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Materials Today: Proceedings 84 (2023) 74–82

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A review of solar thermal desalination using nanotechnology

Suresh Isravel R., Karunamurthy K. ⇑
VIT Chennai, Chennai, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Freshwater is the mandatory requirement for the humankind as it provides health and prosperity.
Available online 24 May 2023 According to WHO, safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygienic conditions are essential to protect us
during all infectious disease outbreaks. However, 97% of the water on our earth is salty and only 3% is
Keywords: freshwater and merely less than 1% of water is potable. This scare commodity is required for drinking,
Potable water domestic use, irrigation, and also for industrial applications. The population explosion with a better stan-
Desalination dard of living demands for the mammoth quantity of potable water. The demand cannot be met from var-
Solar thermal
ious natural sources and hence desalination process compels us to adopt. The water obtained from
various sources is treated for microorganisms and other harmful contaminants. The present-day desali-
nation process is expensive and also degrades the environment by leaving the carbon footprints. Solar
energy-based desalination plants help to receive potable water at economic and environment friendly.
In this review article, the applications of nanotechnology in solar thermal desalination are discussed.
Copyright Ó 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Third International Con-
ference on Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Better Tomorrow.

1. Introduction energy-based desalination technologies are categorized as solar,

wind, and geothermal. Further, the solar based desalination system
Freshwater demand of the world is increasing day by day to is categorized into solar thermal and solar photovoltaic desalina-
meet its demand in agriculture, household, and industrial sectors. tion plants. Solar energy accounts for 57 % of total renewable
It is estimated that groundwater which accounts for 60% of the energy-based technologies [4]. The popular solar-thermal desali-
freshwater supply will be overexploited in 2050. The desalination nation technology is solar still, multi-stage flash, or multi-effect
process is meant to prevent global water insecurity as it converts distillation. Solar Stills are appropriate for very small water
the salt water into potable freshwater. The desalination process demands (one to ten liters of water per day or in areas lacking elec-
is particularly suited for coastal areas and it is adopted in 173 tricity or skilled technicians), however, these technologies require
countries in the world [1]. The conventional desalination plants a large area of land [5]. There has been limited coverage of nan-
which work on fossil fuels are facing two major problems, one is otechnology’s utilization in solar energy systems in existing review
energy consumption and the other is brine discharge. Desalination papers. This review paper provides a concise and lucid outline of
plant consumes 3 to 5 kW-hours of electricity to produce 1 kilolitre the implementation of nanotechnology in solar desalination sys-
of water and the drain water has the salt content twice of the sea- tems. While nanotechnology has numerous applications, this paper
water is discharged into the sea which threatens the environment concentrates on nanofluids and nanocoatings employed in solar
by cratering the oxygen levels and spiking salt content[2]. Thus to stills ( Table 1).
overcome the above-said barriers, the process of desalination
based on renewable energy technologies is to be implemented as
2. Types of solar thermal desalination system
it is the sustainable way of providing freshwater [3]. Renewable

2.1. Solar still

Abbreviations: DO, Distillate output; MF, Mass fraction; MWCNT, Multi walled
carbon Nanotube; PVA, Poly vinyl alcohol; TE, Thermal efficiency.
⇑ Corresponding author. Solar still as in Figs. 1 and 2 is a basin-like structure coated with
E-mail addresses: (R. Suresh Isravel), karunamurthy. black paint and covered with inclined glass. The sun rays falling on (K. Karunamurthy). the solar still evaporates the water in the basin followed by the
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Third International Conference on Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Better Tomorrow.
R. Suresh Isravel and K. Karunamurthy Materials Today: Proceedings 84 (2023) 74–82

Table 1
Nanofluids/Nanomaterials coatings used in Solar stills.

Sl. Author Modifications in solar still Nanofluids/ Percentage of Performance improvent in terms of Distillate
No name Nanomaterials concentrations-Mass output[DO] /Thermal Efficiency[TE]
coatings used Fraction[MF]/Volume
Fraction [VF]/PPM
1 Wenjing Magnetic/ MF 0.0% to 0.04% TE 24.95% to 76.65%
Chen et al MWCNT(Multi
[13] walled Carbon
nano tubes)
2 A.E. Kabeel Vacuum Fan Integration in Basin CuO(Copper MF 0.02% to 0.2% DO - Cuo-133.64% and 93.87% for with and
et al[14] oxide) and without Vacuum fan Al2O3-133.64% and 93.87%
Al2O3(Aluminium for with and without Vacuum fan
3 Dattatraya Parabolic trough collector as as Additional heat Al2O3 VF- 0.05% to 0.1% TE 70%
G. Subhedar source
et al[15]
4 Swellam W. (I). Solar still with V-Corrugated absorber plate. CuO MF 1% DO-(I). Solar still with V-Corrugated absorber
Sharshir (II). Solar still with V-Corrugated absorber plate plate 28.38%. (II). Solar still with V-Corrugated
et al[16] and wick Material. (III). Solar still with V- absorber plate and wick Material 45%. (III).
Corrugated absorber plate, wick material and Solar still with V-Corrugated absorber plate,
CuO based nanofluid. wick material and CuO based nanofluid.-72.95%
5 Sina 1.Dual Axis tracker in solar still 2.Linear Fresnel MWCNT MF 0.15% to 0.3% T.E- 9.56% For 0.15% MF and 17.85 for 0.3% MF of
Abbaszadeh collector as an additional heat source. Nanofluid.
et al[17]
6 Seyed (I) Thermo electric heating element added in the Ag(Silver) MF 0.03% T.E - (I) Thermo electric heating element added
Masoud basin of the solar still,(II)Thermoelectric heating in the basin of the solar still 100.5%(II)
Parsa et al and the nanofluid added saline water and (III) Thermoelectric heating and the nanofluid added
[18] Thermoelectric heating and the nanofluid added saline water 26.7% (III) Thermoelectric heating
saline water with thermoelectric cooler as an and the nanofluid added saline water with
external condenser thermoelectric cooler as an external condenser-
7 Wei An et al Photovoltaic panel integrated with solar still Ag and Au(Gold) PPM-26 T.E Au-6.8% Ag-4.8%
8 T. (I) copper oxide coated absorber plate (CCAP) (II) Copper oxide TE-(I) copper oxide coated absorber plate
Arunkumar polyvinyl alcohol sponge (PVA) (III) Combination (Cuo) coating in (CCAP)-53% (II) polyvinyl alcohol sponge (PVA)–
et al[20] of CCAP and PVA. absorber plate 32% (III) Combination of CCAP and PVA 41%.
9 Bhupendra Basins side walls are white painted CuO MF 0.12% DO-Yield improved by 650 ml/m2-day
Gupta et al
10 A.E. Kabeel External condenser is integrated with still basins Al2O3 VF-0.2% DO- (I) External condenser without nanofluid-
et al[22] 53.2% (II)External condenser with nanofluid-
11 Z.M. Omara Corrugated wick solar still with internal Al2O3 and CuO MF 1.97% DO- (I)Corrugated wick solar still with internal
et al[23] condenser, Internal reflectors and Nanofluids. condenser, Internal reflectors without
Nanofluids- 180%.(II)Corrugated wick solar still
with internal condenser, Internal reflectors with
CuO based Nanofluids- 285%.
(III) Corrugated wick solar still with internal
condenser, Internal reflectors with CuO based
12 A.E. Kabeel Absorber plate of the basin is coated with Tio2 Tio2 VF-0.1% With black D0- 6.1%
et al [24] nano particles doped with black paint. paint
13 Saeed External condenser with four Thermoelectric CuO VF- 0.04% and 0.08% Maximum DO obtained at 0.08% 38.5%
Nazari et al cooling modules
14 S.W. Glass Film cooling CuO and Graphite MF-0.125% to 2% TE- Cuo-46% Graphite Micro flakes-49 %
Sharshir Micro Flakes
et al [26]
15 Swellam W. Basins are provided with Linen wicks Carbon black MF-1.5% DO- 80.57%
Sharshir, Nanoparticle
et al [27]

condensation of water in a glass. The condensate is collected by a separated. This vapor is condensed and collected in a distillate tank
pipe like provision [6]. [6].

2.2. Solar multi-stage flash desalination 2.3. Solar thermal multi-effect distillation

This apparatus illustrated in Fig. 3 consists of a flash chamber In the multi-effect desalination plant as shown in Fig. 4, saline
maintained at low pressure by using the vacuum pump. Preheated water is flashed in vessels which are named as effects maintaining
saline water is feed through the pump to the solar thermal collec- at low pressure by the vacuum pump. Heat is supplied to these
tor to hike the temperature of saline water to saturation tempera- vessels by the solar collectors to produce the steam. Steam from
ture. Then it is supplied to the flash chamber where the vapors are the previous effect is used to increase the temperature of the salt
R. Suresh Isravel and K. Karunamurthy Materials Today: Proceedings 84 (2023) 74–82

Fig. 1. Schematic layout of solar desalination system.

Fig. 2. Solar still.

Fig. 3. Solar multi-stage flash desalination.

R. Suresh Isravel and K. Karunamurthy Materials Today: Proceedings 84 (2023) 74–82

water in the next effect. Afterward, Steam is condensed and col- 3. Nanotechnology in desalination
lected in a separate tank [7].
In recent times, advances in nanotechnology have propelled the
2.4. Freeze desalination field of water purification forward. Optimal outcomes are achieved
by integrating various conventional desalination methods with
In this system as shown in Fig. 5, Seawater becomes solid ice nanomaterials. Nanomaterials, possessing at least one dimension
after removing the heat from it using the Refrigerant. Then the below 100 nm, exhibit unique size-dependent properties that are
salts are removed from the ice crystals. These ice crystals are fur- absent in larger counterparts. They have gained popularity in
ther heated to get clean water. [8]. water treatment due to their remarkable hydrophilic, hydrophobic,

Fig. 4. Solar multi-effect distillation.

Fig. 5. Freeze Desalination.

R. Suresh Isravel and K. Karunamurthy Materials Today: Proceedings 84 (2023) 74–82

and electrostatic behavior, controlled pore volume, and substantial improve the rate of evaporation as shown in Fig. 6, Vacuum fan
aspect ratio. These traits are highly advantageous for utilization in exhaust the steam to the External Condenser. Nanoparticles used
diverse fields like sensing, catalysis, optoelectronics, and in this analysis are CuO and Al2O3.These Nanoparticles are added
adsorption. with the saline water. Results disclosed that CuO nanoparticle
improves productivity by 93.87 and 133.64% without and with
Vacuum. Al2O3 nanoparticle based nanofluid increase yield by
4. Performance improvement techniques for solar desalination 88.97% and 125.0% by without and with vacuum fan. The vacuum
fan’s ability to increase the suction rate of water vapor and the
In Solar still with nanofluid as working medium, separation of nanoparticle’s ability to enhance the absorption of solar radiation
nanoparticles from the saline water is a tedious problem. To and heat transfer within the water contribute to the increase in
recover the nanoparticles from the brine, Magnetic/MWCNT based efficiency. [10].
nanofluid is used. This Nanoparticle has extreme Magnetic behav- Single slope solar is modified by integrating the parabolic
ior can be easily recovered from the brine by the application of trough collector(PTC) with the solar still. Nanofluid from the para-
External Magnetic Field. Experimental results shows the evapora- bolic trough collector is pumped to the solar still to evaporate the
tion efficiency is increased from 24.9% to 76.65% for the weight water. Experiments were conducted in four different scenarios (I)
fraction ranges from 0 to 0.04% of nanoparticles. The increase in Conventional Solar still (CSS) (II) Conventional Solar still integrated
yield is due to that solar energy was more usable for the conversion with PTC (III) CSS integrated with PTC for the volume fraction of
of saline water to potable water while adding the nanoparticle to 0.05% (IV) CSS integrated with PTC for the volume fraction of
the water in the basin. [9]. 0.1%.Al2O3. Results prove that the Maximum yield is obtained at
Conventional solar still is modified by providing the vacuum fan Scenario (IV) in which yield is increased by 66 % for the volume
in the solar basin, and the nanofluid as the working fluid to fraction of 0.1%. The reason for the enhanced yield is the incorpo-

Fig. 6. Solar still with Vacuum fan.

Fig. 7. Double slope Solar still with V-corrugated absorber and Wick material.

R. Suresh Isravel and K. Karunamurthy Materials Today: Proceedings 84 (2023) 74–82

ration of the parabolic trough collector, which furnishes extra heat as an additional heat source for the solar still. Experiments are con-
to the solar still, thereby raising the rate of water evaporation in ducted in Four different scenarios (I) Conventional solar still(CSS)
the basin. [11]. (II) CSS with External condenser (EC) (III) CSS with EC and Thermo-
Conventional solar still is modified with V-Corrugated absorber electric coolers (TEC) (IV) CSS with combined EC and TEC linked
plate and big material as shown in Fig. 7. Also the CuO based nano- with Dual axis tracking system. Heat transfer medium used is
fluid is used the working fluid in the solar still. Experiments are MWCNT/ Water nanofluid for weight fraction of 0.15 % and 0.3 %.
conducted in three different scenarios. (I). Solar still with V- Results prove that maximum thermal efficiency is obtained at Sce-
Corrugated absorber plate. (II). Solar still with V-Corrugated absor- nario (IV) by 9.56% and 17.85% respectively for weight fraction of
ber plate and wick Material. (III). Solar still with V-Corrugated 0.15 % and 0.3 % of nanoparticles. The combined action of the Lin-
absorber plate, wick material and CuO based nanofluid. Research ear Fresnel collector and the nanoparticles has led to an increase in
shows that the productivity is improved by 28.38%, 45% and the yield of the distilled product. Specifically, the Linear Fresnel
72.95% for scenario (I), (II) and (III) respectively. The increase in collector is responsible for providing additional heat to the distilla-
efficiency can be attributed to the synergistic effect of the V- tion process, while the nanoparticles aid in the increase in heat
corrugated absorber, which enhances the absorption of solar transfer rate. [13].
energy, and the utilization of a wick for capillary rise of water, In this work, Solar still is modified by integrating the Thermo
along with cuprous oxide nanoparticles that boost the heat transfer Electric Modules as shown in Fig. 9. Experiments are conducted
rate. [12]. in (I) Thermo electric heating element added in the basin of the
In this work solar still Fig. 8 is operated with dual Axis tracking solar still,(II)Thermoelectric heating and the nanofluid added saline
system for effective grasping of sun rays. Also the linear Fresnel water and (III) Thermoelectric heating and the nanofluid added sal-
collector (LFC) is used as heat source for the solar system. LFC acts ine water with thermoelectric cooler as an external condenser.

Fig. 8. Single slope solar still with Linear Fresnel collector.

Fig. 9. Solar Still with Thermo electric with external condenser and nanofluid.

R. Suresh Isravel and K. Karunamurthy Materials Today: Proceedings 84 (2023) 74–82

Results shows that the efficiency of the system is increased by Solar still is modified with coating the white paint around the
100.5%, 26.7% and 50.8% respectively. The utilization of thermo- side wall. The white painted side walls minimize the heat loss from
electric heating elevates the temperature of water in the basin, the vapor to the sidewalls of the solar basin and consequently to
while nanofluids are employed to amplify the absorption rate of the atmosphere. Also the CuO nanoparticles is added with saline
the collector [14]. water for the weight fraction of 0.12%. Experiments are conducted
In the basin of solar still indicated in Fig. 10, photovoltaic panels with the different water depth of 5 cm and 10 cm and the results
are placed. Solar radiation falls on the basin which contains gold disclose that yield of the nanofluid is increased by 650 ml/m2-
and silver based nanofluid converts light energy into thermal day for the modified and nanofluid added solar still,. Cuprous oxide
energy then the remains and light is transferred to the photovoltaic nanofluids exhibit higher efficiency owing to their thermal conduc-
panel where is the light energy is converted into electrical energy. tivity. Normally, it is not recommended to have 5 cm of water in
This electrical energy is used to operate the pump to carry the the basin, as it lowers the evaporation rate. [17].
steam to the external condenser. Results show that the thermal Solar still is modified with the external condenser with vacuum
efficiency of the system is increased by 4.8% and 6.8% for the gold fan to fasten the condensation process. Vacuum fan creates the tur-
and silver nanofluid. Silver nanofluids exhibit higher efficiency due bulence in the water vapour present in the gas and also exhaust the
to their high Brownian motion, which enhances their ability to water vapour. Also Vacuum fan removes the Non-Condensable
transfer heat [15]. gases present in the basin of the solar still. Instead of conventional
Conventional solar still is modified with copper oxide coated water, nanofluids is used in the basin to enhance the thermal prop-
absorber plate and the polyvinyl alcohol sponge. Experiments are erties.Al2O3 Nanoparticles for the volume fraction of 0.2% had
conducted with (I) copper oxide coated absorber plate (CCAP) been used in this work. This shows that the productivity is
and the (II) polyvinyl alcohol sponge (PVA) (III) Combination of improved by 53.2 % and 116 % for the Modified solar still(MSS)
CCAP and PVA. Nanoparticle coated absorber plate have high ther- integrated with the external condenser(EC) and MSS with EC and
mal conductivity which facilitate the transfer of heat to the water Nanofluid as working Medium. As a vacuum fan intensifies the tur-
in the basin. Polyvinyl alcohol sponges increases the evaporation bulence in the system and the use of nanofluids boosts the heat
rate of the solar still. The efficiency of this system will increase transfer rate, the overall efficiency of the system is elevated to a
as a result of the facilitation of capillary rise by the polyvinyl significant extent. By combining the two mechanisms, the system’s
sponge and the enhancement of the heat transfer rate by the capability to transfer heat is greatly improved, leading to a notice-
nanoparticles. [16]. able increase in its overall effectiveness. [18].

Fig. 10. Solar still with PV/T operated Vacuum fan.

Fig. 11. Solar still with V-corrugated wick and External Condenser.

R. Suresh Isravel and K. Karunamurthy Materials Today: Proceedings 84 (2023) 74–82

Fig. 12. Solar still with Glass film cooling.

Solar still with corrugated wick basin is modified with internal shown in Fig. 12. Nanoparticles are used in the range of 0.125% to
reflector and integrated with external condenser as shown in 2% MF. Water depth is maintained from 0.25 cm to 5 cm. Flow rate
Fig. 11. Experiments are conducted in four different scenario (I) of water for the film cooling is varied from 1 to 12 kg/hr. Copper
Conventional solar still(CSS) (II) CSS with IE, EC (III) CSS with IE, oxide and graphite based nanofluids are used in the system to aug-
EC with CuO based nanofluid (IV) CSS with IE, EC with Al2O3 based ment the yield. The results disclosed that the yield is increased by
nanofluid. Comparing to the CSS,the performance of this system is 46% and 49% for the Copper oxide and Graphite based nanofluids.
improved by 180%,285% and 255% in terms of yield for the Scenario The efficency of the solar still hinges on the variation in tempera-
(I)(II)(III) respectively. Several factors contribute to the increased ture between the water and the glass surface. This differential can
overall efficiency, including the use of a corrugated wick to induce be attained by circulating cold water across the glasses. [22].
turbulence, an external condenser that boosts the condensation Classical stepped double slope solar still is modified with linen
rate, an internal reflector that aids in absorbing more solar radia- wicks and the carbon black nanoparticles based nanofluids are
tion, and the implementation of nanofluids to improve the heat used. Linen wicks are used to increase the evaporation area of
transfer rate. By combining these features, the solar still is able the water in the basin of the solar still. Experimental results shows
to operate more effectively, producing a higher yield of purified that the productivity of the solar still (I)with wick, (II)with nanoflu-
water. [19]. ids and the (III)combination of linen wicks and nanofluid is
Solar still is modified with the basin surface coated with TiO2 increased by 19.91%, 23.83% and 47.22% respectively. The increase
Nanoparticles doped with Black paint(NPBP) for the volume frac- in yield is due to the capillary rise action of linen wicks and double
tion of 0.1% to improve the absorptivity of solar radiation. Due to stepped solar still. When compared to the single slope solar still
this the evaporation rate of water is increased. Experiments were double slope solar still absorbs more amount of sun rays, therefore
conducted with different depth of the water which varies from the temperature of water in the basin was increased. [23].
1 cm to 3.5 cm. Experimental results shows that NPBP increase
the water temperature 1.5⁰ C and productivity is improved by
6.1%. The enhancement of the overall distillate output can be
attributed to the incorporation of two factors that work in unison.
Firstly, the use of black paints that exhibit higher absorptivity rates 5. Conclusion
facilitates the absorption of heat and contributes to an improved
heat absorption rate. Secondly, the presence of nanoparticles The desalination technology powered by solar energy can func-
improves the heat transfer, leading to a further increase in distil- tion without carbon emission and provide potable freshwater
late output. When combined, these two factors result in a signifi- without degrading the environment. Solar energy-based desalina-
cant improvement in the overall efficiency of the distillation tion techniques can solve the water scarcity problem in rural and
process, thus leading to a greater yield of distilled water.[20]. remote areas. Further research has to be done for disposal of brine
Solar still is modified with four thermoelectric cooling unit as solution and also to identify proper ways to extract minerals and
external condenser to speed up the evaporation process. CuO salts from the brine solution. The application of nanotechnology
nanoparticle is mixed with water to increase the rate of heat trans- in the solar thermal desalination system improves the productivity
fer. Experiments are conducted in four different scenarios (I) Con- of the solar thermal desalination system. The current focal point in
ventional solar still (II) CSS with Thermo electric condenser (TEC) desalination is nanotechnology, where the utilization of nanomate-
(III) CSS with TEC and the CuO nanofluid for the volume fraction rials has shown tremendous potential in enhancing the outcomes
of 0.04%. (IV) CSS with TEC and the CuO nanofluid for the volume of desalination. This review paper highlights the role of nanoparti-
fraction of 0.08%.Comparing to the CSS the distillate yield of the cles and nano-coatings in significantly reducing the time and cost
solar still is improved by 6.7%, 33.6% and 50.6% for Scenario (II), of the desalination process. Moreover, the integration of nanotech-
(III) and (IV) respectively. The elevated yield is attributed to the nology can improve the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of tradi-
supplemental heat provided by the thermoelectric modules and tional desalination methods and can have far-reaching
the augmented heat transfer facilitated by the use of nanofluid.. applications, such as waste purification and wastewater treatment.
[21]. By leveraging nanotechnology along with thermal energy storage
Conventional single slope solar still is modified with the flow of and heat transfer enhancement techniques will lead to improve-
cold water over the top glass to condense the evaporated steam as ment in the overall effectiveness and affordability of the system.
R. Suresh Isravel and K. Karunamurthy Materials Today: Proceedings 84 (2023) 74–82

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