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“We may stay here till we die”

Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, narrates the perspective of two children who
ended up abandoned on an island. It shows us the general context of the island and
He gives a very detailed description of the landscape, the personalities of the characters, the
different mindsets they can have even if they are just kids, their relationship can get a bit
vague, and some would have some kind of superiority over the other as Ralph shows on
pages 6 -8. Willian Golding immerses us in history in a good way, using symbols and styles
that make feeling in Ralph and Piggy's situation when they first met on pages 6, 7, 8 and 9.

In the beginning of the page,in the first moments in the island, ralph talks to the fat useless
kid like he thought he was,“I don’t care what they call me,” he said confidentially, “so long as
they don’t call me what they used to call me at school.”,”They used to call me
“Piggy”.(pag.6)with a bit of ambiguity. Here we can see that piggy bullied him at school by
giving him a nickname about his physical complexion, which obviously did not make him feel
good, ralph being a bit heavy, he starts to laugh at him and calls him by the same
name”Piggy”(alteration)even though that makes piggy feel, he not knowing that it makes
piggy feel bad, since he is not being bullied see no problem doing it, his empathy to piggy
was not the best.(page.6)

When ralph observed the island, he realized that it had a lot of vegetation, the only idea that
could go through his head would be that it was an island or tropical forest as he describes it,
they had had a plane crash due to the disaster it had caused in the trees, a lot of tropical
grass, playing and exploring, not taken seriously what is happening”whizzoh”(page.7), could
be dangerous, and dark for my ,It could have been a miracle that they survived that, an act
of god, or just sheer conscience to be there,

When ralph saw how beautiful the island was, he didn't really think about things, it wouldn't
cross his mind to be aware of the situation since no one was there, no adults, no one to tell
him "they're all dead", "an this is an island",(page.9) they could do whatever they wanted at
that time, there are no rules, too. like getting into a pool from the beach no matter what,
without knowing that they were abandoned in that place, I would say something very
strange because who would do that if they were supposed to have just had a drifting
accident, in a place where you have never been, being little kids they didn't tell about the
situation, I would think.

Piggy was understood as a reserved child, with few friends and a little interesting, I could say
that he was somewhat insecure and that he does not show what he thinks to others for fear
of being judged, we can see it on page 7 and 8 He was embarrassed to undress and when he
saw Ralph's body when he entered the pool, he was a little far envious of him, "I can't swim.
I wasn't allowed. My asthma" (page 8). Ralph's attitude towards Piggy was one of a mocking
way and with a bit of superiority towards "sucks to your assmar" (page 8).
When they began to meet, Ralph said that his father had taught him to swim since he was
five years old since his father was a commander in the army, presuming that at any moment
they would come to rescue them, therefore Ralph was calm and very confident of his idea,
When piggy heard that, he didn't care, the only thing he wanted was to return home, from
the beginning he was seen with that attitude,"How does he know we're
here?"(page.9)"because, because. the roar from the reef became very distant, “They’d tell
him at the airport.”. his idea was not clear, without knowing what he was saying, I would say
that something very common since I have seen situacions(secondary).

Here they get to talk about something very interesting since piggy comments about
something that happened to the pilot of the plane where they were going, "Didn't you hear
what the pilot said? About the atom bomb? They're all dead.” (page.9) ralph having his said
idea, he doesn't understand it, piggy reflects and understands that they are alone on that
island, there is no one to ask for help, no one will know where or how they can save them,
"Nobody don't know we're here. Your dad don't know, nobody don't know"(page.9)
“We may stay here till we die.”, the logical thing that one would think as a child, they would
need to see how they will do to survive on that island, a lot of history awaits the two of
them, will there be someone else with them?, other children, or They will simply have to
manage to survive? They may be boys, but at least they are aware that this is not a
game.”We got to find the others, “We got to do something”(pag.10).

There will be no other way to survive than to stay united, will they do it all the time? Will it
influence Ralph's attitude towards Piggy, or out of desperation will they all end up dead for
not knowing what to do? It will be that everything explodes and they end up killing each
other them, i don´t know, what I would do is survive at all costs, it is difficult but at times
you can do things that in real life you should not, but speaking of this context, surviving on
an island changes things. Surviving at all cost.

That's what exactly what William Golding wants to convey to us in this book, he does it in a
super good way, a bit of intrigue, mixed feelings in my opinion and desperation about
knowing what the boys will do to face the situation,both the good things and the bad things,
whatever you have to go through to survive to the end.
● “so long as they don’t call me what they used to call me at school.”.”They used to call
me “Piggy”.(pag.6)
● ”whizzoh”(page.7)
● "I can't swim. I wasn't allowed. My asthma" (page 8)
● "sucks to your assmar" (page 8)
● ,"How does he know we're here?"(page.9)
● "because, because. the roar from the reef became very distant, “They’d tell him at
the airport.”.(page.9)
● "Didn't you hear what the pilot said? About the atom bomb? They're all dead.”
● "Nobody don't know we're here. Your dad don't know, nobody don't know"(page.9)
● “We may stay here till we die.”(page.9)
● “We got to do something”(pag.10).

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