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Nyxad Pathfinder Draft 4

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dexterity +2 Intelligence -2 Strength (0RP), Nyxads are a petite and lithe
youthful faced race of eternally youthful and energetic women with an intense curiosity and rapid
learning rate accompanied by their rapid reflexes and slight frame derived from being petite and
retaining the vigor of youth.

Fey: Nyxads are fey descended from a rather fanficky creation story. They have the fey type.

Medium Sized: Nyxads are medium sized creatures with no inherent sized based bonuses or penalties.
Being 4’8” to 5’5” and weighing between 80 and 130 lbs.

Silent Hunter Nyxads have light and quiet steps, they reduce the penalty for using Stealth while moving
by 5 and can make Stealth checks while running at a –20 penalty (this number includes the penalty
reduction from this trait).

Slight Build: a Nyxad’s physical stature lets her function in many ways as if she were one size category
smaller. Whenever she is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier, she are treated as one size
smaller if doing so is advantageous to her. she can use weapons designed for a creature one size smaller
without penalty. However, her space and reach remain those of a creature of her actual size. The
benefits of this feat stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size

It is unclear whether the bonus to attack rolls and armor class from small size is given by Slight Build. So I
will leave It up to your game master to decide and strongly recommend against it because the small size
AC and attack bonuses are meant to be balanced by a penalty to CMB and CMD. I mean, giving them
won’t push It into powerful build levels of overpowered. But it is essentially the same as giving 2
predetermined feats worth of benefits so I’d be wary.

Silver Tongued Nyxads have mastered the art of coming across as an unassuming bystander, they gain a
+2 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. In addition, when they use Diplomacy to shift a creature’s
attitude, they can do so up to three steps up rather than just two.

Darkvision 60 Feet Nyxads have massive pupils that absorb more light than normal, because of this, they
can see in the dark up to 60 feet. They may also discern color unlike most creatures with darkvision

Fast Speed Nyxads have a base speed of 40 feet.

Keen Senses: a Nyxad has a +2 racial bonus to Perception and Sense Motive checks and always treats
both skills as class skills for her, regardless of the class she chooses.

Ageless: upon reaching adulthood at the age of 24. A Nyxad never advances into a more advanced age
category, whether due to natural or magical aging or similar effects and cannot make herself appear
older with the result of an illusion or transmutation spell or similar effect

Shadow Blending: Nyxads may make stealth checks to hide while in dim light or darkness without
needing other sources of cover and concealment, even from creatures with darkvision or the ability to
see in magical darkness, this is foiled by a good source of bright light.
Languages: Nyxads Speak Common and Sylvan. Nyxads with a high intelligence may learn any language
excluding Secret languages (such as Druidic)

Alternate Traits;

Human raised:

A Nyxad with this trait loses the Fey Type and Gains the Humanoid Type with the Human and Half Elf
Subtypes. Counting her as a human and a half elf simultaneously for effects and prerequisites that
require either race and may disguise herself as a young adult half elf or human woman at no penalty.
This trait replaces the fey type.

Uncanny Charm:

Some Nyxads are especially Doll-Like to the point of creepy uncanniness, Showing increased Frailty but
also manifesting enhanced influence, in addition to the standard racial modifiers, these Nyxads also gain
a -2 racial penalty to their constitution and a +2 racial bonus to their charisma, modifying their racial
modifiers. The effective modifiers with this trait become +2 Dexterity +2 Intelligence +2 Charisma -2
Strength -2 Constitution

Fast Learner:

some Nyxads are especially fast learners, gaining the skilled trait of the human; giving them 1 additional
skill rank per level as if they were human, (4 extra at 1 st level in 3.5e) this feature replaces keen senses
and silent hunter.

Shadow Wings

A Nyxad gains a pair of miniature ethereal wings of shadow. Granting her a fly speed equal to her land
speed with average maneuverability. This trait replaces silver tongued and shadow blending.

Variant Heritages

The Default Heritage is the Evelynian Nyxad. But there are other lineages allowable at GM discretion.
Each one replaces the standard ability score modifiers of the Nyxad. The Standard being called the
PF1e Nyxad Lineages

Hemeran Nyxads being Blonde, Daring, Athletic, and Ballsy. Hemerans are +2 Dexterity with no penalties

Thanatian Nyxads having White Hair and Red Eyes due to Albinism, being frighteningly calm and
composed. Thanatians are +2 Dex +2 Cha -2 Str

Evelynians are the Standard Black hair and Blue Eyes Nyxads that are famous for learning fast and are
most of the Rogues. being +2 Dex+2 Int -2 Str

Reapertouched Nyxads are a Thanatian Offshoot, being +2 Con with no penalties. very unkillable

Some Evelynians earned the unofficial nickname Concordian Nyxad as Prodigies due to being perceived
as the epitome of Nyxadkind. being -2 Str -2 Con +2 Dex +2 Int +2 Cha

Nyxads Raised by humans are -2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 to any single mental attribute of thier choice. They must
take the human raised and fast learner alternate features

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