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When I was a kid I used to sing, I remember that didn’t like cake so I hid it inside
the closet, I played with my brother every day, I used to Paint with my mother, She
painted porcelain, I studied an a big school so there I player with some animals
such as dogs, cats, birds etc, I used to eat a lot of ice,

Dear myke
I want to tell You that I moved the last week to a my new apartment, this apartment
is just as convenient as my old apartment, the building isn’t as noisy as the old,
here I don’t have as many bathrooms as We used to, the living roon is just as
confortable as the old one, the apartment isn’t small as the old, the location is
almost as convenient as the old apartment.

 4 cups of flour
 4 cups of milk
 Butter
 3 eggs
 Vanilla essence
 Marmalade
 Oil
First – put the cups of flour in the bowl and add 4 cups of milk, you can mix the
ingredients for 7 minutes.
Next – when you have the mixture add the eggs, put in a pan a Little of butter, if it
is melted add it to the mexture and mix the ingredients for 5 minutes.
After that – put the oil in the pan, add to the mixture a Little of vanilla essence, put
the mixture in the pan.
Finally – add marmalade to your pancake
In my city you should visit planetary, and you ought to eat ajiaco in a famous
typical restaurant in Bogota, in my city had better that you take care yourself on the
Street, you must have your identification, you need to a fase mask for visit places,
here there are two very famous theme parks one is mundo aventura and the other
is salitre magico both are very fun, next to salitre magico there is a huge park
called simon bolivar.

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