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KVPY (Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana)


Exam To be given in Subjects Syllabus Selection through

KVPY Class 11 PCMB PCMB till class 10. Only some chapters Written exam,
SA November from JEE, NEET syllabus (they are Interview
mostly from NCERT class 11 books)
KVPY Class 12 You can choose Coincides with full JEE syllabus Written exam,
SX November either PCM or PCB Interview

Purpose of appearing for KVPY SA exam -:

(1) Scholarship for undergraduate science programs

(2) Admission for BSR (Bachelor of Science by Research 4 years) IISc Bangalore, MS (Master of Science 5 years) at
several IISERs.

(3) To know where you stand in your peer group. KVPY rank is a fair indicator of likely performance in JEE/NEET in
future. You will find many common names among ranks of KVPY and ranks of subsequent JEE/NEET.

(4) Farther the target exam, slower is the momentum of preparation. Students as well as coaching classes go slow for
their own reasons in the initial months of class 11. KVPY SA offers an excellent reason to maintain a high focus on
preparation right from the beginning of class 11. Many a topic of KVPY SA syllabus are not covered by coaching
classes before the dates of KVPY SA. Students have to prepare those topics on their own. There is indeed a room for
it because the coaching classes go slow in the initial months of class 11.

Advise to students

Reasons (3) and (4) above are sufficient to suggest each serious JEE student to appear for KVPY SA.

Physics Chemistry topics of KVPY SA -: They are subset of JEE/NEET syllabus. Prepare these topics to JEE/NEET level.
Some of them will not be covered in your coaching class before KVPY SA date. Then, prepare them on your own.
Completely solve each topic from a JEE/NEET resource. Thoroughly read each topic from NCERT class 11 books.

Maths topics of KVPY SA -: Duly revise the maths portion till class 10. Go through NCERT book till class 10. NEET
aspirants may ignore the remaining maths portion. A part of KVPY SA maths syllabus it not in JEE syllabus (it is from
Olympiad syllabus). JEE aspirants may omit that part and prepare remaining part thoroughly.

Biology topics of KVPY SA -: Duly revise the biology portion till class 10. Go through NCERT books till class 10. That
covers some biology required for KVPY SA. JEE aspirants may omit the remaining biology portion. They can read the
high weightage chapters in NCERT class 11 book if willing to spare some more time on biology. NEET aspirants should
thoroughly prepare the entire biology portion of KVPY SA because it is a subset of NEET syllabus.

Exam practice -: Complete your preparation one months prior KVPY SA exam. Keep the last 2-4 weeks for paper
solving practice and revision.

This much is sufficient to pass KVPY exam even if you omitted a large part of biology or maths. Also, you will not be
spending time on anything which is not useful for JEE/NEET. The only exception is revision of biology/maths portion
till class 10. It should not take too much time to retain it for 6 months after your 10th board exams.

Students appearing for KVPY SA for reason (2) admission to undergraduate pure science courses in elite institutes -:

If you are appearing for KVPY SA exam for reason (2) above, then you require a good rank in KVPY. You cannot afford
omitting biology. You will properly prepare all biology topics in scope of KVPY SA.

Among all the routes (KVPY SA, KVPY SX, NEET, JEE mains, JEE adv) of admission to IISc Bangalore, KVPY SA is
relatively easier. So, your most important exam is KVPY SA. For you, KVPY SA is more important than JEE.

Strategy to prepare for KVPY SA exam

Thoroughly studying and retaining science, maths till class 10 is absolutely necessary but not sufficient.

KVPY SA exam is just 6 months after entering class 11 when many topics in KVPY SA syllabus are not yet done in
coaching classes. So, advance self-preparation of topics is certainly beneficial.

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