……………….ever before. We know as much about the situation in Africa (58)
………………….in the USA, pollution which (59)……………….in one country will affect other countries, too.

For example, nuclear power is not dangerous only for one country (60)…………………is an international
problem. If we do not take action soon, the possibility of a nuclear (61) ………………….is very real. We
should all recycle our (62)……………….not hope “green” people will do it for us. Some people think (63)
………………..resouces will go on forever, but they (64)………………… . We all have an obligation (65)
…………………our environment.

56. A. to B. for C. of D. from

57. A. as B. than C. more D. all

58. A. than B. as well C. as D. more than

59. A. produces B. producing C. is produce D. is produced

60. A. but B. and C. or D. so

61. A. event B. happening C. disaster D. incident

62. A. rubbish B. garbage C. waste D. all are correct

63. A. nature B. natural C. man-made D. artificial

64. A. will B. shan’t C. won’t D. may

65. A. to protect B. protect C. protecting D. protected

II. There is a mistake in each following sentence. Find and correct it:

(5 ¿ 0,2 = 1.0 pt)

Eg: 0. I haven’t saw my grandmother for two years. 0/ seen

66. The explanation that our teacher gave us was different than the

66. ->
one you gave us.


67. Almost everyone has heard the more famous Olympic saying

67. ->
“Stronger, Higher, Faster”.


68. I strongly believe that friends plays a very important role in

68. ->
our life.

69. It is a festival in which people have their bulls to fight against

A B C D 69. ->

each other.

70. If I am Trang, I would be very angry with you.

70. ->

III. Read the passage and fill the suitable words in the blank: (10 ¿ 0,2=2 pts)
As a student I have to learn a lot of subjects and English is one of them. We have English lessons (71)
…………………Tuesday and Friday mornings. My English class (72)………………..very big with 50 students
(73)……………….different cities in Viet Nam. My teacher often gives us a lot of homework so I try (74)
……………… carefully before I go to class. In class, I listen to the teacher attentively, answer the teacher’s
(75)…………………… English and practise English (76)…………………my classmates. I think (77)
………………..isn’t easy to learn English because you speak it in one way and write it in the (78)
…………………..way. That is why at first I found it difficult to learn English. But day after day, thanks (79)
………………..our teacher’s help and my great effort, I have made some progress in my English now and I
hope that one day I can read English books in the originals and communicate (80) ……………………English


I. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences: (5 ¿ 0,2 = 1.0 pt)
81. protect/can/the/fruit/life/and/vegetables/shelf/Packaging/of/some/.












84. The/more/that/we/manufacturers/refills/will/more/likely/it/is/use/the/range/increase/the/.




natural/helps/important/raw/and/conserve/future/habitats/ protects/.


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………II. Complete the second

sentence, using the word given in brackets so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

Do not change the words given in any way: (5 ¿ 0,4=2,0 p)

86. We had to wait two hours for Donald.

-> Donald kept……………………………………………..………….............................................................................……………………..

87. “Have you been out at all this evening, Mr. Johnson?” The detective asked.

-> The detective wanted to find out.....……………………...............................................................…………………......................

88. Does he know enough French to work as a translator?

-> Is his………………………………………………………………...............................................................................……………………….?

89. A Spanish architect designed our house.

-> Our house……………………………… .................................................................................................................................................

90. This is my first visit to Hue, the ancient capital city in Viet Nam.

-> This is the first time……………………..…………………….….................................................................…………………………..

III. Write a thank-you letter about 100 - 120 words to your friend. Invite your friend to go to
somewhere. Arrange to contact your friend:

(don’t show your name, your school or your village): (2.0pts)

The end
Keys – practice 84


I. Choose one word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others by
circling A, B, C, or D. (5 ¿ 0,2=1,0 pt)
11. C. participate
12. D. naked
13. C. product
14. C. written
15. C. market

II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others (5 ¿ 0,2=1,0 pt)

16. A. decorate
17. B. festival
18. C. competition
19. A. wonderful
20. B. perform


I. Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences: (15 ¿ 0,2=3,0 pts)

21 – D. center 22 - A. was still 23 – D. prison 24 – A. needle 25 – A. products


26 – C. made 27 – A. frightening 28 – C. parking 29 – A. raised 30 – B. are used

31 – D. repainting 32 – D. hearing / 33 – C. 34 – B. to talk 35 – D. if she had

not to enter structure

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions: (7 ¿ 0,2=1,4 pts)
36 - in 37 - for 38 - up 39 - with 40 – out of 41 - in 42 - by

III. Write the correct form of the words given in capital letters to complete the following
sentences. (7 ¿ 0,2=1,4 pts)
43. outdoor 44. sidewalk 45. teammates 46. preparations
47. whiten 48. unhealthy 49. differences

IV. Supply the correct form of the verbs in the brackets: (6 ¿ 0,2=1,2 pts)

50 51 52 53 54 55
flows is flowing doing is locked were walking be written


I. Read and circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the passage: (10 ¿ 0,2=2,0 pts)

56 - A. to 57 – B. than 58 – C. as 59 – D. is 60 – A. but
61 - C. disaster 62 – D. all are 63 - B. natural 64 – C. won’t 65 - A. to protect

II. There is a mistake in each following sentence. Find and correct it:

(5 ¿ 0,2 = 1.0 pt)

66. B. than -> from 67.A. the more -> the most 68.B. plays -> play
69. D. to fight -> fight 70. A. am -> were

III. Read the passage and fill the suitable words in the blank: (10 ¿ 0,2=2 pts)
71. on 72. is 73. from 74. to do 75. questions
76. with 77. it 78. other 79. to 80. in


I. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences. (5 ¿ 0,2 = 1.0 pt)

81. Packaging can protect the shelf life of some fruit and vegetables.
82. Recycled plastic is starting to be used for a range of bottles for drinks, milk and shampoo.
83. Using less material in the manufacture of cans saves considerable amounts of energy.
84. The more we use refills the more likely it is that manufacturers will increase the range.
85. Recycling helps conserve important raw materials and protects natural habitats for the future.

II. Complete the second sentence, using the word given in brackets so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence. Do not change the words given in any way. (5 ¿ 0,4=2,0 pts)
86. Donald kept us waiting two hours.

87. The detective wanted to find out if/whether Mr.Johnson had been out at all that evening.

88. Is his knowledge of French good enough for him to work as a translator?
89. Our house was designed by a Spanish architect.

90. This is the first time I have visited Hue, the ancient capital city in Viet Nam.

III. . Write a thank-you letter about 100 - 120 words to your friend. Invite your friend to go to
somewhere. Arrange to contact your friend:

(don’t show your name, your school or your village): (2.0 pts)

- Nộ i dung (content): 0.5 điểm

- Từ vự ng (vocabulary): 0.5 điểm

- Ngữ phá p (grammar): 0.5 điểm

- Tính mạ ch lạ c và trô i chả y (coherence and cohesion) + độ dà i (length): 0.5 điểm

- Sai dướ i 4 lỗ i khô ng trừ điểm.

- Sai trên 4 lỗ i, hoặ c sai nhữ ng lỗ i nặ ng trừ 0.5 điểm/1 lỗ i.

I. Circle the letter A, B, C or D before the word in each group that has the underlined part
pronounced differently from the rest. (1,25pts)
1. A. promised B. hopped C. booked D. burned
2. A. though B. ought C. thought D. bought
3. A. hard B. carry C. card D. yard
4. A. try B. why C. heavy D. dry
5. A. cool B. food C. look D. flood
II. Circle A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences . (5,75pts)
1. The teacher told him ___________ up late.
A. to not stay B. to stay not C. to stay not D. not to stay
2. My father is good at ____________ English.
A. speaking B. spoken C. speak D. to speak
3. We are all ________ that you passed your English exam. Congratulation!
A. relieved B. afraid C. delighted D. certain
4. “__________to come and have dinner with us?” “I’d love to but I’m very busy”.
A. would you mind B. could you please C. Would you like D. Do you enjoy
5. I am very _____________ in the information you have given me.
A. concerned B. interested C. surprised D. worried
6. Can you tell me where ______________ ?
A. she does B. does she C. she is D. is she
7. You have to work ____________ for the coming exam.
A. hardly B. more hardly C. more hard D. hard
8. I saw her _____________ the flowers in the garden.
A. watering B. watered C. be watered D. is watering
9. They had their luggage ___________ by the porter.
A. carry B. carrying C. to carry D. carried
10. She often spends her weekend ___________ through pleasant open countryside.
A. travel B. traveling C. to travel D. to traveling
11- My brother is studying hard ......................... pass the exam.
A. for B. in order to C. so to D. so that
12- We have studied ................... seven o'clock.
A. for B. at C. since D. to
13- He was born in England. English is his .................................
A. mother tongue B. first language
C. foreign language D. A and B are correct
14- It's dangerous .......................... in this river.
A. swim B. to swim C. swimming D. swam
15- ........................... to America yet ?
A. Were you B. Have you ever been C.Were you been D. Are you
16- The boy was ....................... by the dog
A. bite B. bit C. bited D. bitten
17- My father used ...................... me to school.
A. took B. taking C. to take D. take
18- Would you mind ................... for a few minutes?
A. to wait B. waiting C. wait D. be waiting
19. My aunt speaks English very ................................
A. good B. well C. goodly D. best
20. We have math on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday; It means we have math .......... a week.
A. once B. twice C. three times D. four times
21. Lan promises to ............................ her best in learning English.
A. try B. make C. work D. learn
22. The manager asked me ............................. for him outside his office.
A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waited
23. She hasn’t written to me ........................................
A. already B. yet C. never D. any longer
III. Give the correct form of the bold words in parentheses. (2,5pts)
1. This book has a lot of information. It’s very ____________________. (use)
2. You’ll meet the tour guide on your ___________________ at the hotel. (arrive)
3. Our post is delivered _______________________ except for Saturday ( day)
4. Ha Long Bay was ___________by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. (recognition)
5. Relax for some minutes and you’ll feel more ________________ . (comfort)
6. His parents are very __________________ of him. (pride)
7. “The lost shoes” is one of the _______________ stories I like best. (tradition)
8. The _____________ from Hanoi to London was delayed in two hours. (fly)
9. I’m sure that I have connected the printer ___________ . (proper)
10. Each of my friends has a _________________ character. (differ)

IV. Each sentence below contains an error, underline and write the correct one in the space. 0 is
done as an example. (2pts)
0. My brother are a teacher. 0. _______ is _________
1. I go to see her if I have enough time. 1. __________________
2. It is not easy do that difficult work. 2.___________________
3. He drove such fast that he won the race. 3.___________________
4. I wish I can go with you to the countryside next weekend. 4. ___________________
5. When she came, I read her letter. 5 ___________________
6. It’s dangerous to drive fastly in busy streets. 6.___________________
7. The bicycle is so expensive for me to buy. 7.___________________
8. Dave is a friend of mine. I knew him for a long time. 8.__________________
V. Give the correct form of the bold verbs in parentheses. (2pts)
1. The dictionaries (1. buy _________________) yesterday.
2. While my mother and I (2. watch____________________) a film on T V last night, our
aunt in the USA (3. phone_______________).
3. My friend (4. not/visit_________________) me since he (5. move _________) to another town.
4. We (6. already/ finish _________________________) our work.
5. My English (7. get____________________ ) better and better.
6. You should practise (8. speak___________________) English everyday.
7. How long _________ you (9. wait___________________) for me?
8. It was a nice day, so we decided (10. go ________________) for a walk.
VI- Complete the following sentences based on the given cues.(2pts)
1- How long / it / take you / get / school ?
2- He / not interested / buy / new / house.
3- I / play badminton / Nam / when / my friends / come.
4- I / bored / doing / same thing / day after day.
5- Marie Curie / born / Poland / 1867
6- We ought / use/ cloth bags/ instead / reuse/ plastic bags.
7- We / have / wonderful/ time / moment / SaPa.
8- Could / give me / information ?
VII. Read the passage then answer the questions below.(2pts)
Nam moved to this neighborhood last year. Nam and his family lived in a big city before coming here. On the
first days, he didn’t like the life in the country because there was not much to do.
However, after a short time he has changed his mind. He now likes his new neighborhood very much because the air
is fresh, the food is delicious and the people are friendly. There are a lot of things he can do in his free time such as
going swimming, going fishing, going boating. He doesn’t want to live in a big city anymore.
1. When did Nam move to this neighborhood?
2. Did he like the life in the country on the first days?
3. Why does he like his neighborhood now?
4. Does he want to live in a big city now?
VIII. Complete the 2nd sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the fist (2,5pts).
1. The children are too young to be in class 6.
→The children are not....................................................................................................
2. "Eat more fruits and vegetables", the doctor said to her
→The doctor told............................................................................................................
3. We began to study English 5 years ago.
.We have ...................................................................................................................
4 “Can you wait for me here, Jerry?”
Tom told......................................................................................................................
5. A dog is bigger than a cat.
 A cat isn’t as..............................................................................................................
6. The coffee is so hot that I can’t drink it.
 The coffee is too .......................................................................................................
7. The ladder isn’t very long. It doesn’t reach the window.
 The ladder ....................................................................................................................
8. The weather was fine. We could go camping.
 The weather .............................................................................................................
9. I often went boating when I was young.
 I used to..........................................................................................................................
10. We built this house in 1975.
This house ....................................................................................................................
Keys – practice 85
I. Chän tõ mµ phÇn g¹ch ch©n cã c¸ch ph¸t ©m kh¸c víi c¸c tõ cßn l¹i. (1.25 ®iÓm =
0.25®iÓm/1®¸p ¸n ®óng)

1. D 2. A 3. B 4.C 5.D

II. Chän ®¸p ¸n ®óng nhÊt ®Ó hoµn thµnh c©u (5.75 ®iÓm- 0.25 ®iÓm /1®¸p ¸n ®óng)

1. D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.D

8.A 9.D 10.B 11.B 12.C 13.D 14.B

15.B 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.C 21.A

22.C 23.B

III. Cho d¹ng ®óng cña tõ trong ngoÆc (2.5 ®iÓm- 0,2 ®iÓm/1 ®¸p ¸n ®óng)

1. useful 2. arrival 3. daily 4. recognized 5. comfortable

6. proud 7. traditional 8. flight 10. different

IV. Trong mỗi câu có 1 lỗi sai, gạch chân và viết đáp án đúng. (2 ®iÓm- 0.25 ®iÓm/1 ®¸p ¸n

1. go  will go 5. read  was reading

2. do  to do 6. fastly  fast

3. such  so 7. so  too

4. can  could 8. knew  have known

V. Chia dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc. (2 ®iÓm- 0.25 ®iÓm/1 ®¸p ¸n ®óng)
1. were bought 2. were watching 3. was phoning 4. hasn’t visited

5. moved 6. have already finished 7. is getting 8. speaking

9. have – waited 10. to go

VI. Dïng tõ gîi ý viÕt thµnh c©u hoµn chØnh. (2®iÓm- 0,25 ®iÓm/1 ®¸p ¸n ®óng)

1- How long does it take you to get to the school ?

2- He is not interested in buying a new house.
3- I was playing badminton when my friends came.
4- I am bored with doing the same thing day after day.
5- Marie Curie was born in Poland in 1867.
6- We ought to use cloth bags instead of reusing plastic bags.
7- We are having a wonderful holiday at the moment in Sapa.
8- Could you give me some information ?

VII. Đọc đoạn văn rồi trả lời câu hỏi. (2®iÓm- 0.5 ®iÓm/1 ®¸p ¸n ®óng)

1. He / Nam moved to this neighborhood last year.

2. No, he didn’t.
3. Because the air is fresh, the food is delicious and the people are friendly.
4. No, he doesn’t.

VIII. ViÕt l¹i c¸c c©u sau sao cho nghÜa kh«ng ®æi. (2.5®iÓm- 0.25 ®iÓm/1 ®¸p ¸n ®óng)

1. The children are not old enough to be in class 6.

2. The doctor told her to eat more fruits and vegetables.
3. We have studied English for 5 years.
4. Tom told Jerry to wait for him there.
5. A cat is not as big as a dog.
6. The coffe is too hot for me to drink.
7. The ladder is not long enough to reach the window. Or The ladder is too short to reach
the window.
8. The weather was so fine that we could go camping./ The weather was too fine for us to
go camping. / The weather was fine enough for us to go camping.
9. I used to go boating when I was young./ I used to boat when I was young.
10. This house was built by us in 1975. Or This house was built in 1975 by us.
Part 1. Choose and circle the word (A, B, C, or D) that best completes each sentence: (4pts)
1. The weather is warm enough for us ________________
A. going out B. to going out C. go out D. to go out
2. Bell started ________________ with ways of transmitting speech.
A. experiment B. experimenting C. to experimenting D. experimented
3. She is too _______________ to speak and laugh in front of other people.
A. shy B. active C. humor D. interested
4. He finally _______________ the decision to go abroad.
A. came up B. came C. came with D. came up with
5. The women sang the song _______________
A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautifuly
6. There is ____________________________ on TV tonight.
A. an action movie interesting B. a action movie interesting
C. a interesting action movie D. an interesting action movie
7. Tell me ___________________________________
A. why do you like coffee and bread?
B. why you like coffee and bread.
C. why do you like coffee and bread.
D. why you like coffee and bread?
8. What is Mary doing, mom? – She is looking at __________ in the mirror.
A. her B. hers C. she herself D. herself
9. I can’t remember ____________________ when I was young.
A. what life was like B. how life was like
C. what life was D. how life was
10. He was a Scotsman although he later ________________ Canada.
A. moved B. emigrated to C. lived to D. born in
11. Mary used to do all the chores ______________________ still ten years old.
A. when she is B. because she is
C. when she was D. because she was
12. She is speaking __________ because she is having a sore throat.
A. soft B. softly C. well D. fast
13. Could you ___________ me a favor? – How can I help?
A. give B. make C. do D. bring
14. How long ______________________ here? – Since last year.
A. do you live B. did you live
C. have you live D. have you lived
15. The rope is ___________________ the snake.
A. as long as B. long than C. so long as D. is much longer
16. Can I speak to Mary, please? – Please ________________.
A. wait the phone B. hold on C. stay there a minute D. keep the phone
17. TV is bringing not only information ______________ entertainment.
A. and also B. and C. but also D. also but
18. Let’s go home now. It’s _______________ and darker.
A. darker B. was darker C. gets darker D. getting darker
19. My mother believes that my brother is ______________ than me.
A. well B. better C. best D. good
20. I don’t want much sugar in my coffee. Just _________ please.
A. a little B. little C. few D. a few
Part 2. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one: (2pts)
1. The tickets can be bought on line.
2. She is so short that she can not reach the top of the wardrobe.
3. Peter and Mark are excellent soccer players.
4. Tom said to Jane: “Can you help me with my pronunciation?”
5. She is a good English speaker.
6. It isn’t safe to climb high mountains alone in the winter.
7. Tom started learning English in 1990.
8. He last met my sister last summer.
9. Hue is not as big as Ho Chi Minh City.
10. How long have you studied medicine?
Part 3. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in capitals. (2pts)
1. Sugar is not an _________ food because we need it to live. HEALTH
2. The nurse wanted to know Nga’s ________ and weight. HIGH
3. Mr. Hung has a very ________ tooth. PAIN
4. Last year Mr. Hoang drove very ________. CARE
5. This room is very _________. COMFORT
6. What is the correct ___________ of this word? PRONOUNCE
7. More and more young people want a university ________. EDUCATE
8. When I go to the library, I sit and read about ________ things. WONDER
9. The most popular ________ at recess is talking. ACT
10. A fairy appeared and ________ changed her old clothes. MAGIC
Part 4. Each line of the following passage contains one mistake. Correct the mistake and write
your answers in the space provided: (2pts)

Ex: I haven’t saw your brother for two months. 0. __seen__

Nam is a student. This year he had a very interested summer holiday. 1. ________
He traveled with him schoolmates to a mountainous area in Hoa Binh 2. ________
Province. They gone there to help make a road through a forest among 3. ________
two villages. “It was very difficult because there had no water to drink 4. ________
and no shops where we could bought food,” said Nam. “It was also very 5. ________
cold and wet in the mountains. It is one of the wetter places in the 6. ________
country.” Nam stayed in the mountains since six weeks. It was hard 7. ________
work, but he says it was the best thing he has ever did. He is hoping to 8. ________
return next year to do any more work there. 9. ________
10. ________

Part 5. Read the passage below and choose the best answer for each space: (2pts)
his died other story novel
leaving by most family wrote
One of the first novels in the history of literature was written in England in 1719. It was Robinson
Crusoe __________ (1) Daniel Defoe.
Daniel Defoe was born in London in the __________ (2) of a reach man. When Daniel was a schoolboy, he
began to write stories. After ___________ (3) school he worked in his father’s shop and __________ (4)
articles for newspapers. Defoe visited many countries and met many people. That helped him much in
__________ (5) writings.
In 1719, when Defoe was sixty years old, he wrote the _________ (6) Robinson Crusoe which made him
famous. Defoe used in his book a true ___________ (7) about a sailor who lived on an island for four years.
Robinson Crusoe in Defoe’s novel lived on an island for twenty-eight years. People liked the novel in
England and in many __________ (8) countries. Daniel Defoe wrote other books but his novel Robinson
Crusoe is the _________ (9) famous. Defoe was not a rich man where he __________ (10) in 1731.
Part 1. Read and answer the questions: (2pts)
Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are young children.
Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others studies by themselves. A few learn
English just by hearing the language in film, on television, in the office or among their friends. But not
many are lucky enough to do that. Most people must work hard to learn another language.
Learning other language! Learning English! Why do all these people want to learn English? It is not
difficult to answer that question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their
subjects. They study their own language and Math…and English. (In England or America or Australia
many boys and girls study their own language, which is English and Math and other language, perhaps
French or German or Spanish)
Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their
higher studies because of their books are in English at the college or university. Other people learn
English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.
Answer the questions:
1. According to the writer, who learns English?
2. Where do the students learn English?
3. Is it easy to answer the question “Why do all these people learn English?”?
4. Why do teenagers learn English?
5. According to you, why do you learn English?
Part 2. Read the passage below and write T if it is true and F if it is false for the following
sentences: (2pts)
Even before it is born, a baby has small teeth under its gums. At about the age of six months, its first
tooth starts to grow. Before the young child is three years old, it has twenty small teeth. Between the
ages of six and twelve a second set of teeth form in the gum below the first teeth and push them out.
______ 1. A baby has teeth under its gums even before its birth.
______ 2. A baby’s first tooth appears as soon as it is born.
______ 3. Three-years-old child has twenty tiny teeth.
______ 4. A child’s second set of teeth appear before it is six years old.
______ 5. A child’s second teeth begin to grow while the child still has its first teeth.
Write a paragraph (about 100 words) about your neighborhood: (4pts)
These questions may help you.
Where do you live?
What does your house look like?
What can you see from your bedroom window?
How far is it from your home to school?
How do you get to school?
What are there in your neighborhood?
What things in your neighborhood do you like best? Why?
What do you think about your neighborhood?

(Good luck to you)
Keys – practice 86
Part 1: (4pts) Mỗi đáp án đúng 0,2 điểm
1. D 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. B
11. C 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. B 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. A
Part 2. (2pts) Mỗi đáp án đúng 0,2 đỉêm
1. You can buy the tickets on line.
2. She is not told enough to reach the top of the wardrobe
3. Peter and Mark play soccer excellently.
4. Tom asked Jane to help him with his pronunciation
5. She speaks English well.
6. To climb high mountains alone in the winter is not safe
7. Tom has learned English since 1990.
8. He hasn’t seen my sister since last summer.
9. Ho Chi Minh City is bigger than Hue.
10. When did you start to study medicine?
Part 3: (2ms) Mỗi câu đúng 0,2 điểm
1. unhealthy 2. height 3. painful 4. carefully 5. comfortable
6. pronunciation 7. education 8. wonderful 9. activity 10. magically
Part 4: (2pts) Mỗi đáp án đúng 0,2 điểm
1. interested 2. him 3. gone 4. among 5. had
6. bought 7. wetter 8. since 9. did 10. any
Part 5: (2pts) Mỗi đáp án đúng 0,2 điểm
1. by 2. family 3. leaving 4. wrote 5. his
6. novel 7. story 8. other 9. most 10. died
II. READING: (4pts)
Part 1. (2pts) Mỗi đáp án đúng 0,4 điểm
1. According to the writer, young children, teenagers and adults learn English.
2. Some learn at school, others studies by themselves. A few learn English just by hearing the
language in film, on television, in the office or among their friends.
3. Yes, it is.
4. Teenagers often learn English for their higher studies because of their books are in English at
the college or university.
5. I learn English because it is one of my subjects at school...
Part 2. (2pts) Mỗi đáp án đúng 0,4 điểm
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T
III. WRITING: (4pts)
Câ u khô ng mắ c lỗ i ngữ phá p cơ bả n, sử dụ ng từ vự ng tố t, ý hay, phong phú , biểu đạ t đượ c nộ i dung
liên quan chặ t chẻ vớ i chủ đề đạ t điểm tố i đa.
Tù y theo chấ t lượ ng từ ng bà i là m mà giá m khả o có thể cho theo thang điểm 0,5; 1; 1,5; 2; 2,5; 3;
3,5; 4.

Choose one word that has a different stress position from the others. Identify your answer by writing
the corresponding word or phrase on your answer paper.

6. A. cartoon B. open C. paper D. answer

7. A. computer B. shortage C. village D. teacher

8. A. important B. community C. organize D. diseases

9. A. education B. geography C. occupation D. information

10. A. relative B. cinema C. continue D. suddenly


I. Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C and D) one best answer to complete each

1. Your hair is long. It needs .......................

A. cut B. cutting C. to cut D. had cut

2. You .......................forget what I told you. It is very important.

A. must B. have to C. can't D. mustn't

3. I think it's high time for the children bed .

A. go B. went C. going D. to go

4. You have never been to Ha Noi, .......................?

A. haven't you B. did you C. didn't you D. have you

5. I have a .......................sister.

A. seven years old B. seven-years - old C. seven- year - old D. seven year olds

6. I'd rather you .......................that.

A. do B. don't do C. won't do D. didn't do

7. We are now wet. You .......................the raincoats with you.

A. should bring B. should have brought C. must bring D. have to bring

8. They are looking forward .......................Tet holiday.

A. to have B. having C. to having D. have

9. That was a .......................ceremony.

A. prepared-well B. prepare-well C. well-prepared D. well-prepare

10. I object to this.

A. be treating B. treating C. being treated D. have been treated

11. My mother often gives me advice .......................water.

A. to save B. how to save C. on how to save D. with how to save

12. My dog as well as my cats .......................twice a day.

A. eat B. eats C. has eaten D. have eaten

13. Do it right now, .......................?

A. do you B. aren’t you C. will you D. don’t you

14. We’ll go out as soon as it .......................raining.

A. has stopped B. is stopping C. stop D. will stop

15. Take this cake and cut it into eight .......................pieces.

A. same B. like C. alike D. equal

II. Fill in each gap in each sentence with the correct form of the word in capital letters.
1. After many years of failure, Edison inventing the light bulb. SUCCESS
2. The accident happens because of driving...... CARE
3. He believed in his jump down from the fourth storey without getting hurt. ABLE
4. You must pass the ......exam to attend the course. WRITE
5. Many people like him because of his ...... GENEROUS
6. The media help increase the ......of sports and games. POPULAR
7. The ......of forests has brought about floods recently. DESTROY
8. An has stolen all our money. KNOW
9. The ......of this factory are widely consumed in this country. PRODUCE
10. Viet Nam declared its ......on September 2 nd 1945. DEPEND
III. There are ten mistakes in this paragraph. Find them out and correct them.
Line 1 Summer in England is the better season of all. The sky is clear and blue. The
Line 2 sun shines brightly. But it is not pleasant to go out at noon because of the
Line 3 sun dazzles our eyes. The air is generally dry. It is very pleasant taking a
Line 4 walk in the morning when the country is cool, or again on the evening when
Line 5 the sunshine is not so heat, and the moon raises above the horizon. How
Line 6 beauty it is in summer in the countryside. There high in the sky, there has
Line 7 the moon which sheds it’s silver light together with thousand of little stars
Line 8 twinkling and twinkling.
I. Read the following passage then choose the best answer from the four options (marked A, B, C and
D) to complete the numbered blanks in the passage.


There is usually one important (1) .................. missing from most school timetables. Very few students are
(2) ................ how to organize their learning and how to (3) ................... the best use of their time. Let’s take some
simple examples. Do you know how to (4) .............. up words in the dictionary?, and do you understand all the
information the dictionary contains? Can you (5) ..................... notes quickly, and can you understand them (6)
................... ? For some reason, many schools give learners no help with these matters. Teachers ask students to (7)
..................... pages from books, or tell them to write ten pages, but don’t explain (8)………..….… to do it. Learning by
heart can be useful, but it is important to have a genuine (9) ………..…… of a subject. You can (10) ……………… a lot
of time memorizing books, without understanding anything about the subject!

1. A. theme B. book C. subject D. mark

2. A. taught B. learnt C. educated D. graduated

3. A. take B. give C. get D. make

4. A. find B. look C. research D. get

5. A. do B. send C. take D. revise

6. A. after B. afterwards C. lastly D. at last

7. A. concentrate B. remind C. forget D. memorize

8. A. how B. what C. why D. it

9. A. information B. success C. understanding D. attention

10. A pass B. waste C. tell D. use

II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space.

Computers play an important role in our everyday lives, sometimes without us even realizing it. Consider
the use (1) _________computers in both shops and offices. Big shops especially chain stores with branches all over
the country, have to deal with very large amounts of information.

They have to make (2) ________that there are enough goods on the shelves for customers to buy; they need to be
(3)__________to re-order before stocks (4) ________out, to decide which things are selling well and (5) ________on. All these
processes (6) ________performed quickly and efficiently by computers.

A (7) _______ of office work in the past involved information on paper. (8) ____ it had been dealt with by
people, the paper was put (9) ________for future reference. This way of working was (10) ________particularly easy
or fast. A computerized system is much more efficient.

III. Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question.

The culture of Vietnam is one of the oldest in the Southeast Asia region. Although Vietnam lies
geographically in Southeast Asia, long periods of Chinese domination and influence has resulted in the
emergence of many East Asian characteristics in Vietnamese culture, and generally Vietnam is said to be a part
of the East Asian cultural sphere, known widely as Chinese cultural sphere.

Despite considerable foreign influence, Vietnamese people have managed to retain many
distinct customs. While Chinese culture has the largest influence on traditional Vietnamese culture,
there is also a much smaller influence from the Cham and later Western cultures, most notably of
France, Russia and the United States. In term of prehistory, most Vietnamese historians consider the
ancient Dong Son Culture to be one of the defining aspects of early Vietnamese civilization.

Vietnam’s population in 2006 was 84,402,966, with a population density of 253 people per km 2.
Most people live in or near the densely populous Red River or Mekong deltas. Due to the nation’s
southward expansion throughout its history, along with the different climate and environment met by the
settlers as they moved further south, slightly different regional cultures began to emerge, most notably
between Northern and Southern Vietnam.

1. The culture of Vietnam______ .

A. is the youngest in Asia B. does not get any Asian characteristics

C. was influenced by that of China D. was greatly dominated by that of Western

2. Which culture has not affected the Vietnamese one?

A. Of the United States B. Of the United Kingdom

C. Of Russia D. Of France

3. Vietnamese people ______ .

A. cannot keep their own culture in their daily life

B. have many diverse nation customs

C. highly appreciate the Western influence on their culture

D. failed to retain the native customs

4. Through history, Vietnam expended to the ______ .

A. south B. north C. east D. west

5. Which statement is true?

A. The North and the South of Vietnam have the same regional cultures.

B. The Mekong delta is more populous than the Red River one.

C. Red River delta is densely populous.

D. Vietnamese people do not like living in the deltas.

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it.

1. If we can solve the problem soon, it will be better for all concerned.

The sooner.................................................................................................................

2. I would prefer you to deliver the sofa on Friday.

I would rather
3. We've run out of tea.
4. Susan was too excited to sleep.
Susan was
5. Robert has not had a job for two years.
Robert has been
II. Write a passage of 150 – 200 words
It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use
specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.

-----------------------------The end------------------------
Keys – practice 87
Part I


1. B 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. D

II. Fill in each gap in each sentence with the correct form of the word in capital letters.

1. succeeded . 6. popularity

2. carelessly 7.destruction

3. ability 8. unknown

4. written 9. products

5. generosity 10. independence

III. There are ten mistakes in this paragraph. Find them out and correct them.

Line 1 Summer in England is the better season of all. The sky is clear and blue. The
sun shines brightly. But it is not pleasant to go out at noon because of the sun
Line 2
dazzles our eyes. The air is generally dry. It is very pleasant taking a walk in
Line 3 the morning when the country is cool, or again on the evening when the
sunshine is not so heat, and the moon raises above the horizon. How beauty it
Line 4 is in summer in the countryside. There high in the sky, there has the moon
Line 5 which sheds it’s silver light together with thousand of little stars twinkling
and twinkling.
Line 6

Line 7

Line 8

Line Mistakes Corrections Line Mistakes Corrections

1 better best 5 raises rises

2 because of because 5 beauty beautiful

3 taking to take 6 has is

4 on the evening in the evening 7 it’s its

5 heat hot 8 thousand thousands


I. Read the following passage then choose the best answer from the four options (marked A, B,
C and D) to complete the numbered blanks in the passage.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space.

1. of 2. sure/ certain 3. able 4. run/ sell 5. so

6. are/ get 7. lot 8. Once/When/After 9. aside/ away 10. not/ never

III. Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question.

1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C


I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it.

1. If we can solve the problem soon, it will be better for all concerned.

The sooner we can solve the problem, the better it will be for all concerned
2. I would prefer you to deliver the sofa on Friday.
I would rather you delivered the sofa on Friday
3. We've run out of tea.
There isn't any tea left
4. Susan was too excited to sleep.
Susan was so excited that she couldn't sleep
5. Robert has not had a job for two years.
Robert has been out of job/ jobless/ unemployed for two years

II. Write a passage of 150 – 200 words

It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or
disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.
PART TWO: PHONETICS (0.2 x 10 = 2.0 pts)
I. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others by
circling A, B, C or D (0.2 x 5 = 1.0 pt)
1.A. revive B. tight C. describe D. victim
2.A. husband B. surrounding C. rubbish D. plumber
3.A. burned B. stopped C. asked D. promised
4.A. seat B. sugar C. sight D. sand
5.A. stamps B. trains C. hotels D. caves

II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others by circling A, B, C or D
(0.2 x 5 = 1.0 pt)
. 1.A. directory B. telephone C.invention D. experiment
2.A. furniture B. university C. patient D. hospital
3. A. sociable B. humorous C. generous D. reserved
4.A. delivery B. equipment C. electricity D. Experiment
5.A. enroll B. summer C. hobby D. favor


I. Circle best option A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. (0.2 x 10 = 2.0 pts)
1. ______ he is rich and famous, he lives in a modest house in the village.
a. Because b. However c. Therefore d. Although
2. Bill Gates is probably the best known and most successful ______in computer software.
a. pioneer b. volunteer c. generator d. inventor
3. If you are a student, you can get 20 percent _______ in this shop.
a. discount b. effect c. selection d. resident
4. The alarm clock didn’t________ so Uyen got up late.
a. rang b. go on c. go up d. go off
5. On Sunday in England, most shops were closed and _________ the theaters and cinemas.
a. so were b. neither were c. were too d. so weren’t
6. Could you do me a favor? - __________.
a. Yes, that’s very kind of you b. No problem
c. No, thank you d. Yes, please
7. Horace went home and went to ________bed to change the sheets.
a. the b. ø c. a d. a
8. How long ago ________ Mai?
a. have you seen b. you saw c. would you see d. did you see
9. Household and garden waste _____collected____ compost.
a. is / to make b. are/ to do c. is/ to do d. are/ to make
10. I don’t mind _______ the phone as long as you pay for your calls.
a. you used b. you to use c. your to using d. your using

II. Use the words given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space. (0.2 x 10 = 2.0 pts)
1. We should save ……………………… resources. (nature)
2. People in the country are very open and ……………….. (friend)
3. Air ……………………….. is a big problem in the city. (pollute)
4. Her father soon died of a ……………………. heart. (break)
5. Every week, there are two …………….. from Ha Noi to Nha Trang (fly)
6. We are waiting for the ……………………….. of his plane. (arrive)
7. Bell ……………………….. demonstrated his invention. (success)
8. Children need to have a good …………………………… (educate)
9. Because of the …………. of her teacher, she decided to study law. (encourage)
10. Some of my ……………………live in the countryside. (relate)

III. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in the brackets. (0.2 x 5
= 1.0 pt)
1.(you/do) ............................. the homework yet?
2.I was not used to (drive) ............................. on the left when I was in London.
3.English and French (teach) .............................. in our school.
4.As I came to Lan’s yesterday, she (watch) ............................. TV.
5.Many people buy suitcases (carry) ………..….…. their luggage.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
IV. Fill each gap of the following sentences with a suitable preposition. (0.2 x 5 = 1.0 pt)
1. Could I help you ___________your bag?
2. Na got up late this morning because her alarm clock didn’t go __________.
3. I’m looking forward ____________ seeing you in June.
4. In the competition, everyone fell __________the deep and dangerous water.
5. Ha Long Bay is recognized __________UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

PART FOUR: READING (0.2 x 25 = 5.0 pts)

I. Circle best option A, B, C or D to complete the following passage. (0.2 x 10 = 2.0 pts)
Paper was(1)……............... by the Chinese in the first century AD. Most paper is made (2)…. .............
wood. When trees are (3)…… ............., they are transported (4)….. ............. land or water to paper mill. Here
they are cut(5).. ............. and the wood is broken up into fibres. Which are (6) ................. with water and
chemicals. This wood pulp is then dried on a machine and (7)…. .............into paper.
One tree is needed for every 400 (8)…. .............of a typical forty-page newspaper. If half the adults in
Britain each buy one daily paper, this uses up over 40.000 trees a day. Trees are being cut down faster
than they are being (9)… ............., so there may be a (n) (10) ...................paper shortage before the year 2010.
1.a. imagined b. invented c. thought d. brought
2.a. from b. of c. by d. with
3.a. cut in b. cut of c. cut down d. cut up
4.a. on b. of c. through d. by
5.a. up b. all c. over d. in
6.a. turned b. mixed c. beaten d. joined
7.a. make b. making c. made d. to make
8.a. covers b. texts c. sheets d. copies
9.a. set up b. replaced c. grown up d. found
10.a. able b. important c. serious d. essential
II. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage. (2.0 pts)

How Hai has improved his English.

In the first year of lower secondary 1………………, I had some difficulties in learning English. My English
pronunciation 2…………………really bad and my English grammar was worse. I did not 3……………….how to
improve them. I didn’t want my father 4……………. mother to know about this. One afternoon after the
lesson, my teacher 5……………… English told me to wait 6…………… her outside the classroom. She took
7………… to the school library and showed me tapes of pronunciation drills kept in a glass bookcase. She
also told me how to use an English- English dictionary to 8………………my English grammar. “Now I think
you know what you should do” she said. I made much progress and only one year later, I won the first
9……………… in the English Speaking Contest 10……………for secondary school students in my hometown.

III. Read the passage, then write true (T) or false (F) for the following sentences(0.2 x 5 = 1.0pt).
The Vietnames people celebrate the New Year ( Tet) on the first three days of the January according to
the lunar calendar. On these days, they often paint and decorate their houses. They buy a lot of fruit,
flowers and they also make many delicious dishes. They make sticky rice cakes because they are their
traditional cakes. People who work far away try to get home on these days. On the first day of Tet, people
often offer these good fruit and food to their ancestors and after that the whole families enjoy the food.
They also visit pagodas, temples and their relatives or friends. Children are given lucky money which
represents the adults' good wishes to them. There are a lot of traditional games and contests at Tet, such
as rice - cooking, fire- making, water- fetching and buffalo- fighting. These are really interesting. People
are playing and enjoying themselves very much on this occasion.
.............1. Vietnamese people celebrate their New Year on the first day of January according
to the lunar calendar.
.............2.They make sticky rice cakes at Tet because they are traditional ones.
.............3. People try to get home at Tet because they earn a lot of money.
.............4. Adults often give children lucky money because lucky money represents good wishes.
............ 5. There are no traditional games at Tet.


I. Find and correct the mistakes. (0.2 x 5 =1.0 pt)

1. A flower growing in the garden is more beautiful than a flower stands in a vase.
2. He slept soundly in his bed when the bomb went off.
3. Although both of them are trying to get the scholarship, she has the highest grades.
4. If a person really wants to succeed, they must always work hard.
5. She suggested taking the plane this evening or that we go by train tomorrow.
II. Complete Mistakes the
Correction sec
using the word
given in 6. brackets.
Do not 7. change
the words 8. in any
way. (0.2 9. x 10 = 2.0
pts) 10.
1. We are all keyed up about the trip to Da Lat. (excited).
We .............................................................................................................................................................................
2. It is over twenty years since he last went back to his hometown. (hasn’t)
3. “Why do you want to learn English?” Liz asked Hoa. (wondered)
Liz .............................................................................................................................................................................. …….
4. A train leaves at eight o’clock every morning. (an)
There........................................................................................................................................................................ ……..
5. The food was too bad for the children to eat.(so)
The food………………………………………………………………………………….
6. We must pay the bill at once. (be)
The bill......................................................................................................................
7.Working in those conditions is impossible. ( to)
8. May I turn off the television? (mind)
Would you.................................................................................................................
9.The girls who are playing chess are Nga and Hoa. ( playing)
The girls....................................................................................................................
10. I have my brother repair my bike. (repaired )
I have.........................................................................................................................

III. In about 150 words write about “ The Mid - Fall festival”. (2.0pts)

..................................................................................................................................................................................... ……..
PART TWO: PHONETICS (0.2 x 10 = 2.0 pts)
I. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others
by circling A, B, C or D (0.2 x 5 = 1.0 pt)

1D. victim 2B. surrounding 3A. burned 4B. sugar 5A. stamps
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others by circling a, b,
c or d. (0.2 x 5= 1.0 pt)

1 B. telephone 2 B. university 3 D. reserved 4 C. electricity 5 A. enroll


I.Circle best option A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. (0.2 x 10 = 2.0 pts)
1 d. Although 2 a. pioneer 3 a. discount 4. d. go off 5. a. so were
6 b. No 7 a. the 8 d. did you 9 a. is / to 10 d. your
problem see make using
II. Use the words given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space. (0.2 x 10 = 2.0 pts)
1. natural 2. friendly 3. pollution 4. broken 5. flights
6. arrival 7. successfully 8. education 9. encouragement 10. relatives
III. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in the brackets. (0.2 x
5 = 1.0 pt)
1. Have you done
2. driving
3. are taught
4. was watching
5. carrying
IV.Fill each gap of the following sentences with a suitable preposition. (0.2 x 5 = 1.0 pt)
1. with 2. off 3. to 4. into 5. by

PART FOUR: READING (0.2 x 25 = 5.0 pts)

I.Circle best option A, B, C or D to complete the following passage. (0.2 x 10 = 2.0 pts)
1. b. invented 2. a. from 3. c. cut down 4. d. by 5. a. up
6. b. mixed 7. c. made 8. d. copies 9. b. replaced 10.c. serious
II.Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage.(2.0 pts)
1. school 2. was 3. know 4. and 5. of
6. for 7. me 8. improve 9. prize 10. held
III. Read the passage and , then write true ( T) or false (F) for the following sentences.( 0.2 x5
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F
II. Find and correct the mistakes. (0.2 x 5 =1.0 pt)
III. Mistakes Correction Complete
the second
sentence 11.stands standing so that it
has a 12.slept was sleeping similar
meaning 13.highest higher to the
first one, 14.they he/ she using the
word 15.that we go going given in
brackets. Do not change the words in any way. (0.4 x 5 = 2.0 pts)
1. We are all excited about the trip to Da Lat.
2. He hasn’t been back to his hometown for over twenty years.
3. Liz wondered why Hoa wanted to learn English.
4. There is an eight-o’clock train every morning.
5. The food was so bad that the children could not eat it .
6. The bill must be paid at once by us.
7. It’s impossible to work in those conditions.
8. Would you mind if I turned off the television ?
9 . The girls playing chess are Nga and Hoa.
10. I have my bike repaired ( by my brother )
III. In about 150 words write about “ The Mid - Fall festival”. (2.0pts)
- Nội dung (content): 1.25 điểm
- Từ vựng (vocabulary): 0.25 điểm
- Ngữ pháp (grammar): 0.25 điểm
- Tính mạch lạc và trôi chảy (coherence and cohesion) + độ dài (length): 0.25 điểm - Sai
dưới 4 lỗi không trừ điểm.
I. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from the others by circling A, B,
C, or D: (5 ¿ 0.2=1.0 )
1. A. birthday B. mouth C. clothes D. month
2. A. change B.cage C. grape D. glad
3. A. burned B. stopped C. asked D. promised
4. A. seat B. sugar C. sight D. sand
5. A. stamps B. trains C. hotels D. caves

II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others (5 ¿ 0.2=1.0 )
1 A.instrument B. history C. celebration D. demonstrate
2 A. solidarity B.friendship C. symbolize D.musical
3 A. emergency B. hospital C. ambulance D. handkerchief
4 A. recognize B. remember C. deposit D. immediate
5 A. minimize B. damage C. natural D. recycle


I. Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences: (30 ¿ 0,2=6,0 )
1. were free.

A. said me B. told me C. said me that D. told to me

2. Bill Gates is probably the best known and most computer software.

A. pioneer B.volunteer C. generator D.inventor

3.If you are a student, you can get 20% this shop. B. effect C. selection D.resident

4. I don't mind ...................the phone as long as you pay for your call.

A. you used B. you to use C. your to using D. your using

5. Peter wanted to win the race. He ran.......................

A. so fast as he can B. fast as he could C. fast as he can D. as fast as he could

6. Look at these flowers! I think they need..................................

A. water B. to water C. watering D. be watered

7. On Sunday in England, most shops were closed and .............the theaters and cinemas.

A. so were B. neither were C. were too D. so weren't

8. There are flights daily to Ho Chi Minh city...........................Monday.

A. besides B. after C. except D. on

9. Do you know the girl .............................. to our teacher ?

A. is talking B. talked C. talking D. he talks

10. George showed me some pictures his father.

A. paint B. painting C. painted D. that painted

II. Use the words given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space.( 0.2 x 10= 2.0 )

1.We need the active.....................of all members. ( participate)

2.The....................... of the meeting walked along the main street. ( demonstrate)

3. It eat much sugar and fat. ( health )

4. There was no................................for his absence from class yesterday. ( explain)

5. The..............sometimes makes you feel bored. (bathe)

6.Is he sleeping ? - No, he is still............................ ( wake )

7.The...............made him jump out of his seat. ( strong)

8. I often walk along this street at my...........................( leisurely)

9. He is a well- known..................................... ( photograph)

10.We're having a good time here. People on the island are very.....................(hospitality)

III. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.

( 0.2 x 10 = 2.0)

1. My train (1. leave)............... Plymouth at 11, so I need to be at the station by 10. 15.

2. Foreigners often see children (2. play )..........................their kites on the fields when they pass the

3. Tom doesn't enjoy (3. laugh ) by other people.

4. She said that she (4. phone) me this morning, but it’s now 12.00 and she (5. not phone) yet.

IV. Fill each gap of the following sentences with a suitable preposition.(0.2 x 5 =1)

1. In the competition, everyone fell..........................the deep and dangerous water.

2. Snow is falling all...........................the country.

3. I was going to school when I old friend

4.Could you help me......................the clean-up ?

5.The policeman asked me to ambulance.


I.Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following passage. ( 0.2x 10= 2.0 pts)

Peter's uncle (1) the country. Once Peter ( 2) stay with him for a few weeks.
Wherever they went for a walk or for a drive (3).................. the car and they passed somebody, his uncle
waved. Peter was very (4)................., and said, " Uncle George, you know everybody here. Where did you
meet them all?
" I don't know all these (5)...................", said his uncle.

" Then why do you wave (6).....................them?" asked Peter.

" Well, Peter", answered his uncle, "(7).................... I wave to someone and he knows me, he is pleased. He
continues his journey with a happier heart. But when I wave to someone and he (8), he is
surprised and says to(9)........................," Who is that man? Why did he wave to me?" So he has something to
think about during the rest of his journey, and that makes his journey seem shorter. So
I(10)...................everybody happy.
1. A. stay B. lived C. walk D. live
2. A. go B. goes C. went D. gone
3. A. in B. at C. for D. behind
4. A.boring B. bored C. surprising D. surprised
5. A. people B. person C. workers D. one
6. A. for B. to C. at D. from
7. A. When B. Who C. Why D. Whom
8. A. know B. knows C. doesn't know D. don't know
9. A. himself B. him C. he D. his
10. A. do B. give C. make D. bring
II. Fill in each blank with one suitable word to complete the passage.( 2pts)
Torquay is one of the (1).........................popular holiday resorts in Britain. (2).....................

provides entertainment, sports of every kind, etc.You can (3) the hotels by the sea, or
(4)...................comfortable but less expensive (5).............houses.There (6)................camping sites, too. Torquay
has large sandy beaches (7).................... you can buy refreshments and hire (8) sit on.
(9)........................are large areas of grass land and miles of cliff paths (10) ......................walkers.

III. Read the passage and choose the best answer to the question by circling a, b, c or d (0.2 x 5 =
1.0 pt).

Students are always saying to me, "English is so difficult," but is it? Well, in my opinion English is
one of the easiest languages to learn for beginners. To be able to talk simply in the past present and
future is really easy. When you get to an intermediate level of English things start to get more difficult.
For upper intermediate students English becomes quite difficult.

Let's look at nouns. In French or Spanish, all nouns have to be either male or female, so you don't just
have to learn the noun, but you have to learn its gender. In German it is worse, because there are three
noun cases, masculine, feminine and neuter, and in Swahili, an African language, there are sixteen! So,
nouns are easy to learn.

Let's look at verbs. The verb work is a regular verb as we know. There are only two forms of this verb in
the present simple, work and works. Compare this with Italian or Portuguese, where you have to learn a
different ending for each pronoun. In the past, you only have one form in English, not six, and in the
simple future, you have to use will and the verb, not another six forms, so we've got four forms to learn in
English and eighteen in, for example, Spanish.
Okay, I know it's more complicated than that, and that when you get to the present perfect or the
difference between going to and will, things aren't so straightforward, but if you just want to use your
verb to say something in the present past or future it's easy. So make the most of this elementary stage in
your English language learning programme, because the better you get, the harder it becomes!
1. What is the writer's opinion of the present perfect tense?
a. It's the most difficult tense in English.
b. It's as easy as the other tenses.
c. It's not as easy as the present, past or future.
d. It's more difficult in English than in other tenses.
2. What does straightforward mean in this passage?
a. Difficult. b. Easy. c. Regular. d. Irregular.
3. What is the writer's advice to students?
a. Study hard at elementary level.
b. Don't study after elementary level.
c. Enjoy learning English before it gets difficult.
d. Start to learn more difficult English.
4. What is this passage about?
a. How to study English.
b. The differences between English and other languages.
c. How easy English is.
d. The wrong opinion some people have of how difficult English is to learn.
5. How does the difficulty of learning English change?
a. As you learn more it gets more difficult.
b. As you learn more it gets easier.
c. If you study hard it doesn't change.
d. For some people it changes, for others it doesn't.
I. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.
1. this/ have not/ last/ My/ since/ eaten/ kind/ parents/ food/ summer./ of
2. delighted/ that/ are/ We are/ in/ interested/ you/ environment/ the/ protecting.
3. should/ Language learners/ try/ ways/ learning/ of/ words/ so as/ find out/to/ best way/ the/
themselves/ for/ different/
4. bored/ same/ doing/ I/ the/ day/ day/ am/ things/ after/ with.
5. have/ They/ a/ organized/ in/ meeting/ community/ discuss/ order/ to/ situation/ the.
II. Finish the second sentence in such a way that is similar to the original one.
(0.2x 10=2.0)
1. We must pay the bill at once.
The bill................................................................................................................................
2.Working in those conditions is impossible.
3." Don't throw things away", Miss Linda said to the students.
Miss Linda asked..................................................................................................................
4. May I turn off the television?
Would you...............................................................................................................................
5.The girls who are playing chess are Nga and Hoa.
The girls....................................................................................................................................
6. I have my brother repair my bike.
I have...........................................................................................................................................
7. Nhung keeps leaving her pen at home.
Nhung is.........................................................................................................................................
8. The last time I played tennis was in 1990.
I haven't......................................................................................................................................
9. She is not only a teacher, she is also a singer.
Not only.............................................................................................................................
10. I intend to come over to pick you up.
I am............................................................................................................................................

III. Write about the person you like best in about 120 -> 150 words. (2.0)











PART TWO: PHONETICS (0.2 x10 = 2.0)
I. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from the others by circling
A, B, C, or D. (5 ¿ 0.2=1.0 pt)

1. C.clothes
2. D. glad
3. A. burned
4. B. sugar
5. A. stamps

II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others (5 ¿ 0.2= 1.0 pt)

1. C. celebration
2. A. solidarity
3. A. emergency
4. A. recognize
5. D. recycle


I. Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences: (10 ¿ 0.2= 2.0 pts)
1 - B. told me 2 - A. pioneer 3 -A. 4 - D. your using 5 - D.
as fast as he could

6 - C. 7 - A. so were 8 - C. except 9 - C. talking 10 - C. painted.


II. Use the words given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space.(10x 0,2= 2.0 pts)
1 - paticipation 2 - demonstrator 3 - unhealthy 4 - explanation 5 - bath

6 - awake 7 - strength 8- 9 - photographer 10 - hospitable


III. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
( 0.2 x5 =1.0 pt)
1 - leaves 2 - playing 3 - being 4 - would 5 - hasn't phoned
laughed phoned

IV. Fill each gap of the following sentences with a suitable preposition. (5x 0,2= 1.0 pt)
1 - into 2 - over 3 - across 4 - with 5 - for

PART FOUR: READING (0.2 x 25 = 5 pts)

I. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following passage: (10 ¿ 0.2=2.0 pts)

1. B- lived 2. C- went 3. A- in 4.D.surprised 5. A. people

6. B- to 7. A-When 8.C-doesn't 9. A- himself 10. C.- make

II. Fill in each blank with one suitable word to complete the passage ( 0.2 x 10 =2.0 pts).
1. most 2 - It 3 - stay 4 - at 5 - guest

6 - are 7 - where 8 - chairs 9 - There 10 - for

III. Read the passage and choose the best answer to the question by circling a, b, c or d (0.2 x
5 = 1.0 pt).

1. c. It's not as easy as the present, past or future.

2. b. Easy
3. c. Enjoy learning English before it gets difficult.
4. d. The wrong opinion some people have of how difficult English is to learn.
5. a. As you learn more it gets more difficult.
I. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.( 0.2 x 5 = 1.0 pt)
1. My parents have not eaten this kind of food since last summer.
2. We are delighted that you are interested in protecting the invironment.
3. Language learners should try different ways of learning words so as to find out the best way
for themselve.
4. I am bored with doing the same things day after day.
5. They have organized a community meeting in order to discuss the situation.
II. Finish the second sentence in such a way that is similar to the original one( 0.2 x10 =
1. The bill must be paid at once.

2. It's impossible to work in those conditions.

3. Miss Linda asked the students not to throw things away.

4. Would you mind if I turned off the television?

5. The girls playing chess are Nga and Hoa.

6. I have my bike repaired by my brother.

7. Nhung is always leaving her pen at home.

8. I haven't played tennis since 1990.

9. Not only is she a teacher, she is also a singer.

10. I am going to come over to pick you up.

III. Write about a person you like best. (0.2pts).

- Bài viết có đủ 3 phần: Mở bài, thân bài, kết luận.

+ Mở bài: Giới thiệu được người mình yêu quý nhất.(0.5)

+ Thân bài: Miêu tả hình dáng, tính cách, sở thích , lý do mình yêu quý người đó...(1.0)

+ Kết luận: Khẳng định lại người mình yêu quý nhất, niềm mong mỏi của mình ...(0.5)
III. Circle the word that has the underlined parts pronounced differently from the others (1,6 pts)
11. A. dear B. bear C. hear D. near
12. A. missed B. forced C. helped D. cleaned
13. A. pour B. four C. flour D. resource
14 A. think B. though  C. mother D. these
15 A. basic B. physics C. sailor D. subject
16 A. cook B. food C. too D. pool
17 A. when B. where C. whole D. while
18 A. equipment B. improvement C. comment D. development
I. Choose the best answer by circling its corresponding letter A, B, C or D (1,6 pts)
19. Stop now! You've done _________ work for one day.
A. too many of B. much too of C. plenty of D. much more
20. My sister regretted _________ Mai’s glasses yesterday.
A. to break B. broken C. breaking D. break
21. The toys _________ by the famous artist are priceless.
A. to design B. designing C. designs D. designed
22. Would you mind _________ this essay for me?
A. type B. will type C. typing D. typed.
23. Jane _________ just a few minutes ago.
A. left B. has left C. leaved D. was leaving
24. She locked the door _________.
A. so that to go to bed B. in order to be disturbed
C. to enter the house D. in order not to be disturbed
25. Someone _________ tickets were free.
A. said me B. said me that C. told me D. told to me
26. Don’t shout, dear. I can’t _________ the shout!
A. stand B. afford C. listen D. hear
II. Choose one option A, B, C or D corresponding to the sentence which has the same meaning as
the original one (1 pt)
27. “Please don’t leave until I come back,” Sarah said.
A. Sarah told us do not leave until she comes B. Sarah asked us do not leave until she
back. came back.
C. Sarah told us not to leave until she came D. Sarah said us not to leave until she comes
back. back.
28. Nam drives more carelessly than his sister does.
A. Nam doesn’t drive as carefully as his sister B. Nam drives more carefully than his sister
does.  does.
C. Nam’s sister drives more careful than he D. Nam’s sister drives as carelessly as he
does. does.
29. Tom has the ability to be a professional musician, but he's too lazy to practice.
A. He is able to practice music lessons B.  As a professional musician he is not lazy
professionally though he is lazy. to practice music lessons.
C. He is talented but he'll never be a professional D. Though practicing lazily, he is a
musician as he doesn't practice. professional musician.
30. “I’ve never eaten this kind of food before”.
A. It’s the most tasty food I’ve ever eaten. B. It’s the first time I’ve ever eaten this kind
of food.
C. I’ve never eaten such a good food before. D. The food is so good that I’ve never eaten
31. People say that some Americans are superficial friendly.
A. Some Americans are said as being B. Some Americans were said that they are
superficial friendly. superficial friendly.
C. People are said that some Americans are D. Some Americans are said to be
superficial friendly. superficial friendly.
III. Give the correct forms of words in the brackets (1,6 pts)
32. She is always worried about her children’s ________________ SAFE
33. During his ___________________ the family used to live in the country side. CHILD
34. A fairy appeared and ___________________ changed miss tam’s rags into MAGIC
beautiful clothes.
35. ________________have warned the local people of the disaster. SCIENCE
36. No ________________ details about celebration have been given. FAR
37. On a ____________ day, we receive about ten letters from the customers. TYPE
38. Taxi drivers should have a very good __________________ on the street KNOW
39. He is a ____________________ man who is loved by all friends. CONSIDER
IV. Fill in the blank with a proper preposition (1,6 pts)
40. Could I help you ___________ your bag?
41. Na got up late this morning because her alarm clock didn’t go ___________
42. I’m looking forward ___________ seeing you in June.
43. I’m fond ___________ learning English.
44. Ha Long Bay is recognized ___________ UNESCO as a World Heritage Site
45. They have a meeting ___________ 6.30 and 9.30.
46. My mother often picks me ___________ from the school.
47. I’m going to invite my friends to come over ___________ dinner tonight.
40. ___________ 41. ___________ 42. ___________ 43. __________
44. ___________ 45. ___________ 46. ___________ 47. __________
I. Read the passage and choose the best answer in the blanket (2,0 pts)
For many people, traveling by plane is an exciting experience. Others, however, find the whole idea
quite terrifying, (48) _________ flying is no more dangerous (49) _________ any other form of travel and some
experts say it is considerably safer. It is known, however, that most accident occurs (50) _________ taking
off and landing when (51) _________ decisions are vitally important.
The people (52) _________ job it is to look (53) _________ the passengers, the stewards and
stewardesses play an important part in helping passengers to (54) _________ safe and comfortable. Indeed
for many passengers being (55) _________ such care of is all part of the total experience. (56) _________ other
form of travel involves waiting for people in quite the same (57) _________ with food, drink, newspapers,
magazines, music, and even video films.
48. A. although B. too C. and D. because
49. A. than B. as C. then D. with
50. A. while B. during C. for D. through
51. A. leader’s B. chief’s C. driver’s D. pilot’s
52. A. whose B. which C. their D. that
53. A. for B. up C. after D. round
54. A. feel B. rest C. experience D. lie
55. A. given B. kept C. shown D. taken
56. A. Any B. No C. All D. Not
57. A. sort B. kind C. way D. part
II. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word (1,6 pts)
Most British people go abroad on holiday, to visit family, or (58) ___________ short business trips.
People are advised to find out (59) ___________ to get urgent treatment before (60) ___________ the UK. They
have to get a form which explains what they (61) ___________ do if they fall ill or have an accident, and what
arrangements exist in each country (62) ___________ medical treatment. The regulations are fairly simple
but (63) ___________ people do not have this information, they may find that private medical care is
extremely expensive. It (64) ___________ not usually for people to discover that they do not have enough
money with (65) ___________ to pay the total costs and in such circumstances an already difficult situation
becomes even more complicated.
58. _____________ 59. _____________ 60. _____________ 61. ____________
62. _____________ 63. _____________ 64. _____________ 65. ____________
III. Read the passage and decide which is the best answer. Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to the
questions (1pt)
After inventing dynamite, Swedish- born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he
foresaw its universally destructive powers too late. Nobel, preferred not to be remembered as the
inventor of the dynamite, so in 1895, just two weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for
awarding prizes to people who had made world while contribution to mankind. Originally there were
five awards: literature, physics, chemistry, medicine and peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-
seven years after the first awards ceremony.
Nobel’s original legacy of nine million dollars was invested and the interest in this sum is used for
the awards which vary from $ 30,000 to $ 125,000.
Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel’s death, the awards are presented to the
winners. Some politics plays an important role in the judge’s decision. Americans have won numerous science
awards but relatively few literature prizes.
No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. Some people have
won two prizes, but this is rare, others have shared their prizes.
66. The word “foresaw” in line 2 is nearest in meaning to___________.
A. prevailed B. postponed
C. prevented D. predicted.
67. All of the following statements are true except ___________.
B. ceremonies are held on December 10 to
A. awards vary in monetary value. commemorate Nobel’s invention
C. politics plays an important role in
selecting the winners. D. A few individuals have won two awards.
68. The passage implies that Nobel’s profession was in___________.
A. economics B. medicine
C. literature D. science
69. The word “world while” is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. valuable B. prestigious
C. trivial D. economic
70. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Alfred Nobel became very rich when he B. Alfred Nobel created awards in six
invented dynamite. categories for contributions to humanity.
C. Alfred Nobel made lasting contribution to
humanity. D. Alfred Nobel left all his money to science.
IV. Read the passage and choose the best option A, B, C or D to answer the question (1 pt)
One of the most urgent environmental problems in the world today is the shortage of clean water.
Having clean drinking water is a basic human right. But acid rain, industrial pollution and garbage have
made many sources of water undrinkable. Lakes, reservoirs and even entire seas have become vast pools
of poison. Lake Baikal in Russia is one of the largest lakes in the world. It contains a rich variety of
animals and plants, including 1,300 rare species that do not exist anywhere else in the world. But they are
being destroyed by the massive volumes of industrial wastes which pour into the lake every day. Even
where law existed, the government did not have the power to enforce them. Most industries simply
ignores the regulations. The Mediterranean Sea occupies 1% of the world’s water surface. But it is the
dumping ground for 50% of all marine pollution. Almost 16 countries regularly throw industrial wastes a
few miles off shore.
Water is free to everyone. A few years ago people thought that the supply of clean water in the
world was limitless. Today, many water supplies have been ruined by pollution and sewage. Clean water
is now scarce, and we are at last beginning to respect this precious source. We should do something now.
71. One environmental problem in the world today is ___________.
A. acid rain      B. safe water shortage   
C. industrial pollution             D. population explosion
72.   Which of the following is NOT the reason that makes water undrinkable?
A. acid rain    B. garbage     
C. industrial pollution  D. high cost
73. What is a serious problem of Lake Baikal in Russia?
A. It contains a rich variety of animals B. It is polluted by massive volumes of
and plants. industrial wastes discharged into it.
C. It has 1,300 rare species that do not D. The government did not have the power
exist anywhere else in the world. to enforce laws and regulations.
74. How many countries throw industrial wastes into the Mediterranean Sea regularly?
A. exactly 16  B. exactly 15 
C. nearly 16     D. less than 15
75. What is the message to the readers?
A. We should take action to protect our B. We should take all water resources into
water resources.   account.
C. We should limit the use of water D. We should encourage people to use safe
resources. water.
PART V: WRITING (5,0 pts)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it (1,2 pts)

76. Keeping the environment clean is very important.

=> It’s...............................................................................................................................................................................
77. How long is it since you used the pen?
78. I’m so sad that I wasn’t accepted in that group.
=> I’m so sad not ………………………………………………………………………...…………………………………
79. I regret not buying some tickets for the concerts yesterday.
=> I wish........................................................................................................................................................................
80. Mr. Binh couldn’t enjoy the meal because of his stomachache.
=> Mr. Binh’s stomachache prevented.......................................................................................................
81. Arthur said he was sorry he had hurt her feeling.
=> Arthur apologized...........................................................................................................................................
II. Each line in the text has an error, underline the error and write the correct form in the blank on
the right (1,8 pts) (O) is done for you as an example.
Language is considered a significant means for communication in
0 -> …........ of ...........
international relations. People in modern
82. world have not longer been bound to their own countries. ->………......….......
83. Moreover, in order to keep informed about speedly scientific
developments nowadays,
84. they must widen them cooperative relations with those highly ->………......….......
developing nations in other parts of the world. Due to the fact that
85. ->………......….......
no one is able to
86. communicate with any natives in the world, that is necessary for ->………......….......
87. people to choose to learn a foreign language like a worldwide ->………......….......
88. common means of communication. That is why English has being ->………......….......
89. chosen by almost people to be a foreign language to master. More and ->………......….......
90. more people use English and the number of those who learns English ->………......….......
III. Write a passage of about 150-180 words on the following topic: MY HOMETOWN (2 ms)
Câu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Đáp án B C B D A A D A A C B D C A B

Câu 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Đáp án A C C C C D C A D C A C A C B

Câu Đáp án Câu Đáp án Câu Đáp án Câu Đáp án

31 D 42 to 53 C 64 is

32 safety 43 of 54 A 65 them

33 childhood 44 by 55 D 66 D

34 magically 45 between 56 B 67 B

35 scientists 46 up 57 C 68 D

36 further 47 for 58 on 69 A

37 typical 48 A 59 how 70 C

38 knowledge 49 A 60 leaving 71 B

39 considerate 50 B 61 should/will 72 D

40 with 51 D 62 for 73 B

41 off 52 A 63 if 74 C

75 A

Câu 76. It’s very important to keep the environment clean.

Câu 77. When did you last use the pen?

Câu 78. I’m so sad not to be accepted in that group.

Câu 79. I wish I had bought some tickets for the concerts yesterday.

Câu 80. Mr. Binh’s stomachache prevented him from enjoying the meal.

Câu 81. Arthur apologized for hurting her feeling/ having hurt her feeling.

Arthur apologized to her for having hurt her feeling.

Câu 82 83 84 85 86

them developing
Đáp án not  no about  with that  it
 their  developed

Câu 87 88 89 90

like almost
Đáp án
being been learns  learn
 as  most

Write a passage of about 150-180 words on the following topic: MY HOMETOWN (2 ms)

- Viết được nội dung chính 1 đ, Viết đúng chính tả, đúng thì 0,5 đ, trình bày lôgic, đúng kết cấu 0,5 đ
PART TWO: PHONETICS: (0.2 x 10 = 2.0 pts)

I. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others by
circling A, B, C or D (0.2 x 5 = 1.0 pt)
1. A. dealt B. dreamt C. heal D. jealous
2. A. taught B. laughter C. naughty D. slaughter
3. A. houses B. horses C. places D. faces
4. A. cinema B. diner C. ninth D. wine
5. A. pool B. soon C. stood D. shoot

II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others by circling A, B, C or D (0.2 x
5 = 1.0 pt)
1. A. advance B. ancient C. cancer D. annual
2. A. theory B. tragedy C. invent D. government
3. A. inspire B. wealthy C. protect D. extinct
4. A. lemonade B. barricade C. cascade D. decade
5. A. summer B. purchase C. begin D. proper


I. Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences:

(0,2 ¿ 10= 2,0 pts)
1. I thought she might faint when her face became so ………………..
A. green B. blue C. white D. pale
2. Mrs Green would not …………….. Margaret to walk home alone
A. want B. agree C. disagree D. welcome
3. I lost my coat, but Margaret let me ……………….. one of hers
A. lend B. borrow C. return D. sell
4. John has ………………. The picture with black pencil

A. drawn B. drown C. throne D. thrown

5. The boy cried when he saw ………………. coming from the cut on his finger.

A. flood B. food C. blood D. good

6. I heard the sick man …………………. in pain.
A. cry B. yell C. moan D. shout
7. The package I sent last week ………………… arrived yet.

A. has B. hasn’t C. is D. isn’t

8. He lied so much that when he told the ………………… nobody believed him.

A. true B. real C. fact D. truth

9. Betty is …………………. years old now, but she will be twenty next month

A. ninety B. ninetieth C. nine D. nineteen

10. Four times ………………… makes one hundred.
A. twenty B. twenty-five C. twenty-fives D. twenty-fifth

II. Use the words given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space. (0.2 x 10 = 2.0 pts)

1. This is my favourite chair. It’s so ………………..! (COMFORT)

2. It’s ………………… to drive so fast. (DANGER)

3. I must clean this ……………………. floor. (DIRT)

4. Elvis Presley was a …………………… pop singer. (FAME)

5. It was …………………….. so they had to drive very slowly. (FOG)

6. Is lunch ready yet? They’re very ……………………. (HUNGRY)

7. Be careful! The road are very ……………………… (ICE)

8. I’d like a nice …………………… orange. (JUICE)

9. How many …………………….. holidays do you have? (NATION)

10. Why do they give such …………………… parties? (NOISE)

III. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in the brackets. (0.2 x 5 =
1.0 pts)

1. He (cut) hair too short.

- Don't worry; it (grow)......................................again very quickly.

2. The film (begin) 7.30 or 8.00?

3. My uncle (not visit) since he moved to the new town.

4. You should practice (speak) .............................English every day.

IV. Fill each gap of the following sentences with a suitable preposition. (0.2 x 5 = 1.0 pt)

1. Loan is fond…………going to parties.

2. Lan is fed up…………doing the housework.

3. He is tired…………staying up late to work.

4. Are you bored………..ironing clothes?

5. Nam is good…………fixing things.

PART FOUR: READING (0.2 x 25 = 5.0 pts)

I. Circle best option A, B, C or D to complete the following passage. (0.2 x 10 = 2.0 pt)

Traveling by plane
For many people, traveling by plane is an exciting experience. Others, however, find the whole idea
quite terrifying, (1) _____ flying is no more dangerous (2) _____ any other form of travel and some experts
occurs (3) __________ takeoff and landing when the (4) ______ decisions are vitally important.

The people (5) ________ job is to look (6) ________ the passengers the stewards and stewardesses play
an important part in helping passengers to (7) _________ safe and comfortable. Indeed for many passengers
being (8) _________ such care of is all part of the total experience. (9) _________ other form of travel involves
waiting on people in quite the same (10) ______ with food, drink, news, papers, magazines, music and even
video films.
1. A. although B. too C. and D. because
2. A. than B. as C. then D. with
3. A. while B. during C. for D. through
4. A. leader’s B. chief’s C. driver’s D. pilot’s
5. A. whose B. which C. their D. that
6. A. a. for B. up C. after D. round
7. A. feel B. rest C. shown D. taken
8. A. given B. kept C. shown D. taken
9. A. Any B. No C. All D. Not
10. A. way B. kind C. sort D. part
II. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage. (0.2 x 10 =2.0 pts)

Once a farmer (1).....................a comfortable life with his family. His chickens laid many eggs which the
farmer used to buy food and clothing (2)..................his family. One day, he went to collect the (3)...............and
discovered one of the chickens laid a gold egg. He shouted excitedly to (4) ...........wife, “We are rich! We are
rich”. His wife ran to him and they both (5) the egg in amazement. The wife wanted more,
(6) ..............her husband decided to cut open all the chickens and find more (7)................ eggs. Unfortunately,
he couldn’t (8).....................any eggs. When he finished, all the chickens were dead. There were
(9)...................more eggs of any kind for the foolish farmer and his greedy (10)...................

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

III. Read the passage and answer the questions. (0.2 x 5 = 1.0 pt)

Ha Long- Bay of the Descending Dragon – is popular with both Vietnamese and international tourists.
One of the attractions of Ha Long is the Bay’s calm water with limestone mountains.The Bay’s water is
clear during the spring and early summer. Upon arriving in Ha Long city,visitors can go along Chay Beach.
From the beach, they can hire a boat and go out to the Bay. It is heard that the visitors can find some of
Southest Asia’s most beautiful sites. Dau Go Cave is one of the most beautiful caves at Ha Long. It was the
cave in which General Tran Hung Dao hid wooden stakes to beat the Mongols on Bach Dang River in

1. Whom is Ha Long popular with?


2. What is one of the attractions of Ha Long ?

3. What is the Bay’s water like ?


4.Which is one of the most beautiful caves at Ha Long ?


5. Did General Tran Hung Dao beat the Mongols on Bach Dang River in 1288?



I. There is a mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it:

(5 ¿ 0,2 =1.0 pt)

1- They didn't let me to go. 1.

2- She failed her examination like her friend did. 2.

3- I buy a new house if I have enough money. 3.

4- He has learnt Chinese enough to study in China. 4.

5- Nobody have used this house for a long time. 5.

II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word
given in brackets. Do not change the word given in any way. (0.2 x 10=2.0 pts)

1. People speak English all over the world.

- English...................................................................................... .......................................................................................................

2. Do you know My Son, Nga? Said Hung.

- Hung asked Nga............................................................ ................................................................................................................

3. They passed all the exams .They are lucky.

-They are lucky.............................................................. ..................................................................................................................

4. It is a contest in which participants have to cook rice.

- It is a............................................................................ .................................................. ....................................................................

5. Putting a knife into an electrical socket is dangerous.

- It is............................................................................ .............................................. ............................................................................

6. She gave me a dress.

- I .............................................................................. ..........................................................................................................................

7. “Do many tourists visit Viet Nam every year, Hanh?’’ Susan asked:
- Susan asked Hanh ..................................... ........................ .........................................................................................................

8. Shall I sit here?

- Do you mind if I ……………………....................................................................................................................................………..

9. I would like you to help me to put the chairs away.

- Do you mind…………………............................................................................................................................................. …………?

10. Can I help you clean the room?

- Would you…………......................................................................................................................................................................….?

III. You’ve just visited a famous place in Viet Nam. Write a letter about 150 words to your
classmate telling about your trip. (Your letter should include: place? distance from your city? how
to get there? sights? weather? How you feel? ) (2.0pts)

(Don’t show your name, your school or your village):










PART TWO: PHONETICS: (0.2 x 10 = 2.0 pts)

I. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others by
circling A, B, C or D (0.2 x 5 = 1.0 pt)

1. C. heal
2. B. laughter
3. A. houses
4. A. cinema
5. C. stood

II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others by circling A, B, C or D
(0.2 x 5 = 1.0 pt)

1. A. advance
2. C. invent
3. B. wealthy
4. D. decade
5. B. purchase


I. Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences:

(0,2 ¿ 10= 2,0 pts)

1 – D. pale 2 – A. want 3 –B. borrow 4 – A. drawn 5 – C. blood

6 – C. moan 7 – B. hasn’t 8 – D. truth 9 – D. nineteen 10 –B. twenty-five

II. Use the words given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space. (0.2 x 10 = 2.0 pts)

1. comfortable 2. dangerous 3. dirty

4. famous 5. foggy 6. hungry
7. icy 8. juicy 9. national
10. noisy
III. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in the brackets. (0.2 x
5 = 1.0 pts)

1. has cut 2. will grow 3. begins 4. hasn’t visited 5. speaking

IV. Fill each gap of the following sentences with a suitable preposition. (0.2 x 5 = 1.0 pt)

1. of 2. with 3. of 4. with 5. at

PART FOUR: READING (0.2 x 25 = 5.0 pts)

I. Circle best option A, B, C or D to complete the following passage. (0.2 x 10 = 2.0 pt)

1 - A. although 2 - A. than 3 - B. during 4 - D. pilot’s 5 - A. whose

6 - C. after 7 - A. feel 8 - D. taken 9 – B. No 10 - A. way

II. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage. (0.2 x 10 =2.0 pts)

1. lived 2. for 3. eggs 4. his 5. looked

6. so 7. gold 8. find 10.wife

III. Read the passage and answer the questions. (0.2 x 5 = 1.0 pt)

1. Ha Long is popular with both Vietnamese and international tourists

2. One of the attractions of Ha Long is the Bay’s calm water with limestone mountains.
3. The Bay’s water is clear during the spring and early summer.

4. Dau Go Cave is one of the most beautiful caves at Ha Long.

5. Yes, he did


I. There is a mistake in each line of the following passage. Find and correct it:

(5 ¿ 0,2 =1.0 pt)

1. to go -> go 2. like -> but 3. buy -> will buy

4. Chinese enough -> enough Chinese 5. have used -> has used

II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the
word given in brackets. Do not change the word given in any way. (0.2 x 10=2.0 pts)

1. English is spoken all over the world.

2. Hung asked Nga if she knew My Son.
3. They are lucky to pass the exams.
4. It is a rice cooking-contest.
5. It is dangerous to put a knife into an electrical socket.
6. I was given a dress.
7. Susan asked Hanh if many tourists visited Viet Nam every year.
8. Do you mind if I sit here?
9. Do you mind helping me to put the chairs away?
10. Would you like me to help you to clean the room?

III. You’ve just visited a famous place in Viet Nam. Write a letter about 150 words to your
classmate telling about your trip. (Your letter should include: place? distance from your city?
how to get there? sights? weather? How you feel? ) (2.0pts)
The letter must have at least three ideas below.
1. Mở bài: Nêu được chủ đề về lí do mình viết thư. (được 0,5 điểm)
2. Thân bài: Nêu và trình bày được một số vấn đề liên quan đến nơi mà mình đã đến thăm
trong chuyến đi như: nơi nào, khoảng cách bao xa so với thành phố mình đang sinh sống,
đến đó bằng phương tiện gì? đi với ai? cảnh quan ở đó như thế nào?thời tiết ra sao (được 1
3. Kết luận: Tóm tắt, khẳng định lại tất cả lý do đã trình bày ở hai phần trước hay thể hiện
tình cảm của mình đối với đối với chuyến đi. (được 0,5 điểm)
I . Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced different from the others .
1. A brushed B naked C practiced D laughed
2. A ancient B special C celebrate D ocean
3. A position B designed C escaped D reserved
4. A stomach B character C chorus D machine
5. A blood B typhoon C roof D spoon
II Choose word whose stress pattern is different from the others.
1. A liquefy B appliance C helicopter D document
2. A mixture B wonder C perform D heritage
3. A guarantee B properly C chocolate D printer
4. A computer B ingredient C available D bulletin
5. A invent B decorate C participate D design
I- Choose the correct answer from the four options given( marked A, B, C or D) to complete the
following sentences.
1. Lan always talks too much about nothing . She is .......................................
A out going B talkative C naughty D sociable
2. It is not ................ to see any thing in the room.
A light enough B very light C too light D enough light
3 Look! There are dark clouds coming. It ................................................
A will rain B would rain C is going to rain D rains
4. I'm sorry that the manager is out at the moment . Would you like to ...... a massage?
A leave B give C take D get
5. Remember ....................nay one about my mistakes.
A not telling B not tell C not to tell D don't tell
6. The girl is standing in the room, the mirror.
A to look at herself B looking into herself
C looking after D looking at herself
7. We............... each other since we ................goodbye.
A haven't met/ say B didn't meet/ said
C haven't met/ said D don't meet/ said
8. People used to travel around...............but now they go by cars or motorbikes
A by foot B with foot C in foot D on foot
9. The meal will be served ........................about ten minutes.
A in B on C for D at
10 Have you made up your................. to buy a new house yet?
A soul B heart C mind D head
11 The blue coat isn't so expensive .................the red one.
A as B than C like D by
12. We should keep the windows open ..........................fresh air can get in.
A so that B so as to C in order D so as that
13 Plastic bags are difficult to be dissolved , so the amount of garbage will..................
A reduce B increase C develop D decrease
14. What is price of the printer................. in the USA ?
A is making B is made C that made D made
15. Don't worry . We...........................of the test result next week.
A will inform B will be informed C are informing D are informed
II. Supply the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences.
1. The ……… in his province is very dramatic. (LAND)
2. After taking an aspirin, her headache ……….. (APPEAR)
3. There are many cultural ………. between the city and the country. (DIFFER)
4. The ……….. charged me 50.000 VND for each room. (DECORATE)
5. The temple was built by the local …….. over 100 years ago. (INHABIT)
6. Angkor Wat was …………. built to honor a Hindu Good. (ORIGIN)
7. The town now becomes the Buddhist …center of the whole country. (RELIGION)
8. Ha Long Bay is in ………….. Viet Nam. (NORTH)
9. This knife is …………. – it can't cut anything. (USE)
10. Mr. Thanh is having a ……….. for his bad back. (TREAT)
III- Identify the underlined words or phrases that need correcting.
1.Accidents often occur because of careful drivers.
2. Do you enjoy giving gifts by the others on your birthday?
3. Mr. John still doesn’t get used to drive on the left in Viet Nam.
4. Give this report card to your parents when you get home , do you?
5. Lan said that she would come to Australia to practice speaking English next year.
6. Thank you very much for helping me moving to my new department last week.
7. Mike insisted on ask for a day off from work that week.
8. It is a five hours flight to get to Bangkok from Ha Noi.
9. The paintings stolen from the museum haven’t found yet.
10. The little girl felt worrying about what I told her yesterday.
Give the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete each of the sentences below.
1. The Earth is believed (be)………………………flat for a long time.
2. If you kicked the policeman, you (arrest)………………………….
3. It is raining now. It (rain)……………….for two hours.
4. We were all looking forward to (have)……………..dinner together.
5. When we discovered that my bicycle (steal)……………………….
6. Students are often made (do)…………..a lot of homework.
7. I’ll wait here until he (come)………………………….
8. Minh (arrive)………………..home in an hour.
9. How many cigarettes you (smoke)…………………today?
10. Our children enjoy (take)……………….to the zoo every weekend.

I . Read the following passage and choose the best option marked A, B, C or D for each space.
Da lat lies on Lam Vien plateau, in the Central Highland province of Lam Dong, 300 kilometers north of
Ho Chi Minh City. Da Lat is a well-known city that …(1)… all the people who have been there once. Da Lat
is known …(2)… a city of pine trees, waterfalls and flowers. Da Lat is described as a forest of flowers with
…(3)… colors and various species. Flowers can be found …(4)… and in any season. We can see flowers in
Da Lat in the parks, …(5)… of the house, in the gardens ete. Da Lat has the widest range of orchid varieties
in the country. Da Lat has …(6)… rivers and canals but is has many picturesque waterfalls. It takes
tourists several days …(7)… all the waterfalls in the area. The famous Cam Ly Falls is only 3 kilometers …
(8)… the town center. The Prenn Falls is 10 kilometers in the south of Da Lat. The water …(9)… down like
a white shade. Da Lat people are very …(10)… of it. They always boast to tourists about it in the first
place. Around the Penn Falls is the valley of various flowers and pine hills
1. A. attracts B. attracting C. attracted D. attractive
2. A. similar B. like C. same D. as
3 A. different B. difficult C. differ D. difference
4. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. everywhere
5. A. behind B. next to C. opposite D. in front
6. A. a few B. a little C. much D. lots
7. A. visit B. visiting C. to visit D. visited
8. A. in B. at C. to D. from
9. A. falls B. goes C. pours D. walks
10. A. pride B. priding C. prided D. proud

II. Fill in each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word.
New Year is one of the most important (1)…………… the United States. On New Year’s Eve, most
people go to the parties. At twelve o’clock (2)………….night, every says “ Happy New Year” and they (3)
………………..their friends and relatives good luck. New Year’s parties usually last a long (4)…………. . Mary
people don’t go home (5)…………………morning. Another holiday, Halloween , is mainly for children. On
this holiday children (6)…………as witches, ghosts or others. Most children go (7)………….house to house
asking for candy or fruit. If people at house do not give them candy, the children will (8)……………a trick
(9)……….them. But this (10)………..ever happens. Most people give them candy or fruit.

I.- Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that its meaning still stay the same as the
sentence printed above it.
1. Although Mrs. Lan was ill, she still came to the meeting.
=> In spite ………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................................…………
2. “ You shouldn’t spend your weekend in this city next month.” She said.
=> She advised me…………………………………………………………………………………………………................................………
3. I would prefer you to stop smoking immediately.
=> I’d rather………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................................………..
4. The news was so bad that Mary burst into tears.
=> It was………………………………………………………………………………………………………......................................……………
5. He is too young to drive a car.
=>He isn’t………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………......…
6. Is it all right if you take care of the children?
=> Do you
7. 9- " I'm sorry, Angela" said Martin " I'm afraid , I've damaged your car."
=>Martin apologized ............................................................... ………………………………………....……………………………..........
8. It is not necessary for you to finish it by Saturday.
=> You…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......………………………..
9. I haven’t seen him for two weeks.
=> The last time I…………………………………………………………………………………………………….........……………………….
10. People say that he is going to leave for Tokyo tomorrow.
=> He is………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….............…………………….
II. Complete the following letter using the word given.
Dear Bob ,
1. Thank you/ letter/ I receive/ when/get/home/last night.
2. I be pleased/ hear you / after such/ long time.
3. I love /go ballet / with you / but I/ not be free/ until 6.30 pm.
4. How about/ come/ my flat/ and have/ something/ eat/ before/ go?
5. I/ not want/ take / my car/ because it be/ difficult/ find somewhere / park.
6. Why/ we not go /taxi?
7. Let/ hope / dancing be/ good as/ reviews say.
8. I / look forward/ see you/ tomorrow night.


I . Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced different from the others (0.5p).

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. D

5. A

II Choose word whose stress pattern is different from the others(0.5p).

1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. B

I- Choose the correct answer from the four options given( marked A, B, C or D) to complete
the following sentences( 1.5 P).

1. B 6. D 11. A

2.A 7. C 12. A

3.C 8. D 13. B

4. A 9. A 14 .D

5. C 10. C 15. B

II. Supply the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences.(1.0

1. Landscape 6. originally

2. disappeared 7. religious

3. differences 8. Northern

4. decorator 9. useless
5. inhabitants 10. treatment

III- Identify the underlined words or phrases that need correcting.(1.0 p)

1. D (careless) 6. C (move)
2. B ( being given) 7. B (asking)
3. C (driving) 8. B (five-hour)
4. D (will you) 9. C (haven’t been found)
5. D (the next year) 10. B (worried)

Give the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete each of the sentences below.(1.0-p) have been 6. to

2. would be arrested 7. comes

3. has rained/ has been raining 8. will arrive

4. having 9. have…….smoked

5. had been stolen 10. being taken


I . Read the following passage and choose the best option marked A, B, C or D for each

1. A 6. A

2. D 7. C

3. A 8. D

4. D 9. C

5. D 10.D

II. Fill in each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word(1.0-p).

1. festivals/ holidays 6. dress/ wear

2. at 7. from
3. wish 8. play
4. time 9. on
5. until/till 10. hardly
I.- Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that its meaning still stay the same
as the sentence printed above it.(1.5-p)

1. In spite of her illness/ the fact that Mrs. Lan was ill/ being ill, Mrs. Lan/she still came to the

2. She advised me not to spend my weekend in that city the next/ following month.

3. I’d rather you stopped smoking immediately.

4. It was such bad news that Mary burst into tears.

5. He isn’t old enough to drive a car.

6. Do you mind taking care of the children?

7. Martin apologized (to) Angela for damaging her car.

8. You don’t need to/needn’t finish it by Saturday.

9. The last time I saw him was two weeks ago.

10. He is said to be going to leave for Tokyo next week.

II. Complete the following letter using the word given (1.0-p each correct answer is 0,125

Dear Bob ,

1.Thank you(very much) for the letter which/that I received when I got home last night.

2. I was pleased to hear from you after such a long time.

3. I’d love to go to the ballet with you but I won’t be free until 6.30 pm.

4. How about coming to my flat and having something to eat before we go?

5. I don’t want to take my car because it is difficult to find somewhere to park.

6. Why don’t we go by taxi?

7. Let’s/ Let me hope the dancing will be good as the reviews say.

8. I’m looking /look forward to seeing you tomorrow night.


I. Pick out the word that has the underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other
words.Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
1. A. out B. sound C. southern D. surrounding
2. A. century B. crystal C. stone D. might
3. A. habit B. action C. thanks D. nature
4. A. of B. yourself C. if D. from
5. A. seperate B. ranger C. microwave D. decorate

II. Choose from the four options given (Marked A,B,C or D) ONE best answer to complete each
sentence. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer
1. These are students who have to………for the exam.
A. stand B. take C. sit D. do
2. I am very …………of all the advise you gave me.
A. famous B. good C. fond D. angry
3. When I ……… , I am going to work in the factory.
A. begin B. study C. leave D. learn
4. My father manages to keep………… playing tennis regularly.
A. fat B. little weight C. then D. fit
5. Liz has decided to lose weight, so she is living …………. oranges for a week.
A. with B. on C. in D. by
6. The film I saw yesterday was very…………… I went home in the middle.
A. bore B. boring C. short D. tired
7. Sorry to keep you………. .
A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waited
8. She is so nice. It is a………..working for her.
A. good B. please C. pleasure D. happiness
9. Before……….on his trip, Tom renewed his passport.
A. leaving B. he leave C. leaves D. left
10. I go……….every morning.
A. for a run B. to run C. for run D. to running
III. Choose from the four options given (Marked A,B,C or D) ONE best answer to complete the
following passage. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet.
……..(1)……is now at the same stage as printing was when the first printing presses were used. Before
printing presses were…….(2)……, only rich people…..(3)……kings and dukes could afford to buy books.
Often these people were……(4)……to read and hadn’t…..(5)…… to learn. In any case, the books were…….
(6)…..big that it was difficult for anyone to relax with a book……(7)……we do today. They wanted books
because they were expensive and there was something magical about them. Only a few people were able
to write, and it took an extremely long time to write a book. Monks and other people who could write said
ordinary people could……(8)…..learn to read.
The position with computer is very similar today. A few years ago, computers were very large and
expensive. Business managers and rich people ordered them but they did not know how to use them. In
many countries,………(9)……., the situation has now completely changed. Lots of people not only own
microcomputers but also know……(10) use them.
1. A. Computer B. Computers C. Computing D. Computerize
2. A. found B. discovered C. invented D. appeared
3. A. like B. as C. thus D. same
4. A. able B. unable C. likely D. unlikely
5. A. enough time B. time enough C. more time D. many time
6. A. so B. such C. as D. too
7. A. like B. so C. as D. same
8. A. ever B. never C. either D . neither
9. A. therefore B. in addition C. consequently D. however
10. A. way B. ways C. what D. how

IV. Read the passage and then choose one answer for each question.
Nowadays people are more aware that wild life all over the world is in danger. Many species of
animals are threatened, and could easily become extinct if we do not make an effort to protect them.
There are many reasons for this. In some cases animals are hunted for fur or for other valuable parts of
their bodies. Some birds, such as parrots, are caught alive , and sold as pets. For many animals and birds,
the problem is that their habitat-the place where they live is disappearing. More land is used for farms,
for houses and industry, and there are fewer open places than there once were. Farmers use powerful
chemicals to help them grow better crops, but these chemicals pollute the environment and harm the
wildlife. The most successful animals on the earth – human beings will soon be the only ones left, unless
we can solve this problem.
1. What does the word “extinct” in line two means?
A. no longer in existence
B. not in a place because of illness.
C. dead
D. suffering from a mental or physical handicap.
2. The word “this” in line three refers to………
A. wildlife
B. danger
C. the fact that people are more aware that wildlife is in danger.
D. the fact that many species of animals could easily become extinct.
3. According to the passage, one of the reasons that people hunt animals is…………
A. They want their fur and other valuable parts of their bodies.
B. They want to kill them
C. They consider this a sport
D. They want to sell them as pets.
4. Which of the following is not true?
A. Human beings are the most successful animals on earth.
B. If we can solve the problem , we will soon be the only ones left.
C. Farmers use chemicals in order to grow better crops.
D. Chemicals pollute the environment.
5. What can be the best title of the passage?
A. Birds are in Danger.
B. The Threat to the Environment
C. The Most Successful Animals
D. Protect Our Earth.
V. Supply the correct form of the words in capital letter to complete the following sentences.
1. Workers demand prompt……….from the employees. (PAY)
2. To my……….the monkey peeled a banana and offered it to me. ( AMAZE)
3. People hate him because of his…………. (HONEST)
4. The teacher is pleased with the……….in my work. (IMPROVE)
5. Pack them carefully . They are …………. (BREAK)
6. It is ……… book early, but not essential. (ADVISE)
7. He is not afraid to take action . He is very………… (DECIDE)
8. I have two ……… life : I want to be rich and I want to be famous. (AMBITIOUS)
9. Fish soup is a ……….of this area. You must try it. (SPECIAL)
10. I asked the teacher for help but unfortunately, I did not understand his………. (EXPLAIN).
VI. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
1. Thank you for helping me.
It was……………………………………………………………….
2. They say that you are the best singer in the town.
You are……………………………………………………………..
3. He wanted to buy a new bike but I prevented him from it.
I prevented…………………………………………………………..
4. “I must see the manager “ she cried.
She insisted on………………………………………………………….
5. Lan laughed when I told her a joke.
The joke……………………………………………………………..
6. John could not find the right house.
John was…………………………………………………………….
7. I left secondary school five years ago.
It is…………………………………………………………………..
8. She has no reason to complain about our behavior.
There is no…………………………………………………………..
9. The boss was making them work very hard.
They were……………………………………………………………
10. She lost her job last month and has been out of work ever since.
She has……………………………………………………………….
VII. Complete the passage by filling in each space with one suitable word.
Jack Pask and his…(1)….Dora were worried about their son Danny. The boy stayed out too long, not
coming home….(2)….very late at night. This bad habit…(3)….. the parents anxious. So one day Jack said to
Mrs…..(4)…., “I’m going to teach our son a….(5) …. He’s got ….(6)…business being out till after midnight”.
The next evening Danny left the house. …(7)… usual. “I’ m going to disco”, he….(8)…. to his mother.
“There’s no need to wait up…..(9)….me”. Then the front door shut with a bang ….(10)… big Danny.

VIII.Complete the following sentences with the words provided

1. Santa Claus / based / description / Saint Nicolas
2. They / often give / each other / best wishes / New Year’s Days.
3. Last week / we / have / picnic / near / foot/ Ba den Mountain.
4. They / not / permit/ students / wear / Jeans / school.
5. Unless / weather / nice/ we/ stay / home.
6. It / easy / him / translate / this text / English.
7. Her mother / ask / her / lay / the table / the evening meal.
8. Mary / disappointed / that / she / burst / tears.
9. Our oceans / be / become / extremely / polluted.
10. Everyone / can / eat / inside / if / it / rain.

The end
Keys – practice 93
I. 5 điểm (1 điểm / 1 câu đúng).
1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.A
II. 10 điểm (1 điểm / 1 câu đúng).
1.C 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.B
6.B 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.A
III. 10 điểm (1 điểm / 1 câu đúng).
1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A
6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.D
IV. 10 điểm (1 điểm / 1 câu đúng).
1.A 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.B
V. 10 điểm (1 điểm / 1 câu đúng).
1. payment 6. advisable
2. amazement 7. decisive
3. dishonesty 8. ambitions
4. improvement 9. speciality
5. breakable 10. explanation
VI. 10 điểm (1 điểm / 1 câu đúng).
1. It was very kind of you to help me.
2. You are said to be the best singer in the town.
3. I prevented him from buying a new car.
4. He insisted on seeing the manager.
5. The joke I told Lan made her laugh.
(John was not able to find the right house).
6. John was unable to find the right house.
7. It is five years since I left secondary school
8. There is no reason for her complaint about our behavior.
(There is no reason for her to complain about our behavior).
9. They were being made to work very hard.
10. She has been out of work since last month.
VII. 10 điểm (1 điểm / 1 câu đúng).
1. wife 6. no
2. till/ until 7. as
3. made 8. said
4. Pask 9. for
5. lesson 10. behind/ after
VIII. 10 điểm (1 điểm / 1 câu đúng).
1. Santa Claus was based on the description of Saint Nicolas.
2. They often give each other the best wishes on the New Year’s Days.
3. Last week we had a picnic near the foot of Ba Den Mountain.
4. They didn’t permit students to wear Jeans at school.
5. Unless the weather is nice, we will stay at home.
6. It is/ was easy for him to translate this text into English.
7. Her mother asked her to lay the table for the evening meal.
8. Mary was disappointed that she burst into tears.
9. Our ocean are becoming extremely polluted.
10. Everyone can eat inside if it rains.
Thờ i gian là m bà i: 90 phú t ( Khô ng kể thờ i gian giao đề ).
Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences below.
1. TV is bringing ________information ________entertainment.
A. not only/but also B. so/that C. more/than D. neither/nor
2. The residents in my _________are not happy about the changes of the new mall.
A. neighbor B. neighborhood C. neighborly D. neighboring
3. The pocket-watch is very _________from the wristwatch.
A. same B. similar C. different D. difficult
4. Airmail is _________expensive than surface mail.
A. more B. like C. as D. the most
5. We can _________funds for street children by collecting old newspapers and waste paper.
A. rise B. raise C. lift D. grow
6. These children don’t have fathers or mothers. They live in a(n)_________.
A. school B. building C. cottage D. orphanage
7. His parents are very __________of his intelligence.
A. dangerous B. greedy C. proud D. interested
8. She can __________her pronunciation after spending some months in Australia.
A. learn B. speak C. revise D. improve
9. Please __________this word. It is very important.
A. come across B. underline C. stick D. promise
10. He ___________at night when he was young.
A. used to work B. used to working C. used working D. was used to work
11. ___________is a story passed on in spoken form from one generation to the next.
A. Legend B. Fiction C. Folktale D. Novel
12. Young children do not understand that many __________objects are dangerous.
A. home B. house C. homework D. household
13. Don’t let your little brother play with ballpoint pens. They can __________him.
A. injure B. dust C. destroy D. move
14. It’s easy to find my school. It’s __________the ABC Bank.
A. under B. opposite C. next D. between
15. She ____________Lan and Hoa to her birthday party last Sunday.
A. brought B. invited C. conducted D. left
Fill in each blank with a suitable answer from A, B, C, or D.
One day, two men (31)_____ in the woods. Suddenly, they saw a huge black bear. One man immediately
(32)_____ down, took off his backpack, and took out his sneakers. He began (33)______ off his hiking boots.
The other man looked (34)_____ him and said, “Are you crazy? Do you think you can run (35)______ than
that bear?” “No,” replied the first man. “But I can run faster than you!”
16. A. hiked B. are hiking C. was hiking D. were hiking
17. A. sits B. sited C. sat D. sitted
18. A. take B. taking C. to take D. B & C
19. A. on B. at C. for D. after
20. A. faster B. fastly C. fast D. more fast
Choose the underlined part that needs correcting.
21. It’s easy to find a job in the city than in the country.
22. The girls are looking at herself in the mirror.
23. The box is too heavy for me to lift it by himself.
24. Bod is a good driver. He always drives careful.
25. My uncle has lived on the farm in the country since a long time.
Read the passage and answer the following questions
Tom and Bob are brothers. They are both old men now. They grew up together on a farm in
England, but they have had very different lives. When Tom left school, he started working on their
father’s farm. He really enjoyed the simple village life and when their father died, he took over the farm.
All his life Tom has lived in the old farmhouse.
What about Bob? He left the village as soon as he had a chance. He hasn’t visited Tom very often in
the last 30 years. But Tom has read about him in newspapers and he has already seen him on TV, too.
Tom was really moved because his brother Bob had a very interesting life.
26. Where did they grow up?
 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
27. What did Tom do when he left school?
 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
28. Has Bob visited Tom often?
 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
29. Where has Tom seen Bob?
 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
30. Why was Tom moved?
 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.
31. Well-paying jobs are _____________________in the city. (plenty)
32. Life in the countryside is very quiet and ______________. (peace)
33. She is the _____________________student in my class. (good)
34. City life is often _____________________than country life. (busy)
35. He thinks the pancakes are _____________________. (taste)
Rewrite the following sentences as directed.
36. It is interesting to go camping with friends in the summer.
 Going camping____________________________________________________________________________________________________
37. Let’s go to the movies tonight.
 Would you_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
38. We are learning hard. We want to get good marks. (combine the two sentences, use ‘in order to’)
 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
39. Tom: “Don’t play soccer in the park!”
 Tom told me_______________________________________________________________________________________________________
40. Nam is the most intelligent in our class.
 Nobody ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
-----THE END-----
ANSWER KEYS - practice 94
Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences below.
1. TV is bringing ________information ________entertainment.
A. not only/but also B. so/that C. more/than D. neither/nor
2. The residents in my _________are not happy about the changes of the new mall.
A. neighbor B. neighborhood C. neighborly D. neighboring
3. The pocket-watch is very _________from the wristwatch.
A. same B. similar C. different D. difficult
4. Airmail is _________expensive than surface mail.
A. more B. like C. as D. the most
5. We can _________funds for street children by collecting old newspapers and waste paper.
A. rise B. raise C. lift D. grow
6. These children don’t have fathers or mothers. They live in a(n)_________.
A. school B. building C. cottage D. orphanage
7. His parents are very __________of his intelligence.
A. dangerous B. greedy C. proud D. interested
8. She can __________her pronunciation after spending some months in Australia.
A. learn B. speak C. revise D. improve
9. Please __________this word. It is very important.
A. come across B. underline C. stick D. promise
10. He ___________at night when he was young.
A. used to work B. used to working C. used working D. was used to work
11. ___________is a story passed on in spoken form from one generation to the next.
A. Legend B. Fiction C. Folktale D. Novel
12. Young children do not understand that many __________objects are dangerous.
A. home B. house C. homework D. household
13. Don’t let your little brother play with ballpoint pens. They can __________him.
A. injure B. dust C. destroy D. move
14. It’s easy to find my school. It’s __________the ABC Bank.
A. under B. opposite C. next D. between
15. She ____________Lan and Hoa to her birthday party last Sunday.
A. brought B. invited C. conducted D. left
Fill in each blank with a suitable answer from A, B, C, or D.
One day, two men (31)_____ in the woods. Suddenly, they saw a huge black bear. One man immediately
(32)_____ down, took off his backpack, and took out his sneakers. He began (33)______ off his hiking boots.
The other man looked (34)_____ him and said, “Are you crazy? Do you think you can run (35)______ than
that bear?” “No,” replied the first man. “But I can run faster than you!”
take off (phrv) : cởi( giày… )/ sneakers (n) : giày chạy bộ/ hiking boots (n) : giày đi bộ
16. A. hiked B. are hiking C. was hiking D. were hiking
17. A. sits B. sited C. sat D. sitted
18. A. take B. taking C. to take D. B & C
19. A. on B. at C. for D. after
20. A. faster B. fastly C. fast D. more fast
Choose the underlined part that needs correcting.
21. It’s easy to find a job in the city than in the country. (easier)
22. The girls are looking at herself in the mirror. (themselves)
23. The box is too heavy for me to lift it by himself. (myself)
24. Bod is a good driver. He always drives careful. (carefully)
25. My uncle has lived on the farm in the country since a long time. (for)
Read the passage and answer the following questions
Tom and Bob are brothers. They are both old men now. They grew up together on a farm in
England, but they have had very different lives. When Tom left school, he started working on their
father’s farm. He really enjoyed the simple village life and when their father died, he took over the farm.
All his life Tom has lived in the old farmhouse.
What about Bob? He left the village as soon as he had a chance. He hasn’t visited Tom very often in
the last 30 years. But Tom has read about him in newspapers and he has already seen him on TV, too.
Tom was really moved because his brother Bob had a very interesting life.
26. Where did they grow up?
 They grew up together on a farm in England._______________________________________________________________
27. What did Tom do when he left school?
 He started working on their father’s farm.__________________________________________________________________
28. Has Bob visited Tom often?
 No, he hasn’t._____________________________________________________________________________________________________
29. Where has Tom seen Bob?
 He has seen him on TV._________________________________________________________________________________________
30. Why was Tom moved?
 Because his brother Bob had a very interesting life._______________________________________________________
Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.
31. Well-paying jobs are ___plentiful___in the city. (plenty)
32. Life in the countryside is very quiet and __peaceful__. (peace)
33. She is the ___best___student in my class. (good)
34. City life is often ___busier___than country life. (busy)
35. He thinks the pancakes are ___tasty____. (taste)
Rewrite the following sentences as directed.
36. It is interesting to go camping with friends in the summer.
 Going camping with friends in the summer is interesting._________________________________________________
37. Let’s go to the movies tonight.
 Would you like to go to the movies tonight?__________________________________________________________________
38. We are learning hard. We want to get good marks. (combine the two sentences, use ‘in order to’)
 We are learning hard in order to get good marks__________________________________________________________
39. Tom: “Don’t play soccer in the park!”
 Tom told me not to play soccer in the park.__________________________________________________________________
40. Nam is the most intelligent in our class.
Nobody in our class is as intelligent as Nam.
I/. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (5 Points)
1. A. sure B. saw C. send D. sit
2. A. new B. sew C. few D. knew
3. A. image B. arcade C. take D. days
4. A. plays B. looks C. wants D. helps
5. A. decided B. preferred C. listened D. enjoyed
6. A. much B. drug C. buffalo D. future
7. A. horrible B. hour C. hundred D. hold
8. A. teenager B. together C. guess D. regular
9. A. languages B. goes C. watches D. dresses
10. A. education B. collection C. question D. celebration

II/.Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word given in capital. ( 15 Points ).
1/. English is an ………………… and important subject INTEREST.
2/. In electronics they learn to repair ……………appliances. HOUSE
3/. The most popular ………….. at recess is talking . ACT
4/. Hoa is having a....................check-up MEDICINE
5/. In the countryside, people often know all the people in their................... NEIGHBOR
6/. You must be careful when playing video games because they can be ………. ADDICT
7/. I’d like a JUICE
8/. Edison’s most famous ………. was the electronic bulb. INVENT
9/. This dictionary is very ..............for you to learn English USE
10/. I have ....................time to play than my friends LITTLE

III/. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.(5 points)

1/. I bought this dress at the...................on Hang Bai street.
A. clothes’ store B. store of closes C. clothes store D. closing store
2/. Isn’t it easy to learn English well ? - ………………………..
A. No, it is B. No it does not C. Yes, it is D. Yes. It does
3/. There are two churches in the town and ………………of them are extremely old.
A. each B. all C. both D. most
4/. My joke made the whole class ………………
A. smile B. laughing C. laugh D. crying
5/. Mr. Nam ………………….. to work yesterday
A. wasn’t drive B. not drive C. didn’t drove D. didn’t drive
6/. The news on TV last night ……………………. very good.
A. was B. has C. were D. be
7/. Lan did not know the world . Hoa didn’t …………………………….
A. so B. neither C. either D. too
8/. The boss wants his ………………….. to type some letters.
A. secretary B. novelist C. journalist D. musician
9/. If he eats all that food, he eats………………………
A. quite much B. too many C. quite many D. too much
10/. Mr Robinson speaks Vietnamese very……………………..
A. skillfully B. good C. fluently D. best
IV/. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences.( 10 points)
1/. We can’t go out now because it (rain ) …………………… .
2/. They (meet) .......................their teacher at the moment
3/. We (visit ) ………………….the museum at the moment. We (visit ) ………… once a year
4/. Hai ( not write ) ……………….. to her parents last week. She ( phone ) …..……. them.
5/.Duy ( not visit)… ………the museum with his class last Sunday because he (catch ) ……. a cold.
6/. How much it ( cost ) …………….to mail a latter to England ?
7/. Take these pills and you ( feel ) ……………….. better then, Ha .

V/. Each sentence below contains an error. Underline it and write the correct answer in the space
provided ( 10 points )
1. From at nine in the morning until four afternoon Mr. Tuan works in 1.......................................
the fields with his father.
2. There is fewer work in the evening than there is in the morning 2.........................................
3. My Dad always has a three-weeks vacation 3........................................
4. Mr Ba soon got used to travel to work by bicycle 4......................................
5. The doctor says you should spend a little time to play video game. 5.......................................
6. The public library in the city has thousand of good books 6........................................
7. What does the new student like ? - Oh, she is tall and beautiful 7.......................................
8. Ba is in class 7A and he enjoys the school very much 8...........................................
9. My father always has a lot of houseworks to do 9.........................................
10. There is a ten-floors building in front of my house 10.......................................
VI/. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word.(20points)
Americans like sport very much. One of the (1)............. popular kinds of sports in Autumn is football. All
the high schools(2)........... universities have their own teams.
In winter the most popular kind of sports (3)........... basketball. There is usually a match every evening
in one school gymnasium or another. In some parts of the United States there is a lot of (4).............. and ice.
Many people like skiing and skating.
In the other two (5).............., millions of Americans enjoy baseball. The schools have their games in
(6)..............., but the most important professional games are played during summer. Many people listen to
the games (7) .......... the radio, watch them on television or read about them (8) .............. the newspapers.
Some also play tennis or golf and others (9) ......... fishing. They like to stay outdoors (10) is warm
during the months of June, July and August.
VII: Use the words given to complete the following sentences
1. you / better / eat / too / candies / because / they / not good / your teeth
2. Hoa / measure / height / weigh / the scale / the moment.
3. Mr.Lam / now wear / face mask / protect him / breathe / dust
4. last year / brother / work / engineer / printing factory
5. what / wide / the West Lake?
6. this morning / I / eat / bread / and / drink milk / breakfast.
7. “ balanced diet” / mean / you / eat / variety / foods / without / eat / much / anything.
8. children / spend / only / small part / free time / play / electronic games.
9. public library / city / have / thousands / books / and / Lan / begin / borrow books regularly.
……………………………………………………………………………………….. games / good fun / but players / must / careful.
VIII/. Read the following passage then choose the best answer to fill in the blank.
In the United States of America, the national language is (1)............ English. Four hundred years ago, some
English people came to North America to live and they brought (2).......... language to this country.
Now in the USA, people speak (3)...........English . Most of the words are the (4)............ in American and
British English, but the American say some English words not as people (5)........... in England. Canada is
(6).......... to the North of the United States of America. It is the larger (7)......... the United States. In Canada,
many people (8)............ English because they also came from England many years (9)......... But in some
parts of Canada, people speak (10)............ because they came from France.
1. A. also. B. like. C. as. D. not.
2. A. French. B. English. C. Chinese. D. Canadian.
3. A. British. B. American. C. Russian. D. Chinese.
4. A. various. B. similar. C. same. D. like.
5. A. do. B. say. C. talk. D. speak.
6. A. lies. B. situated. C. at. D. in.
7. A. than. B. as. C. more. D. less.
8. A. say. B. tell. C. talk. D speak.
9. A. ago. B. later. C. there. D. here.
10. A. France. B.French. C. Russian. D. Italian.

IX/. Use given words to rewrite the second sentence that the meaning not change:
1. It took Mr. Hoang half an hour to walk to work yesterday.
Mr. Hoang spent..................................... .................................. .................................. ....................................................
2. What is the price of this cap ?
How much............................................... .................................. .................................. ....................................................?
3. You shouldn’t eat too much meat.
You’d............................................. .................................. .................................. .................................................................
4. Lan is the youngest of the three sisters.
Lan has ....................................... .................................. .................................. .................................. ................................
5. Our house is older than any other house in the living centre
Our house............................................... ................................. .................................. .........................................................
6. Mai usually works hard.
Mai is usually a……………………..................................................................................................…………………………..
7. There are eight hundred stamps in Hoa’s collection.
Hoa’s collection........................................ .................................. .................................. ...................................................
8. How heavy is the chicken ?
What ................................................ .................................. .................................. ..............................................................?
9. How much is this book ?
What is........................................... .................................. .................................. ...............................................................?
10. Listening to music is more interesting than watching TV.
I prefer.............................................. .................................. .................................. ............................................................

The end
Keys – practice 95
I/. (5®iÓm ) Mçi c©u ®óng cho 0,5 ®iÓm
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A
6. D 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C

II/. (15®iÓm ) Mçi c©u ®óng cho 1,5 ®iÓm

1 interesting 6 addictive
2 household 7 juicy
3 activity 8 invention
4 medical 9 useful
5 neighborhood 10 Less.

III/. (5®iÓm ) Mçi c©u ®óng cho 0,5 ®iÓm

1. D 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. D
6. A 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. C

IV/. (10®iÓm ) Mçi ®éng tõ ®óng cho 1 ®iÓm

1 is raining 4 didn’t write - phoned
2 meet 5 didn't visit - caught
3 are visiting - visit 6 does it cost
7 will feel

V/. (10®iÓm ) Mçi c©u ®óng cho 1 ®iÓm

1. A at bá at 6. C thousand thousands
2. B fewer less 7. B does is
3. D three-weeks three-week 8. C the bá the
4. B travel traveling 9. C houseworks housework
5. D to play playing 10. B ten-floors ten-floor

VI/. (15®iÓm ) Mçi tõ ®óng cho 1,5 ®iÓm

1. most 2. and 3. is 4. snow 5. seasons
6. spring 7. on 8. in/on 9. go 10. because

VII/. (15®iÓm ) Mçi c©u ®óng cho 1,5 ®iÓm

1. You had better not eat too many candies because they are not good for your teeth.
2. Hoa is measuring her height and weighing on the scale at the moment.
3. Mr. Lam is now wearing a face-mask to protect him from breathing in dust.
4. Last year my brother worked as an engineer at a printing factory.
5. What is the width of the West Lake ?
6. This morning I after bread and drank milk for breakfast.
7. “Balanced diet” means you eat a variety of foods without eating.
8. Children should spend only a small part of their free time playing electronic games.
9. Electronic games are good fun but players must be careful.
10. The public library in the city has thousands of books and Lan begins to borrow books
VIII. (10®iÓm ) Mçi c©u ®óng cho 1 ®iÓm
1. A also 2. B English 3. B American 4. C same 5. D speak
6. B situated 7. A than 8. D speak 9. A ago 10. B French

IX. (15®iÓm ) Mçi c©u ®óng cho 1,5 ®iÓm

1. Mr. Hoang spent half an hour walking to work yesterday
2. How much is this cap ? / How much does this cap cost ?
3. You’d better not eat too much meat
4. Lan has two older / elder sister.
5. Our house is the oldest / eldest in the living center
6. Mai is usually a hard worker.
7. Hoa’s collection has eight hundred stamps.
8. What is the chicken’s weight ?
9. What is the price of this book ?
10. I prefer listening to music to watching TV

Tæng toµn bµi: 100 : 10 = 10 ®iÓm

Chó ý: C©u IX häc sinh cã c¸ch lµm kh¸c ®óng th× vÉn cho ®iÓm tèi ®a.
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest by
circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. (Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với các từ còn
lại bằng cách khoanh tròn A, B, C hoặc D – 0,5 điểm)
1. A. want B.wander C. party D. travel
2. A. young B. adult C. group D. discover
3. A. winner B. opinion C. finish D. design
4. A. event B. women C. contest D. dress
5. A. played B. traveled C. planned D. watched
II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences: (Chọn đáp án
đúng A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu -2,0 điểm)
1. …………… nice the weather is!
A. What B. Who C. Which D. How
2. This book ………… to me. It s his.

A. is not belonged B. belongs not C. not belongs D. doesn’t belong

3. My sister is very good …. Literature but she doesn’t like learning History.
A. in B. at C. on D. of
4. My close friend draws very well. She will be a …….artist one day.
A. fame B. famously C. famous D. fame
5. I enjoy ………… badminton after school.
A. doing B. seeing C. going D. playing
6. My parents are farmers. They work very …….. on the farm.
A. hard B. hardly C. harder D. hardest
7. He repairs and takes care ….. all machines in his factory
A. in B. at C. on D. of
8. It s necessary for me ………… this letter to my friend in Da Nang.

A. to send B. send C. sending D. sends.

9. My tooth stopped …………. afterwards.
A. to pain B. hurting C. to hurt D. paining
10. ……… people go to see football matches now than twenty years ago.
A. Less B. Lesser C. Fewer D. Few.
11. Studying late at night is one of the things that …….. me tired
A. make B. makes C. are making D. making
12. We tried a lot of hotels, but ……… of them had free rooms.
A. either B. none C. not D. no
13. Kyoko soon made …….. with other pupils in the class.
A. friend B. friendly C. friends D. friendship
14. My brother always ……….. part in all activities at his school.
A. takes B. take C. taking D. took
15. Joe s not really very …….. in the theater. He prerfers the cinema.

A. excited B. interested C. fond D. keen

16. Most of the boys in my class ____________ to play soccer.
A. want B. wants C. is wanting D. are wanting
17. ____________coffee without milk is yours.
A. An B. A C. The D. Ø
18. The nurse ____________my temperature.
A. tested B. took C. measured D. examined
19. The spinach is very good for you, but you must wash it ____________.
A. care B. careful C. carelessly D. carefully .
20. Videos are very ____________in the music industry.
A. important B. importance C. importances D. unimportant
III. Each of the following sentences has a mistake. Underline the mistake and correct it: (Mỗi
câu sau có một lỗi sai. Gạch chân lỗi sai và sửa lỗi – 2,0 điểm)
1. He often plays sports or games along his friends at recess 1…..………………..
2. Nam is the most intelligent of the twins 2….………………..
3. My sister has a five – months – old daughter 3……………………
4. In the future we will have fewer work and more money to spend 4……………………

5. Let s getting some of these vegetables 5…….………………
6. My mother added a few salt to the spinach so it tasted good 6…………………….
7. You had better running if you want to catch the bus. 7……………………
8. Staying at home all day sounds bored to me 8…………………….
9. My brother prefers history than literature 9……………………
10. She looked very happily when I told her the news . 10……………………
IV. Give the correct form of the word in capital letters given to complete the sentences(Cho
dạng đúng của từ in hoa để hoàn thành câu- 1,0 điểm)
1. There are over 50 …………. in the contest COMPETE
2. We had an ………….. trip to Cuc Phuong. ENJOY
3. He enjoyed …………… with his friends and it cost nothing. SOCIAL
4. Reports are a ……….. of interviews, videos and news items. MIX
5. There are many contests of ………. on TV now. KNOW
6. Nam plays volleyball very ………………………. SKILL
7. A holiday in Singapore is ………………. cheap SURPRISE
8. I have …………. time to play than my friend. LITTLE
9. Lam has a lot of stamps in her ………………. COLLECT
10. The noise in the city keeps Hoa ……….. at night. WAKE
1…………………………. ; 2………………………. ; 3…………………………….
4………………………….. ; 5………………………. ; 6……………………………
7…………………………..; 8……………………….; 9……………………………
V. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage: (Điền vào
mỗi chỗ trống một từ thích hợp để hoàn thành đoạn văn- 1,0 điểm)
Fishing (1)______ my favourite sport . I often fish for (2)_______ without catching anything . But
this does not worry me . Some fishermen (3)_______ unlucky . Instead of catching (4)______ , they catch
old boots and rubbish . I am even less lucky . I never catch anything-not even old boots . After having
spent whole mornings (5)______ the river. I always (6)________ home with an empty bag . "You must give
up fishing ! " my friends (7)_________ : " It's a waste of (8)____________ " . But they don't realize one
important thing . I'm (9)__________ interested in fishing . I am only interested sitting on the boat and doing
nothing at (10)__________
1…………… 2……………… 3………………….. 4………………. 5………………..
6…………… 7……………… 8………………….. 9……………….. 10……………….
VI. Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D ( Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn đáp
án đúng A, B, C hoặc D – 1,0 điểm):
Singapore is an island city of about three million people. It's a beautiful (1) ........... with lots of parks
and open spaces. It's also a very (2) ................. city.
Most of the people (3) ................ in high rise flats in different parts of the island. The business
district is very modern with (4) ........... of high new office buildings. Singapore also has some nice older
sections. In China town, there (5) ................. rows of old shop houses. The Government buildings in
Singapore are very (6)................. and date from the colonial days.
Singapore is famous (7).......... its shops and restaurants. There are many good shopping centers.
Most of the (8) .......... are duty free. Singapore's restaurants (9) ........ Chinese, Indian, Malay and European
food, and the (10) ............ are quite reasonable.
1. A. district B. town C. city D. village
2. A. large B. dirty C. small D. clean
3. A. live B. lives C. are living D. lived
4. A. lot B. lots C. many D. much
5. A. is B. will be C. were D. are
6. A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautify D. beautifully
7. A. in B. on C. at D. for
8. A. good B. goods C. goodness D. goody
9. A. sells B. selling C. sell D. sold
10. A. priced B. price C. prices D. prier
VII.Write the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one,beginning
with the given words or phrases(Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi bắt đầu bằng các từ, cụm
từ cho sẵn- 2,0 điểm)
1. My school is the same as my sister’s.
My sister’s school …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. What beautiful buildings!
How ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………!
3. What is the price of the bicycle?
How ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….?
4. It isn’t necessary to finish the work today
You don’t……………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. Hoa did the homework in one hour
Hoa spent ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...……………………………..
6. Would you please lend me your compass?
May I …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
7. I would rather go jogging every morning than play tennis
I prefer ……... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. I didn’t understad the lesson. My friends didn’t understand it, either.
I didn’t understad the lesson. Neither …………………………………...………………................……………………………………
9. Our teacher don’t allow us to talk in class.
Our teacher don’t let ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10.Everybody can join in this contest
Everybody can take………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
VIII. Fill in the blank with one preposition ( Điền vào chỗ trống một giới từ thích hợp – 0,5
1. The servant looks ……….. my children..
2. She is looking forward ………. seeing her sister.
3. Iam tired ……… working in the same place.
4. Mary is busy ………………her homework.
5. They went out ………………….. a walk.

(Đề thi có 04 trang. Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất kỳ tài liệu gì, kể cả từ điển.
Giám thị coi thi không phải giải thích gì thêm).
Keys – practice 96
I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently the others. Identify your answer
by circling the corresponding letter A,B,C or D.
1. A. stayed B. visited C. corresponded D. depended
2. A. aboard B. primary C. pal D. additional
3. A. unit B. climate C. city D. ethnic
4. A. bank B. man C. have D. heart
5. A. that B. thank C. their D. the
II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1. Ba has to walk to school, so he wishes he________ a bicycle.
A. has B. had C. will have D. shall have
2. What________ of learning English do you find the most interesting?
A. sides B. aspects C. fields D. angles
3. She asked me_______.
A. where did I come from? B. where I come from
C. where did I come from? D. where I came from.
4. She thinks chatting on the Internet is_______.
A. time-consumed B. times-consumed C. time-consuming D. times-consuming
5. Don’t talk in class, ________? The teacher is explaining the points.
A. do you B. don’t you C. will you D. won’t
III. Supply the correct tense or form of verbs in bracket.
1. He (be)_______ very successful in his business since he (come)_______ here three years ago.
2. I (post)_______ a letter to her two months ago. I wonder why she (not reply)_______ yet.
3. These students enjoy (play)_______ soccer.
4. _______ you ever (read)_______ that novel?
5. They (not be)_______ on time last week.
6. What about (play)_______ video games?
IV. Change these sentences into reported speech.
1. “I have a test today.” Ba said.
2. “Please don’t talk in the class.” Lan told us.
3. “I live here with my parents.” Tom said to Nam.
4. “I will see him tomorrow.” Lan said to me.
5. “Do you like the food?” John asked his girl friend.
6. “Where do you live?” The examiner asked me.
V/Read the following passage then answer the questions 1-5. After each question there are four
options marked A, B. C, D. Choose the correct answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D.
Television is one of man’s most important means of communication. It brings events and sounds from
around the world into millions of homes. A person with a television set can sit in his house and watch the
president making a speech or visit a foreign country. He can see a war being fought and watch statement
try to bring about peace. Through television, home viewers can see and learn about people, places, and
things in faraway lands. TV even takes its viewers out of this world. It brings them coverage of America’s
astronauts as the astronauts explore outer space.
In addition to all these things, television brings its viewers a steady stream of programs that are
designed to entertain. In fact, TV provides many more entertainment programs than any other kind. The
programs include action-packed dramas, light comedies, sporting events and motion pictures.
1. What does television bring us?
A- noise from around the earth.
B- man’s most important mean pof talking.
C- events and sound around our globe.
D- president making a speech.
2, What can’t viewers do with a television at home?
A- watch a president giving a talk.
B- see a war being fought.
C- watch statement making attempt to bring about peace.
D- see heavens and hells.
3, Which of the folloing is not true?
A- Television can bring us entertainment.
B- By watching TV, people can widen their knowledge.
C- People know events and sounds from a different world.
D- People can watch TV without going out.
4, According to the passage, what don’t entertainment programs include?
A- dramas B- strategies C- musicals D- motion pictures
_________THE END________
1:1-a 2-c 3-b 4-d 5-b
2: 1-b 2-b 3-d 4-c 5-c
1, has been ; came
2, posted ; hasn’t replied
3, playing
4, Have you ever read
5, weren’t
6, playing
1,Ba said ( that) he had a test that day.
2, Lan told us not to talk in the class.
3, Tom said to Nam ( that) he lived there with his parents.
4, Lan said to me( that) she would see me the next day/ following day.
5, John asked his girl friend if(whether) she liked the food.
6, The examiner asked me where I lived.
5: 1-C 2-D 3-C 4-C
I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined, italic part pronounced differently from the
1. A. Claimed B. Warned C. Occurred D. Existed
2. A. Sugar B. Sight C. Source D. Sale
3. A. Flood B. Typhoon C. Groom D. Balloon
4. A. Dynamite B. Terrify C. Symbol D. Deny
5. A. Thunder B. Earthquake C. Gather D. healthy
6. A. Hobby B. honest C. humor D. hole
II. Choose A, B, C, D to coomplete the following sentences.
1. We thinhk that Mother’s Day should be celebrated_______.
A. nationalhood B. nation wide C. nationality D. nation
2. We are going to_______ the anniversary of our 50 wedding.

A. to celebrate B. celebrated C. celebrating D. celebration

3. She cried with_______ when she heard the news. It was her_______ time.
A. joy/joyful B. joyful/joy C. joyfully/joy D. joy/joyfully
4. Auld Lang Syne is a song_______ is sung on New Year’s Eve.
A. which B. who C. whom D. when
5. _______ he likes chocolate, he tries not to eat it. B. though C. since D. despite
6. The car_______ he has just bought is very expensive.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
7. According to the weather_______, it will be raining tonight.
A. forecast B. forecaster C. forecasted D. forecasting
8. Yesterday a hurricane hit the_______ of Vung Tau city.
A. coaster B. coast C. coasting D. coastal
9. We must find a shelter now because of the_______ storm.
A. forecast B. forecaster C. forcastered D. forecasing
10. Pompeii was completely_______ in AD 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
A. to destroy B. destroy C. destroyded D. destroying
11. Daddy, it’s the weather forecast_______ TV
A. in B. to C. on D. at
12. Don’t hurry. We need these documents_______ delay.
A. under B. without C. in D. at
13. Hue will have temperatures_______ 23 C and 27 C
0 0

A. at B. between C. in D. with
14. I am preparing for the picnic_______ my friends tomorrow.
A. in B. at C. on D. with
15. Tidal waves_______ the result of an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the Earth.
A. are B. were C. is D. was
16. I can’t hear what you are saying. Can you_______ the radio?
A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn over
17. Neil Armstrong, _______ walked on the moon, lived in the USA.
A. which B. whom C. who D. whose
18. Marie Curie, _______ is one of the greatest women in our time, discovered radium.
A. whom B. whose C. which D. who
19. I’ll bring some raincoats just in case. I hope my friend_______ laugh at me.
A. didn’t B. won’t C. don’t D. haven’t
20. The_______ can know when a volcano will erupt nowadays.
A. science B. siencetist C. siencetists D. siencetifically
III. Complete the dialogue with the sentences from the list. There is one extra sentence that don’ t
need to use.
a. I like it
b. That shop called ‘ Zed”
c. oh, thanks.
d. Do you want it?
e. It looks good on you
A; Oh, I like your scarf. Is that new?
B: (1)...................................... Yes,I got it last Saturday
A: Oh, I really like the color.(2).........................
B: Thank you. (3)......................................
A: Where did you get it?
B: (4).....................................
A: Oh, yes. I know it. It’s lovely.
IV. Read the passage below and circle the letter (A, B, C or D) next to the word that best fits each
numbered space
The rockies
The rockies Mountain run almost the length (0)_______ North American. They start in the North- West, but
lie only a (1)_______ hundred miles from the centre in more southern areas. Although the Rockies are
smaller (2)_______ the Alps, they are no less wonderful. There are many roads across the Rockies, (3)_______
the best way to see them is to (4)_______ by train. You start from Vancouver, (5)_______ most attractive of
Canada’s big cities. Standing with its feet in the water and its head in the mountains, this city (6)_______ its
residents to ski on slopes just 15 minutes by car from the city (7)_______ Thirty passenger trains a day
used to (8)_______ off from Vancouver on the cross- continent railway. Now there are just three a week, but
the ride is still a great adventure. You sleep on board, (9)_______ is fun, but travel through some of the best
(10)_______ at night.
0 A. in B. down C. of D. through
1 A. many B. lot C. few D. couple
2 A. from B. to C. as D. than
3 A. but B. because C. unless D. since
4 A. drive B. travel C. ride D. pass
5 A. a B. one C. the D. Its
6 A. lest B. allows C. offers
7 A. centre B. cricle C. middle D. heart
8 A. leave B. get C. take D. set
9 A. when B. which C. who D.where
10 A. scenery B. view D. beauty
_________THE END________
I. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. B
II.1.A 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C
7.B 8.A 9.B 10C 11.D 12.B
13.B 14. D
15. B 16B 17C 18D 19B 20B
III.1C 2E 3A 4`B
IV.1.C 2.D 3B 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.A 8D 9.B 10.C
_________THE END________
I. Which one is different?
1. A. weight B. height C. width D. heavy
2. A. painful B. tall C. record D. difficult.
3. A. took B. gave C. kept D. called
4. A. balanced B. unhealthy C. sensibly D. moderate
5. A education B. definitely C. entertainment D. anniversary
II. Choose the best answer
1. We enjoy______ around the world.
A. travel B. to travel C. travelled D. travelling
2. Vietnamese students have______ vacations than American students.
A. fewer B. longer C. most D. less
3. She needed______ these postcards to her friends.
A. sending B. to send C. sends D. sent
4. My father______ me a letter two days ago.
A. write B. wrote C. writed D. written
5. Are you scared______ seeing the dentist.
A. at B. in C of D. to
6. Remember______ your teeth are teeth.
A. brush B. to brush C. brushing D. brushed
7. Clean teeth are______ teeth.
A. health B. healthy C. unhealthy D. unhealth
8. You______ go to school because of your headache.
A. had not better B. had better not
C. not had better D. better had not
9. I ate bread and eggs for breakfast, ______.
A. neither did Nam B. so did Nam
C. either did I D. too did Nam
10. You shouldn’t drink coffee______.
A. I don’t either B. I shouldn’t either
C. neither shouldn’t I D. I should either
11. _________________ - Two days ago
A. When do you bought this dress? B. When did you bought this dress?
C. When did you buy this dress? D. When were you buy this dress?
12. __________________ - I’m one meter forty five centimeters.
A. How hight are you? B. How height are you?
C. What is your high? D. What is your height?
13. Nam bought______ meat for lunch.
A. many B. a few C. a little D. much
14. Would you open your mouth, please?
A. yes, please B. Yes, let’s C. No, thanks D. yes, I did
15. ______ do they cost? They cost 15.000 dong.
A. How often B. How many C. How much D. How long
16. Why______ you absent yesterday, Hoa.
A. did B. do C. were D. was
17. Your teeth aren’t strong and white. You should _____
A. don’t go to the dentist B. not go to the dentist
C. go to the dentist D. went to the dentist
18. I would like______ to the movies tonight?
A. to go B. going C. went D. go
19. A______ diet is good for your health.
A. balanced B. balances C. balance D. balancal
20. The medicines______ the pain in my chest.
A. relieved B. prevented C. preventing D. protected
III. Read the passage then choose a suitable word and fill in the blank then do True (T) or False (F)
You are feeling weak. You’ve got a headache and pain in your back and limbs. Your
temperature is up over 380 C. You may sweat a lot and don’t want (1)______. Those symptoms show that
you’ve got flu.
There’re no quick cure for flu because when you have flu you have a virus. You don’t have to
see the doctor because medicines can’t (2)______ the flu. They just relieve the symptoms. You’ll feel better
after a few days. So what should you do when you’ve got flu? You’d (3)______ stay indoors and keep warm.
Besides, you should have plenty (4)______ cool drinks: water, fruit or milky drinks. Try to have three light
meals a day and rest bed if you can. And remember (5)______ away from the crowds so that you don’t give
flu to others.
1. A. eat B. to eat C. ate D. did eat
2. A. Be cured B. cure C. did cure D. cured
3. A. Good B. well C. better D. goodly
4. A. in B. of C. for D. from
5. A. To stay B. staying C. stayed D. did stay
6. A. To B. at C. on D. in
True or false
1. One symptoms of flu is aching back.
2. Medicines can cure flu quickly.
3. Other people can catch flu from you.
4. You always should stay at home when you have had flu.
5. don’t drink orange juice when you have got flu.
IV. Each sentence has an underlined and corrected mistake. Choose the best correction.
1. We didn’t wanted to go to the park.
2. The shop closed ten minutes last.
3. We no live in a city.
4. I can’t speak Chinese and neither can’t my brother.
5. I want to buy a few chicken.
1. A. We our B. wanted want C. go going
2. A. closed was closed B. last ago C. minutes minute
3. A. nodonot on C. city cities
4. A. Ime B. speak spoke C. neither either
5. A want to want B. a fewa little C. chicken chickens
_________THE END________
I. D 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B
II. D 1. D 2. B 3. B 4B 5C 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11C 12D 13C 14A
15C 16C 17C 18A 19A 20A

III. 1. B2. B 3. C 4. A 5B
1.T 2. F 3. T 4. F
_________THE END________

Question 1: Choose the word in each group that has underlined, italic part pronounced differently
from the rest.
1. A. energy B. generous C. category D. suggest
2. A. garbage B. standard C. solar D. lunar
3. A. covered B. installed C. described D. decorated
4. A. charity B. chopstick C. children D. Christmas
5. A. bulb B. celebrate C. plumber D. blanket
Question 2: Complete the sentences with the most suitable words:
1. This newspaper is_______ every day. It’s a daily newspaper.
A. publishing B. published C. to publish D. publish
2. He is tired_______ he stay up late watching TV.
A. so B. because C. but D. and
3. We are talking about the preservation of ….. resource.
A. natural B. naturally C. nature D. naturalize
4. I will be_______ if she manages to sell that motorbike at a high price.
A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. to surprise
5. Unless you understand, I_______ explain it again to you.
A. am B. was C. will D. would.
6. There are_______ saving methods and inventions to use solar energy.
A. energetic B. energize C. energy D. energetics
7. I had to pay much money this month for the international_______.
A. calls B. calling C. to call D. called
8. She is very tired; _______, she has to finish her homework.
A. moreover B. so C. and D. however
9. She forgot_______ off the gas before going out.
A. turn B. turning C. to turn D. turned
10. I suggest_______ money for the poor people in our neighborhood.
A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved
11. Can you tell me the reasons for_______ the Mother’s Day?
A. celebrating B. celebration C. celebrate D. celebrated
12. What activities do you want to_______ in at school and at the club?
A. taking part B. taken part C. take part D. took part
13. I live in Dalat, _______ is one of the most beautiful cities of Vietnam.
A. who B. which C. whom D. whose
14. The people_______ live in Greece speak Greek.
A. which B. whom C. where D. who
15. Tet is a festival_______ occurs in late January or early February.
A. who B. which C. whom D. when
Question 3: Choose A, B, C, D to complete the paragraph:
These days it is important to open a newspaper (1)_______ reading about the damage we are doing to
the environment. The earth is being Threatened (2)_______ the future looks bad. (3)_______ can each of
us do?
We can not clean (4)_______ our polluted rivers and seas overnight. Nor can we stop the (5)_______ of
plan and animals. But we can stop adding to the problem (6)_______ scientists look for answers.
It may not be easy to change your lifestyle (7)_______ but some steps are easy to take: cut down the
amount of driving you do, or use a little plastic as possible. It is also easy to save (8)_______, which also
(9)_______ household bills. We must all make a personal decision to work for the future of our planet if
we want to ensure a better world (10)_______ our grandchildren.
1. A. with B. without C. and D. but
2. A. and B. however C. so D. moreover
3. A. Where B. When C. Why D. What
4. A. up B. to C. on D. in
5. A. appear B. appearance C. disappear D. disappearance
6. A. when B. during C. while D. within
7. A. complete B. completeness C. completely D. to complete
8. A. water B. energy C. money D. health
9. A. adds B. decreases C. reduces D. supplies
10. A. from B. for C. to D. in
Question 4: Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct letter A, B, C, or D:
Solar energy is a long lasting source of energy, and it can be used almost anywhere. To generate solar
energy, we only need solar cells and the sun! Solar cells can easily be installed on house roofs, so we
do not need any new space. Compared to other renewable sources, they also posses many
advantages: wind and water power rely on turbines which are noisy, expensive and which take up
large space. Solar cells are totally silent and non-polluting. As they have no moving parts, they require
little maintenance and have a long lifetime.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
A. solar energy
B. the advantages of solar cells
C. the disadvantages of solar cells
D. renewable energies
2. Why don’t we need new space in order to use solar energy?
A. Because solar energy can be used anywhere
B. Because solar cells are small
C. Because solar cells can be installed on house roofs
D. Because solar energy is long lasting
3. What does the word “they” in line 4 refer to?
A. solar cells
B. advantages
C. renewable energies
D. turbines
4. What are the disadvantages of other renewable sources ?
A. Wind and water power rely on turbines which are noisy, expensive and which take up large
B. Wind and water power rely on turbines which are noisy, expensive
C. Wind and water power rely on turbines which take up large space
D. They are noisy, expensive and which take up large space
5. What is NOT listed in the passage as an advantage of solar cells?
A. They are non-polluting
B. They are quiet.
C. They have a long lifetime.
D. They are cheap.
Question 5: Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the root one.
1. Although I was very tired, I couldn’t sleep.
A. In spite of being very tired, I could sleep.
B. In spite being very tired, I couldn’t sleep.
C. In spite of to be very tired, I couldn’t sleep.
D. In spite of being very tired, I couldn’t sleep.
2. Let’s decorate the house and make lots of cakes for Tet.
A. I suggest decorating the house and making lots of cakes.
B. I suggest being decorated the house and making lots of cakes.
C. I suggest to decorated the house and making lots of cakes.
D. I suggest should decorate the house and making lots of cakes.
3. Promise to try harder or I won’t help you.
A. If you promise to try harder, I won’t help you.
B. If you don’t promise to try harder, I will help you.
C. If you don’t promise to try harder, I won’t help you.
D. Unless you don’t promise to try harder, I won’t help you.
4. We didn’t go out because of the rain.
A. Because it was raining, we didn’t go out.
B. Because it was rain, we didn’t go out.
C. Because it was not raining, we didn’t go out.
D. When it was raining, we didn’t go out.
5. The storm destroyed the town completely.
A. The town destroyed completely by the storm.
B. The town was destroyed completely by the storm.
C. The town was destroyed by the storm completely.
D. The town was completely by the storm destroyed
_________THE END________
Question 1: 1.25p
1C 2A 3D 4D 5C
Question 2: 3.75p
1B 2B 3A 4B 5C 6C 7A 8D 9B 10C
11A 12C 13B 14D 15B
Question 3: 2.5p
1B 2A 3D 4A 5D 6C 7C 8B 9C 10B
Question 4: 1.25p
1B 2C 3A 4A 5D
Question 5: 1.25p
1D 2A 3C 4A 5B

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