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1) Bob and Myra, the senior marketing analyst at

2) Follows both display advertising and search engine advertising

3) Uses branded and non-branded keywords

4) Saw great ROI

5) Average CPC is 0.60$

6) Probability of making a purchase is 12%.

7) Average margin per cover$21.

8) The roi is at 320%.


1) Confusion between search ads or what and how to calculate

2) How to predict the consumer

3) Confused with what analysis to run

4) Not had an proper clarity about ads and invested in it

5) Competitors using phrase match

6) Google campaign got affected.


1) Cost

2) Roi

3) User engagements

4) Budget

Alternatives :

1) Should go for roi analysis

2) Can also perform roe analysis

3) To calculate ROI, take the revenue that resulted from your ads and listings,

subtract your overall costs, then divide by your overall costs: ROI =

(Revenue - Cost of goods sold) / Cost of goods sold.

4) Use conversions to measure Roi.

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