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The car crash assess at 10M

he assumed to be fine but I know what he was suffering from

the student was baffled by the chemistry lesson

gifted students are always being biased in public schools

he completely concentrated on the lecture

he was carefully considering buying that car

they are contemplating about the plan

my mother has a cynical think about hanging out

the detector can deduce from those evidences to find the answer

they deliberated to bully him

he has been applied to the job, which puts him in a dilemma

black people are being discriminated all the time

the conclusion of the lawyer is dubious

the damage is estimated about 100M dollars

everyone need to have their faith to be successfully

the referee gather players in the middle of the court to explain the rule

john is a genius when he can solve all the exam with the highest score of all time

tom cruise grasped to the plane door to make the film to be more realistic

guesswork is the second step that you have to do when taking a listening test

I have a hunch that the enemies are coming

Americans are caught between two opposing ideologies

She found out a an ingenious solution to the math test

My teacher is the one who give me inspiration to be better

I have just had an intuition that you had been suffer from something bad

The lawyer did not give him a chance to justify

Girls now are too naive to believe that men will stay with them forever

They have no notion about being late

He is really optimistic after what was happened

There are paradoxes about the fashion in this century

Although the situation was not that serious, the man was completely pessimistic

The explanation which they said seems plausible

They ponder whether they can open another shop in different country

They are prejudiced against older people

Parents presumed that their children always play with bad friends

My friend has a bunch of queries to ask

They reckon I am a bully

Scores will reflect how effectively you study

I take a more sceptical view

The newspaper speculated about their relationship

They are supposed not to be here at this time

His ielts certificate is the academic one

He is a conscientious student

All the packages are crammed into a bag

Public schools need to set up more curriculum activities for students

I offer distance learning for them because they can not afford to study in America

He graduated with the A+ certificate

All the old toys are being ignorant by their owners

They are completely inattentive to the lesson

I am in love with detective stories because they are so intellectual

The guy who is standing next to you is really intelligent

Militaries have to finish their intensive training before get on the battle

He is knowledgeable about cars

My teacher always find ways to make her lecture become more attractive

Before the final test we have to do lots of mick exams

There is a drama that sontung mtp plagiarize GD style

Self-study is an effective way to study

We always have seminars to study together

I have just received tuition in computer science

You should watch basketball tutorial on the internet to get better

He is a hard-working student, he always brush up on math

I have been come around to choose that pair of shoes

She barely come up with addition for plans

Colleague students now have to face up with financial problems

After an hours, he figured out why my laptop is so slow

He hit upon a beautiful mountain when travelling

The text was too small that I could not make out them all

They are mulling over an event next week

The ancient fossils were pieced together from national museum

He puzzle out how they run a franchise

If you want to know more about politics, you need to read up on newspaper

They swot up on math exam

You should taking what your teacher said too not only what she wrote on the board

They are thinking over the financial problems that they have to suffer from when they get in to

I do not want ot go out tonight but I cannot think yp a good excuse

High-tech companies account for 222% of the total

Many citizens associate this car with good quality

There is a query about striking balance between productivity and time

If you do something in the belief, another thing will happen

My friend rack his brain for inspiration

She has been working on this project for months, but she haven’t reached a conclusion

You should not let people know your decision

There is no doubt that you are the one who stole her bag

I have a dream of becoming a policeman

You need to focus on studying to get high score

His first impression of me that I was fat

Teenagers now have to suffer from mental health’s problems

I am in two minds about having that pair of shoes or buying the T-shirt

He was under misapprehension that those drugs are legal

These chains seem expensive, but they neef to put into perspective

A set of principles realted to detainees

Students raise the question of the math lesson

Your words seem not to make any sense

You should see both sides of the problem to avoid criticizing

When discussing something we should go straight to the point to save our time

If you want to sympathy anyone, you should put yourself in their view

Fame had gone to his head

You have to keep your wits about you when you are riding a sport bike

He has been working as an engineer for many years, he knows what’s what

If you do not have the evidence, you do not have a leg to stand on

The officer cannot see the woodd from the trees, because he is too concentrate on safety issues

Although I did not tell her he had left, she noticed his car was gone and put two and two together

He has a really quick on the take up in math

That man ring a bell but I could not remember where I had met him before

If I had to go to school 8 days, I would go around the bend

They always have a split hairs when doing the project

After being survived through the pandemic, they cam home for a montnh to take stock of their life

No one believe us when we said that we have been to France twice

He is a brilliant

I cannot conceive a life without money

I was confused when waiting for the result

He finally decided to buy that house

We need to search for the definition of those words

There is no doubt that she likes him

We need some explanation about that situation

Sometime imagination makes us feel better

The judge concluded that she was a criminal

Math is a logic subject

Do not give your opinions freely, you have to think about it first

There are many reasons why people are lazy today

She became insane when being with him

Her premonition is so sensitive

You need to remember that you have to think about the consequence before doing anything

I think you made a wises choice

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