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Name:Maaz bin Nasir

ID: F2022005015

Islamiat assignment #1


In this essay, the author aims to shed light on the transmission of Islamic law during the time of the
Prophet Muhammad, emphasizing the potential for discrepancies and inconsistencies in the accounts of
these rules. By presenting examples and incidents, the author demonstrates how Islamic laws were
taught practically, taking into consideration the unique circumstances and situations of the individuals
involved. Moreover, the author highlights the importance of contextualizing each narration to interpret
and comprehend Islamic law accurately.

Variations in the Interpretation of Ahadith:

Following are the three variations in interpretation of Ahadith

1-Diverse Perceptions of Context and Interpretations:

The differences in interpreting hadiths can be attributed to varying perceptions of the context in which
they were narrated. For instance, in a hadith regarding kissing and hugging while fasting, one
Companion was allowed to engage in such actions due to old age, whereas another Companion was not
permitted because of youthfulness. Diverse understandings emerged from different interpretations of
the situation, the ages of the individuals involved, and their specific circumstances.

2-Varying Interpretations of Phraseology:

Another factor contributing to discrepancies in interpretations lies in the wording of the hadiths, which
has been subject to various understandings and interpretations. For example, in a hadith concerning
fasting while traveling, certain narrations claim that fasting during travel is harmful, while others assert
its permissibility. The differing interpretations of the term "good" led to divergent judgments,
emphasizing the importance of analyzing how words are employed and applied.

3-Diverse Understandings of Fundamental Tenets:

Differences in comprehending and interpreting the fundamental principles of Islamic law can result in
varying interpretations. For instance, in a hadith regarding donating all of one's money to charity, some
Companions were allowed to do so, whereas others were not. This discrepancy in interpretation can be
attributed to the concept of moderation in Islam, where individuals are expected to fulfill their
commitments and responsibilities to themselves and their families.
The Role of Difference of Opinion as a Source of Mercy:

The differences in viewpoints among the Imams are considered a source of mercy in Islamic law (Shari'a)
as they enable adaptability and flexibility in understanding and applying it. The author argues that these
differences primarily pertain to subsidiary issues rather than core religious principles. Consequently,
they offer Muslims a range of paths to follow, depending on their individual needs and circumstances.

The author emphasizes the acceptability of seeking religious rulings (fatwas) from different schools of
thought when faced with a legal requirement. This illustrates the compassionate and flexible nature of
Islamic law when a legitimate need arises.

In conclusion, the divergent views among the Imams contribute to a compassionate and accommodating
approach to Islamic law, ensuring that individuals are not burdened by rigid and impractical regulations.
Instead, they have the freedom to seek answers that best align with their specific circumstances.
Muslims perceive this diversity of viewpoints as a mercy from Allah, allowing them to practice their faith


In light of the author's arguments, it is essential to adopt an attitude of acceptance and understanding
towards legal disparities. Acknowledging the inconsistencies and anomalies in hadiths due to exclusive
commands or variations in perception, we should remain open to multiple interpretations. Recognizing
that scholars and jurists have diverse understandings based on their expertise and context, we should
refrain from inflexibility and dogmatism.

Embracing this attitude of acceptance and understanding would foster a more harmonious and tolerant
society. It would encourage mutual respect for differing perspectives and beliefs, minimizing contention
and division over inconsequential legal matters. Consequently, society would become more united and
cooperative, facilitating consensus-building and collaboration for the common good.

Unfortunately, not everyone in our societies possesses this attitude towards legal issues. A lack of
tolerance and understanding of diverse ideas often leads to unnecessary conflicts and divisions within
communities. Such attitudes hinder progress and cooperation, fostering a hostile environment where
proving others wrong takes precedence over seeking understanding and common ground.

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