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Quantitating the cell: turning

images into numbers with ImageJ
Ellen T Arena,1,2 Curtis T Rueden,2 Mark C Hiner,2 Shulei Wang,3
Ming Yuan1,3 and Kevin W Eliceiri1,2*

Modern biological research particularly in the fields of developmental and cell

biology has been transformed by the rapid evolution of the light microscope. The
light microscope, long a mainstay of the experimental biologist, is now used for a
wide array of biological experimental scenarios and sample types. Much of the
great developments in advanced biological imaging have been driven by the dig-
ital imaging revolution with powerful processors and algorithms. In particular,
this combination of advanced imaging and computational analysis has resulted
in the drive of the modern biologist to not only visually inspect dynamic phe-
nomena, but to quantify the involved processes. This need to quantitate images
has become a major thrust within the bioimaging community and requires
extensible and accessible image processing routines with corresponding intuitive
software packages. Novel algorithms both made specifically for light microscopy
or adapted from other fields, such as astronomy, are available to biologists, but
often in a form that is inaccessible for a number of reasons ranging from data
input issues, usability and training concerns, and accessibility and output limita-
tions. The biological community has responded to this need by developing open
source software packages that are freely available and provide access to image
processing routines. One of the most prominent is the open-source image pack-
age ImageJ. In this review, we give an overview of prominent imaging processing
approaches in ImageJ that we think are of particular interest for biological ima-
ging and that illustrate the functionality of ImageJ and other open source image
analysis software. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
How to cite this article:
WIREs Dev Biol 2017, 6:e260. doi: 10.1002/wdev.260

INTRODUCTION systems41,44 to tracking active cells in live animals

in vivo.21,28,62 This has provided researchers a real-

T echnical breakthroughs are transforming the

world of scientific imaging. This is most evident
in optical microscopy, where advanced, multidimen-
time view of complex biological processes, including
oncogenic signaling,17 tumor metabolism,61 and
vesicular trafficking,12 as well as the complex archi-
sional imaging modalities are providing higher tem- tecture of a developing organism.14,24 Imaging
poral and spatial resolutions than ever before from approaches provide the means to visualize such
an array of sophisticated bio-inspired in vitro events both spatially and temporally, but there also
remains a great need to quantitatively measure these
*Correspondence to: events. Computational techniques to do this now
Morgridge Institute for Research, Madison, WI, USA constitute an emerging field, bioimage informatics,45
Laboratory for Optical and Computational Instrumentation, Uni- with a great number of approaches that allow scien-
versity of Wisconsin at Madison, Madison, WI, USA tists to extract quantitative data from their images.20
Department of Statistics, University of Wisconsin at Madison, However, with such a diverse selection of techniques,
Madison, WI, USA procedures, and tools, it can be difficult for biologists
Conflict of interest: The authors have declared no conflicts of inter- to determine where to best begin their analysis.
est for this article. When examining complex biological processes,

Volume 6, March/April 2017 © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1 of 18


careful considerations need to be made not only for ImageJ is a true community effort. Therefore, we
image acquisition systems, but also for postproces- wish to emphasize not only the role of ImageJ as an
sing and bioimage analysis protocols. There stands image analysis platform and the tools and techniques
before the user a vast collection of computational it makes available to users, but also the role of the
choices, not only in the algorithms themselves, but community in shaping future directions of open-
also in the various software tools that provide these source tools for scientific bioimaging.
algorithms to the greater scientific community. Char-
acteristics of an ideal software platform10,11 will be
one designed for science, allowing open inspection ImageJ and Fiji
and verification, while maintaining the necessary flex- From a user standpoint, ImageJ is an open-source
ibility to support the imaging field’s ever-expanding image processing platform for multidimensional
repertoire of techniques and modalities. One such image data, built for the specific needs of scientific
open-source software toolkit is ImageJ.60 In this arti- imaging57 ( It is an application for
cle, we discuss a select subset of image analysis tech- all aspects of image analysis postacquisition, provid-
niques available through ImageJ to specifically ing functions to load, display, and save images,
highlight its utility in scientific image analysis. We coupled with a robust repertoire of image processing
hope this presentation of commonly applied techni- techniques with dedicated tools for segmentation,
ques will also encourage exploration of other power- data visualization, tracking, lifetime analysis, and
ful tools available within ImageJ and related open- colocalization to name only a few biological applica-
source packages. We focus on ImageJ applications tions. In general, a key entry point for new users to
and use cases that are likely of most interest to the ImageJ is via the ImageJ website (
developmental and cell biology fields, but many of The Introduction section of the ImageJ wiki (http://
the tools and information presented are applicable to is a perfect resource for
other biological domains. beginners to ImageJ and image analysis in general
(Table 1). There are also helpful tutorials (http://, as well as detailed
Open-Source Image Processing user guides (; as well,
While there is merit to commercial bioimage analysis there is the all important ImageJ Forum (http://
software, this review focuses on open source image where new users can post ques-
processing and one platform in particular: ImageJ. tions to the community for assistance in their general
ImageJ is arguably the most widely utilized open or specific image analysis needs.
source bioimage analysis tool and serves as a good While ImageJ began as a single, standalone
example of the benefits of open source. Open-source application, it has grown to encompass a broad col-
equals transparency, providing the ability to inspect, lection of related software libraries and applica-
reproduce, and verify, which is absolutely necessary tions.57 The original application is known as ImageJ
for the scientific process.10 Computational tools are 1.x within the community, whereas the updated, full
playing an increasingly significant role in science, as suite of components now reengineered for N-dimen-
a result, software needs to be transparent so scientists sional, scalable analyses is referred to as ImageJ2: a
can fully understand the computational methods collection of reusable software libraries, extensible
being applied to their particular biological questions, plugins/services, and reusable image processing
and so these methods can be expanded and operations. This ImageJ family is a multifaceted proj-
improved.11 Simply stated, scientific data and meth- ect built upon the SciJava framework, a foundational
ods must be shared to have value, and proprietary software layer for scientific computing—including
tools create implicit barriers to this process. image processing, visualization, annotation, work-
As was thoroughly discussed by Cardona and flow execution, and machine learning—which strives
Tomancak,10 the biological research community to consolidate and reuse code whenever possible.
must engage in collaborations with computer scien- We will simply use the phrase ‘ImageJ’ for con-
tists in the area of bioimage analysis to continue the sistency throughout this review; however, readers
expansion of scientific research. ImageJ epitomizes should be aware that because of the extensible nature
this union as an open-source tool driven by contribu- of ImageJ, its specific capabilities can vary based on
tions from collaborating scientists and developers. As what is installed in a particular instance of the appli-
demonstrated by the very active ImageJ Forum cation. The most reliable mechanism for extension is
( to the growing list of via update sites (,56
update sites (, building which typically include institution or task-focused

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WIREs Developmental Biology Quantitating with ImageJ

TABLE 1 | Key ImageJ resources

ImageJ Resources Description Links
ImageJ wiki Everything you need to know (and more) about ImageJ
ImageJ introduction The home base for basic users on the ImageJ wiki
Getting started with ImageJ An introduction to the ImageJ application
ImageJ user guide Provides a thorough description of ImageJ’s basic, built-in
Principles of image analysis Must-read guidelines for effective acquisition and analysis of
The Fiji cookbook ‘Recipes’ and techniques for image processing
Scripting in ImageJ Become a power user by writing scripts
ImageJ workshops Some key workshops include an Introduction to Fiji,
Segmentation in Fiji, and Scripting with Fiji
The ImageJ forum The recommended way to get help. A very active community;
a rich, modern interface; public, archived discussions

collections of plugins. Fiji (Fiji is Just ImageJ) is the studies. The size and shape of individual cells and sub-
largest and best-known distribution of ImageJ,56 pro- cellular features can be indicative of physiological
viding a curated collection of preinstalled plugins. state; for example, ImageJ has been used to measure
Many of the techniques we will highlight here have changes in large-scale cell shape, revealing condensa-
dedicated plugins in Fiji; thus, we recommend new tion of chromatin and a dramatic effect on cell prolif-
users start with the Fiji update site enabled, as it is in eration.67 Proper delineation of cells and/or
the default Fiji download. By presenting tools and subcellular features—i.e., image segmentation, the
techniques freely available in this open-source pack- process of dividing regions of a digital image to delin-
age, we hope readers will feel empowered to immedi- eate objects or boundaries within—is an incredibly
ately apply these ImageJ-based techniques to their informative and powerful image analysis technique. It
own biological image datasets. is also often the foundation of many subsequent ana-
lyses, including cell tracking, lifetime and colocaliza-
tion measurements, and so on. Essentially, individual
COMMON IMAGE ANALYSIS pixels are grouped to ensure that pixels with analo-
TECHNIQUES gous characteristics are similarly labeled.
There exist numerous methods to employ when
There are hundreds of image analysis routines one
segmenting images. The selection of an appropriate
can apply within any major analysis toolkit, particu-
method depends on the nature of the acquired
larly within such an extensible program as ImageJ.
image(s), as there exists extensive variability in not
Here, we have chosen a few representative analysis
only the biological samples themselves, but also in
techniques and their related ImageJ-based tools that
the microscopic methods utilized for image acquisi-
are commonly employed in cellular and developmen-
tions leading to variations in data complexity. Seg-
tal biology. Each tool has robust, active development
mentation techniques are either noncontextual or
in ImageJ, and together they represent a subset of the
contextual, the latter of which take into account
power of the unified ImageJ platform. The Techni-
those neighboring pixels sharing similar gray levels at
ques page ( on the Ima-
close spatial locations.
geJ wiki ( documents the technical
aspects of each analysis approach. Our aim here is to
introduce users to these image analysis techniques, Flexible Segmentation Workflows
revealing their biological applicability and providing Flexible segmentation workflows are user-defined.
a clear path to their use within ImageJ. They can vary depending on the specific datasets to
be processed. Steps for such segmentation include
(1) preprocessing of images via selection of filters to
Segmentation best facilitate subsequent thresholding. Using ImageJ,
Understanding cellular morphological features and such filters can include Background Subtraction,
subcellular structures is key to many biological which uses a rolling ball algorithm to correct uneven

Volume 6, March/April 2017 © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 3 of 18


background,64 Gaussian Blur, and Find Edges, which by providing a user-friendly tool to apply and com-
uses a Sobel edge detector to detect sudden changes pare pixel-level classifiers. When classifiers are
in intensity levels across an image. Once preproces- applied to a complete image, every pixel is assigned a
sing steps have been carried out, (2) thresholds can class, and the resulting groupings of these classes cre-
then be applied. Ideally, the Auto Threshold plugin ate a naturally emergent, labeled segmentation. It is
is used to ensure reproducibility and the removal of particularly powerful in cases where ‘classical’ seg-
user inconsistencies via manual manipulation of mentation methods are not robust enough for relia-
thresholds. This particular plugin binarizes 8- and ble, automated segmentation. Some examples
16-bit images via global thresholding methods, include: the joint segmentation of Escherichia coli in
selected from Huang, Intermodes, Li, Mean, Otsu, brightfield images32 and the automated segmentation
Yen, and more. Local threshold methods can also of epithelial stromal boundaries for collagen fiber
be used via the Auto Local Threshold plugin. Once alignment measurements in H&E tissue samples of
a threshold has been set within an image, it can be human breast carcinoma.68 TWS classification can
used to (3) create a binary mask. Based on the also be integrated into larger, flexible segmentation
threshold set and the image itself, some areas of the workflows as discussed above, replacing the auto-
image may be over- or under-saturated. In these threshold step with machine learning, which ulti-
situations, the Dilate or Erode operations can be mately produces the binary mask used in subsequent
used to either grow or remove pixels from satura- steps.
tion, respectively. The mask can then be used to
(4) create and transfer a selection from the mask to
the original image, and then finally, (5) resulting
datasets can be analyzed and measurements Registration
taken—e.g., via the Analyze Particles command of The acquisition of large-scale volumetric image data
ImageJ. All of these processes can be assembled using newer imaging modalities, including light
readily into scripts to allow for the creation of an sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) methods,
automatic analysis workflow and batch processing. leads to the generation of multiple views of samples
There are several extensive analysis toolkits availa- that are collected by either interchanging the roles
ble to users through ImageJ that contain various of the objectives or by rotating the sample. Combin-
segmentation and other analysis workflows, includ- ing the data from these many views leads to
ing BAR ( and BioVoxxel improved 3D image resolution by overcoming poor
( These toolkits substan- axial resolution, etc. For example, selective plane
tially extend ImageJ’s own toolbox, providing users illumination microscopy (SPIM)29 has been used for
powerful analysis tools within well-documented and imaging whole developing organisms, including the
-maintained packages. teleost fish Medaka (Oryzias latipes), zebrafish
(Danio rerio), and the fruit fly (Drosophila melano-
Trainable Weka Segmentation gaster), with single cell resolution at groundbreaking
The Trainable Weka Segmentation (TWS) plugin temporal resolution.34 However, in order to maxi-
( is mize the full potential of these acquisitions, these
a machine-learning tool that leverages a limited num- multiview datasets needs to be reconstructed via the
ber of user-guided, manual annotations in order to process of registration. Registration involves the
train a classifier and segment the remaining data spatial unification of a collection of image data into
automatically2 (Figure 1). The TWS plugin has been a shared coordinate system.
used a great deal in automatic tissue segmentation; Image registration is achieved by use of algo-
for example, it was used to develop a fully auto- rithms to determine image alignment, which can be
mated tissue segmentation of neck–chest–abdomen– categorized as either intensity-based or feature-based
pelvis computed tomography (CT) examinations for algorithms. Intensity-based methods examine inten-
pediatric and adult CT protocols.48 This plugin is sity patterns within images via correlation metrics,
trainable in that it can learn from user input and whereas feature-based methods determine and com-
apply similar tasks on unknown datasets. It leverages pare the positioning of distinct points, lines, or con-
the Weka library27 ( tours for proper alignment. For both, the goal is to
weka/), an extensive collection of machine learning spatially transform a target image onto a known ref-
algorithms, tools, and classifiers for data mining erence image. Ultimately, this can involve the appli-
tasks. TWS essentially functions as a bridge between cation of linear transformations, such as rotation,
the fields of machine learning and image processing translation, and affine transforms, as well as

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WIREs Developmental Biology Quantitating with ImageJ

(a) Input
(b) Image features



Input (d) Training set (f)

(c) Segmentation
Trainable Weka Segmentation

FI GU RE 1 | The Trainable Weka Segmentation (TWS) pipeline for pixel classification. Given a sample input image, in this example a maize
stem slab acquired using a flat scanner with a resolution of 720 DPI, corresponding to 35.3 μm/pixel (courtesy of David Legland)69 (a), a user is
dependent on the image alone in order to extract features and to properly segment those features; this process can vary greatly depending on the
input image (b). Using the power of machine learning, the TWS plugin takes an input image and a set of labels defined by the user to represent
feature vectors (c); a WEKA learning scheme is trained on those labels (d) to define and apply a classifier (e) to the remaining image data to
properly and automatically segment (f ) the image.

‘nonrigid’ transformations that allow subregion pixels is analyzed in order to calculate similarities
warping of the target image in order to align to the for best matching the images. TrakEM2 also uses
reference. landmarks to align images, where users are able to
manually designate reference regions, which the
TrakEM2 software can use to calculate a corresponding trans-
TrakEM2 ( is an ImageJ form. The flexibility and performance of this partic-
plugin for morphological data mining, ular tool provides users with various, powerful
three-dimensional modeling and image stitching, reg- registration techniques via an easy-to-use interface.
istration, editing, and annotation9 (Figure 2). This
particular tool features segmentation implementa- Multiview Reconstruction
tions, including semantic segmentation, volumetric As stated above, LSFM methodologies are transform-
and surface measures, 3D visualization, and image ing the way we image developing organisms. Today,
annotation. However, in this particular review, we the entire process of Drosophila embryogenesis can
will focus on its registration capabilities. TrakEM2 be imaged without any harm unto the living, devel-
has been used in the expeditious reconstruction of oping specimen.29 The Multiview Reconstruction
neuronal circuits for model systems of both Dro- plugin of ImageJ was developed to specifically handle
sophila and C. elegans, addressing their systematic these types of data, in particular, to register multi-
reconstruction from both large electron microscopic view image datasets (
and optical image volumes.9 This tool registers float- Reconstruction). It is a newer plugin, developed to
ing image tiles to each other using scale invariant replace the previous SPIM Registration plugin.49,50
feature transform (SIFT) and global optimization Multiview Reconstruction allows users to register,
algorithms. SIFT uses local features as points of fuse, drift-correct, deconvolve, and view multiview
interest to extract those corresponding landmarks so image datasets, which can be run as automated
transformations can be calculated and applied workflows (
within the plugin. TrakEM2 has a very effective, for_parallel_Multiview_Reconstruction). Although it
semi-automatic snapping protocol for aligning was specifically designed to deal with LSFM datasets,
images. An image can be manually dragged onto Multiview Registration can be used for viewing any
another and ‘snapped’ to it, and after, a subset of dataset with 3 or more dimensions, from confocal

Volume 6, March/April 2017 © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 5 of 18






F I G U R E 2 | The TrakEM2 plugin assembles 3D volumes and reconstructs, measures, and analyzes structures contained within. In this example,
we show a 512 × 512 × 30 px volume at 4 × 4 × 50 nm resolution of a Drosophila larval central nervous system,8 which was registered using
automated methods.54 All cytoplasmic membranes, synapses and mitochondria are segmented (a) using manual (custom brush tools) and
semiautomatic methods (Level Sets ImageJ plugin by Erwin Frise). Each element is editable from the UI (a). The reconstructions are hierarchically
organized and can be manipulated as groups (d). The volumes can be rendered (b) and measured (e) using ImageJ’s 3D Viewer plugin59 and
results table, which provide further means for exporting the data for further processing elsewhere. In addition to the TrakEM2 interface, individual
methods can be combined with other techniques from within the script editor (c).

time-series to multichannel 3D stacks. Multiview are acquiring live samples, especially in the realm of
Reconstruction is fully integrated with the visualiza- developmental biology.30,58 However, with added
tion plugin, BigDataViewer, which is to be discussed acquisition dimensionality with space and time and
in more detail in the upcoming section; both tools beyond now possible, effective computational tools
have been used in research into the early develop- are needed to handle such large-scale 3D or higher
ment of the polyclad flatworm Maritigrella crozieri, a dimension images, their registration and rendering.
nonmodel animal.25 Such tools are more important than ever before as
these datasets are truly in the realm of ‘big data’ and
need to be processed with care to maximize informa-
Visualization tion extraction in a timely manner.
Advanced 3D imaging technologies, such as LSFM Typically, microscopes acquire images before
methods, including selective/single plane illumination processing and visualization occurs, which is espe-
microscopy (SPIM), are changing the way scientists cially the case for large-scale data acquisitions on the

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WIREs Developmental Biology Quantitating with ImageJ

order of multigigabytes per second acquired over including SPIM and DLSM. 3D volumetric stacks can
hours and even days. Although only a small subset of be visualized in real time, as it iteratively estimates data
this data may be of interest, the complete dataset to progressively show more accurate views in order to
must be retained until it can be analyzed. This delay handle large-scale image volumes. As opposed to wait-
between acquisition and data processing poses a det- ing for offline postprocessing steps, scientists have
riment to effective use of time and storage, not to immediate views of their data as they acquire it to
mention the image specimens themselves. Steps are determine sample quality and image acquisition para-
currently being taken to bridge this gap by using meters, and so on. Also, the point spread function
novel computational tools to quickly provide robust, (PSF) can be visualized on the acquisition system in 3D
visual feedback, as most advanced imaging systems to compute image quality in real time during system
only allow for single image planes to be visualized in calibration. ClearVolume was used for all the 3D rend-
real time. The sooner N-dimensional datasets can be ering in a recent study that developed a novel work-
rendered, visualized, and assessed relative to the flow for 3D correlative light and electron microscopy
acquisition process, the more efficiently and effec- (CLEM) of cell monolayers, specifically to examine the
tively science can progress. composition of entotic vacuoles.53

BigDataViewer is an ImageJ plugin that allows users to Tracking
navigate and visualize large image sequences from both Cells are not immobile entities; biological systems are
local and remote data sources47 ( made up of dynamic processes, including cell mem-
BigDataViewer). It was specifically designed for brane dynamics, vesicular trafficking, cytoskeletal
terabyte-sized multiview light-sheet microscopy data, rearrangements, focal adhesions, viral and bacterial
integrated with the SPIM image processing pipeline of infections, intracellular transport, and gene transcrip-
ImageJ. The data is handled as a collection of individual tion and maintenance. Digitally capturing this dimen-
sources; for example, in a multiangle, multichannel sionality provides a full view of life’s processes. As in
SPIM dataset, each channel of each angle is considered the case of segmentation studies, where an under-
a source, and within this tool, each source can be dis- standing of cellular morphological features and/or
played and manipulated independently. BigDataViewer subcellular structures provides greater insight into
has a custom data format, optimized for rapid brows- the physiological state of a cell, tracking takes this
ing of image datasets too large to fit entirely in com- one step further by quantifying the dynamic nature
puter memory, maintaining spatial metadata to register of cellular and/or particle movements. For an even
sources to the global coordinate system. The modular more advanced discussion on tracking, in particular
design of BigDataViewer separates data access, caching, within the realm of Drosophila developmental biol-
and visualization into separate functions, making it ogy, please see the extensive review by Jug et al.33
easier to reuse and build upon from other plugins. Its Tracking of whole cells or subcellular structures,
data structures are built on the generic image processing such as organelles, macromolecular complexes, or
library, ImgLib2, an open-source Java library designed even single molecules, involves identifying and fol-
for N-dimensional data representation and manipula- lowing these structures over time. Manual tracking is
tion for image processing.46 In the ImageJ software eco- error-prone and impractical, especially when dealing
system, ImgLib2 is the foundation of next-generation with hundreds or thousands of targets; therefore,
image processing operations, allowing natural compati- computational algorithms need to be employed to
bility with the BigDataViewer. effectively and efficiently carry out such tasks. Dozens
of software tools are available for tracking, all of
ClearVolume which share methods based on the two key compo-
ClearVolume is a newer development that is poised to nents of tracking: spatial and temporal features.13,40
become the flagship 3D volume-rendering tool for Ima- The spatial component, determined in the segmenta-
geJ ( For example, Big- tion step, is the identification and separation of rele-
DataViewer is currently being extended to support vant objects from background signal in each frame, as
volume visualization of massive datasets using Clear- described previously. The temporal component is the
Volume for 3D rendering. ClearVolume is an open- association of segmented objects from frame-to-
source package designed for real-time, GPU-acceler- frame, building connections over time; this is the link-
ated, 3D + time multichannel visualization and proces- ing step. There are a variety of methods that can be
sing52 (Figure 3). It is a library designed specifically for applied in this latter step. The nearest-neighbor solu-
advanced 3D volume microscopy acquisition methods, tion, a local-linking method, links objects from frame-

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F I G U R E 3 | ClearVolume is an open-source multichannel volume renderer. The plugin offers an intuitive user interface with a number of
configuration options, including voxel size and axes parallel cropping, as well as setting lookup tables, brightness, contrast, transparency, and
render quality for each individual channel. The visualized dataset in this figure shows two Drosophila neurons that were labeled with twin-spot
mosaic analysis with a repressible cell marker (MARCM) and imaged in the lab of Tzumin Lee at HHMI Janelia Research Campus.68

to-frame based on spatial distances, intensity, volume, measurements also consider the object’s shape at each
orientation, or other key features. Multiple global- time point, including the perimeter, area, circularity,
linking methods exist, including spatiotemporal ellipticity, concavity, convexity, and more.
tracing,7 graph-based optimization,31,55 and probabi-
listic tracking algorithms using Bayesian estimations, TrackMate
which include interacting multiple model (IMM) algo- TrackMate is an ImageJ plugin for the automated,
rithms based on various models of different biological semi-automated, and manual tracking of single parti-
movement types,22 approaches based on independent cles ( It aims to offer a
particle filters,26 and Rao-Blackwellized marginal par- general solution that works out of the box for end
ticle filtering.63 users, through a simple and sensible user interface.
Finally, once the particles of interest are success- TrackMate has been used to carry out lineage analy-
fully segmented and linked over time, a multitude of sis on C. elegans, examining the effects of
measurements can be made from the resulting tracks light-induced damage during imaging and its poten-
(as reviewed in Ref 40), including total trajectory tial impact on early development (Figure 4). It oper-
length, net distance, confinement ratio, mean-squared ates on time series of 2D or 3D multichannel images
displacement (MSD), rate of displacement, instantane- and provides several visualization and analysis tools
ous velocity, arrest coefficient, mean curvilinear speed, that help assess the relevance of results. The segmen-
and the mean straight-line speed. Morphology tation and particle-linking steps are separated when

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WIREs Developmental Biology Quantitating with ImageJ

(a) (b) (c)

FI GU RE 4 | Example of C. elegans lineage performed in TrackMate. H2B-GFP C. elegans embryos were prepared and imaged on a laser-
scanning confocal microscope.66 TrackMate was used to segment and track C. elegans nuclei to semi-automatically generate a full lineage (a, b).
The lineage is made of four tracks: the lineage of the AB progenitor, the lineage of the P1 progenitor, and the two basal bodies tracks, followed
up to their disappearance (c).

working through the wizard-like graphical user inter- grouped pixels over time—i.e., tracking. However, that
face (GUI), where at each step the results of the pro- pixel information itself, the intensity of a signal, can be
vided algorithms are visualized for user-based translated into a quantifiable dataset. This is a key task
assessment and correction. Various tools for segmen- in bioimage analysis, and in particular, for signal quan-
tation and/or track analysis for numerical results are tification techniques, including fluorescence lifetime
provided, and plots can be generated directly within analysis and colocalization, both of which will be dis-
the plugin; furthermore, results can be exported to cussed in more detail in the following sections.
other software such as MATLAB for further analysis.
As there is no single, universal, optimal track-
ing algorithm that sufficiently meets the challenges Lifetime Analysis
posed by the variation of datasets within the life The fluorescence lifetime of a given molecule is the
sciences, TrackMate provides a platform where users average decay time from its excited state;37 each fluo-
and developers can contribute their own detection, rescent molecule has a unique lifetime signature that
particle linking, visualization, or analysis modules. can be spatiotemporally mapped within a cell, tissue,
TrackMate is a framework that enables researchers or even on a whole-organism scale. Fluorescence life-
to focus on developing new algorithms, removing the time microscopy (FLIM) and spectral lifetime imaging
burden of also writing a GUI, visualization and anal- (SLIM)4 can be used to assess the state of the environ-
ysis tools, and exporting facilities. ment around a molecule, as fluorescence lifetimes
are affected by several factors including pH, oxygen,
Ca2+ concentrations (dynamic/Stern-Volmer quench-
ing), and molecular interactions via Förster resonance
energy transfer (FRET).3 FLIM also provides great
What information does a pixel value hold in an image? insight into the metabolic state of a cell via endoge-
As shown above, that information can be used to nous fluorophores, such as the metabolites FAD and
group pixels—i.e., segmentation—to map pixels of NADH, which provide optical biomarkers and have
similar coordinates—i.e., registration—or to follow been used to examine changing metabolic activity

Volume 6, March/April 2017 © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 9 of 18




(c) (d)

F I G U R E 5 | Fluorescence lifetime microscopy (FLIM) images analyzed with spectral lifetime imaging (SLIM) Curve. The figure represents a
NADH lifetime of microglia cells activated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). 740-nm excitation wavelength was used for NADH excitation, with a
450/70 emission filter. FLIM data were acquired with a Becker and Hickl-830 board for 60 seconds on a multiphoton microscope. The analysis was
performed using the SLIM Curve plugin for ImageJ (b). This image represents FLIM analysis with a 2-component fit and 5 × 5 binning. The fitted
image represents mean lifetime, which is the proportional combination of the free and bound lifetime. The histogram and the color-coded bar
represents the distribution of mean lifetime (a). Exponential decay for a single pixel is shown in distribution (c). The Instrument Response Function
(IRF) is also shown (d).

within tumor microenvironments.51 Lifetimes are not intensifiers. Measurements require ‘short’ (relative to
influenced by probe concentrations, photobleaching, fluorescence lifetime), high-intensity, laser-pulsed
excitation light intensity, or scattering, making FLIM excitations and fast detection circuits. TCSPC records
a direct quantitative measurement and, therefore, a photon arrival times at each spatial location after a
powerfully informative technique that can readily be sufficient number of events have been recorded,
applied to living cells. building up the histogram over time; conversely, fast-
Essentially, when a single molecule or fluoro- gated image intensifiers measure fluorescence inten-
phore is excited, there exists a certain probability sity in various time windows across the time range of
that it can return to the ground state, thereby emit- the fluorescence decay of the sample. In both of these
ting a photon. This temporal decay can be assumed TD-FLIM techniques, because the pulse is not infi-
as an exponential decay probability function. There nitely small, it has its own time profile (instrument
are two ways to measure decay profiles: time domain response function, IRF) and therefore convolves the
(photon-counting, TD-FLIM) and frequency domain decay profile.
(FD-FLIM);18 this review will focus on the former
method. For TD-FLIM, a photon distribution histo- SLIM Curve
gram can be measured by using time-correlated single SLIM Curve is an exponential curve-fitting library
photon counting (TCSPC) or fast-gated image used for FLIM and SLIM data analysis (https://slim-

10 of 18 © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Volume 6, March/April 2017

WIREs Developmental Biology Quantitating with ImageJ, as well as an ImageJ plugin that occur. Careful emission spectra and filter selection
provides the ability to analyze FLIM and SLIM data should be used, as well as sequential imaging, to
within ImageJ using the SLIM Curve library. avoid false colocalization signal. In order to counter-
Figure 5 shows a real-world biological example act these effects, one must carefully and properly pre-
where the NADH lifetime of microglia cells is meas- process their acquired data, applying noise-removing
ured upon activation by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In filters, thresholds, multiple Gaussian fits, and/or lim-
addition to this ImageJ plugin, the library itself can iting search space with regions of interest (ROIs).
be used standalone or via external applications, Finally, zero–zero pixels are not biologically relevant
including MATLAB and Tri2 (FLIM-centric, Win- and should be excluded if possible to avoid skewing
dows application). A significant advantage to using colocalization statistics.
the SLIM Curve plugin is full, integrated access with
related ImageJ workflows such as segmentation. Both
manual and automatic segmentation applications can Coloc 2
be used with FLIM analysis. For example, the plugin Coloc 2 is a colocalization tool available in ImageJ,
is compatible with the TWS plugin discussed earlier, performing pixel-based intensity correlation ana-
aiding in the streamlining of larger workflows. lyses ( Figure 6 reveals
the Coloc 2 user interface, which displays images
for colocalization studies of HIV maturation, exam-
Colocalization ining the spatial location of HIV proteins within
Colocalization is the measurement of spatial relation- certain host cell compartments. The current pack-
ships between molecules. Because this is a measure- age of Coloc 2 excludes object-based overlap analy-
ment of codistribution or association of two probes, sis. As it stands, Coloc 2 requires at least two
and not direct interactions, colocalization is best single channel images opened and displayed in Ima-
suited to investigate the general locale of a molecule geJ; currently, z-stacks can be processed, but not
and its potential association with a cellular structure, time series. ROIs or binary masks can be applied to
compartment, or molecular complex. There are two restrict the region used in the analysis, which is
qualitatively differing methods that can be applied to useful for eliminating zero–zero regions, but care
measure these relationships: the ‘classical’ pixel-based should be taken to avoid introducing bias. The user
methods that measure global correlation coefficients can individually select their preferred algorithms
from pixel intensities for multiple color channels and calculated statistics. Datasets can be exported
directly, and object-based methods that first segment as PDFs, which include images of generated scatter
distinct molecular ‘spots’ to then analyze their rela- plots, 2D intensity histograms, individual channel
tive spatial distributions; all techniques have been displays, as well as the full list of calculated data
thoroughly reviewed.6,15,35,36 Pixel-based methods values to help facilitate comparisons between differ-
will be the focus of this review. ent colocalization experiments. Coloc 2 also uses
Several quantitative values are commonly pro- ImgLib2 to implement all methods above independ-
duced in colocalization analyses. Pearson’s correla- ent of pixel type (e.g., 8-, 16-, 32-bit, and more),
tion coefficient (PCC) is a good estimate of overall enabling efficient extensibility and compatibility
association between probes, as it measures pixel-by- within the ImageJ ecosystem.
pixel correlation, mean-normalized to values from
−1 (anticorrelation) to 1 (correlation).38 Manders’
colocalization coefficient (MCC) measures the frac-
tion of total probe signal that colocalizes with
another signal independent of proportionality.39 To It is also important to highlight particular techniques
identify the background, the Costes approach in image analysis that would benefit from further
chooses a threshold so that the PCC calculated from exposure and development of tools within ImageJ.
pixel intensities below the threshold is zero or nega- Due to the continual growth of bioimaging in terms
tive, and Costes’ randomization reveals the signifi- of advancing instrumentation and continued data
cance of calculated Pearson’s and Manders’ complexity, these image techniques will be necessary
coefficients by iteratively generating ‘random’ to meet the needs of researchers now and in the near
scrambled blocks of pixels to directly compare with future. Two in particular that have been well-vetted
the unscrambled image.16 tools by the microscopy community, though still evol-
As any signal is considered ‘real’ in pixel-based ving in ImageJ, are deconvolution and spectral analy-
methods, an overestimation of colocalization can sis that we review here.

Volume 6, March/April 2017 © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 11 of 18


(a) (b) (c)



F I G U R E 6 | An ImageJ plugin for colocalization, Coloc 2. HeLa cells were transfected with HIV-1 Gag-CFP (c) and RNA-tagging protein (MS2-
YFP-NLS) (d), fixed at 24-h posttransfection, and imaged with 100× Plan Apo (NA = 1.45). After applying a region of interest (e), the Coloc
2 output (a) can be exported as PDF and is also summarized in the log window (b). Images are courtesy of Jordan Becker from the laboratory of
Nathan Sherer at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Deconvolution An acquired image arises from the convolution

Deconvolution is one of the most common image of the light source, the original object, and a PSF.
reconstruction tasks that arise in 3D fluorescence The PSF of an optical device is the image of a single,
microscopy. Deconvolution is essentially an subresolution point object. The PSF is the smallest
algorithm-based process of reversing distortions on a unit that builds an acquired image in its entirety, and
resultant image created by an optical system (i.e., a an image is computed as the sum of all point objects.
fluorescence microscope); it is a mathematical opera- A convolution is replacing each light source by its
tion to restore an image that is degraded by a physi- corresponding PSF to produce a ‘blurry’ image;
cal process, a convolution. Every optical microscope, therefore, a deconvolution is the reverse process, col-
no matter the technique or method employed, is an lecting all the ‘blurry’ light and putting it back to its
instrument that convolves reality; it is the nature of original source location. An image from a fluores-
optics. Therefore, any resulting image, in order to cence microscope is completely described by its PSF;
return to a true representation of the original object, therefore, knowledge of a system’s PSF is an essential
must be mathematically deconvolved. step in deconvolution. There exist multiple ways to

12 of 18 © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Volume 6, March/April 2017

WIREs Developmental Biology Quantitating with ImageJ

determine a PSF. A theoretical PSF can be computed quantitative unmixing is able to overcome many lim-
given the model of the microscope and known micro- itations in fluorescence microscopy. Specific fluoro-
scopic parameters, including numerical aperture, phore emissions can be extracted from total signal
excitation wavelength, refractive indices and mount- and their intensities properly redistributed to restore
ing medium, etc. An experimental PSF is more accu- the true signal, which is then no longer affected by
rate and can be acquired directly on the same overlapping signals.
microscopic system used for image acquisitions via This ability to distinguish highly overlapping
imaging of microscopic spherical beads. emission spectra vastly extends the possibilities in
In general, deconvolution results in better look- multicolor imaging. Spectral unmixing can also be
ing images, improved identification of features, used to remove autofluorescence signal from samples,
removal of artifacts (due to PSF calibration), higher a very common occurrence in tissue samples, in order
resolutions, and, last but not least, better quantitative to separate ‘real’ signal from autofluorescence and
image analyses (reviewed in Ref 65). Instead of dis- can allow the distinction between FRET emission
carding the out-of-focus signal, it is reassigned to the and donor bleed through, termed spectral FRET,
correct image plane. Thus, the blurred signal is resulting in more accurate and quantitative FRET
moved back into focus, which increases definition of analysis. Multichannel fluorescence imaging also
the object by improving the signal-to-noise ratio and allows various aspects of the same specimen to be
contrast. examined simultaneously.
Many users are unaware that deconvolution Spectral imaging eliminates the need for specific
techniques are ‘hidden’ in other tools available in Ima- filters, since all filtering can be done computationally
geJ. For example, within the Multiview Reconstruc- after the acquisition process; however, there remains
tion plugin, specific for multiview datasets, there are a need to transfer existing tools into the biological
accessible deconvolution techniques that can be easily world. In general, spectral unmixing algorithms have
applied to any 3D+ dataset and are pushing bound- been widely applied and optimized in the field of
aries in efficient implementation of deconvolution astronomy. Despite the power of this technique, only
algorithms for multiview images.50,58 While a lot of a handful of minimalist tools are available within
effort has gone into deconvolution approaches in Ima- ImageJ. PoissonNMF allows the decomposition of
geJ in recent years, there is currently no single flagship lambda stacks into single spectra of fluorescently
deconvolution plugin available as part of the open labeled samples. It can be used without reference
source ImageJ ecosystem. Instead, the ImageJ develop- spectra, estimating spectra by using nonnegative
ment team is making a concerted effort to include matrix factorization, which is suitable for data with
deconvolution algorithms as part of the core ImageJ high levels of shot-noise. Even without prior knowl-
Ops library for image analysis (https://imagej.github. edge or minimal knowledge of the sample spectra,
io/presentations/2015-09-04-imagej2-deconvolution/). the data can be decomposed through the application
Ops provides unified interfaces for implementations of of ‘blind unmixing.’43 The simple matrix algorithms
image-processing algorithms57 ( for spectral unmixing used in the plugin, Spectral
ImageJ_Ops). As ImageJ Ops matures, its built-in Unmixing, allow the measurement of the spectral
functionality will become increasingly accessible to bleed through between color channels from reference
end users in the form of plugins. images.42,70 Essentially, the relative intensity of each
individual fluorophore is stored in a ‘mixing matrix.’
The inverse of this matrix is used to correct bleed
Spectral Analysis through seen in experimental images, recorded under
There is an ever-growing variety of available fluoro- the same conditions as the reference images. But
phores for biological labeling, which continually again, this is only the beginning of what can be done
adds to the complexities of bioimaging. It is not with this technique, and reveals another avenue for
always possible to combine fluorophores whose emis- needed development in currently available ImageJ
sion spectra do not overlap or to have the optimal plugins.
optical filters to properly separate emission spectra.
There is currently a strong interest in spectral unmix-
ing techniques. Spectral unmixing involves the sepa- CONCLUSION
ration of emission spectra from multiple fluorophores
postacquisition. By collecting nearly all fluorescence Open-Source Tools in Image Analysis
emitted without differentiating individual fluorescent Continued advancements in image processing have
molecules, spectral imaging combined with opened a whole new realm in biological imaging and

Volume 6, March/April 2017 © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 13 of 18


data analysis. Current computational tools and bio- and uncertainty quantification, to appropriately
image analysis techniques have transformed images account for ‘noises’ of various different nature, espe-
from only visual, qualitative observations into cially for high throughput imaging applications. Ima-
robust, quantitative measurements yielding complex, geJ provides an accessible avenue for such methods
oftentimes multiparametric datasets from which rele- to be applied by developers and biologists to reveal
vant information can be computationally extracted. the statistical relevance of their datasets. There is
Through collaborations between biologists and com- already some promising work in this area to provide
puter scientists over the past decade, ImageJ has rap- bridge tools that statisticians use, such as R (https://
idly emerged as the cornerstone for such progressive, and Bioconductor,23 and we
joint endeavors. The need for reproducibility makes expect this to also grow within ImageJ as these statis-
open-source methods paramount for scientific trans- tical approaches are explored and adapted for bio-
parency. However, open-source tools are an logical imaging.
often-misunderstood element. These community-
based, collaborative applications, especially in the
case of ImageJ, are constantly evolving and are by no Biologists in the World of Computational
means a final product, but are projects that con- Imaging
stantly undergo updates and development, perhaps We know ImageJ is not all inclusive in its image anal-
much to the occasional annoyance of the user-base. ysis support, and as a result, this review is not all
As well, they are not anticommercial; in fact, many encompassing. New approaches and tools are contin-
open-source projects enjoy the direct contribution of ually being added through user requests and direct
commercial entities. For example, in the world of contributions. As a result, we have focused on expos-
image databases, the Open Microscopy environment ing both new and experienced ImageJ users to vari-
(OME)1 enjoys the strong participation of a driving ous existing and emerging applications and
member, Glencoe Inc. The Micro-Manager software techniques, as opposed to providing detailed ‘how-to’
package19 for acquisition is led by Open Imaging, instructions. Through this exposure to specific func-
Inc. Many more companies utilize and contribute. It tionality, we hope to provide insight into tools that
is essential to realize that the progress on the compu- exist to address specific biological problems, and
tational side of open-source image analysis is as evol- more importantly, to reveal an entire community of
ving and nonstagnant as the biology itself; as in support. We hope this review provides a launch pad
biological discovery, these computational founda- for further open source and ImageJ exploration.
tions are continuously being built upon. The most important aspect of open-source
image processing is not the individual algorithm or
process, but rather the biologists, developers, and sta-
Building New Bridges in Open Source: tisticians that drive the development, application,
Statistics and maintenance of a given method. In a review such
ImageJ is capable of fluid interconnectivity with an as this that aims to make ImageJ, and open-source
extensive network of other open-source applications. tools in general, more accessible to the bench biolo-
Scientific research is not a standalone endeavor; inter- gist, the most important message that can be sent to
operability and collaboration lead to innovation and existing and prospective users is to be active and not
discovery. While there is always a continued need for silent in one’s use, development, application, and
communication between computer scientists and implementation of a process—whether ultimately
biologists to keep the field of bioimage analysis mov- successful or not.
ing forward, we must also consider what other At this point, collaboration is simply a matter
opportunities exist for mutual learning and exchange. of revealing new opportunities. If you develop an
In particular, we believe the near future of ImageJ analysis workflow or create a tool or algorithm for
development should include creating effective bridges use in your local environment that could be useful to
for statisticians to bring novel algorithms to bioimage the greater community, as was the case for many of
analysis via ImageJ. This is necessary for continued the plugins discussed in this review, consider distri-
progress in the field,10 and with the increasing com- buting it as an ImageJ plugin. Communication is key
plexity of quantitative data extraction, it is more to continuing collaborations, which require exposure
important than ever for algorithms to be implemen- in a public venue, the most accessible being the Ima-
ted in a statistically robust way. In particular, it is geJ Forum. Reporting of one’s efforts at any level, we
becoming clear that more principled approaches are have found, always has utility to the community.
needed in terms of, for example, stochastic modeling Not only does such communication and sharing

14 of 18 © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Volume 6, March/April 2017

WIREs Developmental Biology Quantitating with ImageJ

promote standardization, reducing costs and resource and results in improved analysis approaches, unveil-
requirements,5 but just as importantly, it introduces ing avenues for computational improvements and
us to new communities, opens up new collaborations, developments, which ultimately benefits all.

We acknowledge manuscript edits and figure contributions from Nathan Sherer and Jordan Becker, Molecular
Virology and Oncology, University of Wisconsin–Madison; Alison Walter, LOCI University of Wisconsin-
Madison, MD Adbul Sagar, LOCI, University of Wisconsin–Madison; and Cole Drifka, LOCI, University of
We also acknowledge contributions from members of the ImageJ community: Ignacio Arganda-Carreras,
TWS, University of the Basque Country; Aivar Grislis and Abdul Kader Sagar, SLIM Curve, LOCI, University
of Wisconsin–Madison; Paul Barber, SLIM Curve, CRUK/MRC, University of Oxford; Stephan Preibisch, Mul-
tiview Reconstruction, MPI-CBG; Albert Cardona and Stephan Saalfeld, TrakEM2, HHMI Janelia Research
Campus; Tobias Pietzsch, BigDataViewer, MPI-CBG; Florian Jug, ClearVolume, MPI-CBG; Jean-Yves Tinevez,
TrackMate, Imagopole, Institut Pasteur; Dan White, Coloc 2, MPI-CBG; Tom Kazimiers, Coloc 2; Brian
Northan, True North Intelligent Algorithms LLC; Johannes Schindelin, Fiji core and plugins, MPI-CBG and
LOCI. This list is by no means exhaustive, and therefore we wish to also thank the broader ImageJ community
and contributions of all its members.
Funding sources include Morgridge Interdisciplinary Fellows Program (ETA) and funding from the Mor-
gridge Institute for Research (KWE) and the UW Laboratory for Optical and Computational Instrumenta-
tion (KWE).

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