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 Ravi: A businessman who wants to start a new company

 Raj: A government official who is responsible for regulating business
 Sita: A representative from the Indian Standards Institute

Setting: An office room

(Ravi enters the room)

Ravi: Hello, I'm Ravi. I want to start a new company and I need to know what
standards I have to follow.

Raj: Hi Ravi, I'm Raj, and I'm responsible for regulating business standards in this
area. Before you start your company, you have to make sure that you follow the
Indian standards set by the government.

Ravi: Okay, but what are these standards?

Raj: These standards are a set of rules that ensure that the products and services you
offer meet a certain level of quality and safety.

Sita: (enters the room) Hi everyone, I'm Sita from the Indian Standards Institute. We
are the organization responsible for setting and enforcing these standards.

Ravi: That's great. Can you tell me more about these standards?

Sita: Sure. We have standards for everything from food safety to construction
materials. We also have standards for manufacturing processes, electrical safety, and
environmental management.

Raj: And these standards are mandatory for any business operating in India. They
ensure that consumers get safe and high-quality products and services.

Ravi: Okay, I understand. But how do I know if I'm following these standards?

Sita: You can get certified by our organization. We have a certification process that
ensures that your business follows all the relevant standards.

Ravi: That's great. How do I get started?

Sita: You can start by contacting our office and setting up a consultation. We will
help you identify the relevant standards for your business and guide you through the
certification process.

Raj: And remember, following these standards is not just good for your customers,
it's also good for your business. By following these standards, you will be able to
compete in the global market and attract more customers.

Ravi: Thank you both for your help. I will definitely contact your office and get

Sita: Great, we look forward to working with you.

Raj: Yes, best of luck with your new business, Ravi.

(All three characters exit the room)


 Mr. Sharma, a consumer

 Ms. Verma, a representative from the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
 Narrator

Scene: A busy shopping mall

Narrator: "Mr. Sharma is out shopping for household goods when he suddenly
comes across Ms. Verma, a representative from the Bureau of Indian Standards."

Ms. Verma: "Good afternoon, sir. Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Mr. Sharma: "Sure, what's up?"

Ms. Verma: "I'm from the Bureau of Indian Standards, and we're here to create
awareness among consumers about the importance of buying products that meet
Indian standards."

Mr. Sharma: "Oh, I see. But how do I know if a product meets Indian standards or

Ms. Verma: "Well, every product that meets Indian standards carries the ISI mark,
which is a guarantee of quality, safety, and reliability. So, always look for the ISI mark
when you buy any product, whether it's an electrical appliance, a gas cylinder, or
even packaged drinking water."
Mr. Sharma: "That's good to know. But why is it so important to buy products that
meet Indian standards?"

Ms. Verma: "Buying products that meet Indian standards ensures that you get the
best quality products that are safe and reliable. It also ensures that you are not being
cheated by unscrupulous manufacturers who may sell substandard or counterfeit
products that can pose a risk to your health and safety."

Mr. Sharma: "I never thought of it that way. Thanks for letting me know. I'll make sure
to look for the ISI mark from now on."

Ms. Verma: "That's great to hear, sir. And if you have any questions or doubts about
the ISI mark or any product that you are planning to buy, feel free to contact the BIS
helpline, and we'll be happy to assist you."

Narrator: "And with that, Mr. Sharma walks away with a newfound appreciation for
the importance of Indian standards and the ISI mark. Thanks to Ms. Verma and the
Bureau of Indian Standards, he can now shop with confidence, knowing that he's
getting the best quality products that meet Indian standards."


 Sarah: A young woman who is interested in starting her own business.

 Tracy: Sarah's best friend who is also an entrepreneur.
 Alex: A tech-savvy expert who provides digital solutions to businesses.

(Scene opens with Sarah and Tracy chatting on the phone.)

Sarah: Hey, Tracy. I'm thinking about starting my own business. Do you have any advice for me?

Tracy: Absolutely! The first thing you need to do is to digitalize your business. With the power of
technology, you can expand your reach and streamline your operations.

Sarah: That sounds great, but I don't know much about technology.

Tracy: No problem! I can introduce you to Alex. He's a tech expert who can help you with digital

(Sarah nods in agreement.)

(Alex enters the scene.)

Alex: Hi, ladies. I heard you were talking about digital solutions.
Tracy: Yes, Sarah wants to start her own business, and we thought it would be a good idea to
digitalize it.

Alex: That's a great idea! Digitalization can help you save time and money while reaching a wider
audience. Have you thought about creating a website?

Sarah: I have, but I don't know where to start.

Alex: Don't worry, Sarah. I can help you create a professional website that showcases your
business and attracts customers.

Tracy: And you can use social media to promote your business too! That's how I got my first

Sarah: That sounds amazing! But how can I manage everything without spending too much time
on it?

Alex: That's where automation comes in. You can use tools like chatbots and email marketing
software to automate your customer interactions and marketing campaigns.

Tracy: And don't forget about analytics! By tracking your website traffic and social media
engagement, you can improve your marketing strategy and get better results.

Sarah: Wow, I never thought about all these things. Thanks, guys! I feel more confident about
starting my own business now.

Tracy: That's what friends are for! We're here to support each other and empower each other.

Alex: And that's the power of digitalization. It can empower women to start and grow their
businesses, no matter where they are in the world.

(Sarah, Tracy, and Alex smile at each other as the scene fades out.)

John: [Yelling] Hey Emily, can you bring me a glass of water?

Emily: [Sighs] Sure, John. [She brings him the glass of water and goes back to the
kitchen to continue cooking]

John: [Talking to the TV] Women are so predictable. They just exist to do things for

[Emily rolls her eyes and continues cooking. Their daughter, Sarah, enters the room]

Sarah: Mom, can you help me with my homework?

Emily: Of course, Sarah. Let me wash my hands first.

John: [Interrupting] Sarah, let your mother cook. She's already doing enough.

Sarah: But Dad, I need help.

Emily: [Smiling] It's okay, Sarah. Let's sit at the table and we can work on your
homework together.

[Emily sits down with Sarah and they begin working on her homework. John
continues to watch TV and doesn't notice when Emily finishes cooking and sets the

Emily: [Calling out] John, dinner's ready!

John: [Gets up and goes to the table] Smells great, Emily.

Emily: Thank you. I made your favorite dish.

John: [Talking with his mouth full] This is delicious.

Sarah: [Looking at Emily] Mom, you're the best cook ever!

Emily: [Smiling] Thank you, sweetie.

John: [Looking at Emily] You know, Emily, you're the backbone of this family. We
couldn't survive without you.

Emily: [Touched] Thank you, John. I appreciate that.

[The scene ends with the family enjoying their meal together, with Emily feeling
appreciated and valued for all that she does.]

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