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Dear Trishalinda Jay,

It is with great pleasure we announce that you have been selected to be chosen to be tested for
possible uplift into galactic society! You've undoubtedly heard the buzz about the arrival
messages from "Aliens" blasting the airwaves in social media ads, broadcasts, cell phone texts,
and on billboards worldwide. So much confusion about what we want and what our aims are! So
first, be of good cheer. Be calm. We have great news for you and, frankly, the human race. We
come in peace. You have been chosen to be considered to join the rest of the galaxy in its quest
to make existence better for everyone. All creatures! All sentient plants. Isn't that great? If our
media blitz has already provided enough evidence that this is something you really, really, really
want to be a part of, then no need to read on! Check the box at the bottom of the letter that says
[[I'm in! Let's begin the test!]] and mail it back in the prepared envelope and drop it in the nearest
Postal Box.

However, read on if you need a little more comfort, convincing, and/or joy to make this bright
change to your DNA. An opportunity that will affect you and all your decedents forever [[Read

[[Read On]]

First, let's get out of the way a few FAQs

(1) Are you benevolent? And if so, why? Don't all organisms in the universe have motives that
revolve around their own interests? [[click for answer1]]

[[answer 1]] So true! So true! But our motives are nothing but pure! We want to make the galaxy
a better place, and if all our client species are doing great, then we are too. It's as simple as that!
As we always say, "It takes a galaxy to raise a civilization!"

(2) If these changes are permanent, I would like to know more about them. What will I become
biologically, and how will that affect my mind? [[click for Answer2]]

[[Answer2]] At this stage, it is a little early to get into the details, but rest assured that you will
have a say in any changes we mandate for your uplift. You should know that you will have
vastly increased capabilities in perception, including sight, hearing, olfactory detection, and
enhanced touch, which will increase your capacity for physical and aesthetic pleasure. In
addition, you will find a greater ability to feel compassion and sympathy for others, human and

(3) Why did you come at this time in our history? Your media releases have included that you
have been watching us for millennia. What made you feel this was the right time? [[click for

[[Answer 3]] When choosing species for uplift, we look for two things that indicate that a species
is ready for uplift. The first is a positive quality recognizing your species' achievement and
advancement. That is the emergence of complex systems that indicate cybernetic autopoietic
systems. Your species creating a worldwide postal system shows the hallmarks of all advanced
civilizations. The second is the appearance of dangers whose presence marks the eventual end of
their civilization and/or their species. The appearance of this marker has heralded the end of
many flowering civilizations, and the galaxy is littered with the ruins of these once create
cultures. I speak of the rise of machine intelligence. Once these types of AI appear, it often
signals the end of organic life. So, in short, we see you have reached the level of advancement
that postal systems are in place; however, we have to act quickly because your embrace of AI
suggests that your demise is imminent. This is why we contacted you.

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