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Department of Psychology
Assignment no: 01
Job Satisfaction in Employee at work place
Case report
Submitted by: MASHALLA SAEED
Roll no: 20
Bs 8th semester
MORNING (section A)
Submitted to: Sir Behroz

Job satisfaction is defined as the level of contentment employees feel with their
job. This goes beyond their daily duties to cover satisfaction with team
members/managers, satisfaction with organizational policies, and the impact of
their job on employees’ personal lives
Job satisfaction varies from employee to employee. In the same workplace under
the same conditions, the factors that help one employee feel good about their job
may not apply to another employee. For this reason, it is essential to have a
multidimensional approach to employee satisfaction, covering the following
• The challenging nature of work, pushing employees to new heights
• A level of convenience (short commutes, access to the right digital tools,
and flexible hours)
• Regular appreciation by the immediate management and the organization
as a whole
• Competitive pay, which employees maintain a good quality of life
• The promise of career progression in sync with employees’ personal growth
Factors That Determine Employees’ Satisfaction Levels
• company care about its employees
• workplace have room for employees to engage in their hobbies?
• What is the average interval between promotions?
• Employees feel respected by their peers
• culture of two-way feedback
• Work-life balance
• employees relationships with their reporting heads
• organization follow fair and inclusive policies
• employees nurture their creative instincts in their jobs
• Do employees feel secure about their role
Why Job satisfaction is important?

By actively working on satisfaction in the workplace, you end up with employees

who are more engaged, involved, and eager to go the extra mile. This benefits
your company in several ways.
There are 5 Reasons Why Job Satisfaction Is so Important
• 1.Satisfied employees translate into satisfied customers
• 2. Voluntary turnover will come down
• 3. You increase the chances of referrals
• 4. Satisfaction is directly linked to your productivity
• 5. In the long term, you can dramatically reduce HR costs
How to improve job satisfaction within your company
So, now that you understand why job satisfaction is so important, here are a few
ways that you can improve the satisfaction within your company.
One of the simplest things you can do to try and improve job satisfaction amongst
your employees is to make sure that they feel that they are respected.

Another way to improve job satisfaction is to ensure that you demonstrate your
trust in your employees, and encourage them to have trust in you

If you went to work everyday not knowing whether your position was secure,
then chances are that you wouldn’t have the most positive experience.One simple
way to improve feelings of job security is to be honest in your communications
and always be transparent in the things that your employees can expect.

4. A healthy working environment

A healthy working environment is much more likely to be a place that people
want to work! Those who have high levels of job satisfaction work in a place that
has high morale, is free from stress and has a low or non-existent rate of
harassment or discriminatory incidents.

5. A career path
No matter the career that you are engaged in, if you feel that there is no hope
for your progression, you are not going to feel too satisfied. If you feel that you
can not only grow but perhaps excel and move on, then you are much more likely
to want to work hard in the current role that you have.


We come to work to earn money, and some employees are lucky enough to earn
good money when they come to the office for another day.
This includes health care, wellbeing in the workplace and family help such as
childcare vouchers and flexible working.

The three job satisfaction components are –
1. the evaluative component,
2. the cognitive component,
3. the affective component.
• Evaluative component – how an employee feels about their employer as a
whole is the evaluative component of job satisfaction.
• Cognitive component – the cognitive component of job satisfaction
considers the employee’s beliefs and expectations.
• Affective component – how an organization makes its employees feel is
known as the affective component.
Job Satisfaction Theory: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
• Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is designed as a pyramid to show that fulfilling
people’s lower levels of needs helps them move up the pyramid.
• The pyramid starts at the base with physiological needs. Moving up the
pyramid, people have safety needs, the need to feel a sense of love and
belonging, and esteem needs. The top of the pyramid consists of self-
actualization – the last category of needs.


• An organization can help fulfill its employees’ physiological needs by
providing facilities like a vending machine or mini kitchen and benefits like
health support, salary, and monetary and non-monetary benefits.
• Once the physiological needs of employees are fulfilled, they seek safety
needs from the job. It can be provided by helping them feel safe at the
workplace. A secure and positive work environment will help organizations
achieve this.
• A manager’s and co-workers’ appreciation can help employees feel a sense
of love and belonging – the next level in the hierarchy of needs.
• To feel esteemed, the employee must believe that their actions contribute
to the company’s success and feel like their career is growing. Achieving the
goal of self-actualization requires employees to feel they have maximized
their efforts. It helps them feel motivated and empowered, finally resulting
in job satisfaction.

Planning-organizing-leading-controlling (P-O-L-C) functions.

1. Physiological needs may be satisfied by the person’s paycheck, but it is
important to rememr that pay may satisfy other needs such as safety and.
Esteem as well.
2. Providing generous benefits, including health insurance and
companysponsored retirement plans, as well as offering a measure of job
security, Will help satisfy safety needs.
3. Social needs may be satisfied by having a friendly environment, providing a
Workplace conducive to collaboration and communication with others.
4. Company picnics and other social get-togethers may also be helpful if the
Majority of employees are motivated primarily by social needs (but may
Cause resentment if they are not and if they have to sacrifice a Sunday
Afternoon for a company picnic).
5. Providing promotion opportunities at work, recognizing a person’s
Accomplishments verbally or through more formal reward systems, job titles
That communicate to the employee that one has achieved high status within
The organization are among the ways of satisfying esteem needs.
6.Finally, self-actualization needs may be satisfied by providing development
And growth opportunities on or off the job, as well as by assigning Interesting and
challenging work. By making the effort to satisfy the Different needs each employee
may have at a given time, organizations may Ensure a more highly motivated

Job Satisfaction Theory: Motivation – Hygiene Theory

According to Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory, motivation and hygiene
are the two main factors that drive employee satisfaction.
• Motivation leads to satisfaction, while hygiene reduces dissatisfaction.
Application in organization
• Motivators, or satisfiers, improve job satisfaction. Factors that motivate
people are performance and achievement, recognition, job status,
responsibility, work, personal growth, and advancement opportunities. In
the workplace, motivation factors need to be improved.
• Low salaries, poor working conditions, poor workspace, unhealthy or toxic
relationships with the supervisor and colleagues, and low supervision
quality at a workplace with high politics and rules can act as dissatisfiers.
Unimproved conditions will result in dissatisfied employees.

Job Satisfaction Theory: Job Characteristics Model

• Hackman and Oldham designed the job characteristics model in 1976. This
model helps employers enrich their employees’ work and make it more
engaging and interesting. According to the model, the five characteristics –
skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback – can
be adjusted to make work more engaging, motivating, and satisfying.
• Employees can experience meaningful work through skill variety, task
identity, and task significance. The autonomy of work makes employees
feel responsible for their work’s outcomes. Feedback from the job helps
employees understand the effect of their work. It will help them make
changes if needed.
• These psychological states lead to high internal motivation, high-quality
work performance, high work and job satisfaction, and low absenteeism
and turnover.

Job Satisfaction Theory: Dispositional Approach

Staw, Bell and Clausen developed the dispositional theory or trial theory. It
focused on the employee’s disposition. They pointed out that an individual’s
disposition affects their job satisfaction. It is because what one employee
perceives as a positive experience might not be conceived the same way by
another employee.
For example
An office with open space is appreciated by an extroverted person, whereas a
more introverted person might prefer a cubicle with their own space to work.

Causes of job dissatisfaction are;

• Underpaid.
• Limited Career Growth.
• Lack of Interest.
• Poor Management.
• Unsupportive Boss.
• Lack of Meaningful Work.
• Opportunities for growth or incentives for meaningful work.
• Work and Life Balance
Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction
An employee’s overall satisfaction with his job is the result of a
combination of Factors – and financial compensation is only one of them.
Management’s role in Enhancing employees’ job satisfaction is to make
sure the work environment is Positive; morale is high and employees have
the resources they need to accomplish The tasks they have been assigned;

i.Optimal Working Conditions

Because employees spend so much time in their work environment each
week, it’s Important for companies to try to enhance working conditions.
Such things as Providing large work areas rather than restricted ones,
adequate lighting and Comfortable work stations contribute to favorable
work conditions. Providing Productivity tools such as upgraded information
technology to help employees Accomplish tasks more efficiently
contributes to job satisfaction as well.

ii.Opportunity for Advancement

Employees are more satisfied with their current job if they see a path
available to Move up the ranks in the company and be given more
responsibility and along With-it higher compensation. Many companies
encourage employees to acquire More advanced skills that will lead to the
chance of promotion.

iii. Workload and Stress Level

Dealing with a workload that is far too heavy and deadlines that are
impossible to Reach can cause job satisfaction to erode for even the most
dedicated employee. Falling short of deadlines results in conflict between
employees and supervisors And raises the stress level of the workplace.
Many times, this environment is Caused by ineffective management and
poor planning. The office operates in a Crisis mode because supervisors
don’t allow enough time for employees to perform Their assigned tasks
effectively or because staff levels are inadequate
Effects of low job satisfaction are;
• Job Stress.
• High Employee Turnover Rates.
• Lack of Productivity.
• Profit.
• Customer Retention


In Organizational Behavior, job satisfaction is one of the most researched
variables in the area of workplace psychology. It has been associated with
numerous psychosocial issues, the changing world of work, and organizational
factors ranging from leadership to job design.


The most used approaches to measuring job satisfaction of employees are;
• Single Global Rating.
• Summation Score.
• Job Diagnostic Survey.
• Job Satisfaction Index.
• Job Satisfaction Survey.
• Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire.
• Job Satisfaction Relative to Expectations.
• Global Job Satisfaction.
• Job Descriptive Index (JDI)

Case Report
To gather data for the case report, an interview was conducted with an employee
of UET. The interview aimed to understand the employee’s job satisfaction and
the factors affecting it.
The case report include the following.
i. Demographics
ii. Present Complaint in terms of Job Satisfaction
iii. Past History in terms of Job Satisfaction
iv. Coping Mechanism in relation to stressor
v. Medical History (if any)
vi. Psychiatry History (if any)
vii. Family History (birth order, relations with family, etc)
viii. Personal info (developmental milestones + academic success)
ix. Premorbid History (Personality change before & after the
x. Recommendation/Proposed solution (that you would recommend
as an *OB Psychologist*)

Applicant name: Amber Ali
Job: Teacher
Date of interview: 26 April 2023
Job starting date: 15 February 2023
Studying to Primary level student
Education: Bachelors in Botany
Current education: MPhil in progress

This report is based on job satisfaction or dissatisfaction of a teacher

who are teaching at public
school in CHARSADDA to primary level students. Employee name is Amber
Ali. She was graduated from Islamia University Peshawar in Botany after her
graduation she directly start job in 2021 as a teacher in school from which
resign because of some family issues now she start job at another school on
15 February 2023. She is living in a joint family and 1st born child of thefamily
with good financial condition she is living in charsadda shabqadar. .
According to her she started job because of her own interest and wanted to
become independent.
She did half of her schooling from her own village and half from Peshawar
and Fsc from Qurtaba college of Peshawar. They lived in village up to 8th
grade but then migrated to Peshawar. She is also doing MPhil in Botany from
Qurtaba University Peshawar and now she is in 2nd semester due to which
she is unable to focus on her professional life and work place but make her
away from personal issues on positive side. Her education life is partially
good and partiallyb not good from starting her is good at studied but later
on her studies become disturb because of school migration.
She had migraine previously but now she is fine as she is become more
busy in her life because of job and education at the same time as she don’t
focus on family issues anymore and having more focus on her career. She
had no psychiatric history normal psychological life before getting job. She
was dependent in parents but after getting job she become independent
doing things on her own finances but still her financial condition is good due
she don’t face any kind of financial load.
The problems that she faced at work place is the physical condition of
school and classroom because of restricted classrooms there is lots of smell
and suffocations which make her unable to deliver lectures and make me
feel to bad. Room’s condition is getting worse day by day but no one is
taking action against it and student ratio is increasing every year and rooms
are not suitable in which they can learn something. Also her salary is not that
much as her work means she is not paid according to her hard work instead
of it they cut too much salary at the end of the because of holidays even if
she had problem at home or physical she cannot make holidays because of
salary cutting. There is no strategies or ways she can do in order to cope with
these problem but to make complain and excuses to deal these problem but
nothing happened aside from these things she learn a lot of things from her
professional life she learn how to deal with other people and best
communication skills. She can now deal with the problems she is facing in
professional life and her communication become more fluent from
previously and she can now talk to everybody.

According to her she want a job environment where there is no restriction

rules and regulation where she can do anything according to her own will
and there is no undue or excessive restriction on doing things. And also want
work place near to her house to which can go by walk and there is no
overtime duties as she is doing MPhil with that she can also manage her
studies and no restriction over holidays over problems of individual. The
positive side of her work place is the good behavior of her coordinator and
location of her school as it near to her house.

She had lot of personality changes a lot after getting job as she become
independent and get more financially stable so can now do things by her own
and buy everything without any restriction and also get respect from
workplace and at home also. Which make her more proud and there is lot of
positive change in her personality like she always smile and think or interact
more positively with others. According to her, successful work life is when
you do things by your own and obtain rewards from them getting more
independent from others and supporting your family financially physically
and psychologically. If she hold management work for a day she would
change physical environment like furniture, open room, air freshener
facilities etc. less students in class room and salary management like salary
according to work these changes would make more satisfied with my work
There are also few satisfied thing she had related to her work place like her
students follow her rules which she thought them on her first day also her
student responses and principal behavior that she hold for her colleagues
and worker as well. Her colleagues are also good at maintaining their
positions and doing their job also there supporting attitudes help her to stay
in this job until and unless she found another job. She would not recommend
this school to other because of problems she mentioned above because the
problem she is facing she don’t want others to face them as well because
other people also deserve good work place and want good salary according
to their work so is not going to recommend this place to those who want are
supporting their families financially and want to work in unrestricted places
or good work environments.job she is dependent on her parent but after
getting job she become independent from them and. She get only
appreciation for her hard work no rewards are given to them other than
appreciation which make her feel betrayed as her classroom condition is not
good when she didn’t get any awards. She become more depressed as she is
controlling such a messy class unhygienic or
uncompetitive environment where student can also feel devastated because
of the physical
She has also good work life balance as the school near to her house
so she can manage her education and work to great level but salary is not
that much so she is unhappy which make her unhappy with her work place.
She is not happy with her workplace policies for your career growth &
training and development because she cannot deliver lecture properly and
student is also unhappy with it and she cannot support her family financially.
These things make her unsatisfied with her work place and she is not willing
to do job at this place any more.On the scale of 1 to 10 she rate her work life
balance up to 7 or rate her satisfaction level up to 5 and her value at her work
place up to 9 salary up to 3, time management up to 8 behavior of
management authorities is also 8o psychological condition (depression,
sadness, sleep deprivation and anger) up to 7 and the results show she is
partially satisfied and partially unsatisfied some elements are bad but some
are good like her management of time and education is good but at the same
time physical and salary is not good. She see herself completing her
education up to PhD level and getting job as lectures at college teaching to
students of higher level in government sectors with good salaries and doing
hard work with students. Also want her dream job as a botanist or doing job
at agricultural sectors and also visit abroad for her further education and job
and support my family like an independent women.

As an organizational behavior psychologist I recommend her that there

is no work place where all the things is fulfilled if she want to manage all the things
at once like salary or education at the same time it is impossible for her to obtain
all these things at once. She can either only focus on her education or focus on her
working life otherwise she would become confused and depressed. If she want to
financially support her family then she can compromise all these things as well. And
also if give more attention to her educational and focus on completing her degree
first then it is possible that she can more well suited job that she want and well paid
opportunities in her life.

1-Job Satisfaction - Meaning, Importance, Factors & Example, Published by
MBA Skool Team, Last Updated: March 05, 2023, retrieved from:
2. Sharma, N., (28-1-2021), Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for Employee
Motivation at Workplace, retrieved from: https://www.
3. Gordon, J., (8-4-2022), Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory (Hygiene Theory) –
Explained, retrieved from:
4. Hill, B., (7-2019), What Are the Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction,
retrieved from;

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