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Practice Listening

We bring you this news that US Secret Service has confirmed that a white substance has a spot at
security alert at the white house was cocain.

Investigation into how the illegal drug got into the building is now underway with Secret Service agents
exmining CCTV and entrance the white house press

As you know this is under the preview of Secret Service. They are currently investigating what happened
over the weekend so I would have to refer you to the secret first. The Secret Service on all of this but one
thing that I can share that I’ll share a little bit or more information

As you know, the president and the first lady and their family was not here this weekend as you all
reported on this. And as you also know that they all left on Friday and return just yesterday. Where this
was discovered was a heavily travelled area where many, White House West Wing, I should even be
more specific. West Wing visitors come to this paticular area. I just don’t have anything more to share. It
is under investigation by Secret Service.

This is in their purview so we’re going to allow the investigation to continue and we have the confidence
that the Secret Service will get to the bottom of this

So that briefing was just in the last couple of hours or so. Hagar you know this part of the world, what
you make of it?

I do, I know it very well, I worked at the White House three years. I can’t come to a judgement call. So it’s
hard to me to speculate where this came from but when I saw this story I thought it would be really
crazy because it’s not a location that somebody could just, you know, drop a bag of cocaine or they had
cocaine on their finger or the powder was left somewhere. It’s really hard to envision. I’m not saying this
is not accurate currently it is. It’s just I’m having a really hard time understaning how this could have
happened if it weren’t for a tour. Now we used to give tour when I was at the White House. It’s usually
you’re bringing your friends your family and so on to do this tour, and they’re leaving their items and and
they were leaving things where a ledge, not a ledge, where this cocaine was found. And so my guess it
was somebody else on the outside. And I maybe not into and we have a high standard of drug testing
and no drug use in government but you know time could change and maybe I wrong for that but it
shocked me that’s for sure


In recent years, the Obama administation has put its full weight behind fast tracking the transpacific
partnership, eliminating Congress’s ability to edit and install the agreement.

In response, Wikileaks recently released classified document from the secret arrangement and
condemned the partnership in a press release

So what’s the big deal?

The us has fast tracked the number of agreement between countries in the last decade
So what’s so scary about the transpacific partnership

Well, first of all, this agreement covers a huge section of the world. The governs international
investments and trade regulations between the United States, Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Malaysia,
Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Perus, Singapore and Vietnam. Together, these countries represent more
than 40% of the world’s GDP, and make for the single largest economic treaty ever.

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