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Imperial Royal Guards

Division Report
Report was handled by: Agent SunboyBoss
Report was requested by: Lord Vader
Classification Level: Private
Date of Report: 06/05/2023
Date of Last Modification: 06/07/2023

The purpose of this report was to determine who was effective in the staff team, and what
was happening from within. The results were neither shocking nor impressive. I do expect
better from them, and demotions will be made to improve the flow with the staff.


Staff Team:
The staff team showed no activity the whole time I had been there. There were no signs of
anything being done. Although it is early stages they have nothing happening. I would have
liked to see more open communication between the staff, and I would have also liked to see
the CO enforcing activity.

The staff team also didn’t seem very effective. Demotions aren’t put in place even though
the Commander acknowledges the inactivity. Overall I do not like how IRG is run.

Staff Team Ratings by the Commander:

Executive Officer, CenorX2: 2/10
- Demotion recommended.
Sovereign Protector, EternalScar1: 8/10

Shadow Guard, XxxMistxxX112133211: 8/10

Royal Guard, ​Pxpcxrnlemxnade23 (Maverick): 5/10

Staff Team Ratings by Agent SunboyBoss:

Commander, ArcaneVeers (Colin12360): 7/10
- Monitor to make sure he is enforcing activity
Executive Officer, CenorX2: 1/10
- Demotion recommended.
Sovereign Protector, EternalScar1: 5/10
- Keep under surveillance
Shadow Guard, XxxMistxxX112133211: 7/10

Royal Guard, ​Pxpcxrnlemxnade23 (Maverick): 3/10

- Demotion recommended

IRG staff team needs necessary demotions and needs to be put under watch. I was in there
for almost a week and saw no progress. IRG may need to be reformed entirely.
There are no official documents made, or that I can view. There is also no document for kill
zones, meaning there are also no-kill zones. This means that guards don’t actually have
something to follow. The Commander must have these done by now.

I do recommend that if the Commander and the Executive Officer do not get the documents
finished by the end of this month they should be fired and replaced. We cannot let a whole
division suffer because of lazy leaders.

I cannot provide any information on the documents themselves because they’re not made.
If possible they should be made in a week or less. I also cannot judge their documentation
skills as they do not have any created, or do not have any for the IRG personnel to view.

Divisional Overall Activity:


The Imperial Royal Guards are led by very inactive/lazy leaders. I do not recommend
keeping them in power if this is how the division is going to stay. If they do want to keep
their positions, have them set up the discord, enforce activity, and make documents. If none
of this happens soon the division will die.

Staff and members of the division also need to help bring the division activity. We can no
longer allow them to sit in a chair of power and not do anything.

If nothing changes a division reform needs to be met, getting rid of all personnel.

I was incredibly disappointed with them and I hope to see change in them sooner than later,
so reforms do not have to be put into place.


Report handled by: SunboyBoss

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