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Android-based Biometric Student Attendance


1) Background/ Problem Statement

In the World of Technology, Biometrics plays an effective role in

identifying Human beings. Biometrics or characteristics are tightly
connected to an individual and cannot be forgotten, shared, stolen or
easily hacked. Since biometrics can better solve the problems of access
control, fraud and theft, more and more organizations are considering
biometrics a solution to their security problems.
The characteristics can uniquely identify a person, replacing or
supplementing traditional security methods by providing two major
improvements: personal biometrics cannot be easily stolen and an
individual does not need to memorize passwords or codes.
Our android-based Biometric Student Attendance System ensures
security, access control, reliability, efficiency and better performance.
The system will have data on every student, and check the daily
attendance of every student using the device. In this project, the front-
end involves XML, Android-Java and the back-end involves SQL Server.
The IDE used is Android Studio.
2) Working of the Project

Biometrics gives you an alternative and higher security compared to

passwords or pin identification due to the fact that passwords and pins
can easily be compromised. Managing student attendance during
lecture periods has become a difficult challenge.
The manual system of taking attendance is done on paper by the use of
a pen, students write their names, index numbers and sign on a sheet
of paper, this makes the system unreliable because students can write
names of friends who are not in class. Also, the ability to compute the
attendance percentage becomes a major task as manual computation
produces errors, and also wastes a lot of time.
For the stated reasons, an efficient attendance management system
using biometrics is designed. This system takes attendance
electronically with the help of a fingerprint device and the records of
the attendance are stored in a database. Attendance is marked after
student identification.
3) Advantages

 It is easy to maintain.
 It is user-friendly.
 The system allows marking of student’s attendance using
 Parents can easily apply for their child’s leave.
 Parents will also receive notification regarding their child’s
leave response and academic performance.
4) System Description
The system comprises 3 major modules with their sub-modules as
 Login: The admin can log in to the system using a username and
 Manage Students
o Student Details: The admin can manage student details and
they can add, update and delete details.
o Add Finger: Also, add a fingerprint while adding the
student’s details.
 Manage Teacher
o Teacher Details: Admin will also add teacher’s details and
add, update and delete details.
o Assign Subjects: Teachers will be assigned subjects.
 Manage Grades: The admin can manage students’ grades and
add, update or delete grades.
 Manage Subjects: They can also manage subjects by adding,
updating and deleting subjects.
 Manage Appointments
o Applied: Admin Applies to meet parent & waits for a reply.
o Appointments: Parents applied to meet the teacher/admin.
The admin will respond to the parent’s appointment
 Manage Leaves
o Pending/Past: Admin will be able to manage pending and
past student leave.
o All Leaves: They can view a list of all the applied student’s
o Pending Leaves Applied by Parents: The admin can view all
the pending leaves applied by parents.
o Approve/Reject: The admin will approve or reject the leave
o Leave Note: They will be able to send a note to the parent
related to leaves.
 Medical Certificate: The admin will be able to view the medical
certificate submitted by parents. They can send a note with an
acknowledgement in response.
 View Complaint
o Pending/Replied: The admin can view pending and replied
o Reply to Complaint: They will be able to respond to the
 Warning Letters
o Add/View: The admin can add and view a list of all students
with attendance below 80% / total course work below 60%.
o Send Warnings: They can send a warning letter to their
o View Warning Letter: Admin will be able to view all warning
letters and replies by parents.

 Attendance
o Entry & Exit: Entry and Exit Lecture-wise Attendance
o Attendance List: See the attendance list of all Students
grade-wise against 2 dates.
 Reports
o Academic Attendance: The admin can view reports of all the
student’s attendance lists, grade-wise.
o Attendance Reports: They can view students’ attendance
reports for 2,4,6-months with lecture, entry and exit details.
o Academic Reports: They can also view the academic reports
of all the students.
 Entry/Exit: The admin can add entry and exit of the student


 Login: Parents can log in to the system using login credentials.

 Profile: They can add or update details to their profile.
 Change Password: Parents can also change their old password to
the new one.
 Forget Password: If they forget their login password, they can
receive a link to change the password on their registered email-id.
 Appointments
o Applied: The parent can apply to meet the admin/teacher
and waits for their response.
o Appointments: The parent will also receive the admin’s
request to meet them and they can respond to the request.
 Leaves
o Pending/All: Parents can view all the leaves including
pending leaves.
o All Leaves: They can view the list of all their applied leaves.
o Pending Leaves: Parents can view leaves that have not been
replied to by an admin.
o Cancel a Leave: They can also cancel their applied leaves.
 Medical Certificate
o Add: Parents can upload the medical reports of their child
while applying for leave.
o View: They can view all the previously uploaded lists and
replies from the admin.
 Complaint
o Add: Parents can add a new complaint.
o View: They can view a list of all the complaints and replies
from the admin.
 Warnings: List of the warning letters sent by admin and parents
can respond to them.
 Attendance
o Entry & Exit: Parents can view their child’s attendance,
lecture-wise. Also, they can view the attendance list of the
child against 2 dates.
 Reports
o Attendance/Academic: Academic attendance reports can be
viewed by the admin.
o Attendance Reports: Parents can view attendance reports of
2/4/6 Months with lecture, entry and exit details.
o Academic Reports: They can also view their child’s academic
 Notifications: Parents will receive notifications such as when
appointment status changes or admin applied, leaves
approved/rejected, medical certificate reply, complaint reply,
warning letter, student entry/exit, academic marks uploaded by

 Login: Teachers can log in to the system using a username and

 Profile: They can add or update details to their profile.
 Change Password: They can also change their passwords.
 Forget Password - If they forget their login password, they can
receive a link to change the password on their registered email-id.
 My Subjects
o Assigned Subjects: A list of all assigned subjects can be
viewed grade-wise.
o Students List: The teacher can view the list of the students
in that Grade.
 Attendance
o Choose Grade/Subject: They can select grade and subject to
view attendance.
o Biometric Attendance: They can take the biometric
attendance of students.
o Lecture-wise Attendance: See the Attendance list of all
Students grade-wise against 2 dates, lecture-wise.
 Academics
o Students’ Academic: Teachers can choose the grade, subject
and student for their academic reports.
o Manage Academics: They can view, add and update
students’ academic details.
o Add Marks: Teachers can add marks on tests, assignments
and final exams.
o Marks Update: They can update existing marks on tests,
assignments and final exams.
 Complaint
o Add: Teachers can add new student complaint.
o View: They can view list of all the complaints and replies
from admin.
5) Project Life Cycle

The waterfall model is a classical model used in the system

development life cycle to create a system with a linear and sequential
approach. It is termed a waterfall because the model develops
systematically from one phase to another in a downward fashion. The
waterfall approach does not define the process to go back to the
previous phase to handle changes in requirements. The waterfall
approach is the earliest approach that was used for software
6) System Requirements

I. Hardware Requirement

i. Laptop or PC
 Windows 7 or higher
 I3 processor system or higher
 8 GB RAM or higher
 100 GB ROM or higher

ii. Android Phone (6.0 and above)

II. Software Requirement

iii. Laptop or PC
 Android Studio
 Azure Data Studio
7) Limitation/Disadvantages
- The parents will need to upload correct medical reports
while applying for their child’s leave application, otherwise,
leaves won’t be approved.

8) Application – This application allows marking attendance and

keeping track of all the student’s academic details using their

9) Reference

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