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सेवा नविृ त लतलाभ का सं त ववरण

A brief on Retirement Benefits

संकलन Compiled by
का मक शाखा Personnel Branch
वजयवाडा मंडल BZA Division

On the eve of
के अवसर पर
प! शन अदालत Pension Adalat
जून June 2015

एन.एस.आर.'साद अशोक कुमार

अमंरे' ADRM मंरे' DRM

Disclaimer: - This booklet is only indicative and is by no means exhaustive. Nor it is

intended to be a substitute for rules, procedures and existing instructions and
guidelines on the subject. It should not be produced in any court of law and
wherever necessary, original orders on the subject to be relied upon.

Service to staff is service to “Nation”

- Our Moto
म ुझ े खश
ु ी है क पशन अदालत के सअ
ु वसर पर, रे ल कमचा रय के लए
“सेवा"नविृ %त &हतलाभ से संबं*धत सं,-.त /ववरण” /वमोचन कया जा रहा है .

रे लवे के "त उनक5 लंबी एवं "न6ठापूवक सेवा के बावजद

ू भी यह अनभ
ु व कया गया
क दे य रा श के अं"तम "नपटान म बहुत अ*धक /वलंब हो रहा है . इसका म<
ु य कारण
पयवे-क एवं "नचले तर पर के कमचा रय को /वषय संबध ं ी वतमान आदे श क5 सह?
जानकार? न होना है , िजससे कमचार? एवं उनके प रवार म असंतोष उ%प@न होती है.

Aान ह? शिBत है . मC आशा करता हूँ यह पिु तका दैनं&दन काय एवं /वषय को
सह? एवं त%पर Eप म समझने म %येक के लए उपयोगी होगी.

यह पिु तका पशन भो*गय और कमचा रय के लाभाथ (जन

ू 2015) पशन अदालत के
सुअवसर पर /वमोचन कया जाता है. इसके लए "नNन लOखत अ*धका रय एवं कमचा रय को
बधाई दे ता हूँ.

[1] Qी एन.एस.आर. साद अमंरे //वजयवाडा

[2] Qी एम.Qीरामल
ु ु वमंका*ध//वजयवाडा
[3] Qी रोशन अहमद मंका*ध//वजयवाडा

[4]Qी एम.हरे राम मुकाधी/का/सम@वय अनभ

ु ाग//वजयवाडा
[5] Qी पी.सीएच.राजु मुकवक"न/का/"नपटारा अनभ
ु ाग/ /वजयवाडा
[6] Qी एस.वी.सT
ु UमVयम मुकाधी/का/"नपटारा/अनभ
ु ाग//वजयवाडा
[7] Qीमती एस.ई.शीबा रानी काधी/का/"नपटारा/अनभ
ु ाग//वजयवाडा
[8] Qी वी.रामनाथन मुकाधी/का//वजयवाडा [सेवा"नव%ृ त]

/वजयवाडा (अशोक कुमार)

जून, 2015 मंरे //वजयवाडा

कसी कार के सुझाव होतो, सवदा, वागत है

I am happy to release this booklet “A brief on Retirement
Benefits” to our Railway men on the eve of Pension Adalat.
It is experienced that considerable delay is taking place in the
finalization of settlement dues, despite their long and sincere service
to Railways. Probably it might be due to unawareness of latest
orders on the subject both at the Supervisory Level and at the lower
levels resulting in unrest among the staff and their families, coupled
with avoidable litigation.

Knowledge is power. I hope this “hand out” helps

everyone in their day to day working and deal the subject correctly
and promptly.

This booklet is being released on the occasion of Pension Adalat

(June 2015) for the benefit of the pensioners and staff, for which I
congratulate the following team of officers and staff.



4. Shri M HARE RAM Ch OS/Per/Co-Ordination

5. Shri P.CH.RAJU Ch. S & WI/Settlement
6. Shir S V SUBRAHMANYAM Ch. OS/Per/Settlement
7. Smt S.E.SHEEBA RANI OS/Per/Settlement
8. Shri V. RAMANATHAN Ch OS/Per/BZA [Rtd]

Vijayawada (ASHOK KUMAR)

June 2015 DRM/BZA

Any suggestions, as always, are most welcome

स ूच ी

सेवा समाि त क घटनाएं - - -

सामा य सेवा नविृ त/सामा येतर सेवा नविृ त/म ृ यु — इन घटनाओं म या !ो#त
ू होता है ?
सेवाकाल के दौरान अपे+,त कार- वाई - - -
सेवा नविृ त से पहले अपे+,त कार- वाई
सेवा नविृ त दे य रा/श के शी1 भुगतान के /लए 4वयं जांच - याद रखने यो8य 9वषय
सेवा नवृ त कम-चा;रय< को उनके सेवा नविृ त के समय द> जानेवाल> द4तावेज़
आय-कर से छूट
रे ल सेवा (पशन) नयम, 1993 का आवेदन
सेवा उपादान ---
अHधव9ष-ता पशन ---
सेवा नविृ त पशन —
अवैध पशन
! तपू त- पशन ---
अ नवाय- सेवा नविृ त पशन---
अनुकंपा भ ता ---
अह-क सेवा – अह-क सेवा का अ/भकलन तथा पण
ू ाLकण
01.01.2006 को तथा उस तार>ख से पशन
पशन संराशीकरण
सेवा नविृ त अनद
ु ान/म ृ यु अनद
ु ान -
छुQी का नकद>करण
अनं तम पशन
आरईएलएच योजना
सतत प;रचया- भ ता
4थाई HचRक सा भ ता
अनुSह> एकमुTत ! तपू त-
समS 4थानांतरण अनुदान
भ9वUय नHध तथा डीएलआई
रे लवे वाट- र-बनाये रखने के /लए अनुमत अवHध
सेवा नवृ तोपरांत मानाथ- पास
9वधवा मानाथ- पास ----
अं तम भग
ु तान/Rकट पास
कX>य सरकार> कम-चा;रय< क बीमा योजना (1980 सीजीईआईएस)
पा;रवा;रक पशन योजना 1964 ---
साधारण/बढ़> दर< पर पा;रवा;रक पशन
Rकसे और कब तक भग
ु तान Rकया जाता है.
संवग-–I (!ाथ/मक प;रवार पशन)
9वधवा या 9वधरु - एक से अHधक 9वधवा – 9वधवा बनाम दस
ू र> प नी जो जी9वत नह>ं है , के अह-क ब\चा/ब\चे – 9वधवा
बनाम तलाकशुदा प नी या पि नय< के ब\चा/ब\चे, ब\चे – पन
ु 9व-वाह के पTचात ब\चे र]हत 9वधवा, शार>;रक ^प से अश त
प;रवार के सद4य< को 9वशेष !ावधान
संवग-–II (मा_य/मक प;रवार पशन)
अ9ववा]हत/9वधवा/तलाकशुदा प`
ु ी,उपयु- त संवग--I के अंतग-त जो शा/मल नह>ं हुए,माता-9पता जो पण
ू - ^प से नभ-र हa
पीपीओ म नाम< के समावेश क !Rbया
पा;रवा;रक पशन – आHcतता के /लए आय क सीमा
नया पशन !णाल> (एन पी एस)
- ा/उदाहरण -
पशन, पशन संराशीकरण, उपादान तथा छुQी का नक़द>करण
Index Page
Events of Cessation from Service - - - 6
NR/ ONR/ DEATH- - - What accrues in these Events?
Action to be taken while in service - - - 7
Action to be taken prior to retirement
Self- checks to enable early payment of Retirement Dues - - - Points to be remembered 7
Documents to be supplied to the retired employees at the time of retirement 8
Exemptions from Income-Tax 9

Application of RS (Pension) Rules, 1993 10

Service Gratuity--- 10 to 12
Superannuation Pension---
Retiring Pension—
Invalid Pension
Compensation Pension---
Compulsory Retirement Pension---
Compassionate Allowance
Qualifying Service – 12
Computation & Rounding off of Qualifying Service
PENSION ON & FROM 01.01.2006 13
Retirement gratuity/ Death gratuity- 15 to 16
Leave Encashment 16 to 17
Provisional pension 17
RELH Scheme 17 to 19
Constant Attendant Allowance 19
Fixed Medical Allowance 19 to 20
Ex-Gratia Lumpsum Compensation 20
Composite Transfer Grant 20
Provident Fund & DLI 20 to 21
Railway Quarters -Permissible periods for retention 22
PRC Passes --- 22 to 23
W C Passes ---- 23
Settlement/ kit Passes 24

Family Pension Scheme 1964 --- 26

Family pension at ordinary/ enhanced rates
To whom & how long it is payable 26 to 29
Category –I ----- [Primary family pension]
Widow or widower -More than one widow - Widow Vs eligible child/ children from another
wife who is not alive - Widow Vs eligible child/ children from a divorced wife or wives –
Children - Childless widow after her remarriage
↔ Special Provisions to PH family members
Category –II ------[Secondary family pension]
Unmarried /Widowed/ Divorced daughter, not covered by Category-I above
Parents who were wholly dependent
Inclusion of names in the PPO – Procedure for 30
Family Pension - Income ceiling for dependency 30

New Pension System [N P S] 31 to 34

Formulae/ Illustrations - 35 to 38
pension; commutation of pension; gratuity & leave encashment
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 6


सामा य सेवा नविृ त/NORMAL RETIREMENT -Every Railway Servant shall retire from service on
attaining the age of superannuation,
सामा येतर सेवा नविृ त/OTHER THAN NORMAL RETIREMENT:- Employees can also retire
prematurely, by voluntary retirement on completion of 20 years net qualifying service or on account
of certain schemes like SRRS/LARSGESS, or on medical grounds; and / or by premature retirement as
per the provisions of chapter 18 of IREC Vol.II, or by resignation.
म ृ य/ु DEATH: -The service of an Employee ceases on the afternoon of the date of death.
इन घटनाओं म !या "ो$त
सामा य सेवा नविृ त NR / 'वैि(छक सेवा नविृ त VR म ृ यु Death
याज स हत भ व य न ध ( वयं का अंशदान) याज स हत भ व य न ध( वयं का अंशदान) तथा
PF (Own contribution) plus interest PF (Employee’s contribution) plus interest
& DLI if otherwise admissible
सेवा नव ृ त उपदान Retirement gratuity म ृ यु उपादान Death Gratuity
प" शन.....(प$रव त&त भाग के पुनः थापना तक बचा हुआ प" शन) पा$रवा$रक प"शन(व ृ ,/सामा.य)
Pension ---- [Residuary pension till restoration of commuted Family Pension [Enhanced/ Ordinary]
portion of pension] 7/10 वष3 के 4लए व ृ , क7 गई प" शन
Enhanced Family Pension for 7/10 years
प" शन का संराशीकरण Commutation of pension -*******-
ु ं पा के आधार पर नयिु !त (केवल एसआरआरएस/एलएआर अनकु ं पा के आधार पर नयिु !त
एसजीईएसएस/2च4क सा के आधार पर/एईएमजी., जैसे न द8 9ट Appointment on CG
'वै.से. न. योजनाओं के अलावा अ य 'वै.से. न. म नह:ं)
Appointment on CG (Only in specified VR schemes like SRRS
/LARSGESS/;Medical grounds/ AEMG etc., not on other VRs)
क< सरकार कम8चार: सामू हक बीमा योजना(>याज स हत बचत क< सरकार कम8चार: सामू हक बीमा योजना (पूण8 बीमा
न2ध) CGE GI Scheme (Saving Fund value with मू@य >याज स हत बचत न2ध)
interest) CGE GI Scheme (Full insurance value + saving
fund value with Interest)
सेवा नव ृ तोपरांत मानाथ8 पास Bवधवा मानाथ8 पास Widow Complimentary Passes
Post-Retirement Complimentary Passes
अ य लाभ Other benefits
• छुCी नकद:करण Encashment of Leave
• समD 'थानांतरण अनुदान Composite Transfer grant
• अं तम नपटान पास Settlement Pass
• सेवा नव ृ तोपरांत मानाथ8 पास PRC Pass
• आरईएलएचएस के अंतग8त 2च4क सा सुBवधाएं Medical facilities under RELHS
• रे लवे आवास को बनाये रखना ( न द& ट अव ध तक ह<) Retention of Rly Quarters (up to specified
period only)
सामा य सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ के अंतग8त The Normal Retirement Benefits Comprise
[a] सेवा उपदान SERVICE GRATUITY: in cases where total qualifying service is less than 10 years.
[b] पशन PENSION: with an option to commute up to 40% of monthly pension.
[c] सेवा नविृ त उपदान RETIREMENT GRATUITY: Provided a minimum of 5 years qualifying
service is rendered.
ट पणी Note: - The determination of entitlement for service gratuity / pension and retirement gratuity is
dependent inter-alia on the length of qualifying service. The essential piece of information is available in
Service Book / Service Record.
[d] भBव9य न2ध PROVIDENT FUND: Inclusive of interest thereon with the additional benefit of
insurance cover (DLI) in the event of death while in service, subject to certain conditions.
[e] पIरवार पशन FAMILY PENSION: For eligible spouse and dependents.
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 7

गैर-पशनर: सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ Non-Pensionary Retirement Benefits:-

[a] Encashment of Leave at credit at the time of retirement subject to a maximum of 300 days.
ट=पणी Note: - In case of death while in service, the eligible family member(s) shall be paid the leave
encashment and in case of resignation from service, it will be restricted to 50 % of leave
[b] Accumulations in the Savings Fund with accrued interest under the Central Government
Employees Group Insurance Scheme.
ट=पणी Note: - In case of death while in service, the eligible family member(s) shall be paid insurance
cover plus accumulation in the savings fund value with accrued interest.
[c] Composite Transfer Grant at par with that admissible on transfer to intended place of residence
within India after retirement.
ट=पणी Note: - In case of death while in service, the eligible family member(s) shall be paid the same
on request.

सेवाकाल के दौरान अपेLMत कार8 वाई ACTION TO BE TAKEN WHILE IN SERVICE

नामांकन Nomination
While in service, every Railway employee must execute nominations in the prescribed forms indicating
the names of nominees to whom various final settlement dues like DCRG, PF, CEGIS etc. are to be
paid in the event of death etc. of the employee. It is also to be ensured that copies of the nomination
executed are available in the service records and also in Accounts department.
ट=पणी Note (1) if, at the time of making the nomination, the railway servant has a family, the
nomination shall not be in favour of any person or persons other than the members of his family;
ट=पणी Note (2) If a railway servant nominates more than one person, he shall specify in the
nomination the amount of share payable to each of the nominees in such a manner as to cover the
entire amount of gratuity.
सेवा नविृ त के Nलए योजना Planning for retirement
Apart from normal retirement on superannuation, a railway employee can retire from service
voluntarily after rendering minimum 20 years’ of net-qualifying service by giving notice of not less
than three months in writing to Appointing Authority.

सेवा नविृ त से पहले अपेLMत कार8 वाई ACTION TO BE TAKEN PRIOR TO RETIREMENT
पशन भुगतान क पO त Mode of Pension payment
After the employee decides about the place of stay after retirement, he / she should also decide the
mode of receipt of pension. Pension can be received through nationalized banks or Post offices.
Employee has to specifically furnish the Pension account.

फोटोDाफ Photographs
A retiring employee has to submit 5 passport size joint photographs of himself/herself and that of the
spouse for pension and one stamp-size photo to be submitted for issuing photo identity Card. Five
individual photographs of the employee should be submitted for commutation forms and for service
certificate. One set of individual photographs of all eligible family members including unemployed
sons aged 21 years should be submitted for medical identity card. Similarly, two sets of individual
photographs of self and eligible family members for the purpose of Identity Card for Post-Retirement
Complimentary passes should also be submitted.
'थायी आवास पता Permanent Residential Address
Employee has to furnish the details of permanent residential address where he/she intends to settle
after retirement for purpose of communication of any information, in future.
पाIरवाIरक Bववरण Family details
Employee has to furnish details of family members along with date of births, identification marks and
with their social status in the prescribed form.
उपरो!त के अलावा, नQनNलRखत 'वयं जांच से, सेवा नविृ त दे य राNश क शीS भुगतान होगी
Apart from the aforesaid, following self- checks will enable early payment of retirement dues.
→ Whether the PF account is complete. If employee has been transferred on more than one
occasion, the details of deductions from all units must have been sent to the unit from where
he/she is finally retiring.
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 8

→ Whether leave account is updated with all credits and debits.

→ Whether periods of break in service, if any, have been regularized.
→ Whether Service Register is complete in all respects.
→ Whether nomination has been executed for PF, GIS and Gratuity.
→ Whether the nomination is current and doesn’t need any change.
→ Whether Govt. accommodation is vacated in time.
→ Whether any DAR case is pending.
→ Whether Metal Pass (in case of officers)/Duty Card Pass issued by the administration are
→ Whether any period of suspension remains to be regularized.
→ Payment of all dues including interest to the railway viz. loans and advances availed, etc.

सेवाकाल के दौरान कम8चार: क म ृ यु होने के मामले म : -

In the event of death of an employee while in service: -
त काल राहत Immediate relief: Payment of immediate relief; an amount equal to three months
basic pay or Rs.15000/- whichever is less shall be payable to the family of employee who dies while in
service, recoverable from Gratuity payable.
फोटोDाफ तथा पाIरवाIरक Bववरण Photographs & Family details
Photograph of husband / wife, details of family members with dates of birth and identification marks,
death certificate in original, legal heir ship certificate, guardianship certificate (in case both husband /
wife are dead and children are minor), Permanent Residential Address, and SB account number with
IFSC Code, name of the bank, place etc., for drawal of family pension are to be kept ready for speedy
process of settlement papers
याद रखनेवाल: नु'खे/POINTS TO BE REMEMBERED.
→ Entire Gratuity, duly deducting the Govt dues, will be withheld for non-vacation of Quarters
and if any departmental or judicial proceedings are pending.
→ Disbursement through Post Office would be permitted only in places where branches of Public
Sector Bank are not available
→ Family Pension is payable in the order of date of birth of the children irrespective of male or
→ Length of qualifying service of over 9 years and 9 months but less than 10 years, will be
reckoned as completed 10 years of service.
→ Pension Payment Order is a valuable document containing a running account of pensionary
entitlement. It is to be kept in safe custody.
→ All Pension/gratuity and Dearness Relief are payable in Indian currency and in India only.
Fraction, if any, will be rounded off to the next higher Rupee.
→ No employee can earn two pensions in the same service/post at the same time or by the
same continuous service. However, there is no bar to an employee drawing more than one
pension on account of separate spells of employment qualifying for separate pension or due
to a combination of pension and Family pension or civil & military pension.
→ Pension / Family Pension is payable upto and including the day on which its recipient dies.
→ Grant of Pension and its continuance is subject to future good conduct of the Pensioner.
→ Pension finally authorised cannot be revised to the disadvantage of the pensioner except to
correct a clerical error.
→ Government dues are adjustable against Gratuity or dearness relief
→ Pension cannot be attached/seized etc for any demand against a pensioner nor can a
pensioner make any assignment in anticipation of pension.
→ If a pensioner is convicted of a serious crime or is found guilty of grave misconduct or
negligence, pension may be withheld or withdrawn fully or partly for a specified or indefinite
period. Recovery from pension may also be made for any pecuniary loss caused to the

सेवा नव ृ त कम8चाIरय को उनके सेवा नविृ त पर द: जानेवाल: द'तावेज़

Documents to be supplied to the retired employees at the time of retirement:
• प" शन भगु तान आदे श Pension Payment Order
• च>क सा पहचान काड& Medical Identity Card
• सेवा नव ृ तोपरांत मानाथ8 पास के पाIरवाIरक पहचान काड8 Family Identity Card for Post Retirement Complimentary Pass.
• सेवा @माण-पB Service Certificate
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 9

आय-कर से छूट Exemption from Income-Tax:

नCन4लDखत सेवा नविृ त/म ृ यु लाभ को आय-कर से पूर< छूट 4मलती है ः
The following Retirement/Death benefits are fully exempted from Income-Tax:
• Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity Clause 10 of Sec.10 of I.T. Act.
• Commutation Value Sub-clause (i) of Clause (10-A) of Section 10 of I.T. Act.
• Cash equivalent of unutilised leave Sub-clause (i) of Clause (10-AA) of Section 10 of I.T. Act.
सामा य GENERAL
• All pensions / gratuities and dearness relief are payable in rupees in India only.
• They are expressed in whole rupees, the fraction being rounded off to the next higher rupee.
• Pension / family pension is payable up to and including the day on which its recipient dies.
• Grant of pension and its continuance are subject to future good conduct of the pensioners.
• Pension finally authorised cannot be revised to the disadvantage of the pensioners except to
correct a clerical error.
• Pension cannot be attached siezed etc., for any demand against a pensioner; nor can a
pensioner make any assignment etc., in anticipation of pension.
• But, if a pensioner is convicted of a serious crime or is found guilty of a grave misconduct or
negligence, pension may be withheld or withdrawn fully or partly for a specified or indefinite
period after following the prescribed procedure which inter-alia requires an opportunity being
given to the pensioner to show cause against the action proposed to be taken.
• Acceptance of certain kinds of post - retirement employment [e.g.commercial employment
before expiry of two years from retirement /employment under foreign government etc.,] by
pensioners who retired from Group 'A' service / post requires prior permission of the Central
Government. Failure to comply with this requirement would lead to stoppage of pension for
such period as may be decided by the Government.
मह वपूण8Important: - After the promulgation of 6th CPC, the pension and other
related benefits were first revised from 02.09.2008 [i.e., the date of issue of
orders]…. However, the date of 02.09.2008 is revised and replaced with 01.01.2006.
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 10

रे ल सेवा (पशन) नयम, 1993 का आवेदन..... रे ल सेवा (पशन) नयम, 1993 का नयम सं.2
Application of RS (Pension) Rules, 1993… Rule No 2 of RS (Pension) Rules, 1993
These rules shall apply to the following railway servants, namely:-
[1] Any non-pensionable railway servant {governed by the CPF Scheme} who was in service on
15-11-1957 and who elected to be governed by these rules,
[2] All non-pensionable railway servants {governed by CPF Scheme} who were in service on 01-
01-1986 should be deemed to have come over to the Pension Scheme on that date, unless
they specifically opt out to continue under the CPF Scheme.
[3] All persons entering Railway Service on or after 16.11.1957, except those whose terms of
appointment provide to the contrary.
Provided that nothing contained in these rules shall apply to railway servants appointed on or after
the 1st day of January, 2004, and such railway servants appointed on or after shall be governed by
New Pension System RBE No.225/03….SC 10/2004
It is clarified that the employees who were put on induction training after their appointment prior
to 01-01-2004 and are paid salary from that date would be covered under RS [Pension] Rules, 1993.
RBE 169/2006 & SC 201/2006
It is also clarified that the employees who were required to undergo departmental training
relating to jobs prior to 01.01.2004 before they were put on regular employment and were in receipt
of stipend during such training would also be covered under the RS [Pension] Rules, 1993 provided
the period spent on such training was eligible for being counted as qualifying service.SC 46/2008
Further clarified that the substitutes who were granted temporary status prior to 01.01.2004 and
regularized/ absorbed after 01.01.2004 are also covered under Old Pension Scheme – SC 128/2014
#वीकाय%ता Admissibility: - It comprises of two elements viz., Service Gratuity and Pension
सेवा उपदान SERVICE GRATUITY For those with less than 10 years of Qualifying service
सेवा उपदान Service Gratuity: - Service Gratuity in the case of a railway servant retiring in
accordance with the provisions of these rules before completing qualifying service of ten years, the
amount of service gratuity shall be calculated at the rate of half month’s emoluments for every
completed six-monthly period of service. (Rule No 69 (1) of RS (Pension) Rules, 1993
पशन PENSION Superannuation pension Rule 51 of Pension rules
For those with more than 10 Retiring Pension Rule 52 of Pension rules
years of Qualifying service – Invalid Pension Rule 55 of Pension rules
(9 years 9 months shall also Compensation Pension Rule 63 of Pension rules
be treated as 10 years) Compulsory retirement Pension Rule 64 of Pension rules
Compassionate allowance Rule 65 of Pension rules
अ(धव*ष%ता पशन Superannuation Pension: -A superannuation pension shall be granted to a
railway servant who is retired on his attaining the age of compulsory retirement. (Rule No 51 of RS
(पशन Pension) नयम Rules, 1993). - The age of compulsory retirement is 60 (*) years as on date,
(*) it was 58 years prior to 13th May 1998 (RBE 103/1998….SC 126/1998).
In other words, every Railway Servant [including RPF/RPSF personnel] shall retire from
service on the afternoon of the last day of the month in which he/she attains the age of sixty years.
However, a Railway Servant whose date of birth is the first of a month shall retire from service on the
afternoon of the last day of the preceding month on attaining the age of Sixty years.
सेवा नविृ त पशन Retiring Pension: -A retiring pension shall be granted to a railway servant
who retires, or has retired before attaining the age of compulsory retirement, in accordance with the
provisions of rules 66 and 67 of RS (Pension) Rules, 1993 & Rule 1802 of IREC-II. (Rule No 52 of
रे ल सेवा (पशन) नयम,RS (Pension) Rules, 1993.
In other words, this retiring pension is granted in case of retirement: -
On completion of 30 years’ qualifying service or on attaining the age of 55 years, either at the option
of the employee or at the order of Administration. [Para 620 to Para 622 of MRPR 1950 or Rules 66,
67 of RS (Pension) Rules, 1993 or Chapter 18 of IREC-II], [or] On completion of 20 years’ net
qualifying service [Board’s letter No E (P&A) 1-77-RI – 46 Dated 09.11.1977 (SC 140/1977) as
amended/ amplified from time to time
‘3’ months’ notice or payment in lieu of such notice is required from either side in all the above cases.
सेवा नविृ त क, तार-ख Date of Retirement: - The day on which a railway servant retires or is retired
or is discharged or is allowed to resign from service or dies as the case may be, shall be treated as
his last working day.…..………Provided that in the case of a railway servant who is retired prematurely
or who retires voluntarily under the provisions of rules 1802 to 1804 of IREC Vol-II or under the
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 11

scheme of voluntary retirement after completing twenty years of net qualifying service under rule 67,
as the case may be, the date of retirement shall be treated as a non-working day. (Rule No 6 (2) of
RS (Pension) Rules, 1993.
अवैध पशन Invalid Pension
(1) Invalid pension may be granted to a railway servant who retires from service on account of any
bodily or mental infirmity, which permanently incapacitates him for the service.
(2) A railway servant applying for an invalid pension shall submit a medical certificate, from a duly
constituted medical authority, of his permanent incapacity for service due to bodily or mental
(3) Where the medical authority referred to in sub-rule (2) has declared a railway servant fit for
further service of less laborious character than that which he had been doing he should, provided he
is willing to be so employed, be employed on a lower post and if there be no means of employing
him even on a lower post, he may be admitted to invalid pension.
(4) A railway servant may, if he considers that he is not in a fit state of health to discharge his duties,
apply to the appropriate authority for retirement on invalid gratuity or pension. (Rule No 55 of RS
(Pension) Rules, 1993.
अवैधता क, तार-ख Date of invalidation A railway servant, who is declared by the medical authority
referred to in rule 55 to be completely and permanently incapacitated for further service shall, if
he is on duty, be retired from service from the date of relief of his duties which shall be arranged
without delay on receipt of a report from the medical authority or if, he is granted leave under
rule 522 of the Code on the expiry of such leave but if he is on leave at the time of receipt of the
medical certificate, he shall be retired from service on the expiry of such leave or extension of
leave if any granted to him under rule 522 of the said code. (Rule No 62 of RS (Pension)
Rules, 1993.
Invalid pension should be raised to the level of family pension (1964) if it falls below the family
pension admissible.
0 तपू त% पशन Compensation Pension: -
(1) If a railway servant is selected for discharge owing to the abolition of his permanent post, he
shall, unless he is appointed to another post the conditions of which are deemed by the
authority competent to discharge him, to be at least equal to those of his own, have the
option of
(a) taking compensation pension to which he may be entitled for the service he had
rendered, or
(b) accepting another appointment on such pay as may be offered and continuing to count
his previous service for pension.
(2) (a) Notice of at least ‘3’ months shall be given to a railway servant in permanent employment
before his services are dispensed with on the abolition of his permanent post.
(b) Where notice of at least three months is not given to the railway servant and he has not
been provided with other employment on the date on which his services are dispensed
with, the authority competent to dispense with his services, may sanction the payment of
a sum not exceeding the pay and allowances for the period by which the notice actually
given to him falls short of three months.
(c) No compensation pension shall be payable for the period in respect of which he received
pay and allowances in lieu of notice.
(3) In case a railway servant is granted pay and allowances for the period by which the notice
given to him falls short of three months and he is re-employed before the expiry of the period
for which he has received pay and allowances he shall refund the pay and allowances so
received for the period following his re-employment.
If a railway servant who is entitled to compensation pension accepts instead another
appointment under the railways and subsequently becomes again entitled to receive a pension
of any class, the amount of such pension shall not be less than what he could have claimed if
he had not accepted the appointment. (Rule No 63 of RS (Pension) Rules, 1993
अ नवाय% सेवा नविृ त पशन Compulsory Retirement Pension
(1) A railway servant compulsorily retired from service as a penalty may be granted, by the authority
competent to impose such penalty, pension or gratuity, or both at a rate not less than two-thirds and
not more than full compensation pension or gratuity, or both admissible to him on the date of his
compulsory retirement.
(2) Whenever, in the case of a railway servant the President passes an order (whether original,
appellate or in the exercise of power of review) awarding a pension less than the full compensation
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 12

pension admissible under these rule, the Union Public Service Commission shall be consulted before
such order is passed.
2या3यान Explanation:- In this sub-rule, the expression “pension” includes “gratuity”
(3) A pension granted or awarded under sub-rule (i) or, as the case may be, under sub-rule (2), shall
not be less than Rs.3500/- p.m. w.e.f. 01.01.2006, (Rule No 64 of RS (Pension) Rules,1993

ु ं पा भ ता Compassionate allowance
[1] A railway servant who is dismissed or removed from service shall forfeit his pension and gratuity.
Provided that the authority competent to dismiss or remove him from service may, if the case is
deserving of special consideration, sanction a compassionate allowance not exceeding two-thirds of
pension or gratuity or both which would have been admissible to him if he had retired on
compensation pension.
[2] A compassionate allowance sanctioned under the proviso to sub-rule (1) shall not be less than
Rs.3500/- p.m. w.e.f. 01.01.2006, (Rule No 65 of RS (Pension) Rules, 1993
अह%क सेवा Qualifying Service: -
Qualifying Service means service rendered by the employee while on duty or otherwise, which shall be
taken into account for the purpose of pension and gratuity. It is a monthly payment made to the
Railway employees consequent upon their retirement with a qualifying service of not less than ten
years. The amount of pension depends upon the net qualifying service rendered by the employee
and the last basic pay & Grade pay received.
न5न6ल7खत से अह% क सेवा बनती है The following will constitute qualifying service:
Duty and periods treated as ‘Duty’.
Pensionable Service rendered under state/central Govt./ without any interruption prior to
appointment to Railways.
All kinds of leave with pay.
Period of deputation to other Central/State Government or Public Sector Undertakings. In the
case of PSUs, only if Foreign Service Contribution is paid, such service can be counted.
Training period.
Joining time.
Extraordinary leave taken on medical grounds.
Military service before employment in Railways subject to conditions stipulated in this regard.
50% of the casual labour service rendered after attaining temporary status (to be restricted
from 1.1.1961 [SC 120/1980] in the case of open line casual labour and from 1.1.1981 [SC
110/86 & SC 186/86] in the case of project casual labour).
Substitute service – on completion of 3 months in case of teachers and 4 months in other
cases provided that such service is followed by absorption in regular service without any break.
न5न6ल7खत मामल को पशन प:रकलन के 6लए अह%क सेवा नह-ं मानी जाएगी.
The following will not qualify as service for pension:
[1] Underage/ Boy service [i.e., service rendered before attaining age of 18 years]
[2] Dies - non
[3] Leave without pay (EOL taken other than medical grounds/ Unauthorised absence)
[4] Strike period
[5] Substitute Service 1st 4 months, and 1st 3 months in case of teachers)
[6] Suspension Period [if not regularized]
[7] Period of Foreign Service where Foreign Service Contribution is not paid
[8] EOL taken in continuation of Maternity Leave
अह%क सेवा का अ6भकलन Computation of Qualifying Service: - The qualifying service is computed
in terms of completed six monthly periods. In calculating the length of qualifying service, fraction of
a year equal to three months and above shall be treated as a completed half year and reckoned as
qualifying service and less than three months ignored. [F (E) III-79/PN 1/10 dated 25.08.1983].
↔ The periods so computed, if comes to 9 years 9 months, it shall be treated as qualifying
service of 10 years.
अह%क सेवा का पूणा?कण Rounding off of Qualifying Service
• Less than 3 months- Ignored
• More than 3 months but less than 9 months- ½ year
• More than 9 months – One year.
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 13

01.01.2006 को तथा उस तार-ख से पशन PENSION ON & FROM 01.01.2006: -

With effect from 01.01.2006, the linkage of full pension with 33 years of qualifying service has been
dispensed with. As a result, a Railway servant retiring in accordance with the provisions of these rules
after completing qualifying service of ten years shall be eligible for full pension. The pension in such
cases shall be calculated at 50% of the emoluments (pay last drawn) or average emoluments
received during the last 10 months whichever is more beneficial in all cases, subject to a minimum of
Rs.3500/- p.m., and a maximum up to 50% of highest pay in the Government [The highest pay in
the Govt. is Rs.90, 000 since 1.1.2006] Para 5 of RBE 112/2008 SC 118/2008 … Para 2 of RBE
200/2008… SC 201/2008… Para 2 of RBE 222/2009… SC 204/2009 … & Para 2 of RBE 118/2010… SC

पशन का प:रकलन कैसे Aकया जाता है HOW TO CALCULAT PENSION?

Pension shall be calculated at 50% of the last Pay (pay in the Pay Band + Grade Pay) drawn by the
employee at the time of his/her retirement or 50% of the average emoluments, whichever is more.
The minimum pension granted to a Railway Servant is ` 3500/- per month.

गैर र नंग कम%चा:रय के 6लए फामुल

% ा Formula for Non-Running Staff:
Basic Pay in Pay band + Grade Pay 50% of Average
or Whichever is more
Pension = Two Emoluments
र नंग कम%चा:रय के 6लए फामुल % ा Formula for Running Staff:
In case of Running Staff, pay element shall also include 55% of the pay for reckoning emoluments.
Basic (Pay in PB+GP) +
or 50% of Average Whichever is more
Pension = (55% of Pay in PB + 55% of GP)
Average emoluments shall be determined with reference to the emoluments drawn
by a railway servant during the last ten months of his service.

अव6शDट पशन RESIDUAL PENSION:- After computing the Basic Pension as stated supra, the
portion of pension commuted shall be excluded and the amount so arrived shall be ‘Residual Pension’
which shall be paid as monthly amount to the pensioner till it is restored. However, Dearness Relief
is paid basing on the Basic Pension but not on residuary pension. In other words, this payment of DR
is based on the amount of pension sanctioned originally without reducing the commuted value.

Addl. quantum of pension/ family pension to Old pensioners/ Family pensioners: The
quantum of pension available to the old pensioners/ family pensioner shall be increased as follows:-
Age of Pensioner/family pensioner Additional quantum of pension/ family pension
From 80 years to less than 85 years 20% of basic pension/ family pension
From 85 years to less than 90 years 30% of basic pension/ family pension
From 90 years to less than 95 years 40% of basic pension/ family pension
From 95 years to less than 100 years 50% of basic pension/ family pension
100 years or more 100% of basic pension/ family pension
टFपणी/Note:- The Pension sanctioning Authorities should ensure that the DOB & AGE of a pensioner/
family pensioner is invariably indicated in the PPO to facilitate payment of additional pension by the
Pension Disbursing Authority as soon as it becomes due. The amount of additional pension will be
shown distinctly in the pension payment order.
पशन का संराशीकरण COMMUTATION OF PENSION: - This is a lump sum payment paid at
the option of the retiring employee. It is limited to 40% of basic pension (33 1/3rd of Basic Pension
prior to 01.01.1996). If a fraction of pension to be commuted results in fraction of rupee, such
fraction of rupee shall be ignored for commutation. The application for commutation should be made
within one year from the date of issue of retirement order [i.e., before next birth date].
→ Employees retiring on superannuation / voluntary retirement can commute up to 40% of the
pension, without medical examination.
→ In case of medical unfitness / compulsory retirement as a measure of penalty and for those who
have not applied for commutation within one year from the date of their retirement, this would
be payable after medical examination.
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 14

नोट Notes:-
[1] In cases where departmental or judicial proceedings are pending on the date of retirement, such
an employee shall be allowed provisional pension and the commutation of pension is permissible only
after finalization of departmental or judicial proceedings. In such cases, for the purpose of
commutation of pension without medical examination, the period of one year will reckon from the
date of orders issued on the conclusion of the proceedings. [Bd’s Lr No F [E] III/76/PN-1/7 dated
[2] Application for commutation of pension can be made even before retirement, to be submitted
along with pension papers for authorization along with PPO for the employees retiring on
superannuation pension only. Such applications should be made in prescribed formate at least three
months in advance…. [Bd’s Lr No F [E] III/-76-PN 1/24 Dt. 08.08.1983]
[3] Commutation has no effect on Family Pension. In case of demise of the employee before
completion of 15 years, the family gets family pension [i.e., Family Pension at enhanced rates or at
ordinary rates, as the case may be] as per entitlement without any deduction towards commuted
portion of pension. (Bd. Lr.No. F(E) III / 87 / PN / 1 / 7 dated 26.03.87).
[4] [A] A Railway servant making application for commutation may also nominate one or more
persons the right to receive the commuted value of pension. In case the applicant dies without
receiving the commuted value on or after the date on which commutation becomes absolute it will be
paid to the nominee. In the absence of nomination or the nomination does not subsist, the
commuted value is payable to the heirs as in the case of Death Gratuity and the family shall not be
insisted for production of legal heir certificate from the Court.
4 [B] In cases, where the nomination has not been made or the amount is not payable because the
Claimant is not a member of the family, the same has to be released on the basis of Legal Heir
Certificate [Bd’s Lr No F(E) III / 85 / PN / 1 / 15 Dt. 19.08.1985; RBE 247/1988 & RBE 162/1991]
5 [A] Generally it happens that a Railway Servant, on absorption in or under a corporation or
company or body, the orders of absorption are issued on a later date. In such case a Railway
Servant of the aforesaid category is absorbed from a date earlier than the date of orders. The
period of one year for the purpose of commutation of a part of pension without medical examination,
shall reckon from the date of orders and not from the date of actual retirement.
5 [B] Those who on absorption in or under a Corporation or Company or Body elect the alternative of
receiving the DCRG and lump sum in lieu of pension, will be subject to medical examination even
though they apply within one year of date of retirement/ absorption etc [Bd’ s Lr No F [E] 76-PN 1/24
dated 04.01.1979]

इसका प:रकलन कैसे क, जाती है How is it calculated?

The lump-sum commutation value will be arrived at by multiplying the commuted portion of pension
by a factor relevant to age next birthday x 12.

% ा Formula
40% of Pension x 12 x commuted value as on age as on next birthday (i.e. on 61 years age)
The amount of commuted value of pension finally calculated should be rounded off to the
next higher rupee [Bd’s Lr No. F [E] III-86-PN 1/3 Dated 04.02.1986]

पशन क, सारांशीकृत रा6श का 0 यप%ण/

RESTORATION OF COMMUTED PORTION OF PENSION: -The pensioner who have commuted a
portion of their pension on 01.04.1985 or thereafter and have completed or will complete 15 years
from their respective dates of retirement, where the commutation of pension is simultaneous with
retirement, will have their commuted portion of pension restored. - - - In cases, where the date of
commutation of pension is subsequent to the date of retirement thereby causing a time gap between
the two events, the restoration would take place only on the expiry of 15 years from the date of
commutation of pension and not from the date of retirement. [RBE 329/87; 186/1990]

पशन लघूकरण क, ता6लकाTABLE OF COMMUTATION OF PENSION (REVISED from 01.01.2006)

The existing Table of Commutation Value for Pension Annexed to the Railway Services [Commutation of Pension]
Rules, 1993 shall be substituted by a new Table at Annexure of this letter [(RBE No.112/2008) SC 118/2008
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 15

Commutation value for a Pension of Rs.1 Per Annum

Age Commutation value Age Commutation value Age Commutation value
next expressed as No. of next expressed as No. of next expressed as No. of
birthday year’s purchase birthday year’s purchase birthday year’s purchase
20 9.188 41 9.075 62 8. 093
21 9.187 42 9.059 63 7.982
22 9.186 43 9.040 64 7.862
23 9.185 44 9.019 65 7.731
24 9.184 45 8.996 66 7.591
25 9.183 46 8.971 67 7.431
26 9.182 47 8.943 68 7.262
27 9.180 48 8.913 69 7.083
28 9.178 49 8.881 70 6.897
29 9.176 50 8.846 71 6.703
30 9.173 51 8.808 72 6.502
31 9.169 52 8.768 73 6.296
32 9.164 53 8.724 74 6.085
33 9.159 54 8.678 75 5.872
34 9.152 55 8.627 76 5.657
35 9.145 56 8.572 77 5.443
36 9.136 57 8.512 78 5.229
37 9.126 58 8.446 79 5.018
38 9.116 59 8.371 80 4.812
39 9.103 60 8.287 81 4.611
40 9.090 61 8.194
Board’s letter No.F(E)III/2008/PN1/13 dated 15.09.2008 (RBE No.112/2008) SC 118/2008
उपदान Gratuity: - It is a lump sum payment.
सेवा नविृ त उपदान Retirement gratuity: - It is granted to a railway servant on retirement or on
medical invalidation provided the Railway employee has completed 5 years of qualifying service. The
gratuity depends upon the qualifying service and the last pay and grade pay drawn by the employee.
It is calculated at the rate of half of the emoluments for each completed six monthly period of
qualifying service subject to a maximum of sixteen and half times the emoluments and the total
amount should not exceed Rs. Ten lakhs.(*) The entire gratuity will be withheld in case the employee
does not vacate the railway accommodation provided to him.
म ृ यु उपदान Death gratuity: - It is granted to the family in the event of death while in
service. If a Railway servant dies while in service, the amount of death gratuity shall be paid to the
family in the manner indicated in the Table below:
.संS No अह%क सेवाकाल Length of qualifying service उपदान का दर Rate of gratuity
(i) Less than one year 2 times of emoluments
(ii) One year or more but less than 5 years 6 times of emoluments
(iii) 5 years or more but less than 20 years 12 times of emoluments
(iv) 20 years Half of emoluments for every completed six monthly period of qualifying
or more service subject to maximum of 33 times emoluments provided that the
amount of death gratuity shall in no case exceed ` 10,00,000/-
There will be no ceiling on reckonable emoluments for calculating gratuity.[RBE 90/87]
The gratuity [Death or Retirement] is to be calculated on the basis of length of qualifying service.
[RBE 204/91]
The amount of gratuity as finally calculated should be rounded off to next higher rupee.
गैर र नंग कम%चा:रय के 6लए फामल ु% ा Formula for Non-Running Staff
Gratuity = (Pay in the Pay Band + Grade Pay + DA) x (@) Qualifying Service/Two.
र नंग कम%चा:रय के 6लए फामु%ला Formula for Running Staff
In case of Running Staff, 30% of Basic Pay will be treated as Pay relating the Running Allowance.
Gratuity = Pay* + DA** x (@) Qualifying Service/ Two
*Pay = Pay + 55% of Pay
** DA = (Pay + 30% of Pay) x DA as on the date of retirement
(@) Maximum qualifying service is 33 years

Withdrawal of weightage of service in case of premature retirements: The benefit of adding years of
qualifying service is withdrawn for the purpose of computing pension as well as other related benefits such as
gratuity. RBE 38/2009 --SC 35/2009
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 16

For the purpose of GRATUITY "family", in relation to railway servant, means

(Sub rule 5 of Rule No 70 of RS (Pension) Rules, 1993.)
(i) Wife or wives including judicially separated wife or wives in the case of a male railway servant;
(ii) Husband including judicially separated husband in the case of a female railway servant;
(iii) Sons including step-sons and adopted sons;
(iv) Unmarried daughters including step-daughters and adopted daughters;
(v) Widowed daughters including step-daughters and adopted daughters;
(vi) Father including adoptive parents in the case of individuals whose personal law permits
(vii) mother adoption;
(viii) brother below the age of eighteen years including step brothers;
(ix) unmarried sisters and widowed sisters including step sisters;
(x) married daughters; and
(xi) children of pre-deceased son.
उपदान भुगतान AकJह क, जाती है Persons to whom gratuity is payable
[a] The gratuity payable shall be paid to the person or persons on whom the right to receive the
gratuity is conferred by making a nomination under Rule 74;
[b] If there is no such nominations or if the nomination made does not subsist, the gratuity shall
be paid in the manner indicated below: -
{i} If there are one or more surviving members of the family as in clauses (i), (ii), (iii) and
(iv) of sub-rule (5) of Rule 70, to all such members in equal shares;
{ii} If there are no such surviving members of the family as in sub-clause (i) above, but there
are one or more members as in clauses (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x) and (xi) of sub-rule
(5) of Rule 70 to all such members in equal shares.
उपदान से वसू6लयाँ Recoveries from Gratuity
Government dues, if any, could be recovered from the retirement gratuity of an employee retiring
and in the case of a deceased employee from Death Gratuity even without obtaining consent (Auth:
Rule 15 of RSPR 1993).
उपदान को रोकना Withholding of gratuity Entire Gratuity, duly deducting the Govt dues, will be
withheld for non-vacation of Quarters and also in cases where any departmental or judicial
proceedings are pending.
01.01.2006 को तथा उस तार-ख से छुMी का नकद-करण
LEAVE ENCASHMENT on and from 01.01.2006
• Leave salary is a lump sum onetime payment of the unavailed leave at credit at the time of
retirement or death. This is limited to the maximum of 300 days of LAP.
• In case any short fall of 300 days LAP, LHAP from his/her credit will be taken for the purpose of
leave encashment to the extent of shortfall of number of days of LAP.
पशन,पीईजी आ द के कमी के Oबना अऔवेछु का नकद-करण
Encashment of LHAP without reduction of pension, PEG etc.,
On accepting the recommendations of the 6th CPC relating to encashment of leave, decided that, in
supersession of all earlier orders on the subject, both LAP & LHAP shall be considered for
encashment of leave subject to overall limit of 300 days.
The cash equivalent payable for LAP shall continue unchanged. However, cash equivalent payable
for LHAP shall be equal to leave salary as admissible for Half Pay Leave plus DA admissible on the
leave salary without any reduction being made on account of pension and pension equivalent of
other retirement benefits payable.
To make up the shortfall in Earned Leave no commutation of Half Pay Leave shall be permissible.
The Cash equivalent for half pay leave component shall, henceforth, be calculated in the manner
indicated below:
Cash payment Half pay leave salary admissible on Number of days of half pay leave
in lieu of half the date of retirement plus Dearness at credit subject to the total of
pay leave = Allowance admissible on that date x LAP and LHAP at credit not
component 30 exceeding 300 days.
These orders shall take effect from 1st January, 2006.
RBE 148/2008… SC 159/2008 & RBE 204/2009 …. 187/2009
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 17

% ा LAP - Formula
(Pay in Pay Band + GP + DA) No. of days of LAP subject to a maximum of 300 days
% ा LHAP - Formula
(Pay in Pay Band + GP + DA) No. of days of LHAP to the extent of shortfall of LAP
30 X 2 (*) subject to a maximum of 300 days of LAP & LHAP
अनं तम पशन Provisional Pension: - If for any special reasons it is not found possible to complete
and forward the pension papers to the office responsible for the issuing the PPO within the
prescribed time schedule in a particular case, or if the pensions papers have been sent late to that
office and/ or that office either has returned the papers to the Head of Office for eliciting further
information or is not able to issue PPO prior to the date of retirement, steps shall be taken by the
Head of Office to authorize the payment of provisional pension.
→ For this purpose, the information as is available in official records, statement/declaration of
retiring employee shall be taken as basis. If complete information regarding last ten months
emoluments is not available with the Head of office or with the retiring employee, the
emoluments last drawn should be taken provisionally as average emoluments.
→ The gratuity should similarly be determined. Before disbursing provisional gratuity, all known
dues such as advances, OP of wages, other recoveries due etc., plus deduction of not less than
10% of gratuity to cover un-assessed dues if any, shall be deducted.
→ In the case of a Railway servant who has retired on attaining the age of superannuation or
otherwise and against whom any departmental or judicial proceedings are instituted or where
departmental proceedings are continued under sub-rule (2), a provisional pension as provided
in rule 96 shall be sanctioned. (Rule No 9 (3) of RS (Pension) Rules, 1993).
→ The provisional pension should not exceed the maximum pension which would have been
admissible on the basis of qualifying service up to the date of retirement of Railway Servant or
if he is under suspension on the date of retirement, up to the date immediately preceding the
date on which he was placed under suspension.

आरईएलएच योजना RELH Scheme–1997 Retired Employees Liberalised Health Scheme –

1997, introduced as per the assurance given by Hon’ble M.R. in Budget Speech for the year 1997-98
to provide with full medical facilities as admissible to serving employees under the Railway Medical
Attendance Rules.
Jयूनतम सेवा Minimum service: Minimum 20 years of qualifying service in the Railways will be
(चAक सक,य अवैध कम%चार- Medically invalidated employees: -It is clarified that the condition of
minimum of 20 years of qualifying service for joining RELHS-97 is not applicable in the case of
medically invalidated employees and the employees who die in harness. ….Ser Cir No. 19/2006
जी*वत जीवन साथी Surviving spouses: Surviving spouses of the deceased retired railway employees
who died after superannuation…… Bd’s lr No. 2003/ H/ 28/1/ RELHS Dt. 21.10.2005… SC 183/2005
इि#तफा/तकनीक, इि#तफा Resignation / Technical Resignation
“These orders are not applicable to those Railway servants who quit service by
resignation.”……However, the resignation tendered by Railway employees on permanent absorption
in PSUs/Autonomous Bodies is treated as “technical resignation” and they will become entitled to
enroll themselves as members of RELHS subject to fulfillment of the prescribed conditions.” Bd’s lr.
No. 2007/H/28/1/RELHS/Misc Dt. 30.11.2009 ---S.No.8 Health/2009….. SC 6/2010
प:रवार तथा आ(Qत FAMILY & DEPENDANTS:
• The definition of `family’ for the purpose of this scheme will be the same as in respect of the
serving Railway Employees.
• The definition of dependency will be the same as in the Pass Rules/IRMM-1981.

अंशदान का दर RATE OF CONTRIBUTION: One time contribution equal to the last month’s basic pay
-SC 195/97
• Basic pay means Pay in Pay Band + Grade Pay and in case of Running staff Basic Pay
shall be Pay in Pay Band + Grade Pay + 30% of Pay in PB plus GP.
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 18

Joining of RELHS by Railway Employees at the time of superannuation.The following has

been decided by Ministry of Railways.
[a] For Pre-March 2009 Retirees:
The RELHS-97 will remain open-ended with a lock-in-period of six months for referral outside the
Railway Hospital with the rider that this lock-in-period can be relaxed only in an emergency
provided the patient is either admitted or visits the Railway Hospital and the facilities for the
treatment are not available in Railway Hospital. Such referrals are to be processed only on
recommendation of a specially constituted Medical Board.
[b] For March 2009 and onwards Retirees:
The RELHS-97 will remain open for a period of another one year from the date of issue of the
letter for all those retired railway personnel, who have not joined the scheme for one reason or
the other. The lock-in-period of six months as applicable for Pre-March, 2009 retirees be
applicable for these retirees also. Henceforth joining RELHS-97 has been made
mandatory for all retiring Railway personnel without any exit clause whatsoever.
All other terms and conditions of RELHS-97 mentioned in Board’s letter dated 16.03.2009 under
reference will remain unaltered. The rate of contribution for joining RELHS-97 as specified by Board
in their letter dated 16.03.2009 [Sl.Cir.No. 43/2009] is as follows:
[i] The employees who have already retired on A sum equivalent to double the amount of
the date of RE-OPENING OF THE RELHS and revised basic pension after the
have not joined at the time of retirement. implementation of VI CPC.
[ii] Family pensioners A sum equivalent to double the amount of revised family pension
after the implementation of VI CPC.
[iii] SRPF optees A sum twice the amount of ex-gratia monthly payment admissible on
the date of joining the scheme.
Bd’s lr No.2003/H/28/I/RELHS Dt. 16.03.2009 - - -SC 43/2009 &
Bd’s Lr.No. 2011/H/28/1/RELHS/Court Case, dt. 31.05.2012 - - Ser Cir No 64/2012

“lock in” period: - “lock in” period of six months from the date on which a retired employee
joins the scheme i.e. the date of depositing the fees. During this period the retired employee will be
provided medical treatment as available in Railway hospitals and other Govt. hospitals including Govt.
owned autonomous hospitals and Govt. medical college hospitals only. They will not be referred to
private hospitals, which are recognised for Railway employees and other RELHS cardholders. In any
circumstances and in any medical condition, during the “lock in” period, reimbursement of medical
claims for treatment taken in private hospitals including the private recognised hospitals will not be
permitted. - - - The RELHS Card issued to beneficiaries with lock-in period should clearly indicate the
designation, amount and date of deposit, name and designation of issuing authority/ signatory along
with date - - - Lock-in period to be clearly and prominently mentioned on the card.


Joining of RELHS-97 has been made MANDATORY for all retiring Railway Employees w.e.f.,
16.03.2009 in terms of Board’s instructions circulated under Sl.Cir.No. 43/09.
In case the retiring officer / staff is unwilling to join the scheme, he/she will have to submit
his/her unwillingness in writing with a clear understanding that no further chance shall be given to
join the scheme in future.
Besides making an entry in the Service Certificate and Pension Payment Order, the unwillingness
letter should be pasted in the Service Record of the retired employee.
It must, therefore, be ensured that requests, if any, received from Post-16.03.2009 retirees
[pensioners] or family pensioners for joining RELHS are not entertained/ processed under any
circumstances Board’s Lr.No. 2003/H/28/1/RELHS, dt. 21.07.2001 - - - CPO/SC’s Non Ser Cir
No. SCR/P-HQ/Ruling/O/913 Dt. 10-08-2011

Proforma for joining RELHS - revised proforma Ser Cir No 122/2009

RELHS-NPS staff: -Railway beneficiaries of New Pension Scheme drawing additional relief on death /
disability of Railway Servants can become members of RELHS by paying the prescribed amount for availing
medical facilities. They are also to draw Fixed Medical Allowance as fixed by the Government. Amount for
getting RELHS Card as prescribed in Board’s Lr.No. 2003/H/28/ 1/RELHS, dated 16.03.2009 are as under:
(i) The employees, who have A sum equivalent to double the amount of revised basic
already retired. pension after the implementation of VIth PC.
(ii) Family Pensioners. A sum equivalent to double the amount of revised family
pension after the implementation of 6th PC.
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 19

[2] As and when the Health Insurance is introduced in Railways, the New Pension Scheme Railway
Pensioners would be shifted to the Health Insurance Scheme…..SC 12/2013

With a view to prevent any possibility of misuse of OPD facility by a Pensioner / Family Pensioner, it is
advised that on the RELHS card of Pensioners / Family Pensioners following endorsement may please
be made in clear terms: “ Whether eligible for OPD facility-Yes / No. ”, SC 19/2014

CONSTANT ATTENDANT ALLOWANCE:- In the case of pensioners who retired on disability

pension under the RS[Extraordinary Pension] Rules, 1993 for 100% disability [where the individual is
completely dependent on somebody else for day to day functions] a Constant Attendant Allowance of
Rs.3000/- p.m. shall be allowed in addition to the disability pension, on the lines existing in Defence
Forces. --- Para 10.1 of RBE No.112/2008… SC 118/2008
The modalities governing grant of this allowance
i) This Allowance will be applicable to cases where the disability for which Constant Attendant
Allowance is payable is attributable to or aggravated by service.
ii) This Allowance may be granted to a Railway servant who is awarded a disability pension for
100 percent disablement, if in the opinion of the medical board, he needs the services of a
constant attendant for at least a period of three months, and the necessity arises solely from
the condition of the accepted disability or disabilities.
iii) This Allowance shall not be payable for any period during which the pension is an inmate or
an in-patient of a Government institution or hospital.
iv) Payment of this Constant Attendant Allowance shall be made along with disability pension, on
the basis of declaration as in Annexure which shall be submitted to the Pension Disbursing
Authority in May & November each year. RBE No.72/09 SC No. 72/2009

#थाई (चAक सा भ ता Fixed Medical Allowance

Recommendations of the 5th CPC – Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance Rs.100/- p.m. to the
Railway Pensioners/ Family Pensioners: - Sanction of the President is accorded to the grant of
fixed medical allowance of Rs.100/- p.m. to Railway Pensioners/ Family Pensioners residing outside
the City/ Town/ Municipality limits of places where a Railway Hospital/ Health Unit/ Lock up
dispensary is situated, subject to fulfillment of certain conditions. These orders will take effect from
01.12.1997 RBE 65/99… Ser Cir No 112/1999
Question: -Whether those pensioners/family pensioners who are members of RELHS and availing
OPD facility are also eligible for the Fixed Medical Allowance
It is clarified that: -
• Since actual enrolment under the Health Scheme is not mandatory, those pensioners/family
pensioners who, in terms of Bd’s lr dt. 23.10.97 [SC 195/97], are eligible to become members of
the Scheme but are not actually enrolled are also entitled for grant of Fixed Medical Allowance.
• Pensioners/family pensioners who possess RELHS card & avail OPD facility are NOT entitled for
Fixed Medical Allowance, whereas those who possess RELHS card but do not avail OPD facility
[except in cases of chronic diseases, as defined in Bd’s lr No. 2006/H/DC/JCM Dt. 12.10.2006….
SC 177/2006] are entitled for Fixed Medical Allowance.
Further, FMA and arrears of FMA would continue to be paid, as earlier, to pensioners /family
pensioners only after submission of the enclosed undertaking form to the Pension Disbursing
Authority [PDA] thereby implying that fulfillment of the following two conditions is mandatory for
becoming admissible for FMA:
[i] the pensioner/ family pensioner is residing beyond 2.5 kms from the nearest health unit;
[ii] the pensioner/ family pensioner is not availing the facility of OPD [except in cases of chronic
diseases as mentioned in para 2 above].
संलRन Encl:- UNDERTAKING FORM RBE 168/09… Ser Cir No 165/2009
Board have clarified that in cases where the existing Pensioner / Family Pensioner was in receipt of
Fixed Medical Allowance, the Family Pensioner next-in-line may be allowed Fixed Medical Allowance
from the same date from which he/ she becomes eligible for family pension, if he/she otherwise fulfils
the conditions for grant of Fixed Medical Allowance.SC 101/2014
The amount of Fixed Medical Allowance [FMA] granted to Railway Pensioners / Family Pensioners has
been enhanced from 300/- to 500/- per month w.e.f., 19.11.2014. The other conditions for
grant of FMA shall continue to be in force. SC 152/2014
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 20

#थाई (चAक सा भ ता क, माSा Quantum of fixed medical allowance

Rs.100/- w.e.f. 01.12.1997 SC 112/1999
Rs.300/- w.e.f. 01.09.2008 SC 95/2010
Rs.500/- w.e.f. 19.11.2014 SC 152/2014

ू % एकमुUत रा6श क, 0 तपू त%

Ex-Gratia Lumpsum Compensation:-

The families of Central Government Civilian Employees, who die in harness in the performance of their bonafide
official duties under various circumstances shall be paid the ex-gratia lumpsum compensation.[W.E.F
a] Death occurring due to accidents in the course of performance of duties Rs.10.00 lakh RBE136/
b] Death occurring in the course of performance of duties attributable to acts of Rs.10.00 lakh 2008
violence by terrorists, anti-social elements. Etc.
c] Death occurring during [a] enemy action in international war or border Rs.15.00 lakh SC 138/
skirmishes and [b] action against militants, terrorists, extremists etc. 2008
d] Death occurring while on duty in the specified high altitude, inaccessible border Rs.15.00 lakh
posts, etc. on account of natural disasters, extreme weather conditions.
The aggregate of the relief/Ex-gratia compensation paid from different sources of workmen
compensation viz., compensation under WCA, Compensation under Section 124 of the Railways Act, 1989 as
applicable is subject to ceiling as follows: (@ ceiling removed … pl see below)
[a] 10/- lakhs w.e.f., 01.08.1997 to 31.12.2005 in each individual case.
[b] 20/- lakhs w.e.f., 01.01.2006 onwards in each individual case [as amended vide Sl.Cir.No. 05/2011.
(@) No ceiling on quantum of Ex-gratia lumpsum compensation W.E.F. 01.01.2006
RBE No.146 /11 … SC 143/2011

समT #थानांतरण अनुदान

Composite Transfer Grant
CTG on retirement: - Composite Transfer Grant shall be admissible on the same lines as on transfer in
respect of staff on retirement to settle down at places other than the last station(s) of their duty located.

CTG in case of death while in service: - The members of family in the event of death of an employee
shall, besides free pass, be also eligible for the transfer allowance/ Composite Transfer Grant

Time limits for claims of C T G …(On Retirement/ Death)

The existing time limit of 6 months for performance of journey by the railway servant on retirement/ members of
family in the event of death is raised to one year….SC 84/1978 - - - This limit of one year for availing the TA/
CTG concessions admissible on retirement/ death was raised to TWO years and powers have been delegated to
GM/ AGMs personally with the recommendations of FA&CAO in individual cases…. SC 45/1990.
Decided that the powers to extend the time limit of two years (24 months) for availing CTG in the event of death
of a railway employee while still in service and where the family of the deceased is permitted to retain the
railway accommodation for a period of 2 years [as per SC 62/99] may be raised to TWO AND HALF YEARS [30
months], powers to be exercised personally by GM/ AGM s with the approval of FA& CAO…SC 78/2003
Note: beyond the above limits by Railway Board only.
In short: [a] Up to 1 year by Division, above 1 year but below 2 years by GM/AGM & beyond Rly Board.
[b] Cases of death in harness where Qrs retention permitted for 2 years, upto 30 months by GM/AGM
[SC 84/78, 45/90, 78/2003 & Item No. 28-Part ‘F’ of SOP of December-2003]

भ*वDय न(ध तथा डीएलआई

This is paid to the employee at the time of retirement from his/her own contribution together with interest
thereon. The employee can exercise nomination to avoid delay in settlement in the event of his/ her unfortunate
death. He/she can nominate one or more persons for receiving the PF amount. In case, he/she nominates more
than one person, percentage of shares to be paid to each should also be indicated. In case of death while in
service, the family shall be paid DLI as detailed below.
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 21

DLI from 01-01-1989 DLI from 25-04-1998 DLI from 06-06-2009

R.B.E. No. 67/90…SC 70/90 R.B.E 238/98..SC 279/98 R.B.E. No. 221/09….SC 203/09
[1] On the death of a subscriber to the State Railway Provident Fund (S.R.P.F.) the person entitled to receive
the amount standing to the credit of the subscriber shall be paid by the Accounts Officer an additional amount
equal to the average balance in the account during the three years immediately preceding the death of such
subscriber, subject to the condition that :
[A] the balance at the credit of such subscriber shall not at any time during the three years preceding the
month of death have fallen below the limits of :-
[1] Rs. 12,000 in the case of a [1] Rs. 25,000 in case of a [1] Rs. 25,000 in the case of a
subscriber who has held, for the subscriber holding a post in subscriber holding a post in the Pay
greater part of the aforesaid period of the scale of pay the Band-2 (Rs.9300-34800) or above and
three years, post the maximum of the maximum of which is Rs. drawing a Grade Pay of Rs.4800 p.m.
pay scale of which is Rs. 4,000 or 12,000 or more; or more as per RS (RP) Rules, 2008.
more. [2] Rs. 15,000 in case of a [2] Rs. 15,000 in the case of a
[2] Rs. 7,500 in the case of a subscriber holding a post in subscriber holding a post in the Pay
subscriber who has held for the the scale of pay the Band-2 (Rs.9300-34800) and drawing
greater part of the aforesaid period of maximum of which is Rs. a Grade Pay of Rs.4200 p.m. or more
three years, a post the maximum of 9,000 or more but less than but less than Rs.4800 p.m. as per RS
the pay scale of which is Rs. 2,900 or Rs. 12,000; (RP) Rules, 2008.
more but less than Rs. 4,000. [3] Rs. 10,000 in case of a [3] Rs. 10,000 in the case of a
[3] Rs. 4,500 in the case of a subscriber holding a post in subscriber holding a post in the Pay
subscriber who has held for the the scale of pay the Band-2 or PB-1 or Pay Band 1S
greater part of the aforesaid period of maximum of which is Rs. (Rs.4440-7440) and drawing a Grade
three years, a post the maximum of 3,500 or more but less than Pay of Rs.1400 p.m. or more but less
the pay scale of which is Rs. 1,151 or Rs. 9,000; than Rs.4200 p.m. as per RS (RP)
more but less than Rs. 2,900. [4] Rs. 6,000 in case of a Rules, 2008.
[4] Rs. 3,000 in the case of a subscriber holding a post in [4] Rs. 6,000 in the case of a
subscriber who has held for the the scale of pay the subscriber holding a post in the Pay
greater part of the aforesaid period of maximum of which is less Band-1S (Rs.4440-7440) and drawing
three years, a post the maximum of than Rs. 3,500; a Grade Pay of Rs.1300 p.m. or more
the pay scale of which is less than Rs. but less than Rs.1400 p.m. as per RS
1,151. (RP) Rules, 2008.
[B]The additional amount payable [B] The additional amount [B] The additional amount payable
under this scheme shall, not exceed payable under this rule under this rule shall not exceed Rs.
Rs. 30,000. (Thirty thousand rupees)." shall not exceed Rs. 60,000 60,000 (Sixty thousand rupees)."
(Sixty thousand rupees)."
[C] The subscriber has put in at least 5 years service at the time of his/her death.
Decided that pre-revised Scheme which existed prior to 06.06.2009,[i.e., before issue of Board's letter dated
14.12.2009 vide RBE 221/2009…SC 203/2009] shall apply in cases of death of subscribers on or before
06.06.2009 and to whom the revised orders do not apply [R.B.E. No. 221/2009….SC 203/2009]
The average balance shall be worked out on the basis of the balance at the credit of the subscriber at
the end of each of the 36 months, proceeding the month in which the death occurs. For this purpose as
also for checking the minimum balance prescribed above:
(a) The balance at the end of March, shall include the annual interest credited in terms of rule 920-RI, &
(b) If the last of the aforesaid 36 month is not March, the balance at the end of said last month shall
include interest in respect of the period from the beginning of the financial year in which death
occurs to the end of the said last month.
The scheme also applies to those subscribers to the SRPF who are transferred to autonomous
organizations subject to fulfillment of other related conditions.
[MISSIING EMPLOYEES] Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme may be made only after a lapse of 7 years
to the family of the missing subscriber. In case under facts and circumstances, there is sufficient proof
of death, the payment may not be delayed.
[SUICIDE] No broad distinction can be made in between a death and the suicide and the benefit of
Deposit Linked Insurance Revised Scheme may be accorded to the successor of the deceased
[No. E (W) 97/WE-1/13, dated 01.04.1998]….SC 118/98
Clarified that the arrears of DA/ADA/CCA/HRA credited to the SRPF accounts of the Railway employees
shall be treated as accumulations for all purposes including Deposit - Linked Insurance Scheme.
[Board's letter No. E(W)76WEI-14 dated 26.11.1983]
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 22

रे लवे आवास Railway Quarters –

बनायेरखने के 6लए अनुमत अव(ध Permissible periods for retention
सेवा नव ृ त RETIREMENT:- MC 49; SC 4/2001; SC 119/01; & Para 10.27 of Revised MC 49 [RBE
An employee on NR/ VR/ CR may be permitted to retain the non-earmarked Railway
accommodation for a period of 4 months on payment of normal rent/flat rate of license fee/rent
and the next 4 months on educational or sickness account on payment of special license fee, i.e.,
double the normal rent or double the flat rate of license fee/rent. MC 49; SC 4/2001 & SC 119/01
The cases of retirement on medical invalidation are also to be treated at par with NR
Retention of non-pooled Railway accommodation in the event of transfer, retirement etc. is
governed by instructions contained in E[G]2001 RN 4-10 of 17-09-2002. In partial modification
of these instructions, it has been decided that the Railway employees in occupation of non-
pooled Railway accommodation at the time of their retirement may be allowed retention of the
non-pooled accommodation under their occupation for a period of two months only. In the event
the concerned retired Railway employee so desires to further retain Railway accommodation, on
request, an alternative Railway accommodation of his/her entitled category may be allotted at
the place of his choice anywhere in India, subject to availability, for the remaining period of six
months, on payment of usual rent, as charged in the case of retention of accommodation on
retirement under the extant instruction [Para-5 of E[G]2000 QR 1-23 dated 01-06-
2001].[E[G]2006 QR 1-14(B) Dt.20-11-2006]… Para 10.27 of Revised MC 49 [RBE 35/2007]
इ#तीफा/पदWयु त/पद से हटाना RESIGNATION/DISMISSAL/REMOVAL
Para 10.28 of Revised MC 49 [RBE 35/2007]
An employee who resigns from service or is dismissed or removed from service may be permitted to
retain the railway quarter for a period of one month only on payment of normal rent/flat rate of
licence fee.[Ref: No. E[G]85 QR1-9 dated 15-1-90]… Para 10.28 of Revised MC 49 [RBE 35/2007
म ृ यु DEATH: SC 27/1990; 91/93; 62/99; 240/99,Para 10.29 of Revised MC 46 [RBE 35/2007]
The family of a railway employee who dies while in service may be permitted to retain the railway
quarter for a period of SIX months on payment of normal rent / flat rate of licence fee [SC
27/90]…The limit of six months raised to 12 months W.E.F 27-08-93 [SC91/93]
This limit is further raised from 12 months to 24 months W.E.F 22-01-99 [SC62/99] modified to
make effective from 01.06.1998 [SC 240/99]…in the case of death of allottee railway employee.
The extended period of 12 months retention shall, however, not be permissible in cases where
the deceased staff / Officer or his / her dependents own a house at the place of posting
लापता के मामले MISSING CASES: - SC 41/97; 141/02… & Para 10.26 of Revised MC 49 [RBE
In super session of SC 41/97, decided that the family of missing Railway employee may be permitted
retention of Railway quarters for a period of one year on payment of normal rent from the date of
lodging of FIR (the period from the date from which the employee is missing till the date of filing FIR
would automatically get regularized) with the police by the family of missing Railway employee. On
the certification of the police authorities that the missing employee is not traceable and the
whereabouts of the person could not be known, the family of the missing employee may be
permitted further retention for a period of one year on payment of normal rent……SC 141/02.

20 वष% क, रे लवे सेवाकाल के बाद पीआरसी सेवा नव ृ तोपरांत पास का पूण% सेट दे ना
Grant of full sets of PRC Passes after 20 years of Railway Service.
Category No. admissible in one year
Group-`A’ & `B’ : With Railway Service of 20 years or more 3 sets - w.e.f. 01.01.2006 (*)
Group-`C’ : With Railway Service of 20 years or more 2 sets - w.e.f. 01.01.2006 (*)
Group-`D’ : With Railway Service of 20 years or more 1 set - w.e.f. 01.01.2006 (*)
(*) Prior to 01.01.2006 the service prescribed for eligibility of PRC Pass is 20 to 25 years
RBE 132/2013… SC 133/2013 & RBE 24/2014…..SC 28/2014
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 23

Member(s) who can be included in PRC Passes

Spouse and Children (Subject to the same conditions of serving employees) Schedule -IV
A child adopted after retirement / superannuation Clause 3 (xv) of Sch -IV
Post Retiral Spouse SC 3/92 & SC 73/93
Children who are above 21 years of age SC 173/2002
[a] Bonafide students of any recognised educational institution;
[b] engaged in any research work;
[c] working as an articled clerk;
[d] Invalid, on appropriate certificate from Railway Doctor
Widowed daughter & Legally divorced daughter SC 87/03
Family in case of Group ‘D’ SC 3/1994
Widowed Mother SC 49/96
Children from void marriage [not permissible] - - - SC 187/2002] & (RBE 39/05)….SC 44/2005
Year-ending Passes / next year account also Permissible
Validity of PRC pass [Raised to 5 months]….. from 01.04.2015.. SC 20/2015.
PRC passes can be drawn at the place of their choice ---.Item [ii] of schedule IV
PRC passes…During the year of retirement.. In the year in which the Railway Servant retires from
service, he is entitled to that number of single journey PRC passes which represents the difference between
the number of privilege passes he is normally entitled to in a calendar year while in service and the number
actually availed by him, provided the total number of PRC passes availed after the date of retirement does
not exceed the number of PRC passes for which he is entitled in a calendar year [Item [v] of schedule IV]
Disallowance of PRC pass on unauthorized retention of Railway Quarters
One set of PRC pass shall be disallowed for every month of unauthorized retention of railway
quarters by retired officers/staff.--- SC 331/99
पीआरसी पास PRC Passes – पदWयुत/हटाना आ द., dismissed/ removed etc. ACS No.49 to RS
(Pass) Rules,1986
Item (iv) under column 3 of Schedule IV (PRC Pass) may be replaced by the following:-
[a] PRC Passes shall not be issued to those Railway servants who are dismissed from service.
[b] PRC Passes shall also not be issued to those who are removed from service on or after 26.10.2005.
[c] PRC Passes shall not be issued to those retired railway servants on whom the penalty of cent percent cut
in pension and gratuity has been imposed on or after 26.10.05.
[d] PRC Passes shall be issued to those who are dismissed or removed from service on or after 26-10-2005
but are granted compassionate allowance in terms of Rule 65 of RS (Pension) Rules,1993. PRC Passes
shall be issued to such dismissed/removed railway servants from the date of grant of compassionate
allowance. ---- (RBE 180/2005)….SC 188/2005.

*वधवा पास WIDOW PASS: Half the number of PRC Passes that the Railway Servant was either receiving at
the time of his demise after retirement or in case of death while in service would be notionally eligible to receive
by reckoning the date of death as the date of retirement…The class of pass would be same as is admissible to
the Rly employee on retirement or what would be admissible notionally if the date of death is reckoned as the
date of retirement.
*वधवा पास Widow Pass- Drawing from the office of their choice: - widows may be
permitted to draw their WC Passes from the Offices located in or near their place of residence …..SC
*वधुर के 6लए पास Passes to widowers: -The facility of passes available to the widow of a
male Railway employee shall be available to the widower of a female Railway employee.” SC
*वधवा पास म Aकन सद#य(सद#य ) को शा6मल Aकया जा सकता है
Member(s) who can be included in Widow Passes
Widow mother-in-law of widows: -
Decided that dependent widow mother of the deceased railway employee may be allowed to be
included in the widow pass as a family member of the widow…Para 3 of E [W] 96 PS 5-8 / 2 dated
24.07.2000 RBE 142/2000 SC 178/2000.
Inclusion of children born on void marriage in the Widow Pass.
it is clarified that children born out of void marriage are not eligible for inclusion in the Pass of a
widow of a railway servant…. Board's letter No. E(W)95 PS 5-1/29 dated 13.9.02 (RBE No.
162./2002)….SC 187/2002
नोटNote: children born out of void marriages are not eligible for any kind of railway passes. SC 44/2005
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 24

अं तम नपटान पास (अं तम नपटान/म ृ यु आ द पर पास)/

Settlement Pass [Pass on Settlement/Death etc]
[1] चेक पास Cheque pass for Self, Family and dependent relatives as defined in Rule-2 (c) of Pass Rules for
the class of his entitlement on privilege account to the transferred station. For this purpose, father of the
Railway Servant, if residing with and wholly dependent upon the Railway Servant may also be included.
[2] Aकट पास Kit Pass for transporting his personal effects on the prescribed scale:
[W.E.F. 03.06.2011] in partial modification of the existing orders / instructions revised entitlements on Kit
Pass for transportation of personal effects and conveyance are indicated:
नोट Note: A Pass for carrying a dog may also be issued in all cases from (a) to (d) above.
→ It has been further decided that personal effects up to the weight limits as indicated above and / or
conveyance up to the prescribed scale / rates may be permitted to be transported by road on reimbursement
basis in lieu of Kit Pass to the place of posting on transfer / place of settlement after retirement. Separate
instructions regarding rates/ scale applicable for transportation of personal effects / conveyance by road shall
be issued by the Finance Directorate.
→ In all other respects, the existing provisions of RS [Pass] Rules, will apply. RBE112/2011.. SC 114/2011
20 वष% का सेवाकाल पूरा होने पर सेवा नव ृ त होनेवाले कम%चा:रय को अं तम नपटान/Aकट पास जार- करना
Issue of Settlement/Kit passes to staff retiring from service before Completion of 20 years.
RCF/ Kapurthala has sought a clarification whether Settlement/Kit Passes can be issued to the staff retiring from
railway service before completion of 20 years Railway service. The case has been examined in detail. It has
been decided that Settlement/Kit passes may be issued to the Railway employees in all cases of quitting railway
service excepting dismissal cases irrespective of their entitlement for PRC Passes…… SC 179/2003
रे लवे के जी*वत/सेवा नव ृ त कम%चार-/अ(धका:रय को Aकट पास जार- करने का *व(धमाJयता
Validity of Kit pass issued to Serving/Retired Staff/Officers of Railways
It has been decided that validity of kit pass in respect of serving as well as retired railway servant will be
three months from the date of issue of such kit pass. ….SC 217/2006.

कY सरकार के कम%चा:रय का बीमा पशन योजना 1980 (सीजीईआईएस 1980)

Rate of Subscription & Corresponding Insurance cover under CGEIS 1980.
Group of 01.01.1982 to 31.12.89 From 01.01.1990
employee Initial Recovery, Recovery Insurance Initial Recovery, Recovery Insurance
(on joining on or from cover (on joining on or from cover
after 2 January) next year after 2 January) next year
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Group ‘A’ Rs.24 Rs.80 Rs.80000 Rs.40 Rs.120 Rs.120000

Group ‘B’ Rs.12 Rs.40 Rs.40000 Rs.20 Rs. 60 Rs. 60000

Group ‘C’ Rs. 6 Rs.20 Rs.20000 Rs.10 Rs. 30 Rs. 30000

Group ‘D’ Rs. 3 Rs.10 Rs.10000 Rs. 5 Rs. 15 Rs. 15000

CGEIS ’80 being good social security was introduced w.e.f. 01.01.1982 on Railways vide letter dated 21.11.1980.
This is intended to provide for employees, the twin benefits
(1) an insurance cover to help the family in the event of death while in service and
[2] payment of lump sum payment to augment resources on retirement, at a low cost, and on a wholly
contributory and self-financing basis.

सेवा म रहते हुए कम%चार- क, म ृ यु होने पर In the event of death of an employee while in service, the
family will be paid:-
(i) The Insurance Cover amount; and
(ii) An amount equal to the portion of subscription credited to the ‘Savings Fund’ together
with the accumulated interest thereon.
म ृ यु तथा म ृ यु के अलावा अJय घटनाओं पर सेवा समािFतIn the event of cessation, other than death:- In
the event of cessation, other than death, a substantial part of subscription together with compound interest
would be paid back to the employees when they cease to be Railway employees, in accordance with the
“Tables of Benefits for the savings fund for the relevant period” as circulated from time to time.
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ का सार A brief on Retirement benefits 25

\याज का दर The rate of interest payable on savings fund and the apportionment of savings fund and
insurance fund as amended / modified from time to time is indicated below in tabulation.

From To Interest (*) Savings 68.75% from 1.1.82 to 31.12.87

1.1.1982 31.12.1982 10% OM No Fund: 70% from 1.1.88 and onwards
1.1.1983 31.12.1986 11% Dt. 29-12-2009
SC 8/2010
1.1.1987 31.12.2000 12% & Insurance 31.25% from 1.1.82 to 31.12.87
RBE 14/2011…
SC 17/2011
1.1.2001 31.12.2001 11% Fund: 30% from 1.1.88 and onwards

1.1.2002 31.12.2002 9.50%

1.1.2003 31.12.2003 9.00%

1.1.2004 31.11.2011 8.00%

1.12.2011 31.03.2012 8.6% SC 55/2012

1.04.2012 31.03.2013 8.8% SC 10/2013

1.04.2013 8.7% SC 06/2014

(*) Interest p.a. compounded quarterly

सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ पर सं त ववरण 26
A brief on Retirement benefits
प रवार पशन योजना 1964
Family Pension Scheme 1964
यह या है What it is? It is a social security benefit paid monthly to the surviving family members
who are otherwise eligible and covered under the scheme who were wholly dependent on a Railway
servant in the case of death of the employee irrespective of whether death occurs during service or
after retirement. [In case of missing employees/ Pensioners, the cases will be treated at par with death
subject to fulfillment of prescribed conditions]
सामा य मू!य के प रवार पशन Family pension at ordinary rates
Family pension at normal rates shall be calculated at a uniform rate of 30% of basic pay in all cases
and shall be subject to a minimum of Rs.3500/- p.m. and maximum of 30% of the highest pay in the
Government. [The highest pay in the Govt. is Rs.90,000 since 1.1.2006].
नोट Note:-
Qualifying service is irrelevant for sanction of family pension at normal rates.
If the deceased railway servant concerned immediately prior to his appointment to the service or
post was examined by the appropriate medical authority and declared fit by that authority for
railway service, family pension is admissible.
बढ% दर' पर प रवार पशन Family pension at enhanced rates
Family pension at enhanced rates shall be payable to the family of a Railway servant who dies in
service from the date of death of the Railway servant for a period of ten years, without any upper
age limit. There will be no change in the period for payment of enhanced family pension to the
family in the case of death of a pensioner. –
In other words the enhanced family pension payable will be: -
[a] for ten years in case of death of a Railway Servant while in service and
[b] for seven years in case of death of a Railway Servant after retirement, or for a period
up to the date on which the retired deceased Railway Servant would have attend the
age of sixty seven years had he/ she survived, whichever is less.
िजसको और कब तक भग
ु तान +कया जाता है To whom & how long it is payable? –
For the purpose of grant of Family Pension, the ‘Family’ shall be categorized as under:
संवग- –I (/ाथ1मक प रवार पशन) Category –I [Primary family pension]
[a] Widow or widower, up to the date of death or re-marriage, whichever is earlier.
[b] Son/ daughter [including divorced or widowed daughter], up to the date of his/her marriage/re-
marriage or till the date he/she starts earning or till the age of 25 years, whichever is the
संवग- – II (मा3य1मक प रवार पशन) Category –II [Secondary family pension]
[c] Unmarried /Widowed/ Divorced daughter, not covered by Category-I above, up to the date of
marriage/re-marriage or death or till the date she starts earning whichever is earliest.
[d] Parents who were wholly dependent on the employee when he/she was alive provided the
deceased had left behind neither a widow nor a child.
नोट Note:- Members in Category-II shall become eligible for payment only after the other eligible
family members in Category-I have ceased to be eligible to receive family pension.
/ाथ1मक प रवार पशन PRIMARY FAMILY PENSION
वधवा या वधुर Widow or widower: - Family Pension shall be payable, in the case of a widow or
widower, up to the date of death or remarriage, whichever is earlier. Thereafter, the same shall be
paid to the eligible children.
एक से अ8धक वधवा More than one widow: - Where the deceased railway servant or pensioner
is survived by more than one widow the family pension shall be paid to the widows in equal
shares. On the death of a widow, her share of the family pension, shall become payable to her
eligible child. Provided that if the widow is not survived by any child, her share of the family pension
shall not lapse but shall be payable to the other widows in equal share, or if there is only one such
other widow, in full, to her. (Sub rule 7(i) of Rule No 75 of RS (Pension) Rules, 1993)
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ पर सं त ववरण 27
A brief on Retirement benefits

वधवा बनाम अह- क ब9चे/दस

ू र% प नी जो जी वत नह%ं है के ब9चे Widow Vs eligible child/
children from another wife who is not alive:
- Where the deceased railway servant or pensioner is survived by a widow but has left behind eligible
child or children from another wife who is not alive, the eligible child or children shall be entitled to the
share of family pension which the mother would have received if she had been alive at the time of the
death of the railway servant or pensioner. Provided that on the share or shares of family pension
payable to such a child or children or to a widow or widows ceasing to be payable, such share or
shares not lapse but shall be payable to the other widow or widows or the other child or children
otherwise eligible in equal shares, or if there is only one widow or child, in full, to such widow or
child. Sub rule 7(ii) of Rule No 75 of RS (Pension) Rules, 1993)

वधवा बनाम अह- क ब9चा/ब9चे तलाक शुदा प नी या पि नय' से ब9चे

Widow Vs eligible child/ children from a divorced wife or wives: -
Where the deceased railway servant or pensioner is survived by widow but has left behind child or
children from a divorced wife or wives, such child or children if they satisfy other conditions of the
eligibility for payment of family pension shall be entitled to the share of family pension which the
mother would have received at the time of death of the railway servant or pensioner had she not
been so divorced. Provided on the share or shares of family pension payable to such a child or
children or to a widow or widows ceasing to be payable, such share or shares shall not lapse but shall
be payable to the other widow or widows or to the child or children otherwise eligible, in equal
shares, or if there is only one widow or child, in full, to such widow or child. (Rule No 75 [7] (iii) of RS
(Pension) Rules, 1993)
ब चे Children: -
Where a deceased railway servant or pensioner leaves behind more children than one, the eldest
child shall be entitled to the family pension on the first occasion and after the first child becomes
ineligible the next child shall become eligible for the grant of family pension. (Sub rule 9 of Rule No
75 of RS (Pension) Rules, 1993)
नोट Note: - in the case of a son, until he attains the age of twenty five years; and in the case of an
unmarried daughter, until she attains the age of twenty five years or until she gets married,
whichever is earlier: Unmarried daughter beyond 25 years age shall also be eligible under Category –
II subject to other conditions. The family pension payable to a son or daughter shall be stopped if he
or she starts earning his or her livelihood. The age limits in case of minor Son or unmarried daughter
(other than those suffering from disorder or disability of mind including mentally retarded) shall be:-
(18 and 21 years up to 28.03.1978); -
(21 and 24 years up to 20.05.1986);
(21 and 30 years up to 05.08.1987); &
25 years w.e.f. 06.08.1987, for both son and unmarried daughter uniformly.
वधवा/तलाकशुदा प=
ु ी -25 वष- क@ आयु से कमवाल% हो
WIDOW/ DIVORCED DAUGHTER-- below 25 years of age
Widow/ divorced daughter below 25 years of age were included in the definition of family for the
grant of family pension….effective from 01.01.1998….. RBE 142/97--- SC 181/1997.
पुनः ववाह के बाद Cबना ब9च'वाल% वधवा Childless widow after remarriage: -
The childless widow of a deceased Rly servant shall continue to be paid family pension even after her
remarriage subject to the condition that the family pension shall cease once her independent income
from all other sources becomes equal to or higher than the minimum prescribed family pension [on or
after 01.01.2006] SC 118/2008 & SC 51/2011.
शार% रक Dप से अशEत प रवार के सदFय को वशेष /ावधान
Special Provision(s) to PH family member:-
Provided that if the son or daughter, of a railway servant is suffering from any disorder or disability of
mind including mentally retarded or is physically crippled or disabled so as to render him or her
unable to earn a living even after attaining the age of twenty-five years, the family pension shall be
payable to such son or daughter for life subject to the following conditions, namely: -
(a) the family pension shall be paid to such sons or daughters through the guardian as if he or she
were a minor on the basis of guardianship certificate or the guardian appointed by a court
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ पर सं त ववरण 28
A brief on Retirement benefits
except in the case of physically crippled son / daughter who has attained the age of
majority. (/ाAuth: - Lr no. F (E) III/ 94/ PN-1/ 31 (Amendment) dated 3.2.95)
(b) before allowing the family pension for life to any such son or daughter, the sanctioning
authority shall satisfy that the handicap is of such, prevent him or her from earning his or her
livelihood and the same shall be evidenced by a certificate obtained from Medical Board
setting out, as far as possible, the exact mental or physical condition of the child; (Auth: - Lr
no. F (E) III/2008/PN 1/10 dated 22.10.08)
(c) the person receiving the family pension as a guardian of such son or daughter shall produce,
once, if the disability is permanent, and once in every five years, if the disability is
temporary, a certificate from a Medical Board to the effect that the son or daughter
continues to suffer from disorder or disability of mind including mentally retarded or
continues to be physically crippled or disabled. (F (E) III/2008/PN 1/10 dated 22.10.08)
(d) in the case of mentally retarded son or daughter, the family pension shall be payable to a
person nominated by the railway servant or the pensioner, as the case may be, and in case no
such nomination has been furnished to the Head of Office by such Railway servant or pensioner
during his life time, to the person nominated by the spouse of such Railway servant or family
pensioner, as the case may be, later on.
(e) If the sons and unmarried daughters including sons and unmarried daughters suffering from
disorder or disability of mind including mentally retarded are alive, the family pension shall
be payable in the order of their birth irrespective of the sex of the child and the younger of him
shall not be eligible for family pension unless the elder above him or her becomes ineligible for
the grant of family pension. In cases, where the family pension is payable to twin children, the
same shall be payable to such twin children in equal shares and in the event of any of such
children ceasing to be eligible for family pension, his or her share of family pension shall not
lapse but shall become payable to the other such child and when both such children become
ineligible for family pension, the family pension shall become payable to the next eligible single
child or twin, as the case may be. (F(E)III/99/PN 1/(Modification) of 23.5.2000)
अशEत तलाकशुदा/तलाकशुदा/ वधवा प=
Disabled divorced daughter from the date of divorce and disabled widowed daughter from the date of
death of husband are also eligible for family pension for life. Board’s letter No. F(E)III/98/PN1/4
dated 20.8.2001(PC-V/313 ) (RBE No.158/2001)… SC 208/2001.
Representations have been received for simplification of procedures, particularly with regard to
submission of a certificate to the Treasury/ Bank, as the case may be, every month by the Guardian
or son or daughter. Decided that in all such cases the Guardian or son or daughter, shall furnish a
certificate to the Treasury/Bank, as the case may be, every year instead of every month, as in the
existing provisions, subject to the condition that in case of any eventuality taking place at any point of
time during the year, the same shall be reported by the guardian or son or daughter, to the
Bank/Treasury at the earliest possible. RBE 73/2009…. Ser Cir No 69/2009.
वधवा/तलाकशुदा पु=ी -25 साल क@ उJ से अ8धक
WIDOW/ DIVORCED DAUGHTER –above 25 years of age
The age restriction of 25 years to Widow/ divorced daughter was removed and such widowed/
divorced daughters were also made eligible for family pension …. …..Such daughter, including
disabled divorced/widowed daughter, shall, however, not be required to come back to her parental
home as stipulated in SC 208/2001…. effective from 25.08.2004….. RBE No.44/2005---SC
it has now been clarified that family pension is admissible to widowed/divorced daughters irrespective
of the fact that the divorce/widowhood takes place after attaining the age of 25 years or before
attaining that age, Hence family pension shall be admissible to divorced/widowed daughter from 25-
08-2004 or from the date of divorce/widowhood or from the date on which her turn for family
pension materializes, whichever is later----RBE No.152 /2006…SC 178/2006
नोट Note: the family pension to widowed/divorced/unmarried daughters above the age of 25 years,
shall be payable only after the other eligible children below the age of 25 years have ceased to be
eligible to receive family pension and that there is no disabled child to receive the family pension.
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A brief on Retirement benefits
एक से अ8धक वधवा या तलाक शुदा पु=ी
In case of two or more widowed or divorced daughters, elder one will be entitled first for grant of
family pension. The turn of younger one will materialize only when the elder daughter ceases to draw
family pension…SC 124/2007
Query: How the claim of an elder daughter becoming widow or getting divorced while her younger
widowed /divorced sister is already in receipt of family pension, is to be regulated? Clarified In such
a situation the younger widowed/ divorced daughter may continue to draw the family pension for life.
The elder widowed/ divorced daughter would get the family pension only after the younger daughter,
who is in receipt of family pension, becomes ineligible by way of death / income criteria etc. as
provided in the Rules. RBE No. 98/2008---SC 105/1998
Unmarried daughters beyond 25 years of age shall also be eligible for family pension at par with the
widowed / divorced daughters subject to other conditions being fulfilled W.E.F 06.09.2007 RBE
116/2007---SC 129/2007
Grant of family pension to unmarried / widowed / divorced daughters shall be payable in order of
their date of birth and younger of them will not be eligible for family pension unless the next above
her has become ineligible for grant of family pension. It is further clarified that family pension to
unmarried / widowed / divorced daughters above the age of 25 years shall be payable only after the
other eligible children below the age of 25 years have ceased to be eligible to receive family pension
and that there is no disabled child to receive the family pension. RBE 116/2007---SC 129/2007
ु )माता- पता PARENTS: - Such of those parents who fulfill the following conditions are
eligible for family pension
a) The parents were wholly dependent on the Govt. servant when he / she was alive.
b) The employee has not left behind a widow/ widower, eligible son or daughter or a widowed/
divorced daughter, who will have a prior claim to family pension in the order indicated.
Effective from 01.01.1998…..
नोट Note:-
• Parents and widow/ divorced daughters were included in the definition of family --- RBE
142/97--- SC 181/1997.
• The family pension wherever admissible to parents, the mother will receive the pension first and
after her death the father will receive the family pension ----RBE 229 / 99 SC 259 / 99
It is clarified that parents are eligible for family pension at the ordinary rate only i.e., 30% of the pay of
the deceased employee … RBE No. 66/2002---SC 104/2002
It is clarified that Step-mother is not covered by the definition ‘family’ for the purpose of family
pension-- RBE No.71/04---SC 61/2004
आ त अश त (भाई एवं बहन) DEPENDENT DISABLED SIBLINGS (i.e. Brothers & Sisters)
Decided to include the dependent disabled siblings [i.e. brothers/sisters] of Government
servants/pensioners in the definition of ‘family’ for the purpose of eligibility for family pension. Such
disabled siblings shall be eligible for family pension for life in the same manner and following the
same disability criteria, as in the case of son/daughter of Government employees/ Pensioners
suffering from any disorder or disability of mind [including mentally retarded] or physically crippled or
disabled, so as to render him/her unable to earn a living even after attaining the age of 25 years. ----
RBE 159/2009---SC 151/2009.
नोटNote: Only after the members in Category-I [Primary family pension] ceasing to be eligible for
family pension, the members in Category – II [secondary family pension] shall become eligible for
family pension; that is, the widow/divorced/unmarried daughters (in the order of their ages) shall be
eligible in the first instance, after they became ineligible the parents [widow mother first and
widower-father next] will have next claim and only after their ineligibility, the dependent disabled
siblings [i.e. brothers/sisters] shall have claim.
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ पर सं त ववरण 30
A brief on Retirement benefits

पीपीओ म नाम' को शा1मल करने क@ /+Lया

Inclusion of names in the PPO – Procedure for
It is hereby clarified that in cases wherein eligibility of family members (i.e. divorced or widowed or
unmarried daughter/ parents/ dependent disabled siblings (i.e. brothers/sisters) occurs after issue of
the PPO, the pensioner himself or his/her spouse may intimate the details/ names of divorced or
widowed or unmarried daughter/ parents/ dependent disabled siblings (i.e. brothers and sisters), to
the pension sanctioning authority. Similarly, in cases where the pensioner or his/her spouse has
expired, the widowed or divorced or unmarried daughter/ parents/ dependent disabled sibling can
themselves intimate such details to the pension sanctioning authority. However, the family pension
in such cases can be processed by the pension sanctioning authority even without such
intimation/acknowledgment, if sufficient proof of entitlement is produced by the claimant and all
other conditions for grant of family pension are fulfilled. ---
RBA 4/10—SC 72/2010. & RBA 16/10----SC 106/2010
Representations received from various quarters to the effect that
[1] The claims of widows/ divorced/unmarried daughters and dependent disabled siblings are not
being entertained on the plea that their names do not appear in the details of family members
submitted by the Government Servant/Pension to the Head of Office from where he/she had retired.
[2] Besides, in cases where a Government Servant/ Pensioner had expired prior to the issue of
orders by this Department, the claims of widowed/divorced/unmarried daughters, etc., for family
pension are not being entertained on the plea that they were not eligible for family pension at the
time of retirement/death of the Government Servant or death of the Pensioner.
It is hereby clarified that subject to fulfillment of other conditions laid down therein, the
widowed/divorced/unmarried daughter of a Government Servant/Pensioner, will be eligible for
family pension with effect from the date of issue of respective orders irrespective of the date of
death of the Government Servant/Pensioner. Consequently, financial benefits in such cases will
accrue from the date of issue of respective orders. The cases of dependent disabled siblings of the
Government Servants/Pensioners would also be covered on the above lines - - - SC 68/2011

प रवार पशन- आ8Mतता के 1लए आय क@ उ9चतम सीमा

Family Pension - Income ceiling for dependency
The family pension payable to a son/daughter shall be stopped if he or she starts earning his or
her livelihood (*). (*)The restriction of earning livelihood for the purpose of stopping of family
pension was considered since Rules do not define the question of livelihood, and it was decided to
remove this restriction w.e.f.18.01.1993 [Bd’s lr No. F[E]III/93/PN 1/19 Dt. 14.05.1993]
In partial modification of O.M.No. 1(26)-P&PW/90-(E), dt. 18.01.93, the income criteria will be
that their earning is not more than Rs.2550/- per month.[for all i.e., sons/daughters, widowed/
divorced daughters etc] RBE 81/1998- - - SC 115/1998
The dependency criteria for the purpose of family pension shall be the minimum family pension
along with dearness relief thereon. Para 8.5 of SC 118/2008, & Para [4] of RBE 99/2013 SC
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ पर सं त ववरण A brief on Retirement benefits 31

नया पशन णाल New Pension System (01.01.2004): -A new restructured defined contribution
pension system (NPS) for new entrants is introduced w.e.f.01.01.2004, replacing the existing system of
defined benefit pension system. This new scheme is mandatory to the new recruits entering into
Railway service from 1.1.2004, and the existing pension scheme & SRPF Rules are not applicable to the
new entrants.The new scheme has two tiers i.e., Tier-I & Tier-II.
टायर Tier-I
In tier-I, Govt., servants shall compulsorily make a contribution at the rate of 10% of salary &
DA and a matching contribution will be made by the Govt... (‘Salary’ means ‘Basic Pay’).
The contributions and investment returns would be deposited in a non-withdrawable pension
tier-I account.
टायर Tier-II
In addition, each Govt servant may also have a tier-II withdrawable account at his option.
Government will not make any contribution to this tier-II account.
This withdrawable account does not constitute pension investment and would attract no special
tax treatment.
EXIT: - A Government servant covered under the new system can exit at or after attaining the age of
60 years from the tier-I of the system.
⇒ At exit, it would be mandatory for the individual to invest 40% of the pension wealth to
purchase an annuity from an IRDA regulated life insurance company, which will provide for
pension for the lifetime of the employee and his dependent parents/spouse at the time of
⇒ In the case of Government servants, who leave the system before attaining the age of 60 years,
the mandatory annuitisation would be 80% of the pension wealth.
एन पी एस का काया!"वयन Implementation of N P S
(a) The new pension system is effective from 1.1.2004.
(b) The contributions towards the system will be recovered from salary bills every month at the
rate of 10% of Basic Pay and DA, and would be deposited with a matching contribution.
(c) The system of voluntary contribution under Tier-II is not operative now
(d) Recoveries towards the contribution to tier-I of the system shall be made from the 1st of the
month following the month in which the Railway servant has joined the service.
(e) No deduction will be made from his salary earned in the month of joining the service.
⇒ The associate bill passing Accounts Officer will allot a unique 16 digit permanent pension
account number as under:-
1st to 4th digit Calendar year in which the account is opened (To be allotted by Railway)
5th digit Ministry Code as allotted by CGA (Code No. ‘.5’ has been allotted to Railways).
6th to Zone/Production unit Code (As per FMIS Programme to be allotted by FA&CAOs
8th digits themselves prefixing ‘0’ to the existing 2 digit railway code.
9th to 11th Associate Accounting Unit Codes to be allotted by FA&CAOs themselves starting from
digits 001.
12th to 16th Employee Number (To be allotted by Associate Accounts Office concerned starting
digits from 00001 running from January to December of a calendar year)
एनपीएस ...........$श ु/ $श ु NPS…Apprentices/ Trainees: -It is clarified that the employees: -
[a] who were put on induction training after appointment prior to 01-01-04 and are paid salary from
that date would be covered under Pension Scheme.(RBE 169 /06) SC 201/2006
[b] who were required to undergo departmental training relating to jobs prior to 01.01.2004 before
they were put on regular employment and were in receipt of stipend during such training would also
be covered under old Pension Scheme provided the period spent on such training was eligible for
being counted as qualifying service under the old Pension Rules (RBE 47/2008) SC 46/2008
एनपीएस अ नयत मजदरू NPS…Casual Laborers: The grant of temporary status to casual
employees is without reference to the availability of regular Gr. ‘D’ post, the casual employees on
grant of temporary status do not hold any post under the Government. The individuals who have
been regularized after the introduction of New Pension Scheme will be governed by the same. SC
एनपीएस एवजी NPS…Substitutes:- Substitutes, who got temporary status prior to 01.01.2004, but
regularized/ absorbed after 01.01.2004 and after regularization, if the date of appointment is prior to
01.01.2004, in terms of M.C. 20/1991 and Para-6 of RBE 137/10 SC 138/2010, then they may be
covered under Old Pension Scheme.—RBE 121/2014…SC 128/2014.
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ पर सं त ववरण A brief on Retirement benefits 32

In respect of employees who joined service after 01.01.2004 and transferred to new bill unit/
accounting unit, Permanent Retirement Account Number [PRAN] should invariably be indicated by
the bill drawing Officers in the LPCs to facilitate correct transfer of accumulations to the respective
account…. CPO/SC’s Lr No. P(R)500/NPS Dt.27-7-2010.
आधार काड! के आधार पर बॉयो – मे 2क जांच णाल Aadhaar based bio-metric
verification system: Board have issued the process flow of the scheme of Aadhaar based Bio-
metric verification system. Board have also advised that it may be ensured Aadhaar number is
incorporated in the pension application submitted by the employees while filling up their settlement
papers.RBE 38/2014…SC 143/2014
एन पी एस 4वारा संर त म ृ यु पर अ त5र6त राहत/ सरकार कम!चा5रय7 क8 अश6तता
Additional Relief on Death/ Disability of Government servants covered by NPS
Decided to extend the following benefits to Central Civil Government Servants covered by the New
Pension Scheme, on provisional basis till further orders:
I] Retirement from Govt. service on invalidation not attributable to Govt. duty
[i] Invalid Pension calculated in terms of Rule 38 and Rule 55 & 69 of RS [Pension] Rules
Rule 49 of the CCS [Pension] Rules, 1972. 1993
[ii] Retirement gratuity calculated in terms of Rule 50 Rule 70 of RS [Pension] Rules, 1993
of the Central Civil Services [Pension] Rules, 1972
II] Death in service not attributable to Government duty:
[i] Family Pension [including enhanced family pension] Rule 75 of RS [Pension] Rules, 1993
computed in terms of Rule 54 of the Central Civil
Services {Pension} Rules, 1972.
[ii] Death gratuity computed in terms of Rule 50 of Rule 70 of RS [Pension] Rules, 1993
Central Civil Services [Pension] Rules, 1972.
III] Discharge from Govt service due to disease /injury attributable to Government duty.
[i] Disability Pension computed in terms of the Central RS [Extraordinary Pension] Rules
Civil Services [Extraordinary Pension] Rules.
[ii] Retirement gratuity computed in terms of the CCS Rule 70 of RS [Pension] Rules, 1993
[Extraordinary Pension] Rules read with Rule 50 of
the Central Civil Services [Pension] Rules, 1972.
IV] Death in service attributable to Government duty:
[i] Extraordinary Family Pension computed in terms of RS [Extraordinary Pension] Rules
Central Civil Services [Extraordinary Pension] Rules and Scheme for Liberalized
and Scheme for Liberalized Pensionary Awards Pensionary Awards
[ii] Death gratuity computed in terms of Rule 50 of Rule 70 of RS [Pension] Rules, 1993
Central Civil Services [Pension] Rules, 1972.
The employee / his family will also be paid Dearness Pension /Dearness Relief admissible from time to
time in addition to the above benefits, on provisional basis….These instructions will take effect
from the same date i.e. 1.1.2004. RBA 31/2009….SC 97/2009.
Additional benefits on death/disability of Government Servant covered by NPS: Board have
clarified that in case that any additional relief or benefit is provided to the family members of a
deceased NPS subscriber / subscriber due to any ground like invalidation leading to loss of
employment in lieu of the benefits available under National Pension System, the claimants to the
accumulated pension wealth of the deceased subscriber / subscriber would be free to avail such
benefits subject to the condition that they specifically agree and under to transfer the accumulated
pension wealth to the Government Department unconditionally.RBE 96/2014..SC 111/2014.
वग:करण (एनपीएस) Clarifications (NPS)
एनपीएस के तहत संर त एक कम!चार को सेवा नविृ त के बाद अवकाश नकद करण के $लए
हकदार है या नह ं ?
Whether an employee covered under NPS is entitled for leave encashment after
The benefit of encashment of leave salary is not a part of the retirement benefits admissible under RS
(Pension) Rules –1993. It is payable in terms Railway Leave Rules which will continue to be
applicable to the government servants who join the government service on after 1.1.2004.
Therefore, the benefit of encashment of leave salary payable to the government/to their families on
account of retirement/death will be admissible….Point No (1) of SC 101/2004
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ पर सं त ववरण A brief on Retirement benefits 33

टायर - I से कोई "यूनतम उA या "यूनतम सेवा क8 आवBयकता है

Whether any minimum age or minimum service is required to quite from Tier-I
Exit from Tier-I can only take place when an individual leaves Govt. service…Point No (5) of SC
चाहे डीपी ट यर - I के $लए 10% क8 वसूल के $लए मूल वेतन के Fप म Gगना जाता है ?
Whether DP is counted as basic pay for recovery of 10% for Tier-I?
As per the scheme, the total DA is to taken into account for working out the contributions.
Subsequently, w.e.f.01.04.2004, 50% of the “DA” has been treated as DP. Therefore, this should
also be reckoned for the purpose of contributions…Point No (6) of SC 101/2004

महं गाई भ ते क8 बकाया रा$श से ट यर - I क8 दशा म योगदान चाहे काट जाती है ?

Whether contribution towards Tier-I from arrears of DA is to be deducted?
Yes, Since the contribution is to be worked out at 10% of Pay + DP +DA, it needs to be revised
whenever there is any change in these elements...Point No (9) of SC 101/2004.

Whether the non-practicing allowance (NPA) payable to medical officers will count
towards ‘pay’ for the purpose of working out contributions to NPS?
Yes. ….Point No (17) of SC 101/2004
य द Hकसी कम!चार को माह के दौरान Jथानांतरण Hकया गया हो तो 6या होगा ?
What happens if any employee gets transferred during the month? Which office will
make deduction of contributions?
As in the case of other recoveries, the recovery of contributions towards NPS for the full month (both
individual and government) will be made by the office that will draw salary for maximum period of the
month…..Point No (16) of SC 101/2004
Whether a government servant who was already in service prior to 1.1.2004, if appointed
in a different post under the government of India will be governed by the CCS (P)
Rules/Railway Services (Pension) Rules – 1993 or NPS?
In cases where government servants apply for posts in the same or other departments and on
selection they are asked to render technical resignation the past services are counted towards
pension under CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972/ RS (Pension) Rules –1993. Since the government servant
had originally joined government service prior to 1.1.2004, he should be covered under the CCS
(Pension) Rules, 1972/ RS (Pension) Rules,1993……Point No (18) of SC 101/2004
Whether Charge Allowance payable to staff will count towards ‘pay’ for the purpose of
working out contributions to New Pension System?
Charge allowance shall count along with pay for the purpose of working out contributions to New
Pension System…..Point No (19) of SC 101/2004
Whether pay element in Running Allowance counts towards ‘pay’ for the purpose of
working out contributions by Running staff to NPS?
Contribution payable by Running Staff shall be 10% of Basic Pay + Pay Element (30% of basic Pay at
present) +DA thereon…..Point No (20) of SC 101/2004
Whether (both Government and employee’s) contributions towards Tier-I are taken as
income for the purpose of Income Tax or it will be exempted?
The Tax treatment of the NPS in respect of Central Government was provided for in the Budget 2004-
05. The universally accepted formula of EET (Exempt, Exempt, Tax) has been adopted, that is, the
contributions will be excluded from income for tax purposes. The accruals will also be exempt from
tax; and only the terminal benefits will be taxed at the applicable rate in the year of receipt…..Point
No (4) of SC 123/2006
Can any individual continue to contribute under Tier-I even after the age of 60 years?
Yes. However, in case of Government employees, the government’s contribution will cease when the
employee reaches the age of 60 years….Point No (5) of SC 123/2006
Whether a military pensioner re-employed in Railway service on or after 1.1.2004, can be
allowed to exercise the option under Rule 34 of RS (Pension), Rules, 1993, to draw
combined pension taking into account the military service along with railway service
treating him as a pre-1.1.04 appointee.
All the fresh appointees joining service on or after 1.1.04 will be inducted into New Pension Scheme.
As per orders of Department of Economic Affairs, Rule No.19 of CCS (Pension), Rules, 1972 which
corresponds to Rule No.34 of Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993, is not applicable to the fresh
employees appointed on or after 1.1.04. Accordingly, the military personnel who have been re-
employed in civil or railway service on or after 1.1.04 will have no connection with CCS (Pension)
सेवा नविृ त हतलाभ पर सं त ववरण A brief on Retirement benefits 34

Rules, 1972/RS (Pension), Rules, 1993 and are required to be inducted into the New Pension
Scheme…..RBA No.40/06 …SC 124/2006
The matter regarding the month in which the employee’s contribution towards New
Pension System recovered from the employees on deputation or whose wage period does
not coincide with calendar month will be shown, as also interest payable on such
As per Rule 9 of the GPF Rules, when a subscriber is transferred to foreign service or sent on
deputation out of India, he shall remain subject to the rules of the Fund in the same manner as if he
were not so transferred or sent on deputation. In view of this, Rules 10 & 11 of GPF Rules regarding
‘ realization of subscriptions’ and ‘interest’ are applicable in the case of persons sent on deputation, as
well. It may be clarified that the GPF Rules are not applicable to the Government servants appointed
on or after 1/1/2004. The above clarification is only for the purpose of adopting the methodology in
the GPF Rules in the case of those Gov’t employees who are covered by ‘NPS’ and are on deputation
to the other Departments, as per the advice of DEA….RBA No. …35/07…SC 3/2008
(फामुला एवं उदाहरण Formulae & illustrations) 35

पशन PENSION: -
Pension shall be calculated at 50% of the last Pay (pay in the Pay Band + Grade Pay) drawn by the
employee at the time of his/her retirement or 50% of the average emoluments, whichever is more.
The minimum pension granted to a Railway Servant is 3500/- per month w.e.f. 01.01.2006.

गैर- र नंग कमचा रय के लए फामुला Formula for Non-Running Staff:

Basic Pay in Pay band + GP 50% of Average
or Whichever is more
Pension = Two Emoluments
↔ उदाहरण Example: -
Basic Pay [Pay in PB+GP] = Rs 20,000 as on 31.05.2015
50% of Rs.20, 000 will be Basic Pension, that is, Rs. 20,000/2 = Rs.10, 000

र नंग कमचा रय के लए फामुला (लोको पायलटः गाड एवं टॉवर कार %ाइवर)
Formula for Running Staff (Loco Pilots: Guards & Tower Car Drivers)
In case of Running Staff, pay element shall also include 55% of the pay for reckoning emoluments.
Basic (Pay in PB+GP) +
or 50% of Average Whichever is more
Pension = (55% of Pay in PB + 55% of GP)
↔ उदारहण Example: -
Basic Pay [Pay in PB+GP] = Rs 20,000 as on 31.05.2015
55% of Basic Pay = Rs.11, 000
Total = Rs.31, 000
50% of Rs.31, 000 will be Basic Pension, that is, Rs. 31,000/2 = Rs.15, 500

र नंग कमचा रय के लए फामुला (लोको नर()क)

Formula for Running Staff (Loco Inspectors)
In case of Loco Inspectors [drafted from running category] 30% pay element shall be reckoned as
pay for computation of Pension and Gratuity only, and not for any purpose.
↔ उदाहरण Example: -
Basic Pay [Pay in PB+GP] = Rs 20,000 as on 31.05.2015
30% of Basic Pay = Rs. 6, 000
Total = Rs.26, 000
50% of Rs.26, 000 will be Basic Pension, that is, Rs. 26,000/2 = Rs.13, 000


The lump-sum commutation value will be arrived at by multiplying the commuted portion of pension
by a factor relevant to age next birthday x 12.
फामुला Formula
40% of Basic Pension x 12 x commuted value as on age as on next birthday (i.e. on 61 years age)
↔ उदाहरण Example: -
40% of Basic Pension = Rs.4, 000 that is, 40% of 10, 000/-
Commutation value at the age of 61 years is Rs.8.194
Therefore commuted value shall be Rs.3, 93,912 [Rs.4000 X 12 X 8.194]

सेवा नविृ .त उपदान RETIREMENT GRATUITY: -

It is a lump sum payment granted to those retiring after completing at least 5 years of qualifying
service. It is calculated at the rate of half of the emoluments for each completed six monthly period
of qualifying service subject to a maximum of 16 ½ times the emoluments subject to a maximum
amount of Rs.10, 00, 000/-
(फामुला एवं उदाहरण Formulae & illustrations) 36

गैर र नंग कमचा रय के लए फामुला Formula for Non-Running Staff

उपदान Gratuity = (Pay in the Pay Band + Grade Pay + DA) x (@) Qualifying Service/Two.
↔ उदाहरण Example: -
Basic Pay [Pay in PB+GP] = Rs 20,000 as on 31.05.2015
DA @ 113% w.e.f 01.01.2015 = Rs.22,600
Total = Rs.42,600
Qualifying service rendered = 34 years, but maximum to be reckoned is 33 years only
Hence, Retirement Gratuity eligible shall be 42, 600 X 16 ½ or 42, 600 X (33/2) = Rs.7, 02,900

र नंग कमचा रय के लए फामुला (लोको पायलटः गाड एवं टॉवर कार %ाइवर)
Formula for Running Staff (Loco Pilots: Guards & Tower Car Drivers)
In case of Running Staff, 30% of Basic Pay will be treated as Pay relating the Running Allowance.
Dearness Allowance as on the date of retirement shall be paid on the basic pay + the pay element of
the Running Allowance i.e., 30% of the Basic Pay.
Gratuity = Pay* + DA** x (@) Qualifying Service/ Two
*Pay = Pay + 55% of Pay
** DA = (Pay + 30% of Pay) x DA as on the date of retirement
↔ उदाहरण Example: -
Basic Pay [Pay in PB+GP] = Rs 20, 000 as on 31.05.2015
55% of Basic Pay = Rs.11, 000
Total pay = Rs.31, 000 - - - - - - - - - - -- - [A]
DA @ 113% w.e.f 01.01.2015 = Rs.29, 380 - - - - - - - - - - -- - [B]
[Pay+30% of pay X 113%]
Total emoluments = Rs.60, 380 - - - - - - - - [A] + [B]
Qualifying service rendered = 34 years, but maximum to be reckoned is 33 years only
Hence, Retirement Gratuity eligible shall be 60, 380 X 16 ½ or 60, 380 X (33/2) = Rs.9,96,270

र नंग कमचा रय के लए फामुला (लोको नर()क)

Formula for Running Staff (Loco Inspectors)
In case of Loco Inspectors [drafted from running category] 30% pay element shall be reckoned as
pay for computation of Pension and Gratuity only, and not for any purpose.
Gratuity = Pay** + DA*** x (@) Qualifying Service/ Two
**Pay = Pay + 30% of Pay
*** DA = DA (without pay element of 30%)as on the date of retirement
(@) Maximum qualifying service is 33 years

↔ उदाहरण Example: -
Basic Pay [Pay in PB+GP] = Rs 20,000 as on 31.05.2015
30% of Basic Pay = Rs. 6,000
DA @ 113% w.e.f 01.01.2015 = Rs.22,600
Total emoluments = Rs.48,600
Qualifying service rendered = 34 years, but maximum to be reckoned is 33 years only
Hence, Retirement Gratuity eligible shall be 48,600 X 16 ½ or 48,600 X (33/2) = Rs8,01,900

म.ृ यु उपदान Death gratuity: - It is granted to the family in the event of death while in service.
गैर-र नंग कमचा रय के लए फामुला Formula for Non-Running Staff
Gratuity = (Pay in the Pay Band + Grade Pay + DA) x Qualifying Service [Max 33 years]
↔ उदाहरण Example: -
Basic Pay [Pay in PB+GP] = Rs 20,000 as on 31.05.2015
DA @ 113% w.e.f 01.01.2015 = Rs.22,600
Total = Rs.42,600
Qualifying service rendered = 34 years, but maximum to be reckoned is 33 years only
Hence, Death Gratuity eligible shall be 42, 600 X 33 = Rs.14, 05,800 [Max Rs.10, 00, 000]
(फामुला एवं उदाहरण Formulae & illustrations) 37

र नंग कमचा रय के लए फामुला (लोको पायलटः गाड एवं टॉवर कार %ाइवर)
Formula for Running Staff (Loco Pilots: Guards & Tower Car Drivers)
Death Gratuity = Pay* + DA** x Qualifying Service [Max 33 years]
*Pay = Pay + 55% of Pay
** DA = (Pay + 30% of Pay) x DA as on the date of death
↔ उदाहरण Example: -
Basic Pay [Pay in PB+GP] = Rs 20, 000 as on 31.05.2015 [Date of Death]
55% of Basic Pay = Rs.11, 000
Total pay = Rs.31, 000 - - - - - - - - - - -- - [A]
DA @ 113% w.e.f 01.01.2015 = Rs.29, 380 - - - - - - - - - - -- - [B]
[Pay+30% of pay X 113%]
Total emoluments = Rs.60, 380 - - - - - -- - - [A] + [B]
Qualifying service rendered = 34 years, but maximum to be reckoned is 33 years only
Hence, Death Gratuity eligible shall be 60, 380 X 33 = Rs.19, 92,540 [Max Rs.10, 00, 000]

छु1ी का नकद(करण LEAVE ENCASHMENT: - Leave salary is a lump sum onetime payment
of the un availed leave at credit at the time of retirement or death. This is limited to the maximum of
300 days of LAP.
• In case any short fall of 300 days LAP, LHAP from his/her credit will be taken for the purpose of
leave encashment to the extent of shortfall of number of days of LAP. Accordingly the amount
towards shortfall of LAP is equivalent to half pay.
गैर-र नंग कमचा रय के लए फामुला Formula for Non-Running Staff
औवेछु – फामुला LAP - Formula
(Pay in Pay Band + GP + DA)
X No. of days of LAP subject to a maximum of 300 days
अऔवेछु-फामुला LHAP - Formula
(Pay in Pay Band + GP + DA) No. of days of LHAP to the extent of shortfall of
30 X 2 LAP
(*) subject to a maximum of 300 days of LAP +
↔ उदाहरण Example: -
Basic Pay [Pay in PB+GP] = Rs 20, 000 as on 31.05.2015 [Date of Death]
DA @ 113% w.e.f 01.01.2015 = Rs.22, 600
Total = Rs.42, 600
Leave encashment for 300 days = Rs.42, 600 X 300/30 = Rs.4, 26, 000.
If balance of LAP is 300 days & LHAP 200 days, the Leave encashment for 300 days LAP shall be
Rs.42, 600 X 300/30 = Rs.4, 26, 000.
If balance of LAP is 250 days & LHAP 200 days, the Leave encashment shall be subject to a maximum
of 300 days of LAP + LHAP put together as illustrated below: -
[A] Rs.42, 600 X 250/30 = Rs.3, 55, 000 for 250 days LAP and
[B] Rs.42, 600 X 50/ (30X2) = Rs. 35, 500 for 50 days LHAP
Total Leave Encashment -[A] + [B] = Rs.3, 90, 500
र नंग कमचा रय के लए फामुला (लोको पायलटः गाड एवं टॉवर कार %ाइवर)
Formula for Running Staff (Loco Pilots: Guards & Tower Car Drivers)
Note: -In case of Loco Inspectors, the calculation of Leave encashment will be at par with Non-
Running employees.
औवेछु – फामुला LAP - Formula
(Pay in Pay Band + GP +
DA on 30 % pay in PB & GP) No. of days of LAP subject to a maximum of 300 days
अऔवेछु-फामुला LHAP - Formula
(Pay in Pay Band + GP +
X No. of days of LHAP to the extent of shortfall of LAP
DA on 30 % pay in PB & GP)
(*) subject to a maximum of 300 days of LAP + LHAP
30 X 2
(फामुला एवं उदाहरण Formulae & illustrations) 38

↔ उदाहरण Example: -
Basic Pay [Pay in PB+GP] = Rs 20, 000 as on 31.05.2015
30 % of Basic Pay = Rs. 6, 000 [Pay element /Running Allowance]
Total pay = Rs.26, 000 - - - - - - - - - - -- - [A]
DA @ 113% w.e.f 01.01.2015 = Rs.29, 380 - - - - - - - - - - -- - [B]
[Pay+30% of pay X 113%]
Total emoluments = Rs.55, 380 - - - - - -- - - [A] + [B]
Leave encashment for 300 days = Rs.55, 380 X 300/30 = Rs.5, 53, 800.
If balance of LAP is 300 days & LHAP 200 days, the Leave encashment for 300 days LAP shall be
Rs.55, 380 X 300/30 = Rs.5, 53, 800.

If balance of LAP is 250 days & LHAP 200 days, the Leave encashment shall be subject to a maximum
of 300 days of LAP + LHAP put together as illustrated below: -

[A] Rs.55, 380 X 250/30 = Rs.4, 61, 500 for 250 days LAP and;
[B] Rs.55, 380 X 50/ (30X2) = Rs. 46, 150 for 50 days LHAP
Total Leave Encashment -[A] + [B] = Rs. 5,07, 650
पशन अदालत का आयोजन Conduct of Pension Adalats
The intention of conducting Pension Adalats is to examine the grievances of pensioners so as to redress
the same by taking on the spot decisions and to obviate the delays, if any, in the settlement of their dues. Such
a step would go a long way in instilling a sense of being cared for and attended to in the minds of pensioners
and thus dispel their feeling of neglect and isolation.
→ The Pension Adalats should be held on Railways/Production Units on 15th December each year or the first
working day after that date in case 15th is a holiday.
→ Wide and adequate publicity through print and visual media and other means like posters at prominent
places should be given in advance to enable the pensioners to send their cases in time for consideration in
such Adalats. This is necessary, as reference to various records is very often essential before a grievance
can be redressed. For this purpose, the following time frame should be adopted:
(a) Issue of notice by Railway through print and visual media and other By first week of
means about holding of Pension Adalats indicating date, venue, time of August every
Adalat and the name of Officer to whom the grievances have to be year.
(b) Last date for submission of grievances by Pensioners, which should be 31st October
indicated in the Notification mentioned above. every year.
→ The representation of Pensioners to be acknowledged indicating the date, venue and time of Pension Adalat.
→ The Pension Adalats should be conducted at the level of very senior Officers i.e. GM/AGMs, CPOs, FA&CAOs
and DRMs/ADRMs besides other Officers of Personnel, Accounts and other Departments concerned. The
representatives of Bank/other Pension Disbursing Authorities should also be co-opted in the Pension Adalats.
→ All Officers dealing with pension viz. Senior Officers of Personnel and Accounts Department and Managers of
the pension-disbursing Banks of Zonal or Divisional Headquarters should be present with all the relevant
records so that decisions are not postponed for the sake of referring to the records.
→ The Officers present in the Pension Adalats should be able to take decisions on the spot to redress the
grievances. In this connection it is pertinent to note that such meetings are not to take up policy matters but
they should deal with specific grievances of the individual pensioner, when represented by him personally or
by a family member of the Pensioner.
→ Cases involving purely legal points e.g. succession etc. cannot be taken up in the Adalat.
→ It should be ensured that all the cases which are tenable are settled at the time of Pension Adalat itself, but
in cases where it is not possible to settle the same on the spot, it should be settled and finalised within a
period of three months from the date of holding the Pension Adalat.
→ In those cases of grievances, which are not tenable. Pensioners may be suitably advised in writing.
RBE 34/1994; RBE 106/1994 & RBE 68/1995 (MC 63)

पशन अदालत का आयोजन तथा पशनभो गय को संभालना

Conduct of Pension Adalat and dealing with Pensioners
Railway Board have decided that CPO (IR) on Zonal Railways Headquarters, DPO on Divisions and a Dy.CPO in
Production Units will be the nodal officer for dealing with Pensioner’s Associations and coordinating with other
departments for addressing Pensioners’ concern raised by Associations & individual pensioners and replying to
their representations. Other units may also nominate officer of the appropriate level for this purpose.
In order to implement the above orders, the following are the modalities.
1. It is decided to conduct quarterly review meetings on nominated days i.e., 15th March, 15th June and 15th
September. However, 15th December happens to be Annual Pension Adalat Day. If any of the above
three nominated days happens to be a holiday, the review meeting would be conducted on the next
working day by CPO/IR in Headquarters and DPO/WPO/Nominated APOs in Divisions.
2. The grievances received during the relevant quarter will be the Agenda for the forthcoming review
meeting. No representatives or representationists will be called for meeting. This will be internal exercise
to review pending cases.
3. For the benefit of the Pensioner’s and Pensioners’ Associations, the relevant Rules/Circulars/Information
will be put on the Personnel Branch webpage of the South Central Railway website. The Pensioners can
login to the webpage as under: --- About us --- Departments ---
Personnel Department --- Welfare --- Pensioners Page.
SCR/P/HQ/650/Sett. Dated: 30-01-2012.

वजयवाडा Vijayawada (एम. ीरामल

ु ु M. Sree Ramulu)
जून June 2015 व र ठ मंडल का मक अ धकार
Senior Divisional Personnel Officer
वजयवाडा मंडल Vijayawada Division

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