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#Fiqh Taharah

Rules of
Week 5

01 Ustaz Khairi Nazron

Course Outline
Chapter on Bathing
Meaning & Definition
When is it Wajib?
When is it Haram?
Ways to Perform
Sunnah Actions

Makhruh Actions
Chapter on


Definition and rulings pertaining to the Ghusl

and ways to perform it.

Meaning of Ghusl

Bathing according to language i.e ghaslun means to pour or cause water to

flow over something.

In terms of Syara' (Islamic law) it means to cause water to flow or to pour

water over the entire body with intention for ghusl.

Ghuslun refers to water used for bathing and ghislun means a substance used

for bathing for e.g leaves, herbs, soap.

Wisdom of Ghusl
An introduction

Ensures cleanliness and purity of self

Rids of bacteria that can weaken us, thus it guards the health of our

After the ejaculation of sperm during sexual intercourse, haidh and

nifas, the body is weak and fatigued

With ghusl, the body recovers and becomes fresh and clean again

When is Ghusl Wajib?
Factors that makes bathing obligatory

There are 6 factors that make the performance of ritual bath wajib :

Haidh (Women)

Wajib for a woman to perform ghusl after her menstruation has finished
Mininum period for haidh is 1 day & 1 night
Any blood present for less than 24 hours is not considered haidh but

istihadhah blood i.e blood from illness

Usual period is 6/7 days
Longest period for haidh is 15 days & nights

Anything longer is considered istihadhah blood
When is Ghusl Wajib?
Factors that makes bathing obligatory

nifas (Women)

Nifas refers to blood that comes out after a woman has given birth
If blood only appears after the 15 days period after delivery, it is not

considered nifas but haidh

Shortest period of nifas occurs in the blink of an eye
Usual period is 40 days
Maximum period is 60 days
If blood still comes out within 40-60 days after performing ghusl, all her acts

of worship is not considered sah and not wajib to qadha/ repay

Even if there is no nifas blood after delivery, the woman is still required to

perform ghusl
When is Ghusl Wajib?
Factors that makes bathing obligatory

Wiladah (Women)

Wiladah is the blood that comes out during delivery with the baby
Wiladah is ruled when 2 occurences are present :
A clot of blood comes out
A piece of meat that can be chewed comes out
It is wajib for a woman to perform ghusl after giving birth

When is Ghusl Wajib?
Factors that makes bathing obligatory

Hashafah is inserted into the vagina

Hashafah refers to the head of the male organ that is inserted in the female


Ejaculation occurs without inserting the hashafah

Occurs during sleep or when awake, with or without sexual desire


When is Ghusl Haram?
Categories of dead bodies that are forbidden to be bathed

3 categories :

Those who are

(Less than 4 months in womb, it is sunnah for

the body to be wrapped and buried only.) matyred (Shahid)

a baby delivered

with no signs of
life & without


Ways to Perform Ghusl
The rukun/ pillar of ritual bath

Requirements of ghusl comprise of 2 factors :

wajib for

water to reach

every part of

the body

Ways to Perform Ghusl
First pillar : Intention

The intention :

E.g “I make niyyah for fardhu bathings” or “I make niyyah to fulfill the

fardhu bathing” or “I make niyyah for wajib bathing”

Ways to Perform Ghusl
First pillar : Intention

Wajib to make the intention when beginning the bath

The intention is valid even if the Arabic language is not used
Intention for someone who is always is hadath e.g affected by illness

where urine or blood always come out from their genitals

"I make niyyah to permit me to perform fardhu prayers"
Performing more than 1 sunnah bath e.g Sunnah bath on Fridays & Eid
Make the intention for each and every type of bath
Performing wajib bathing and sunnah bathing e.g Ghusl & sunnah bath

on Fridays
The person should mention intention for wajib bathing first then

followed by the sunnah bath
Ways to Perform Ghusl
Second pillar : Water to reach every part of the body

Wajib for water to flow and spread over every part of the body
Tips, underneath fingernails
Skinfolds of stomach
All hair on the head and on body
Bathing is not valid is water does not reach all parts of body, even if it is

a single strand of hair

Sunnah Actions of Ghusl
Recommended to do

It is recommended to :

recite begin by washing

take wudhu
rubbing entire
Repeat action of

bismillah at the
head, right then

beforehand body bathing 3x

beginning Left side of body

Sunnah Actions of Ghusl
Recommended to do

It is recommended to :

pass urine
cleansing folds of
for women, to use
covering of

before bathing
facing the qiblah stomach, armpit &
cotton soaked in
heel of foot musk / feminine


Makhruh Actions of Ghusl
Not recommended to do

It is not advisable to :

makhruh Actions

Wash more than

use too much

3 times water
Thank you!

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