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rff.. l-/51- v/4VVS.

33 ·.\Jlt . \ i .,�
lither before you did much to incur the
total dis- \i.l I •' v\l
fonn!i of rebellious behavior OI! the part of their
know to what
pitiable slaves. When is the last time I have had . obedience of Wbitechapel, and you
reason to order a public beating of a slave? Only the · specific incideii.t J refer without me havmg to re- L V (_ � jl
other week I read in The Virginian thafa man tried to collect the ghastly details. You've seen for
yourself ':f (
over ·the ?�
shoot an apple from the head of his slave �f some how the old man's · behavior has shown J
u ,,j
r's deat h, that be bear s y ou not I\ y IA V\Y'
twenty paces. The terrified slave ran from the man•s years since your fath e . JvvO 5
ted by your SA V\ •:� 1


.� arm and the man shot him for_ it. This inhuman dis- a shred o f mal ice fo r that act p erp etra ;
much C O O l,
is sim p y too
, · play parading! as discipline is a regular occurrence on father against his wife. There l

, � tiiese so-called 'tightly run' operations. I tell you all history between us alI to justify what -you
did last
d has,
the evidence supports my belief that as a long-term. night.. Too much. What began as a single threa :��
'I..'� . rodi¢0W,
E'1J]�-. -_ � V'.X'
neasurc it is a dis ter. Contrary to their arguments, gen erati ons , wov en itsel f into . p
'. over. th e .
1S no goodm :ff,�i

,sr�:..� r·\
such rough handling "".
provides rougher responses. c arpe t that cann ot b e unw ove n1T here

. .J
1he huma n spirit is p-�e in some but nature pretending that a_ sing le thre ad of cau se
\I_· ;o�s
\ shows
. .
t IS rebellious m most. Afncans may
I exists n ow when m actual fact the
and no �d m sight. The on!�
15 befu re us ·
\\lli& ( y )
'."' our infenor ?. but they exhibit the s e
�� � ties . I with man y be ginning ' ,Q,,
WC pos
s • even if th ey are merely umtatmg us . VI
/\. logi cal solu tto!' IS to oon tm u_ e with this w
01151b�y, that or v:e disca_
o ven com
lfil'lr // ,;.J
II ..l�
The management lS best exemplified b an plexi ty and beh ave res

egm agam. Down that ro ad
lies / . r•:}· · 0
� pprnach that treats them first and fo s
a u�s v�l vi· i. the entir e fabr ic and b
JCcts of God, though blessed witl esser faculti ·, and o,\- ,, ·chaos. · . :�'\
fl'I"'-' l lost his seco n d wife to_ your father.
· 'iJI
red ape
�- to the trade of slav . ou cannot Wbi tech _,..,p \
\:" \;J' \
c� oncile t� approa ch of mine with your beliefs (\ 01°. y OU kno w tha t. She wa s p ure and �sullied , until he
ape stay ;fU\I}. S
laid rutnds on her. Nevertheless, Whitech _:·l_�
l ed
then I must ask you to surrender your office as my
. . Sanders? Steady � � (})'(\
overseer. If you hold what I have rudely outlined to � : er ·after the birth of the boy

� with h _ . all there was to I/
you t� be true then you must adroit that the events of : i.· yourself. Your father said. you knew
. My father
fast mght were contrary to it and accordingly were know. He assured iny father of this fact ::�
wro1�g on your part. My fine is therefore fair. There took this to mea n that y wer e fully informed. · ft
wn. In all the
is much hard repair work to be done to win the Whitechapel raised the boy as his o
obedience �f the likes of Whitechapel again. But I years he told him nothing of his fori:ed
conception. I
been suffio�
[ :I
grant you 11 must be done. I renrind you that your thought you knew this. It wonld have \jl

p'U,r f C /I h 1,<l• t !LIi

VVl O �1 l .Y l"1
Y ,(A -
Cf , ,4_ V ,_.:j j-i Vj j-e -fM -£ /1/7-C,.,,,,V f .

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� •·· . �n�#;!Jlii'�,,,,,�*',,:;t".wil":. '•

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