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The earth stopped rotating

What will happen if the earth stops rotating?

Submitted by
Nawinda Kaewwanna M.2/15 No.22
Visuttharangsi Kanchanaburi School
The earth stopped rotating
What will happen if the earth stops rotating?

1.Everyone will die.
2.The earth will die.
3.Everything will fly.
The earth stopped rotating
The earth rotate because of the way it was forme. About 4.6 billion years ago
when a huge cloud of gas and dust started to collapse under its own gravity. As
the cloud collapse, it started to spin. The structure of the earth is the crust, the
mantle and the core. The earth is very important to living-thing. There are the
natural disasters its can cause a great damage to human and many things. And
its also has natural phenomena it’s an observable event which is not man-made.

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