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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib Science & Technology University

Assignment on: Usages of Artificial intelligence cost benefit analysis : A study on

agricultural sector in Bangladesh
Course name: Industrial Economics, Management & Accountancy
Course Code: HUM 2111

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Nusrat Jahan Dr. Nazmul Huda
ID: 21211103, Session:2020-21 Assistant Professor
Dept. of Computer Science &Engineering Dept. of Management
Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib
Science & Technology University, Jamalpur Science & Technology University, Jamalpur

Date of submission:
Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative technology
across various industries, and the agricultural sector is no exception. In
developing countries like Bangladesh, where agriculture plays a vital role in the
economy, harnessing the potential of AI can bring substantial benefits. This
assignment aims to explore the applications of AI cost-benefit analysis in the
agricultural sector of Bangladesh. By assessing the potential advantages and
challenges, this study will shed light on how AI can improve productivity, optimize
resource allocation, and enhance decision-making processes for sustainable
agricultural practices.

Introduction: a. Background and significance of AI in agriculture: Introduce the

growing importance of AI in the agricultural sector globally and its potential to
address challenges faced by the industry. b. Statement of the problem and research
objectives: State the specific problem or gap in the agricultural sector in
Bangladesh that can be addressed through AI cost-benefit analysis. Outline the
research objectives of the study. c. Methodology and scope of the study: Describe
the research methodology employed and provide an overview of the scope and
limitations of the study.

Overview of the Agricultural Sector in Bangladesh: a. Importance of agriculture

in the national economy: Highlight the significance of the agricultural sector in
Bangladesh's economy, including its contribution to GDP, employment, and food
security. b. Key challenges and limitations faced by the sector: Identify the primary
challenges and limitations faced by the agricultural sector in Bangladesh, such as
limited access to technology, climate change impacts, and market inefficiencies. c.
Role of technology in addressing agricultural issues: Discuss the role of
technology, particularly AI, in overcoming these challenges and improving
agricultural practices.

Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture: An Overview: a. Definition and

components of AI: Define AI and explain its components, including machine
learning, deep learning, and computer vision. b. Key techniques and algorithms
used in AI applications: Provide an overview of the essential techniques and
algorithms utilized in AI applications for agriculture, such as neural networks and
decision trees. c. Existing AI applications in the global agricultural sector:
Highlight examples of successful AI applications in agriculture worldwide,
showcasing their benefits and impact.
Cost-Benefit Analysis in Agriculture: a. Introduction to cost-benefit analysis:
Define cost-benefit analysis and explain its purpose in assessing the economic
viability of agricultural projects and interventions. b. Relevance and benefits of
cost-benefit analysis in agriculture: Discuss the importance of conducting cost-
benefit analysis in the agricultural sector, including its ability to inform resource
allocation decisions and prioritize investments. c. Challenges and limitations in
conducting cost-benefit analysis: Address the challenges associated with
conducting accurate cost-benefit analysis in the context of agriculture, such as data
availability, valuation of intangible benefits, and uncertainty in future projections.

Applications of AI Cost-Benefit Analysis in the Agricultural Sector of

Bangladesh: a. Crop yield prediction and optimization: Explain how AI can be
used to predict crop yields, optimize farming practices, and maximize productivity.
b. Pest and disease detection and management: Discuss AI-based techniques for
early detection and management of pests and diseases, minimizing crop losses and
reducing the need for chemical interventions. c. Precision farming and resource
allocation: Explore how AI can facilitate precision agriculture techniques,
including efficient resource allocation, water management, and fertilizer
application. d. Market forecasting and price prediction: Illustrate how AI can
enable accurate market forecasting and price prediction, aiding farmers in making
informed decisions regarding crop selection and sales timing. e. Risk assessment
and mitigation strategies: Highlight the use of AI in assessing and mitigating risks
associated with climate change, extreme weather events, and market fluctuations.

case Studies and Success Stories: a. Examples of AI-driven agricultural projects

in Bangladesh: Provide specific examples of agricultural projects in Bangladesh
that have utilized AI technologies. Describe the objectives, methodologies, and
outcomes of these projects, showcasing how AI has been implemented in the
context of Bangladesh's agricultural sector. b. Benefits achieved and lessons
learned: Discuss the positive impacts and benefits derived from AI-driven
agricultural projects in Bangladesh. Highlight any improvements in productivity,
resource management, profitability, and sustainability. Additionally, reflect on the
lessons learned from these projects, including challenges encountered and
strategies employed to overcome them.

Challenges and Limitations: a. Ethical and social implications of AI in

agriculture: Explore the ethical considerations and social implications that arise
from the adoption of AI in agriculture in Bangladesh. Discuss issues such as data
privacy, algorithmic bias, equitable access to AI technologies, and potential
impacts on employment and livelihoods. b. Lack of infrastructure and access to
technology: Address the challenges related to inadequate infrastructure and limited
access to AI technologies, particularly in rural areas of Bangladesh. Describe how
these challenges may hinder the widespread adoption of AI in agriculture and
suggest potential solutions to bridge the digital divide. c. Data availability and
quality issues: Discuss the challenges related to the availability and quality of data
for AI applications in the agricultural sector of Bangladesh. Examine issues such as
data collection, standardization, reliability, and the need for comprehensive
datasets. Propose strategies to improve data availability and quality. d. Skill gaps
and capacity building requirements: Identify the skill gaps and capacity building
needs for farmers, technicians, and policymakers to effectively implement and
utilize AI technologies in agriculture. Discuss the importance of training and
education programs to enhance digital literacy, AI skills, and understanding of AI
applications in agriculture.

Recommendations and Policy Implications: a. Strategies to promote AI

adoption in the agricultural sector: Provide recommendations for promoting the
widespread adoption of AI technologies in the agricultural sector of Bangladesh.
Discuss strategies such as awareness campaigns, training programs, financial
incentives, and supportive policies to encourage farmers and stakeholders to
embrace AI-driven solutions. b. Government policies and initiatives to support AI-
driven agriculture: Highlight the role of government in formulating policies and
initiatives to support the integration of AI in agriculture. Discuss the importance of
creating an enabling environment, regulatory frameworks, and partnerships
between government agencies, research institutions, and technology providers to
drive AI adoption. c. Collaboration between stakeholders for sustainable AI
implementation: Emphasize the significance of collaboration and partnerships
among stakeholders in the agricultural sector. Discuss the need for coordination
between farmers, researchers, government agencies, and technology providers to
ensure sustainable implementation of AI technologies. Highlight the importance of
knowledge sharing, resource pooling, and collective action.

Conclusion: a. Summary of findings and key takeaways: Summarize the main

findings and key points discussed throughout the assignment, highlighting the
potential of AI cost-benefit analysis in the agricultural sector of Bangladesh.
Reflect on the overall benefits, challenges, and future prospects of implementing
AI in the context of Bangladesh's agriculture. b. Potential future developments and
research directions: Outline potential areas for future research and development in
AI applications in the agricultural sector of Bangladesh. Consider emerging
technologies, evolving agricultural needs, and areas where AI can further
contribute to sustainable and resilient agriculture.

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