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Pencarian Jurnal

Target dan Saldy Yusuf, PhD.,ETN

Submission Fakultas Keperawatan
Universitas Hasanuddin

Workshop Kiat Menembus Scopus

Program Studi Kebidanan, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan
Universitas Borneo Tarakan
Tarakan 30 September 2022
Mendiagnosa Reputasi Jurnal
Dunia publikasi ada memiliki sisi hitam-putih

Berbagai Jurnal PREDATOR berlomba mencari


Perlu strategi dalam mengidentifikasi

Reputasi Jurnal
Cek List Jurnal Predator
Ciri Jurnal Predator

• Email langsung ke author.

• Proses sangat cepat.
• Reputasi editorial dipertanyakan.
• Terbitan jurnal masih baru.
• Bukan dari penerbit bereputasi (Elsevier, SAGE, Willey, dll)
• Tidak terindex (SCOPUS, PubMED, Web of Science, dll)
• Ini artikel sangat beragam (astronomi sampai anatomi).
Indonesia peringkat 2 penulis predator

Waspada dalam mencari dan menggunakan sumber sitasi,

Karena akan mempengaruhi kualitas tulisan
Waspadai Email Invitation
Dear Colleague,
Greetings…. Dear Yusuf S,
Open Access Research Journal of Life
Sciences (OARJLS) invites you to submit We tried several times, but there is no response from
your precious research manuscripts (Original you, we would like to contact you again as a friendly
research, review articles, Short reminder.
communication and letter to editor etc.) under We are in shortfall of one article for the new issue.
various disciplines of Life Sciences (Biology, Is it possible for you to support us with your article for
Pharmacy, Medicine, Nursing, Agriculture, this issue of Journal of Vaccines and Immunology
Forestry, Environmental Science etc.) that are
(ISSN: 2640-7590) on or before 13 Sep, 2022.
falling within the scope of OARJLS for
publication in upcoming issue of this journal. If this is a short notice please do send 2 page
For more information, visit to our web opinion/mini review/case report, we hope 2 page
site: article isn’t time taking for eminent like you.
/ We are confident that you are always will be there to
support us.
Await your respons
Dear Dr. Saldy Yusuf,
We hope you and your family are well and safe in these unprecedented times.
Technology is entering a new phase, and so the Healthcare is.
Endeavor Research Private Limited proudly announces the “Conference on Medical Technology
and Devices”, MedTech-2023 which will be held from May 11-12, 2023, in the city of Dubai, UAE.
MedTech-2023 will be an in-person meeting in Dubai, UAE and will be taking the form of Hybrid
Conference, inviting, and featuring virtual presentations and participations all over the globe.
We came through your research work entitled “Relationship between skin temperature and

medical device-related pressure injury in intensive care unit”; and we thought it would be an
excellent fit for the conference and would like to know your interest to join the Dubai, UAE

Hybrid Conference Program as a Speaker.
Few of the Key Sessions:
Digital Operating Rooms, Medical Devices for Neurological Disorders and Diagnostics, Home
Predator Healthcare, Drug Devices and Delivery Systems, Medtech Clinical Trials, MedTech in Diagnostics,
Bio Materials for Medical Devices, Commercialization of Medical Wearables, Regulatory
perspectives of Medical Devices, Supply Chain Challenges in Medical Device Manufacturing and
Technology, Cybersecurity issues during Medical Device development, AI Platforms for Medical
Devices and MedTech Investing.
MedTech-2023 Conference website:
We appreciate your time and looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks & Regards
Eva Jones
Program Manager, MedTech-2023
Mengidentifikasi Jurnal Predator
1. Nama penerbit tidak dikenali.
2. Reputasi editor belum diketahui.
3. Isi artikel beragam (anatomi sampai antropologi).
4. Proses sangat cepat, bahkan tidak ada review.
5. Anda bayar kami terbitkan.
6. Puluhan judul dalam satu terbitan.
7. Tidak terindex.
Mendiagnosa Reputasi Jurnal

Cek Jurnal target

• Kunjungi Website
• Cek:
• Opsi publikasi (OA/S).
• Impact Factor
• Time to first decision
• Review Time

1 0
Cek Jurnal target
Pahami Aims and Scope
Women's Health Issues (WHI) is a peer-reviewed, bimonthly,
multidisciplinary journal that publishes research and review
manuscripts related to women's health care and policy. As
the official journal of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health,
it is dedicated to improving the health and health care of all Higlight Kata Kunci
women throughout the lifespan and in diverse communities.
The journal seeks to inform health services researchers,
health care and public health professionals, social scientists,
policymakers, and others concerned with women's health. It
has a particular focus on women's issues in the context of
the U.S. health care delivery system and policymaking Perlu strategi dalam
processes, and it publishes both original research and mengidentifikasi
Reputasi Jurnal

Cek Jurnal target
Baca dan Pelajari:
• Recent Article ➔ Minat Editor
• Most downloaded ➔ Global
• Most Cited ➔ High Quality article

Pastikan manuscript anda

senyawa dengan jurnal target
Baca dan Ikuti Panduan

Please note that we do not accept for review clinical case reports or standard literature reviews.
Systematic literature reviews and scoping reviews (see details below) and translational and
implementation research studies are welcome.
At this time, we are not considering publication of manuscripts that report only descriptive statistics (e.g.,
only univariate analysis without accompanying qualitative findings or policy analysis). This is based on the
fact that our small staff faces a large number of submissions and must prioritize them in some way, rather
than any judgment about the value of such work, and we hope to be able to resume consideration of
such manuscripts in the future 1
Baca dan Ikuti Panduan
Article structure

Manuscripts should be double-spaced, use fonts of no smaller than 12 points, include continuous line
numbering, and contain no identifying information. Please blind the name of your institution (if
mentioned when describing IRB approval, study location, etc.) and any references that are identified
as being previous work by the same author(s). Please submit manuscripts as Word files whose titles
do not include identifying information (e.g., the file title should not include the author's last name).

State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature
survey or a summary of the results.

Material and methods

Provide sufficient details to allow the work to be reproduced by an independent researcher. Methods
that are already published should be summarized, and indicated by a reference. If quoting directly
from a previously published method, use quotation marks and also cite the source. Any modifications
to existing methods should also be described.
1 4
Mendiagnosa Reputasi Jurnal
Results should be clear and concise.
This should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them.
Note any limitations of the study.
Implications for Practice and/or Policy
All manuscripts must contain a section entitled, "Implications for Practice and/or
Policy." This section should address what practical lessons practitioners and/or
policymakers can learn and potentially implement to improve outcomes. The
manuscript text must not include any identifying author details.
The main conclusions of the study may be presented in a short Conclusions section,
which may stand alone or form a subsection of a Discussion or Results and
Discussion section.

Pelajari Artikel yg sdh terbit
Lihat pola problem statement
Although there is a growing understanding of the factors
influencing contraceptive use in the general population, little
work has been done to elucidate provider- and system-level
barriers and facilitators that may be specific to or prevalent
among women VA users. Women veterans are a diverse and
vulnerable population, with nearly 40% belonging to racial/
ethnic minority groups and high rates of medical and psychiatric
conditions (Frayne et al., 2012). Owing to the frequency of
medical comorbidities, women veterans also have a high rate of
medical contraindications to estrogen, which limits contracep-
tive options and may contribute to unintended pregnancy
(Judge, Zhao, Sileanu, Mor, & Borrero, 2018). These factors, in
addition to exposure to combat zones and military sexual trauma
(MST), shape contraceptive use and risk of unintended preg-
nancy among women veterans (Borrero et al., 2017; Judge-
Golden, Borrero, Zhao, Mor, & Callegari, 2018). Characterizing
barriers and facilitators of contraceptive use at VA facilities is
thus an important step in enabling women veterans to better
achieve their ideal reproductive goals. This analysis seeks to use
qualitative methods to deepen understanding of how provider-
and system-level variables influence contraceptive use among
women veteran VA users and elicit women’s suggestions to
improve VA contraceptive care 3867%2819%2930455-4
Pelajari Artikel yg sdh terbit
All manuscripts must contain a
section entitled, "Implications for
Practice and/or Policy."

Cek contoh artikel, ikuti
Pertimbangan Mencari Jurnal target
No Parameter Keterangan
1 Indeks Scimago, Scopus, PubMED, CINAHL, Sinta
2 Kuartil Q1-Q2-Q3-Q4
3 Impact factor 0.5 -1.7 -2 .4 dst
4 Open Access atau OA : Penulis membayar
Subscription Sub: Pembaca membayar

Langkah Mencari Jurnal target
1. Baca NAMA JURNAL ➔ merefleksikan isi.
2. Baca Scope ➔ memastikan sejalan manuscript anda.
3. Cek H-index ➔ makin tinggi, makin bereputasi, makin sulit.
4. Lihat Kuartil ➔ makin tinggi, makin bereputasi, makin sulit.
5. Cek SJR ➔ makin tinggi, makin bereputasi, makin sulit
6. Perhatikan coverage, apakah ongoing atau tidak.
7. Kunjungi website jurnal ➔ Baca panduan.

Diskusilah dengan penulis yang berhasil publish

• Ditolaknya manuscript anda, bukan
berarti tulisan anda tidak baik, tetapi:
• Ada yang lebih baik dari tulisan anda.
• Jumlah judul yang diterbitkan terbatas.
• Penulis butuh publikasi. • Judul anda pernah ada yang sama dan
sudah diterbitkan.
• Penerbit butuh tulisan.
• Gagal mengikuti panduan.
• Tidak ada yang baru.
• Tidak sesuai Scope Jurnal.
1. Bila ditolak, segera cari jurnal pengganti.
2. Perbaiki masukan reviewer dari jurnal yang
menolak anda.
3. Bila masih ada waktu, anda bisa mencari
TIPS jurnal dengan kualifikasi yang sama.
4. Bila tidak ada waktu, cari jurnal dengan
kualifikasi lebih rendah.
5. Jangan berhenti hingga ACCEPTED.
Terima Kasih

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