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[Your Name]

[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]


Trust Agreement

This Trust Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into on this [Date], by and between [Your
Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Settlor," and [Trustee's Name], hereinafter referred to as the

WHEREAS, the Settlor desires to create a trust and transfer certain property to be held and managed by
the Trustee for the benefit of the beneficiaries;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants contained herein, the
Settlor and the Trustee agree as follows:

Declaration of Trust:
The Settlor declares that they hold the property described in Schedule A attached hereto and incorporated
by reference (the "Trust Property") in trust for the benefit of the beneficiaries, subject to the terms and
conditions set forth in this Agreement.

Settlor and Trustee:

The Settlor:

Full Name: [Settlor's Full Name]

Address: [Settlor's Address]
The Trustee:

Full Name: [Trustee's Full Name]

Address: [Trustee's Address]
The beneficiaries of this trust are as follows:
Beneficiary 1: [Full Name]
Beneficiary 2: [Full Name]
Beneficiary 3: [Full Name]
[Add or remove beneficiaries as necessary]
Trust Purpose:
The purpose of this trust is to [state the purpose or objectives of the trust].

Trust Terms and Provisions:

The trust shall be governed by the following terms and provisions:

[Specify the powers and duties of the Trustee]

[Outline any specific conditions or instructions for trust administration]
[Include any provisions for amendments or termination of the trust]
Successor Trustee:
In the event that the Trustee is unable or unwilling to fulfill their duties, the Settlor designates [Successor
Trustee's Name] as the successor trustee. The successor trustee shall assume all the rights, powers, and
responsibilities of the Trustee as outlined in this Agreement.

Financial Report:
The Trustee shall prepare and provide an annual financial report, which shall include the following

Assets: The total value of cash on hand and in depository institutions, marketable securities, notes
receivable, real estate, proprietary interests and other securities, retirement funds, and other assets. (See
Schedule A-E)
Liabilities: The total value of accounts payable, notes payable and other loans, real estate mortgages,
other liabilities, and contingent liabilities. (See Schedule F-G)
Net Worth: The calculation of net worth, which is the difference between total assets and total liabilities.
Contingent Liabilities:
In addition to the listed liabilities, the Trustee shall disclose any endorsed, guaranteed, or otherwise
indirectly or contingently liable debts of others or pending lawsuits. This shall include the debtor or
obligor's information, due dates, current amounts, and description and value of collateral. (See Schedule

Supporting Schedules:
The following supporting schedules are attached hereto and incorporated by reference:

• Schedule A: Marketable Securities

• Schedule B: Notes Receivable
• Schedule C: Real Estate and Related Loans
• Schedule D: Proprietary Interests and Other Securities
• Schedule E: Other Assets
• Schedule F: Notes Payable and Other Loans
• Schedule G: Other Liabilities
Governing Law and Jurisdiction:
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State/Region]. Any
disputes arising from or related to this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the
courts of [State/Region].

Entire Agreement:
This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the Settlor and the Trustee,
and supersedes any prior understandings or agreements, whether written or oral, relating to the subject
matter herein.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Settlor has executed this Trust Agreement as of the date first above

[Your Full Name]

[Trustee's Full Name]
SCHEDULE A: Marketable Securities
[Describe the marketable securities held in the trust, including the name of the issuer, principal amount or
number of shares held, and interest rate if applicable.]

Marketable securities refer to financial instruments that can be easily bought or sold in the market,
typically within a short period. These securities are considered liquid investments and may include stocks,
bonds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, and other similar financial instruments.

The marketability of these securities is determined by their ability to be readily converted into cash
without significantly impacting their market value. Generally, marketable securities are listed on
recognized exchanges or traded in active markets.

In the context of this trust, Schedule A outlines the specific marketable securities held by the trust. It
provides a detailed description of each security, including the name of the issuer, the type of security
(e.g., common stock, corporate bond), the number of shares or principal amount held, and any other
relevant details.

The purpose of including a Schedule A in the trust agreement is to provide transparency and clarity
regarding the marketable securities held by the trust. It enables the trustee and beneficiaries to have a
clear understanding of the trust's investment holdings and facilitates effective management and reporting
of these assets.
SCHEDULE B: Notes Receivable
[Describe the notes receivable held in the trust, including the name of the obligor, maturity and repayment
terms, and description of any collateral.]

Notes receivable refer to written promises or agreements in which a borrower (debtor) promises to repay a
specified amount of money to the lender (creditor) within a defined period. These notes represent the
debtor's legal obligation to repay the borrowed funds, typically with interest, according to the terms and
conditions outlined in the note.

In the context of this trust, Schedule B provides a detailed description of the notes receivable held by the
trust. It includes information such as the name of the debtor, the maturity date of the note, the terms of
repayment (including interest rate, if applicable), and any collateral securing the note.

The purpose of including a Schedule B in the trust agreement is to document and track the various notes
receivable held by the trust. It allows the trustee and beneficiaries to have a comprehensive understanding
of the trust's loan portfolio, including the repayment terms and any additional security provided by the
SCHEDULE C: Real Estate and Related Loans
[Provide information on the real estate held in the trust, including the property description, owner, percent
ownership, mortgage holder, maturity date, current mortgage balance, and current market value.]
Schedule C in the trust agreement pertains to real estate and related loans held by the trust. It provides a
comprehensive description of the properties owned by the trust and any loans associated with those

The purpose of including Schedule C is to outline the details of the trust's real estate holdings and any
loans secured by those properties. This information helps the trustee and beneficiaries have a clear
understanding of the trust's real estate assets and associated liabilities.

The contents of Schedule C may include the following information:

Property Description: Each property owned by the trust should be identified with a detailed description,
including the address, legal description, and any other relevant information that uniquely identifies the

Owner of Property: Specify the legal owner(s) of each property held by the trust. This information helps
establish the ownership structure and clarifies who has the authority to make decisions regarding the

Percent Ownership: Indicate the percentage of ownership interest held by the trust for each property. This
information is important for determining the trust's proportional share of income, expenses, and any
potential sale proceeds.

Mortgage Holder: Identify the lender or mortgage holder for each property. This includes the name of the
institution or individual holding the mortgage or lien on the property.

Maturity Date: Specify the maturity date of each mortgage or loan associated with the properties. This
refers to the date by which the loan is expected to be fully repaid.

Current Mortgage Balance: Provide the outstanding balance of each mortgage or loan associated with the
properties. This indicates the amount that remains unpaid.

Current Market Value: Indicate the estimated current market value of each property. This value represents
the potential selling price of the property in the current real estate market.

Including this information in Schedule C ensures transparency and allows the trustee and beneficiaries to
have a complete overview of the trust's real estate holdings and related loans
SCHEDULE D: Proprietary Interests and Other Securities
[List any closely held corporations or other securities in which the trust holds a beneficial interest,
including the name of the company, legal form, nature of business, percent ownership, and current value.]
Schedule D in the trust agreement addresses proprietary interests and other securities held by the trust. It
provides a comprehensive overview of the trust's investments in privately held companies and other
securities that are not listed on a securities exchange or regularly traded in an open market.

The purpose of including Schedule D is to document the specific proprietary interests and other securities
held by the trust. This information allows the trustee and beneficiaries to understand the trust's
investments beyond publicly traded securities.

The contents of Schedule D may include the following information:

Company Name and Address: List the names and addresses of each company or issuer in which the trust
holds proprietary interests or other securities.

Legal Form of Company: Specify the legal form or structure of each company or issuer, such as a
corporation, limited liability company (LLC), partnership, or other relevant legal entity.

Nature of Business: Provide a description of the primary business or activities conducted by each
company or issuer. This helps to understand the industry or sector in which the trust has invested.

Percent Ownership: Indicate the percentage of ownership interest held by the trust in each company or
issuer. This provides insight into the trust's proportional share of ownership in the respective entities.

Current Value: Provide the estimated current value of the proprietary interests or other securities held by
the trust in each company or issuer. This represents the worth or market value of the investment.

Including this information in Schedule D helps ensure transparency and facilitates a comprehensive
understanding of the trust's investments in privately held companies and other non-publicly traded
SCHEDULE E: Other Assets
[Include information on other assets held in the trust, such as retirement funds, accounts receivable,
inventory, machinery and equipment, and life insurance cash surrender value.]
Schedule E in the trust agreement pertains to other assets held by the trust that are not specifically covered
in other schedules. It provides a comprehensive listing of miscellaneous assets held by the trust, which
may include various types of investments, accounts, or properties.

The purpose of including Schedule E is to capture and document the details of these miscellaneous assets,
ensuring transparency and a complete overview of the trust's holdings.

The contents of Schedule E may include the following information:

Description of Asset: Provide a clear and concise description of each asset held by the trust. This can
include a brief explanation of the asset type or category.

Basis for Valuation: Indicate the method or basis used for determining the valuation of each asset. This
may include factors such as fair market value, cost, or other relevant valuation principles.

Current Value: Specify the estimated current value of each asset. This represents the approximate worth
or market value of the asset at the time of reporting.

Examples of assets that may be included in Schedule E are:

Retirement Funds: Include any retirement accounts held by the trust, such as 401(k), IRA, or Keogh

Accounts Receivable: List any outstanding amounts owed to the trust as accounts receivable.

Merchandise and Inventory: Capture the value of any merchandise or inventory held by the trust, typically
at the lower of cost or market value.

Machinery and Equipment: Include the value of machinery and equipment owned by the trust, net of any
accumulated depreciation.

Life Insurance Cash Surrender Value: Indicate the cash surrender value of any life insurance policies held
by the trust.
SCHEDULE F: Notes Payable and Other Loans
[Specify any loans or notes payable, including loan origination information, description and value of
collateral, maturity date, and current balance.]
Schedule F in the trust agreement addresses notes payable and other loans held by the trust. It provides a
comprehensive overview of the trust's outstanding loans and indebtedness.

The purpose of including Schedule F is to document and track the details of the loans and notes payable
held by the trust. This information helps the trustee and beneficiaries understand the trust's liabilities and

The contents of Schedule F may include the following information:

Name and Address of Creditor: Specify the name and address of each creditor or lender from whom the
trust has obtained a loan or incurred a debt.

Loan Origination Information: Provide details regarding the loan or debt, including the original date of
the loan, loan amount, and any co-makers or co-signers involved in the obligation.

Description and Value of Collateral: If any collateral has been pledged or secured for the loan, describe
the collateral and its estimated value. Collateral refers to assets or property that are offered as security to
the creditor in case of default.

Maturity Date: Specify the maturity date of each loan or debt. This is the date by which the loan is
expected to be fully repaid.

Current Balance: Indicate the outstanding balance or amount remaining to be repaid for each loan or debt.
This represents the unpaid principal amount, excluding any interest or fees.

Including this information in Schedule F helps ensure transparency and facilitates a comprehensive
understanding of the trust's loan portfolio and liabilities.
SCHEDULE G: Other Liabilities
[Provide details on other liabilities, including interest and taxes due, accrued debts, and other obligations.]
Schedule G in the trust agreement pertains to other liabilities or obligations held by the trust that are not
specifically covered in other schedules. It provides a comprehensive listing of miscellaneous liabilities or
debts incurred by the trust.

The purpose of including Schedule G is to capture and document the details of these miscellaneous
liabilities, ensuring transparency and a complete overview of the trust's obligations.

The contents of Schedule G may include the following information:

Payable To: Specify the name of the entity or individual to whom the liability is owed. This could be a
creditor, a supplier, or any other party to whom the trust has an outstanding obligation.

Description: Provide a brief description or explanation of the nature of the liability. This helps to identify
the type of obligation or debt.

Maturity Date: Indicate the maturity date or due date of the liability. This refers to the date by which the
liability is expected to be fully settled or paid.

Current Balance: Specify the outstanding balance or amount remaining to be paid for each liability. This
represents the unpaid amount owed to the creditor or party mentioned.

Examples of liabilities that may be included in Schedule G are:

Interest and Taxes Due and Unpaid: Capture any interest payments or taxes that are currently due but not
yet paid by the trust.

Other Debts Accrued: List any other debts or obligations that have been incurred by the trust but are not
covered in other schedules.

Including this information in Schedule G helps ensure transparency and facilitates a comprehensive
understanding of the trust's liabilities and obligations.

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