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Draw ER diagram for Student information system, map them to tables.

Sure, here is an ER diagram for a Student Information System:

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| Student |
| - student_id: int (PK)|
| - first_name: varchar|
| - last_name: varchar |
| - date_of_birth: date |
| - gender: varchar |
| - email: varchar |
| - phone: varchar |
| - address: varchar |

| Enrollment |
| - enrollment_id: int (PK)|
| - student_id: int (FK)|
| - course_id: int (FK) |
| - enrollment_date: date|
| - grade: decimal |

| Course |
| - course_id: int (PK)|
| - course_name: varchar|
| - course_description: varchar|
| - credit_hours: int |
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