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O sistema de memória FAST Scripture

Instruções detalhadas sobre como
liderar uma equipe do Kit de Sobrevivência

Recursos on-line
Course Timeline
Semana a Semana Teaching Tips
Answer Keys

patrocinado por:
Um movimento do fim dos tempos
chamando o povo de Deus de
volta à Bíblia

Para mais informações, vá para WWW.FAST.ST 1/18

Kit de sobrevivência
Guia dos professores

O FAST Survival Kit é a primeira parte do nosso processo de treinamento em três etapas, com o
objetivo de ajudar as pessoas a absorver, a viver e a transmitir a Palavra de Deus. Dá-lhe todas
as chaves que você precisa para começar a memorizar as Escrituras de forma eficaz. Você
aprenderá como memorizar palavras perfeitas, garantir retenção a longo prazo, meditar,
aplicar, lembrar referências e muito mais.

This course consists of five weeks of instruction. It includes weekly objectives, five Bible
searches, assigned memory verses, and two memory keys for each study. The titles in this series

       1.   Amazing Grace
       2.   Looking to Jesus
       3.   Tackling Temptation
       4.   Knowing God's Will
       5.   Fellowship

This Teachers Guide includes basic principles of training, helpful resources available online, a
course timeline, week by week teaching tips, answer keys, and a section for looking ahead.

For additional teaching suggestions, please refer to our FAST Leaders Manual often.

This class is a required part of the FAST certification track. For an overview of our entire
certification process, please see our Certification Manual.

These resources are licensed for personal study by Norelmo. Please do not distribute.
Copyright © 2019, FAST Missions, All rights reserved. WWW.FAST.ST 2/18

Teachers Guide
Survival Kit > Basic Principles

Listed below are seven important keys to becoming an effective trainer.

Prayer. Every step of the discipling process should be bathed in prayer. Discipling is a
spiritual work and requires the presence of God's Spirit.

Keep it Small. Avoid large groups. The ideal is 2 or 3 members per leader (multiple
leaders are encouraged). Groups should not exceed 10 or 12 members

Personal Modeling. When team leaders fail to implement the content they present,
training quickly degenerates into a mere discussion group.

Focus on Training. Training involves the impartation of skills, not information. Review
the study quickly, and keep your focus on the practical suggestions, and prayer.

Call to Excellence. Team members rarely rise above the expectations of their leaders.
Hold members accountable and communicate confidence in their ultimate success.
Schedule make-up session with individuals who miss a class, or leave objectives undone.

Love for People. Invest time with team members outside regular meetings. Your impact
on each life hinges on the strength of your relationship with them.

Pastoral Support. The support of your pastor is vital. Keep him posted on your progress.
Encourage your team to pray for and support your pastor.

You will find many more suggestions for leading your team in the Leaders Manual and the week
by week Teaching Tips ahead. We encourage you to follow these instructions as closely as
possible! 3/18

Teachers Guide
Survival Kit > Online Resources

Resources available for Students at WWW.FAST.ST:

Memory Engine     Software tool to organize daily review.

Card Generator Print verse cards in various formats.
Online Classes Supplement your local training with insights from around the
Student Forum Ask questions about anything related to FAST.
Journals Record notes from your training.
Prayer Chapel Submit a prayer request.
Invite a Friend Social media tools to share what you learn.

Resources available for Teachers in our Resource Library:

Promotional Tools     Various resources for promoting your new class.
Booklet Cover Create a cardstock cover sheet for your three ring binder.
Attendance Records Forms you can use to keep track of attendance.
Weekly Checklists Forms to facilitate the accountability time.
Quizzes Optional quizzes for each weeks training.
Review Sheet A worksheet students use to prepare for the final exam.
Final Exam A simple exam to assess mastery of content.
Certificate A certification of completion for graduates. 4/18

Teachers Guide
Survival Kit > Training Centers

Want to know the best way to bring our training to your church? Become a partner in our
Freedom Campaign at $25/month, and you can register your church to become a FAST Training
Center. This means your church gets a custom web portal giving members of your church access

Powerful online classes on a wide variety of topics

Built in memory tools like the Engine and Card Generator

A local news area to share updates and announcements

Special interactive areas for church friends and family

Promotional tools to encourage member participation

Local facilitators to support and encourage students

FREE access to all our study guides for personal use

Our promotional tools can help recruit your next team. Students can use our online classes to
reinforce the training you do locally—with insights from students from around the world. Our
memory tools enable them to print verse cards, manage their daily review, and more. Monitor
team activity and send a personal note when students post comments or submit a prayer
request. Let students print their own lesson whenever they miss a class, or make up missed
content online. It's all at your fingertips with FAST.

Best of all—you never have to pay for training materials again! Plus, no shipping or waiting, and
you print only what you need. Materials are even licensed for use in community Bible studies and
small groups led by church members.

To sign up, get an application for our FAST website. Fill it in, and return it to us. Once received,
we will get you set up—and you can start promoting your training center at once! Use
announcements, bulletin inserts, your church website, whatever. It's as simple as that! 5/18

Teachers Guide
Survival Kit > Time Line

The Survival Kit is a simple, five lesson program that looks at common questions new believers
often have regarding the Christian life. It also introduces the basic principles of Scripture

This program helps lay a solid foundation for future training, by getting students off to good
habits in memorization, and introducing them to the FAST training approach. Students who are
able to memorize all five verses, and learn the ten memorization keys should do fine in more
advanced courses.

Launch    Promotional Efforts

Week 1 Orientation Session
Week 2 Lesson 1, Amazing Grace
Week 3 Lesson 2, Looking to Jesus
Week 4 Lesson 3, Tackling Temptation
Week 5 Lesson 4, Knowing God's Will
Week 6 Lesson 5, Fellowship
Week 7 Final Exam

Promotional Efforts
One you have discussed starting a FAST class with church leaders, received approval, and set a
launch date, you are ready to begin promoting it. Try to give yourself at least one month to get
the word out. Listed below are some ideas you can try:

Ask your pastor or class leader to write a brief letter to church members, introducing
the program and inviting them to take the course. Copy the letter on church stationery
and mail it to active church members.

Included in the resource library at FAST you will find several bulletin inserts you can use
to promote your class. Choose one and give it to your bulletin secretary each week. This
should be done at least three times. 6/18

The resource area also includes suggested verbal announcements you can read to
promote the class during the personal ministries or announcements period of your
church. Call attention to the bulletin inserts during these announcements.

Display one of the posters in our resource library in multiple locations at your church.
Give a copy to any individual with questions.

Use facebook and other social media to announce the class. Put something about it on
the church website and newsletter.

The most effective promotion is personal invitation. Prayerfully invite key individuals to
join the class who you think may benefit from it. Especially consider new members, and
attending non-members.

Individuals who are unsure about joining should be encouraged to attend the orientation
session to see what it is all about. They can make a final decision to join or not join

Remind all interested participants by phone and email of the time and location of the
orientation meeting a few days before the first meeting. Giving personal reminders
shows interest in the individual and makes a significant difference.

Pray earnestly that God will bring together just the right group. Having a committed group is
more important than having a large group. Do not be discouraged if only 3 or 4 people agree to
join. As their lives are changed it will motivate others to be part of the next class.

While waiting for the class to begin, continue familiarizing yourself with the lessons, this
Teachers Guide, and the support resources available online. Be sure to purchase an adequate
number of sets of the Survival Kit lessons at least two weeks before your launch date to ensure
they arrive on time. If your church is registered as a training center, you may print these lessons
off our website.

Orientation Session
The orientation session is an important part of your training program—for it is here that you will
set the tone for the rest of the course. Here is a step by step outline we recommend for your
first class meeting.

Begin with prayer.

Go around the circle and ask each person why they decided to join this class—and what
they hope to learn. Give the group a chance to get to know each other better.

Spend a few moments talking about some of the things you will cover in the weeks
ahead. Try to get your class members excited about what is coming!

Encourage team members to take advantage of the resources available on the FAST
website. Tools such as the memory engine and card generator will help them in their
memorization. And doing the online class simultaneously, will allow them to gain
insights from students around the world. 7/18

Explain that the five weeks of the Survival Kit is a trial period, to determine if they
want to continue with additional training from FAST. There is no long term

Give each person their first lesson. Direct them to the objectives page and briefly go
over what will be expected for the following week. Consider purchasing binders to
protect their lessons and distribute these as well.

Make sure each person has a verse pack, then point them to the practical suggestions in
the back of the lesson where they will find tips on how to use it. Share how useful a
verse pack can be in memorizing Scripture, with a personal testimony if you use one

Emphasize the importance of commitment when it comes to training. Remind them that
they are not just forming a class, but a team—and that their faithfulness in completing
assignments will have a powerful impact on others in the group.

Emphasize punctuality and attendance. Make it clear that those who join this class need
to arrive on time, and fill out their lessons in advance. To "graduate" the program,
students must successfully complete all training objectives.

Explain that those who complete all the training objectives and complete the Final
Exam will receive a small certificate of completion. 8/18

Give class members a chance to ask questions about the program—and answer them as
accurately as you can.

If you have a large group, it may be necessary to break into more than one group, or ask
some to wait for the next session. Keep your group small.

Close with a prayer of dedication. Give one or two individuals a chance to pray and then
consecrate the entire group to God!

If you are conducting this orientation meeting during your SS period, this first session will not
require the full hour, so we recommend beginning after the normal opening exercises program
when class members break up for different classes. Be sure to announce once again that the new
class is starting, and where it will meet. In future weeks, team members will need to be excused
from the opening exercises and go straight to their class in order to ensure sufficient time to
cover all the training objectives.

Week 1, Amazing Grace

Your first meeting is important, for it will help to establish a pattern for the rest of the class.
After opening prayer, explain that each person is to get with a partner, exchange their booklets,
take turns initialing their partner's completed objectives, and then sign and date their objectives
page. During this "accountability time" they are to check to see if their partner's Bible Search is
filled in, hear them quote their first verse, recite the first two keys from memory, etc.
Objectives not completed should be circled. Give five to ten minutes for this, circulating through
the group to make sure each person is marking their partner's lesson properly.

After the group has reconvened, take a moment to ask how they did on their assignments. If
someone struggled, take time to discuss strategies for success together, as a group. Let them
know the objectives are an important part of the program—as you are doing training, not
teaching. Explain that to build a habit of success—every small victory is important.

If you are using loose leaf lessons, collect the objective sheets to review later. Contact members
with a missed objective—to see if there is anything you can do to help them. Track their
progress on the attendance forms. Write an encouraging note on each page and return the
following week. 9/18

Next, use the methods suggested in the Leaders Manual for going over the Bible search. Explain
that you are only reviewing what you have already discovered beforehand, and that it is not a
discussion. Encourage class members to focus on sharing what they wrote in their lessons. Those
who come unprepared should be skipped quietly. Remind the group preparation is not only
important for their personal benefit, but also in terms of their influence on others in the team.
The first lesson provides a brief introduction to what God is like, and His longing to bless those
who come to Him in faith.

Next, take some time to review the practical suggestions pages, using the recommendations on
page 14 of your Leaders Manual. Always assume some have failed to read the material, or have
failed to read it carefully. Be sure to answer any questions class members may have. As much as
possible, share from your own life—to illustrate the principles in this section. Be transparent.
Think of your team as all being on a journey, and learning together.

No final da reunião, distribua a próxima lição e repasse os objetivos. Explique aos alunos que na
próxima semana eles deverão citar os dois versículos e que devem continuar revisando o
primeiro versículo todos os dias para mantê-lo em suas mentes. Da mesma forma, explique que
eles devem conhecer todas as dez chaves para memorização, a fim de concluir com sucesso o
curso. Incentive-os a aprender as chaves de uma a quatro na próxima semana. (Uma boa maneira
é escrevê-los em um cartão verso).

Mais uma vez, esforce-se para enfatizar a importância do compromisso e a importância da

participação pontual em todas as reuniões de classe. Feche com uma oração positiva e

Respostas à Pesquisa Bíblica # 1:

1. Como criador

2. Ele preserva tudo

Suas misericórdias são novas diariamente

3. Ele é eterno

Ele é todo poderoso

Ele é infinitamente sábio

4. Nós somos o objeto de sua atenção

5. Pensamentos para um bom futuro

6. He will withhold no good thing

He will satisfy the desires of our heart

He will freely give us all things

7. In faith

8. We are blessed according to our faith 10/18

Through faith all things are possible.

9. Rejoicing

Week 2, Looking to Jesus

Lesson number two goes a little further, by highlighting the secret to dynamic Christian living. It
is a good time to begin emphasizing the importance of daily devotions (we will study this more
fully in Basic Training). Learning to fix our spiritual eyes on Jesus is also perhaps the most
important reason for memorizing Scripture. So take some time to cover the lesson well. As usual,
begin with prayer, give a few minutes to accountability, review the Bible Search, go through the
practical suggestions, preview lesson three, and then close with prayer. Make sure you have
class members quote both verses and recite all four keys to their partner in order to get their
objectives initialed.

Não se preocupe muito se os alunos tiverem dificuldade em compreender a diferença entre um

princípio e um projeto neste momento. Você estará revisitando o conceito em mais detalhes
posteriormente, no Treinamento Básico. Apenas incentive-os a dar o melhor de si para pensar
nos versículos que memorizam e como eles se relacionam com suas vidas pessoais. Encoraje-os a
avançar e se comprometer a aprender todos os cinco versos no Kit de Sobrevivência e todas as
dez chaves de memória.

Respostas para a Pesquisa Bíblica # 2:

1. Nós devemos nascer de novo

2. A história da cobra levantada em um poste

3. Olhando para a cobra

4. Olha para deus

Olhando para jesus

Eis a glória do Senhor

5. Através das Escrituras

6. Nosso coração vai "queimar" dentro de nós

7. todo dia

8. Nos transformará

Isso vai nos impedir de desmaiar

Isso nos permitirá colocar o novo homem

9. Deve ser o nosso primeiro objetivo

Tudo o mais é insignificante em comparação

10. We can do all things through Christ 11/18

Week 3, Tackling Temptation

This lesson focuses on the subject of temptation. While this study does not exhaust the topic, it
is designed to help a person get started down the path to victory. When working through the
lesson identify the key ways Scripture memory can help us with temptation: convicting us of sin
(question 4), giving us promises to claim for victory (question 8), and alerting us to potential
pitfalls (question 10). Avoid theological arguments on the nature of sin, the possibility of
perfection, etc, and focus on the practical side of dealing with temptation. One way to do this is
to keep the discussion centered on what class members actually wrote down.

Antes de se dividir em parceiros, pergunte como eles estão fazendo em seus versos e chaves de
memória. Se alguém estiver com dificuldades, tente identificar o problema e oferecer sugestões.
Gaste mais tempo em oração por eles e, se necessário, ofereça-se para encontrá-los fora da sala
de aula. Tente certificar-se de que cada pessoa conclua com êxito o Kit de Sobrevivência!
Certifique-se de que os alunos estejam citando todos os três versículos de memória para seus
parceiros e recitando todas as seis chaves de memória.

Se a sua igreja não estiver registrada como um centro de treinamento com a FAST e você planeja
continuar na trilha de certificação, você deverá solicitar os livretos da Fórmula de Explosão e as
lições do Treinamento Básico em breve - para garantir que eles cheguem a tempo. Você pode
não saber com certeza quantos continuarão, mas faça estimativas com o melhor de sua
capacidade. 12/18

Respostas para a Pesquisa Bíblica # 3:

1. Tentação

2. Nossos próprios desejos egoístas

3. Yes, through Jesus Christ

4. Confess (and forsake) it

Confess it

5. A determined turning away from sin

6. He removes our sins far from us

7. Create in me a clean heart

Empower me to obey your will

Make me into a new creation

8. Make us partakers of the divine nature

9. Many, many times

10. Keep us from falling

Week 4, Knowing God's Will

This is our next to last study in the Survival Kit. It looks at God's guidance and the importance of
His Word in that process. Again, emphasize the importance of Scripture memory in discerning
God's will in the various decisions we all face day by day. God's Word is indeed to shape every
action, word, and thought of our life!

Como eles logo serão solicitados a decidir se querem ou não ir para outra aula de treinamento,
este estudo é importante. Elabore o assunto e incentive-os a dedicar o tempo adequado a
discernir a vontade de Deus - por meio de Sua Palavra. Desafie-os a basear sua decisão nas
Escrituras na medida do possível (ver pergunta 7). Ao mesmo tempo, enfatize que ninguém deve
se sentir pressionado a continuar fazendo o FAST, a menos que seja algo que eles genuinamente
desejem fazer.

Siga o mesmo cronograma que você está usando. Eles agora são até quatro versos! Ao visualizar o
estudo da próxima semana, saliente que o verso da memória é significativamente mais longo do
que os outros e exigirá algum esforço extra. Incentive-os a começar no início da semana. Desafie
cada um a conhecer os cinco versos e as dez chaves da memorização - em ordem. 13/18

Respostas à Pesquisa Bíblica # 4:

1. God will lead us

2. To know His will

3. Through His Word

4. We will hear a "word" brought to our mind

God will bring things He has taught us to our mind

5. Every act is to glorify God

Every word is to be edifying

Every thought is to be pure and refined

6. To wait on the Lord

7. Realize there is no light in them

Do not trust your own heart

8. Great blessings and success

Week 5, Fellowship
The final lesson looks at the importance of fellowship in the life of a believer. Class members
are likely to acknowledge the value of accountability in memorizing Scripture. Point out that the
same is true in other areas of discipleship. Being part of a committed team, setting weekly
goals, having someone check up on you, etc, are all vital to reaching one's full potential as a
disciple of Christ. This is the real issue in the decision to continue on to another training class. If
a person is determined to grow spiritually, they will want to continue moving forward. On the
other hand, some may prefer to wait until their circumstances allow them to give their full
attention to additional training.

Conduct your class as usual, with a time of accountability, Bible Search, and practical training.
Then at the end, remind them that there is going to be a final exam the next week over the
material they have studied. Give each member a copy of the Survival Kit review sheet and
encourage them to fill it out at home. They are welcome to use their class materials. Suggested
answers for the review sheet are found in the Final Exam section of this Teachers Guide. 14/18

If someone is intimidated by an exam, smile and and assure them they will do fine if they have
memorized all 5 verses, know the ten keys, and spend some time on the review sheet. And if
they ask, they can try the exam more than once.

Lembre-os também de que precisarão decidir se desejam continuar seu treinamento na próxima
reunião de equipe. Veja a seção Looking Forward para sugestões sobre quais classes fazer em

Respostas para a Pesquisa Bíblica # 5:

1. Para incentivar um ao outro para amar e boas obras

2. Ela nos ajuda a resistir ao engano do pecado e a manter-se firme até o fim

3. Para crescer na plenitude de Cristo

4. Amor (caridade)

O espírito Santo

5. Várias respostas possíveis: gentileza, afeto, trabalho duro, pregação fiel, exemplo,
exortação, ação de graças por eles, etc.

6. Várias respostas possíveis: envio de mensageiros, desejo de visitá-los, graças a Deus por
eles, intercessão, escrever cartas, etc

7. Nós seríamos estabelecidos inabaláveis em santidade

8. A comunhão cristã está na intersecção do amor a Deus e amor ao homem

9. Esta é sua oportunidade de incentivá-los a continuar na CHAMADA!

Exame final
Tente criar um ambiente divertido e descontraído para esta semana. Eles já fizeram o trabalho
duro - apenas uma pequena revisão e um teste fácil. Hoje será fácil!

Comece com a oração. E leve algum tempo para perguntas. Pergunte se alguém teve
dificuldades com perguntas na Folha de Revisão e discuta as que não foram claras. Se não houver
dificuldades, faça um pouco de treinamento prático - faça algumas perguntas a você mesmo.
Revise os versos e dez chaves juntos. Isso não só lhe dá a chance de rever o conteúdo do curso
mais uma vez, mas também ajuda a colocar seus cérebros em marcha para o exame. Limite este
tempo de revisão para cerca de 10 minutos. 15/18

Aqui estão as respostas sugeridas para a folha de revisão: Parte I. Perguntas

1. Através da memorização e meditação da Escritura

2. Isso torna nossos esforços mais produtivos

3. Antes e depois (princípio sanduíche)

4. Comunhão

5. Application

6. Two Months

7. It tends to bog down our daily review

8. More than 1000

Part II. Memory Keys

     Use Good Tools      Know your References

     Memorize Word-Perfect      Stick to Short Passages
     Learn to Meditate          Memorize Fresh Verses
     Apply the Word      Set a Pace
     Focus on Retention      Get Some Accountability

Part III. Scripture Memory

1. I John 1:9

2. Hebrews 10:24-25

3. Trust in the Lord

Lean not to our own understanding

Acknowledge Him in all our ways

4. Abide in Him

5. With lovingkindness 16/18

There are two parts to the final exam. The first is a modified accountability checklist they fill
out with a partner. Have them pair up and do that section first. The second is multiple choice.
They complete that individually without using any notes or materials. Encourage them to
complete both sections in about 20 minutes. Once the exams are completed, collect them for
grading (outside of class).

After the exams are turned in, it is a good idea to go over the second part together. Read
through the questions—and give the group a chance to share answers. Remember, repetition
deepens impression. It is another teaching opportunity.

Spend the last few moments reflecting, and thinking forward. Ask each person what they
appreciated most about this first step in the certification track. Give the group a chance to
celebrate their successes. Then take a few moments to introduce your next training program—
and encourage them to continue on. If you are doing the Explosion Formula next. Be sure to give
them the booklet and have them read it.

Finally, close with a few moments of prayer. Thank God for each person that participated in the
Survival Kit and pray for God's blessing as they continue to move forward in their memorization.

Note that the purpose of our class exams is to encourage each person to master the material
presented as thoroughly as possible. It also gives several opportunities to review the key content
of each class. Be sure you do not allow the exams to intimidate or discourage class members.
When grading the exams, follow the suggestions below:

Use the answer key below to identify any wrong answers in part I and circle the number
beside the question. Do not mark the correct answer.

In a similar way, mark any verses or illustrations they were not able to quote or draw.

Give each test a rough grade of Excellent, Very Good, or Good. Do not write something
like "-5" or "83%".

Encourage students to correct all missed questions and return them to you. Explain that
the goal is 100%. 17/18

Once a student has turned in a corrected exam, give them the Survival Kit certificate. Especially
encourage those who are not continuing to another class to finish things up—and be faithful to
get their certificate to them.

Here is the answer key for the final exam

1. B 6. B 11. A
2. C 7. A 12. B
3. C 8. D 13. C
4. B 9. A 14. C
5. D 10. B 15. A

Looking Ahead
After completion of the Survival Kit, you will want to encourage your class to continue on in
their training. The second step in our three-part certification process is a small booklet entitled
the Explosion Formula, and a second Bible study course called Basic Training. If you are
registered as a training center, you can print both of these resources off our website. Otherwise,
you will need to order these materials at least two weeks before starting your class to ensure
they arrive in time.

The Explosion Formula gives an overview of the entire discipling process to explains the biblical
model behind the FAST training system. Basic Training focuses on the nuts and bolts skills of
practical discipleship: prayer, Bible study, time management, and personal witnessing. Both are

The third step in our certification process includes the Leaders Manual, and our Team Tactics
program. These resources equip your team members to lead a FAST team, and then launch,
lead, and unleash an evangelistic small group in their home.

Challenge your team to complete the entire certification track. 18/18

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