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- Gospel can be defined as “good news” — in this case, the news of the
salvation made possible by the death and Resurrection of Jesus

- The Gospel of Christ is the message of the good news of salvation, the word
of truth offered to mankind by grace through faith in the finished work of
Christ on the cross. Mark 1:1

- It is a message not only of eternal life, but one that encompasses the total
plan of God to redeem people from the ravages of sin, death, Satan, and the
curse that now covers the earth.

- The Gospel speaks of the good news of salvation that comes through the
person and work of Jesus Christ who is the very Son of God in human flesh.
Again, this is a good news of deliverance from sin’s penalty, power and
presence through the finished works of Christ. (1 Cor 15:1-5)

- All men have fallen short of God’s glory, mark and standard by virtue of
Adam’s disobedience, This singular act removed man’s access to God’s life
and kingdom and brought an eternal separation between man and God. (Rom

- Man’s actions, deeds or sacrifices is unfit to free himself from the stain and
guilt of sin.

- But God’s redemptive power was manifested by the substitutionary sacrifice

of Jesus on the cross, who became sin that we might become the
righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. (1 Cor 5:17)

- Jesus Christ submission to the cross brought man’s redemption, forgiveness,

reconciliation and restoration to the father. (Acts 10:39-43)
- The gospel is not primarily an announcement that all men are lost and
headed for hell. However, the lostness of all men is thoroughly discussed in
passages of the New Testament such as Romans 1-3.
- Since Jesus, the Innocent One, died on behalf of each one of us, His sacrifice
on the cross was God's way of justifying us sinners while at the same time
remaining in Himself Just and Holy.

- It is the desire of God for all men to become partakers through faith of the
finished works of Christ by believing and confessing Jesus as their Lord and
personal saviour. This desire necessitates the proclamation of the gospel to
all men. (Romans 10:9)

- The contents of the gospel are sin, separation, substitution, and resurrection

- Man sinned and was separated but Christ came and took man’s place bored
the punishment for sin, died and resurrected to restore man back to the

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