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address: Johannesburg SA

phone:072 152 1876

Email: Nanojohn146@gmail.Com


John Johnson


512 Macdonalds road

Johannesburg South Africa's

Dear Mr. Johnson

I was excited to see the advertisement that mentioned an opening for a waiter/waitress as I am
highly qualified for this job I have the attributes and experience needed for this job

I have experience with my previous job in which my superiors were always impressed with what
I was capable of doing, I have a decade long of education in which I never failed any year
because of my ability to work hard and because I adapt to any environment easily

I am a team player who knows how to work with several people I say this because of the
contribution I made to the 2022 football team which has reached national competition with these
attributes I believe your company is to benefit immensely

It would be immensely appreciated if you could take a look at my attached application so you
can have more information on my expertise and accomplishments I do look forward to meeting

Thank you for your consideration

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