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2023/6/20 12:31 UQx Write101x Certificate | edX

This is to certify that Professor Kris Ryan

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
The University of Queensland, Australia
Wei Dai

successfully completed and received a passing grade in Associate Professor Roslyn Petelin
Associate Professor in Writing
School of Communication and Arts
Write101x: English Grammar and Style The University of Queensland, Australia

a course of study offered by UQx, an online learning

initiative of The University of Queensland.

Verified Certificate Valid Certificate ID

Issued March 30, 2023 34c4721a36334ad7b82d31f93e2f081a*1ljzze8*_ga*NjEzMTgxNzk1LjE2NzY5NTc0Mzg.*_ga_D3KS4KMDT0*MTY4NzIyOTk2MC40MC4xLjE2ODcyMzU0NzguMzguMC4w 1/1

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