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The Four Smart Students

1. Complete the story with the correct PAST SIMPLE or PAST CONTINUOUS form of the verbs in

The Four Smart Students

One night four college students _________________ (go) out partying and _________________ (not
study) for the test which ________________ (be) scheduled for the next day. In the morning, they
_________________ (think) of a plan; they _________________ (make) themselves look dirty with
grease and dirt.
Then, they _________________ (go) to the Dean´s office and one of them _________________ (say),
“We _________________ (attend) a wedding last night and as we _________________ (drive) back
home, one of our tires _________________ (burst). It _________________ (rain) and there was no
signal. We _________________ (try) to make an emergency call but we couldn't. So, we
_________________ (have) to push the car all our way back.” “We won't be able to sit for the test
today,” another student _________________ (add).
The Dean _________________ (think) for a minute and _________________ (tell) them they
_________________ (can) sit for a re-test in three days. They _________________ (thank) him and
_________________ (promise) to be ready by that time.
On the day of the re-test, they _________________ (appear) before the Dean. “As this is a Special
Condition Test, you all four are required to sit for the exam in separate classrooms,” the Dean
_________________ (explain). The students _________________ (agree) as they had prepared well in
the last three days.
The test ____________ (not have) many questions. In fact, it _______________ (consist) of only two:

1) Your Name? (1 Points)

2) Which tire burst? (99 Points)
Options – (a) Front Left (b) Front Right (c) Back Left (d) Back Right

2. What values were not held by these students in this particular situation?

3. What is the message of the story?

4. If you were asked to change the title of the story, which one would you choose?

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