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Discuss one of the concepts presented in this module and why it is important

in software security.
The legal limits on secure software applications are often vague and unclear, which makes it
hard for developers to know exactly what they can and cannot do. In the United States, the
law is not clear on how to define a security application. However, most software developers
will agree that a security application is one that has features that protect users from computer
viruses or malware. For example, many security applications will have anti-malware and anti-
virus protection features. In other countries, the legal definition of a security application is
stricter. For example, in Russia, an application is considered to be a security application if it
can be used to steal information or if it has the ability to intercept information without
authorization from an individual user or company.

Knowing the legal limits of your business will help you make decisions and determine what
you can and cannot do. If you know the legal limits, it will also help you avoid any potential
liability. For example, if your company is in a certain industry that is regulated by law, then it
is important to know the laws that apply to your company so that you don't run into any
trouble. For example, if a company sells alcohol or tobacco products, they are required to
have a permit from the government in order to sell those products. If they don't have one, then
they could face fines or even criminal charges for violating those laws.

The legal limits on secure software applications are important in software security. The need
for these legal limits is not just to protect the end-users interests but also to protect the
developer and the application's and maintainer's interests.

The most important reason is that a lot of liability is involved in creating secure software.
Software developers and maintainers have a responsibility to make sure their code does not
cause any harm or damage to third parties, which can be difficult when they are working on
code that deals with sensitive information like financial data or medical records.

The other reason is that there needs to be some sort of accountability for what happens when
an app goes live. If an app was made without taking into account its potential impact, then it
could cause serious problems for both users and developers.

1. Khan, K. M. (2012). Software Security Engineering. International Journal of Secure
Software Engineering, 3(1), 62–63.

2. Shin, M. E., & Gomaa, H. (2007). Software requirements and architecture modelling for
evolving non-secure applications into secure applications. Science of Computer Programming,
66(1), 60–70.
3. Sumachev, A. V. (2021). Criminal-Legal Limits of Medical Intervention about a Healthy
Person. Annals of Bioethics & Clinical Applications, 4(4).

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