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Today was the third day of Pomparan Ompu Conradin Gultom family gathering,
an event to assemble family members from around the globe. Indeed, Batak
people were like mosquitoes, we bred anywhere, so did The Legend who
moved to Kalimantan. No one knew exactly what he was looking for in that
island, but I was sure that it was one of his ways to answer questions he usually
asked during our discussions.
I was surprised to see him neatly dressed, even wearing a belt, not a rope he
used to wear to tie his favorite worn short. I was quite proud to see him like
Deddy Mizwar, except he did not live in Depok. If only he lived in Depok, I
would promote him to be vice governor, and Pomparan Ompu Conradin
Gultom family would be the success team. I believed he would win, or at least
we, Gultom family, would vote for him.

That day before the event began, in the backyard we had small talks with The
Legend. As usual, he triggered the conversation by telling a problem that
should be responded. This time he used the tour leader as the discussion topic.
I knew this was merely his trick to see our characters. Perhaps, you could trick
other people with your spy-like style, but not me, bro! I had known your style
very well ha ha ha. Though we hadn't met for 25 years, the old time had
taught me to see and read a person's character, thanks to you and your friend
Bang Laut.

That discussion in the backyard of that wooden house was getting hotter. Like
a football player, The Legend played his part very well. It was like he knew that
the owner of this wooden house was Indonesia’s football star. The wild me
started to think that he had the sixth sense, or he ran to Singkawang to learn
kanuragan. Oh no, nonsense. He had a shaving scar, a proof showing that he
did not have a supernatural skill.
I believed that it was not the kamput that drove our discussion getting hotter,
but it was his ability to toss our feelings during the discussion. Even I, who did
not touch that kamput, felt like I had swallowed two bottles alone because of
the discussion.

In the middle of deadlock, someone announced that it was the time for lunch.
What a relief! Now The Legend couldn't dodge. We asked him to lead the
mealtime prayer. He looked surprised. He might say in his mind, “I read spell,
not prayer, boss” ha ha ha ha.

He led the prayer with his unnatural style, as if he knew that we were hungry.
Suddenly, he said, “amen”. What an ultra-short prayer. It was clear and
concise, a style which was still attached to The Legend.

The next agenda was begun by the welcoming speech from Pak Ketua Raja
Sonang Malang, a member of Pomparan Ompu Conradin Gultom family. I was
proud of him for being able to explain in-depth about Batak History and a bit
about who Ompu Conradin Gultom was, including their vision and mission. It
seemed that becoming Ketua Raja Sonang made him learn about Batak
tradition more deeply, as it was seen when he explained about Batak people to
the new family member, my slit-eyed sister from Medan. I didn’t know
whether she nodded because she understood the explanation or she didn't get
it at all.
I was proud of the fact that my brother was able to give a clear explanation
and wanted to know many things about Batak. I believed that he was not
different from The Legend who sometimes nodded. Actually, his Batak was
unclear. Even I thought that his love was more Batak than The Legend. Maybe
the Legend ate too much Pasak Bumi so his Batak began to fade, ha ha ha ha.

Today The Legend promised to share his third book entitled BAH, that was it.
We were forced to accept it in the name of friendship, hua ha ha ha ha. He
proudly shared his books and wrote the recipients along with his autograph
similar to worm. Through this book, we, Pomparan Ompu Conradin Gultom
family, were expected to have sharper mind for discussion.

I was also proud of The Legend, in addition to uniting us through his books, it
turned out that he was the close friend of Wiji Tukul, the writer of the poem
“Lawanlah” that could trigger fights to make president Suharto step down. It
turned out that The Legend played an important role in the run and the
hideaway of this national figure.
It was proven by the movie made for the figure entitled “Istirahatlah Kata-
Kata.” Pomparan should watch this movie. In addition to its values, The
Legend’s face would appear in this movie. It was stated that he looked more
handsome and cool in the movie, though I still doubted it.

The evening came and now it was the time to return to inn and take Mama
(our Senior in Malang) to Cikampek home. Today, we were the second family
to say goodbye after Meruya family left to go to Bali. I did not get a chance to
recall our old times, hua ha ha ha. You were clever to shorten the time in
Malang, let the past bet the past.

Have a nice trip in Bali, say hello to Kuta beach waves from me.

We were the second group that did not climb Bromo with the big family,
different from The Legend who was a climber, who would shine when hearing
the word “mountain” and getting his young energy. Hua ha ha ha... Do not
forget the equipment to prepare for the extreme weather. But I believed that
The Legend would manage to reach the top of mountain Bromo and overcome
the extreme weather, and one of his secret weapons I was sure, was KAMPUT,
hua ha ha ha....

Goodbye brothers, enjoy Bromo, don't forget Pomparan’s yell... POMPARAN



#Pelor/Ronggeng 29Des2017

It had been 12 years since I visited this city, Medan. When I got off the car, I
saw Medan Boss from afar, we ran to each other and hugged, like teletubbies.
He even kissed my cheek. Damn! I was afraid he was not straight anymore LOL.
No no no, I was sure it showed how bad he missed me.

Today was different from 35 years ago when I firstly came to Medan. People
said the word MEDAN stood for “Masuklah Engkau Dalam Api Neraka
(Welcome to the Hellfire).” The expression showed how tough most people
described this city, especially for us “baja (batak jawa, batak people who left
their city to look for living), who were raised with politeness and tenderness.
Medan was so hot, became even hotter by its people’s distrustful, skeptical

I saw the Medan Boss’s face. His mature face looked chubbier, a sign of welfare
to me. I was happy to see his changes. I thought that I would meet the old him
with full of tattoos and a scary face. I was curious about things behind his
drastic changes into someone more human, friendly, and even caring. If only
he lived in Depok, he could have a successful nursery business for his today's
friendliness and care. Hahaha.
My curiosity found its answer when he introduced me to a white, slit-eyed
woman similar to another woman next to me (I even thought they were
sisters). In addition to slit-eyes, her hair style was like Jacky Chan’s. To my
surprise that my taste and Bos Medan's taste were similar.
"However, she was not a victim of Cengho army," my wild, unnecessary
thought said.
I believed that the scary, fierce Medan Boss had transformed to be a more
gentle, wise man because of his slit-eyed woman. I didn't know what spell she
used to tame Medan Boss. It could be pork cracklings and pekca served for his
breakfast. Hahaha. Of course not, I was sure that it was her heart that
transformed this Medan Boss, kamsia Cece kamsiaaahh.
As always, Cikampek that afternoon was perfect for old friends who had not
met for so long to have chit chat. Our formation was complete, as The Legend
also arrived.
As always, The Legend began to use his bait to start the talks. We, like hungry
fish, began to strike the bait. Thanks to the bait, Medan Boss began to respond
to The Legend's trigger, and I tried hard to stay cool, not interested in his bait.
After minutes of talk, I began to see the old Medan Boss as his old expressions
and voice returns, totally different from the first impression when we met.
Bah, he was triggered, but now he could respond to the bait maturely. Turned
out that his emotion became more stable and releases The Legend's bait. Now
I was sure that the slit-eyed Cece managed to totally transform his emotional
Fantastic Cece, fantastic!
The evening came, and we agreed to eat outside. It was a coincident that
Cikampek Elderly did not cook today. We finally agreed to choose “Warung
Ijen” for our dinner.
Then as usual, we asked The Legend to lead the mealtime prayer though we
knew he was more suitable to lead a demonstration. Medan Boss also agreed
with me that every time The Legend led the prayer, it was short and suddenly
Amien... hahahaha

I could see Medan Boss’s satisfied face. One thing never changed, he still ate
that much.
On the second day of Pomparan tour, today we went to the beach.
I saw Medan Boss’s face look tired; I believed this was due to the first day tour
in Batu. But his spirit of solidarity was still full of energy.
We were a group of 22 people going to the beach by a mini bus. As usual, the
tour leader checked the list of participants.
It took two and a half hours to arrive at the beach after tens of stops to pee,
considering most of participants were elders hahaha.
We arrived at Goa Cina beach, and I was the first to reach the spot by a
motorcycle, thank you tour leader! Medan Boss and others had to walk to
reach tour leader’s favorite spot that, unfortunately, had been occupied by
other visitors. Finally, we moved to another spot.
As usual, we talked about everything, from small things to serious topics. I saw
Medan Boss’s spirit and sometimes he still smoked his cigarette until his face
showed anxiety. It looked like he also wanted to play in water like his nephew,
particularly he saw The Legend with his round belly swim like an Olympic
swimmer. Turned out that he invented a new swimming style, a freestyle of
crawling sea sand while waiting the wave to hit him. Hahaha

It was neither nephews nor The Legend that made him worry, but the slit-eyed
Cece who challenged the wave coming to her.
That worry became his reason to approach her, as if he wanted to slaughter
the waves that tease his slit-eyed Cece. Now they played water together while,
maybe, remembering their old times. It seemed that the beach was the first
place where their love flourished, wasn't it, Ce? __ While waiting fish from the
Fish Market for grilling, Medan Boss came with his protective style
accompanying women to the Goa Cina cave. He might think that he could
discover her love's family history in that cave, she might be descendant of Wali
Songo, or... Oh, not again, I stopped my wild thought and ran to them to see
the cave.
They said that the cave was narrow and stuffy, nothing but bat there.
Then we preferred going to the spot above the cave and wished to find more
beautiful, wider scenery.
I walked together with Medan Boss. We sometimes helped each other when
walking down the stairs. It seemed to be more romantic than when we went
out with our women. I was sure that Meme and Cece were jealous of us.

Stay cool you two, we are still normal, this is just how we miss each other after
a long time not seeing each other. Medan Boss even sometimes holds my hand
when someone in our back shouts “how romantic you are...” We know that
voice comes from Ratu Meruya, she seems not to meet his man for a long
time, stay cool sister, you will enjoy romantic moment later in Bali. Your man is
a romantic person, you won’t be given two handsome boys.

After minutes of walking, we arrived at the most beautiful spot in the world,
the favorite spot for beach lovers and fishers.
We had spent quite a long time for grilling in Goa Cina.
I saw Pak Ketua Pomparan Ompu Conradin Gultom washing a shuttlefish and
seasoning it like chef Farah Queen. I even thought that being a journalist was
only his side job hahaha. I also saw Bos Meruya help put the fish on the grill
while sometimes eating the cooked fish. Be careful Bos, remember momma’s
words to wash your hand before eating. It seemed that the words did not work
for him anymore, although during the way home, he mostly asked me to stop
for toilet.
Meanwhile, Medan Boss seemed to be well after eating cuttlefish, tuna, and
groupers. Perhaps these fish were afraid of Medan Boss’s past aura.
Time flew and the tour leader called us, meaning that the time to go home had
come. The bus began to move and take us to our beloved Malang City.
From the frontmost seat I said in my mind “Cece must suffer from carsick
considering that the destination is still far. But I am sure that the new Medan
Boss has turned into a gentleman to solve the slit-eyed Cece's problems." Stay
cool Ce, just hide in my armpit and you won’t get sick, yes you won’t get sick,
just directly fainted, hua hahaha.
Before arriving in the final destination, we were brought to enjoy Bakso Solo
near SMA 5, my high school. I knew how tasty this meatball was. After all, it
had been a long time since the last time I ate this Bakso Solo. I missed it.
Meme and I joined Medan Boss and slit-eyed Cece's table, while listening to
Meme’s promotion about how tasty this Bakso Solo. I felt like eating in a
canton restaurant when seeing them hua ha ha ha. I noticed Cece enjoyed her
bakso like Medan Boss did while saying to hear “eat this bakso and you’ll no
longer like bakso Medan, this is hundred times tastier than those in Medan.”
Ha ha ha, this smart-ass Medan Boss, how could he tell Cece, who strangely
agreed with him, about meatball, how could he know better about bakso than
the descendant of the meatball founder. Who knows, but I'm sure that Medan
has many tasty bakso, you agree, Ce? Highfive!
Today was the third day we gathered in the wooden house that was difficult to
find. We and Bos Meruya couldn't find the location, even the know-all Google
did not recognize the location. Then the meeting point was changed to Ketua
Punguan Raja Sonang Kota Malang's house, who was also my lae. This location
was much easier to find as Google also recognized the location.
From there we were guided to find the wooden house. It turned out that
Medan Boss and the slit-eyed Cece arrived first. Horas Bos! It seemed that
Medan Boss did not read Bu Ketua’s message to wear white clothes, but it was
not a problem. It is good to be different as it becomes more colorful and shows
that we respect diversity, like Pak Joko Waow Siregar says.
The agenda in the wooden house ran well as planned.
Then the time had come for us to return to Cikampek. I was happy that Medan
Boss also took us to the inn. On the way to the inn, I got a lot of helpful advice
and insights from Medan Boss. I saw him support me to face any problem. I
realized that he and all Pomparan Ompu Conradin loved me. Thank you, bro,
now I realize that your scary face does not represent your gentle heart.
We arrived at the inn and this was the end of my meeting with Bos Medan
because he had to prepare to climb Bromo mountain and went to Jakarta.
I wish that your intention to meet Rempoa elders, particularly your holy
mission of introducing the slit-eyed Cece could be realized. I believe Rempoa
elders will be surprised with your coming, but do not forget to whisper
Pomparan Gultom Yell to his ears to get rid of his disease, because I believe
that our yell is sacred.

#pelor/ronggeng 30Des2017
I felt shaking and heard a squeak coming from our plane, showing that our
plane had safely landed in the city where the PNS Jomblo (a single civil servant)
and I were born, Malang. I wished a good life in this city, or at least not as poor
as the PNS’ poor life who still did not find his love.
It took quite a long time to go to the destination.
It turned out that the Juragan Milk, picked us up, me, Meme, and Sesepuh
Cikampek, my mother and PNS Jomblo’s mother.
This might be the reason why Juragan Milk suddenly appeared in the arrival
gate, because he knew that one of the people he picked up was the second
generation of Pomparan Ompu Conradin Gultom Family. He seemed to love
this old woman, or maybe he was afraid of this old, antique woman’s curse
hahaha. No no no, the real reason was that Juragan Milk loves his Namboru,
Lae, and Ito very much. That was why he picked us up.
On the way to the destination, my memory recalled the past, how we, almost
all family members, tried to be matchmakers for the PNS Jomblo, but no one
succeeded from matchmaking with fat to thin woman, from Batak to Javanese
woman, from career woman to fresh graduates. Even our father, when he still
lived, he was called flirt because he always tried to be acquainted with any
beautiful girls he met in Batak traditional event.
He hoped to introduce every girl he knows to PNS Jomblo. I remembered a girl
who became a pandongani when I was married to Meme. She was from Batak,
calm, and had an undergraduate degree, a rare, perfect species, borrowing
Javanese words, her bobot, bibit, and bebet were perfectly fit.
Even with all those perfections the PNS Jomblo didn’t respond, he stayed cool
like James Bond, even our father used up his skills to make PNS Jomblo
interested in that girl. Surprisingly, PNS jomblo said “Dad, if you like her, just
marry her”... Ha ha ha ha. Thank God, our father did not faint after hearing
that. Hahaha
Knowing his terrible answer, I approached him and asked why he didn't give
any responses, or at least just try to know her. He said, “Bro, I see that she can
be fat in the future, If we are married and have kids, she could be fatter, you
don't want me to cheat on her, do you? I want to marry once in my life. That
may be the reason why he is still single." I just said “okay” and left. I did
understand his character. Once he said no, it meant forever no, so it was better
to stop our talks than to debate him.
We finally arrived at home; I hope I could meet PNS Jomblo but unfortunately,
he was still at work.
It turned out that The Legend had waited for us, with his style standing in front
of the door and smoking and shaking his feet with suspicious view, seeing us
like a judge seeing an accused and ready to impose the sentence. We hugged
each other. It had been 35 years since our last meeting, since The Legend was
still single until now where his hair began to turn white like Deddy Mizwar, yet
his cold smile and flirty eyes did not change. Hi hi hi.
We were introduced to his love Ratu Singkawang. I was curious about what she
loved from him. I did not understand how come she loved The Legend. From
any perspective, nothing should be interested enough to attract her, let alone
from only one perspective, hahahahaha.
Our surprise continued when they introduced their girl. We did not believe
that they could have this beautiful girl. Thank god to make her not like him,
thank you that your mommy's gen far stronger than your dad's. hahaha.
But I realized and even I was impressed. That’s why we call him The Legend,
I’m sure that when making the baby he can play the rhythm and emotion to
obtain perfect result hahahaha.
Oh, there my wild thought again, okay! Let’s return to PNS Jomblo!!
From afar I could see a fat, tall man wearing glass with mustache and beard
like a terrorist losing a war. He approached and hugged me.
“What’s up, bro?” Yes, he is the PNS Jomblo standing before me. He just got
home “ Great bro, you?” “I’m good, bro”. God, actually I hoped more than that
answer, at least the words coming from his mouth was “Everything’s clear
bang, I have found my love and I will introduce her to you.”
After talking for some times, he said “Tonight you and kaka (Meme) won't
sleep in this house”, Then I ask, “so where, Dek?”
It turned out that PNS jomblo provided a guest house for us.
With my older-brother style, I asked, “how much per night”, and with his
single-style “It"s free, bang, as long as you want.”
My mind said it must have been a low standard inn he offered freely to me.
It was time for us to go to the inn that PNS Jomblo had promised us.
We arrived at a unique, calm, Japanese house with a kitchen that could be
used by Meme to cook my herb. We also got breakfast. It turned out that many
Japanese people stayed in this place. The receptionist said that my room was
superior while taking us to a quite large room with a luxurious bathroom. He
said that we could use the room as much as we want and everything had been
paid by our brother, PNS jomblo. Meme and I looked each other. We were
impressed. Time had transformed our pampered boy into a grown, responsible
man. It turned out that PNS jomblo loved his bald brother and slit-eyed sister.
It seemed that teaching of Cikampek Elders to help each other has internalized
PNS Jomblo.
Imagine that he applies this service to the woman he likes. I believe that she
will melt, or even will be asked to get married next year hua ha ha ha. If it
really happens, then I will be nervous if he asks me to propose to his love. Or
even Cikampek Elders may get faint when listening to this news. Thank God,
this is just my Imagination.
Time flew and we had stayed for ten nights in this guest house, what a service!
Kamsiah kamsiah, Meme says. You are like a Santa Claus for us.
Your luck always comes in last minutes, and we believe that this will happen
again in your life. Don't forget to save. Your long journey is waiting. Most
importantly, don't forget to pray, don't forget momma’s words to wash your
feet and brush your teeth before going to bed. We wish you a successful life,

#pelor/ronggeng 04Jan2018
04. Lose is Honor
People say this year is a political year, a
year which is full of intrigue and eccentric
These politicians slam each other politely
using their ethics code.
Like a servant before his boss, they want to wipe the boss misery with their
Like a seasoned magician, these politicians come like they want to eliminate
Oath of Office, they show awareness and morality as the holder of people’s
trust. Remember guys, you have not been officially elected.
Like a pious person, they come white-dressed and show off their outstanding
recitation of holy verse amid their speech.
They are outstanding. They act like winning is a virtue.
They speak loudly and convincingly about portionless politics.
Nonsense, Sir! It is nonsense in this era where we should pay to only pee, or
even get fined for flicking boogers!
They say it like they forget that in this era, everything, even one’s underpants
brand, particularly one’s track record, can be easily traced.
Compete fair and square, and I’m sure you will lose, again! Ha ha ha ha

That’s how expensive and sacred a loss is, so you have to avoid it and you
shouldn't say anything about it. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!

#pelor/ronggeng 14 Jan2018
Today, our TV was full of news about medical and psychological tests for leader
candidates. The doctor talked about how important these tests were. He said,
“They can fail the test if they do not pass one of the tests.”

LOL, don't you know who are you examining, doctor? Even your most
advanced medical tools won’t detect them, boss!!! I’m sure they will pass the
test. The result will absolutely say that they are physically, mentally, even
spiritually healthy. Even God, when asked to examine these politicians might
be hospitalized, hua ha ha ha, no one can beat Indonesian politicians!
It is in line with the country’s condition that attempts to improve the economy
and save the expenditure and the recent state defense program. Hua ha ha ha.
The tests needed by these candidates are those putting them as a worker,
moving them from one place to another in certain period. I’m sure God agrees
with me.
Starting from barn, followed by plantations that are prone to conflicts, and
work in a mental hospital (before being its permanent when losing) hua ha ha
Besides costly effective, (or even no cost at all), such tests can trigger their
empathy, training their loyalty in serving the people, nature, and any creature,
including the ghost, living in their region, ha ha ha ha...
Anyone who manages to pass this kind of test refers to those potentially
become the truly people servants.
My head has dried though I've just finished washing my hair. You know I have
only eight strands hua ha ha.
Now I look at the sky, as the God says “Your crazy idea causes me a

#pelor/ronggeng 14Jan2018

This morning, my head was full of questions requiring immediate answers

because of The Legend's book about "Kristen Jahat" (A book, BAH).
The story was about the so-called Forum Diskusi Pelangi (Rainbow Discussion
Forum), followed by a dialog between his two friends about puzzling bible
verses. The younger one got anxious after listening to the senior answers. Like
this younger friend, I was confused, dizzy too after reading the answer.
This senior was called Sintong. I thought he was Sintong Panjaitan, a soldier, a
special force with a thick mustache.
I became interested in finding the answer, why someone could even say about
"Kristen jahat." So, I began to read some books about Christian history,
followed by listing people to whom I would ask this question.
Then I decided to ask my favorite Sundanese restaurant owner and my muslim
friend, followed by a pastor. I would try to be a good listener to find answers to
my questions because if I didn't, I would probably visit Buddha temple by next
week, hua ha ha ha.
I felt sorry for taking his bait, while I repeatedly told myself to avoid it.
I hope I could find the answer to this problem.
I began to ask questions to my favorite Sundanese diner owner to represent
common people's views. I did this to find the simplest thing: His view of
Christian and Catholics. I began with a small bait first before going further into
the discussion because I know he had many Christian and catholic customers.
"What do you think about Christian and Catholics?", "Hmm, in my opinion,
they are good people, sometimes when they buy food here on the way home
from church, I mark up the price a little bit, and you know, they even let me
keep the change."
Oh right, he was a seller who saw virtue based on profit and loss factor, but at
least he had a positive personal view of Christian and Catholics.
I didn't ask further questions about his view of Christianity, for I was afraid he
would link it to his foods. "I think Christianity is delicious like jengkol, it is fresh
like lalapan...” I was afraid his answer would make me more confused.
I decided to continue tomorrow by asking my muslim friend, who often visited
me between Saturday and Sunday.
It turned out that he visited me on Saturday, great timing, it was like he knew I
was in confusion, or he just wished for a souvenir from Malang? Hahaha. I
heard him greet "assalamualaikum." I answered the greeting and let him came
We began the conversation by telling each other's holiday stories. At the right
moment, I threw the bait, "what do you think about Christianity?" Bit
surprised, he carefully answered my question with another question, "what
kind of answer do you want, the extreme or humane ones?" Oh, come on, Sir.
It's up to you, just answer it. Then after a deep breath, he said, "In my religion,
talking about Christianity cannot be separated from prophet Isa AS." Then I
threw another bait, "Have you ever heard Jesus teaching about 'who gives you
a blow on the right side of your face let the left be turned'?" He answered,
"Yes, I know that is Matthew 5:39." Wow, he was probably a former pastor
who converted to Islam, and that was why he knew about the bible, hua ha a
ha. "That verse is absurd, in my opinion. In Islam, we have Qisas law, similar to
eye for an eye." What a scary law, I said in my mind. "This law reminds
everyone not to commit a crime to others because the same thing may happen
to him." Then, a question arose in my mind, "If someone drinks tuak and
kamput, and in the unconscious condition he commits crimes as he
emotionally triggered, are tuak and kamput also imposed by Qisas, too? and
what about the tuak seller or even the farmer planting palm sugar-producing
What a crazy question. Hua ha ha ha, luckily it was only in my mind. “So Jesus
teachings of compassion seem absurd and utopian, Sir?” I asked with scientific
pretension, he he he, at least I have studied twice in two different universities,
namely UI and UB although the result was, yeah ambiguous. That is life. Every
life has a rhythm, like The Legend said, hua ha ha ha ha.
“Yes, of course. It is impossible to give your right face after getting it hit on
your left, isn't it Sir? So Qisas makes sense.
Okay then Pak ustadz, I will only say yes to the answer (although it is also
impossible to apply Qisas, as no one never lies to their father, never steals
(though in his/her mommy’s pocket), or peeks his maid taking a bath, we will
surely lose our hands and eyes.) It is his view as a muslim and that view should
be respected, then we move to lighter topics.
The next day was Sunday. Meme and I went to church. I felt great after
spending some time in Malang, so I decided to drive the car on my own.
We arrived at church and followed the worship. This pastor was quite close to
us, even when I was unwell, he often visited me to the hospital or even our
home. Sometimes we had e a small discussion.
I began to ask about Matthew 5:39, a verse he knew very well, “What's the
matter, Sir?" he asked. “I want more explanation” I said. “Talking about this
verse, we cannot separate it from the verse before and next to it. The verse is
about Jesus sermon for the first time in the front of public.” “I’m afraid that it’s
a fake verse” I interrupted, “or there is even a historical distortion” I triggered.
The he continued, “indeed, many studies, even a seminar called 'The Jesus
Seminar” to find out which one is Jesus’ original, half-original, or fake words. It
is the Vatican that conducts this “Jesus seminar” because we know that at that
time, romans extensively expanded their territory and influence in Judea...” He
said that indeed there was a grand design about things written in a book
entitled “HIDDEN SCROLL” and several theologists, that the church played a
role to distort the fact about the figure of peaceful “Jesus”. It is believed that
this figure is totally contrast to the condition at that time, where “Jesus” fights
romans using swords, not by giving his left face when getting hit on the right. It
seemed impossible to punish such a good person, according to a theologists.In
Josephus' writing, the roman government established an army led by (Saulus)
Paulus and his brother
Costobarus to finish off the patriotic Jesus and his follower. They fought and
spread terror to the Roman government, which was ended by the arrest and
crucifixion of Jesus. Jesus' teachings of compassion weee merely a tale. It was
proven that the Jews still believe that the messiah they are waiting for is a
strong, gallant, and undefeated messiah who will be their leader, and it is not
"Jesus" we know. So, in my opinion, "Jesus" did not voluntarily surrender to die
on that wood.
Meanwhile, Jesus' teachings about compassion spread by the church, showing
as if Jesus is full of compassion, have already become its followers' religious
belief. It became the easiest instrument of propaganda.
Finally, Indra and I were quite surprised when realizing Sintong's origin. I even
began to understand why The Legend wrote "Kristen Jahat."
I ended the conversation because the pastor needed to prepare for the next
sermon, "I hope we can continue this discussion next time."
After finding Meme, who was talking with other women, we went home while
enjoying the puzzle in my head. I stopped in a quiet place to take my medicine.
At the same time, I saw a waste was resting.
While taking medicine, I saw an old man pulling a cart passing by the waste
picker, which seemed like a fruit seller. With his worn hat on his head and
towel in his neck, he stopped for a while and took papaya and some bananas
out of his cart and gave them to the waste picker. I could say that his sales
didn't go well today. I stopped drinking my herb for a while, watching the old
man taking out a knife to peel the papaya and a drinking bottle. They both
showed happy faces. I could see the waste picker say thanks to the old fruit
I could see the sincerity in the old man's face when giving his fruit and drinking
water although he had not sold any fruit today. What I learn from him is his
outstanding sincerity. This old man did something unconventional, uncommon
in this era. I prayed to God, asking for an answer. I whispered, "God, give me
an explanation through this event, so I know the truth, so I don't go to Buddha
temple next week, o God."
It seemed like God sent His answer quickly and accurately. I begin to
understand that all this time, God does not see who we are from our positions
and wealth. He does not care about them all.
"Compassion" is the key. It's simple: "compassion," and what that old man did
resemble his compassion and sincere heart. He doesn't need to know the
sermon on the mount. He probably even doesn't know about Matthew 5:30.
What he did reminds me of a figure I love very much, Mother Teresa of
Calcutta from a poor area in India. She devoted herself to those who suffer
from leprosy, even built a school and leprosy hospital and elderly home.
With her renowned saying, "God has not called me to be successful, but to be
faithful" and "Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with
great love," once again, I believe that God really sees one's heart, and how we
treat Him in our life.
I found the explanation for my puzzle, that Mother Teresa did not see a verse
explicitly but implicitly. She knew what happened during roman colonialism
and about Jew's interest in their denial about "Jesus" as the messiah. She
clearly understood that Jesus came to complete the old testament. About the
history of the writing of Matthew 5:39, I am sure she understood this, yet she
prefers to see this verse implicitly. She knew that God created differences with
reasons. It is His absolute choice; this verse is even used as an instrument for
propaganda He allows because God only sees through the heart of His creation
and how we use
our heart when facing this life, handling differences, and most importantly,
where we put God in our heart and how we treat God in this life. This is the
message Mother Teresa firmly holds in her heart, a message Pak Sintong
should get. Instead of being trapped in the past failure as a pastor, try to get
into the army, Sir!! I'm sure it will be different hua ha ha ha.

Mother Teresa has faith in Jesus' teaching about compassion and crucifixion
because she sees Jesus and Mother Mary's teaching as a lifestyle. Jesus is the
truly unconventional figure for his teachings.
So in this context, I should respect The Legend's opinion in his writing "Kristen
Jahat" because truth depends on our perspectives and is undebatable.
Otherwise, we should respect these differences.
Most Importantly, I am no longer puzzled and think about going to Buddha
temple next week, huaha ha ha ha... ha ...HORASSS HORASS HORASSS!!!

#pelor,ronggeng 16Jan2017

Almost everyone once ate bakpao in Indonesia. It is one of the most delicious
Chinese foods with a range of tastes and unique, chubby texture, just like
Meme's cheeks, hua ha ha ha.
This bun has become one of the hottest discussion topics recently, as hot as my
bum that sat too long waiting for an extension of my vehicle license.
Different from ordinary bakpao, this special bakpao is unique as it could stick
to this country's honorable official's forehead. This bakpao is made in a
different way than the ordinary bakpao. While the old, traditional bakpao is
made in a kitchen using a mixer and other utensils. This bakpao is made on the
street located in an elite residential area, using a luxury car and a power pole
bought using the state budget! yes, POWER POLE. hua ha ha ha.
You can imagine how expensive this bakpao is.
Different from other bakpao that is neatly organized waiting to be bought by
buyers, this bakpao jumps to stick to one's forehead.
Because of its action of sticking on the state official's forehead, special doctors
and hospitals are required to remove it. (You know, special bakpao).
Once this bakpao sticks, it is difficult to remove. It even fights back and
requires a skilled person with a special strategy to tame this bakpao.
Okay, wait, is this really a bakpao, or a bomb? Hua ha ha ha...
Besides its sticking skill, it seems to be able to teleport, and it is proven when it
is removed.
So, like the wrathful Pendekar Pemanah Rajawali with his bow, once the bow is
pulled back, not only the state official but also his doctor and his advocates are
Someone whispered to me, "Sir...sir... Wake up...! Your name is called", the
man next to me said. I woke up, and the first thing I looked up was what I was
wearing. I was afraid if it turned into the orange dress in Corruption
Eradication Commission (KPK) office, hua ha ha ha.
No, of course not, I was still in the same office, yes SAMSAT DEPOK. I was more
confident when I saw the face of the man next to me, the person who asked
me to wake up when my name was called.
I walked to the cashier as a good, tax compliant citizen (sorry it's a lie

) to pay and wait for my vehicle license extension to be finished.

After saying goodbye to the man who helped me, I went out of the building
and say DONT FIGHT AGAINST BAKPAO, BOSS!, EAT IT..!!, hua ha ha ha


What is your goal in life? Without thinking it through, we immediately answer

this cliché question by saying "success".

The term "success" has been crystalized in our mind since we were a child. It is
proven when we give a question to a kid, "Son, what do you want to be in the
future?" and he spontaneously and innocently asserts that he wants to be a
doctor, soldier, police officer, or president. Even the answer is frequently
linked to superhero characters that he admires, such as Batman, Ironman,
Superman, and so forth.

Those answers emerge as the reflection of success according to children's

perceptions. This understanding has unconsciously been fossilized in their

"Success" is interpreted as a dream in which every human being should

achieve. In pursuing success, sacrifices are occasionally needed, such as
sacrificing our energy, mind, and even material stuff.

The world has offered us myriads of choices to grab our success. Besides
formal education levels, there are also some other levels of informal
education, such as joining numerous seminars in order to attain motivation
and tips that help us face the obstacles we encounter.

The seminars sometimes present some people who once began their careers
from zero and eventually they became heros, role models, and even

The "success" offered by the world is not wrong. When we follow it earnestly
and persistently, this success is likely to be reached.

The questions are, "Why are so many people not able to pursue the success
that they've been dreaming of? What is actually going on?"

Since centuries ago, some of the greatest philosophers in the world have been
attempting to find out the answers. Until this century, however, no one hasn't
been able to provide any proper answer that can be utilized to measure one's
Nowadays, one's success is merely measured by his or her current material
wealth, position, popularity, and even power or title.
Failure that defines success is inseparable from human mistakes that position
themselves as a central point in achieving their desires and goals.

As a human being, sometimes we never feel enough with what we have now.
Thus, it motivates us to never stop trying to achieve our goals.

Even we pray and worship to our Creator only when we have a specific goal,

namely to make our wishes come true immediately.

Unwittingly, this actions actually insult our Creator because we only consider

God as a "tool" to grant our wishes.

Therefore, there is a deep disappoinment that comes up when all our efforts are


As if God isn't on our side; He doesn't grant the prayers we've prayed before.

This condition makes human feel disappointed, desperate, and eventually they

decide to leave their Creator.

These all happen because we do not realize that the real goal of life is much

bigger than our wild imagination, ambition, and even the happiness that we have

achieved up to now.

When we put God first and realize that we are presented by His purpose, which

is perfect, we will be aware of the reasons why God created and placed us on

this planet.
God is perfect. His creations must be perfect too. God created us perfectly
since He put us in the womb of our mother.
Albeit not knowing our skin tones, body shapes, eye colors, and hair when we
were born, or despite not being able to choose the nationality and city where we
would be raised after being born, or inspite of not knowing who would be our
parents, whether we would live in luxury or poverty, all these things do not occur
coincidentally; instead, it happens because of His plans.
Our Creator never perceives us as illegitimate children or children with
disabilities. He always has His own intentions which are inevitably perfect.

In living this life, we frequently do not realize that when we fail or are sick, it is a
sign showing that our Creator is actually testing us for a meaningful reason.
Whatever we may encounter right now, it is part of His scenarios.
From now on, let our Creator be our central point (our priority). We should keep
showing our gratitude when abundance is bestowed upon us or when we have
to live in scarcity. Let the Creator be our companion and guide us in every step
we take in our lives.
The sorrow and problem we go through in this life are merely parts of the
processes we have to face grounded on the roles we play. Our life in this world is
basically a mere test that temporarily lasts.
By viewing the current situations that happen in this world, a lot fo things have
seemingly turned to be mean and uncertain. Crises occur everywhere. Arrogance
is rampant. Even kindness seems to be abstract and has become a mere action of
courtesy. We no longer see sincerity.
Thus, it's time for us to grow an intrapersonal relationship with our inner self,
balanced with building a relationship with our Creator. Get ready to have a
thoughtful mind and solemnly listen to the sound of the Creator.

Hence, we'll be able to comprehend that the real life means the peak of the
triumph we have to achieve with the Creator because "THIS IS THE MEANING OF
THE REAL SUCCESS"!!! Amen, amen, amen.

#pelor/ronggeng 25Jan2018

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