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<Grammar Point (noun modification)>

So far, we’ve learned how to modify (give extra information) onto a noun:

1) With another noun --- <N1> の <N2>                

e.g. 父(ちち)の車(くるま) (my father’s car)

2) With い-adjective --- <い adj.> い <N>                

e.g. 古(ふる)い車 (an old car)

3) With な-adjective --- <な adj.> な <N>                

e.g. 有名(ゆうめい)な車 (a famous car)

The modifying word comes before the noun, and the same applies to a

<How to modify a noun with a clause>

a) Verbs, adjectives and nouns in a clause that modifies a noun are in the
PLAIN FORM. With な adjectives, this is〜な, and with nouns it is 〜の:

ロンドンへ行(い)く人     a person who goes to London

     行(い)かない人   a person who doesn’t go to London

     行(い)った人    a person who went to London

     行(い)かなかった人 a person who didn’t go to London

a tall, black-haired person

親切(しんせつ)で、きれいな人     a beautiful, kind person

40 歳(さい)の人          a 40-year-old person 

b) Noun-modifying clauses are used with the various sentence patterns

shown below:

This is the house where Mr. Yamada used to live. <as predicate>

The house Mr. Yamada used to live is old. <as topic>

I bought the house where Mr. Yamada used to live in. <as direct object>
I like the house where Mr. Yamada used to live in. <as subject>

There was a cat in the house where Mr. Yamada used to live. <as location>

ります。                         I’ve been to
the house where Mr. Yamada used to live in. <as direction>

In short, where you find a noun can always be modified in this way.

c) The subject of a noun-modifying clause is marked by が:

これは母(はは)が作(つく)ったケーキです。 This is the cake that my

mother made.

I like the picture that Gemma painted. 

Do you know the place where Picasso was born?


<V-dic.> + 時間(じかん) (time) /約束(やくそく) (appointment,

engagement, promise) /用事 (ようじ)(business, errand, things to do)

When talking about the time required for doing something or describing
an appointment, errand, etc., the verb is put in the dictionary form and is
placed in front of the noun 時間(じかん), 約束(やくそく), 用事 (よう

  As for yesterday, (I) did not have time to eat breakfast.

  (I) made an arrangement to see a film with a friend next week.

  (I) have an errand to go to the bank today.

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