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I. Objectives:
1. Review the previous topics.
2. Memorize the Bible Verse, John 8:32.
3. Answer the questions based on the story.
4. Tell something about the picture based on the story.
5. Determine if the sentence is true or not.
6. Remember that the true freedom is freedom from the serpent seed.


III. Materials:
A. Preliminaries
1. Bellwork sheets, crayons, coloring pages, paper, pens, erasers, sharpener
2. Copies of worship songs and choruses on poster paper or PowerPoint
3. Monitor (can also use projector and screen)
4. Bibles, guitar
5. TO envelopes, TO Pocket Charts
6. Printed modules

B. Review: PPT file of the previous Bible Verses

C. Motivation: Freedom

Note: Teachers, please learn the song first. You may follow the actions in the video
or you can make easy dance steps that the children can follow.

D. Lesson Presentation:
1. PPT of the lesson (see the drive)

E. Reinforcement activities: chalk, stick, paper cutouts

IV. Lesson Development:

A. Preliminaries:
1. Bellwork: (See Activity 1 in the module)
2. Opening Prayer
3. Seal of God
4. KCGS Oath
5. KCGS Hymn
6. Rules Setting: Remind the children of the rules that you have discussed in the
previous meetings.
7. Tithes and Offering

B. Review: Recall the previous Bible verses. (see PPT)

C. Motivation:
Song: Freedom

Note: Teachers, please learn the song first. You may follow the actions in the video
or you can make easy dance steps that the children can follow.

D. Introduce the new Bible

verse: John 8:32 John 8:32

And ye shall know the truth, and

the truth shall make you free.

C.1: Game – Gotcha!!

Instruction: Quote a verse incorrectly to your kids, omitting or changing a

key word. Ask them to shout, “Gotcha!” when they catch the mistake. Then
quote the verse accurately together.

E. B*R*E*A*K*

F. Review the previous lessons. Make use of the questions in the previous LPs.
 What was the fear of Pharaoh about the Hebrew people?
 What was the command of Pharaoh for the Hebrew babies?
 How did Amram and Jochebed hide their baby?
 Who found the basket?
 What did Meriam offer to Pharaoh’s daughter?
 Who do you think was the nurse she called?
 Do you think she was happy to take care of baby Moses? Why?


Instruction: Read the story to the children. Make use of the PPT presentation in the
drive provided by the Central KCGS Office.

Download video:

One day, Moses saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave. Though Moses had been raised and
educated as a prince in Pharaoh’s palace, he too was a Hebrew. He had to help the slave.
Glancing around to make sure nobody was watching, Moses attacked the cruel slave master. In the
fight which followed, Moses killed the Egyptian. Quickly, he buried the body.

The next day, Moses saw two Hebrews fighting. He tried to stop them. One said, “Will you kill me
as you killed the Egyptian?” Moses was afraid. Everybody knew about yesterday. Pharaoh knew.
Moses had to escape. He went to a country called Midian.

While Moses rested by a well, the seven daughters of the priest of Midian filled the troughs to water
their father’s flock.

Other shepherds tried to push them aside. Moses protected and helped the women.

“You’re home early!” Reuel, the girls’ father exclaimed. When the girls explained why, he said, “Bring
the man here.” Moses lived with Reuel, who was also called Jethro. Later, Moses married Reuel’s
oldest daughter.

Back in Egypt, Pharaoh died. God’s people, the Hebrews, were still slaves. How they groaned in
their suffering!

How they prayed for God’s help! God heard their prayers.

Moses did not know it, but God planned to use him to help the enslaved Hebrews. Forty years had
passed since Moses left Egypt. He was shepherd of Reuel’s flock. But he must have missed his own
people in Egypt.

One day Moses noticed a nearby bush on fire. But the fire did not burn the bush. Moses decided to
find out why.

As Moses approached, God called to him out of the bush. “Moses!” “Here I am,” said Moses. “Don’t
get too close,” God said. “Take off your sandals, because, because the place where you stand is
holy ground.”

“I will send you to Pharaoh to bring my people out of Egypt,” God said. But Moses was afraid to go.

Then God showed Moses His great power. He turned Moses’ rod into a serpent. When Moses picked
up the serpent by the tail, it became a rod once more. God gave another sign.

“Put your hand on your chest,” He commanded. Moses did so. His hand turned white with leprosy!
When he did it again, his hand was healed.

Moses still objected. “I don’t speak well,” he told God. God became angry. “I’ll use Aaron, your
brother, to speak the words you tell him,” He said. Moses returned to Jethro, packed his belongings
and left for Egypt.

God led Moses’ brother Aaron to meet Moses in the mountains. Moses told Aaron all about God’s
plan to set the Hebrew people free from the Egyptians.

Together, they carried the news to the Hebrew leaders. When Moses showed the signs to the
Hebrew elders, they knew God would help them. Together, they bowed in worship.

Bravely, Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh. “God says, ‘Let my people go’,” they told him.
“I will not let Israel go,” Pharaoh answered. He would not obey God. God would have to use His
great power to change Pharaoh’s mind.

Review: Finish the sentence by filling the missing word.

 In what form God appeared to Moses in the mountain?

 Why did Moses fled from Egypt?
 What are the miracles God performed when Moses was unwilling to go back to Egypt?
 Who was the spokesperson of Moses?
 What are the reasons of Moses why he doesn’t want to face Pharaoh?
 What was the message brought by Moses to Pharaoh?

V. Reinforcement Activities:

Race at the finish line – If you have a whiteboard or chalkboard in your classroom, this
game is an easy one to do. Draw two “racetracks” on the board by drawing two rows of
dashes. Either draw stick figures at the beginning of each track, or stick paper cut-outs on
the tracks with sticky-tack. Split the class into teams, and alternate asking the teams
questions. As each team answers questions, move their “racers” along the racetrack. If a
team misses a question, let the other team try. Whichever racer reaches the finish line
first, wins!

VI. Evaluation: (See module)

VII. Home Learning Activity (See module)

VIII. Closing Prayer

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