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Turán number for bushes

Zoltán Füredi∗ Alexandr Kostochka†


Let a, b ∈ Z+ , r = a + b, and let T be a tree with parts U = {u1 , u2 , . . . , us } and V =

{v1 , v2 , . . . , vt }. Let U1 , . . . , Us and V1 , . . . , Vt be disjoint sets, such that |Ui | = a and |Vj | = b for
arXiv:2307.04932v1 [math.CO] 10 Jul 2023

all i, j. The (a, b)-blowup of T is the r-uniform hypergraph with edge set {Ui ∪ Vj : ui vj ∈ E(T )}.
We use the ∆-systems method to prove the following Turán-type result. Suppose a, b, t ∈ Z+ ,
r = a + b ≥ 3, a ≥ 2, and T is a fixed tree of diameter 4 in which the degree of the center vertex
is t. Then there exists a C = C(r, t, T ) > 0 such that |H| ≤ (t − 1) r−1 + Cnr−2 for every
n-vertex r-uniform hypergraph H not containing an (a, b)-blowup of T . This is asymptotically
exact when t ≤ |V (T )|/2. A stability result is also presented.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 05D05, 05C65, 05C05.
Keywords: Hypergraph trees, extremal hypergraph theory, Delta-systems.

1 Introduction

1.1 Basic definitions and notation

An r-uniform hypergraph (an r-graph, for short), is a family of r-element subsets of a finite set. We
associate an r-graph H with its edge set and call its vertex set V (H). Often we take V (H) = [n],
where [n] := {1, 2, 3, . . . , n}. Given an r-graph F, let the Turán number of F, exr (n, F), denote
the maximum number of edges in an r-graph on n vertices that does not contain a copy of F.
Since a (graph) tree is connected and bipartite, it uniquely defines the parts in its bipartition. So,
we say a tree T is an (s, t)-tree if one part of V (T ) has s vertices and the other has t vertices.
Let s, t, a, b > 0 be integers, r = a + b, and let T = T (X, Y ) be an (s, t)-tree with parts U =
{u1 , u2 , . . . , us } and V = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vt }. Let U1 , . . . , Us and V1 , . . . , Vt be pairwise disjoint sets,
such that |Ui | = a and |Vj | = b for all i, j. So | Ui ∪ Vj | = as + bt. The (a, b)-blowup of T , denoted
by T (T, a, b), is the r-uniform hypergraph with edge set

T (T, a, b) := {Ui ∪ Vj : ui vj ∈ E(T )}.

The goal of this paper is to find the asymptotics of the Turán number for (a, b)-blowups of many
trees of radius 2 using the ∆-systems method. Earlier, (a, b)-blowups of different classes of trees
and different pairs (a, b) were considered in [7]. The main result in [7] is the following.

Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary. E-mail: Research partially
supported by National Research, Development and Innovation Office NKFIH grants 132696 and 133819.

University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 and Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk
630090, Russia. E-mail: Research supported in part by NSF grant DMS-2153507 and NSF
RTG grant DMS-1937241.

Füredi and Kostochka: Bushes, July 4, 2023 2

u1 u2 us U Us
|U|=s 1
|V|=t V1 Vt |Vj |=b
v1 vt ⇒

Figure 1: An example of a (4, 2)-blowup.

Theorem 1 ([7]). Suppose r ≥ 3, s, t ≥ 2, a + b = r, b < a < r. Let T be an (s, t)-tree and let
T = T (T, a, b) be its (a, b)-blowup. Then (as n → ∞) any T -free n-vertex r-graph H satisfies
|H| ≤ (t − 1) + o(nr−1 ).

This is asymptotically sharp whenever t ≤ s.

This theorem asymptotically settles about a half of possible cases, but when t < s and a ≤ b,
it is expected that the asymptotics is different from the one in Theorem 1. More is known on
(a, b)-blowups of paths. Let Pℓ denote the (graph) path with ℓ edges.
The case of P2 was resolved asymptotically by Frankl [3] (for b = 1) and by Frankl and Füredi [4]
(for all 1 ≤ a ≤ r − 2 and b = r − a):
exr (n, T (P2 , a, b)) = Θ nmax{a−1,b} . (1)

The case of P3 was fully solved for large n by Füredi and Özkahya [8]. They showed that for fixed
1 ≤ a, b < r with r = a + b and for n > n0 (r),
exr (n, T (P3 , a, b)) = . (2)

For longer paths, the following was proved in [7].

Theorem 2 (Theorem 1 in [7]). Let a + b = r, a, b ≥ 1 and ℓ ≥ 3. Suppose further that (i) ℓ is
odd, or (ii) ℓ is even and a > b, or (iii) (ℓ, a, b) = (4, 1, 2).
ℓ−1 n
exr (n, T (Pℓ , a, b)) = + o(nr−1 ).
2 r−1

So, the situation with blowups of Pℓ is not resolved for the case when ℓ ≥ 4 is even and a ≤ b apart
from the case (ℓ, a, b) = (4, 1, 2).

In this paper, we first consider (a, b)-blowups of special trees of radius 2.

A graph bush Bt,h is the radius 2 tree obtained from the star K1,t by joining each vertex of degree
one to other h new vertices. So Bt,h has 1 + t + th vertices. Let s = 1 + th. Then Bt,h is an
(s, t)-tree with s > t.
Füredi and Kostochka: Bushes, July 4, 2023 3

Suppose that a, b, t, h are positive integers, a + b = r and t ≥ 2. By (a, b, t, h)-bush, Bt,h (a, b), we
will call the (a, b)-blowup of Bt,h . This means the center vertex of Bt,h is replaced by an a-set A,
its neighbors by the b-sets B1 , . . . , Bt and its second neighbors by a-sets Ai,j , i ∈ [t], j ∈ [s].

In particular, the (a, b)-blowup of the path P4 is the (a, b, 2, 1)-bush B2,1 (a, b).

Since Bt,h (a, b) has t disjoint edges Bi ∪Ai,1 for i = 1, . . . , t, the example of the r-uniform hypergraph
with vertex set [n] in which every edge intersects the interval [t − 1] shows that
n n−t+1 n−1
exr (n, Bt,h (a, b)) ≥ − ∼ (t − 1) . (3)
r r r−1

We will use the ∆-systems approach to show that this is asymptotically correct in many cases.
Recall that for a > b ≥ 2 the asymptotic equality follows from Theorem 1. In this paper we deal
with all cases and also present a somewhat refined result by considering shadows of hypergraphs.
Recall that for an r-graph H the shadow, ∂H, is the collection of (r − 1)-sets that lie in some edge
of H. Our first main result is the following.

Theorem 3. Suppose that a, b, t, h are positive integers, r = a + b ≥ 3. Also suppose that in case
of (a, b) = (1, r − 1) we have h = 1. Then there exists a C = C(r, t, h) > 0 such that the following
holds. If H is an n-vertex r-uniform family not containing a bush Bt,h (a, b) then

|H| ≤ (t − 1)|∂H| + Cnr−2 . (4)

This implies that (3) is asymptotically exact in these cases as r, t, h are fixed and n → ∞. Note
that for (a, b) = (1, r − 1) we prove (4) only for h = 1. In fact, in this case (4) does not hold for
h ≥ 2. An example is this: V (H) = [n], A = [t − 1] and H = E1 ∪ E2 , where E1 is the set of
r-subsets of [n] with exactly one vertex in A and E2 is the Steiner system S1 (n − t + 1, r, r − 1) on
[n] − A. This example has asymptotically (t − 1 + 1r ) r−1

edges and does not contain Bt,2 (1, r − 1).
By increasing h, we can get examples without Bt,h (1, r − 1) that have even more edges.
McLennan [9] proved that in the graph case (a = b = 1) we have exr (n, Bt,h ) = 21 (t+th−1)n+O(1),
some extremal graphs are vertex-disjoint unions of complete graphs Kt+th . For the case t = 1 the
inequality (4) is rather weak, exr (n, B1,h (a, b)) = O(nr−2 ) is known for a ≥ 2. Even better bounds
were proved in [5]. So we usually suppose that t ≥ 2, r ≥ 3.
Since each tree of diameter 4 with the degree of the center equal to t is a subgraph of a graph bush
Bt,h for some h, Theorem 3 yields the following somewhat more general result.

Theorem 4. Suppose a, b, t ∈ Z+ , r = a + b ≥ 3 and a ≥ 2. Let T be a fixed tree of diameter 4

in which the degree of the center vertex is t. Then there exists a C = C(r, t, T ) > 0 such that the
following holds. If H is an n-vertex r-graph not containing an (a, b)-blowup of T , then
|H| ≤ (t − 1) + Cnr−2 . (5)

We also use the ∆-systems approach to show that for many a ≥ 2 and b ≥ 2 with a + b = r,
Füredi and Kostochka: Bushes, July 4, 2023 4

the r-uniform hypergraphs without Bt,h (a, b) of cardinality ”close” to extremal contain vertices of
”huge” degree.
Theorem 5. Suppose that a, b, t, h are positive integers, a, b ≥ 2 and r = a + b ≥ 5. Then for any
C0 > 0 there exist n0 > 0 and C1 > 0 such that the following holds. If n > n0 , H is an n-vertex
r-uniform family not containing a bush Bt,h (a, b) and |H| > (t − 1) n−1 r−2 , then there are

r−1 − C0 n
n−1 r−2

t − 1 vertices in [n] each of which is contained in at least r−1 − C1 n edges of H.

The structure of this paper is as follows. In the next section, we discuss the ∆-system method
and present a lemma by Füredi [6] from 1983 that will be our main tool. In Section 3 we describe
properties of so called intersection structures. It allows us to prove the main case of Theorem 3
(the case a ≥ 2) in Section 4 and the case of a = 1 and h = 1 in Section 5. Then in Section 6 we
prove Theorem 5.

2 Definitions for the ∆-system method and a lemma

A family of sets {F1 , . . . , Fs } is an s-star or a ∆-system or an s-sunflower of size s with kernel A,

if Fi ∩ Fj = A for all 1 ≤ i < j ≤ s. The sets Fi \ A are called petals.
For a member F of a family F, let the intersection structure of F relative to F be

I(F, F) = {F ∩ F ′ : F ′ ∈ F \ {F }}.

An r-uniform family F ⊆ [n]

r is r-partite if there exists a partition (X1 , . . . , Xr ) of the vertex set
[n] such that |F ∩ Xi | = 1 for each F ∈ F and each i ∈ [r].
For a partition (X1 , . . . , Xr ) of [n] and a set S ⊆ [n], the pattern Π(S) is the set {i ∈ [r] : S∩Xi ̸= ∅}.
Naturally, for a family L of subsets of [n],

Π(L) = {Π(S) : S ∈ L} ⊆ 2[r] .

Lemma 6 (The intersection semilattice lemma (Füredi [6])). For any positive integers s and r,
there exists a positive constant c(r, s) such that every family F ⊆ [n] ∗

r contains a subfamily F ⊆ F
1. |F ∗ | ≥ c(r, s)|F|.
2. F ∗ is r-partite, together with an r-partition (X1 , . . . , Xr ).
3. There exists a family J of proper subsets of [r] such that Π(I(F, F ∗ )) = J holds for all F ∈ F ∗ .
4. J is closed under intersection, i.e., for all A, B ∈ J we have A ∩ B ∈ J , as well.
5. For any F ∈ F ∗ and each A ∈ I(F, F ∗ ), there is an s-star in F ∗ containing F with kernel A.

Remark 1. The proof of Lemma 6 in [6] yields that if F itself is r-partite with an r-partition
(X1 , . . . , Xr ), then the r-partition in the statement can be taken the same.

Remark 2. By definition, if for some M ⊂ [r] none of the members of the family J of proper
Füredi and Kostochka: Bushes, July 4, 2023 5

subsets of [r] in Lemma 6 contains M , then for any two sets F1 , F2 ∈ F ∗ , their
m with
S ∗
Q n−(r−m)
j∈M Xj are distinct. It follows that if |M | = m, then |F | ≤ j∈M |Xj | ≤ m . Thus, if
|F ∗ | > n−r+m

m , then every m-element subset of [r] is contained in some B ∈ J .
Call a family J of proper subsets of [r] m-covering if every m-element subset of [r] is contained in
some B ∈ J . In these terms, Remark 2 says that

n−r+m m
if |F ∗ | >

m , then the corresponding J is m-covering. (6)

For k = 0, 1, . . . , r, define the family J (k) of proper subsets of [r] as follows. It contains
(a) the sets [r] − {i} for 1 ≤ i ≤ k,
(b) all (r − 2)-element subsets of [r] containing {1, 2, . . . , k}, and
(c) all the intersections of these subsets.
By definition, each J (k) is (r − 2)-covering. Moreover,

each (r − 2)-covering family of proper subsets of [r] closed under intersections contains
a subfamily isomorphic to some J (k) .

Indeed, if an (r − 2)-covering family J of proper subsets of [r] contains exactly k sets of size r − 1,
then it must contain as members all (r − 2)-element subsets of [r] not contained in these k sets, so
properties (a) and (b) of the definition hold. Part (c) follows since J is closed under intersections.

3 General claims on intersection structures.

Call a set B a (b, s)-kernel in a set system F if B is the kernel of size b in a sunflower with s petals
formed by members of F.
Lemma 7. If a + b = r and an r-uniform family H does not contain Bt,h (a, b), then there do not
exist disjoint sets A0 , B1 , B2 , . . . , Bt with |A0 | = a, |B1 | = . . . = |Bt | = b such that all B1 , . . . , Bt
are (b, thr)-kernels in H and the sets A0 ∪ B1 , . . . , A0 ∪ Bt are edges of H.

Proof. Suppose, there are such disjoint sets A0 , B1 , B2 , . . . , Bt . Let D0 = A0 ∪ tj=1 Bj . For

i = 1, . . . , t, do the following. Since Bi is a (b, thr)-kernel and |Di−1 \ Bi | = a + (t − 1)b + (i − 1)ha ≤

thr − h, there exist h petals Ai,j (1 ≤ j ≤ h) of a thr-sunflower with kernel Bi which are disjoint
from Di−1 . Let Di = Di−1 ∪j Yi,j . After t steps, we find a Bt,h (a, b) whose edges are A0 ∪ Bi and
Bi ∪ Ai,j for i = 1, . . . , t, j = 1, 2, . . . , h.

Suppose a + b = r and G ⊂ [n] 1

nr−2 does not contain Bt,h (a, b). By Lemma 6

r with |G| > c(r,thr)
and (6), there is G ∗ ⊆ G satisfying the lemma such that the corresponding family J of proper
subsets of [r] is (r − 2)-covering. Let (X1 , . . . , Xr ) be the corresponding partition.
Lemma 8. Family J does not contain disjoint members A and B such that |A| = a and |B| = b.

Proof. Suppose, it does. By renaming the elements of J , we may assume that A = {1, . . . , a} and
B = {a+1, . . . , r}. Let X = {x1 , . . . , xr } ∈ G ∗ , where xi ∈ Xi for all i. Since A ∈ J , {x1 , . . . , xa } is
Füredi and Kostochka: Bushes, July 4, 2023 6

an (a, thr)-kernel in G ∗ . Let B1 , . . . , Bt be some t petals in the sunflower with kernel {x1 , . . . , xa }.
Since [r] − [a] = B ∈ J , each of B1 , . . . , Bt is a (b, thr)-kernel in G ∗ , contradicting Lemma 7.

Lemma 9. If a + b = r and 2 ≤ a, b ≤ r − 2, then for each 0 ≤ k ≤ r − 2 and for k = r the family

J (k) has disjoint members A and B such that |A| = a and |B| = b, unless (r, a, b, k) = (4, 2, 2, 1).
If (a, b) = (1, r − 1) or (a, b) = (r − 1, 1) and r ≥ 3, then for each 1 ≤ k ≤ r − 2 and for k = r the
family J (k) has disjoint members A and B such that |A| = a and |B| = b.

Proof. If k ≥ a, then we let A = [a], B = [r] − [a], and represent them as follows:
\ \ \
A= ([r] − {i, i′ }) ∩ ([r] − {i}), B = ([r] − {i}).
k+1≤i<i′ ≤r a+1≤i≤k 1≤i≤a

If k ≥ b, then we have a symmetric representation. In particular, this proves the claim for (a, b) =
(1, r − 1) or (a, b) = (r − 1, 1).
If k ≤ a − 2, then we again let A = [a], B = [r] − [a], but represent them as follows (using that
a ≤ r − 2 and k ≤ a − 2):
\ \ \
A= ([r] − {i, i′ }), B = ([r] − {i}) ∩ ([r] − {i, i′ }).
a+1≤i<i′ ≤r 1≤i≤k k+1≤i<i′ ≤a

By symmetry, the only remaining case is that k = a−1 = b−1. So r is even, and a = b = r/2 = k+1.
In this case, if r > 4, then we let A = [k − 1] ∪ {k + 1, k + 2}, B = ([r] − [k + 2]) ∪ {k}, and represent
them as follows:
\ \
A= ([r] − {i, i′ }) ∩ ([r] − {k}), B = ([r] − {i}) ∩ ([r] − {k + 1, k + 2}).
k+2≤i<i′ ≤r 1≤i≤k−1

4 Proof of the main Theorem

4.1 Basic procedure

Now we are ready to prove Theorem 3. Assume that an n-vertex r-uniform family H does not
contain Bt,h (a, b). Define C = C(r, t, h) := 1/c(r, thr), where c is from Lemma 6. For any r-uniform
family G, let G ∗ denote a family satisfying Lemma 6 and J (G ∗ ) ⊂ 2[r] denote the corresponding
intersection structure.
Do the following procedure. Let H1 = (H)∗ and J1 = J (H∗ ). For i = 1, 2, . . . , if |H \ ij=1 Hj | ≤

nr−2 /c(r, thr), then stop and let m := i and H0 = H\ ij=1 Hj ; otherwise, let Hi+1 := (H\ ij=1 Hj )∗

and Ji+1 = J ((H \ ij=1 Hj )∗ ).


This procedure provides a partition of H, H = m

S Sm
i=0 Hi . Let H denote i=1 Hi . By definition,
|H0 | ≤ Cn , so we get
b + Cnr−2 ≥ |H|.
|H| (8)
Füredi and Kostochka: Bushes, July 4, 2023 7

We distinguish four cases, a, b ≥ 2 and r ≥ 5 (discussed in Subsection 4.2), (a, b) = (2, 2) and r = 4
(Subsection 4.3), (a, b) = (r − 1, 1) and r ≥ 3 (Subsection 4.4), and finally (a, b) = (1, r − 1), r ≥ 3
and h = 1 (Section 5).

4.2 Case of a, b ≥ 2 and r ≥ 5

Here 2 ≤ a, b ≤ r − 2 and (a, b) ̸= (2, 2), so Lemma 9 implies that for each 1 ≤ i ≤ m, J (Hi ) has
exactly r − 1 (r − 1)-subsets, it contains J (r−1) . Hence for each hyperedge E ∈ Hi ⊂ H b (1 ≤ i ≤ m)
there exists an element c(E) ∈ E such that each proper subset of E containing c(E) is a kernel of a
thr-star in Hi . Beware of the fact that although each Hi is k-partite, the partitions might differ for
different values of i. This does not cause any problem in our argument, we only need the existence
of the element c(E).

Define the function α on r−1 as follows: Given an (r − 1)-set Y , let α(Y ) be the number of edges
E ∈ H with Y = E \ {c(E)}.

Claim 10. α(Y ) ≤ t − 1, for all (r − 1)-subsets Y of [n].

Proof. Suppose to the contrary that there are t distinct E1 ∈ Hi1 , . . . , Et ∈ Hit such that Ei =
Y ∪ {c(Ei )}. If ij = ij ′ for some j ̸= j ′ , then the intersection structure of Hij would contain the
(r − 1)-set Y , a contradiction. Thus i1 , . . . , it are all distinct. By relabelling we may suppose that
Ei ∈ Hi .
We will find the t + 1 disjoint sets A0 , B1 , B2 , . . . , Bt contradicting Lemma 7 using induction as
follows. Let A0 ⊂ Y arbitrary, |A0 | = a and let D0 := ∪Ei , |D0 | = t + r − 1. We define the sets
Ei′ , Di , Bi step by step as follows. We will have Di := D0 ∪j≤i Ej′ and |Di | = t + r − 1 + i(r − 1 − a).
For i = 1, 2, . . . , t consider the family Hi and its member Ei in it. By the intersection structure of
Hi , the set A0 ∪ {c(Ei )} is an (a + 1, thr)-kernel in Hi . One of the thr petals of the sunflower in Hi
with kernel A0 ∪ {c(Ei )} should be disjoint from Di−1 ; let Ei′ be the corresponding set in Hi . Since
c(Ei ) ∈ Ei′ , and homogeneity gives c(Ei′ ) = c(Ei ), the set Bi := Ei′ − A0 is a (b, thr)-kernel.

Claim 10 implies X
(t − 1)|∂ H|
b ≥ α(Y ) = |H|.
b (9)

This, together with (8), completes the proof of Theorem 3 in this case.

4.3 The case (a, b) = (2, 2)

Lemma 9 implies that for each 1 ≤ i ≤ m, either

— J (3) is contained in J (Hi ), it has exactly three 3-subsets, so [4] \ {1}, [4] \ {2}, and [4] \ {3} are
in J and J also contains all subsets containing the element 4 but it does not contain 123, or
— J (Hi ) is of J (1) type, it has a unique 3-subset, 234, and {1, 12, 13, 14} ⊂ J .
Call Hi (and its edges) type α if J (Hi ) has three 3-subsets. Each of these edges E ∈ Hi has an
element c(E) ∈ E such that each proper subset of E containing c(E) is a kernel of a 4 · t · h-star in
Hi . The union of the families Hi of type α is H bα . Call Hi (and its edges) type β if J (Hi ) has a
Füredi and Kostochka: Bushes, July 4, 2023 8

unique 3-subset. Each of these edges E ∈ Hi has an element b(E) ∈ E such that each set K ⊂ E
of the form {b(E), x} (x ∈ E \ {b(E)}) and the set E \ {b(E)} is a kernel of a 4 · t · h-star in Hi .
The union of the families Hi of type β is H
bβ .

Define the function α on [n]

3 as follows: Given an 3-set Y let α(Y ) be the number of edges E ∈ Hα
with Y = E \ {c(E)}. Define the function β : H b→
r−1 as follows: Given a 3-set Y , let β(Y ) be
the number of edges E ∈ Hβ with b(E) ∈ Y ⊂ E.

Claim 11. α(Y ) + 13 β(Y ) ≤ t − 1, for all (r − 1)-subsets Y of [n].

Proof. Let E1 ∈ Hi1 , . . . , Eα ∈ Hiα be the α(Y ) distinct edges with E ∈ H bα and Y = E\{c(E)} and
let Eα+1 ∈ Hiα+1 , . . . , Eα+β ∈ Hiα+β be the β(Y ) distinct edges with E ∈ H bβ and b(E) ∈ Y ⊂ E.

If ij = ij ′ for some j ̸= j , then the intersection structure of Hij would contain the 3-set Y , a
contradiction. Thus i1 , i2 , . . . are all distinct. By relabelling we may suppose that Ei ∈ Hi .
Suppose to the contrary that α(Y ) + 31 β(Y ) > t − 1, so α + ⌈β/3⌉ ≥ t. Since |Y | = 3, one can find
an element y0 ∈ Y such that b(Ej ) = Y at least ⌈β/3⌉ times. So we may suppose that there are t
distinct Ei ∈ Hi such that the elements c(E1 ), . . . , c(Eα ) and d(Ej ) := Ej \ Y for α < j ≤ t are all
distinct and Ei = Y ∪ {c(Ei )}, b(Ej ) = y0 .
We will find the t + 1 disjoint sets A0 , B1 , B2 , . . . , Bt contradicting Lemma 7 using induction as
follows. Let A0 : Y \{y0 }, |A0 | = 2 and let D0 := ∪Ei , |D0 | = t+3. We define the sets Ei′ , Di , Bi step
by step as follows. We will have Di := D0 ∪j≤i Ej′ and |Di | = t + 3 + i. For i = 1, 2, . . . , t, consider
the family Hi and its member Ei in it. By the intersection structure of Hi , the set A0 ∪ {c(Ei )}
(and the set A0 ∪ {c(Ei )}) is an (a + 1, 4 · t · h)-kernel in Hi . One of the 4 · t · h petals of the sunflower
in Hi with kernel A0 ∪ {c(Ei )} should be disjoint from Di−1 ; let Ei′ be the corresponding set in Hi .
Since c(Ei ) ∈ Ei′ , the set Bi := Ei′ − A0 is an (b, 4 · t · h)-kernel.

Claim 11 implies
X  1

(t − 1)|∂ H|
b ≥ α(Y ) + β(Y ) = |H
b α | + |H
bβ |. (10)

This, together with (8), completes the proof of Theorem 3 in this case.

4.4 The case (a, b) = (r − 1, 1)

Call Hi (as above) of type α if J (Hi ) has r − 1 (r − 1)-subsets. Each of these edges E ∈ Hi has an
element c(E) ∈ E such that each proper subset of E containing c(E) is a kernel of a thr-star in Hi .
The union of these Hi families is H bα . Call Hj (and its edges) type β if J (Hj ) has no (r − 1)-subset.
Note that each element y of an edge E ∈ Hj is a kernel of a thr-star in Hj . The union of these Hj
families is H bβ .

The definition of α on r−1 is the same as in the previous subsections, the definition of β : H b→

r−1 is even simpler: β(Y ) is the number of edges E ∈ H bβ with Y ⊂ E. If α(Y )+β(Y ) > t−1, then
taking A0 := Y and Bi := Ei \ Y one can see that each Bi is a kernel of a large star, contradicting
Lemma 7.
Füredi and Kostochka: Bushes, July 4, 2023 9

Finally, we complete the proof of this case as follows

(t − 1)|∂ H|
b ≥ (α(Y ) + β(Y )) = |H
bα | + r|H
bβ | ≥ |H|.
b (11)

5 Hypergraphs without a bush Bt (1, r − 1)

Call an r-graph t-normal if it has no (r−1)-tuples of vertices whose codegree is positive but less than
t. For every edge Y in an r-graph H and any x ∈ Y , let QH (Y, x) = {y ∈ V (H)−x : Y −x+y ∈ H}.
In a t-normal r-graph H, |QH (Y, x)| ≥ t − 1 for every edge Y ∈ H and vertex x ∈ Y .
We will prove this case by induction on the number of edges. For |H| < α(r, t) the claim is trivial.
Suppose H is a counter-example with the fewest edges. If our H is not t-normal, then choose a
(r − 1)-tuple Y of vertices whose codegree is positive but less than t and let H′ be obtained from
H the edges containing Y . Then |H′ | − (t − 1)|∂H′ | ≤ |H| − (t − 1)|∂H|, so H′ satisfies (8) and is
Bt (1, r − 1)-free. This contradicts the minimality of H. Thus H is t-normal.
Let q ∗ be a huge number in terms of rt but small w.r.t. α(r, t)
By (8), there is a subfamily H∗ of H satisfying Lemma 6 for q = q ∗ with |H∗ | > nr−2 . Let J be
the corresponding intersection structure. By Lemmas 8 and 9, J contains a family isomorphic to
J (r−1) , or to J (0) . In both cases, J contains a singleton. So, H contains an element u and disjoint
(r − 1)-tuples U1 , . . . , Uq∗ such that Yi = Ui + u is an edge in H∗ for each 1 ≤ i ≤ q ∗ .
Since H is t-normal, for each 1 ≤ i ≤ q ∗ we can choose a (t − 1)-element subset Q′H (Yi , u) of
QH (Yi , u). Construct the auxiliary bigraph R with parts {Ui : 1 ≤ i ≤ q ∗ } and V (H) where
Ui v ∈ E(R) iff v ∈ Q′H (Yi , u).

Case 1. R has a matching of size (r + 1)t, say M = {U1 , v1 , . . . , U(r+1)t v(r+1)t }. Since all Ui here
are disjoint and all vi are distinct, we can greedily find t disjoint sets Ui ∪ {vi }: start from M and
one by one take a set Ui ∪ {vi } and delete from the list all Ui′ ∪ {vi′ } with i′ ̸= i such that vi ∈ Ui′
or vi′ ∈ Ui′ . If our disjoint sets are U1 ∪ {v1 }, . . . , Ut ∪ {vt }, then we have Bt (1, r − 1) with the set
of edges {U1 ∪ {u}, . . . , Ut ∪ {u}, U1 ∪ {v1 }, . . . , Ut ∪ {vt }}

Case 2. R has no matching of size (r + 1)t. Then it has a vertex cover of size less than (r + 1)t.
So there is a set V ⊂ V (H) with |V | < (r + 1)t containing Q′H (Yi , u) for at least q ∗ − (r + 1)t
sets Yi . Then some (t − 1)-element set T = T (u) = {z1 , . . . , zt−1 } serves as Q′H (Yi , u) for at least
(q ∗ − (r + 1)t) (r+1)t
t−1 sets Yi . We choose q ∗ so that this number is at least t − 1 and suppose
T (u) serves for Y1 , . . . , Yt−1 . If for some other Yi , Yi ∩ T = ∅ and Q′H (Yi , u) ̸= T , then we take an
element z ∈ Q′H (Yi , u) − T and construct a Bt (1, r − 1) with the set of edges

{Y1 ∪ {u}, . . . , Yt−1 ∪ {u}, Yi ∪ {u}} ∪ {Y1 ∪ {z1 }, . . . , Yt−1 ∪ {zt−1 }, Yi ∪ {z}}. (12)

So, T = Q′H (Yi , u) for all 1 ≤ i ≤ q ∗ such that Yi ∩ P = ∅. Hence if for at least one other edge Y
in H containing u and disjoint from T , QH (Yi , u) ̸= T , then we find a Bt (1, r − 1) similarly to (12)
Füredi and Kostochka: Bushes, July 4, 2023 10

because q ∗ is large. It follows that denoting T ′ (u) = T (u) ∪ {u},

the set of edges of H containing u and disjoint from T ′ (u) − z is contained in the set
of edges of H containing zj and disjoint from T ′ (u) − zj for each 1 ≤ j ≤ t − 1.

Case 2.1. J contains a family isomorphic to J (r−1) . We may assume that J contains all proper
subsets of [r] containing 1 and that {x1 , . . . , xr } ∈ H where xi ∈ Xi for i ∈ [r]. Since {1, 2} ∈ J ,
there are 2t disjoint sets Uh = {x3,h , x4,h , . . . , xr,h } such that Uh′ = Uh ∪ {x1 , x2 } ∈ H∗ for all
1 ≤ h ≤ 2t. At most t − 1 of them intersect T . So we may assume U1′ , . . . , Ut′ are disjoint
from T . Since [r] − {2} ∈ J , for every 1 ≤ h ≤ t, there are 2t elements x2,h,g ∈ X2 such that
Uh,g = Uh ∪ {x1 , x2,h,g } ∈ H∗ for all 1 ≤ h ≤ t and 1 ≤ g ≤ 2t. We may rename the elements
x2,h,g so that for all 1 ≤ h ≤ t and 1 ≤ g ≤ t, x2,h,g ∈ / T ∪ {x2 }. After that we rename them again
so that for all 1 ≤ h ≤ t the elements x2,h,1 are distinct. Now, letting zt = x1 , by (13) we have a
Bt (1, r − 1) with the set of edges {Uh ∪ {zh , x2 } : h ∈ [t]} ∪ {Uh ∪ {zh , x2,h,1 } : h ∈ [t]}.
Case 2.2. For each subfamily H∗ of H satisfying Lemma 6 for q = q ∗ with |H∗ | > nr−2 , the
intersection structure J = J (H∗ ) contains a family isomorphic to J (0) .
Do the following procedure. Let H1 = (H)∗ . For i = 1, 2, . . . , if |H − ij=1 Hj | ≤ C · nr−2 , then

stop, let m = i and H′ = ij=1 Hj and H0 = H − H′ ; otherwise, let Hi+1 = (H − ij=1 Hj )∗ .


By the case, Hi contains a family isomorphic to J (0) for each i ≥ 1. By the structure of J (0) , each
v ∈ V (H′ can serve as vertex u in the argument at the beginning of Case 2. So, let u ∈ V (H′ ) and
T ′ = T ′ (u) be defined as above.
By (13), if for any zj ∈ T (u) and some edge Y in H containing zj and disjoint from T ′ (u) − zj ,
QH (Y, zj ) ̸= T ′ (u) − zj , then we again find a Bt (1, r − 1) similarly to (12) because q ∗ is large. It
follows that
there are disjoint t-element sets T1′ , . . . , of the form T ′ (u) covering V (H′ ) such that for
any two u, u′ ∈ Ti′ the set of edges of H containing u and disjoint from Ti − u equals (14)
the set of edges of H containing u′ and disjoint from Ti − u′ for every Ti .

Since J (0) does not contain sets of size r − 1, each (r − 1)-element set Y ∈ ∂Hi is only in one set in
Hi , thus |Hi | ≤ |∂Hi |/r. Moreover, since |H0 | < α(r, t)nr−2 , by (8) some (r − 1)-tuple Y0 belongs
to at least r(t − 1) families Hi , say to H1 , . . . , Hr(t−1) . For i ∈ [r(t − 1)], let yi be the vertex such
that Y0 ∪ {yi } ∈ Hi . Let Y ′ = {y1 , . . . , yr(t−1) }. For every y ∈ Y0 , |T ′ (y) ∩ Y ′ | ≤ t − 1; thus there
is yj ∈ Y ′ \ y∈Y0 T ′ (y), say j = 1. Let T (y1 ) = {z1 , . . . , zt−1 }. Since |Y ′ | > t, we may assume

y2 ∈/ T ′ (y1 ).
Since J (H1 ) contains all singletons, there are disjoint (r − 1)-tuples U1 , . . . , Uq∗ such that Ui + y1
is an edge in H1 for each 1 ≤ i ≤ q ∗ . Since q ∗ is large, we can choose among them t − 1 sets, say
U1 , . . . , Ut−1 disjoint from Y0 ∪ Y ′ ∪ T (y1 ). Then we have a Bt (1, r − 1) with the set of edges

{Uh ∪ {y1 } : h ∈ [t − 1]} ∪ {Uh ∪ {zh } : h ∈ [t − 1]} ∪ {Y0 ∪ {y1 }, Y0 ∪ {y2 }},

a contradiction.
Füredi and Kostochka: Bushes, July 4, 2023 11

6 Stability: Proof of Theorem 5

Recall the Lovász form of the Kruskal-Katona Theorem:

[n] x

Theorem 12. If x is a positive real, 1 ≤ k < n, G ⊆ k and |G| = k , then |∂G| ≥ k−1 .

Choose n0 so that

n0 − 1 n0 − 1
> 3(C + C0 )nr−2
0 and 0
<2 . (15)
r−1 (r − 1)! r−1

Let n > n0 and H be an n-vertex r-uniform family not containing a bush Bt,h (a, b) with |H| >
(t − 1) n−1 r−2 . Define C, m, H , . . . , H and H

r−1 − C0 n 0 m
b as in Subsection 4.1. By (8),
|H| ≥ (t − 1)
b − (C + C0 )nr−2 . (16)

As in Subsection 4.2, for each 1 ≤ i ≤ m, the intersection structure J (Hi ) contains J (r−1) . So,
again for each hyperedge E ∈ Hi ⊂ H b (1 ≤ i ≤ m) there is an element c(E) ∈ E such that each

proper subset of E containing c(E) is a kernel of a thr-star in Hi . For every Y ∈ r−2 , let U(Y )
be the set of vertices v ∈ [n] − Y such that there is an edge E ∈ H containing Y and such that
v = c(E).
, v, v ′ ∈ U(Y ), v ̸= v ′ and edges E, E ′ ∈ H

Claim 13. Suppose Y ∈ r−2 b are such that v = c(E),
′ ′ ′ ′
v = c(E ) and Y ⊆ E ∩ E . If E ∈ Hi and E ∈ Hi′ , then i ̸= i . ′

Proof. Suppose v ̸= v ′ , but i = i′ . We may assume that the partition of [n] corresponding to Hi is
(X1 , . . . , Xr ) and v, v ′ ∈ Xr . By symmetry, we also may assume that Y ⊂ X1 ∪ . . . ∪ Xr−2 . Since
Y ⊆ E ∩ E ′ , [r − 2] ∈ Ji or [r − 1] ∈ Ji . Since J (r−1) ⊂ Ji and 2 ≤ a, b ≤ r − 2, [r] − [a] ∈ Ji
and [a] ∪ {r} ∈ Ji . Since Ji is intersecting, [a] = ([a] ∪ {r}) ∩ [r − 1] = ([a] ∪ {r}) ∩ [r − 1] ∈ Ji .
Together with [r] − [a] ∈ Ji , this contradicts Lemma 8.

Similarly to Claim 10, the following holds.

Claim 14. For every (r − 2)-subset Y of [n], |U(Y )| ≤ t − 1.

Proof. Suppose to the contrary that there are t distinct v1 , . . . , vt ∈ [n] and distinct E1 , . . . , Et ∈ H
such that Y ⊆ E1 ∩ . . . ∩ Et and vi = c(Ei ) for i = 1, . . . , t. Let E1 ∈ Hi1 , . . . , Et ∈ Hit . By
Claim 13, i1 , . . . , it are all distinct. By relabelling we may suppose that Ei ∈ Hi .
We will find the t + 1 disjoint sets A0 , B1 , B2 , . . . , Bt contradicting Lemma 7 using induction as
follows. Fix any subset A0 of Y with |A0 | = a and let D0 := ∪Ei . Then |D0 | ≤ 2t + r − 2.
We define the sets Ei′ , Di , Bi step by step as follows. We will have Di := D0 ∪ j≤i Ej′ and

|Di | ≤ 2t + r − 2 + i(r − 1 − a). For i = 1, 2, . . . , t consider the family Hi and its member Ei in
it. By the intersection structure of Hi , the set A0 ∪ {c(Ei )} is an (a + 1, thr)-kernel in Hi . One
of the thr petals of the sunflower in Hi with kernel A0 ∪ {c(Ei )} should be disjoint from Di−1 ; let
Füredi and Kostochka: Bushes, July 4, 2023 12

Ei′ be the corresponding set in Hi . Since c(Ei ) ∈ Ei′ , and homogeneity gives c(Ei′ ) = c(Ei ), the set
Bi := Ei′ − A0 is a (b, thr)-kernel.

For v ∈ [n], let H(v) = {E ∈ Hb : v = c(E)} and G(v) = {E − v : E ∈ H}. b Let G = S

v∈[n] G(v). By
Claim 13, |G(v)| = |H(v)|
b b ≥ (t − 1)nr−1 − (C +
for each v ∈ [n]; in particular, by (16), |G| = |H|
C0 )nr−2 .
In these terms, Claim 14 can be restated as follows:

Each (r − 2)-subset Y of [n] is in the shadow of at most t − 1 families G(v). (17)

For every j ∈ [n], there a real xj such that |G(j)| = r−1 . Reorder the elements of [n] so that
x1 ≥ x2 ≥ . . . ≥ xn . Let b = 3(r − 1)!(C + C0 ).

Claim 15. For every 1 ≤ i ≤ t − 1,

n − xi ≤ b. (18)

Proof. Suppose the claim fails and 1 ≤ i ≤ t − 1 is the smallest index for which (15) does not hold.
Since for each real 0 < x < n,
x x
r−1 n−x r−2
 = 1− n ,
n−r+2 r−2

Theorem 12 yields that for every i ≤ j ≤ n,

 xj  n
xj b
|∂G(j)| ≥ = r−2n
≥ r−2
n |G(j)| 1
 + ,
r−2 r−1 1−

and for every 1 ≤ j ≤ i − 1,

n  n
xj r−2 xj r−2
|∂G(j)| ≥ ≥ n
 ≥ n |G(j)|.

r−2 r−1
r−1 r−1


n 1+ n i−1 n i−1

X r−2 n−r+2 X X r−2
|∂G(j)| ≥ n
 |G(j)| and |∂G(j)| ≥ n
 |G(j)|. (20)
j=i r−1 j=i j=1 r−1 j=1

By (17) and (20),

n i−1 n n
 n n

X X X r−2
X b X
(t − 1)|∂G| ≥ |∂G(j)| = |∂G(j)| + |∂G(j)| ≥ n
  |G(j)| + |G(j)| .
j=1 j=1 j=i j=1 j=i
Füredi and Kostochka: Bushes, July 4, 2023 13

n Pn n−1
− (C + C0 )nr−2 , this implies
Since |∂G| ≤ r−2 and by (16), j=1 |G(j)| = |G| = |H|
b ≥ (t − 1)

n n−1 b X
(t − 1) ≥ (t − 1) − (C + C0 )nr−2 + |G(j)|. (21)
r−1 r−1 n−r+2

Again by (16), nj=i |G(j)| ≥ |H|b − (i − 1) n−1 ≥ (t − i) n−1 − (C + C0 )nr−2 . Since t − i ≥ 1,

r−1 r−1
plugging this into (21) and rearranging we get
b n−1
(C + C0 )nr−2 ≥ − (C + C0 )nr−2 . (22)
n−r+2 r−1

Using the definition of b and (15), inequality (22) implies

r−2 3(r − 1)!(C + C0 ) n−1 1 n−1
(C + C0 )n ≥ − ,
n−r+2 r−1 3 r−1

which in turn again using (15) yields

r−2 n−1
n (n − r + 2) ≥ 2(r − 1)! ≥ nr−1 ,

a contradiction.

Now we are ready to finish the proof of the theorem. By Claim 15, for every 1 ≤ i ≤ t − 1,
xi n−b n Y n−b−j n (r − 1)b
b = ≥ = ≥ 1−
r−1 r−1 r−1 n−j r−1 n−r+2
n n n b
= −b ≥ − nr−2 .
r−1 r−2 r−1 (r − 1)!
This proves Theorem 5 for C1 = (r−1)! = 3(C + C0 ).


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