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To improve the existing caravan in Robinson Appliances in Naga City, you can consider

implementing the following strategies:

1. Enhance Caravan Promotions: Develop attractive and compelling promotional

offers specific to the caravan. Offer special discounts, bundle deals, or exclusive
incentives for customers who make purchases during the caravan event. Create a
sense of urgency by emphasizing that these offers are available only during the
2. Engage with Customers: Encourage interactive engagement with customers
during the caravan. Train staff members to actively approach customers, answer
their queries, and provide product demonstrations. Offer personalized
recommendations based on customers' needs and preferences, creating a
positive shopping experience.
3. Showcase New and Innovative Products: Highlight the latest and innovative
products during the caravan. Feature items that have unique features, advanced
technology, or exclusive launches. This will generate curiosity and attract
customers who are looking for cutting-edge appliances.
4. Collaborate with Manufacturers and Suppliers: Partner with manufacturers and
suppliers to secure exclusive deals, discounts, or product demonstrations during
the caravan. This can help in offering competitive prices and unique product
offerings, increasing the value proposition for customers.
5. Conduct Product Knowledge Sessions: Organize product knowledge sessions or
mini-workshops during the caravan. Educate customers about the features,
benefits, and usage of different appliances. This will empower customers to make
informed purchase decisions and enhance their understanding of the products.
6. Offer Financing Options: Provide flexible financing options or installment plans
during the caravan to make high-ticket purchases more accessible to customers.
Collaborate with financial institutions to offer attractive interest rates or
promotional financing deals, increasing affordability for potential buyers.
7. Create a Festive Atmosphere: Decorate the caravan area with attractive displays,
banners, and thematic elements to create a festive atmosphere. Play background
music, offer refreshments, or organize entertainment activities to enhance the
overall customer experience and make the event more memorable.
8. Leverage Social Media and Digital Marketing: Utilize social media platforms,
online advertising, and email marketing to create awareness and promote the
caravan event. Highlight special offers, exclusive discounts, and exciting activities
to generate interest and attract a wider audience.
9. Collect Customer Feedback: Actively seek feedback from customers who attend
the caravan. Use surveys or feedback forms to understand their experience,
suggestions, and preferences. This feedback will help in identifying areas for
improvement and fine-tuning future caravan events.
10. Follow-up with Attendees: After the caravan, follow up with customers who
attended the event. Send personalized thank-you notes, offer post-caravan
discounts, or provide additional information or support related to their
purchases. This will reinforce customer loyalty and create a positive impression of
the brand.

Regularly evaluate the success of the caravan by tracking sales data, customer feedback,
and attendance rates. Use the insights gained to continuously improve and tailor future
caravan events to meet the needs and expectations of customers in Naga City.

If a salesman consistently delivers good performance, but the company continuously

increases their sales targets, it can have both positive and negative effects on the

Positive Effects:

1. Motivation and Challenge: The higher sales targets can push the salesman to
continuously improve their skills and strive for greater achievements. They may
see the higher targets as a challenge and an opportunity for personal and
professional growth.
2. Recognition and Rewards: If the salesman consistently meets or exceeds the
increasingly higher targets, they may receive increased recognition and rewards
from the company. This recognition can include incentives, bonuses, promotions,
or other forms of acknowledgment for their exceptional performance.
3. Career Advancement Opportunities: Continuously meeting or surpassing higher
sales targets may open up career advancement opportunities within the
organization. The salesman may be considered for promotions or higher-level
sales positions due to their consistently strong performance.

Negative Effects:

1. Increased Pressure and Stress: Continuous increases in sales targets can create a
high-pressure environment for the salesman. They may experience increased
stress to consistently meet or exceed the higher targets, which can impact their
job satisfaction, well-being, and work-life balance.
2. Burnout: The combination of increased pressure and stress can potentially lead to
burnout if the salesman feels overwhelmed and unable to maintain the pace
required to meet the ever-increasing sales targets. Burnout can negatively affect
their performance, motivation, and overall job satisfaction.
3. Unrealistic Expectations: If the sales targets become increasingly difficult to
achieve, it may create unrealistic expectations from the company. The salesman
may feel frustrated or demotivated if they consistently fall short of the higher
targets, despite their best efforts.
4. Negative Impact on Work-Life Balance: The constant drive to meet higher sales
targets can impact the salesman's work-life balance. They may need to invest
more time and effort into their work, leading to less time for personal pursuits,
hobbies, or family.
5. Risk of High Turnover: Continuous increases in sales targets without proper
support or recognition can increase the risk of salesperson turnover. If the
salesman feels that the targets are unattainable or that their efforts are not
adequately appreciated, they may seek employment opportunities elsewhere.

To mitigate the potential negative effects, it's crucial for the company to regularly
evaluate and communicate the rationale behind the increasing sales targets. They
should provide appropriate support, resources, and training to help the salesman
achieve the higher goals. Recognizing and rewarding exceptional performance is also
important to maintain motivation and job satisfaction. Additionally, periodically
reassessing the feasibility and fairness of the targets can help strike a balance between
setting ambitious goals and ensuring the well-being of the sales team.
1. Limited Control: Relying on third-party retailers means you have limited control
over how your products are displayed, presented, and marketed. Your brand
message and product positioning may be influenced by the retailer's own
priorities and strategies, which may not align perfectly with your vision.
2. Brand Image Impact: If your products are not displayed in a way that aligns with
your brand image or if they are mixed with competing products, it can dilute your
brand identity and make it harder for customers to distinguish your products
from others in the market.
3. Inconsistent Customer Experience: Without your own display area, the customer
experience may vary across different retail locations. The way your products are
presented, the level of product knowledge among retail staff, and the overall
customer service experience may not be consistent or up to your desired
4. Limited Direct Customer Interaction: Without your own display area, you have
limited direct interaction with customers. This can make it challenging to gather
customer feedback, understand their needs and preferences, and build
relationships that can lead to repeat business or brand loyalty.
5. Reduced Sales Control: Depending on third-party retailers or distributors means
you have less control over the sales process. You may not have visibility into real-
time sales data, inventory levels, or the ability to adjust pricing or promotions as

Ultimately, the decision to have your own display area or rely on third-party retailers
depends on various factors such as your business size, resources, marketing strategy,
and brand objectives. It's important to carefully evaluate the pros and cons and
determine which approach aligns best with your overall business goals and customer
experience objectives.

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