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SUBJECT –Micro Processor

Time: 3 hours Full Marks: 70

(i) The marks are indicated in the right-hand margin.
(ii) There are NINE questions in this paper.
(iii) Attempt FIVE questions in all.
(iv) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Answer any seven of the following: 2x7=14
1 Microprocessor is a unit that controls ___________.
(1) Microcomputer
(2) Marco computer
(3) Input-output devices
(4) System on chip
(b) Which of the following are the components of a microprocessor?
(1) ALU
(2) Register array.
(3) Control unit
(4) All the above
(c) Which of the following sequence that a microprocessor follows?
(1) Fetch, decode, execute.
(2) Fetch, execute, decode.
(3) Decode, fetch, execute.
(4) Execute, decode, fetch.
(d) Microprocessor understands a set of instructions called ________.
(1) Instruction set.
(2) Software
(3) Code
(4) All the above
(e) A number of operations processes per second by a processor is called ______.
(1) Instruction processor
(2) Bandwidth
(3) Clock speed
(4) Frequency
(f) What is the function of a compiler?
(1) It translates high-level language into machine code.
(2) It translates high-level language into assembly-level language.
(3) Both i and ii
(4) It translates low-level language into a high-level language.
(g) ____________ is an example of 16-bit microcontroller
(1) 8031 microcontrollers
(2) 8051 microcontrollers
(3) 8096 microcontrollers
(4) None of the above
(h) The data pointer in an 8051 architecture is a __________
(1) 8-bit register
(2) 16-bit register
(3) 32-bit register
(4) None of the above
(i) _____________is used as address pointer in order to access the instructions of the
(1) Stack pointer
(2) Program Counter
(3) Data pointer
(4) None of the above
2. (a) show how LCD can be interfaced with the microcontroller and using the display,
display “hello world” on the LCD. 7
(b)write a “c” programme to generate a square wave of frequency 10 kHz on P1.2 using 8
bit auto reload timer and read the data from P2 send it to port P3 continuously. Use timer
interrupt. 7
3.(a) How many ports are present in 8051.Explain the functions associated with it. 7
(b) what is use of stack. Explain the working of push and pop instruction. 7
4.(a)List the SFR’S present in 8051 along with its addresses and also write the importance
of register A and B. 7
(b)What are the five different interrupts in 8051? 7
5(a) what is the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller.? 6
(b)Explain the working of MUL and DIV instruction of 8051 with an example.? 8
6(a) What are all addressing modes of mcs-51? 8
(b)Write an 8051-assembly language program to find the largest of ten numbers.
stored in RAM location 47H onwards. Output the result in port1. 6
7(a)Discuss the structure of internal data memory (RAM) of 8051. 7
(b)Explain about the programmable I/O ports of 8051 microcontroller. 7
8(a)What is the difference between LCALL and ACALL instructions? 3
(b)What is the size of 8051 Stack Pointer (SP)? Discuss the operation of 8051 6
(c)Discuss the structure of internal data memory (RAM) of 8051. 5
9(a)Draw the internal architecture of 8051 with brief description. 8
(b)Assume that 5 BCD data items are stored in RAM locations starting 6
at 40H, as shown below. Write a program to find the sum of all the
numbers. The result must be in BCD.
40= (72)
41= (12)
42= (66)
43= (58)
44= (35)
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