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Mechanics of Composite Materials, Vol. 44, No.

2, 2008



S. S. Akavci* and A. H. Tanrikulu**

Keywords: laminated plate, shear deformation, hyperbolic expressions, composite, buckling, free vibration

Two new hyperbolic displacement models, HPSDT1 and HPSDT2, are used for the buckling and free vibration
analyses of simply supported orthotropic laminated composite plates. The models contain hyperbolic expres-
sions to account for the parabolic distributions of transverse shear stresses and to satisfy the zero shear-stress
conditions at the top and bottom surfaces of the plates. The equation of motion for thick laminated rectangular
plates subjected to in-plane loads is deduced through the use of Hamilton’s principle. Closed-form solutions
are obtained by using the Navier technique, and then the buckling loads and the fundamental frequencies are
found by solving eigenvalue problems. The accuracy of the models presented is demonstrated by comparing
the results obtained with solutions of other higher-order models given in the literature. It is found that the theo-
ries proposed can predict the fundamental frequencies and buckling loads of cross-ply laminated composite
plates rather accurately.

1. Introduction

Laminated composite plates are increasingly used as structural components in engineering applications, and many ap-
proximate analytical and numerical methods have been developed for calculating their mechanical behavior. In the classical
theory of plates, it is assumed that the plane sections initially normal to their midplane before deformation remain plane and
normal to the plane after deformation. This assumption is justified if the transverse shear strains are negligibly small. However,
in thick and moderately thick plates, the shear deformations cannot be neglected, and the theory shows inaccurate results for
them. There are numerous theories that include the transverse shear strains. One of the well-known theories is the Reissner
model [1], which is called the first-order shear-deformation theory (FSDT) and considers the displacement field as linear varia-
tions of midplane displacements. Some other plate theories, namely, the higher-order shear-deformation theories (HSDT),
which include the effect of transverse shear deformations, are the Levy [2], Hencky [3], Lo [4], Nelson [5], and Reddy [6] theo-
ries. The latter one is a simple higher-order theory that takes into account not only the transverse shear strains, but also their par-
abolic variation across the plate thickness and requires no shear correction coefficients in computing the shear stresses.

*Department of Architecture, University of Cukurova, 01330, Balcali, Adana, Turkey. **Department of Civil Engi-
neering, University of Cukurova, 01330, Balcali, Adana, Turkey. Russian translation published in Mekhanika Kompozitnykh
Materialov, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 217-230, March-April, 2008. Original article submitted July 18, 2007.

0191-5665/08/4402-0145 © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 145

Some investigations deal with the buckling and free vibration analyses of laminated plates. Phan and Reddy [7] pro-
posed a higher-order shear-deformation theory to analyze laminated anisotropic composite plates for deflections, stresses, nat-
ural frequencies, and buckling loads. Khdeir and Reddy [8] obtained a set of linear equations of a second-order theory to ana-
lyze the free vibration behavior of cross-ply and antisymmetric angle-ply laminated plates. Kant and Swaminathan [9]
presented analytical formulations and solutions for the natural frequencies of simply supported composite and sandwich plates
based on a higher-order refined theory. Matsunaga [10] analyzed the natural frequencies and buckling stresses of cross-ply
laminated composite plates by using the method of power-series expansion of displacement components. Moita et al. [11] pre-
sented a finite-element analysis for the free vibration and buckling of a multilaminated structure of arbitrary geometry and
lay-up by using a discrete higher-order shear-deformation theory.
In this study, two new hyperbolic displacement models for laminated composite plates are proposed. Analytical solu-
tions for the buckling and free vibration of symmetric cross-ply laminates are obtained by using the theories. Based on Hamil-
ton’s principle, the governing equations are deduced. The critical buckling load and the fundamental frequencies are
determined by solving an eigenvalue equation. It is found that both the models are able to provide accurate solutions.

2. Constitutive Equations and Displacement Models

Consider a rectangular laminated plate, composed of N elastic orthotropic layers of length a and width b, with a uni-
form total thickness h. A coordinate system (x, y, z) is associated with the midplane of the plate. The constitutive equations for a
kth layer of the laminated plate in its local coordinate system are

ì s1 ü éQ11 Q12 0 ù ì e1 ü
ï ï ê ï ï ì t 23 ü éQ44 0 ù ì g 23 ü
í s 2 ý = êQ12 Q22 0 úí e2 ý , í ý =ê í ý,
ït ï ê 0
ú î t 31 þ ë 0 Q55 úû î g 31 þ
î 12 þ ë 0 Q66 úû ïî g 12 ïþ

where (s1 , s 2 , t12 , t13 , t 23 ) are the stresses and (e1 , e 2 , g 12 , g 13 , g 23 ) are the strains of the lamina in the coordinate system.
If fiber orientations do not coincide with the principle directions of the plate, the stresses in it are obtained as

ì s xx ü éQ11 Q12 0 ù ì e xx ü
ï ï ê ï ï ì t yz ü éQ44 Q45 ù ì g yz ü
í s yy ý = êQ12 Q22 0 ú í e yy ý , í ý =ê í ý,
ït ï ê 0
ú î t zx þ ëQ45 Q55 úû î g zx þ
î xy þ ë 0 Q66 úû ïî g xy ïþ

where (s xx , s yy , t xy , t yz , t zx ) are the stresses and (e xx , e yy , g xy , g yz , g zx ) are the strains of the lamina in the global coordi-
nates, and Qij and Qij are material constants, which are defined in [6].
The displacement field models are chosen such that to ensure zero transverse shear stresses on top and bottom surfaces
of the plate. The displacement field assumed can be written in the unified form

u = u 0 ( x, y ) - zw ,x + f ( z )q x , v = v 0 ( x, y ) - zw , y + f ( z )q y , w = w 0 ( x, y ), (1)

where u, v, and w are the displacements in the x, y, and z directions; u 0 , v 0 , and w 0 are the midplane displacements; q x and q y
are the rotations of normals to the midplane about the x- and y-axis, respectively; f ( z ) is a hyperbolic shape function; ( ) ,x and
( ) , y are partial derivatives with respect to x and y, respectively. The shape function f ( z ) is chosen as

3p æ z ö 3p æ 1ö
f (z) = h tanh ç ÷ - z sech 2 ç ÷
2 h
è ø 2 è 2ø
for HPSDT1 and

æ z2 ö
f ( z ) = z sech ç p ÷ - z sech æç p ö÷é1- p tanh æç p ö÷ù
ç h2
ø è 4 øêë 2 è 4 øúû

for HPSDT2.
The displacement field assumed contains hyperbolic terms in addition to the terms of the classical plate theory. Thus,
the parabolic distributions of transverse shear stresses across the plate thickness are taken into account in the analysis.
By substituting displacement relations (1) into the strain–displacement equations of elasticity, the normal and shear
strain components are obtained as

e xx = u 0,x - zw ,xx + f ( z )q x,x , e yy = v 0, y - zw , yy + f ( z )q y, y ,

g xy = u 0 , y + v 0 ,x - 2zw ,xy + f ( z )( q x, y + q y,x ), g yz = f ¢ ( z )q y , g xz = f ¢ ( z )q x ,

df ( z )
f ¢( z ) = .

3. Equation of Motion and Boundary Conditions

The equation of motion of the laminated composite plate is derived by using Hamilton’s energy principle
dò (U - K - W )dt = 0,

where U is the strain energy, and K is the kinetic energy of the plate; W is the work of external forces. Employing the principle
of minimum total energy leads to the general equation of motion and boundary conditions. Performing the integration by parts,
Eq. (3) can be written in the form
t2 é

ò êò s xx de xx + s yy de yy + t xy dg xy + t yz dg yz + t zx dg zx
t1 êëV

- r ( u&&du + &&vdv + w
&& dw )]dv - ò [ N x w ,xx dw + N y w , yy dw]dA ú dt = 0,
A úû

where N x and N y are the in-plane compressive loads on the sides of the plate and ( .. ) is the second derivative with respect to
With account of Eqs. (2), the previous equation reads
t2 é

ò êò {duN x,x + dvN y, y + duN xy, y + dvN xy,x - dwM x,xx - dwM y, yy - 2dwM xy,xy
t1 êëA

+ dq x Px,x + dq y P y, y + dq x Pxy, y + dq y Pxy,x + dq y ( -R y ) + dq x ( -R x )}dA

&& ,x + I 4 &&q x )
- ò {N x w ,2x + N y w ,2y }dwdA - ò {du( I 1 u&& - I 2 w

&& , y + I 4 &&q y ) + dw( I 1 w

+ dv( I 1&&v - I 2 w && ,xx + I 5 &&q x,x
&& + I 2 u&& ,x - I 3 w

&& , yy + I 5 &&q y, y ) + dq x ( I 4 u&& - I 5 w

+ I 2 &&v , y - I 3 w && ,x + I 6 &&q x )

&& , y + I 6 &&q )}dA ú dt = 0,
+ dq y ( I 4 &&v - I 5 w y (4)

where the stress and moment resultants are defined as

ì N ü é A ij B ij C ij ù ì e ü
ï ï ê ï ï
í M ý = ê B ij Dij E ij ú í k ý , {R} = [ Fij ]{q},
ï P ï êC E ij Gij úû ïî Fïþ
î þ ë ij

ì u 0 ,x ü ì w ,xx ü ì q x,x ü
ï ï ï ï ï ï ì qx ü
e = í v 0 , y ý , k = -í w , yy ý , F = í q y, y ý , q = í ý ,
ïu ï ï 2w ï ïq ï îq y þ
î 0 , y + v0 ,x þ î ,xy þ î x, y + q y,x þ
{A ij , B ij , C ij , Dij , E ij , Gij } = ò {1, z , f ( z ), z , zf ( z ),[ f ( z )] 2 }Qijk dz, i, j = 1, 2, 6,
-h 2

{Fij } = ò [ f ¢ ( z )] }Qij dz, i, j = 4, 5,
-h 2

I1 , I 2 , I 3 , I 4 , I 5 , I 6 = ò r (1, z , z , f ( z ), zf ( z ),[ f ( z )] 2 ) dz.
-h 2

Collecting the coefficients of du, dv, dw, dq x , and dq y in Eq. (4), the equations of motion are obtained as

&& ,x + I 4 &&q x , N xy,x + N

N x,x + N xy, y = I 1 u&& - I 2 w y, y && , y + I 4 &&q y ,
= I 1&&v - I 2 w

M x,xx + 2M xy,xy + M y, yy + N x w ,2x + N y w ,2y

&& + I 2 ( u&& ,x + &&v , y ) - I 3 ( w

= I1w && , yy ) + I 5 (&&q x,x + &&q y, y ),
&& ,xx + w

&& ,x + I 6 &&q x ,
Px,x + Pxy, y - R x = I 4 u&& - I 5 w

&& , y + I 6 &&q y .)
Pxy,x + P y, y - R y = I 4 &&v - I 5 w

The boundary conditions, which should be prescribed at edges of the plate, are

at the edges x = const: at the edges y = const:

u or N x , v or N y ,
v or N xy , u or N xy ,
w or ( M x,x + 2M xy, y ), w or ( M y, y + 2M xy,x ),
w ,x or M x , w , y or M y ,
q x or Px , q x or Pxy ,
q y or Pxy , q y or P y .

4. Eigenvalue Problem for Vibration and Buckling Problems

The boundary conditions along the edges of a simply supported plate are

N x = v = w = M x = Px = q y = 0 at x = 0, a, (6)

N y = u = w = M y = P y = q x = 0 at y = 0, b.
To solve Eqs. (5) analytically, the Navier method is used with the boundary conditions specified. The displacement
functions satisfying boundary conditions (6) are selected in the form of Fourier series:
¥ ¥ npy iwt
u ( x, y ) = å å A mn cos a
e ,
m =1 n =1

¥ ¥ npy iwt
v( x, y ) = å å B mn sin a
e ,
m =1 n =1

¥ ¥ npy iwt
w( x, y ) = å å C mn sin a
e ,
m =1 n =1 (7)

¥ ¥ npy iwt
qx = å å Txmn cos a
e ,
m =1 n =1

¥ ¥ npy iwt
qy = å å T ymn sin a
e ,
m =1 n =1

where A mn , B mn , C mn , Txmn , and T ymn are arbitrary parameters to be determined, and w is the eigenfrequency or the factor of
buckling load associated with an eigenmode (m, n).
For symmetric cross-ply plates,

A16 = A 26 = F45 = 0, D16 = D26 = 0, E16 = E 26 = 0, G16 = G26 = 0,

B ij = C ij = 0; i, j = 1, 2, 6.
Substituting Eqs. (7) into the equations of motion (5), we get the following eigenvalue equations at any fixed values of
m and n:

ï éa a12 a13 a14 a15 ù
ï ê 11 ú
ï êa12 a 22 a 23 a 24 a 25 ú
í êa13 a 23 a 33 a 34 a 35 ú
ï êa ú
14 a 24 a 34 a 44 a 45
ïê ú
a15 a 25 a 35 a 45 a 55 û
ï ë1 44444244444 3
ïî [A]

é I1 0 -aI 2 I 4 0 ù ï ì A mn ü ì 0ü
ê 0 ïï ï ï ï
I1 -bI 2 0 I 2 ú ï B mn 0
ê ú ï ïï ïï ï ï
2 2 2
- w êaI 2 bI 2 -I 3 ( a + b ) I 5 I 5 ú ý í C mn ý = í 0ý
ê I4 0 -aI 5 I 6 0 ú ï ï Txmn ï ï 0ï
ê úï ï ï ï ï
ë10444444 -bI 5 0 I 6 û ï ïî T ymn ïþ î 0þ
24444443 (8)
[I ] ïþ

for the vibration problem and

ï éa a12 a13 a14 a15 ù
ï ê 11 ú
ï êa12 a 22 a 23 a 24 a 25 ú
í êa13 a 23 a 33 a 34 a 35 ú
ï êa ú
14 a 24 a 34 a 44 a 45
ïê ú
a15 a 25 a 35 a 45 a 55 û
ï ë1 44444244444 3
ïî [A]

é0 0 0 0 0ù ï ì A mn ü ì 0ü
ïï ï
ê0 0 0 0 0ú ï ï B mn ï ï 0ï
ê ú ï ï ï ï ï
- w ê0 0 a 2 N x + b 2 N y 0 0ú ý í C mn ý = í 0ý
ê0 0 0 0 0ú ï ï Txmn ï ï 0ï
ê úï ï ï ï ï
0 0
ë1 0 0 0û ï ïî T ymn ïþ î 0þ
44444244444 3
[N] ï (9)
for the buckling problem, where

a11 = A11 a 2 + A 66 b 2 , a12 = ab( A12 + A 66 ), a13 = 0,

a14 = C11 a 2 + C 66 b 2 , a15 = ab(C12 + C 66 ), a 22 = A 66 a 2 + A 22 b 2 ,

a 23 = 0, a 24 = ab(C12 + C 66 ), a 25 = C 66 a 2 + C 22 b 2 ,

a 33 = D11 a 4 + 2D12 a 2 b 2 + 4D66 a 2 b 2 + D22 b 4 ,

a 34 = -E11 a 3 - E12 ab 2 - 2E 66 ab 2 , a 35 = -E12 a 2 b - 2E 66 a 2 b - E 22 b 3 ,

a 44 = F55 + G11 a 2 + G66 b 2 , a 45 = ab(G12 + G66 ),

a 55 = F44 + G66 a 2 + G22 b 2

mp np
with a = and b = .
a b
For nontrivial solutions of Eqs. (8) and (9), the corresponding determinants must be equal to zero:

[ A ] - w2 [ I ] = 0, [ A ] - w[ N ] = 0.

TABLE 1. Nondimensional Factors of Buckling Load for [0/90/90/0] Square Plates Subjected to a Uniform Uniaxial Load
at Different Orthotropy Ratios and a h = 10 (Material I)

E1 E2
3 10 20 30 40
CPT* [7] 5.7538 11.492 19.712 27.936 36.160
HSDT** [7] 5.1143 9.7740 15.298 19.957 23.340
3D elasticity [12] 5.2944 9.7621 15.0191 19.3040 22.8807
HPSDT1 5.4192 10.0671 15.6358 20.2518 24.1601
HPSDT2 5.4255 10.0824 15.6637 20.2928 24.2151

* The classical theory of plates;

** the higher-order shear-deformation theory.

TABLE 2. Nondimensional Factors of Buckling Load for [0/90/0] Square Plates Subjected to a Uniform Uniaxial Load at
Different Orthotropy Ratios and a h = 10 (Material I)

E1 E2
20 30 40
Khedir [13] 14.985 19.027 22.315
Matsunaga [10] 14.729 18.683 21.897
3D elasticity [12] 15.019 19.304 22.880
HPSDT1 15.010 19.083 22.409
HPSDT2 15.052 19.143 22.483

The foregoing equations give the eigenfrequencies and buckling loads of the plate.

5. Numerical Results

In this study, two new shear-deformation theories for laminated plates are investigated. The Navier solutions for the
free vibration and buckling of symmetrically laminated composite plates are presented, which are obtained by solving
eigenvalue equations. Comparisons are made with solutions available in the literature.
Some numerical examples are presented here to estimate the accuracy of the shear theories presented for simply sup-
ported laminated plates. It is assumed that the thickness and material properties of all laminas are the same.
Material I: E1 E 2 = open, G12 E 2 = G13 E 2 = 0.6, G23 E 2 = 0.5, and n12 = n13 = 0.25.
Material II: E1 E 2 = 25, G12 E 2 = G13 E 2 = 0.5, G23 E 2 = 0.2, and n12 = n13 = 0.25.
The following relations are used for presenting the nondimensional fundamental frequency and the nondimensional
buckling load, respectively:

a2 r a2
w=w , l=Nx .
h E2 E2 h 3

5.1. Buckling analysis. The factors of buckling load of the system are obtained from stability equation (9) by solving
an eigenvalue problem. The factors for two different commonly used symmetric cross-ply laminated plates are presented here
to estimate the accuracy of the hyperbolic shear-deformation theories considered. All the results shown in the tables presented

TABLE 3. Nondimensional Factors of Buckling Load for [0/90/0] Square Plates Subjected to a Uniform Uniaxial Load at
Different Aspect Ratios (E1 E 2 = 40 for Material I)

5 10 20 50 100
Timarci* [14] 10.927 22.120 31.076 35.229 35.922
Timarci** 10.926 22.122 31.077 35.229 35.922
HPSDT1 11.167 22.409 31.226 35.260 35.930
HPSDT2 11.163 22.483 31.275 35.271 35.933

* The parabolic shear-deformation theory;

** the hyperbolic shear-deformation theory.

TABLE 4. Nondimensional Fundamental Frequencies of a [0/90/90/0] Square Plate (E1 E 2 = 40 for Material I) at Various
Aspect Ratios

2 4 10 20 50 100
Kant [9] 5.4033 9.2870 15.1048 17.6470 18.6720 18.8357
Matsunaga [10] 5.3211 9.1988 15.0721 17.6369 18.6702 18.8352
HSDT* [9] 5.5065 9.3235 15.1073 17.6457 18.6718 18.8356
HPSDT1 5.6709 9.6048 15.3684 17.7584 18.6934 18.8412
HPSDT2 5.6512 9.6414 15.3849 17.7639 18.6944 18.8414

* The higher-order shear-deformation theory.

TABLE 5. Nondimensional Fundamental Frequencies of a [0/90/90/0] Square Plate at Various Orthotropy Ratios and a h =
5 (Material I)

E1 E2
3 10 20 30 40
3D elasticity [15] 6.6815 8.2103 9.5603 10.2720 10.7520
Kant [9] 6.5146 8.1482 9.4675 10.2733 10.8221
HSDT* [7] 6.5597 8.2718 9.5263 10.272 10.787
HPSDT1 6.6085 8.4072 9.7468 10.5455 11.0958
HPSDT2 6.6199 8.4244 9.7699 10.574 11.1305

* The higher-order shear-deformation theory.

are given for m = n = 1. In Table 1, the nondimensional factors of buckling load for a symmetrically laminated cross-ply
[0/90/90/0] plate are shown according to different shear-deformation theories for different orthotropy ratios.
In Tables 2 and 3, the nondimensional factors found for symmetrically laminated cross ply [0/90/0] plates are shown
in comparison with the results given by the three-dimensional elasticity solution [12], the Matsunaga [10] global higher-order
theory, and the Khedir [13] and Timarci [14] higher-order shear-deformation theories for various aspect and orthotropy ratios.

TABLE 6. Nondimensional Fundamental Frequencies of a [0/90/0] Square Plate at Various Aspect Ratios (Material II)

5 10 20 50 100
Khedir [8] 9.090 12.527 14.377 15.081 15.191
HPSDT1 8.611 12.174 14.205 15.047 15.182
HPSDT2 8.414 11.974 14.146 15.036 15.179

TABLE 7. Nondimensional Fundamental Frequencies of a [0/90/0] Square Plate at Various Orthotropy Ratios and a h = 10
(Material I)

E1 E2
2 10 20 30 40
HSDT [16] 6.757 9.801 12.072 13.600 14.725
Fares [17] 6.736 9.776 12.041 13.567 14.693
HPSDT1 6.754 9.809 12.100 13.650 14.797
HPSDT2 6.757 9.818 12.116 13.671 14.821

As can be seen from Tables 1-3, the nondimensional factors of buckling load obtained by using the present formula-
tions are in a good agreement with the Khedir [13], Matsunaga [10], and Timarci [14] theories.
5.2. Analysis of free vibrations. The fundamental frequencies of the systems are calculated by the equation of free vi-
brations (8) as an eigenvalue problem. The nondimensonal fundamental frequencies of two different symmetric cross-ply lami-
nated plates are presented here to estimate the accuracy of the hyperbolic shear-deformation theory presented. All the funda-
mental frequencies shown in the tables are for m = n = 1. In Tables 4 and 5, the nondimensional fundamental frequencies of a
symmetrically laminated cross-ply plate [0/90/90/0] are calculated according to different shear-deformation theories for
various aspect and orthotropy ratios.
Tables 6 and 7 present the results obtained by the present methods in comparison with those given by the Khedir [8]
and Fares [17]higher-order shear-deformation theories.
Tables 4-7 show that the nondimensional fundamental frequencies of square laminated plates obtained by the present
methods are in a good agreement with those given by the other theories.


In the present study, closed-form solutions for buckling and free vibrations of orthotropic laminated plates are devel-
oped on the assumption that the transverse shear displacements vary as a hyperbolic function across the thickness of the plates.
For a symmetric cross-ply laminated rectangular plate, the equilibrium equations and associated boundary conditions are ob-
tained by invoking Hamilton’s principle. The Navier method is used to obtain analytical solutions for the laminated plate under
simply supported boundary conditions. Then, the factors of buckling load and fundamental frequencies are found by solving an
eigenvalue problem. In order to verify the accuracy of the theories proposed, the numerical results obtained are compared with
exact 3D results and results from other higher-order theories.
The results for the buckling load are compared with those given by different higher-order theories and the 3D elastic-
ity theory, and a good agreement is found to exist between them. For all the orthotropy and aspect ratio considered, HPSDT1 is
slightly better than HPSDT2 when compared with exact solutions.

The analysis of free vibrations carried out shows that the fundamental frequencies given by the shear-deformation the-
ories proposed are very close to results of the other higher-order theories.
From numerical examples, it follows that the hyperbolic shear-deformation theories presented can provide accurate
results for the fundamental frequencies and buckling loads of symmetrically laminated composite plates.


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