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The prompt format for OpenAI's GPT-3 language model typically involves providing a few sentences

or a short paragraph of text to guide the model's response. The format may vary depending on the
specific task or application, but here are some general guidelines:

1. Clear and Concise: Keep your prompt clear, concise, and to the point. State your task or question in
a straightforward manner, avoiding unnecessary or ambiguous language.

2. Contextual Information: If your prompt requires context or refers to prior statements, you can
include that information to help the model understand the task better. This can be done by
referencing the model's previous responses or using the system message to provide additional

3. Instructional Language: Use explicit and specific instructions to guide the model's response. Clearly
state what you want the model to do, whether it's answering a question, providing examples,
explaining a concept, or completing a specific task.

4. Task Specifications: If your prompt has specific requirements or constraints, such as a preferred
response format, word count limit, or request for step-by-step instructions, include those
specifications in your instructions.

5. Example-based Prompts: For tasks that involve generating examples or following a specific format,
you can provide one or more examples in the prompt to guide the model's response. This can help
the model understand the desired output and generate responses accordingly.

6. System Message: You can utilize the system message, which appears before the user message in
the input, to provide high-level instructions or set the context for the conversation. The system
message can help guide the model's behavior throughout the conversation.

It's important to note that prompt effectiveness may vary depending on the specific task and context.
Experimentation and iteration with different phrasings, instructions, and approaches are often
necessary to refine the prompt and achieve desired outcomes.

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