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07 Stretching Safely

1. Using the correct terminology you learned in the readings, list the eight
major stretches you have chosen to do for your flexibility workout log.

2. Lower Back Stretch

3. Side Stretch

4. Calf Stretch

5. Modified Hurdler's Stretch

6. Lying Quad Stretch

7. Chest/Biceps Stretch

8. Shoulder/Triceps Stretch

9. Ab Stretch

2. Indicate the number of repetitions you will do for each stretch.


3. Indicate how long you will hold each stretch for each repetition.

20 seconds working towards 30/20 seconds working towards 30/20 seconds

working towards 30/20 seconds working towards 30/20 seconds working
towards 30/20 seconds working towards 30/20 seconds working towards 30/20
seconds working towards 30

4. What days of the week do you plan to do your flexibility workout?

Sunday, maybe Friday too

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