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LESSON 6- Activity pg. 51 Complete the following phrases.

Answer the following. 1. The thing that makes me happy are fun moments in school, creating memories with

my friends, spending time with my family and God. I laugh the most with my friends, I

1. What is the common message of the quotes? spend time the most with my family, I create great memorable moments in school, and

The common message that the quotes wants us to know is that we will not obtain real
lastly I talk to God always. All of these makes me me genuinely happy.
happiness with material things, wealth, or power. That we will only obtain true happiness

through giving, serving, loving, and through thy Lord. We have to understand that if we
2. My happiness lies in God and in my own hands, I believe that if I want happiness I

want happiness then we must be contented and grateful always, we must not be greedy nor
must know how to be happy. It lies in my own hand because I am the only one that can

hateful, we must always seek for positiveness because happiness can never be seen in connect myself to God. It lies in my own hand to learn what it takes to achieve true

negativity. That the happiness that we need can only be given by God. happiness. It lies in my own hand to surround myself with positivity. I truly have faith

in God that's why I try my very best to always choose positivity in the midst of

2. Which quote struck you the most? Why? negativity, even though sometimes its hard but I know that I am surrounded with people

"Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions." -Dalai Lama who loves me. My happiness lies in God because only God alone can make me truly

This quote struck me the most, because I realized that if I want to be happy then I must start
and eternally happy.
on my own, I must not be dependent on others because the only thing that will truly give me

happiness is my actions and God, that if my actions are right and are obedient to God then
3. For me, true happiness means being able to be free from sadness. I believe when we

no one can take my happiness away from me. As I stated in my answer in question number
have contentment but also perseverance we will have our true happiness. When I create

1, we will not obtain true happiness with material things, wealth, or power. It is because stress-free memories, it is my happiness. When I laugh with people I know who are

happiness is not something ready-made, it is something that we should work on and seek
genuine, I believe I'm experiencing true happiness. When I talk to God, I am happy.

improvement on our own with the help of the Beatitudes, because the happiness that we
When I help and serve others, I am happy. I can decide whether to be happy or not, and

should really work on is the eternal happiness from God. I'll always choose to be happy. This is happiness for me, but as I have learned in this

lesson, the happiness that I am currently enjoying differs from the true happiness that I

3. Which quote do you agree with? Which one do you disagree? Explain your answers. need. It is true, it is eternal, and it is from God.
I agree to all of the quotes, all the quotes have common message and that is happiness will

never be obtained through power, wealth, or any worldly things, only through our own
LESSON 6- We Believe pg. 54
actions, values, and through our relationship with God we can obtain true happiness. Once

we have improved all of these maybe we will obtain true happiness, so let's always be
Why is it said that the Beatitudes promote values that are in direct contrast to what the

considerate and understanding because we are all children of God and let's learn to be happy
world promotes?
for other so that we can be happy on our own.
The Beatitudes opposes worldly values such as materialism, lust for wealth & power,

4. Which quote do you think best express the true meaning of happiness? Support your
and ruthless competitions. The Beatitudes run counter to this ways of the world because

answer. the poor and the powerless are marginalized. The Beatitudes does not contradict the

I believe that all the quotes expressed the true meaning of happiness, but I stand with my
values of the world rather the values of the world contradict the Beatitudes. The

answer in question number 2. The quote "Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes
Beatitudes are our light in finding true happiness, it guides us to leave worldly values

from our own actions" struck me the most therefore I think this quote expresses the true
that are unfair and immoral because these things will never lead us to true happiness

meaning of happiness the best. Happiness is not ready-made and will come from our own
and will only bring us closer to temptations. With the Beatitudes we are being taught
actions, I think that this means we must work for our happiness because it is not easily
how we can achieve true happiness, so it is important to understand the Beatitudes.
obtained especially if we misunderstand the real meaning of it. We must start on ourselves,

we must learn to be contented, to grateful, and to be loving always and forever. We must

keep our faith and strengthen it more as we grow.

LESSON 6- Let's Do These
Explain how the following oppose the values proposed in the Beatitudes.
True or False.
1. The truly beautiful in the society are those who are slim or sexy and have fair

True 1. The Beatitudes teach us the way to true happiness. complexion.

False 2. True happiness can be found in power and wealth. This is a worldly belief that is unfair and discriminatory. It greatly opposes the

False 3. The Beatitudes supports materialism. values of the beatitudes. In the beatitudes Jesus' described the characteristics of

True 4. The Beatitudes go against the values of the world. the ideal follower of Christ; slim, sexy, or fair complexion are not one them. We

True 5. The Beatitudes order us to the Kingdom of God. should focus on the characteristics that we should attain to be a follower of Christ

True 6. The Beatitudes describe who are truly happy in God's Kingdom. and not the beauty standard that are discriminatory and are only made by the

False 7. The Beatitudes are series of commands telling us what to do as

society to drag other people. We must always keep in mind that we are created by

Christians. God in His own image.

True 8. Jesus promise us a different kind of happiness through the Beatitudes

which lead to eternal life. 2. "Eat, drink, and merry for tomorrow we will die."
True 9. The Beatitudes make us realize that God alone satisfies and fulfills
This belief is purely selfish and shameless. This beliefs create delusions that are

our desire for true happiness. great temptations to people. This belief can lead to great selfishness, people who

True 10. The Beatitudes point the actions and attitudes which characterize
believes this tends to forget the rights of others and abuses the freedom given by

our true moral life. them. It opposes the value of the beatitudes for the beatitudes indirectly flow

normative indication for moral life, and the phrase stated above can lead to

Fill in the blanks
3. "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth."
1. The beatitudes are at the heart of Jesus' preaching. This is a quote from Hammurabi, although he is an important part of the history of

2. The beatitudes speak of God's promises made to the chosen people since
law and maybe an effective leader during his time, he can also be called a dictator

Abraham. in today's generation because of his ways but that's not the point. The quote is

3.The beatitudes respond to our natural desire for happiness. vengeful, it plants anger, and it is hateful. This oppose the values of the beatitudes

4. The beatitudes teach us that happiness is not found in riches or well-being

that wants to lead us to true happiness, no one can be truly happy if they have

but in God alone. anger in their hearts.

5. God calls us to eternal beatitude.
6. Through the beatitudes, Jesus laid down the charter of the kingdom. 4. Money makes the world go round.
7. The beatitudes sketch to us the face of those "blessed". Unfortunately in reality this can be true, but it is definitely not right. Many people

8. The beatitudes offers us abundant happiness. are blinded by money, they will do everything for money. The beatitudes oppose

9. The beatitudes invite us to follow Jesus in the path of love. materiality, lust for power & wealth, and ruthless competitions, and money can

10. The beatitudes are footpaths that lead to true happiness. definitely lead to all of these. We must know the value of money is not the value

of the world, it will never lead you to eternal happiness.

The Beatitudes points to us who are truly blessed in God's Kingdom.
LESSON 7- Activity
Choose one Beatitude that you commit to live by this week. Cite three
Answer the following.
ways on how you will live according to this beatitude.
1. Do you see an over-all theme in Pope Francis' Ten commandments for

Happiness? If you do, what is it then? If you do not see any over-all message, what

Beatitude: Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.
could be the reason for it?
To be honest I do not see an over-all theme in Pope Francis' commandments and I

1. Admitting my failings and mistakes. According to what I've read in

think its because the commandments have different approach , but I see that it has

an article "Those blessed with mourning about their own failings can
a common goal which is to bring us a happy life without material things, without

receive comfort by admitting their errors." I will live to be aware of

wealth nor power, and without any worldly values or treasures. The

my words and actions, to control emotion, and to admit failings and

commandments focuses in improving the world and we must all take part. I believe

mistakes then use it to be a better Christian. in order to have a happy life we must start on ourselves, we must strive to be a

better child of God, to be a better follower, and a better Christian.

2. Comforting those who needs it, if Jesus comforts us then we can

2. Which of the commandments strikes you the most? Why?

also comfort those people who grieve/mourns. I want to help those

The commandment that strikes me the most is the last one. "Work for peace. We

who needs emotional support, those who need someone to lean on,

are living in a time of many wars and the call for peace must be shouted." We are

and those people who needs someone to cheer them up. I want to be a

living in a world where negativity foster and violence is rampant. Day by day, step

good follower of Christ and also a good friend/person who genuinely

by step, and little by little we must forget and throw negativity and violence,

wants to comfort her friend/other people. because these will never equate to happiness. Through peace we can obtain

happiness. In peace of mind and peace of heart, when we know that we do not hurt

3. I will live according to the 2nd beatitude by letting my sorrows and

or abuse others then we'll have peace of mind, if we do not hold grudges and let go

grief be my stepping stones in growing. I will grow using my sorrows

of anger from our heart then we'll have peace of heart. If we promote peace then

and grief, sorrows are not just simply sorrows, it is something that we
we'll eventually obtain true happiness. John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, my

must overcome with the guide of God and as we overcome our

peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart

be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

sorrows or obstacle we must learn from it. Growth is essential to us

Christians, in order to be a good Christian I will try my very best to

3. Do you agree that the 10 commandments laid down by Pope Francis bring the

accept failures and learn from it, use it as a comfort and not something

person who adopts them happiness? Explain your answer.

that can pull me down, use it as something that will help me grown,
Yes I agree, the commandments laid down by Pope Francis will bring happiness to

because I know can do anything with God. those who adopts it. The commandments are the guide we must try to follow in

order to obtain happiness. The commandments have a common goal, it is to help

us have a happy life. The commandments do not focus on worldly treasures, it

focuses in improving ourselves to be a better Christian and becoming a better

Christian will give us a happy life with God.

Do you have commandments or rules for happy living? List them down in the table and

Put a ✔️if the statement is correct and an ✖️if the statement is wrong. below it and explain how such commandments lead you to happiness.
✔️1. God is most powerful above anything else in this world.
✖️2. One can serve both God wnd wealth at the same time. My commandments for happy living.
✖️3. The motivation for obeying the commandments is fear.
✔️4. The commandments lead us to be free and loving. *Create a healthy surrounding, may it be people or the place where you are.
✖️5. The commandments are meant to control our behavior.
*Forgive, do not let anger or hate consume you.
✔️6. The name is the icon of the person.
*Let it go, learn to let go once something turns toxic.
✖️7. To test and prove God's might, one may ask for signs and wonders from God.
✔️8. Obedience to God's command is a sign of our love for God. *Be better, a better person and a better Christian.
✖️9. The sacrament of the Eucharist gives a Christian name to the person and sanctifies it. *Choose peace and not violence.
✖️10. We show regard for God's name by using it to justify a wrong deed. *Communicate with God always.

Fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences. Why I consider these as keys to happiness?
I consider these keys to happiness because this is my keys to happiness. Relaxing my

1. The Ten commandments speak of our duty to God and to our neighbors.
mind and improving my mental state makes me happy, and I do this by removing all

2. The Ten commandments lead us to true freedom

negativity in my life. Happiness will not foster in a world full of negativity, so I try to

3. Supreme adoration and worship is due to God alone.

4. The first commandment calls us to put our faith, hope, and love in God. create a world where I am surrounded with positivity, and I do this with God and

5. To know and love God is the source and foundation of our happy life. through God. I sometimes randomly talk to God whether I'm happy or sad, and

6. Modern idols, obsession with wealth, power, and success are new forms of idolatry today. communicating with Him really helped me overcome obstacles in life, and that I

7. The irreligious act of violating sacred places or things is called sacrilegious actions. believe is one way to be happy.
8. When one disrespects God's name, one disrespects the very person of God.
9. A false oath is calling on God to witness to a lie.
10. We show respect for God's name by blessing it and by praising it.
Lesson 7- We Believe pg. 65
What do the First and Second Commandments tells us to do? What to they forbid? How

Place a smiley before each statement which points to obedience to God's Commandments.
do the two commandments show that we love God above all?
_____ 1. Being obsessed with one singer giving all our time and devotion to the idol and even following the

acts and fashion style of the idol The First and Second Commandments tells us to love God our Father and put Him

above everything else. It tells us to respect, worship, adore, sanctify, and serve God

_____ 2. Placing high importance on accumulation of wealth through corruption while in public office because He is the Creator, He gave us life, and He is the one and only God. The First

commandment forbids idolatory. Idolatry is the extreme admiration or worshipping of

_____ 3. Taking time to thank and praise God at the very moment one wakes up
something or someone other than God, the only one that we should worship is God.

God alone must be adored, worshipped, and serve. The Second Commandment forbids

_____ 4. Telling a lie and using God's name to attest it

improper use of God's name such as blasphemy, false oath, and perjury. The Second

_____ 5. Promising to pray for a friend, just to please without the intention of keeping it Commandment teaches us to respect the Lord's name, using it for our wrong deed is

disrespectful to Him and must not be done in any way. The two commandments show

_____ 6. Preferring dating and malling as primary activities on a Sunday over going to mass that we love God above all because with the two commandments we are learning on

how to properly be good Christian, with the two commandments we are taught to put

_____ 7. Bullying and calling on an enemy names through the use of the internet God at the center above everything else.

_____ 8. Using God's name in cracking up jokes.

_____ 9. Saying "Oh my God" or using "Jesus Christ!" as an expression

_____ 10. Professing belief in God and sharing one's experiences of God to others
Explain the following statement briefly. LESSON 8- Activity
Answer the following.
1. The Ten Commandments leads us to true freedom and makes us more loving.
The commandments are the path to freedom. -Opus dei 1. How does the story show the power of prayer?
The Ten Commandments will guide us in using our freedom correctly and by this we
St. Monica was married to an alcoholic and unfaithful husband, she also has a

will know how one's freedom can be authentic. The 10 Commandments free us from the
stubborn son Augustine. Her life is far from easy, but because she was a devoted

evil spirits who tries to make us commit sin, by following the Ten Commandments we
Christian she never gave up. She prayed for the conversion of her husband which was

are also honoring and showing God that we love Him. With the Ten Commandments
granted when her husband accepted her faith before his deathbed. The story showed

we are learning how we will love God and our neighbors unconditionally. how prayer has been St. Monica's help and hope in her life, that prayer gave her

strength to not give up.

2. "The Lord, your God, shall you adore, Him shall you serve".
In the First Commandment we are forbidden to adore anyone but God, it is because
2. Why is St. Monica hailed as a model for all wives and mothers to follow?
their is only one God who deserves our adoration and service and that is God our
St. Monica is hailed as a model because she is a a model for all wives and mother. Her

Father, the Creator of all. faith never faltered. As a wife of an unfaithful, bad tempered, and alcoholic man St.

Monica did great as a wife, she prayed for her husband despite of his wrongs, she

3. "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain" endured everything, she never planned revenge and never planted anger towards her

In the Second Commandment we are taught that some of our common ways disobey
husband. As a mother, St. Monica did not abandon her child despite of Augustine's

God's commandment, like how we thought that simple expressions are harmless, but it's
actions. She wished for her son to be Catholic and a child of God.
not so we should stop using it. The Lord is our God and we must respect His name as

we respect Him. 3. How did St. Monica show her gratitude to God for granting her prayers?
St. Monica showed her gratitude to God by living as an example for other wives and

4. The Decalogue presents the commandment of love. mothers who are experiencing the same situation as her. She could've left her husband

The Decalogue presents us the commandment of love, to Decalogue guides us how we

but she didn't, instead she continued being his wife with patience, gentleness, and

will love and create ang lovely life with God. The Decalogue presents to us ways on
kindness. She could've abandoned her son Augustine but she didn't, instead she lived

how to show our love to God and to our neighbors. as a great example for him to realize his wrongs.

5. Sunday is the day of worship for Christians. 4. Do you believe that prayers can do wonders and can change lives? Recall an event

Sunday is the day of worship for it is the seventh day, during the 7th day God took a
in your life when prayer to God changed or helped you. Describe this event in details.
rest and so must we, then use it to worship the Lord who created everything. As

Christians it is our obligation to attend the mass every sunday, it the day when we
Yes I do believe that prayers can do wonders. With God anything is possible, prayer is

worship and serve thy God. our form of communication to God hence when we pray anything is possible. This is a

fresh event, me and my mother was on our way to Iloilo city, firstly as a habit we did

6. God's name represents Himself the sign of the cross first before the engine started, I prayed the Angel of God. When

To give someone a name means to say something about the person. The Second
we we're somewhere near Ajuy we almost got hit by a truck, thankfully the breaks of

Commandment calls us to reverence God Himself, the Transcendent, the Holy One.
the van and the truck worked at the very last seconds. I believe that because we

When we disrespect God's name then we disrespect the very person of God. The name
prayed before our trip we we're saved by the prayer. Also after the event we we're in

of God is holy and we must learn to honor and respect it. shock, we prayed and said our thankyou's and I believed this helped us to relax and be

relieved after the almost accident.

Lesson 8- We Believe pg. 78 LET'S DO THESE
What are the teachings of Jesus on prayer?
Jesus teaches us that our prayers must come from the heart and accompanied by our faith.
Write the word true before each item if the statement is correct and the world false

Another one is that prayer is not only talking to God, it is listening to what He wants to
communicate to us, because communication in a relationship should work on both side.

Prayer is essential to our lives if we want our relationship with God to grow and foster. False 1. To pray is to simply keep on talking to God.
True 2. Only God is to be worshipped and adored.
Why is the Lord's prayer called the Prayer of the Church?
False 3. Prayer purely involves the lifting of the mind.
The Lord's prayer is called the prayer of the church because it is part of our liturgical

False 4. Praying means babbling words or reciting of long prayers.

tradition and is prayed during the celebration of the Mass and the sacraments. It was taught

True 5. Prayer must be accompanied by faith.

by Jesus Himself in the Gospel therefore it is called the Lord's Prayer.
False 6. The Apostle's Creed is the perfect prayer.
True 7. The Lord's Prayer is the model prayer because it was taught by Jesus Himself.
Why is Sunday considered the day of worship? True 8. Prayer is inseparable to Christian life.
Sunday is our day of worship because on this day Jesus rose again. During the time of
False 9. To worship God is to offer prayers of supplications alone.
creation, on the 7th day God took a rest, therefore it is a rest day because it is the day
True 10. Our worship and prayer to life must lead to acts of justice and service to the

"blessed" by God and "made holy" by Him. It is the day that we dedicate our time to God. poor.
False 11. One can go to mass in any day of the week in observance of the third

We Celebrate commandment.
False 12. To rest in Sabbath day means being stagnant and refraining from all kinds of

The Eucharist is the supreme act of worship to God. How will you show that your
participation in the Eucharist is a celebration of your gratitude to God's generosity? List
False 13. A Christian is called to be holy every Sabbath day only.
some ways.
False 14. The Lord's day is perfectly celebrated by simply going to the mass and

avoiding work.
God created me, you, us, and this world. He is our God our Father who takes care of us

True 15. Sunday Eucharist is the opportune time to call to mind the Passion,

and loves us, in order to thank Him, I can show my gratitude to Him during my

Resurrection, and Glory of Jesus.

participation in the Eucharist by:
Actively participating in the responses, actively joining the singing, listening attentively to

the homily and the gospel, keeping my focus the Lord, being quiet and respecting the
Fill in the blank to complete the following sentences.
church, and lastly by attending the mass for the sole purpose of worshipping and thanking

the Lord and not because of other unnecessary reasons. 1. The prayer of the Church par excellence is the Mass.
2. To make holy is to hallow God's name.
3. We can help increase God's kingdom on Earth by keeping the Beatitudes.
Place a ✔️before the statement that shows faithful observance of the Lord's Day. 4. To ask God for physical and spiritual nourishment is to ask God for our daily bread.
5. Our petition to ask God for forgive our trespasses is possible only when we are able

1. being lazy or practically not doing anything on sunday to forgive others.

✔️2. attending the Sunday mass and actively participating in the Eucharist 6. To pray persistently, we need the grace of the Holy Spirit.
✔️3. reading worthwhile and spiritual materials on sunday
7. The recognition of God's Lordship as expressed in filial devotion and service os

✔️4. spending Sunday for reflection and meditation on God's blessings

called Worship.
5. letting the day pass by playing tablet and gadgets all day
8. The symbol of the final celebration and rest which is the conclusion of all God's

6. eating alone and refusing to join the family during meal time
work is called Sabbath.
7. reading the Sunday readings at home instead of going to Mass
✔️8. doing acts of charity on Sundays 9. The Church considers Easter as the new Sabbath.
9. going to Mass but refusing to receive Communion 10. Sunday is a day to rest in God's Kingdom.
✔️10. spending quality time with the family and bonding with them

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