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E: Today we will talk about the best technological gifts we have received on our

G: Ok, ESTEFANO, what was the best technological gift you received for your

E: The best gift I received for my birthday was an iPhone 13 pro cell phone.

G: Perfect ESTEFANO, why do you think your cell phone is important?

E: The cell phone is very important, because through it we can communicate, either
by text message or from you and other functions such as reviewing documents,
searching for information, clearly, with it you can do endless things.

G: What else can you tell me about your iPhone 13 pro?

E: The design of this phone is: rectangular, three cameras (both front and rear) and
some buttons (usually 3, +volume, -volume and a button to lock/turn on/off the
device) since they are totally tactile.

G: How interesting your phone ESTEFANO.

E: Thank you, Guisel, and what was your best device that you received for your

G: Yeah, well my best gift was an Apple laptop.

E: Wonderful and do you consider that your laptop is important?

G: It's important because it's a laptop, which means it can be

Taken anywhere, they are perfect for work and study, as they are lighter, more
practical, and easier to use.

E: Great GUISEL, what else can you tell me about your laptop?

G: The laptop can be stored in a drawer or in a much smaller space than a desktop
computer normally occupies. Also, as I already told you, it is very useful in my work
as a DJ, since it is a very fast device.

E: Listen, how important it is to have a device for our use.

G: That's right ESTEFANO, I'm happy to say goodbye

E: Goodbye GUISEL

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