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Introductory Paragraph

In today's fast-paced world, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and forget
to take breaks. However, taking breaks is actually essential for our productivity, creativity,
and overall well-being. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of taking breaks and share
some tips on how to do it effectively.


The article I chose to read about the topic is "The Importance of Taking Breaks" by Korpela,
Kinnunen, Geurts, de Bloom, and Sianoja (2016). This article is a review of the research on
the benefits of taking breaks. The authors found that taking breaks can:

 Reduce stress
 Improve mood
 Increase productivity
 Enhance creativity
 Improve memory

Middle Paragraphs

Statement 1: One of the most important benefits of taking breaks is that it can help to reduce
stress. When we're feeling stressed, our bodies release hormones that can make it difficult to
focus and concentrate. Taking a break can help to lower our stress levels and allow us to
come back to our work refreshed and ready to focus.

Quote: "Our findings suggest that taking regular breaks from work can be an effective way to
reduce stress and improve well-being" (Korpela et al., 2016, p. 13).

Statement 2: Taking breaks can also help to improve our creativity. When we're feeling
stuck on a problem, taking a break can help us to come at it from a new perspective. This can
lead to new insights and solutions that we wouldn't have thought of if we had just kept
working on the problem without taking a break.

Personal Experience: I once had a problem with writer's block. I was working on a paper for
school, and I just couldn't seem to come up with anything. I took a break and went for a walk,
and when I came back, I was able to finish the paper in no time.

Statement 3: Finally, taking breaks can help to improve our memory. When we take a break,
our brains have a chance to consolidate our memories. This means that they're more likely to
stick around in our long-term memory.

Article Quote: "Our findings suggest that taking regular breaks from work can help to
improve memory and learning" (Korpela et al., 2016, p. 15).

In conclusion, taking breaks is essential for our productivity, creativity, and overall well-
being. The next time you're feeling stressed, stuck, or forgetful, take a break! You'll be glad
you did.

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