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**Title: GUI Application for Shutting Down a PC**


This report presents a Python-based GUI application that allows users to shut down their PC with a single
click. The application utilizes the `tkinter` library to create a graphical user interface and provides a
convenient way to initiate the system shutdown process. The report includes an overview of the
application’s algorithm and the corresponding Python code.


The algorithm for the GUI application to shut down a PC consists of the following steps:

1. Import the necessary libraries: Import the `tkinter` library for creating the GUI and the `os`
module for executing system commands.

2. Define the shutdown function: Create a function called `shutdown()` that will be executed when
the “Shutdown” button is clicked. Within this function, determine the operating system and
execute the appropriate command to initiate the shutdown process. For Windows, the
command `shutdown /s /t 0` is used, while for Linux and macOS, the command `shutdown now`
is used.

3. Create the GUI window: Create a window using the `Tk()` class from the `tkinter` library. Set the
title of the window to “Shutdown App”.

4. Create the shutdown button: Create a button using the `Button()` class from `tkinter`. Set the
text of the button to “Shutdown” and specify the `command` parameter to call the `shutdown()`
function when the button is clicked.

5. Display the button: Use the `pack()` method to display the button within the GUI window.
Optionally, you can specify padding (`padx` and `pady`) to adjust the spacing around the button.

6. Start the GUI event loop: Use the `mainloop()` method on the window object to start the GUI
event loop, allowing the application to respond to user interactions.
**Python Code:**


Import tkinter as tk

Import os

Def shutdown():

If == ‘nt’:

Os.system(‘shutdown /s /t 0’)

Elif == ‘posix’:

Os.system(‘shutdown now’)


Print(“Unsupported operating system.”)

Window = tk.Tk()

Window.title(“Shutdown App”)

Button = tk.Button(window, text=”Shutdown”, command=shutdown)

Button.pack(padx=20, pady=10)




In conclusion, the Python GUI application presented in this report provides a simple and user-friendly
way to initiate the shutdown process on a PC. By utilizing the `tkinter` library, users can click the
“Shutdown” button to trigger the appropriate system command based on their operating system. This
application demonstrates how to combine the power of Python programming with a graphical interface
to perform system-level actions efficiently.

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