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Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report



Final Geological Report


Prepared by: Geology Department

August 2018

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Well location............................................................................................................................4
1.2 General well data.....................................................................................................................5
2. Geology...............................................................................................................................................5
2.1 The field structures..................................................................................................................7
2.2 Formation Tops and markers...................................................................................................9
2.3 Stratigraphy: -........................................................................................................................10
2.3.1 Stratigraphy of tertiary: -................................................................................................10
2.4 Lithology Description............................................................................................................12
2.5 Sample manifest.....................................................................................................................17
2.5.1 SAMPLING:..................................................................................................................18
2.6 Well tops correlations............................................................................................................20
2.7 Underground..........................................................................................................................21
2.7.1 Oil Shows.......................................................................................................................21
2.7.2 Background gases of interval drilled..............................................................................21
2.7.3 Peak(formation) Gases...................................................................................................22
2.7.4 Coring ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………22

2.8 Master log..............................................................................................................................23

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

Geological Information
1. Introduction

Kirkuk field is super giant field comprising three Domes that extend from southeast to the
northwest by about 100 Km long and 4 Km wide. The two main domes (Baba and Avanah)
are located in Kirkuk, while the third one (Khurmala) is located in Erbil. It has been
decided that Erbil will take the lead in managing and developing the Khurmala Dome. For
that purpose, Kar Group working with MNR has been asked to operate and maintain the

The Khurmala Dome is located about 80 km to the north west of Kirkuk and 35 km west of
Erbil, lies fully on the territory of Erbil Governorate. The Khurmala Dome is about 22 km
long and 3 km wide. Hydrocarbons are produced from the Tertiary (main limestone)
reservoir, a fold hydrocarbon trap (Anticline fold) and rock type is Dolomitic limestone
with reasonably good porosity and permeability, which is characterized by natural fractures.
The oil column thickness is thought to be about 60 m sandwiched between a large gas cap
and aquifer. The estimated Gas-Oil Contact is located at a depth of 593 m MSL and Oil-
Water Contact at a depth between 700 and 650 m MSL depending on location.

One Vertical oil producer well (Development Well) is proposed to be drilled and completed
in the tertiary (main limestone) reservoir. This will be achieved through selecting a
completion design that secures the highest sustainable Productivity Index and consequently
production potential around (8-10) KBOPD. It is envisaged that either open hole (per foot)
completion or cased hole completion with completion interval ranged between (25-30)
meters, target zone true vertical depth is ranged between (950 – 1000) m RTKB will be
selected based on log and test analysis.

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

1.1 Well location.

Khurmala Dome field is divided to three regions; South, Middle and North. SX is located in the North

Locations Coordinate is as follows;

SX-Locations Coordinate
Location Elevation,
Easting Northing
(Planned Well) m AMSL
SX 384639.7 3983180.4 345

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

1.2 General Well Data:

Country Iraq (KRG)

Field Khurmala

Operator KAR Group Oil & Gas

Location SX

Well type Vertical Oil producer well

Well Name K-442(KDN-16)

Rig name/type GYP Rig-08

Drilling contractor GYP

Depth measurement Meters, RTKB

Datum RTKB

GL 345 m

RF 6m

RTKB 351m

Well Total depth Primary target Tertiary (Main-limestone)

TVD 1071 m RTKB

Completion target Depth Avanah Dense, Target Depth 986-1011 m RTKB

Wellhead and XMT Assemble For 13 3/8’’ x 9 5/8’’ x 7’’ x 4 ½’’ – 3000 psi. (H2S = 4%
and CO2 = 7%).

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

2. Geology
2.1 The Field Structure:
Khurmala consists of asymmetrical anticline , the dip of strata on both side is not equals ,the dip
limbs of south west is more than the dip of north east , and the direction of dip of plunge and dip
angle in khurmala differ than BaBa and Avanah dome ( in opposite direction ) .
The khurmala lies in northwestern part from Kirkuk field consist of third dome for this field, and
separated from Avanah field Debbaga Saddle. The long of the dome about, (20-22) km.and wide
about (3.5) km. this dome contain a large quantity of free – gas, so contain oil column thickness
about (104 ) m. till (1994) drilled (39 ) wells , after drilled (24 ) wells …….etc. density of oil equals
( 34.5 ) degrees .Now but plans of developed the field by (KRG ) . Tertiary age formations are the
main reservoirs for oil production from Khurmala Dome and located at depth ranged between (420 –
720) meter below mean sea level, mainly consisted from limestone beds and for this study divided
into four reservoir units.

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report


Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

2.2 Formation Tops and markers:

GL: 345m AMSL
RT-GL: 9.5 m
Depth Below
Program Top Actual Wireline Thickness
Formation MSL
m Driller m Top m Logger m
Upper Middle Fars in part surface surface 0

Lower Fars (URB)- 658

624 632 307 58

R6 N/A 636 N/A -

R7 N/A 648 N/A -

R8 N/A 656 N/A -

R9 N/A 668 N/A -

Seepage Beds-B1 665 682 716 -365 36

B2 N/A 696 733 -382

B3 N/A 732 N/A -

B4 N/A 740 N/A -

Saliferous Beds 764 746 752 -401 118

S1 N/A 852 858 -507

Transition Beds-T1 873 858 870 -519 36

T2 N/A 872 873 -522

T3 N/A 886 N/A -

T4 N/A 893 N/A -

T5 N/A 896 N/A -

BFC N/A 902 902 -551

Avana dense 903 906 906 -555 86

Avana Porous N/A 982 992 -641 49

Khurmala E4a N/A 1037 1041 -690

Total Depth - 1089 1089

2.3 Stratigraphy:

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

2.3.1Stratigraphy of Tertiary:
The rocks exposed in the area have been subdivided into the Fars and Bakhtyari series (in NE
flanks, N Plunge near well k - 295), which are more or less lithological units, have their greatest
influence in evolution of the present-day topography. Generally, their exposures are confined to
time anticline belts. Whereas in the synclines alluvium and other recent deposits cover the most of
the sequence. The Stratigraphy sequences of the drilled wells encountered from the youngest to the
oldest as described below:

1 -Upper/ Middle Fars formation: -(U. Miocene) (0 -632 ) m.

Estimated true thickness: 632m.

The formation is predominantly of clastic one, it consists of an alternating series of Sandstone,

reddish brown, partly grey, fine to medium grains, inter bedded with Claystone, reddish to red
brown, light grey soft, slightly hard argillaceous, calcareous, semi plastic, show gradation into
Marley to blue soft plastic Calcareous and Argillaceous with Anhydrite nodules, increase towards
the base of the sequence. It found near tops of formation deposited of fresh water limestone white
to buff in this well not recovered due to taken of Samples intervals.

2 -Lower Fars formation: - (M. Miocene). (632- 902) m.

“Estimated true thickness: 270 m.

The formation consists of alternation of Gypsum, Anhydrite, lagoonal Limestone markers, Marls,
and Siltstone with occasional rocks Salts. The top of the formation is marked by massive
Anhydrite known as (A0). The thickness of the formation in Khurmala dome
LF - is subdivided in to a number of units:

A - Upper Red Beds: - (632 -682) m.

Estimated true thickness: 50m.
The unit consists of an alternating sequence of reddish – brown, fine Sandstone, red siltstone,
molted blue Marls, sporadic with thin bands of Limestone markers and Anhydrite.

B - Seepage Beds :-( 682 -746) m.

Estimated true thickness: 64 m.
This unit consists of thick bands of white crystalline Anhydrites, inter bedded with bands of
reddish or blue Marls & Siltstone with thin bands of limestone (B1 – B4).

C - Saliferous Beds: (746 – 858)m.

Estimated true thickness: 112m.
This unit is variable in thickness due to salt tectonic. It consists of alternations of Anhydrite,
Gypsum, Halite, Marl, and rare band of limestone(S-1) marker, which is very useful marker, this
marker was recognized in k -442, KDN-16.

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

D -Transition Beds :-( 858 - 902) m.

Estimated true thickness: 44m.
This unit consists of a succession of thick beds of Anhydrite with some Gypsum inter bedded with
thin bands of Limestone and Marls, in this sequence several marker horizons have been established
over Kirkuk field, namely (T1 - T5) Limestone.

3 - Basal fars Conglomerates'(BFC): - (902-906) m.

Estimated true thickness: 4m.
This is conglomeratic limestone which is on the whole white and having indications of gas and oils
staining. The section is full of miliolids, dendritina sp. and reworked nummulitesspp. The base
represented surface of Unconformity

4 -Avanah Dens: - (Upper / middle Eocene). (906 - 982) m.

Estimated true thickness: 76m.
This is fairly variable formation, having predominately a recrystallized fore – reef type lithology
but with some marly. The rock is porous, vuggy, fractured and locally stylolitic. Fauna includes
nummulites spp. Discocyclina sp., miliolids, textularids, alveeolina spp. Orbitolites sp., shell
fragments, echinoid debris, and algae. The rock is frequently pyritic and contains abundant calcite

5 -Avanah Porous: - (Upper / middle Eocene). (982 - 1037) m.

Estimated true thickness: 55 m.
The well entered the gas cap of the (Main limestone) pay on this dome (khurmala), passed through
the oil column and into the water zone.

6 - Khurmala (E4a): - (Lower Eocene). (1037 - 1071) m.

Estimated true thickness: 34m.
The top of this formation is placed at the incoming of a silty, marly limestone. It is mad up
essentially of silty limestone which grade locally into calcareous sandstone; with thin shale
developments on the whole the rock is dolomitic, with all gradations of recrystallization. The
section is predominantly dense, but with local porous section. Pyrites is common. Some traces of
gastropods and foraminifera can be made out, including miliolids, textularids and valvulinids.

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

2.4 Lithology Description:

For the purpose of this report, the well has been divided into sections based on the Lithology. Each
section of this discussion includes summaries of Lithology, gas and hydrocarbon shows. All depths
quoted are measured below rotary table elevation.
Mud logging and geological operation were performed from surface to final total depth at 1071m
Upper Middle Fars Fm @ 410m MD

From (410-632) m MD alternating of Sandstone, Claystone (Mudstone) and Siltstone

Claystone: (Mud stone): light brown, yellowish brown, grayish brown, sticky, blocky to sub
blocky, amorphous in part.
Sandstone: Very colored, moderately hard, fine to medium grain, rounded to sub rounded,
slightly calcareous.
Siltstone: Gray to light gray, moderately hard to hard, amorphous, blocky to sub blocky,

Top of Lower Fars formation (Upper red bed) @ 632m RTKB (-277.5 BMSL).

R6 @ 636 m MD.
R7 @ 648 m MD.
R8 @ 656 m MD.
R9 @ 668 m MD.

From (632-682) m MD alternating of Claystone (Mudstone), Anhydrite, Limestone and


Claystone (Mudstone): Brown to light brown, reddish brown, grayish brown, moderately hard to
hard, sticky, blocky to sub blocky, amorphous, calcareous.
Anhydrite: White, buff, creamy, blocky to sub blocky, occasionally soft to firm.
Limestone: Green, light green, slightly to moderately hard, argillaceous, marly.

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

Silty Clay: Grayish brown, reddish brown, soft, moderately hard in part, blocky to sub blocky.

Top of Lower Fars formation (Seepage Beds) @ 682 m RTKB (- 327 BMSL)

B1 @ 682 m MD.
B2 @ 696 m MD.
B3 @716 m MD.
B4 @ 732m MD.
B5 @ 740 m MD

From (682-704) m MD alternating of Limestone, Silty Clay and Anhydrite.

Limestone: Green, light green, slightly to moderately hard, argillaceous, marly.

Silty Clay: Grayish brown, reddish brown, soft, moderately hard in part, blocky to sub blocky.
Anhydrite: White, buff, creamy, blocky to sub blocky, occasionally soft to firm.

From (704-746) m MD alternating of Anhydrite, Limestone and Silty Clay.

Anhydrite: White, buff, creamy, snowy, translucent, blocky to sub blocky, very compact, very hard
occasionally soft to firm.
Limestone: Wackestone, Packstone, yellow grey, grey, greenish in part, slightly to moderately
hard, crystalline, argillaceous and marl.
Silty Clay: Gray to light gray, moderately hard to hard, amorphous, sub blocky to sub fissile,
argillaceous matrix, calcareous.

Top of Saliferous Bed @746m RTKB (-391.5 BMSL)

S1 @ 852 m MD.

From (746-810) m MD alternating of Silty Clay, Anhydrite, Salt and Marl.

SiltyClay: Gray to light gray, moderately hard to hard, amorphous, sub blocky to sub fissile,
argillaceous matrix, calcareous.

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

Anhydrite: White, buff, creamy, snowy, translucent, blocky to sub blocky, very compact, very hard
occasionally soft to firm.
Salt (Halite): White to colorless, crystalline, transparent, translucent, slightly hard, pure.
Marl: Greenish gray, light gray, green, blocky to subblocky, moderately firm, occasionally sticky,
slightly calcareous.

From (810-858) m MD alternating of Salt, Silty Clay, Anhydrite, Marl and Limestone.

Salt (Halite): White to colorless, crystalline, transparent, translucent, slightly hard, pure.
SiltyClay: Gray to light gray, moderately hard to hard, amorphous, sub blocky to sub fissile,
argillaceous matrix, calcareous.
Anhydrite: White, buff, creamy, snowy, translucent, blocky to sub blocky, very compact, very hard
occasionally soft to firm.
Marl: Greenish gray, light gray, green, blocky to subblocky, moderately firm, occasionally sticky,
slightly calcareous.
S1or X-Limestone: Mudstone to wackestone, light grey to grey, puff in part, moderately hard ,
porous, vuggy in part, marly in part.

Top of LOWER FARS (Transition Bed) @858 m RTKB (-503.5BMSL)

T2 @ 872 m MD.
T3 @ 886 m MD.
T4 @ 893 m MD.
T5 @ 896m MD.

From (858-887) m MD alternating of Silt clay, limestone and Anhydrite

Silt clay: Gray to light gray, moderately hard to hard, amorphous, sub blocky to sub fissile,
argillaceous matrix, calcareous

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

Limestone: Wackestone to Packstone gray, creamy, light gray, brown, crypto to micro crystalline,
moderately hard to hard, oil staining, argillaceous, marly.
Anhydrite: White, buff, creamy, snowy, translucent, blocky to sub blocky, very compact, very hard
occasionally soft to firm.

From (887-902) m MD mainly limestone alternating with Silt clay with streaks of Silt clay,
Marl and Anhydrite

Limestone T4 , T5: Wackestone to Packstone gray, creamy, light gray, brown, crypto to micro
crystalline, moderately hard to hard, oil staining, argillaceous, marly.
Silt clay: Gray to light gray, moderately hard to hard, amorphous, sub blocky to sub fissile,
argillaceous matrix, calcareous
Marl: Greenish gray, light gray, green, blocky to sub blocky, moderately firm, occasionally sticky,
slightly calcareous.
Anhydrite: White, buff, creamy, snowy, translucent, blocky to sub blocky, very compact, very hard
occasionally soft to firm.

Top of BFC @ 902m RTKB (-547.5 BMSL)

From (902-906) m MD Mainly Conglomeritic limestone.

Conglomeritic Limestone: Light gray to gray, buff in part, soft to moderately hard, compact in
part, fine crystalline, marly, chalky, and argillaceous.

Top of Avanah Dense E1 @ 906m RTKB (-551.5 BMSL) Typical lagonal Pilaspi Formation Finger

From (906-924) m MD Mainly Limestone

Limestone: White to whittles, gray, moderately hard to hard, crypto crystalline, blocky,
translucent, slightly transparent, recrystallization, vuggy, chalky, marly in part, pyritic, dolomitic in
part, with pure calcite crystals nodules anhydrite with brawn siltstone, no visible porosity.

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

From (941-962) m MD No Return

Bad Return from 941m to 945m, No Samples at Shaker

Blind Drill with Water from Depth 945m to 962m.

Top Avanah Porous E2 @982 m RTKB(-627.5 BMSL) Find by ROP

Blind Drilling With Water.

Bad Return From/998m to 1000m.

Top of Khurmala E4a@ 1037 m MD, -682.4 BMS

(According To Program)

Bad Return From/1038m to 1047m.

Average Losses 250 bbl/hr.
Samples Cutting Do Not Represent Actual Depth.
Blind drilling with water.
Bad Return From/1060m to 1089m.
Average Losses 300 bbl/hr.

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report




To: 1089m

Samples: Unwashed-Sets (A &B)

Box # Set No. From To Interval # Samples Missed Hole

A 632 672 5 20 -
B 632 672 5 20 -

A 672 712 2 20 -
B 672 712 2 20 -

A 712 752 2 20 -
B 712 752 2 20 -
12 1/4’’
A 752 792 2 20 -
B 752 792 2 20 -

A 792 832 2 20 -
B 792 832 2 20 -

A 832 886 2 27 -

6 B 832 886 2 27 -

A 886 962 2 15 916-962

7 8 ½”
B 886 962 2 15 916-962

A 918 1089 2 11 940-1089

8 8 ½” ST
B 918 1089 2 11 940-1089

Total Samples: 306 Samples

Total Plastic Boxes: 16 Boxes

2.5.1 Sampling:
Hole sections Sample Interval Intervals

12 ¼” 2m From 632m to 887m

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

Wet & Dry samples

8 ½”
2m From 886m to962m
Wet & Dry samples

8 ½”

Wet & Dry samples 2m From 918m to 1089m

(Side track)


To: 1089m
Samples: Washed and Dried-Set (A,B)

Plastic Box (Big) Carton Box (Small)

Box # Set No. Box # From To Interval # Samples Missed Hole

A 632 672 2 20 -
B 632 672 2 20 -

A 672 712 2 20 -
B 672 712 2 20 -
1 12 1/4’’
A 712 752 2 20 -
B 712 752 2 20 -

A 752 792 2 20 -
B 752 792 2 20 -

2 A 5 792 832 2 20 - 12 1/4’’

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

B 792 832 2 20 -

A 832 886 2 27 -
6 And 8 ½”
B 832 886 2 27 -

A 886 962 2 15 916-962

B 886 962 2 15 916-962

A 918 1089 2 11 940-1089

3 8 8 ½” ST
B 918 1089 2 11 940-1089

Total Samples: 306 Samples

Total Carton Boxes: 16 Boxes

Total Plastic Boxes: 3 Boxes

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

2.6 Well tops correlation.

These are in concords with results obtained from neighboring wells correlation with the section
reached in wells nearby on the same dome is good. And differ from well to wells

. The well KDN-16(K-442) correlated structurally with other neighboring wells (K-306, K-439) as
the shown table below.

1. Lower Fars (URB, Seepage bed, Saliferouse bed, Transition bed) Formation in KDN-16(K-442)
the top coming lower than (K-306, K-439).

2. Avanah Dense Formation in KDN-16(K-442) the top coming lower than (K-306, K-439).

3. Kurmala Formation in KDN-16(K-442) the top coming lower than (K-306, K-439).
So our well is deeper than the other wells.

Formations K-442 SS K-306 SS K-439 SS

Formation MSL Formation MSL Formation MSL

tops (M) Tops (M) Tops (M)

GL: 345 m GL:332
RTKB 359
RTKB: 338

Rock Unit m RTKB m SS m RTKB m SS m RTKB m SS MSL


Upper Red 632 -277.5 583 -224

612 -274

Seepage Bed 682 -327.5 660 -301 672 -334

Saliferous 746 -391.5 695 -336

722 -384

Trans. Bed 858 -503.5 807 -448 812 -474

BFC 902 -547.5 835 -476 845 -507

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

Formations K-442 SS K-306 SS K-439 SS

Formation MSL Formation MSL Formation MSL

tops (M) Tops (M) Tops (M)

GL: 345 m GL:332
RTKB 359
RTKB: 338

Avana Dense 906 -551.5 846 -487 848 -510

Avana 982 -627.5 922 -563

929 -591

Khurmala A 1037 -682.5 995 -636 980 -642

Khurmala B - 1121 -762 - -

2.7 Under Ground Conditions

During the drilling operation, some records of gas and oil show as below:
2.7.1 Oil Shows: we have no data for oil show

2.7.2Background gases of drilled intervals:

Formation Gases with the Average values of the intervals.

Depth Total Gas C1 C2 C3 iC4 nC4 iC5 nC5 CO2 H2S

m % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

705- 811 0.0023 20 - - - - - - - -

811-858 0.0067 56 - - - - - - - -

858-885 0.01 91 - - - - - - - -

885-887 0.009 82 - - - - - - - -

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

887-902 0.0069 287 39 10 Tr Tr - - - -

902-906 0.186 1504 159 56 28 19 14 18 - -

907-940 0.86 6074 493 155 54 41 19 27 - -

978-980 1.51 9618 781 261 83 69 29 40 - -

998-1000 17.2 85115 8725 2191 581 334 125 194 - -

1038-1047 0.067 23 - - - - - - - -

1065-1089 0.24 1025 100 33 21 17 15 20 - -

2.7.3 Peak (Formation) gases:

Depth Total Gas C1 C2 C3 iC4 nC4 iC5 nC5 CO2 H2S

m % ppm ppm Ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

915 2.13 14696 1184 362 120 91 36 55 - -

924 2.00 13859 1129 348 119 90 38 57 - -

928 1.91 13212 1072 329 113 85 38 55

979 1.64 10238 831 295 86 78 31 41 - -

1000 23.22 114118 11057 2541 660 389.197 143 225 - -

1072 1.18 10521 885 321 162 114 77 111 - -

2.7.4 Coring:
Have no core for SX Location.

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

2.8 Master log.

(Due to complete loss and no return and stuck BHA bit+sub+drill collar+drill pipe) leave the fish in the hole
after cementing going to side truck

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report


Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report

Well K-442 (KDN -16) Final Geological report


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