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DEITIES OF PHILIPPINE MYTHOLOGY: are the gods, goddesses and

diwatas warshiped by ancient Filipinos before the Christianization

PHILIPPINE MYTHOLOGY of the natives after the Spanish Conquest of the Philippines. While
not as widely known as its European and Asian counterparts, they
Philippine Mythology A Collection of tales and superstitions about have similar elements and characteristics when compared to
magical creatures and entities. Some Filipinos, even though other mythologies.
heavily Christianized, still believe in these rules. The prevalence of
belief in the figures of Philippines mythology is strong in the Ancient Philippine Mythology varies among the many indigenous
provinces.Philippine mythology is derived from Philippine folk tribes of the Philippines. During the pre-Spanish era, some tribes
literature, which is the praditional oral literature of the Filipino believed in a single supreme being Who created the wbrid and
people. This refers to a wide range of material due to the ethnic everything in it, along with lessee deities. Others chose to worship
mix of the Philippines. Each unique ethnic group has its own a multitude of trees as an act of animism. Today the Philippines
stories andmyths to tell. While the oral and thus changeable have three religions, animism in northern Luzon, Christianity in
aspect of folk fiterature is an important defining characteristic, southern Luzon and in visayas, and Islam in Mindanao
much of this oral tradition had been written into a print format.
To point out that folklore in a written form can still be considered ANCIENT TAGALOG DEITIES
folklore, Utely pointed outthat folklore "may appear in print, but
must not freeze into print. "It should be pointed out that all the RESIDENTS OF KALUWALHATIAN (THE ANCIENT COUNTERPART OF
examples of folk literature cited in this article are taken from CHRISTIAN'S HEAVEN)
print, rather thanoral sources
University of the Philippines Professor, Damiona Eugenio,
classified Philippines Folk hiterature into three major groups: folk Bathala The supreme god of being: creator of man and earth and
narratives, folk speech, and folk songs. addressed sometimes a Babalang Maykapal. He dwells in
Kaluwalhatian together with the lesser gods and goddesses. Aside
Folk narratives can either be in prose, the myth, the alamat from the lesser gods and goddesses, he sem his anitos in order to
(legend), and the kuwentong bayan (folktale), or in verse, as in the assist
case of the folk epic.
the daily lives of every human. When most of the natives were
Folk speech includes the bugtong (riddle) and the salawikain converted to Christianity during the Spanish Era, he was referred
(proverbs). to the Christian God.

Folk songs that can be sub-classified into those that tell a story Amanikable - The ill-tempered god of the sea because among of
(folk ballads) are a relative rarity in Philippine folk literature. the first generation gods (aside from Bathala), he was never
These form the bulk of the Philippines' rich heritage of folk songs. married after his love was spurned by a beautiful mortal maiden,
Maganda. In frustration, he swore vengeance against the humans
Philippine Mythology include a collection of tales and by
superstitions about magical creatures and entities. Some Filipinos,
even though heavily Christianized, still believe in these tales. The sending turbulent waves and horrible tempests in order to wreck
prevalence of belief in the figures of Philippines mythology is boats and to drown men.
strong in the provinces.
Idiyanule The goddess of labor and good deeds. Natives used to
Because the country has many istands and is inhabited by call for her guidance in order to make their works successful. She
different ethnic groups. Philippine mythology and superstitions married Dimangan and had two offspring
are very diverse. However, certain/similarities exist among these
groups, such as the belief in Heaven (kaluwalhatian, kalangitan, Dimangan The god of good harvest. He was married to Idiyale and
kamuruwayan), Hell (impiyerno, kesemaan), and the human soul had two offspring.
Lakapati The goddess of fertility and the most understanding and
The stories of ancient Philippine mythology include deities, kind of all the deities. Also known as Ikapati, she was the giver of
creation stories, mythical creatures, and beliefs. Ancient food and prosperity. Her best gift to mankindwas agriculture
Philippine mythology varies among the many indigenous tribes of (cultivated fields). Through this, she was respected and loved by
the Philippines. Some groups during the pre-Spanish conquest era the people. Later, she was married to Mapalon and had a
believed in a single Supreme Being who created the world and daughter.
everything in it, while others chose to worship a multitude of tree
and forest deities (diwatas) Diwatas came from the Sanskrit word Mapulon The god of seasons and husband of Lakapati of whom
devata which means "deity", one of the several significant Hindu they had daughter.
influences in the Pre-Hispanic religion af the ancient Filipinos.
Mayari The goddess of the moon and one of the three daughters herself into a human form, appearing as a false healer. If she
of Bathala by a mortal Woman She was the most charming of all wished to kill someone, she employed a magic wand.
the goddesses. She had two sisters. Tala and Hanan.
Manisitat The second agent of Siten, she was tasked to destroy
Tala The goddess of the stars: sister of Mayari and Hanan and one and break every happy and united family that she could find.
of the three daughters of Bathala by a mortal woman. Ilanan The
goddess of morning; sister of Mayari and Tala and one of the Mangkukulam The only male agent of Sitan, he was to emit fire at
three daughter of Bathala by a mortal woman. night and when there waas bad weather. Like his fellow agents,
he could change his form to that of a healer and then induce fire
Dumakulem The strong, agile guardian of mountains and the son at his victim's house. If the fire were extinguished immediately,
of Idiyanale and Dimangan, His sister was Anitun Tabu. He later the victim would eventually die. His name remains today as witch.
married Anagolay.
Hukluban The last agent of Sitan could change herself or any form
Anitun Tabu The Sickle-minded goddess of wind and nun She was she desired. She could kill someone by simply raising her hand
the daughter of Idiyanale and Dimaggan and the sister of and could heal without any difficulty as she wished. Her name
Dumakulem Anagolay The goddess of lost things and the only literally means "crone" or "bag.
offspring of Lakspati and Mapulion.She was married to

Apolaki.he god of sun and the chief patron of warriors. He was the Amansinaya god of the fishermen.
son of Anagolay and Dumakulem
Galang Kaluluwa (Wandering Spirit) The winged god present in
Mapon Masalanta-The goddess of love, conception and childbirth some creation myths who loves to travel. He is identified as a
and the protector of lovers. She was the daughter of Anagolay close friend of Bathala
and Dumakulem and youngest of all the deities. After the
conversion of the natives to Christianity during the Spanish Era, Ulilang Kaluluwa (Orphaned Spirit) - It is a serpent god present in
she was then referred as Maria Makiling. some creation myths that was killed by Bathala after an ensuing
Haik- god of the sea
In Some Sources: Bathala is the father of Apolaki, aside from
Mayari and Tala Hence Excluding Hanan. Lakambakod The protector of the growing crops.

In Some Sources: Amanikable Is Referred as A Sea Deity of the Lakambini Spanish called him as "Abogado de la Garganta (The
Manobo Tribe. In Some Sources: Idiyanale la Identified as The Throat Advocate).
Goddess of Agriculture
He is referred as the god of gluttony, food and eating
In Some Sources: Aside from Being a Goddess of Agriculture
diyunale Is Also Lingga a phallic god.

Identified as the goddess of animal husbandry In Some Sources: ANCIENT BIKOLANO DEITIES
Lakapati Is Identified an A Hermaphrodite.
Gugurang The supreme god who dwells inside of Mount Mayon
In Some Sources: Mayari Is the Sister of Apolaki In Some Sources: where he guards and protects the sacred fire in which Aswang, his
Mayari Is Identified as an One-Eyed Goddess. In Some Sources: brother was trying to steal. Whenever people disobey his orders,
Tala Is the Sister of Mayari, Apolaki and The Daughter of Bathala. wishes and commit numerous sins, he would cause Mount Mayon
to burst lava as a sign of warning for people to mend their
In Some Sources: Apolali Is the Brother of Mayari and The Son of crooked ways. Ancient Bikolanos had a rite performed for him
Bathala called Atang

RESIDENTS OF KASAMAAN (ANCIENT TAGALOG COUNTERPART Aswang The evil god who always try to seal the sacred fire of
HELL) OF Mount Mayon from his brother, Gugurang, Addressed sometimes
as Asuang, he dwells mainly inside Mount Malinao. As an evil god,
Sian The guardian of Kasamaan and the keeper of all souls he would cause the people to suffer misfortunes and commit sins.
therein, the counterpart of Satan. He had four agents whose task
was to lead man to sin and destruction. Haliya - The masked goddess of the moon and the arch enemy of
Bakunaw, Her cult iscomposed primarily of women. There is also a
Manggagaway She was the first agent of Sitan and was primarily ritual dance named after her as it performed to be a counter-
blamed as the cause of diseases. Sometimes, the would change measure against Rakunawa.
Bakunawa A gigantic sea serpent deity who is often considered as In response.natives will offer her gifts in order to please her and
the cause of eclipses. As the devourer of the sun and the moon, prevent her from doing that.
this serpent became an adversary of Haliya.
Lubay-Lubyok Hanginum si Mahuyokhuyokan-Goddess of the

Kaptan The supreme god who dwells in the sky. He is the Ancient Layong Baybay Goddess of the tides.
Visayan counterpart of Bathala. Of all the supreme deities in the
Visayas. he is the most worshiped by the natives. He had a son Magdang Dirini God of the lakes.
named Lilangin.
Maklium sa Tiwan God of the valleys and plains.
Maguayan - The god of the sea. He had a daughter named Lidagat.
Lihengin The god of the wind and the son of Kaptan. He leter Maklium sa Tubig God of the ses
married Lidagat and had four children.
Magwayen Soul ferry who is believed to take the souls of the dead
Lidagat- goddess of the sea, daughter of Maguayin. She later in Sulad (AncientVisayas counterpart of Hell).
married Libangin and had four children,
Munsad Buralakaw God of politics and affairs of men.
Likabutan- The god of the world and the eldest children of

Liadlaw- god of the sun and the second children of Libangin ang 1. Pamulak Manobo- Among the Bagobos of Mindanao, a
Lidagat supreme god called Famulak Manobo was considered the creator
of everything.
Libulan-The god of the moon and the third children of Libangin
and Lidagat. In Laura Watson Benedict's "Bagobo Myths," this diwata (a
general term for deities) was also believed to be the creator of the
Lisuga-goddess of the stars. She was the youngest children of first man and woman-Tuglay and Tuglibon. Another version
Lihangin and Lidagat. The deity in which Silalak and Sibabay came suggests that the first humans were shaped qut of corn meals and
from. given life by Tuglay and Tuglibon, not by Pamulak Manobo.

OTHER VISAYAN DETITES Pamulak Manobo was believed to be in control of other natural
accurrences. When it rained, for example, the Bagobos believed it
Adlaw-God of the sun. was the great god, spitting or throwing water from the heaven.
The white clouds, on the other hand, were actually the smoke
Alunsina-She was the virgin goddess of the eastern skies. from the fire produced by the other gods

Similar to his Luzon and Visayan counterparts, this Bagobo god

was also assisted by other lower-ranking deities. Among them
Bangun Bangun God of time and cosmic movements Barangaw He were Mandaragan and his wife Darago, the gods of war who lived
is the god of the rainbow. inside Mt,po: Tigyama, the protector of farqilies; and Tarabumo,
the god of agriculture and whom a shrine called parobanian was
Bulalakaw-Bird god, causer of illness. built for. There were also bad spirits working for Pamulak
Manobe, including Buso, who fed or the flesh of the dead and was
Burigadang Pada Sinakiang Bulawan Goddess of greediness. described as "huge beings with curly hair, hig feet and long nails,
small arms, and possessed two big. pointed front teeth."
Dalikamata The many-eyed goddess, cures eye illnesses.
2. Tuglay and Tuglibon- are two of the most prominent figures in
Inaginid and Malandok God invoked for success in battle and
ancient Bagobo culture. In Jocano's Oulrine of Philippine
Myrhology, they are classified as assistants to Pamulak Manobo
and were responsible for the births, marriages, language, and
Kan Laon-The supreme god worshiped by the Ancient Visayans
customs of the tribe.
who lived in the Negros Island that dwells in Mount Kanlaon As
well as Kaptan, he the Ancient Visayans counterpart of Bathala)
3. Mebuyan and Lamabat -According to one Bagobo and Manobo
and he is the god of time.
myth, there once lived two deities named Lumabat (god of the
sky) and Mebuyan (goddess of the underworld). Both were
Kasaysarayan sa Silgan - God of rivers. Lalahon She is the goddess
siblings but complete opposites of each other.
of fire, volcanoes and harvest. In ancient times, Ancient Visayans
blamed her for sending armies of locusts to destroy their harvests.
Lumabat was a terrific hunter who once brought along his dog to Other interesting deities of Bukidnon mythology are Ibabasag.
catch an elusive deer. The hunt took so long that by the time he patroness of pregnant women: Ipamahandi, goddess of the
caught the animal, he was already old and graying. Still, he accident; and Tao-sa-sulup, god of material goods.
returned to his people, eager to show them his power. Lumabot
even killed his father eight times, and each time the latter Among these gods and goddesses, a deity named Tigbas was the
magically came back to life be became younger and younger most respected by the Buicidnon, while the god of calamity
named Busao was the most feared and also the last one they
When it was time for Lumabat to go to heaven, he wanted his offered sacrifices to
sister, Mebuyan to join him. The latter refused and they started
fighting each other. The Bagobo mythology describes Mebuyan as 6. Other Mindanao deities
an ugly deity who decided to go down below the earth where she
now rules a place called Banus Mebu'yan (Mebuyan's town). Mindanao is composed of many tribes, and in each tribe, and can
Here, she welcomes the spirits of the dead Bagobos before they find plenty of deities and supernatural beings I low it's impossible
go straight to Gimolrudon, the Bagobo equivalent of the to cover them all in one blog post. but to live up to my promise of
underworld. It is said that Mebuyan has many breasts because providing an "ultimate guide," I briefly machtion some of them
she nurses and takes care of all the baby spirits before they join here.
their families in Gimokudon. As for the adult spirits, they aso stop
by at Mebuyan's town, specifically in the black river when they For the Tirurays, they believed that the first man and woman
wash their joints and heads. The ritual bath, known as pamalugu, were created by a superhuman named Sualla (or Tullus God) who
is done so that the spirits will not return to their earthly bodies lived in the sky.
and disrupt their journey to the underworld.
The Gianges of Cotabato, meanwhile, prayed to two major deities,
4. Tagbusan Tigianes. creator of the world, and Manama, her governor. They
also worshiped Today and Todlibun (hotice the similarity with the
The Manobos also believed iga supreme god Tagbusan. This Bagobos Tuglay and Tuglibon), the gods of love and marriage,
highest-ranking deity "ruled over the destiny of both gods and respectively. Tamly, the Subanuns of upper Zamboanga were also
men" And just like others of his kind in guided by several deities, the most powerful of which was Diwata-
sa-langit, god of heaven. The other deities are Tagma-sa-dagat,
Philippine mythology. Tagbusan was also helped by other lesser lord of the sea. Tagma-sa-yuta, lord of the earth: Taga-aa-mangga
divinities There were also Manobo deities with evil intentions, like bungud, lord of the woods; Tagmasa-uba, lord of the rivers: and
Tagabayau, the goddess wise convinced people to engage in Tagraa-sa-langit, god and protector of the sick
adultery or incest; and Aglaia diwata who urged men to indulge in
sexual excesses.

5. Magbabaya- Bukidnon woman wearing her traditional costume.

She is preparing betel nuts to be offered during the annual
pangampú ceremony. These betel nuts are orgamented with a
special check pattern carved into the green skin, and a folded Teaf
is inserted into a Blit cut into them. These betel nuts which
remind one of sailing ships are called binangan, and they are
Mesopotamian Pantheon
especially dedicated to the highest God Magbabaya Another
important deity from Mindanao is Magbabaya. considered by the INTRODUCTION
Bukidnon as their highest ranking deity. He was likewise assisted
by other lesser divinities: Domolongdong. the deity of the Mesopotamia is a region of southwest Asia in the Tigris and
Northwind: Ognaling, the deity of Southwind: Tagaloambung, the Euphrates river system that benefitted from the area's climate
deity of Eastwind, and Magbaya, the divinity of the Westwind and geography to host the beginnings of human civilization
Mesopotamial from the Greek meaning between two rivers') was
Other interesting deities of Bukidnon mythology are Ibabasag, an ancient region located in the eastern Mediterranean bounded
patroness of pregnant women: Ipamahandi, goddess of the in the north east by the Zagros Mountain sand in the southeast by
accident; and Tao-sa-sulup, god of material goods. the Arabian Plateau. The two rivers of the name refer to the Tigris
and the Euphrates and the land was known an 'Al Jazirah (the
Among these gods and goddesses, a deity named Tigbas was the
island) to the Arabs as a fertile land surrounded by water. The
most respected by the Bukidnon, while the god of calamity named
term "Fertile Crescent" was coined by Egyptologist J.H. Breasted
Busno was the most feared and also the last one they offered
(1.1865-1935) in 1916 to describe the region at the north-end of
sacrifices to.
the Persian Gulf, associated with the biblical Garden of Eden.

Its history is marked by many important inventions that changed

the world, including the concept of time, muth, the wheel sail
boats, maps and writing. Mesopotamia is also defined by a Other important developments or inventions credited to the
changing succession of ruling bodies from different areas and Mesopotamians include but are by no means limitedto,
cities that seized control over a period of thousands of years. domestication of animals, agriculture and irrigation, common
tools, sophisticated weaponry and warface, the chariot,wine,
Mesopotamia is located in the region now known as the Middle beer, demarcation of time into hours, minutes, and seconds,
East, which includes parts of southwest Asia and lands around the religious rites, the sail (sailboats), and legal codes. Orientalist
eastern Mediterranean Sea. It is part of the Fertile Crescent, an Samuel Noah Kramer, in fact, has listed 39 'firsts' in human
area also known as "Cradle of Civilization" for the number of civilization that originated in Sumer.
innovations that arosp from the early societies in this region,
which are among some of the earliest known human civilizations 10 MAJOR MESOPOTAMIAN GODS
on earth.
Adard or Hadad - The God of Storm and Rain. The Mesopotamian
The word "mesopotamia" is formed from the ancient words storm god varied from place to place. In Babylonis and Assyria, he
meso," meaning between or in the middle of and "potamos." was called Adad, in Ugrnit, he was Hadad, and in Sumer, he was
meaning river. Situated in the fertile valleys between the Tigris known as inkar. He was brought into the pantheon by the
and Euphrates rivers, the region is now home to modern-day Iraq, Amorites in the third millennium BC. This god had a two-edged
Kuwait, Turkey and Syria aspect he was both the giver and the drattoyer. As a storm god,
he destroyed life, and as a rain god, he gave life. Where
Mesopotamia is located in a region now known as the Middle East hurricanes and storms were symbols of his anger towards his
which includes parts of Southwest Asia and land around the enemies and represented darkness and death, the rain showed
Mediterranean Sea. It is part of the Fertile Crescent(Cradle of his happiness.
Civilization)for the number of innovations that arose from then
area also known as early societies in this region of the earliest Dagan or Dagon - the God of Crop Fertility. Dagon was the
human civilizations on earth. western Semitic god of the fertility of crops. He was worshiped
widely in Middle Easter areas during ancient times. He had his
THE CRADLE OF CIVILIZATION primary temple in ancient Ugarit and was known as the god of the
Philistines in Palestine, He had many other sanctuaries, such as
Unlike the more unified civilizations of Egypt or Greece, those found at Beth-Dugon in Asher and Gaza. The Code of
Mesopotamia was a collection of varied cultures whose only real Hammurabi states Dagon as the protector of the people of Tuttle.
bonds were their script, their gods, and their attitude toward
women. Ea-the god of water-Known as Enki in the Sumerian language, Ea
was the Mesopotamian god of water. He was also one of the triad
The social customs, laws, and even language of the Sumerian of deities along side Enlil and Anu. He was represented as a half-
people differs from the Akkadian Period, for example, and cannot fish, half-goat creature. It is from him that the figure of Capricorn
be assumed to correspond to those of the Babylonian derives. Being the god of water, he was the patron deity of
Civilizations: it does seem, however, that the rights of women cleaners as well. In the Babylonian myths Atra-hasis and the Epic
(during some periods), the importance of literacy, and the of Gilgamesh. En acts as both the creator and protector of human
pantheon of the gods were indeed shared throughout the region. kind.
though the gods had different names in various regions and
periods. Nabu-the God of Wisdom and Writing- Nabu, the god of art,
wiadom, and scribes, was also known as Nisaba in Sumerian
As a result of this. Mesopotamia should be more properly mythology. He became famous in Babylon during the first
understood as a region that produced multiple empires and millennium as he was the son of the god Marduk. His symbol was
civilizations rather than any single civilization. Even so, a stylus on a tablet, and due to this, clay tablets with calligraphy
Mesopotamia is known as the cradle of civilization primarily writing were offered at his temples. Tanimet, the Akkadian
because of two developments that occurred there in the region of goddess was his wife. He was also thought to be an oracle and
Sumer, in the 4th millenium BCE: was associated with Sin, the god of the moon.

*the rise of the city as recognized today. Nergal- the God of Plague and War- In the Sumero-Akkadian
pantheon. Nergal was a secondary Mesopotamian god. He was
⚫ the invention of writing (although writing is also known to have identified with Mealamtaea and Irra as the god of war and
developed in Egypt, in the Indus Valley, in Chins, and to have scorched earth. He was believed to be the benefactor of humans,
taken form independently in Mencamaricu). listening to their prayers, bringing life from death, and protecting
livestock and agriculture. Ancients hymns also show him to be the
*The invention of the wheel is also credited to the
god of devastation, hunger, and pestilence.
Mesopotamians and, in 1922 CE, the archaeologist Sir Leonard
Woolley discovered" the remains of two four wheeled wagons, at Enlil the God of Air and Earth-The ancient god of earth and air,
the site of the ancient city of Ur] the oldest wheeled vehicles in Enlil, was among the chief deities of the Sumerian pantheon Later
history ever found, along with their leather tires" (Berman, 35)
the Babylonians, Akkadians, Hurrians, and Assyrians also begin functions such as fertility, fishing justice, and
worshiping him. His central temple was the temple of Elur in prophecy, and had a close association with water just like her
Nippur, which people believed he had built for himself.He was father Enki was assigned the task of giving responsibilities to every
also known as the mooring rope between heaven and earth. He god and Nanshe was assigned to rule over the Persian
took so much pride in his holiness that he thought the other gods Gulf.Hertemplewanaitumedat Sisura nearNin
should not even look upon him
Ishtar or Inanna, the Goddess of Love and Procreation-The
Nimeta-the God of War, Hunting, Agriculture, and Scribes goddess of beauty, sex, love, and fertility, Ishtar, was the east
Seraitic version of Inanna, the Sumerian goddess, the northwest
The son of Enlil and Ninhursag. Ninurta first appeared in texts Semitic goddess was called Astarte, and the Armenian goddess
during the third millennium BC as the god of local towns and was called Astghik. She was a prominent goddess in 3500 BC until
agriculture. Soon his role changed an cities became militarized the spread of Christianity from the first to the fifth centuries. Her
and began to fight each other. His wife was Guila, the goddess of symbols were the eight-pointed star dandelion. She was closely
healing. He was recognized as the god of war during the second related to Venus in the Babylonian pantheon.
millennium BC after he was featured in the Epic of Anzu
Tiamat, the Goddess of SaltSea and Mother of several deities-the
Nanna-the God of the Moon- was the son of Ninhl and Enlil who primordial Babylonian goddess of the salt sea who mated with the
later came to be known as Sin in Akkadian mythology. The two god of freshwater, produce younger gods. Texts show
main places where he was worshiped were Harran and Urin the that the goddess had two ports: the Tiamat my thousand
northern and southern regions respectively. He is among the Chaoskampf Tiamat. The first port represents the image of a
oldest of the Mesopotamian gods. His chief cult lies in Ur, and he sacred goddess and the union of marriage between fresh and salt
was mentioned in different inscriptions and bymus there between water, and in the second form she has monstrous associations for
2047 and 1750 BC. she is the symbol of primordial chaos. She is often represented by
dragons and sea serpents.
Shamash the God of the Sun- The son of Sin or Nanna (the moon
god), Shamash was also known by the name of Utu in Sumerian Ninka-the Goddess of beer-The daughter of Uruk and Inanna,
mythology. According to some stories, Inanna was his twin sister Ninkasi was born to be one of the healers of Enk's eight wounds.
who encompassed several powers, and Sumerian texts show a Being the goddess of alcohol, she was born out of fresh sparkling
strong bond between the two. His wife was the goddess Sherida. water and was said to brew alcohol daily part of the Sumerian
For the people of Mesopotamia, the moon was of more pantheon, she was known as the goddess who could satisfy the
importance than the sun, and the role of the sun only became heart's desires, and because of her involvement in it,the art of
significant when they began to learn about agriculture. brewing in Sumer was protected and sanctioned by Ninkasi and
two other goddesses.
Gihil - the God of Fire - was worshiped in Mesopotamia before the
beginning of the Seleucid period. As well as being the god of fire, Shala- the Goddess of Grain and Compassion- is a Sumerian
he was also the refiner of metallic objects, and hence the patron goddess and a mountain on Venus, the shata Mons, has been
of metal workers, Gibil imparted wisdom about metallurgy, and named after her. Agriculture and compassion are corelated when
many writers describe him as "the god of the forge." He had a it comes to Sumerian mythology as a bountiful harvest shows the
mind so vast that even the other gods were unable to fathom it. compassion of the gods. Shala is said to be the wife of Dagon, the
He was involved in purification customs and rituals as well. god of fertility, and consort to Hadad, the storm god.

10 MAJOR MESOPOTAMIAN GODDESSES Geshtinanna the Goddess of Dream Interpretation, Fertility, and
Agriculture- The Sumerian goddess Geshtinanns is the wife of
Ereshkigal or Irkalla- The Goddess of the Underworld Ningisida und sister of Dumuzid. Her parents are Ninhursag and
Enki. She tries to save her brother from galla demons, and when
In Sumerian mythology. Ereshkigal or Ickalla was considered the they take him to Kur. She mourns his death deeply. In order to
queen of the land of the dead. Her name Irkalla is the equivalent bring him back, she agrees to take his place in Kur for half a year
of Hades in Greek mythology. Both iricalla and Hades are the so that he can return to heaven and to Inanna. Sumerians say that
names for the territory of the underworld and its gods. In while she was in Kut the earth became barren giving rise to the
literature, she is known as Ninkigal which means "Lady of the season of summer.
GreatEarth." She was the only woman who made laws or passed
judgments in the kingdom of the dead. Nergal was her consort Ninhursag, the Mother Goddess of Mountains-She is the oldest of
who ruled Irkalla alongside her Ereshkigal's main temple was all the goddesses in the Mesopotamian pantheon. Ninbursag is
situated in Kutha also named as the mother of men and gods and is called different
things in different myths. She is known for the creation of both
Nanshe, the Goddess of Social Justice and Prophecy- was the mortal and divine entities. In Sumer, she was originally known at
daughter of Ninhursag the mother goddess, and Enki, the god of Damgalnuna and Damkina who was a nurturing mother and had
water, knowledge, mischief, craft and creation. She had multiple associations with fertility. Sul- pe-e, Who had a role in the
underworld, was a minor god and her husband. With him, she had MAMMETUM-Maker or mother of fate.
three children: Lisin. Lil, and Asgi.Later on, she was depicted as
the consort of Enki, the god of wisdom NAMMU-Associated with water

Kishar- the earth goddess-is the daughter of Lahamu and Lahmu, NINLII-Enlil's consort and a goddess of destiny, mother of the
the first children of Abzu and Tiamat, and mother to Anu She is moon god Sin, city goddess at Nippur and Shuruppak, grain
the goddess of the earth and the wife, sister, and counterpart to goddess
Anshar, god of the sky. Her name actually means "whole earth."
She appears in the opening lines of the creation myth, Enuma NINURTA-Sumerian god of rein and thunderstorms, city god of Elit
Elish, but then suddenly disappears. She is often seen in first Khakuru, chamberlain of the war god
millennium BCtexts where she is equated to the goddess Antu.
NINSUN- Lady Wild Cow, city goddess of Kullab and the mother of
Ninlil- the Goddess of Wind-Called Mulliltu in Assyria, Niniil is the Dunsuzi
wife of Enlil. Evidence suggests that she is either the daughter of
Nunbarsegunu Antu and Anu. She used to live in Dilmun where MARDUK-Supplants other Babylonian deities to become central
she was impregnated by Enlil as he lay beside her by the water. figure the chief city god of Babylon and national god of Babylonia,
She gave birth to the moon god, Nanma or Suen the god of thunderstorms, had fou divine dogs "Snatcher,"


BEL-Cleverest; sage of the gods

ANUNNAKI-The Mesopotamian fates and judges of the dead born ASHUR- The city god of Ashur and the national god of Assyria and
of the union between Anu and Antu. In Babylonian mythologies war, symbolized by a dragon and winged disk
they were considered spirits of the earth but still were depicted in
BELIT-TSERI-Tablet scribe
the role of judges or those who see.

NAMTAR(A)- The faith-cutter, herald of death.

BASMU-The Mesopotamian great serpent is associated,
alternately, with birth and birth goddesses or with Ningishaida, a
SUMUQAN- Cattle god
god of the underworld.
IRRA- plague god, god of scorched earth and wer ENMESHARRA-
ENBILULU-The Mesopotamian water god charged with the care of
Underworld god
the Tigris and Euplustes rivers.
LAMASHTU- Dreaded female demon who is also known as 'she
ENKIMDU-The Mesopotamian god of canals and ditches and, like
who erases
Emesh, was depicted as a farmer with plow and yoke. He was also
the god of farmers, the fields and grain. NINGIZZIA- Guardian of the gate of heaven, s god of the
underworld TAMMUZ-Sumerian god of vegetation, city goddess of
ISHARA The Mesopotamian goddess of the oath known as 'Queen
Kinirsha, in Eridu viewed as male the son of Enki
of Judgment, the war also associated with love, war, and
divination and also sometimes appears as a mother goddess or an GIZZIDA. Consort of Belili, door keeper of Anu
underworld deity.
NISSABA- Cereal grain harvest
SULPAE-The Mesopotamian god of feasts and good times,
sometimes represented as consort of Ninhurnag. GESHTU. God whose blood and intelligence are used by Mami to
create man
APSU-The personification of the fresh water underworld ocean:
begetter of the skies and earth. united with Tiamat at the EGYPT MYTHOLOGY
beginning of time.
Egyptian religion had ancient origins and lasted for at least 3,500
LAHMU&LAHAMU-Twin deities born from Apsu and Tiamat. years. The Egyptians saw divinity in everything — in river, desert,
and vegetation; in the sun, moon, and stars; in animals and kings;
ANSHAR& KISHAR Male and female principles, the twin horizons in birth and death. They created a vast and confusing multitude of
of sky and earth. Children of either Apsu and Tiamat or Lahmu gods.
and Labamu ANU-The Mesopotamian sky god, father, and king of
the gods, supreme god of the Sumerian pantheon, and city god of There are literally hundreds of deities, some having animal form,
Unik some depicted with human bodies and animal heads, and some of
human form. A god like Ra had dozens of names, and often gods
ANTUANTUM/KI-ST-Consort of Anu in Akkadian myth. had two or more shapes apiece. Political and priestly pressures
sometimes brought in new gods and swept the old ones aside. Osiris became the God of the Underworld.
Furthermore, Egyptian religion was local, with different religious After coming back to life, Osiris and Isis had a son named Horus.
centers having different gods and cosmogonies. After listing a few
of the major gods, we will give the account of the creation Part III: HORUS VS. SET
according to the priests at Heliopolis.
Of myths proper there is only one of which we have a complete Horus is a falcon god whose prophecy said he would reign over
account — the story of Osiris. The Egyptians took their myths for the skies and would bring the light back to Egypt ending the
granted, passing them down by word of mouth without ever fully darkness brought by Set.
recording them. The reason we have the myth of Osiris is that
Plutarch, the A series of clash began between Horus and Seth.

Greco-Roman historian wrote it down. Set proposed a challenge to Horus.

Horus relied on his mother Goddess Isis to take advantage of
Seth’s vulnerability to kill him.
His mother betrayed his son for feeling sympathy with Seth and
Part I: ORIGIN OF THE WORLD wasn’t able to kill him.

In the beginning, there was nothing. The universe was consisted This treachery enraged Horus and attacked his mother by cutting
of a great chaotic ocean. Benben emerged amid this primal chaos. off her head.
Set managed to pluck Horus’ eyes.
God Ra was brought into the world and light came with him.
Hathor, the Goddess of Love, Horus had his vision restored.
Shu, the God of the Air and Tefnut, the Goddess of rain were
Set’s fate was to travel with Ra the Sun God of the skies and his
enrage screams to be heard with thunder.
And so, Horus’ reign over Egypt began.
Gab, the God of Earth and Nut, the Goddess of the sky were born
from Ra’s tears.
The creation of the Nile River was Ra’s greatest offering.
Ra is the Sun God in Egyptian Mythology depicted with a man’s
body, a head of a falcon and a sun disc over his head.
Gab and Nut gave rise to their powerful offspring, Esis, Nephtys,
Set and Osiris.
One of his duties was to drive away the darkness and to
Esis, Nephtys, Set and Osiris dethroned Ra. Osiris started to reign
accomplish his work.
all over the world.
Set was eager to take all the power for himself. The God crosses skies through his sun boat lighting the whole
The Saga of the Egyptian Gods began. world.

Part II: OSIRIS AND SET When the twilight comes, he and his vessel plunges into the sea
waters towards the underworld.
Osiris became the new God of the universe.
Until God Ra was attacked by the terrible snake, Apophis.
The new Supreme God took the Goddess Isis as his wife and
Solar eclipse happens it is because Apophis once swallowed the
started a reign of great prosperity.
sun boat that puts an end to sunlight in the morning.
Osiris brought civilization to men and started to teach them
agriculture, weaving and how to make a bread. Part V: ANUBIS
Osiris had a powerful and ambitious brother named Seth.
Osiris had an affair with Nephtys, Set’s wife. Anubis is the God with the jackal head is a deity of Egyptian
Anubis, the God of the Dead emerged from this union. Mythology connected to life after death.
Set, invited Osiris for a great feast in his honor.
Set prepared a coffin that will perfectly fit for his guest. He is considered as the main deity linked to death and the
Osiris tried it as Set purposely trapped him and throw the coffin in underworld’s God, but this role was transferred to the God Osiris.
the Nile River.
Isis wept profoundly after losing his beloved husband.
Isis and her sister, Nepthys tried to find the coffin and succeed.
Also, he is reasoned as the God of embalming and mummification.
They tried their best to hide it from Set.
Set spotted it and smashed the body into 42 pieces spreading Amel is a demonic creature known as the heart devourer.
them throughout Egypt.
With Anubis’ help, Isis managed to recover the pieces. Anubis is the God accountable to lead souls to the afterlife.


Bastet is the cat goddess, an Egyptian Mythology depicted as Pharaoh Akhenaton. He was represented simply by a solar disk
having a woman’s body with a cat’s head. with rays.
The Felines had a meaningful role in the Egyptian world.
Khepri, the scarab beetle god, rolled the sun before him through
Bastet is a Goddess associated with the sun and because the the sky and symbolized the ideas of rebirth and eternal life.
Goddess followed Ra during the day in his solar boat crossing
through the skies. Maat, the goddess of truth and justice, was represented as a
woman sitting on her heels or standing and wearing an ostrich

Ra was the great sun god at Heliopolis. A child in the early The Pharaoh, or king of Egypt, was worshiped as a god and was
morning, a man in his prime at noon, and an old man in the believed to have descended from gods.
evenings Ra journeyed through the underworld at night to be Sacred animals who were worshiped as gods include Apis, the
reborn at dawn. His head was crowned with a solar disk upon bull; Petesuchos, the crocodile; Ba Neb Djedet, the sacred ram;
which rested the sacred asp, destroyer of the god's enemies. and Bennu, the bird. But many other animals were regarded as
holy, including cats and dogs.1Sacred animals who were
Shu and Tefnut were Ra's children. Shu, the god of air, held up the worshiped as gods include Apis, the bull; Petesuchos, the
sky and was represented with an ostrich feather on his head. His crocodile; Ba Neb Djedet, the sacred ram; and Bennu, the bird.
sister and wife, Tefnut, was a goddess of dew and rain. She was But many other animals were regarded as holy, including cats and
represented as a lioness or as a woman with the head of a lioness. dogs.
Geb and Nut were the offspring of Shu and Tefnut. Geb was the
god of earth, while Nut was the sky goddess. Geb was usually PERSIAN MYTHOLOGY
shown as a prostrate man, and Nut arched over him as a woman
or a cow. They were separated by their father, Shu. Persian mythology or Iranian mythology is the body of myths
originally told by ancient Persians and other Iranian peoples,
Osiris was the first child of Geb and Nut, a god of nature and Parthians, and Persian empires and a genre of ancient Persian
vegetation but also the judge of the dead in the underworld. He folklore. These stories concern the origin and nature of the world,
was instrumental in civilizing the world, yet was murdered by his the life and activities of deities, heroes and mythological
envious brother, Set. Osiris was shown as a man in mummy creatures, and the origins and significance of the worship and
wrappings, crowned with a miter and two ostrich feathers. ritual practices of the ancient Persians

Isis, a daughter of Geb and Nut, was the faithful wife of Osiris and Characters in Persian mythology almost always fall into one of
a beneficent sorceress. She enjoyed a large cult in antiquity and two camps. They are good or bad. The resulting discord reflects
was represented with a throne on her head. the nationalist ideals of the early Islamic era as well as the moral
and ethical perceptions of the Zoroastrian period, in which the
Set was Osiris' evil brother, the incarnation of wickedness and world was seen as locked in a battle between the destroyer
sterility. He was depicted with a beastly head and tail. Ahriman and his demonic dew hordes and their one -The Iranian
partisans, against the Creator Ormuzd, who although not
Set was Osiris' evil brother, the incarnation of wickedness and participating in the daily affairs of mankind, was represented in
sterility. He was depicted with a beastly head and tail. the world by the Iranian izads and righteous ahlavs.
Horus, the falcon-headed son of Osiris and Isis, was dedicated to
avenging his father's murder. Ancient Persian Mythology is the term now referencing ancient
Iranian religion prior to the rise of Zoroastrianism between c.
Anubis, the jackal-headed son of Osiris and Nephthys, prepared 1500-1000 BCE. This was a polytheistic faith with a pantheon led
the dead and ushered them into the underworld. by the supreme god Ahura Mazda (“Lord of Wisdom”), champion
of order, against the dark forces of Angra Mainyu (“Destructive
Thoth was the god of learning, a benefactor to gods and men. He
Spirit”) and his legions of chaos.
was the sacred scribe and was shown as a man with an ibis head.
As with other ancient polytheistic faiths, the gods of the Early
Hathor, the goddess of joy and love, protected women. She was
Iranian Religion each had their own field of expertise they
represented as a cow.
presided over and to whom one would pray for specific needs. In
Hathor, the goddess of joy and love, protected women. She was
the present day, one would not go to one's dentist and ask they
represented as a cow.
fix one's car, care for one's children, improve one's marriage, or
Amon, king of the gods, was a patron of the Pharaohs and a god
make one's crops grow; one would consult a mechanic, a
of fertility. He had a plumed crown and was shown with either a
childcare professional, marriage counselor, and agricultural
ram's head or a human one.
Men was the monotheistic god presented by the reforming
This was the paradigm of all ancient polytheistic faiths and why cultural symbol. Faravahar means ‘guardian angel’ and represents
the people who believed in polytheistic belief systems would have life after death. It says that if you behave well during your life on
considered the concept of monotheism absurd (as exemplified by earth you will be compensated with a good life after death. In
the later reaction against Akhenaten's efforts to install short, the Faravahar Symbol reminds us that if we think good
monotheism in Egypt during his reign of 1353-1336 BCE). No one thoughts and speck good words, we will be good people with
god, it was thought, could attend to so many different people's satisfying lives.
various needs.
In connection with Gods and Goddesses, Faravahar represents
Even so, between c. 1500-1000 BCE, Zoroaster conceived of a new both Ahura and Ahreemanic symbolism. The half-human part
vision in which one Supreme Deity – Ahura Mazda – could do so which is the upper half is representing Ahuramazda, the Ancient
and, according to this revelation, had always done so; people had Persian God of Good and the half Beast part which is the lower
simply been mistaken in thinking there were many gods when half is representing Ahreeman, the Ancient Persian God of Evil.
there had always only been one. After Zoroaster's vision, the
pantheon of deities was demoted to emanations of Ahura Mazda. Meaning: The hands- old man's hands have a precise meaning
One could still pray to a figure such as Anahita for help in One hand indicates that there is just one right direction you can
conception but would do so in the knowledge that this was not an take in life. The other hand holds a ring, which epitomizes
actual goddess but simply an aspect of Ahura Mazda. faithfulness and loyalty. The round shape is significant too. It
repre- sents the ability of Iranians to keep prom
The old man: At the center of the symbol stands an old man. He
The ancient Persian religious tradition was passed down orally, represents the wisdom of age.
and the only written texts relating to it come from after the
prophet Zoroaster (c. 1500-1000 BCE) initiated the reforms which The wings: The two wings are divided into three parts, which
would become Zoroastrianism. The Avesta (Zoroastrian convey the mossage: "Good thoughts, good words and good
scriptures) is the primary source in the section known as the Yasht deeds." This means that when you do good things you will
which deals with pre-Zoroastrian deities, spirits, and other improve your life.
entities. Other information on pre-Zoroastrian religion comes
from later works known as the Bundahisn and the Denkard and,
to a lesser extent, the Vendidad.
The two loops: The loops in the lower part of the sym bol
The Vendidad text provides insight on how one should practice represent the struggle between postive and negative forces, it t
Zoroastrianism and mentions various entities and rituals which you to follow positive things and turn back on negative things.
predate the founding of the religion. The other major sources for
Persian mythology are the Shahnameh (“The Book of Kings”) Tail The lowest part of the symbol delivers the opposite message:
written by the Persian poet Abolqasem Ferdowsi (l. 940-1020 CE) "Bad reflection, bad words, bad deeds."
drawing on the much earlier oral tradition, and the popular One
The central ring: The central ring represents the etemal nature of
Thousand Tales (better known as The Arabian Nights), written
the uni verse. It symbolizes that there is no beginning and
during the Sassanian Period (224-651 CE) and also based on oral

The Vendidad text provides insight on how one should practice

Zoroastrianism and mentions various entities and rituals which
predate the founding of the religion. The other major sources for From the Ancient Civilizations Era, all the way to and somewhat
Persian mythology are the Shahnameh (“The Book of Kings”) during The Kingdom Era, Iranians had a Polly Thesis System of
writtenThe early Iranian deities were almost completely Gods (Multi Gods). During these periods, both Ahura Mazda and
reimagined by Zoroaster but many retained their original function Ahreeman existed, yet they were only two major Gods amongst a
to greater or lesser degrees. How these deities were venerated by number of other Gods and Goddesses. As it is documented in
the pre-Zoroastrian Persians is unclear but it is certain that rituals scriptures, during these periods, Zurvan was the father of Ahura
involved fire (considered a divine element and also a god), were Mazda and Ahreeman.
conducted outdoors, and elevated the supreme principle of
Goodness personified in the being of Ahura Mazda, king of the Suddenly during The Kingdom Era, when Zoroastrianism hit the
gods. screen, Zoroastrians primarily believed in two major forces of
Ahura Mazda and Ahreeman. Rest of the Gods became less
III. THE HISTORY OF THE FARAVAHAR SYMBOL important and somewhat vanished! They were only cherished by
non-Zoroastrians. Later on, Zoroastrians started to believe in
Faravahar is a symbol very dear to ancient Iranians. Despite
Mono Thesis and the one and only God, Ahura Mazda.
deriving from the ancient Persian religion Zoroastrianism,
nowadays it has lost its religious significance and considered a
So, in a way Ahura Mazda had existed way before The Kingdom Anahita means unstained, clean and innocent.
Era and Avestan Era, yet during this period, he became The Major
God. On the contrary, by the rise of Zoroastrianism, the Mithraism She was an Ancient Persian deity.
philosophy had faded away. Mithraism was a major religion and
Mitra was a major Goddess. Mithraism was exported from Iran to She is named the eternal virgin, goddess of war, love and fertility.
Greece, Rome, India and Northern Territories.
Atar or Azar Goshasb is the God of Fire who owns a very powerful
Ahura” means “Universe” and “Mazda” means “Intelligence”. horse.
Ahura Mazda means the “Universal Intelligence” which exists
within all the elements that make up our universe. He is the He is the son of Ahura Mazda
highest spirit worshipped in Zoroastrianism.
He is conceived of as a spirit of fire
He is the highest spirit worshipped in Zoroastrianism.
He symbolically represents the life-animating force, which is
the creator of the universe and the things in it, being at the same radiating from spirit of Ahura Mazda.
time wise and good.
He has superhuman strength, stamina, resistance to injury and
the supreme being in Garothman (heaven), the uncreated spirit. various skills mystical in nature.

He never changed He may be able to control fire, but he has yet to demonstrate the
full range of his power.
Without him, there is nothing in existence.
He can cross between various dimensions because he was
He stands for light, good, love, peace, forgiveness, wisdom, supposed to guide the cremated dead to the afterlife.
fairness, faith and logic.
He is the Modern Persian form of Avestan Vohu Manah meaning
Ahreeman was the force behind the anger, greed, envy and other “good mind”.
negative and harmful emotions.
This was the name of a Zoroastrian god which is associated with
He also brought chaos, death, disease and other ills into the domestic animals
The personification of aggressive triumph.
He stands for dark, evil, hate, war, doubt, hunger and destruction.
He punishes the evil done by the demon.
Humans and gods alike had to choose which spirit to serve.
He appears in many shapes such as a bird of prey, bull, camel,
Ahura Mazda and Ahreeman cannot exist without one another bear, youth, warrior with a golden sword, wind, etc.
and all elements and humans must keep a balance between the
two. The balance between the Light side and the Dark side must His appearance as a bird and bear were especially popular
be established so the universe will function properly and our lives
will maintain a smooth and functional path. Some elements and
humans may gain more of one side and lack the other side but
He is the Persian War God, the great guardian of Aryans.
this imbalance may cause problems.
He protects Aryans from battle and war
Too much light can cause mediocrity, indifference, inactivity,
isolation, and stagnation while too much dark can cause over- He represented as being in constant battle against his enemies,
aggression, vanity, intolerance, and selfishness. To gain the best men and demons, and wizards-priests
results is to maintain a natural flow of light and dark sides
throughout the universe and throughout our lives. INDIRA

ANAHITA He is also known as the god of warfare with ugliness.

He promotes courage and bravery. frequently appear in Persian mythology as the embodiment of evil
and disorder, and Azhi Dahaka was the most fearsome of them all.
He often rides an elephant. It is described as having a thousand senses and so is aware of any
possible threat and can defend against it while, at the same time,
MALE FEMININE GODS knowing where its prey is at any time.It was considered invincible
and was only finally defeated by the great Persian hero
MITRA Thraetaona who captured and imprisoned him, keeping him in
chains until the end of the world at which time he will be killed by
She is the Sun Goddess of seal, agreement and treaty.
the resurrected Karsasp, slayer of Kamak.

She stands for honesty, friendship, contracts and meetings.

FULAD-ZEREH-Can be translated to “possessing steel armor” that
had a penchant for a beautiful woman and roamed the land
Mitra is one of the most powerful and one of the original of
capturing ladies that took his fancy. Perhaps he should’ve been
Ancient Persian Gods and Goddesses.
less distracted by the fairer sex, though as both Fulad-Zereh and
his mother were eventually killed and burned by the heroic Amir
Mitra shines wisdom and light on the good Aryans (Noble People
HVAR KSATA-Also given as Hvare-Khshaeta, the god of the sun
HADHAYOSH-This creature is slightly more talented than the
whose name translates as “radiant sun”. He was considered the
modern-day ox and has four legendary weapons and its arsenal,
deity of the full sun whereas Mithra was god of the rising sun. The
including a powerful horn that are able to injure the toughest of
sun was also seen as Hvar Ksata himself. He was among the most
foe, has the ability to generate enough heat for a victim to be
popular and widely venerated gods of the early pantheon along
burned to ash in just one touch.
with his counterpart Mangha (better known as Mah), goddess of
the moon. As god of the sun, and the sun itself, Hvar Ksata was
HUMA-A self-consuming avian that see itself ablaze and rises from
responsible for life on earth through the flourishing of crops. Even
the ashes every few hundred years. For those that bought their
after he was overshadowed by Mithra, who eventually took on his
binoculars, though Persian believed a glimpse of this
role as a sun god, he continued to be honored and was associated
compassionate creature will grant a lifetime of joy and happiness.
with divine grace legitimizing kingship.
But if a Persian was to kill the Huma, they would die on 40 days.
HAOMA-Haoma was the god of the harvest, health, strength, and
KARKADANN-It is a unicorn known to Muslims. It is described as
vitality and the power which gave the plant of the same name its
the fiercest and most terrible beast alive. It inherits solitary and
potency. He was associated with Anahita, Mithra, and Atar.
territorial character from the Monoceros and carries it to such
People prayed to Haoma for strong sons, and the haoma plant is
lengths that it will not suffer another animal grazing within a
said to have been instrumental in Zoroaster's conception as his
hundred parasangs from itself. It is a mortal enemy with an
father mixed the haoma with milk which he and his wife drank
elephant; when it sees one, it jumps to a nearby tree and
prior to sex. The plant is thought to be of the genus ephedra
sharpens its horn on the trunk. Then it charges and thrusts its
(though this is contested) and was pressed for its juice which was
horn through the elephant's soft underside.However, it finds itself
then consumed to produce an altered, elevated, state of
unable to remove the carcass from its horn. The elephant's fat
consciousness in which one could clearly apprehend the divine. In
melting in the sun gets into the eyes of the karkadann, blinding it
this state, one had increased strength, vitality, and vision which
so that it lies down on the shore. In the end, there comes the
were gifts of Haoma as was an abundant harvest. Haoma does not
giant bird rukh or roc which carries both the karkadann and the
seem to have been worshipped in a specific ritual but rather
elephant off to feed its young.
participated in any ritual in which the haoma plant's juices were
ROC-In reality, however the creature that the Roc is believed to
base on is around two times as large as the common bald eagle,
which isn’t quite impressive. This mythological feathered creature
is as famous in Persian Literature as it is in Arabic Fairy Tales.
AL -Also known as the demon of childbirth, she is said to harm or
kill unborn babies and their mothers. The Al is a nocturnal
MANTICORE-Hiding its lion-like body, the Manticore uses its
predator who preys on newborns and was among the most feared
human head to lure its prey and may shoot venomous spines to
of all the evil spirits. It was usually depicted as an old woman with
either paralyze or kill its victims. Once dead the Manticore will
sharp teeth, long, stringy hair, and talons which could also harm
devour its prey whole-leaving behind no clothing, bones and so
or kill pregnant women and would strike when mother and child
were sleeping. An Al carries a basket with her, seeking out those
wchildrenhild to remove the unborn child’s liver or lungs.
SIMURGH-is the modern Persian name for a fabulous, benevolent,
mythical flying creature. The Simurgh was thought to purify the
AZHDAHA-Azhi Dahaka was the great three-headed dragon
land/water, and hence bestow fertility. The creature represented
created out of the lies of Angra Mainyu to thwart any positive
the union between the Earth and the sky, serving as a mediator
impulse in the world and create chaos. Dragon serpents (azhi)
and messenger between the two. Iranian legends consider the Nammu: Represents the primeval sea from which she gave birth
bird so old that it had seen the destruction of the world three to the heavens (An) and to the earth mother (Ki). Nanshe:
times over. The Simurgh learned so much by living so long that it Associated with fishing, justice, prophecy and fertility. She
is thought to possess the knowledge of all the ages.In one legend, protected the needy.
the Simurgh was said to live 1,700 years before plunging itself into
flames (much like the phoenix). In one of the Kurdish folk tales, a
hero rescues Simurgh's offspring by killing a snake that was
crawling up the tree to feed upon them. As a reward, the Simurgh providing food and shelter during hard times.
gives him three of her feathers which the hero can use to call for
her help by burning them. Later, the hero uses the feathers, and Nidaha: Goddess of learning writing and astrology.
the Simurgh carries him to a distant land.
Ningal: She is known as the "Great Lady" Goddess of reeds, the

It is important to cover Sumerian Goddesses as their stories come Nanna and mother of Inanna
from what is believed to be one of the earliest civilizations on
. Ninkasi: Goddess of alcohol. She was created by Ninhursag to
earth. The word Sumerian was not coined by the people
heal Enki's ailing mouth. after he had eaten her grandchildren in
themselves but by the Akkadians who took over the region and
the "Sumerian Paradise myth."
created the Babylonian civilization. The Greeks later referred to
this area as Mesopotamia which means the land between the
Ninhursag: Great Mother Goddess. Goddess of childbirth. Queen
rivers (the Tigris and Euphrates). Sumerian mythology greatly
of the mountains an aspect of the Earth Goddess Ki
influenced the myths of later civilizations including those of the
Greeks, and Babylonians. You will therefore notice many Ninlil: Goddess of the air. Also known as Nillina.
similarities in their characteristics and themes,This is also why
these Goddesses are often referred to as Mesopotamian Sarpanit: A mother goddess and the consort of the chief god,
Goddesses as it is often difficult to attribute a Goddess to a Marduk. Also known as
particular group of people as her attributes and names often
evolved over time, The Sumerian Goddesses are usually depicted Zarpanit, Zarpandit, Zerpanitum, Zerbanitu, and Zirbanit.
in human form, each representingdifferent forces of nature. They
have human personality traits and frailties and live together in Sirtir: Goddess of sheep
family groups. The Sumerian Goddesses and Gods were the
foundation upon which their society was based. With the move 10 MOST IMPORTANT
from an agricultural society to an urban one the old nature deities
became the patron Goddesses of the new city states. The city was 10. NAMMU
then ruled by a priest king assisted by a wise council of elders
made up of both men and woman. Nammu was the one who gave birth to the first deities An (the
god of heaven) and Ki (the earth goddess) and to many more of
LIST OF SUMERIAN GODDESS the ancient gods.

Ama-Aruus- Fertility goddess also known as Amat-Ama Arhus. -Nammu was also known as "the lady of the mountains."

Ashnan-a grain goddess created by gods to provide the Annual 9. An -God of heaven
with food
-supreme ruler of the pantheon
Damkina: An Earth mother Goddess also known as Danginum.
-represents the father of all gods
Ereshkigal: Onginally a sky Goddess kidnapped and taken to the
underworld where became Queen Sister of Inanna Sumerian word for earth -goddess of heaven

Gula: Goddess of healing and patron of medicine. She helped 7. Gula- -gula means 'great'.a healing goddess who understood
breathe life into mankind after the Great Flood. Gula often disease and became the patroness of doctors
appears as a woman with stars and her dog
6. Erishkigal-the Sumerian expression for "universe" is an-ki,
Inanna: Goddess of love, war, and fertility. A personification of the literally "heaven and earth"
moming and evening star. Also known as Ishtar
-goddess of death and gloom
Kit The Earliest Sumerian earth Goddesses.
-ruled the land of no return which was known by the names of
Kigal and Irkalla
5. Utu -sumerian sun god -Utu (shamash, samas, babbar) came forth, who sheds light on
heaven and earth
-represents brilliant light of the sun
So after the storm, they open the window and they finally see Utu
-god of truth and justice (the Sun God). Ziusudra and his wife praise him and gave him
offerings. Enki eventually makes Ziusudra immortal and his wife
3.Nanna -the moon god repopulate the earth.

-born of Enlil, and his wife Ninlil ENLIL AND NINLIL THE BEGETTING OF NANNA

-one of the patron deities of Ur Ninlil"lady of the open field"

3. Enki -the great Sumerian water god warned by her mother that if she bathes in the canal, Enlil will see
her and want to make love with her
-god of fresh water, male fertility and knowledge
-wife of Enlil
2. Enlil-represented with flowing streams of water and swimming
fish Enlil-an ancient Mesopotamian god associated with wind, air,
carth, and worms,
--husband of the air goddess Ninlil
the first attested as the chief deity of sumerian Pantheon. father
-often called "the great mountain" and "king of foreign lands" of Nauna, the moon god

-a supreme lord, father, creator, and a 'raging storm" impersonates:*Gatekeeper

1. Inanna -goddess of love, war and female fertility. -Nergal

-responsible for sexual love and procreation *A man incharge of the underwold river

-daughter of Enlil, twin sister of god Utu -Ninazi

-have three separate part: * A ferryman to the underworld

Goddess of love and sexual behaviour -Enbilulu

Connected with extramarital sex and lust

A war-like goddess fond of battle, violence, and power

Sumerian Deluge-Famous Sumerian Flood

-When man being created, it seemed that gods could finally get
some rest. But Enlil was furious with humans because they kept
on making too much noise. He told all the gods that be was going
to flood the earth and destroy all the humans. But Enki would
have none of this. He informed Ziusudni sumerian counterpart of
biblical Noah) of the dreadful decision of the Gods and advised
him to save himself by building up a boat -Ziusudra build a boat
and bought him and his wife to took a shelter

-Enlil redirected all the waters from the Tigris and Euphrates River
and killed every single human except Ziusura and his wife.

-All the windstorms, exceedingly powerful, attacked as one. The

Deluge raged over the surface of the earth."

-After seven days and seven nights, the deluge had raged in the
land and the huge boat had been tossed about in the great

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