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-a realistic representation of something =simulation

- the ability to track and evaluate information=data management

-a company’s list of employees and how much they are paid =payroll
-a report that explains expenses =cost analysis
-the application of computer software to the field of biology =bioinformatics
-the process of determining a location based on electronic information=satellite navigation
-a device that can play audio, video, and other files=multimedia player
-a small, handheld computer that typically works as a mobile phone=digital assistant

-to reveal the contents of something in order to use or edit them=open

-a list of options that appears when an item is clicked=dropdown menu
-a feature on a computer screen that indicates where input will appear=cursor
-to mark something for a particular operation =select
-a visual way of interacting with a computer screen=GUI
-a symbol that indicates a file or program=icon
-to bring up options using a particular mouse button =right-click

-A system software is = any program that allows computers to perform basic operations.
-The earliest computers = operated with only basic software support.
-Users manually = entered commands into a computer.
-This required = specialized knowledge and = lots of patience.
-Now, computers come with = sophisticated operating systems.
-These systems manage both = the hardware and = software of a computer.
-Users control their = computer’s operations easily with = windowing systems.
-These allow even beginners = to perform complicated operations.
-Most modern computers come with = pre-installed device drivers.
-These control = the unit’s operating system.
-Other components ensure that = peripherals work with the operating system.
-Sophisticated BIOS in the firmware = performs this function.
-Programming software allows programmers= to develop new programs.
-The most basic programming software is= a source code editor.
-These programs are usually =basic text editors.
-Programmers use them= to enter lines of code into a computer.
-Lines of code are written= in a programming language.
-Programmers use this= to write series of commands.
-When executed together, these commands= form a complete program.
-Other programming software =are more complex.
-An IDE= (integrated development environment) provides= tools for writing programs.
-These usually include= a text editor and a debugger.
-Other tools may include =a linker, a compiler, or an interpreter.

-Software engineers might not= be familiar with a particular industry.

-Nonetheless, they must= be prepared to write the software.
-This makes the job= challenging, but also =interesting and rewarding.
-Software engineers write =many types of programs.
-They create simple mobile apps= for the casual user.
-But they also design =complex programs for fields= like bioinformatics.
-Companies use software for many different kinds= of data management.
-Managers use programs= to organize payroll .or perform =cost analyses.
-Some programs =simulate actions and events, like changes= in financial markets.
-Individuals use =personal devices. like multimedia players and= digital assistants.
-Travelers benefit from software like= satellite navigation and= route planning.

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