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REVISI Review fim Frozen

The film begins by showing the lives of harvesting ice in the mountains and along small Kristoff reindeer
friend, Sven. The harvester recalled that the ice had magic powers and said that we must be careful to
people who be frozen. Meanwhile, in the palace of the kingdom Arendelle, Princess Anna invites her
sister Elsa small to play snow. Elsa has issued a magic power of ice and snow. When the second daughter
making a snowman and play ice in the palace, accidentally Elsa about Anna's head with a blast of ice that
made her swoon. Because of this, a little part of Anna graying hair. The king and queen are panicking.
They brought Anna and Elsa meet the trolls in the forest to heal Anna. Old troll named Grand Pabbie
take on magic memory Anna Elsa. He also reminded Elsa that fear will be the greatest enemy. Because
of the incident, the king closed the castle from the outside world. No one should know about the magic
power of Elsa. Elsa isolated from the outside world in his room. Elsa was always wear gloves. Anna is no
longer able to meet with Elsa because Elsa always closed the door.

. Finally, they also play ice skating outside the palace Arendelle happily.

kata sifat

2. freeze.

3.warm feeling.

4. anger.

5. affection.

6. live with sadness.

7. ice flower.

8. amazing.

9. magic.

10. curse.


1. Orientation, where viewers are introduced to the family of Princess Arrandelle

consisting of Anna, youngest daughter, Elsa, eldest daughter, Queen and King.
Apart from that, viewers also know about the beginning of the story of Anna's
love for Prince Hans, which from there will lead to problems

2. Complications, namely where viewers are treated to problems that exist in the

3. Solution, namely the completion of the problem.

Muhammad yasin

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